IRC log for #zaurus on 20200506

14:06.01*** join/#zaurus infobot (
14:06.02*** topic/#zaurus is Zaurus Discussion || Updated NewsFeed RSS reader for pdaXrom: || Linux kernel 5.0.0 for Void and AlarmZ: || logs @
14:06.02*** mode/#zaurus [+o infobot] by ChanServ
14:07.53VartiWorkyesterday I have finally fixed the database importing script, though the new forum's settings file has missing fields after the conversion -_-
14:52.33*** join/#zaurus licksjp (
15:24.41*** join/#zaurus licksjp (
15:35.31sashapontRealese you music app please
15:48.03Vartiyes, sorry -_-
15:48.22Vartias soon as I have some free time
16:02.57*** join/#zaurus Ar|stote|is (~quassel@2a02:587:9a11:abd:d8f8:f8ff:febf:1da6)
16:32.48licksjpVarti: hello
16:32.55licksjpsashapont: hello
16:34.16licksjpVartiWork: Does ur country have started school season at September?
16:34.38licksjpBut This year No
16:34.48licksjpMay be
16:36.39VartiWorkit will start in September, but only some children will go to school, others will have to study from home
16:36.48VartiWorkwhat about Japan?
16:37.21licksjpJapab has started at April
16:37.39licksjpBut this year don't know
16:41.12licksjpThis year School has off and Study  at home
16:56.17sashapontyes i Russia too
17:09.54licksjpsashapont: Does ur country have started school at September,too?
17:10.36licksjpsashapont: In Japan ,out of world standard,I think
19:04.37*** join/#zaurus Ar|stote|is (~quassel@2a02:587:9a0d:8cbd:d8f8:f8ff:febf:1da6)
22:31.06*** join/#zaurus Varti (~varthall@
22:31.06*** mode/#zaurus [+o Varti] by ChanServ

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