IRC log for #zaurus on 20081222

01:54.48*** join/#zaurus chopstix (n=chopstix@unaffiliated/chopstix)
10:39.37*** join/#zaurus gia_a (
10:53.10*** join/#zaurus frostschutz (
11:13.49gia_aHi, I asked this yesterday and I will ask again now...
11:14.43gia_aCan anyone give me an idea how to fix my Zaurus C3200 - it does not turn on, except if I hold Fn+D+M - at which point it shows a blank white screen instead of the expected service menu
11:15.08gia_aThe same thing happens if I take the battery out but keep the power plugged in
11:15.22gia_aI'd appreciate any tips! Thanks
12:54.00*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
13:54.40*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
14:36.12*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
14:57.28*** join/#zaurus frostschutz (
15:49.14*** join/#zaurus giaa_a (
15:53.38gia_whitescreencan anyone talk me through navigating the diagnostics menu on the a 3X00 model? I can't see anything on the screen, but I want to try to reset the battery voltage.
15:54.38gia_whitescreenfrostschutz, I'm reading that link you sent, but trying to navigate the menu, blind.
15:55.37frostschutzYou should be very careful about that, if you don't see what you're doing in the menu, you may end up breaking things. That menu is a bit dangerous...
15:56.22gia_whitescreenYeah, but it's broken already
15:56.33gia_whitescreenI'm determined to make it work!
16:00.32*** join/#zaurus Furre (
16:29.01gia_whitescreenDoes anyone know a compnay that fixes Zaurus C3200's ?
17:38.48frostschutzgia_whitescreen: I don't know of any company except Sharp Japan, and I don't know if they actually fix it or just give you a replacement while in warranty. And exchange is difficult, some importer shops take care of it for you while you are in warranty, otherwise it's likely to be too expensive to pay off...
17:40.09frostschutzgia_whitescreen: if it's broken, and you don't find a solution in Zaurus forums or something similar, sell it as broken for $1 at ebay and buy yourself a netbook or something...
18:39.21*** join/#zaurus Furre (

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