IRC log for #zaurus on 20080608

00:00.20nox-gets some 500KB/sec scp'ing to z
00:00.39BitWraithforgets what that is
00:02.22nox-you know ssh?
00:02.32BitWraiththe fastest transfers I can get between the Zaurus and the desktop on HTTP over USBNet are around 450kbps. I think if it was 2.0 it would go faster than that
00:02.51BitWraithI know what ssh does
00:03.01BitWraithit's a shell and a network tunnel
00:03.06nox-scp is file transfer via ssh
00:03.50nox-ah so its not even the z's small cpu thats the problem...
00:04.00*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
00:04.21BitWraiththe small CPU does become a problem though...
00:04.55BitWraithI was trying to view pictures from an SLR camera today, with a resolution of about 3000x1500 IIRC
00:05.08BitWraiththe whole device slowed to a crawl. X-D
00:07.44BitWraithand I can't make it go any faster because I have the 3200...
00:08.26BitWraithwhich sucks, because before it crashes, bzflag on the 3200 is playable at 624mhz.
00:26.31*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
00:57.49*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
01:28.50*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
01:56.38*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
02:04.03*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
02:25.29*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
02:55.54*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
03:02.20*** join/#zaurus punk-ass_ (
03:11.54*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
03:32.12*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
03:39.04*** join/#zaurus punk-ass_ (
03:51.49*** join/#zaurus punk-ass1 (
04:05.59*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
04:42.15*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
05:02.57*** join/#zaurus punk-ass_ (
05:07.53*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
06:28.58*** join/#zaurus Furre (
07:32.56*** join/#zaurus Timelord (
08:23.54*** join/#zaurus frostschutz (
08:26.37*** join/#zaurus xjqian (
12:20.52*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
12:38.02*** join/#zaurus frostschutz (
15:01.27*** join/#zaurus punk-ass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
19:43.21*** join/#zaurus Varoudis (
19:43.53*** join/#zaurus punkass (n=user@unaffiliated/punkass)
19:49.12fookerAnyone alive? :P
19:51.13BitWraithI am
19:51.22BitWraithor I was last time I checked
19:53.13BitWraithdo I have any obvious signs of zombiness? exposed organs? moaning? lack of coordination?
19:53.35BitWraithI am not the most coordinated person anyway, don't panic on that one
20:01.29BitWraithacts like a zombie and asks licks for some brains
20:10.17licksBitWraith: hello
20:27.15*** join/#zaurus frostschutz (
21:03.58fookerSo is there no way in software to force the Z into host mode, with a client cable?
21:10.43*** join/#zaurus nox- (
21:12.30nox-moin fooker
21:14.28*** join/#zaurus Varthall (
21:25.48*** join/#zaurus Varthall (
22:09.03licksnox-: hello
22:09.21nox-moin licks
22:16.02*** join/#zaurus Varthall (
22:29.53*** join/#zaurus ^gat_cat^ (i=ircap72@
22:30.01^gat_cat^buenas noches
22:30.30^gat_cat^como estamos!
22:31.04^gat_cat^y yo pensaba que no havia nadie con zaurus!
22:31.12^gat_cat^hi people!
22:31.55^gat_cat^hi Varthall
22:35.52^gat_cat^estays apalancahosssss
22:51.26*** part/#zaurus ^gat_cat^ (i=ircap72@
23:29.33fookerPhew... thought I lost my 16gig cards there for a minute :)

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