irclog2html for #zaurus on 20050920

00:06.24*** join/#zaurus GodFather (
00:20.34*** join/#zaurus KQ (
00:35.52*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
00:36.37*** join/#zaurus synth (
01:38.23*** join/#zaurus AnalogTek (i=[
01:46.09*** part/#zaurus alexshendi (
02:02.44*** join/#zaurus synth (
02:09.35*** join/#zaurus benplaut (
02:15.30*** join/#zaurus minipanda (n=zhanght@
03:11.08*** join/#zaurus hufnus (
03:31.46*** join/#zaurus shadowing (n=totor@pdpc/supporter/active/shadowing)
03:37.01*** join/#zaurus AnalogTek (i=[
03:44.29*** join/#zaurus Timelord0 (n=TL@
03:51.48*** join/#zaurus nickers (
03:52.01nickersi am this close to buying a c3000/1000
03:52.15nickersmy question is with a pdaxrom can it still vibrate or make a sound when there is a meeting or something?
03:54.39*** join/#zaurus Luke-Jr (
03:55.56nickersMan I would love to just talk to someone who has one already
04:01.22benplauti have a C1k
04:01.24benplautwith pdaXrom
04:01.38benplautand truthfully, i have no idea whether that would work...
04:02.28nickersthanks benplaut
04:02.37nickersdo you have a sd card for storage?
04:02.48benplaut512 Sandisk Ultra II
04:02.49nickershow big?
04:02.51nickersahh :)
04:03.00nickersare you a unix geek?
04:03.30nickersim trying to decide if I want to spend 500 bucks or not....
04:03.33benplauti run Linux
04:03.41nickersand wether or not to pickup a c1000 or 3000
04:03.44benplautC1000 is definately worth it
04:04.07nickersthe 3000 seems cool with the 4 gig hard drive but I am not sure worth the extra money
04:04.10nickersdo you use emulators?
04:04.16benplautC3k, from what i've heard, is quite a b!tch to get running on pdaX
04:04.29benplautno emulators on the Z
04:04.47nickersim wondering if you can run snes and be able to press more than one button at a time :) hated my 5500
04:04.59nickerswhat do you use yours for?
04:05.05benplautthe keyboard is well big enough for it :)
04:05.12benplauti use mine as a laptop replacement
04:05.22nickersfirefox? thunderbird?
04:05.23benplautand as a cool toy, pretty much :P
04:05.36nickersi want to use it as the same thing
04:05.41nickersjust want to stop lugging my powerbook around
04:05.53nickersbut be able to keep my desktop applications and play some movies/games
04:06.23benplautyou use linux on the powerbook?
04:06.38nickersyeah sure do
04:06.43nickersits the new 12" i have
04:06.48nickersPAIN IN THE BUTT :)
04:07.17nickerswish I would have got a thinkpad sometimes
04:07.32nickersi love to tinker and macosx doesn't really allow it....and linux on my powerbook is a hack job at best
04:08.19nickershave you tried USB host on your c1000?
04:08.37benplautit works just fine
04:09.03nickersman i want one so bad :) i think from what I am reading I am going to skip the c3000 and just get a massive sd card
04:09.41benplautgood idea
04:09.59benplautc1k is really enough for almost anythign you need
04:10.03nickersi was going to get a used c860 but the keypad on the c1000 looks great for gaming
04:10.09nickersc1k seems to be a good fit for me
04:10.12benplautand by the time you get it, a new RC will be out :)
04:10.26nickerslol do you run the matchbox or fluxbox?
04:12.18benplauti run XFCE
04:12.29nickersis it as quick as on a desktop?
04:13.00benplautit's quite fast
04:13.05nickersoh sorry to keep asking questions but you are the only person I have been able to talk to
04:13.08nickershave you used mplayer on it?
04:13.12benplautthe interface is almost instant
04:13.18benplauti haven't tried mplayer
04:13.28nickerssweet :) I might compile e17 for my ck1 and see what its like
04:14.23nickersbenplaut, you have been a huge help
04:14.32nickersthank you so much for putting up with my barrage of questions
04:14.33benplaut'welcome :)
04:14.45benplautheh... i've got nothing better to do :P
04:14.57nickerslol well all the same thank you
05:08.25*** join/#zaurus obscurite (
05:11.48*** part/#zaurus obscurite (
05:17.33*** join/#zaurus z-akita (n=willgan@
05:26.15wpikubenplaut, just so you know, there's a few emulators for hte z
05:26.25benplauti now
05:26.28wpikuon my c3k I have snes9x, a nes emulator, and some others ;0
05:26.37benplauti haven't taked the time to set them up :P
05:26.41wpikuoh ok
05:26.47wpikuyou were just telling him you didn't have experience with them
05:27.02wpikuI'm running cacko, debating a move to openzaurus btu there doesn't seem to be a non-destructive way about it
06:30.30*** join/#zaurus congrio (n=congrio@
07:07.47*** join/#zaurus ryoohki (
07:11.06ryoohkiany hardware hacks to add wifi or a second cf device( an internal microdrive) to the sl-c760?
08:19.26*** join/#zaurus me_rallo (
08:43.29*** join/#zaurus paxl_ (
10:05.08*** join/#zaurus Ev3lMenaie^^ (
10:13.14*** part/#zaurus Ev3lMenaie^^ (
10:20.58*** join/#zaurus wayne (
11:03.16*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
11:05.45*** join/#zaurus Tomoe (
11:05.47Tomoehow are you gentlemen
11:11.15*** join/#zaurus stevenh (n=lews@
11:23.19*** join/#zaurus stevenh (n=lews@
11:24.10*** join/#zaurus stevenh (n=lews@
11:26.50*** join/#zaurus stevenh (n=lews@
11:33.54licksjpTomoe, heya
12:49.12*** join/#zaurus KQ_ (
12:57.56*** join/#zaurus Dr_Unvisible (
13:39.55licksjpTomoe, where r u going?
14:17.20*** join/#zaurus KQ (
14:25.22Tomoehy licksjp I'm not going anywhere
14:25.26Tomoeexcept to bed soon
15:08.06*** join/#zaurus Sna (
15:39.02*** join/#zaurus Domber (
15:54.58*** join/#zaurus hufnus (
16:40.19*** join/#zaurus emptyhead (
17:33.54*** join/#zaurus digitalwulf (
18:17.18*** join/#zaurus alexshendi (
18:19.43alexshendiDoes anyone know if the StrongARM and X-Scale processors are binary compatible?
18:21.43*** join/#zaurus BOBAH (n=BOBAH@
18:44.40wayneXscale is supposed to be StrongARM compatible
18:44.53wayneI do not know about the other way around
18:45.21waynexscale being newer of course.
19:01.25alexshendiThanks, wayne
20:10.14bam_anyone know how to check the freespace in home/
20:13.32bam_anyone awake?
20:18.44bam_mn, found it
20:20.36licksjpbam_, morning!
20:23.21bam_i released the BlueGant theme
20:23.39bam_my first ipk, so hope its packaged correctly
20:23.59subdueopera is now free
20:24.10bam_thought it was free b4
20:24.16licksjpbam_, r u zaurus soft developper
20:24.17subdueno ads
20:24.47bam_nope, just diddle, i program in vb and a few other obscure lang's
20:25.30bam_although when i get time python looks very promising
20:32.28*** part/#zaurus alexshendi (
20:36.04*** part/#zaurus AnalogTek (i=[
20:50.53*** join/#zaurus AnalogTek (i=[
21:21.41*** join/#zaurus synth (
22:41.36*** join/#zaurus hufnus (
22:45.56*** join/#zaurus Gin-geR (
22:49.39Gin-geRAnd this place is also completely dead?
23:21.58*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
23:40.19*** join/#zaurus Timelord (n=TL@
23:55.25Tomoeyes, Gin-geR
23:56.09*** join/#zaurus DeathWolf (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.