irclog2html for #zaurus on 20060623

05:18.29*** join/#zaurus tomimo (
05:18.29*** join/#zaurus cyn (
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus Varoudis (n=Varoudis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus nessie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus Interrobang (
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus kellyh (
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus hhhcz (
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus mk500 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:18.30*** join/#zaurus ljp (n=lpotter@
06:30.10*** join/#zaurus lpotter_ (
06:47.02*** join/#zaurus nessie (
07:21.48*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
09:49.21*** join/#zaurus Sy_Ali (
12:34.12*** join/#zaurus HuggyBear (n=CaptainC@
13:12.50*** join/#zaurus Flikker (
13:14.18*** part/#zaurus Flikker (
13:17.44*** join/#zaurus joshin (i=josh@VDSL-130-13-143-17.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
14:07.33*** join/#zaurus DeathWo1f (
15:10.51*** join/#zaurus ViV (n=viv@
15:17.22*** join/#zaurus kellyh (
15:20.13*** join/#zaurus Varrraaa (
15:20.15Sketchanyone have any suggested size/bitrate/etc settings for video encoding for playback on a 3100?
15:20.24*** part/#zaurus kellyh (
15:20.55Sketchit seems like it's too slow to play back 640x480 @ 25fps without losing audio sync
15:33.20*** join/#zaurus hrw|gone (
18:12.31Sketchanyone know where overclocking settings are stored with cacko?
18:12.42Sketchmy zaurus seems to be stuck in a reboot loop after i increased clock speed
18:12.52Sketch(was fine until i rebooted, though)
18:18.08*** join/#zaurus HuggyBear (n=CaptainC@
18:25.32InterrobangSketch: playback speed depends upon the codec you're using.  for me, i can do 600kbps 25fps xvid video, 128kbps stereo mp3 audio on my c860
18:26.06Interrobang320x240 of course
18:26.06Interrobang640x480 is basically 4 times the work of 320x240
19:04.31*** join/#zaurus hhhcz` (
19:25.50*** join/#zaurus bam_ (
19:56.11*** join/#zaurus Flikker (
19:56.51FlikkerAre there any PIM's that work on the c3100 that support SyncML? (I have been googling for a week and can't find any).
20:01.03bam_that would be nice
20:01.15bam_as I have a phone that supports that
20:02.02bam_actually I just send my phonebook to the zaurus and have ko/pi sync with it and write back
20:02.37bam_I just need to find out how to get the zaurus to "send" it to the phone and have the phone slurp it up
20:03.17bam_btw has anyone solved the mc display issue on the stock rom, I know it works well in cacko
20:20.59*** join/#zaurus DeathWo1f (
20:25.56*** join/#zaurus DeathWo1f (
20:28.47*** join/#zaurus mykilx (
20:30.02*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
20:50.05*** join/#zaurus George (
20:57.07*** part/#zaurus Flikker (
21:55.03*** join/#zaurus George_ (
22:17.50*** join/#zaurus HuggyBear (n=CaptainC@
22:22.47*** join/#zaurus W8TVI (n=me@
22:50.28*** join/#zaurus DeathWo1f (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.