irclog2html for #zaurus on 20060108

00:02.06*** join/#zaurus ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:02.06*** topic/#zaurus is Zaurus Discussion - - | OpenZaurus help in #openzaurus (george-) || /msg ibot orkut - then join the orkut zaurus group
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00:31.00*** join/#zaurus ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:31.00*** topic/#zaurus is Zaurus Discussion - - | OpenZaurus help in #openzaurus (george-) || /msg ibot orkut - then join the orkut zaurus group
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01:02.53*** join/#zaurus duxex (n=pete@
01:05.48duxexhows it going?
01:05.53duxexI just got a zaurus c3100
01:06.02kendricki still have an old SL-5500
01:06.12kendricki don't do much with it lately...  mostly play MP3 white noise at night :^(
01:06.14duxexI got openzaurus on it right now
01:06.38kendricki'm still using sharp rom
01:06.56duxexI'm trying to figure out how to properly slick everything off of it and reinstall
01:08.27duxexand with openzaruus, my HDD doesn't show up :)
01:11.19duxexit showed up
01:12.29duxexMine is all in japanese, I don't read japanese too well )
01:14.07kendricka friend of mine is building Tux Paint on his Nokia 770
01:14.18kendricki noticed there wasn't an updated release of Tux Paint for the Zaurus
01:14.32kendricki think we're finding out why... lots of heavy floating point in some of the updated and new code :)
01:19.16kendrickhrm, sounds like most of it works well, though :)
01:19.21kendrickjust the FP-heavy stuff...
01:19.25kendricknot surprising :)
01:32.16INTERROBANGduxex: where'd you get your zaurus?
01:32.30duxexin japan
01:32.32duxexI live here
01:32.58duxexits a neat device, I'm trying to mess with it a little though :)
01:36.28duxexI'm missing my USB host adapter hrhmmm
01:41.16duxexthis opie environment is terrible
01:45.45duxexINTERROBANG,  you want a japanese zaurus?
02:05.10*** join/#zaurus arrummzen (
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02:14.26INTERROBANGduxex: i just want a zaurus (assuming i can flash it to english)
02:14.59INTERROBANGspecifically a c1000 or above. though i' thinking just c1000 since it'd be a cheapest one with video acceleration necessary to play videos witohut reencoding
02:15.45duxexit has english support built in with the default OS
02:16.01duxexyou just need to go into the config and change a line
03:13.14*** join/#zaurus kendrick (
03:29.16*** join/#zaurus George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
03:31.07Luke-JrINTERROBANG: actually, I don't think Cxx00 are any faster than Cxx0 for video
03:31.35Luke-Jrduxex: Zaurus are Japan-only...
03:33.31*** part/#zaurus minipanda (n=zhanght@
03:34.45INTERROBANGLuke-Jr: i'm aware that the C**00 have ati video/2d acceleration, i imagine they're significantly faster
03:34.46INTERROBANGLuke-Jr:  but if you know, can the C**0's player video at 512x384@30fps (analog tv)?
03:34.46INTERROBANG...using xvid codec
03:35.33Luke-JrINTERROBANG: Cxx0 have ATi chipsets, too
03:35.43Luke-Jrand analog TV is 720x480
03:38.13duxexLuke-Jr, thanks for telling me its Japan only when I just did a translation last night and am using mine in english right now
03:40.39Luke-JrJapan only doesn't mean JapanESE only ;)
03:41.04Luke-Jraha, you were talking about the language, not the origin
03:56.02*** join/#zaurus INTERROBANG (
04:28.29DeathWolfsome day we will see a zaurus with wifi, bluetooth, an fpu, and a dedicated gfx chipset:)
04:30.14wayneand someday, i'll have more available income :)
04:31.02DeathWolfthat too:)
04:31.45DeathWolfi wonder what's the penalty cost for not having a fpu for the z
04:32.52Luke-JrDeathWo1f: there's a reason Zaurii don't have builtin WiFi
04:33.18Luke-JrDeathWo1f: pretty big penalty
04:33.40Luke-JrDeathWo1f: many Zaurii OS just assume there's no FPU and gain quite a bit of speed
04:34.08Luke-Jras opposed to trying to use it, finding it unsupported, and then working around it
04:34.08DeathWolfwell the reason is cost and the fact wifi is a power monger
04:34.11Luke-Jrthey just work around it regardless
04:34.22Luke-Jrthe reason is that Japan has many options for wireless net
04:34.37Luke-Jrand many users wouldn't be using 802.11b/g
04:35.16Luke-JrEven in the US, alternative wireless is popping up
04:35.30DeathWolfhavent noticed that much of that last time i went back home, in japan that is
04:35.34Luke-JrSprint just recently started supporting wireless broadband for their connection cards
04:35.51DeathWolfbut then i didnt check much, except at the airport
04:35.53Luke-Jrwell, that's the big reason given last I checked ;)
04:36.42Luke-Jrwhat would be nice would be a CF slot next to the battery
04:36.48Luke-Jrthat you need to take the battery cover off to access
04:37.29DeathWolfanyway, fpu is quite useful, and from what i saw, most have a software fpu emulation working, even the default sharp os, but prove me wrong, i didnt check that much
04:37.50Luke-JrI'm pretty sure the Sharp OS is the only one w/o soft-float
04:37.56*** join/#zaurus lasala (
04:38.04Luke-Jrand the fpu emulation is what makes it slow
04:38.34Luke-Jrmost OS (OZ et al) don't even try to use a FPU, and just use soft-float in glibc
04:38.41Luke-Jrand thus gain a significant boost
04:39.00DeathWolfanyway, since i can play my 640x480 vids on the z directly, and i can use my cf card to go wifi, i'm fine:)
04:39.12DeathWolfthat'll do it for the time being:)
04:39.21Luke-Jrthe only place I have WiFi access is home :\
04:39.50DeathWolfthe weakest part i found so far was the refresh rate for video
04:39.58DeathWolfi get quite some tearing
04:40.10Luke-JrIIRC, video playback is better at 320x240
04:40.12DeathWolfseems like the bus to the display is quite limited
04:40.17DeathWolfwell it isnt cpu related
04:40.20DeathWolfthe load is low
04:40.32Luke-Jri know
04:40.47Luke-Jr320x240 cuts the video output to 1/4
04:41.04DeathWolfafaik the resize that is done in that case is a point resize
04:41.08DeathWolfwhich looks horribly ugly
04:41.27DeathWolfie, you use 4 pixels to display 1 of the video without any form of interpolation
04:41.38DeathWolfand since i'm quite a maniac with resolution and detail:)
04:41.44DeathWolfi stay at 640x480
04:41.50DeathWolfwhich actually works pretty well
04:42.00DeathWolfi'd say it has a refresh rate around 15-18fps
04:42.16DeathWolf(so i only get tearing in high motion)
04:43.27DeathWolfhaving a 640x480 res on a that smallscreen, though, is a wonder
04:43.37DeathWolfgotta love it, especially for terminals:)
04:44.11DeathWolfand of course, picture viewing
04:59.26wayneyeah, terminal on my 5600 is not so great
04:59.36waynebut given the use i have for mine, it's perfect :)
05:03.35INTERROBANGDeathWolf: what Z do you have?
05:32.51Luke-JrIf I get "Scanning device for bad blocks ... Bad eraseblock 6143 at 0x05ffc000", is that bad?
05:38.48sashzNAND... it is ok
05:40.49sashzall NAND flash chips has bad blocks
05:42.04Luke-JrI don't think mine did when I got it o.o
05:59.16DeathWolfINTERROBANG, sl c1000
07:33.49*** join/#zaurus mithro (
08:39.51INTERROBANGwhat codec are you using when you're getting 15-18 fps?
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09:36.59*** join/#zaurus lindenle (
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17:13.30*** join/#zaurus DeathWolf (
17:57.01*** join/#zaurus benplaut (
18:38.17*** join/#zaurus pierre- (
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19:09.24*** join/#zaurus Ralafe (
19:20.08*** join/#zaurus Hhhhh (n=cristoba@
19:20.22HhhhhI have a couple of questions about the zaurus
19:21.19HhhhhI want to buy a PDA/PocketPC/Palm, and I am trying to decide if a Zaurus would be a good alternative for me
19:21.39INTERROBANGwhat do you want out of yuor pda?
19:21.49HhhhhI pretty much want to be able to get new software. be able to read PDF files, play MP3, use internet (802.11b/g Wi-Fi)
19:22.04Hhhhhtake class notes, maybe record?
19:22.29Hhhhhand I'm a Linux user, I'd rather use Linux instead of Windows Mobile or PalmOS
19:23.09INTERROBANG1.  well "get new software" is a means not an end, you're seeking new software simply for the sake of having i hope
19:23.28Hhhhhwell, more like if I need something, I can just go get it
19:23.29INTERROBANG2.  pdf, mp3's, and internet access most pdas can do but
19:23.41sashzarchos pma-400 - Linux + 30GB HD + builtin wifi + video player + music player
19:23.42INTERROBANGjust go get it as in free or available?
19:23.53Hhhhhas in free, hopefully
19:23.54sashzpdf reader of course inside too
19:24.20INTERROBANG1. free software: linux
19:24.31INTERROBANG2. pdf, mp3: almost any pda
19:24.33HhhhhI went to look in the US Sharp site and the only one tehy're showing is the SL-6000, but I thought that was discontinued in the US
19:25.03sashzHhhhh, all what you want  -
19:25.19sashzA unique portable video, photo and music player featuring wifi connection, Internet browser and media assistant functionalities.
19:25.20INTERROBANG3. internet access: almost any pda but most sites don't support small screen format, you may want something with 640x480 resolution
19:25.20sashz3.5" color touch screen
19:25.20sashz30 GB* Hard Drive
19:25.21sashzPortable DVR: record TV and watch on the go
19:25.21sashzWifi and internet browser
19:25.21sashzAssistant with agenda, contacts & PDF reader capabilities
19:25.23sashzMedia player: enjoy up to 130 hours of video1, 300,000 photos1 or 15,000 songs1 on the go
19:25.44INTERROBANG4.  class notes: almost any pda with a portable keyboard
19:26.31Hhhhhsashz, looks cool but out of my price range
19:26.41INTERROBANGwhat's your price range?
19:26.47Hhhhhup to $300
19:26.50Hhhhhnot much
19:26.59Hhhhhare there any Zaurus in that price range?
19:27.14sashzmaybe SL-C7x0?
19:27.18INTERROBANGthe sl5500 i know for sure
19:27.43sashzsl5500 too old
19:27.57Hhhhhwhich ones are the newer models? the site is great at not showing any useful information
19:27.59INTERROBANGthat's C750 is $306
19:28.46Hhhhhare there any website with lots of info on Zaurus models?
19:28.48INTERROBANGbut consider exactly what software you want
19:28.54Hhhhhcomparisons, chronology, etc
19:29.23INTERROBANGtime of release isn't really important
19:29.30Hhhhhmodel chronology
19:29.42INTERROBANGnew for the sake of new doesn't relly mean anything
19:29.54HhhhhI know, but too old might be a problem
19:29.59INTERROBANGhow so?
19:30.06Hhhhhanyways, are there any sites with comparisons?
19:30.47INTERROBANGlinux doesn't have a "too old" problem, you check the stats and if they're good at all for what you want to do, they always will be
19:30.49sashzHhhhh, probably you need look
19:30.56INTERROBANGlinux doesn't suddenly stop working
19:31.16HhhhhINTERROBANG, I know, I guess I'm an update freak
19:31.48INTERROBANGyou really need to consider what software you want, you sound like a technophile not a nerd.  windows will get you an unhealthy addiction to new
19:32.06INTERROBANGif you know exactly what you want from your pda, honestly i suggest you look for a tradition one
19:32.59INTERROBANGyou want linux no your pda for 2 reasons: portability of software between desktop and pda, and customizability
19:33.19Luke-JrINTERROBANG: and because it's the only real option
19:33.28INTERROBANGwhat do you mean?
19:33.34Hhhhhwell, I want this (in order of priority): 1)PDF reader software 2)Take notes in class 3)802.11b/g internet 4)MP3 5)"Tinkering" potential (Linux especially)
19:34.31HhhhhI don't know much about PDAs personally, never had interest in gadgetry until now
19:34.47Luke-JrZaurii aren't PDAs
19:34.48INTERROBANG1) any pda  2) any pda with portable keyboard 3) any pda with card or integrated wifi (though you mean want a 640x480 pda) 4) any pda 5) define tinkering
19:35.01INTERROBANGaren't pdas?
19:35.12Luke-JrZaurii are handheld computers
19:35.26INTERROBANGi wouldn't say that for the 320x240 ones
19:35.42INTERROBANGmost gui apps aren't usuable at that resolution (believe i tried)
19:35.43Luke-JrI pretend those don't exist
19:35.55INTERROBANGi wish i did too when i went to buy one
19:36.06INTERROBANGgood for console but gui, not really happening for me
19:36.17INTERROBANGVNC scaling helps, but it's not enough
19:36.28INTERROBANGi'd need to rewrite somethings
19:36.45INTERROBANGHhhhh: define "tinkering"
19:36.56INTERROBANGa lot ppl say that but don't really have any idea what they plan to do
19:37.18INTERROBANGit sounds more like you want the opportunity, rather than actually have any plans to exploit it
19:37.27INTERROBANGyou shouldn't spend money on that
19:37.30Hhhhhyea, that is my case
19:37.46INTERROBANGfind a 640x480 pda and a portable keyboard
19:37.48pgaspdf reading is not great whatever the pda imho.
19:37.53INTERROBANGdoesn't really need to linux based
19:38.21HhhhhINTERROBANG, I've looked at several, and now I've started to look at the Zaurus ones
19:38.26pgasthe keyboard of the clamshell models is great (though not like a real keayboard)
19:38.45pgasthe only models currently available are the 1000 and 3100
19:39.01INTERROBANGif the C750 is the only 640x480 pda in your price range ($306 + S&H from then go for it
19:39.02Hhhhhpgas, only ones available in the US?
19:39.05Hhhhhor Japan?
19:39.21pgascurrent models are only available in japa
19:39.23Luke-JrHhhhh: None of the US-available ones are any good
19:39.42Hhhhhwhat about the SL-6000?
19:39.47pgassome us company offer support and import in the us
19:39.49Luke-JrHhhhh: a C3100 should be able to run any Linux-based OS you can put on a desktop, in theory
19:39.57pgasthe 6000 is discontinued
19:40.08Hhhhhwhich one is not discontinued right now?
19:40.12Luke-JrSL-6000 is PDAish
19:40.20pgasthe 1000 and 3100
19:40.30Hhhhhpgas, only those two, and in the Japan only?
19:40.43Hhhhhare the SL-CXK discontinued?
19:41.07pgasthe 1000 and 3100 no, the 860 and below yes
19:41.16INTERROBANGdon't worry about discontinuity, the manufacter will refurbish all of them regardless, thats how sl5500's are making rounds even today
19:41.48Luke-Jrpgas: 3000?
19:41.49pgas(and user community is active for all model, the 5600 maybe a little behind)
19:41.59pgas3000 has been replaced by the 3100
19:42.13INTERROBANGalso, unless you've used a pda before for the purposes your described, you may end up like me and many others: you just don't use it
19:42.20Luke-JrHhhhh: CXK is shorthand for C1000, C3000, and C3100
19:42.44pgascheapest from japan probably here
19:43.01pgasus importer
19:43.12INTERROBANGpgas: how um...."reliable" are they?
19:43.28INTERROBANGi worry about buying from ppl i can't sue
19:43.45pgaspricejapan has been used by a lot of people
19:43.54INTERROBANGwhere do i find negative reviews?
19:44.11pgasI never seen negative reviews for pricejapan ;)
19:44.25pgasstreamlinecpus support the community
19:44.28Hhhhhdoes the SL-5500 have a lot of activity in the user community?
19:45.15INTERROBANGsl5500 are probably the most sold zaurus pda of all
19:45.19INTERROBANGin US at least
19:46.13pgasstreamlinecpus is a us company so I think you can sue them....
19:46.28INTERROBANGyeah but $480 for c1000???
19:46.31Hhhhhwhat about the SL-
19:46.37Hhhhhwhat about the SL-C700?
19:46.40pgasthere are not so many hw problem
19:46.55INTERROBANGc700 is cheaper but only 32MB RAM
19:46.56pgas700 has only 32 meg ram
19:47.20pgas760 is great
19:47.36pgasit's the same as the 860 and almost the same as the 1000
19:47.40INTERROBANGi hear the c760 requires video to be reencoded to play an appreciable frame rate
19:47.55pgasmain benefit of the 1000 is the usb host
19:48.08pgasand a little better cpu
19:48.30INTERROBANGpgas: what are your experiences with video on the c760?
19:48.41pgasinexistant :)
19:48.43Hhhhhnow, I have a question, ROM is used to store the OS?
19:49.05pgasrom is the name used for linux distribution
19:49.16INTERROBANGrom at this point is just slang for "os installation"
19:49.21pgasthe os is stored in internal flasj
19:49.46pgasINTERROBANG: I only played a dvd reencoded on the fly using vlc once
19:49.58INTERROBANGtraditionally there's a part of the flash ram you can't access from within the pda's OS, de facto rom
19:50.01Hhhhhnow, if I wanted to install an app, let's say some editor or something, would that be stored in that internal flash with the OS as well?
19:50.10Hhhhhkindof analog to a HDD in a computer?
19:50.11INTERROBANGpgas: what resolution and fps
19:50.18pgasor an an external card
19:50.46pgasHhhhh: yes, exactly
19:52.06pgasHhhhh: except for the 5500 where, by default. a part of the ram is used for storage
19:53.24Hhhhhwhich one came out first, the SL-C860 or the SL-6000?
19:54.01Hhhhhpgas, I'm looking at
19:54.41Hhhhhare the in the chronological order in which they were released?
19:55.13pgasthe 6000 is between the 860 and the 1000
19:55.32pgashmm no
19:55.59pgasI think it's 700-750-760-860-6000-3000-1000-3100-
19:56.22pgas5000 5500 5600 before that
19:56.52Hhhhhpgas, would a 5500 be too old? I'm concerned about finding accesories, software and other things
19:57.01HhhhhI guess it doesn't matter much since it is discontinued anyways
19:58.09pgasaccessories are the same for all zauruses
19:58.17pgassoftware about the same also :)
19:58.20Hhhhheven the clamshells?
19:58.32pgasbasically it's cf cards
19:58.57Hhhhhwhat are the price ranges usually for the 6000?
19:59.26pgasI'd say 350-450$ on ebay
20:00.18Hhhhhwhat's the diff between 6000 and 6000L?
20:00.20wayne5500 is too crappy (battery life, ram, etc)
20:00.52pgasand old and small resolution..
20:01.34INTERROBANGi don't support any1 knows of an eletronics simulator that can simulate ICs and discrete components in the same system?
20:02.00INTERROBANGi'm seriously considerng making my own pda
20:02.39pgasHhhhh: the difference between the model is integrated wifi, bluetooth or both
20:02.43wayneINTERROBANG: there's a million of those
20:02.47pgasor none I think
20:02.48INTERROBANG....for linux
20:03.13wayneINTERROBANG: there'S less than a million
20:03.17INTERROBANGerr ssupport = suppose
20:03.23waynethere's a few actualy, check on freshmeat
20:03.36INTERROBANGdidn't find any
20:04.07INTERROBANGi checked geda which uses ngspice which supposedly does mixed-mode simulation but i can't find any examples
20:04.27waynewhat are your simulation needs?
20:05.31INTERROBANGi want to be able to simulate the various subsytems of a pda, does to the discrete component level
20:05.43INTERROBANGthe entire thing if possible (won't be too complex)
20:06.08INTERROBANGerr does = down
20:06.11wayneforget it
20:06.19wayneunless you have the bucks for Orcad or Protel
20:06.20INTERROBANGforget it?
20:06.55waynethe type of complexity is design simulation won't be cheap
20:07.26waynei personally use CircuitMaker, paid about 900$ for it, and it's what the industry would consider "The cheap system", i can barely simulate ics
20:08.51INTERROBANGluckily intend to use a single SoC with it's minimum support circuits, i suppose i only need a verilog/vhdl sim for that
20:11.20waynewhy wou want to try and design your own pda? There's no single platform out there that suits you?
20:12.10INTERROBANGi don't see arm support anywhere (even debian has dropped it) and the open embedded build system braeks multiple time a day it seems
20:12.20INTERROBANGgd don't get me started on OE
20:12.34INTERROBANGnever works
20:12.37pgasuse the pdaxrom builder :)
20:12.52INTERROBANGyeh but that' only for that specific rom right?
20:13.05pgasit's a build system
20:13.40pgassashz build the pdax86 live cd with it also for instance
20:13.54INTERROBANGis it a general arm build system or specifically for the pdaxrom?
20:13.57pgasthere are several others out there
20:14.07pgasnokia initially used scratchbox
20:14.20pgasnow they may go to oe
20:14.32INTERROBANGend of nokia
20:15.17waynedo you say "gd" like the graphics library, or more like a self-censored "god" ?
20:15.26sashzorcad protel, nostalgie
20:15.27INTERROBANGgod damn
20:15.36pgasdebian hasn't dropped arm
20:15.47waynei was close :)
20:15.49INTERROBANGit's not developing it any further
20:16.06pgasI don't think so
20:16.19sashzwayne, want look my pda design? :)
20:16.53INTERROBANGscroll down to the debian swirl
20:17.40pgasyeahm but they didn't stop everything
20:18.02INTERROBANGyeah they'll prolly update sarge for arm, but i don't want to be left behind
20:18.20waynewhy you need arm support?
20:18.51INTERROBANGwhat about of the other programs i'd like to compile in the future that i won't be able to because the existing debian sarge packages lack up to date libs?
20:19.09INTERROBANGi program myself as well, i'd like to keep some libs up to date
20:20.14INTERROBANGpreferably i'd like to have a x86 pda (which is possible with SBC's and such)
20:20.31pgaseverything has not been availaible for arm anyway so yeah an laptop might be best
20:20.36pgasoqo and the like
20:20.37INTERROBANGbut the cost makes designing my own from scratch worthwhile
20:20.52wayneyou sure about that?
20:21.00INTERROBANGi'd like to learn too
20:21.30INTERROBANGi regret all the spare parts i missed on all those brave eletronic devies that gave their lives in the name of exploratory science
20:21.53sashzcannot find better photo
20:22.00sashzmy old project
20:22.10INTERROBANGpda attempt?
20:22.52sashzCirrus Logic EP7312 based
20:24.34wayneheh the stuff i build i considerably smaller than this, more like small screens and inexpensive pics microcontrollers :) but fun nonetheless
20:24.56benplauti leave OESF for a month, and my pdaXrom rc11 is archaic!
20:25.03benplauti love open source :D
20:26.14pgaspdaxrom is archaic in the eyes of the openzaurus guys anyway ;)
20:26.47wayneand neither work on my zaurus! yay :)
20:27.02waynebecause they probably consider my device archaic
20:27.22benplautpgas: bah...
20:27.35benplautthen again, i haven't tried oz in forever...
20:27.38pgaswayne: ask sashz to compile you something
20:27.50benplauti need to see how far gpe has come :)
20:27.51waynepgas: which would be ?
20:28.22pgasan untested pdaxrom ?
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20:29.23waynepgas: could be interesting
20:29.31pgaswayne: oz doesn't support the 5600 anymore?
20:30.08waynewayne: "support" as it, it's been compiled for it, you can install it, but using it is a challenge
20:30.30waynei mean pgas :)
20:31.07waynegpe is too slow to be useful (on my 5600 of course), and gpe locks the machine every few clicks
20:31.52pgashmm X is to slow?
20:32.17waynei don'T know what makes it so slow exactly, but launching programs take forever
20:32.18sashzwayne, 5600 has 64MB flash?
20:32.28sashzand 32MB RAM?
20:32.43wayneit might be because OZ's kernel does not patch the "cpu fix" for the PXA250 which therefore slows it to a crawl
20:33.00waynesashz: uuhhhh i think that's it but i'm raelly not sure (about ram/flash)
20:33.35pgasyeah that's it
20:34.59sashzlike SL-C700
20:35.11sashzproblem only small screen
20:35.17sashzbut i think i can add it in builder )
20:35.31sashzwill add as finish Archos adventure
20:36.20wayneyes i also think it'S the only drawback to this device, but i also chose it because it's not too big and i can carry it easier than other, bigger devices
20:37.39sashzhmm, clamshell devices not bigger i think
20:37.55Hhhhhquestion: what PDF reader software is available for Zaurii?
20:37.55waynearen't they quite thicker?
20:38.17pgasHhhhh: qpdf based on xpdf and xpdf
20:38.41waynesashz: oh and another reason, they're a LOT more expensive :) (or they were when i bought it) so this was also to be taking into account :)
20:41.34waynewhich one on the left?
20:41.44wayneand i'd be curious to see thikness comparison
20:42.05waynethis is all sooooooooo much bigger than my old sony clie! it was so small :) I love it
20:42.31pgasa 860 on the left
20:43.51pgasthe newer model are a bit bigger
20:44.35waynelooks even thicker
20:46.20pgasyeah they still fit in a pocket though
20:46.46waynebut can you sit? :)
20:46.50pgas(well the 860 at least)
20:47.00waynei already fing my 5600 bulky and slightly anoying to carry
20:47.12wayneanything bigger than that wouldn't go well with me
20:47.50pgasmy 860 fits in the visor deluxe leather pouch
20:48.16waynei'da rather carry a full laptop if it has to be bigger than my pocket (sparing the carry of the targus keyboard
20:48.41wayneah yes well if you carry it on your belt sure, it won't change much to have a slightly bigger one
20:48.48waynebut i don't want to carry my stuff there
20:49.03waynei already avoid to put my cellphone there as much as i can
20:50.30pgasI'm off to bed see you
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