IRC log for #zaurus on 20200410

08:41.40*** join/#zaurus infobot (
08:41.40*** topic/#zaurus is Zaurus Discussion || Updated NewsFeed RSS reader for pdaXrom: || Linux kernel 5.0.0 for Void and AlarmZ: || logs @
08:41.41*** mode/#zaurus [+o infobot] by ChanServ
08:44.17VartiWorksashapont: so, on a different Zaurus, using a different OS (Cacko), the card again isn't recognised? does it have any LED, and when plugged does it turn on?
08:44.56sashapontled only one link and it is not on
08:46.56VartiWorkok... I'm afraid that the card is broken :(  has it even worked?
08:52.58sashapontI dont know %( I buy it as is
12:50.05*** join/#zaurus VartiWork (9731b685@
12:50.05*** mode/#zaurus [+o VartiWork] by ChanServ
17:54.44sashapontNow i insert wifi ant card is work
17:55.00sashaponthow i can connect to my home network?

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