irclog2html for #zaurus on 20031105

00:07.01*** join/#zaurus W8TVI (
00:10.08MG_Takdamnit I heard this hilarious song in the car and I can't find out what it was. :(
00:13.16MG_Taktreke: on?
00:13.23trekethe hilarious song.
00:13.37MG_Takit's kinda rap-ish. it's just some guy taking shots at everyone
00:16.44revwhat kind of shots?
00:16.58rever food
00:17.04revunderground hip hop not commercial rap tho
00:17.36MG_Takhe just kinda makes fun of everyone
00:17.46MG_Taksomething about Nelly not sounding gangsta
00:17.51trekerev: You dont look like much of a rap guy
00:17.55MG_Takand about R Kelly and Fred Durst or something
00:17.59revi'm not a rap guy
00:18.02revbut i do listen to hip hop
00:18.08revthough not exclusively or anything
00:18.13revi listen to a bunch of stuff
00:18.15revabsentia3: sup sup
00:18.29revwell, i can't say i dance
00:18.35revfor me it's more that my mind reacts
00:19.38MG_Taktreke: only other detail I have is that the guy sounds sorta hispanic
00:19.43MG_Takand he keeps saying "I tease"
00:19.47MG_TakI think
00:23.45absentia3god dammit
00:23.51absentia3mozille for freebsd can't use mail
00:23.54absentia3opera can't even sign in
00:24.09absentia3on the pc, netscape signs me in with who is using aol im at the moment, and this isn't the account... that I want to use
00:24.18absentia3and it doesn't give you any other way to log in with another user
00:24.28revabsentia3: that sucks
00:24.29revthat's weird
00:24.35absentia3and when I log out of aol im and then log in with the proper user, it won't allow me to delete mail.
00:24.47absentia3this happens repeatedly... and then a day or so later, it goes back to normal
00:27.18absentia3ah, nyetscrape 4.7 under blows seems to allow me to use netscrape mail
00:27.22absentia3I need to get a new mail system
00:27.53revget an account at hotpop
00:27.56revand use it elsewhere
00:28.03revlike on your Z etc
00:28.03*** join/#zaurus W8TVI- (
00:28.31absentia3I just want to get up tmda/tmda-cgi on my own domain... I've just been far too lazy.
00:29.17absentia3that's what I use a lot
00:29.22absentia3but I'll still have tmda in front of it.
00:29.48absentia3ie: ssh + pine is mua.. I'm talking about mta.
00:33.12trekehmmm. looks like I'll be switching to osx on my laptop.
00:34.08revdidn't know you had a mac
00:34.20revi'm happy to finally have a computer gain
00:34.23revi gave my ibook to my gf
00:34.28trekedont yet.
00:34.41revand have been at a loss lately, with the c760 not cutting it for use as my primary machine
00:34.50revbut i rekon this sig3 may fill the niche, so i'm happy
00:34.57revwhat kind of mac you thinking about getting it?
00:35.02revand why do you have to run OS X?
00:35.16revalthough i ran OS X instead of linux for a number of reasons
00:35.28revi was pretty disapointed in linux on PPC
00:35.31revat least on that machine
00:36.23revstupid xchjat
00:36.34revin a channel like so, it blanks out my tet
00:36.47revchanges the foreground color to the background color so that i can't see it
00:37.03revunless i do a select all (ctrl-a), and then it goes back to normal
00:37.13trekehehe. Work is apparently issuing me a power book.
00:37.21revhell yeah!
00:37.26revany particular reason?
00:37.29revor just cuz they're swell folks?
00:37.36trekebasically the latter
00:37.43trekeat the moment I've got a compaq laptop
00:40.42revand that sucks too bad, so they're giving you an upgrade?
00:42.37trekeActually, I like my compaq :p
00:42.48revthen why not keep it?
00:43.01trekeI am keeping it :)
00:43.12revahhh nice
00:43.12trekethe compaq is a personal machine that I've used almost 100% for work
00:43.23revi thought they boguht you the compaq a while back
00:43.41trekenah, I bought the compaq since I needed a laptop
00:43.59trekegreat machine
00:44.45trekeWe'll see if I ever end up liking osx :)
00:45.00revwhy do they want to do a pb now?
00:45.16trekeboss is a cool guy, and he loves his new powerbook
00:45.20revah sweet
00:45.27revwhat size you gunna get?
00:45.39trekenot sure. my guessis 15inch
00:46.07trekefor the best, I'm usually clueless when mac users have questions :)
00:46.36revwelcome to the high church of jobs
00:46.39treke"email me the output of nestat | ifconfig | awk '{sed s/foo//g}'"
00:47.00revon this mac? :PO
00:47.16trekerev: that's usually my response to mac questions :)
00:47.44trekevery much a console guy a heart
00:48.04revyou could always just run darwin
00:48.11revor still have vanilla OS X installed, but quit the gui layetr
00:48.26trekewell, I also like my X  for multiple consoles.
00:48.46revafter my crappy stint at using linux/ppc on the ibook i went to os x + x11 with no quartz
00:48.53revbut gave up on that after a while too, but it can be done
00:48.59trekewhat was wrong with linux/ppc :)
00:49.06trekenot used it much, but it seemed to work well
00:49.07revit seemed unnaturally slow
00:49.12revseemed a lot slower than it should've been
00:49.16revi dunno
00:49.36rev"seemed slow" = gui system and apps were slow
00:49.47revmind you i was running very little - ion + squeak + opera
00:49.55revi tried gnome 2 when it came out and it was punishment
00:50.05reveven though gnome 2 doesn't run that bad on my k6-2/350
00:50.18revand the 500 mhz ibook itself isn't only as fast as a k6-2/350, that's for sure
00:50.21trekegnome 2 feels slow on my home machine
00:50.35revit does on any machine i've tried it on
00:50.40revbut this was slower, death slow
00:50.50revalso, the squeak VM for  unix/linux is worse than the one for Mac OS
00:51.01revmore and better optimization on Mac OS, X or classic
00:51.03revnot sure why
00:51.08revno crap
00:51.43revand while OS X sucks RAM like it's going out of style
00:51.52revit was faster than any environment i tried on linux/ppc
00:52.01revwhich seems odd
00:52.01trekegonna try the new gnome out, see if I can get myself onto gui apps
00:52.12revi used gnome2 for a while on the k6-2
00:52.17trekebiggest kicker is mail
00:52.22revwhen i first installed RH8 and didn't get around to compiling ion
00:52.26trekeI've yet to figure out a decent way to do mail
00:52.33revwhy not just continue using mutt or whatever cli mail?
00:52.51trekerev: If I do that I'll end up going to my 1970s ways again :)
00:54.16revcan't just do a little of each?
00:54.26revi do it all in squeakl ('cept browsing, of course)
00:54.29trekeI've tried.
00:54.31revthough my email is pine
00:54.58trekefirst it's my email, next it's my news reading, then all the suddent irc, then file managent :p
00:56.45trekethat's where the kicker is, when I release I'm not using any of the gui stuff, I just reinstall ion and I'm back to square one :p
01:01.33revwhat do you use for email?
01:01.52trekethe biggest reason i don't use anything else is performance
01:02.07trekeI've got a shit load of email in my mailbox and imap always seems slow as shit
01:02.24revpine always worked fine for me in OS X too
01:02.33revalthough i only have 20 MB or so of mail
01:02.45revand squeak's email client - pop not imap- handles my 40 mb archive
01:02.51revbut that's little compared to what you're likely talking about
01:03.04trekevery few of my folders go over 40mb
01:03.51trekehmm. inbox is up to 30 megs
01:04.48trekeseems really snappy
01:05.42*** join/#zaurus cyn (
01:06.11revnever tried it my self
01:07.30revnever used a server that ran it
01:08.13trekeit actually did a quick job on  loading my mayday mailbox, which was at around 9000 messages.
01:08.49trekeit absolutly puked when I did ctrl+a del though :p
01:18.21*** join/#zaurus M-Yoda (
01:35.48*** join/#zaurus MYodaHome (
01:40.54gerrynjroffroadgeek|work> ping
01:42.54*** join/#zaurus darmou (
01:49.32Luke-JrHappy new year!
01:49.44gerrynjrhally new year?
01:50.54*** join/#zaurus poo (
01:51.11Luke-Jrgerrynjr: so I remembered an hour or so late... >.>
01:51.24gerrynjrLuke-Jr> it is a new year?
01:53.06*** join/#zaurus poo (
02:14.07*** join/#zaurus br33zy (
02:18.39*** join/#zaurus djk (
02:30.05*** join/#zaurus Reddog (
02:33.34*** join/#zaurus treke|laptop (
02:34.41Reddogstill haven't wanderd across a serial mouse :(
02:38.20revwhy want j00 one?
02:38.56revsup treke
02:41.11treke|laptopnada. playihng some true crime
02:43.43Reddogwoo.. found one
02:43.49Reddogi wonder if it works
02:44.05Reddoggonna see if i can get a mouse to work with my Z
02:44.53treke|laptopsupposed to be driving but I keep falling out of the car :)
02:47.08gerrynjryo offroadgeek
02:47.15gerrynjrplease tell me you shipped it :-D
02:47.29offroadgeekyup... just about to email you the tracking number
02:47.35gerrynjroffroadgeek> WOOHOO!
02:47.44offroadgeekyou'll have it on thursday
02:47.45gerrynjroffroadgeek> this was timed perfectly
02:47.54offroadgeekwhy is that?
02:47.55gerrynjrI coould actually study for my comsci exam :-D
02:48.02gerrynjrotherwise.. I would have flunked
02:48.12gerrynjrif it were shipped saturday...
02:48.20offroadgeekha... don't think I want the ZUG to have that kind of effect on people
02:48.21gerrynjrI would have been too busy using th ebloody thing
02:49.07gerrynjroffroadgeek> once again, thanks a bunch ;-D
02:49.24gerrynjrwords will not be able to describe my thanks when i receive it
02:50.08offroadgeekno prob... I'm glad that someone without a Z won one...
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02:53.29revthat is good
02:53.33revyou won???
02:53.38revhow did you win?
02:53.40gerrynjrrev> :-D
02:53.45revhow did you win?
02:53.45gerrynjrrev> i'm so damn happy
02:53.55gerrynjrrev> I submitted shitloads of howtos and faqs
02:54.23revgood work
02:54.24revhow many did you do?
02:54.26revhow many pts?
02:54.47revi'm may be buying a PDA for someone else
02:54.54revlooking for a dynapad assistant
02:55.06gerrynjrrev> Winner of the 2nd place prize - SL-5500 - gerrynjr with 92 points!
02:55.36gerrynjrrev> thanks
02:57.16revhell yeah!
02:57.17revgood work
02:57.22revi thought about taking a whack at it for fun
02:57.29revbut it's not good to steal from others
02:57.55gerrynjroffroadgeek> no!!!!!
02:58.03gerrynjroffroadgeek> I sure hope your messing w/ me!
02:58.15offroadgeekjust kidding....
02:58.50offroadgeekI know for a fact yours is right..  it's just the other two that were in the exact same fedex box... I'm pretty anal though
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02:59.04Reddoghrm.. is there a ipkg for oz?
02:59.05gerrynjroffroadgeek> lmao...
02:59.14gerrynjroffroadgeek> I can see tumnus getting a bit flustered :-D
02:59.31offroadgeekyeah, but w8tvi would be hella excited!
03:01.56*** join/#zaurus stigger|asleep (
03:02.04treke|laptop~6ok. this game just took reality and through it out the window
03:02.14treke|laptopI got on the 5 freeway and there is no one else there
03:02.26gerrynjrtreke|laptop> what game?
03:02.31treke|laptopgerrynjr: true crime
03:02.39gerrynjrnever heard of it
03:02.44gerrynjrhow about false crime?
03:03.58darmouHas anyone tried the latest tkcRom ver 2?
03:05.03revthere a tkc rom for c7x0 yet?
03:05.03gerrynjroffroadgeek> i'll be happy as a pig in shit when I get it :-D
03:05.25revanyone tried the jeode ipk on a c7x0?
03:05.25revwonder if it works
03:06.54gerrynjroffroadgeek> man.. this thing is going from one end of the country.. to the other...
03:09.42offroadgeekgerrynjr>  yup... sf to mass
03:10.03gerrynjroffroadgeek> damn.. it's insured for 500?
03:10.20offroadgeekrev>  I have jeode installed on my 760 with Project Professional
03:10.26gerrynjrshipping this thing was not cheap...
03:11.41offroadgeekgerrynjr>  only $11
03:11.56gerrynjrthat's not bad at all
03:12.08gerrynjrI buy stuff on new egg
03:12.11revdoes it work well?
03:12.14gerrynjrram is 10 bucks to ship!
03:12.15revi was thinking about byuing Formulae 1
03:12.18offroadgeekyup... it was $25 for tumnus' Z... he's in the UK
03:12.20revalthough i don't think i will any more
03:12.21gerrynjrrev> same here
03:12.22revbut i was thinking about it
03:12.25revgerrynjr: oh?
03:12.33revi may do all my math on the CE machine andn ot the Z
03:12.35revwe'll see
03:12.41offroadgeekrev> works just fine... haven't noticed a single problem with it
03:12.44revah sweet
03:12.46revgood to know
03:12.56revalthough i could use F1 on the CE machine too i suppose, they said i could get a refund if i caouldn't get it ti work
03:13.05revgood to know off
03:13.11revdo you run the sharp rom?
03:13.14revor opie/oz?
03:13.18offroadgeekcacko's rom
03:13.28revi've wondered if it conflicts with the JVM that comes with the sharp ROM
03:13.41offroadgeekdon't think there's a stable opie/oz for the 760 yet... otherwise I'd try it
03:14.12offroadgeekwhen I ran the sharp rom, I just un-installed it... then installed jeode
03:14.48offroadgeekI have no real reason for un-installing it... my java apps worked fine with it as well
03:15.04revi don't think so either
03:15.14revuninstalled it?
03:15.18revi don't think you can un install the built in JVM
03:15.26revi suppose if you delete files manually, perhaps a script?
03:16.06gerrynjrrev> if I buy it, i'd attempt to run it on OZ
03:16.24revif you can't get it to work they'll give you a refund at least
03:16.28revsounds like you can't loose you know?
03:16.35offroadgeekrev>  actually I think you can
03:16.41revor you could be like me and run octave and maxima
03:17.00revoffroadgeek: not in my uninstaller, but maybe it shows up in ipkg commands
03:17.33offroadgeekI remember in the uninstaller the option for the jvm... don't remember what the ipk was named though... weird name
03:18.04offroadgeekwhat's octave and maxima?
03:21.08treke|laptophmm. they actually did get the streets close to correct
03:22.01gerrynjroffroadgeek> my dad said he thought you were gonna pulla  quick one
03:22.13gerrynjroffroadgeek> he nearly dropped a brick when he read the fedex page
03:22.52offroadgeekgerry>  seriously?  hmm
03:23.00gerrynjroffroadgeek> that my dad though...
03:23.20offroadgeekI guess I would be too though...
03:24.23offroadgeekespecially when you think it's three Zs being given away and shipped for free
03:25.13poohey - how bout giving away one to someone who doesn't already have one! :)
03:25.22gerrynjroffroadgeek> ok, ok.. I was a bit paranoid
03:25.28gerrynjrpoo> I don't have one!
03:25.36offroadgeekpoo>  sure!  I'll give w8tvi's to you!
03:25.48gerrynjroffroadgeek> nah.,. he has a broken one
03:25.53poosweet! :)
03:25.57gerrynjroffroadgeek> it's tumnus's you need to give away...
03:26.09offroadgeekpoo> I wish... he'd probably hunt me down
03:26.14gerrynjroffroadgeek> did the tie make you sweat a bit?
03:26.36offroadgeekgerry> yeah... I didn't know what I was going to do...
03:26.47gerrynjrit was like that b/c I was busy..
03:26.58gerrynjrheck.. I should be studying right now
03:26.58offroadgeekgerry> then I was thinking that you two probably had a chat... promised to keep the points even to mess with me
03:27.09gerrynjrthat was what we did
03:27.14gerrynjrwe wanted to see what you would say;..
03:27.16offroadgeekI knew it
03:27.23gerrynjrif you said you would not give out identical models
03:27.32gerrynjrwe would just have a last minute rish:-D
03:27.42offroadgeekI'm glad I thought of that tie breaker... though I knew it would piss one of you off
03:27.54gerrynjroffroadgeek> well, it was me :-D
03:28.15gerrynjri was like WTF.. I was up there for a while.. time to unleash a can of whoopass
03:28.24offroadgeekw8 asked my why I don't swap out the last 5500 with the 5000d...
03:28.25gerrynjralthough I was sweating at the end
03:29.06offroadgeekI can't believe you stayed up 'till 3am
03:29.12gerrynjrme either
03:29.27gerrynjri usually hit the sack by 12...
03:29.42Reddogok, so.. who wants to attempt to write me a mouse driver for my Z?
03:29.53gerrynjrReddog> any cash involved
03:29.55offroadgeekI was tired and it was only midnight here... then again I am 13 years your senior
03:30.04gerrynjroffroadgeek> damn...
03:30.23Reddoghrm.. nope, don't have any
03:30.28revReddog: why not use USB?
03:30.36reveh eh eh! my new pda has a usb host port woot
03:30.52Reddogrev.. cause the Z doesn't have a USB host
03:30.56offroadgeekreddog>  if you write the drivers.... I could compile it for you... free!
03:31.09revReddog: with a card it does
03:31.13revReddog: duuuuuuhhh :)
03:31.20Reddogright.. but i'm going for cardless
03:31.30revcan't have your cake and eat it to man
03:31.33*** part/#zaurus darmou (
03:31.35Reddogsure you can
03:31.42revno, only smear it on your face
03:32.10Marsupilami23How are you connecting a mouse to your Z?
03:32.16offroadgeekwhat about IR... I have an IR keyboard with a built-in mouse (thumb jog dial thingy)
03:32.17Reddogserial mouse
03:32.28Marsupilami23Didn't think about that
03:32.39*** join/#zaurus Bala (
03:32.55revspeaking of keyboards
03:33.08revif anyone here is in the market for an IR keyboard, i'm looking to sell my Pocketop IR kb
03:33.12gerrynjrrev> take your crud to #sigmarionIII
03:33.21revthey go for $80-90 new, i'll sell at $50 incl shipping
03:33.24gerrynjrrev> how much?
03:33.31gerrynjrgot a link?
03:33.34revno one is in there man! :P
03:33.55revthere are some bad photos
03:33.58revhad some probs uploading
03:34.03revwill try again later when i'm home if you want
03:34.04offroadgeekrev>  I think I know someone who'd want one
03:34.17revalso see that ^ link
03:34.19revoffroadgeek: sweet
03:34.31gerrynjrthe Z sits on top of it?
03:34.41offroadgeekgerry> kinda
03:34.42revit would sit on the table or something
03:34.47revit doesn't have a stand
03:34.47offroadgeekrev>  do you still have that stand thingy
03:34.50revlike palmos kbs do
03:34.53revno stand
03:34.55revdidn't get one with it
03:35.01revdoesn't fit the Z anyway
03:35.05revfrom what i've been told
03:35.23offroadgeekI used to have my 5500 rest on the stand...
03:35.41revwell, i've been lied too
03:35.41offroadgeekI guess I could just give my stand to my brother... if he bought your keyboard
03:35.48gerrynjrhmm, it's 79 new....
03:36.04offroadgeekdon't need the stand with the 7x0
03:36.20revi never missed it with my c760 that's for sure
03:37.07offroadgeekyup... I use my keyboard for long stints of typing on my 760... but I really like the thumboard
03:37.24offroadgeekrev>  did you just get your 760 this week?
03:37.32revi've had the c760 since july
03:37.37gerrynjrhow are the zinc-air battereies?
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03:37.51offroadgeekah... I remember someone here saying that they are supposed to receive it this week
03:38.03revi recieved a sigmarion iii this week
03:38.04offroadgeekgerry>  never used them
03:38.11gerrynjroffroadgeek> hmm, one more...
03:38.19gerrynjris there any way to make a "high capacity" battery?
03:38.29offroadgeekrev> sigmarion - I saw the pics... thought it was terribly ugly  :)
03:38.50offroadgeekgerry>  buy the 1700mah...
03:38.58revmore useful for me though; i'm happy to have a real keyboard and better software
03:39.04revi'm out
03:39.07revand a 800x480 screen
03:39.08gerrynjroffroadgeek> the 5600?
03:39.10reveven better :D
03:39.35gerrynjroffroadgeek> what about the bulge out the rear of the Z?
03:39.50offroadgeekit did look real nice... I just can't afford another handheld yet.... wife would kill me!
03:40.10offroadgeekgerry>  ignore the bulge.. you'll have more battery!!!
03:40.13revi'll be back on a little later ... :)
03:40.35gerrynjroffroadgeek> any way to cover it?
03:40.54offroadgeekyou'd need to find a 5600 battery cover... don't know where though...
03:41.22offroadgeekladyjane had an external battery pack that used 3 or 4 AAs... it was nice...
03:41.46gerrynjroffroadgeek> what I want to know.. is if I can use my big ass r/c car battery w/ it
03:41.53gerrynjrshould get decent life out of those :-D
03:42.20offroadgeekgerry>  yeah... if you want a fireworks show
03:42.40gerrynjroffroadgeek> nah...
03:42.46gerrynjri'll just deal w/ the old battery life
03:43.02gerrynjrall I need to do is put it in the cradle charger every day
03:43.06gerrynjrand I should be all set
03:43.08offroadgeekdon't make me re-route your Z to Poo
03:43.20gerrynjroffroadgeek> don't even joke about that!
03:43.32gerrynjrI don't wan't a fireworks display..
03:43.40gerrynjrif I did, i'd pop an aol cd in the microwave
03:43.57pooyeah!! :)
03:44.02offroadgeekI had a spare battery with my 5500... came in *real* handy
03:44.19gerrynjrwell..  the b-day is the 14th
03:44.23offroadgeekPoo>  you want the tracking number?  live anywhere near Mass?
03:44.26gerrynjri'll have to getmyself some accessories :-D
03:44.30pooI live in boston baby
03:44.36gerrynjrpoo> no!!!!!!!
03:44.53pooi'll intercept that puppy like ty law
03:45.09gerrynjroffroadgeek> swansea is too small to goof like that
03:45.18gerrynjrer.. OOPS!
03:45.46offroadgeekwhere the hell is swansea?  I thought the town I lived in NH was small!
03:46.12pooask bernie and phil
03:46.18gerrynjroffroadgeek> a nice small town :-D
03:46.58offroadgeekI actually really like Mass.. nice commonwealth... boston was always a bitch to drive in though...
03:47.19pooyes indeedy
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03:47.23gerrynjri've got some problems w/ the representatives here :-D
03:47.30gerrynjrbut.. other than that...
03:47.31pooi actually live a ways north of beantown but work there
03:47.37pooand the commute is not fun
03:47.41gerrynjrpoo> beantown?
03:47.50poonickname for boston
03:48.01offroadgeekboston baked beans....
03:48.03gerrynjrI thought it was b-town?
03:48.09poothat too
03:48.19gerrynjrthen there's p-town
03:48.22offroadgeekshouldn't it be tea town?
03:48.25poonot to be confused
03:48.33gerrynjrpoo> amen
03:48.44gerrynjrpoo> too bad there arn't beaches around boston...
03:48.49offroadgeekyeah... p-towns a little south I believe
03:48.51gerrynjrthere are soe nice looking ladies around there
03:48.59poothey're great beaches near boston
03:49.07gerrynjrpoo> none thati've seen
03:49.20poocape cod isn't a nice beach? cmon
03:49.30gerrynjrpoo> that's not exactly near boston...
03:49.36poo30 mins?
03:49.50gerrynjrcape cod is farther away from me than boston
03:49.56gerrynjrthat's what I meant to say
03:50.33gerrynjrheck.. wtf am I talking about.. my campus is great :-D
03:50.34pooi'll give you that; there's no great beaches right in boston..
03:50.45poowhere u at gerry?
03:50.58gerrynjrI commute to there
03:51.35gerrynjrand.. it's a very nice campus...
03:51.39gerrynjrw/ mucho eye candy
03:51.57gerrynjrI jsut need to keep my scholarship...
03:52.02gerrynjrand chem is killing me
03:52.04pooyes you do
03:52.24pooyeah. chemicals set me back in college too. so be careful
03:52.34gerrynjra's and b+ 's inall but chem
03:52.45gerrynjra flat 70
03:52.50pooboner dude
03:53.08gerrynjrb/c I flunked a friggin exam
03:53.12gerrynjrand there's only 4 of em
03:53.20gerrynjrnopt to mention..
03:53.26poowhere's the chemistry equation balancer for zaurus when you need it?
03:53.44gerrynjrthere's a lady right across from me.. that occasinally gives me a glimpse ot two
03:53.50gerrynjrtoo damn hard to think!
03:53.53gerrynjrgood thing I commute
03:53.59gerrynjrotherwise I wouldn't get any work done!
03:54.09pooyeah good thing........... ????
03:54.11offroadgeekgotta run
03:54.19gerrynjroffroadgeek> cya
03:54.21gerrynjrthanks again!
03:54.29gerrynjrpoo> lmao
03:54.34pooyeah i'm outie 10k also
03:54.34offroadgeek|awayno prob!
03:54.37gerrynjrpoo> I never said I didn't follow up on that
03:54.58gerrynjrc ya pooo
03:55.02gerrynjrspeaking of poo...
03:59.42Reddoghrm, is the Z wiki down?
04:00.15Marsupilami23whats the URL
04:01.29*** part/#zaurus gerrynjr (, i believe
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04:27.35Reddoghrm.. well aparently qpe has mouse support in it..
04:27.42Reddogunsure of oz though
04:28.16Marsupilami23With the new build system for OZ that shouldn't be a problem.
04:32.20Marsupilami23In fact with the new build system for OZ anything that you use for your Desktop Linux Computer should be available for the Zaurus.
04:32.55kergothyou know you want postfix and cyrus-imapd on your Z, jsut because you can!
04:33.26Marsupilami23Hey, I'm compiling everything thats in package right now, except a few like gcc...
04:33.52Marsupilami23I'm on samba right now, a few more to do then I'm going back to troubleshoot the ones that didn't compile.
04:34.32kergothI still need to update some packages auto* madness, a few of the builds are .. quirky. sometimes works sometimes doesnt
04:34.48Marsupilami23kergoth: I'm also adding DESCRIPTIONs to all the build files.
04:35.11Reddogso, when will this new build system be availible?
04:35.16Luke-Jr"OpenZaurus help in #openzaurus"
04:36.19Marsupilami23I was doing this: #DISCRIPTION = "blah blah" but then noticed a build file with DISCRIPTION := blah blah, so I've gone back and re-wrote then ones I did with that format.. Is that the correct format? or does oebuild not have DISCRIPTION implimented?
04:36.32kergothReddog: its available right now, just not all packages are in it yet
04:36.44kergothMarsupilami23: := or = doesnt matter in that context.
04:37.00Luke-JrMarsupilami23: learn to speel
04:37.39Marsupilami23Just as long as you understand what I'm saying, I really don't care Luke-Jr
04:37.41Reddogah, so.. more correctly.. how long till most/all packages are in it?
04:38.08Marsupilami23Reddog: depends on how many more people want to help out... is that correct kergoth?
04:38.15Luke-JrMarsupilami23: no, but the script app probably does
04:38.31kergothMarsupilami23: quite right
04:38.51Marsupilami23Luke-Jr: Good point
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04:47.37Marsupilami23Luke-Jr: thanks, my eyes are so tired that I don't think I would have caught that mistake
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05:42.37Marsupilami23kergoth: one last thing before I go to bed, do I need to use th quotations in DESCRIPTION?
05:43.37kergothnope, quotes are optional, will just go to the end of the line if not
05:43.43kergothand of course you can use \ for line continuation
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10:43.12razzlehi! I've installed kaffe on my Z but I get an error when trying to run it (please check your CLASSPATH..). How do I set the classpath?
11:46.36Twiunrazzle: export CLASSPATH=someclasspath
11:46.55Twiunrazzle: what did you want to do with Kaffe on your Z (and which Kaffe version are you trying?)
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12:09.09overflow_UKaah hello
12:09.22overflow_UKany one got wireless working on zaurus yet
12:09.48overflow_UKi got a dlink dcf-660w and cant get it to work properly
12:10.07overflow_UKive put on wireless monitor and i can connect to the base but thats it??
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12:10.34overflow_UKany ideas anyone??
12:26.45razzleTiwun: I'm using the one from OZ testing feed and I want to compile and run some java console apps on my Z
12:29.11razzlewhich path should I use as classpath?
12:29.30Twiunwhat are you trying to achieve?
12:29.48Twiunthe one in the feed is way too old btw, Kaffe is now at version 1.1.2
12:30.00Twiunwhich apps, GUI apps?
12:30.07Twiunor commandline apps?
12:30.19razzleI want to test my homework (console) apps on my Z
12:30.43razzlethat is, it's an app that reads in a list of strings and sorts them with quicksort
12:30.51Twiunwhy don't you use the j2me download from Sun?
12:31.08Twiun(Kaffe on the Zaurus is still too raw for non-developers)
12:31.21razzlehm does it work with oz?
12:31.47Twiunyou'll have to unpack it manually, but yeah, there's no reason why it shouldn't work
12:32.00TwiunOZ is still a linux distribution
12:32.12Twiunthere's nothing mystical about it
12:32.15razzleok.. so there's just no .ipkg, that's all?
12:32.36Twiunno, it comes an ipk file - but it's badly packaged
12:35.24Twiunthat's a JVM. You'll need to also download a compiler (jikes is my preferred one on the Z) and a class library, most likely the from one of the 1.1.8 JDKs
12:35.28razzleum I looked here which is the right link?
12:36.21Twiunrazzle: it's in the early access section, search for pp4zaurus
12:38.34razzleah i c..gotta register it seems
12:39.02*** part/#zaurus overflow_UK (
12:43.47Twiunout of curiousity, what platform do you use at uni/college to develop?
12:45.45TwiunI hope they're letting you develop locally, not through telnet at least ;)
12:47.01razzleyeah and ssh when I'm at home
12:48.25MG_Taknothin' quite like export DISPLAY to me.
12:49.29razzle(and X tunneling thru ssh)
12:51.39Twiuntunneling X through ssh over 25 hops kills performance ;)
12:52.08MG_TakX tunneling through SSL'ed SMTP.
12:52.16razzlesure does..that's why I usually don't use it, just a simple ssh console is enough for me
12:52.21MG_TakJust a /little/ bit of overhead.
12:52.50Twiunrazzle: absolutely - that's what I'm doing atm - sshing from work into my home server
12:53.07Twiunrazzle: tunneling everything private through the link (email, browsing, IM)
12:55.07TwiunMG_Tak: I would - it's not hard to do either
12:55.24TwiunMG_Tak: squid on the linux end, and set up the IM to use the proxy
12:58.50razzlehm i got pp4zaurus and jikes now, where do I find the
12:59.05razzlejdk is j2se now but I can't find the zip file in there anymore
12:59.23Twiunget hold of any 1.1.8 JDK, there will be one in there
13:05.34razzlehm tough one, sun doesn't seem to host it anymore
13:05.52Twiunhave a look on
13:05.59Twiunthey use the Sun sources
13:13.22razzleaah got it
13:14.57Twiunto compile with jikes, you'll need to add that as the first item on the classpath
13:16.22razzlelet's see.. first I should install jikes?
13:16.45Twiunjikes for the Zaurus will be in a tarball - no ipk for it
13:17.35Twiun the file
13:18.51razzlehm i got the one from
13:18.52razzleis it the same?
13:19.36Twiunyou'll soon know if it doesn't work
13:19.58MG_TakTwiun: oh, that way
13:20.18MG_TakTwiun: I was thinking exporting mozilla and gaim
13:20.26TwiunMG_Tak: Good god, no ;)
13:20.37TwiunMG_Tak: I'm on a p2 266 at work ;)
13:20.53razzlelooks like there's only a binary in there. So I just need to extract it, right?
13:20.56TwiunMG_Tak: w2k, so opera and trillian. puTTY for the ssh
13:20.58MG_Takthat is frightening
13:21.04MG_Takopera kicks ass
13:21.09TwiunMG_Tak: want frightening? Eclipse is usable ;)
13:21.14MG_Taktrillian, I don't like much
13:21.25Twiunrazzle: yep
13:21.43TwiunMG_Tak: I need to be on AIM, MSN and Y! at the same time... easier (cheaper on the ram too)
13:21.54razzlegaim keeps crashing for me when I connect my ICQ account
13:21.55TwiunMG_Tak: use the sources and change it back ;)
13:23.28MG_TakDo you think I'd be in this channel if I was capable of helping myself that much? ;)
13:25.40TwiunAhhhh, I dunno ;)
13:25.49Twiunlots of people straddle a few channels
13:28.00razzledo you think it'll work if I extract jikes  on my cf card in /mnt/cf/usr/bin ?
13:30.20razzleor /mnt/cf/opt/QtPalmtop/bin?
13:30.39Twiunit makes no difference where you put it as long as:
13:30.54Twiun1) that path is on the PATH, or,
13:31.12Twiun2) the jikes binary is symlinked from a path which is on the PATH
13:31.40Twiunyou could also use absolute paths everytime you call it ;)
13:32.32razzleI'll just put it symlink it to my /usr/bin then
13:37.20razzlehm wtf.. i did ln -s /mnt/cf/usr/bin/jikes /usr/bin/jikes but when I try /usr/bin/jikes or just jikes it says no such file ..
13:38.28Twiundis you chmod +x the jikes binary?
13:39.20razzleit runs fine when i try /mnt/cf/usr/bin/jikes
13:39.31razzledo i need to chmod the symlink, too?
13:39.45Twiunno, symlinks usually are chmod 777
13:39.56razzlehm so whydoesn't it work?
13:40.32yeiazells -l /usr/bin/jikes
13:42.26razzleerror found
13:42.38razzlei didn't type the complete path when creating the symlink
13:42.41razzleonly relative
13:43.09razzle^^;; n00b mistake
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13:43.43razzleok working now
13:45.35razzlelet's see..$CLASSPATH is emtpy. Now I'm supposed to put the classes file in a directory and point CLASSPATH to it, correct?
13:46.08Twiunno, with jar and zip files just put them straight into CLASSPATH
13:46.31Twiunit's only when you have .class files in a directory that you want to add the directory to the CLASSPATH
13:47.15Twiunoh yeah, and you'll find that adding the current dir somewhere in the classpath will save you some hassle
13:47.51razzlehehe i somehow guessed the later one.. though where am I supposed to put the after all? didn't get that
13:48.42Twiunanywhere at all
13:49.09Twiunas long as you do something like export CLASSPATH=some/path/
13:49.48razzleso the whole CLASSPATH could be export CLASSPATH=/foo/;. ?
13:50.15Twiunalmost.... what's your path separators, this isn't windows :)
13:51.02Twiunyeah, that should do it
13:51.12razzlei could lie now and say I just hit the wrong key on my
13:51.47Twiunwhen you start running with the j2me binary (cvm) you specify the classpath without using: cvm -Djava.class.path=somepaths
13:52.26Twiunyou're lucky you're getting to learn this stuff in a course ;)
13:53.09Twiun... from the javadocs :)
13:53.58razzlei know, most people would've been like RTFM but I couldn't find TFM
13:55.12Twiunnah, I meant Java in general... Java on the Zaurus was just trial and error
13:55.22Twiunthat's why I put up my Java FAQ
13:56.27Twiungranted it doesn't cover the j2me stuff or the compiler (it's assumed you'll be in the java workplace already)
13:57.20razzlewell most stuff we're learning right now I already taught myself but I rarely use Java so I forgot most. But when I look at the code, usually it comes back
13:57.32MG_Takrazzle: FTFM
13:57.35MG_Takor GTFTFM
13:57.53razzlego to fuck the fucking manual?
13:58.31MG_Takgoogle to find TFM :)
13:58.56razzletokyo fm?
13:59.02razzlei didn't know you're into jpop
14:00.04MG_TakAn RL cafe for Z users with free WiFi cards and access.
14:00.11MG_Takand $8 lattes.
14:00.56razzlewe got wlan at university but they use some weird cisco implementation that I can't get to work with zeeswan
14:01.20MG_Takrazzle: I can't get zeeswan to work at all.
14:01.25MG_Takso you're one step ahead of me..
14:01.55razzlehm it SAYS it's running but I don't know for sure
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14:02.22razzlecouldn't try if it works because of the damn cisco thing
14:04.08MG_TakI can get the freeswan 2 module and the 1.99 tools to work, but they can't interact.
14:04.14MG_Takso I feel like a dumb turd.
14:04.38razzleok you said the pp4zaurus ipk has to be installed manually.. how do I do that? I guess it's not done by simply extracting the files to the correct folders
14:04.56MG_Takshould be able to install it from the package manager, no?
14:05.21razzledunno, twiun said something about it being badly packed or something
14:05.43razzlehm by the way, is there a pptp version for the Z?
14:06.32razzle(my university uses some fucked up VPN implementations..)
14:07.13TwiunMG_Tak: Sun have bolloxed up their ipk several times, they never package it properly
14:07.21MG_TakTwiun: oooh
14:07.29Twiunrazzle: the ipk format is just a tarbal
14:07.41razzlei know
14:07.41Twiunrazzle: or an ar archive
14:07.50razzlebut there are some other files in it
14:07.54razzlecontrol stuff
14:08.12Twiunyeah, but that's not used in the j2me ipk
14:08.18Twiunjust extract the data.tgz
14:08.29razzleok nice
14:08.53Twiunyou'll also need the libfloat ipk - should be in the
14:11.37razzlehm java requires lots of stuff
14:13.13Twiunnah, just _this_ java
14:13.26Twiunand remember, usually all this is packaged up in a nice sdk
14:13.46Twiundeveloping ON a Zaurus is just a gimmick - it wasn't really intended as a fulltime occupation ;)
14:14.18razzlehmm at least perl runs without any hassles
14:14.49razzleif i could just get wlan running i wouldn't need to install java, gcc and all the other tools
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14:21.45razzleok let's see j2me, jikes, libfloat and are installed
14:22.13Twiuncool ;)
14:22.34razzlehow do I use it?
14:23.36Twiungot yourself a java source file you can compile, or some java app you can run?
14:23.47razzlegot a sourcefile
14:24.50Twiungo into the dir where you've got it, jikes -classpath $CLASSPATH
14:26.45razzlehmm i only got the default output from jikes that I get when I run jikes with no parameters
14:27.14Twiunecho $CLASSPATH
14:28.44razzlewtf it's empty.. but i already set it..wait. the console restarted because I removed the cf card
14:29.57absentiayou jknow
14:30.02absentiawe have like 12 people in our department
14:30.10absentiaand many days in december, 9 or more people are out.
14:30.14absentiait's almost like getting a month off work.
14:30.20Twiunsounds about right ;)
14:30.22absentiathere's a "freeze" from dec 15 through jan 15.
14:30.31Twiunthat's why I'm starting my new job on dec 1st ;)
14:30.39absentiaI don't take off those days, because other than warming a seat, it's pretty light.
14:30.42Twiunwith a week holiday in january
14:30.56absentiawhen I started here
14:31.14razzleit couldn't find java/util and java/lang in the folder where i got the file
14:31.27absentiaI said that there were twk choices, I could start in 3 weeks, or in 1 week... but in two weeks from now (back then, before my first week), I have a 1 week trip planned
14:31.43absentiaand, I'd like to start this next week, but I don't want the following week to apply to vacation...
14:31.46absentiaand they were ok with that.
14:31.53absentiaso it was one week on, 1 week vacation.. then back to work.
14:31.55absentiakind of nice.
14:32.36Twiunand paid vacation, right?
14:33.42razzleah fixed
14:34.24razzlehm now i get another error.. no method named "split" was found in type "java/lang/String"
14:35.02Twiunyup... this is Java 1.1 you need to support on the Z
14:35.07Twiunnone of that 1.4 junk ;)
14:35.31razzleah well, it was fun trying anway
14:35.35Twiunuse a StringTokenizer if you want similar functionality
14:36.36razzlethat was just one of many similar errors, i guess I'll have to keep save for a laptop with debian..
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14:37.15Twiunrazzle: knowing how to achieve certain things without the niceties of java 1.4 will always be useful
14:38.07razzleI'll rewrite the whole thing later..
14:38.20razzleat least i know java works
14:38.30razzlethanks a lot for your help
14:38.32Twiunwell... the compiler works
14:38.36Twiunno worries
14:43.34absentiasince I'm on salary
14:47.06razzle7lastlog -file ~/irclogs/zaurus/java_help_twiun -window 6 -force
14:47.35Twiunanother irssi user ;)
14:47.40razzleyup :)
14:47.47TwiunI log everything all the time - no need to be selective :)
14:48.03razzlei don't because I got a quota at university
14:48.19razzlethough I thought about writing a script that sends logfiles home when try grow too large
14:48.31absentiamy uni wanted to implement a 750kb quota on students
14:48.36absentiaI tried to explain how ludicrous that was.
14:48.42razzlelol wtf
14:48.42absentiabut no one seemed to nderstand my point.
14:48.52razzlethat's crazy
14:49.04razzlewell i use the /tmp folder if I need a lot of space
14:49.15absentiathe head engineer got this number by dividing the disk size for students by the number of students at the uni...
14:49.20absentia(not just on the system, etc)
14:49.27absentiaI use to use /usr/spool/mail
14:49.34absentiaas it was the largest publically writable folder.
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14:49.38absentiaand there were quite a few of'm
14:49.41razzleit's hard to keep yourself from abusing 100mbit of bandwidth
14:49.52razzleyeah some do here, too
14:49.52absentiaya, ours was... 56kb
14:50.02absentiaand we were considered fast, compared to all those 9600 baud losers!
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15:02.22razzlehm what do you guys think about the Zaurus SL-6000?
15:02.58TwiunI prefer the c760 for looks
15:03.00razzleit's probably going to be more expensive than a small laptop..
15:03.01mickeylnice specs
15:03.04razzleyeah it looks better
15:03.09Twiunbut the added specs are nice ;)
15:03.31razzlei hope there'll be a c760 style model with C6000 specs..
15:03.31yeiazelc800 ? :)
15:03.32Twiunactually... the 6000 should make the prices for the c series go down some
15:03.46mickeylI'd hope so, but I doubt a clamshell successor will follow soon
15:03.55razzleimporting from Japan is WAY cheaper by the way
15:04.08yeiazelmickeyl: why not
15:04.15razzlei saw the C760 going away for ~$400-500 at Yahoo Japan
15:04.16Twiunrazzle: still out of my current price range ;)
15:04.22razzleyeah same here
15:04.39Twiunthe 5000d was a similar price when it first came out
15:04.55absentiacould I be so bored that my day is reduced to hitting reload on slashdot waiting for anything (interesting) to occur?
15:05.25Twiunsounds like me... except that opera reloads for me
15:05.27razzlebetter than hitting reload on ;)
15:05.42Twiunand I've also got theregister and freshmeat on there ;)!
15:05.53razzlei mean there are funny quotes but doing it allday...
15:05.57absentiaI've already done the register, drudge, etc.
15:07.06razzleI'm still trying to find the right format to run movies on my Z.. no matter what i tried so far, audio and video run out of sync after a while
15:09.56yeiazelno pb here
15:10.12yeiazeldivx, 320xX (where X <240)
15:10.30yeiazelaudio @ 64kbps, video @ 200-300 kbps
15:10.31razzlemp3 stereo >128kbit?
15:10.43razzleor ogg?
15:11.01yeiazel(works with 128, but takes too much space :)
15:11.23yeiazelthe video is the tricky part...
15:11.35yeiazelvideo @ 96 kbps is too ugly :)
15:12.08razzlehm i got a 256mb cf, so space shouldn't be an issue for 30min. movies
15:13.20yeiazelI've tried to put 2 'full' movies on 1 256MB cf
15:13.39yeiazelanyway, my battery's dying, it doesn't last enough for 2 movies
15:14.41razzleso you say divx (5.0.3?) at 320x240 @ 200-300 kbps and audio 64-128kbps (mp3 or ogg?)
15:16.34yeiazelxvid, a@64, v@150-300
15:17.04razzledoes 128kbit audio produce out-of-sync audio or is it just because of the size?
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15:17.10yeiazelthe most important thing is the keep video rate < 300-400 or so
15:17.20yeiazelI've seen lags @ 600
15:17.31yeiazelrazzle: just because of the size (about the audio)
16:13.06absentiais offrdgeek here or w8 ?
16:20.53fliplaprazzle: i wrote a script to convert video for the Z using mencoder, its in the OZ Faq
16:26.55MG_Takhi ChipX86
16:33.21MG_Takgo to my class for me?
16:34.00TwiunMG_Tak: studying CS too?
16:34.45ChipX86no, go to class for _me_
16:34.46MG_TakTwiun: yep
16:34.48ChipX86you'll get to learn about pigs
16:34.53MG_Taklast semester
16:34.59MG_Takand I'm having to retake a class :(
16:35.05MG_Takdiscrete structures
16:35.10MG_Takalright, I'm outta here.
16:35.12MG_Taklater folks
16:47.56*** join/#zaurus eng (~eng@
16:48.14enghmm, glasses just broke.. i have one class left...
16:48.17engshould I go to work?
16:54.28*** join/#zaurus mutexer (
16:55.20Twiungerrynjr: yeah you should - and then just procrastinate
16:55.42gerrynjrTwiun, well, i could go home
16:55.47gerrynjrand get ym glassess fixed
16:55.54gerrynjrb/c i can't read the bloody screen!
16:56.27gerrynjrthey're being held togethre w/ just a dab of crazy glue...
16:56.44absentiause a bandaid
16:56.48absentiaor duct tape
16:56.58gerrynjrabsentia, nah....
16:57.11gerrynjrI can drive w/ crazy glue...
16:57.18absentiaotherwise, you might lose your geek card.
16:57.37gerrynjrabsentia, i'm a geek damnit
16:57.52absentiaprove it
16:58.11gerrynjrabsentia, I was able to crazy glue the lense on
16:58.16gerrynjrI refresh slashdot daily..
16:58.21gerrynjrand i ssh into my system daily
16:58.27gerrynjrmy entire system is compiled from source
16:58.34gerrynjrthat geek enough for yas?
16:59.00trekecompiling everything from source makes you a moron not a geek :p
16:59.05absentiaget outta here.
16:59.11gerrynjrtreke> nope... it makes my system run faster
16:59.25trekeabsentia: maybe he uses screen and only needs to log in once a day :p
16:59.26gerrynjrtreke> fully optimized system
16:59.39gerrynjrabsentia, ah.. I have automatic refresh...
16:59.41absentiathat's like my father who use to say that he had email... he checked it once a week.
16:59.59gerrynjrabsentia, _I_ refresh it once a day
17:00.46gerrynjrwell.. off to class
17:00.50*** join/#zaurus CAMCAM (
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17:06.00*** join/#zaurus AndersB (
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17:26.06*** join/#zaurus W8TVI (
17:26.48W8TVIhey absentia
17:26.52W8TVIwhat ya need?
17:29.34*** join/#zaurus treke|laptop (~ggilbert@
17:32.19*** join/#zaurus Pend-Gone (Pendalar@
17:45.02absentiaw8: on zaurususergroup
17:45.18absentiaI'm wondering if you or offrdgeek removed an entry I made under the howtos / c7x0 general info ?
17:46.12W8TVII dont know if offroadgeek did, but I didn't
17:46.24absentiaI'll ask'm when he comes'round next.
17:46.31W8TVII think I removed an empty one under the c7x0
17:46.52absentiaI added a link to an offsite page.... and it now seems to be missing
17:47.03absentiaalthough it's not a "howto" it is a document on general info and refs for c7x0
17:47.22absentiaI can't seem to find it in the diffs for the page, though.
17:47.26W8TVIhmmm... dont know
18:00.59absentiaYou mean it doesn't end with Keanu Reeves waking up, turning to Alex Winter and saying "Bill, I just had a most excellent dream!"? Shame.
18:03.06treke|laptop<agent smith> be excellent to each other.
18:04.54absentia"You can't just review it. You have to realize... there is no movie."
18:04.54absentiaYeah the reviewers are saying that too.
18:06.06treke|laptopI had been thinking of going to see it tonight, not going to bother now :)
18:06.29W8TVII want to see it anyway :)
18:06.42absentiaI'm thinking 'bout scary movie 3
18:06.44absentiaanyone seen that ?
18:07.11treke|laptopW8TVI, I'd thought that the second sucked, but was going to give #3 the benefit of the doubt
18:07.21leviBoth Ebert and Roeper apparently gave Matrix Revolutions a thumb's up.
18:07.32absentia5. Keanu Reeves performance was subpar, even for him
18:08.15W8TVIthe second one didn't suck that much... just the rave in the middle
18:08.20treke|laptoplevi, that seals it
18:08.28absentiatreke: one word .. "ewok"
18:09.00leviHey, I often agree with Ebert.  Haven't really read many of Roeper's reviews.
18:09.04absentialevi: actually, I think they both had those thumbs up each other's ass... and they just forgot they were actually at a movie.
18:09.20absentiathere's one person .. Iuse to read... on usatoday... or someting
18:09.25absentiasome lady... who just didn't get anything.
18:09.29absentiaif she hated a movie, I knew I'd love it
18:09.38absentiaif she loved a movie, I *knew* I would hate it
18:09.40absentiaworked like a charm.
18:35.38*** join/#zaurus djk (~djk@
18:38.00*** join/#zaurus Kent_Z (~zChat@
18:38.27Kent_ZIs anyone there?
18:46.54blitzrageso QTopia 1.7 desktop for Linux won't work with a v3 based ROM?
18:47.08blitzragesuch as theKompany ROM?
18:48.05Twiunthat's sounds quite likely
18:48.08Twiunblame Sharp
18:48.34treke|laptopyou can only use the qtopia desktop 1.5.4 build that sharp distributes
18:49.15blitzragewhat ROM are you using right now, and what do you use to sync?  I want to start syncing my zaurus with a Linux desktop, which I haven't actually done yet :)
18:50.11Twiunthen again I don't use any Qt on my Z atm
18:50.22Twiunthe ROM is a custom build of OZ
18:50.28treke|laptopTwiun, ha
18:51.01Twiuntreke|laptop: raw java on the fb ;)
18:51.11Twiuntreke|laptop: who needs the overhead of Qt anyway!
18:51.27blitzragehow do you guys transfer files from your desktop to the zaurus in linux?
18:51.44Disconnectblitzrage: there is a guy working on a z-side syncml (IIRC) "client" for syncing to OS-X. the bonus is that multisync and company support it.
18:51.48blitzrageI've done this a bunch of times with Windows.. but never with linux :)
18:51.58Disconnectblitzrage: irobex_palm3, scp, ftp, wget...
18:52.09Disconnectfor big stuff I'll just chuck it onto my CF
18:52.13treke|laptopblitzrage,  wget or cf
18:52.18blitzrageDisconnect: ahhh.. makes sense
18:52.26blitzrageyah.. I have a USB CF reader
18:52.35blitzragethats how I usually transfer from windows lately
18:52.44W8TVIthey are nice
18:52.46Disconnectthe basic theory (as I understand their project) is that since you can only use DTM on the z itself, use a Z app to convert between DTM and something open/useful/etc
18:52.49Twiunyou should be able to use winSCP in windows too
18:53.28blitzragenice.  ok, got a good idea now.  I'll go and play and get something working.
18:53.36blitzrageooo.. crazy
18:53.48blitzragewhat ROM you prefer?  OZ ?
18:54.20W8TVIhugs even
18:54.28TwiunOZ's not yet really for the faint hearted though. Still too many rough edges ;)
18:55.01blitzrageDisconnect: what do you use now?
18:55.08TwiunDisconnect: guaranteed there should be a minimum of 5 or 6
18:55.24blitzrageI've been using theKompany rom lately with pretty good success
18:55.26TwiunDisconnect: esp as kergoth's getting paid to do OE ;)
18:55.59blitzrageoh.. OpenEmbedded?
18:56.03Twiunthe build system OZ is migrating to
18:56.15blitzragewhen is that expected?
18:56.23blitzrageI've seen OZ at 3.2 for quite a while now.
18:56.26kergothwhen is what expected?
18:56.29kergothwe arent working on a release.
18:56.33kergothwe're working on the transition
18:57.21W8TVIonce is done, I bet they'll fix some bugs and release a new oz...
18:57.36*** join/#zaurus blitzrage_ (
18:58.26blitzrageI've just kinda been outta the loop for a bit, and not use exactly what is going on with OZ :)
18:59.15Twiunthere's always got to be a weirdo
18:59.54treke|laptopunison does a good job
18:59.57absentiawhat was the question ?
18:59.59treke|laptopbetter than rsync imo
19:01.10Twiunahhh, that explains the quality we've been seeing ;)
19:02.34treke|laptopnice thing about unison is that it handles file deletions
19:03.06absentiaso does rsync
19:03.14absentiarsync does delta copies within files.
19:03.19absentiaI had to do
19:03.26treke|laptoprsync handles file changes on both sides?
19:03.35absentiarsync, sd fs crash, reboot, fsck, reboot, repeat
19:03.41absentiato get zdebian onto my 760
19:04.12absentiaI don't know how you could make two way changes on the same file work... but one can have precedence over the other.
19:05.09treke|laptopNot changes to the same files
19:05.56absentiaschilling [742]> alias rsync
19:05.56absentiarsync -vazSHe ssh
19:06.00absentiathose are the options I use
19:06.06Disconnecttreke|laptop: drsync is the bidirectional sync
19:06.10treke|laptopobviously that needs some human input or a rule to prefer one side, but does rsync handle the case where file A is deleted on the zaurus and file b is deleted on the server, then make sure both files are gone on both sides?
19:06.57absentiarsync can do deletes, but I'm not sure if you're asking for something else.
19:07.48treke|laptopok, we have two computers, does rsync just make one computer look like the other computer, or cant it be set up to merge the two together?
19:08.34Disconnecttreke|laptop: you can tell it to delete 'missing' files or to leave them alone (or to archive them)
19:08.53Disconnectwith rsync. with drsync, well.. I gotta look at it more ;)
19:09.20absentiajust read the usage page.
19:09.46treke|laptophmmm. suddenly imap is sort of working
19:10.06treke|laptopa miracle
19:11.32Disconnecttreke|laptop: did you 'suddenly' change something? ;)
19:11.50treke|laptopDisconnect, I've changed quite a bit off stuff
19:13.11Twiunabsentia: how's your SDL?
19:13.28Disconnectit takes a surprisingly long time to init a 450G array..
19:13.30treke|laptopDisconnect, I'm hoping the change that made it work wasn't me going to work
19:13.38treke|laptopDisconnect, If it was, it means no imap for me :p
19:14.05Luke-Jrno imap?!?! :(
19:14.26treke|laptopLuke-Jr, been way to slow from home
19:14.33*** join/#zaurus heatxsink (~John@
19:14.41Luke-Jruse SquirrelMail?
19:14.54treke|laptopLuke-Jr, no.
19:15.04treke|laptopI hate webmail.
19:15.15Luke-JrWell most IMAP mail clients will try to download headers for the entire mail folder =p
19:15.49treke|laptopwhich is a sizable bit of data :)
19:16.00Luke-Jrthat's why it'd be slow
19:16.10Luke-Jrthe only thing that makes IMAP usable is cache, really
19:16.41treke|laptopSupposedly it was being cached.
19:16.44Luke-Jrwhich unfortunately means I have 2 copies of all my email headers =p
19:17.07treke|laptopspace is cheap :)
19:18.05Luke-Jrthey go back to around 1999
19:18.43treke|laptopif it costs me 200mb of storage to save a sizable amount of time, that's fine by me
19:18.57absentiawais ?
19:19.15treke|laptopLuke-Jr, 600 would also be acceptable
19:19.40Luke-Jro well
19:19.51Luke-JrI guess the reason it hurts me is because I have so many backups of it
19:19.57Disconnectwasn't someone in here a couple weeks ago looking for tips on a mail reader?
19:20.14Disconnectto write one I mean.
19:20.16Disconnectwas that you?
19:20.42treke|laptopnone that work :)
19:20.42Disconnectit was one of those "what would your ideal mail client do" ..
19:20.55Luke-Jrtreke|bed: yea, I guessed that after a while =p
19:21.13DisconnectLuke-Jr: the sharp mail client does imap. it sucks a LOT, but it does it. right up until it goes OOM and gets itself killed off.
19:21.24Luke-JrDisconnect: Mozilla, but at a decent speed
19:21.32Luke-JrDisconnect: it doesn't do it right
19:22.05absentiaI wrote a perl script to sort mbox files by date...  I thought that was fairly nifty.
19:22.08Luke-JrIIRC, it tried to download every message on the server...
19:23.17DisconnectI ran it this morning, it seemed to just get headers. but it won't let you set an "ignore these subscribed boxes" so it pulled up LOTS of headers. (prolly close to 40k of them) and cratered.
19:23.31Disconnecthrm. yah, come to think of it.
19:23.36*** join/#zaurus poo (
19:23.36Disconnectit does dl all the messages.
19:23.48Luke-Jrtries to*
19:23.51Disconnectso thats another point against it - there's no "I'm online, dumbass" button.
19:24.01Luke-Jrobviously, it won't work with a 400-600 MB mailbox
19:24.09Disconnect(and no 'download most recent X [days/messages/...]')
19:24.46Luke-Jr"Download most recent X [days/messages/...]" <-- one feature missing in Mozilla
19:25.22kergothtreke|laptop: mutt+fetchmail? :)
19:25.33treke|laptopkergoth, heh
19:25.39treke|laptopkergoth, want pretty
19:25.55kergothwould be nice to have an mbox/maildir capable opie mail app
19:26.03Luke-JrSunBird is pretty
19:26.10Luke-Jrit's not for mail tho
19:26.22kergothecho heh | mail kergoth@zaurus
19:26.27kergothwould be spiffy
19:26.28Luke-Jrkergoth: who's going to store their mail on the Z locally??
19:26.30treke|laptopkergoth, gonna try out sylpheed when I finally get switched over to X
19:26.34treke|laptopLuke-Jr, I would.
19:26.59treke|laptopI didnt say all of it
19:27.10Luke-Jrthen IMAP would work better still =p
19:27.10kergothcould forward useful bits to your Z, i'd use it too
19:27.14*** join/#zaurus gerrynjr (
19:27.28treke|laptopLuke-Jr,  imap clients are obviously difficult to write.
19:27.37treke|laptopmbox readers arent, relativily speaking
19:27.48Luke-Jrtreke|bed: I think IMAP would be easier than mbox reader
19:28.01absentiacan't you forard mail to your z now ?
19:28.14absentiahas anyone tried compiling qmail on the z?
19:28.17Disconnectfull-online-only imap should be pretty simple.
19:28.33absentiaor put up a static sendmail ?
19:28.37treke|laptopright, but full online only imap is only of marginal use for me :p
19:28.59treke|laptoptht is what opiemail2 is
19:29.49kergothabsentia: i crosscompiled postfix.. :P
19:30.24treke|laptophehe, it works with some imap servers
19:30.32Luke-Jrit doesn't install for me
19:30.37Luke-Jrcuz I don't use Opie
19:30.51kergothit should work find under sharp with libopie installed
19:30.53treke|laptopwhat does using opie have to do with anything?
19:31.08absentialuke: really?
19:31.11Luke-Jrtreke|bed: I'm assuming that's why it doesn't install
19:31.14absentiacan I use your 760 inthe meantime?
19:31.16kergothLuke-Jr: not going to happen.
19:31.23Luke-Jrabsentia: No, I still use it for non-mail
19:31.26Luke-Jrkergoth: ?
19:31.27kergothLuke-Jr: just about every embedded gentoo person went over to zynot
19:31.38Luke-Jrkergoth: #gentoo-embedded
19:31.40absentiawhat's zynot ?
19:31.45kergothand zynot isnt going anywhere until they finish the new portage-like packaging system
19:31.46Luke-Jrabsentia: fork
19:31.48kergothLuke-Jr: i know.
19:31.53Luke-Jrkergoth: we're alive
19:31.59absentiayet another split
19:32.02kergothLuke-Jr: by what definition of living?
19:32.08absentiasooner or later there's gonna be an atomic explosion
19:32.11Luke-Jrkergoth: people are working on it actively
19:32.48Luke-JrI think the main problem is that the Portage tree itself is huge
19:32.49kergothdoes your portage support crosscompilation yet?
19:32.56kergothcause OE does, and its portage based
19:33.01Luke-Jrdoes it need to? =p
19:33.05treke|laptopLuke-Jr, yes.
19:33.07Luke-Jrmy Z is half as fast as my desktop
19:33.12kergothyour desktop sucks.
19:33.15Luke-Jryes it does
19:33.19kergothand building wont be half the speed
19:33.22kergothitll be much much less
19:33.24absentiaI think my Z is faster than my desktop
19:33.29Luke-Jrwhy not?
19:34.00treke|laptopsd and cf are both pretty slow.
19:34.02kergothnot to mention ./configure slowness, arm machines are quite slow at configure runs due to the extensive forkin
19:34.31Luke-JrWell, I think the only problem w/ cross compiling is noone's decided how to emerge them yet =p
19:34.39Luke-Jrwhether to use a gcc-powerpc gcc-arm or what
19:34.40absentiathey have, what, 60GB on them?
19:34.46Luke-Jrabsentia: ???
19:34.51treke|laptopabsentia, something like that
19:35.01absentialuke: ipaq/skiff @ handhelds
19:35.19treke|laptopLuke-Jr, that's not exactly a trivial question to answer
19:35.50treke|laptopan arm based device
19:36.00treke|laptopsimilar to a 5500/ipaq in specs
19:37.05Luke-Jrand it has 60g?
19:37.27treke|laptopIt has a 1 or 2 gig hard drive attached
19:37.32treke|laptopand 60 or so over nfs
19:38.04Luke-JrBTW, any place I can send feature requests to Sharp Japan? =p
19:38.38kergothLuke-Jr: they dont listen.
19:38.43Luke-Jrwhy not? :(
19:38.44kergoththey didnt listen 2 years ago, they dont listen todya
19:39.02treke|laptopbecause they don't know what to do with user input
19:39.08Luke-Jrimplement =p
19:42.57Disconnectibot: skiffcluster
19:42.59it has been said that skiffcluster is at
19:43.38Disconnect(and the ipaqs in that cluster tend to work better, or at least they did 6 months ago)
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19:59.04*** join/#zaurus rev|lib (
20:05.14treke|laptoprev|lib, survived a gui all day so far
20:05.30rev|libwhat you using?
20:06.05rev|librh8/9 style, or stock gnome2?
20:06.48treke|laptopit's starting to get on my nerves though :)
20:06.59rev|libthey do that
20:07.05rev|libsemi-bad guis that is
20:07.38treke|laptophavent tried kde lately since it wont install, wonder if that would get on my nerves as much
20:12.11*** join/#zaurus treke|laptop (~ggilbert@
20:21.47rev|libwb t
20:21.56rev|libi don't think KDE will be any less annoying
20:22.00rev|libthough i encourage you to find that out for yourself
20:22.11rev|libi was annoyed when i did- you can install KDE on RH8 but you can't remove it
20:23.53rev|libyeah, KDE is a hog
20:24.00rev|libi never tried to configure gnome too much
20:24.05rev|libi liked how it was on RH8
20:24.15rev|libuntil i realized that it was getting in my way, and just went back to ion :P
20:32.19*** join/#zaurus treke (~ggilbert@
20:35.38rev|libyo yo
20:36.01trekeyo yo
20:38.00ChipX86|Schoolyay for yoyos
20:38.41*** join/#zaurus treke (~ggilbert@
20:40.47absentiathe only thing I configure .... under cde was the snap to grid for moving off the screen
20:40.48absentiaI set it to 0 pixels.
20:43.05*** join/#zaurus Aadaam (
20:43.07Aadaamhi all
20:43.23Aadaamone of my friend has a problem with Zaurus<->PC over IR...
20:43.29Aadaamcould somebody help?
20:51.43Aadaambye all
20:51.47*** part/#zaurus Aadaam (
20:52.22*** join/#zaurus angry (
20:57.07angryare there any spreadsheet apps for the zaurus that can do statistical analysis and graphing?
21:05.12rev|libdepends on what you mean by "statistical analysis"
21:05.17rev|libwhat you mean by "for the zaurus"
21:05.19rev|libdo you mean for qtopia?
21:05.32absentia"Give us your opinion of the movie," they asked.
21:05.32absentiaI replied, "How about this, I give you the finger, and you give me my $9.75 back."
21:05.32rev|libhancom sheet can do a tiny bit of statistics
21:05.34rev|libbut not much
21:05.41rev|lib9.75 for a movie!?
21:06.40trekegood lord that a lot of money
21:06.42absentia$10 here in nyc
21:06.46trekecheck this out, check this out
21:07.14MG_Takkergoth: you around?
21:07.23trekeactually it's 10 bucks here also
21:07.31MG_Takabsentia: that's pretty funny. :)
21:07.48absentiathe quote? ya.
21:07.53MG_Takthe opinion you gave
21:07.58absentia(or the $10 movies in nyc?)
21:08.08rev|libthat sucks abs
21:08.08absentiathat wasn't mine.. that was from a slashdot discussion
21:08.19rev|libour movies ar 6.75 IIRC at prime time
21:08.29MG_Takrev|lib: where the heck you live? Alaska?
21:08.35rev|libnorthern MN
21:08.43MG_Takheh :)
21:08.44heatxsink10 bucks for what movies?
21:08.48heatxsinkpay per view?
21:08.53trekeheatxsink: theaters
21:09.00rev|libisn't PPV usually like $3?
21:09.12rev|libi can't say i've ordered a PPV in a long time though, not since i lived with my parents
21:09.26rev|liband even then, it was $3 for a regular movie, but more- $6+ ? for a porno
21:09.31rev|libso perhaps that is what heatxsink is thinking
21:09.40rev|libwe did it a handful of times
21:09.50rev|libit started making sense when blockbuster started jacking prices
21:09.59rev|liband it'd cost $2-4 to rent af ucking movie
21:10.05rev|libwhy not spend $3 and not have to go there?
21:10.10rev|libyeah, netflix owns
21:10.13rev|libthat's what we use
21:10.18rev|libalthough, i doubt it was around then
21:10.25absentiausually average 6-9 movies a month now
21:10.26rev|liband i'm certainly not advocating for PPV
21:10.32absentiaalthough were were doing 3 a week when we first started.
21:10.40absentiathey don't have ... sgt york and to hell and back
21:10.47rev|libthat blows
21:11.05absentiaI'm stuck with ch!t like XXX diesel and friends, season 6
21:12.54rev|libgoiod queston
21:12.55absentiazaurus is dead
21:12.55MG_Takibot: what's zsi?
21:12.57methinks zsi is and you can search zsi right now by typing 'ibot search zsi for <searchtext>' or 'ibot show recent zsi'
21:13.05rev|libabsentia: zaurus? meaning *the* zaurus or some page
21:13.06absentiaibot: ZSIII
21:13.09absentia: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
21:13.15MG_Takibot: thanks
21:13.15de nada, MG_Tak
21:13.24absentiazsi 2
21:13.46absentiathat's been under development for what, 2 a year?
21:14.12rev|libnor do i
21:14.15rev|libdifferent colors
21:14.44absentiait's like skins....
21:15.00MG_Takit has a different URL!
21:15.02MG_Takthat's it
21:15.12absentiawhat we need is a small ring of sites that mirror and do the zsi type listing, but also allow people to upload the ipk/file to the site
21:15.17absentiatoo many dead links on zsi
21:15.21absentiaever try to find mame?
21:15.34rev|libbut i've had the same thing with other packages
21:15.38absentiapeople have been begging for ipkg-new on every board
21:15.43absentiaI finally put up a copy of my site, etc.
21:15.57absentiabut I don't have the bandwidth to host.
21:16.07absentiaother than a file or two (and my personal stuffs)
21:16.20kergothOZ could practically be a zsi of its own with its feeds
21:16.26kergothshould do a sharp compat feed
21:17.07trekesource forge would love that
21:17.21kergothyeah, we arent using enough gigage
21:17.22trekeI'm really surprised they havent kicked us yet
21:17.23rev|libsf can eat it then
21:17.39trekewe're using something like 16 times our quot
21:18.19MG_Takkergoth: donno if you can answer this because if your nda, but should I save up for some new handheld device..? :)
21:18.33trekeyes you should.
21:18.47trekea c760
21:19.01MG_Taka new handheld device from Ti.
21:19.21kergothkergoth@sc8-pr-shell1:/home/groups/o/op/openzaurus$ du -sh 2>/dev/null
21:19.21kergoth2.0G    .
21:19.21Reddogmmm.. just got home from revolutions
21:19.31trekekergoth: just keeps getting bigger
21:19.38absentiaoooh! first channel surviver!
21:20.02MG_Taknot sure why
21:20.20absentiacan't yo get it off kazaa now ?
21:20.24MG_TakCoworker said "Hey you coming tomorrow night?" I just said "okay" without thinking.
21:23.37Reddognew movies on a small screen are no good
21:23.48absentiasmall screen?
21:24.04absentiapeople round here have 60+ inch screens, they take home theatre seriously.
21:24.27Reddog60+ inch aint big enough
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21:24.41rev|libbtu then again
21:24.46rev|libif it costs $10 to see it in a theatre
21:24.51rev|libwhy not just make one up at home?
21:24.54Reddogcost me $5
21:25.38rev|libReddog: i'm talking about absentia
21:25.39absentiaguy got an "exit" sign... red velvet drapes....
21:25.39absentiapopcorn machine.
21:25.39absentiamovie posters.
21:25.39absentiathick "walk way" ropes
21:25.39rev|libwhat a NERD!
21:25.46rev|libmy uncle has a screen that drops down from the cieling
21:25.48rev|liband i thought that was cool
21:25.51rev|libguess i was wrong
21:26.14absentiaya, that's what this guy has....
21:26.21absentiamost are remote controlled, etc.
21:26.29absentiame, I just don't enjoy tv/movies that much.
21:26.37rev|libif i had an assload of money
21:26.38rev|libi'd have it
21:26.42rev|libbut otherwise, no
21:26.44kergothi'm a music guy, i need a killer audio system
21:26.50rev|libmy SO and i both love movies, not TV
21:26.51kergothribbon speakers or something
21:28.03absentiaI've lost most of my mp3s....
21:28.08absentiabut I do prefer music
21:28.45Reddogrun it in wine :P
21:29.00MG_TakToo bad I don't have windows.
21:29.16Reddogwhy do you need windows?
21:29.31MG_Takdoesn't wine need some windows partitions to run?
21:29.35MG_Takand some windows programs?
21:29.40Reddogthat's vmware
21:29.55Reddogi have wine installed, as well as vmware
21:30.05rev|libwine used to do that thuogh
21:30.12rev|libused to require a windows installation
21:30.17rev|libfor certain DLLs
21:30.21rev|libthat hadn't been reimplemented
21:30.30MG_TakReddog: not sure how you'd install iTunes through wine though
21:30.31Reddogwell.. yeah.. sometimes
21:30.40Reddogbut most of the dll's you can find online
21:30.41rev|libmaybe by having itunes installed already
21:30.43rev|libon a real PC
21:30.45rev|liband then copying it
21:31.05Reddogis there a trial version floating around by any chance?
21:31.27rev|libtrial of what?
21:31.34rev|libitunes is free
21:31.42Reddogoh.. is it?
21:31.46Reddogi don't follow itunes
21:31.47rev|libof course it is
21:32.42rev|libthough works too
21:33.45Reddogheh, kk
21:34.34rev|libanyone know of any good for-sale boards for zauruses?
21:34.51MG_Takfor-sale boards?
21:35.03MEME|workMG_Tak, i have win2k licenses i've never user
21:35.04Reddogebay :P
21:35.07rev|liba board being something like a forum; a place where one can post things.
21:35.08MEME|workun stuck stickers
21:35.16MEME|worknever been used
21:35.20rev|libfor-sale being ... well, a place that one could post an advert to sell their zaurus
21:35.23rev|libor buy a zaurus
21:36.03Reddog19.2 mb.. sheesh
21:37.20Reddogfor itunes
21:38.00MG_TakMEME|work: care to sell one? :)
21:40.09MEME|workhow much you want it for?
21:40.21MG_Takhow much you selling it for?
21:40.40MEME|workhmm $25
21:40.45MEME|workenough for a case of beer :D
21:40.51MG_Takew :)
21:41.02MG_Takyou have the certificate that goes with it? :)
21:41.13MEME|workit is the certificate
21:41.18MEME|workoem sticker
21:41.30MEME|workwas $90
21:41.42MG_Takwouldn't happen to have a CD to go with it...? :)
21:42.01MEME|workno, no CD, but i could make one
21:44.35*** join/#zaurus mutexer (
21:46.21gerrynjrrev|lib> what are you looking to sell?
21:46.46rev|liba friend with a c760 was talking about selling his c760
21:46.49rev|liband i wanted to sell my kb
21:46.56rev|libjust wondering
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22:22.41gerrynjrallo poo
22:35.42treke|laptophowdy ho
22:35.49rev|libhowdy, ho
22:36.10W8TVIhey gerrynjr
22:43.12rev|libjust doesn't feel right i bet
22:51.57pooyeah its tough walking in mr. hankey
22:52.03poo's shoes
23:00.27Reddog-[Away]hrm.. itunes is almost finished downloading :P
23:13.17*** join/#zaurus MG_Tak (
23:24.02W8TVIgerrynjr, get a ibm mircodrive and plug it in :P
23:24.13gerrynjrW8TVI> nah,.
23:24.16gerrynjrI want to use my laptop battery
23:24.23gerrynjrer.. harddrivew
23:24.55gerrynjrW8TVI> TOMORROW!!!!
23:26.13Luke-JrW8TVI: won't that drain batteries?
23:27.30Luke-Jrwho don't they make the entire bottom cover a battery? =p
23:29.04DisconnectLuke-Jr: cuz custom batteries are -expensive-. I suspect the Z batteries are mostly off-the-shelf. (but yah, a great addon for the c7x0 would be a back cover like the current 'large' one but stuffed with batteries..)
23:30.46Luke-Jr... where can you get those off the shelf??
23:31.06treke|laptopLuke-Jr: from a battery supplier?
23:31.22Luke-Jrlike who?
23:31.25Luke-JrI've never seen those
23:31.34treke|laptopLuke-Jr: whoever makes them
23:32.12DisconnectLuke-Jr: likely its a semi-standard 'shell' with custom printing and standard packs inside.
23:32.49radugaluke:jr Bob's Boffo Battery Bungalow
23:32.57radugathey make pretty much everything
23:33.21Luke-Jru serious?
23:33.30raduga(including the super-long-life batteries they put in kittens to make them hyper all the time)
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23:39.17Disconnectdrewp: one of those car adapters things?
23:39.26drewpyeah- i'll try it in the real car later today
23:39.57drewpi hope to build a nice case that holds the z, with its wifi card sticking out the top, and the fm xmitter box
23:40.32drewpcan someone give me the cmdline to set QWS=Transform:270:0 or whatever it is to display on the local qt?
23:41.20drewpoh, QWS_DISPLAY=Transformed:Rot270:0
23:57.46absentiaI'm getting, on average
23:57.54absentia2 to 3 pages loaded between each crash of opera
23:58.28W8TVIopera 6 crashes on me some times...
23:58.36W8TVIbut its mostly very stable
23:58.42absentiaya, this is 6.x
23:58.51W8TVIon my zaurus
23:59.07W8TVIif your using it on a linux box, try opera 7

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.