IRC log for #zaurus on 20200411

06:58.48*** join/#zaurus sashapont (
07:20.35Vartisashapont: I don't remember, does pdaxii show you a list of all the networks?
07:20.59Vartinice to hear that the card is now working, what have you done to fix it?
07:47.49sashaponttry to plug unplug it
07:48.17sashapontbut samtimes sharp lose conection with it
13:03.35*** join/#zaurus ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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14:52.34licksjpsashapont: hello
14:53.17licksjpsashapont: howdy?
14:53.34sashapontI am ok! Thank you!
14:53.40sashapontAnd how are you?
14:54.07licksjpI am Max fine,too
16:40.18sashapontAre there any music tracker or syntesiser for sharp?
18:02.22Vartithere was a port of Milkytracker, which had a GUI set to 320x240 for older Zauruses
18:02.55VartiI did a port of Milkytracker for pdaxrom, the GUI was tiny but it worked :)
18:03.20VartiI'm unaware of other music programs
18:03.47Vartithough open source ones with a small GUI could be probably easily ported
18:07.52*** join/#zaurus Volt_ (
18:09.21*** join/#zaurus Volt_ (
18:29.11sashapontVarti:Cool!!! Are there any link for you port? It is very interesting. I try to run timidity for midi and kar playing but it is not start %(
18:29.56Vartino, never posted it online... I'll see if I can post the binary on the forum
18:31.55sashapontIt will be first app for zaurus in 2020
18:52.52Vartiyes :)

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