irclog2html for #zaurus on 20030711

00:01.53*** join/#zaurus rev (
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00:26.25VampireZIMhey pen
00:26.32Pendalaryer quick
00:26.42VampireZIMhehe, i just went to this window
00:26.51VampireZIMesp i guess
00:27.09VampireZIMi bought tkcVideo last night as well as Addressbook, tkcVideo is awesome
00:27.21VampireZIMplays my DVD rip 640X480 res
00:27.36flipLRsmoothly? and wih what codec?
00:27.36VampireZIMa little choppy on my C700, but runs smooth on C760
00:27.53VampireZIMDIVX 900k 56k Stereo
00:28.03Pendalaryou have a c760 now too?
00:28.11Pendalarwhat bank did you rob =-p
00:28.14flipLRsounds about right, since its not doing any software scaling
00:28.15VampireZIMno, someone on here tested it on his 760
00:28.22VampireZIMnow i need to upgrade!
00:28.32Pendalaryeah the 760 is much faster
00:28.40flipLRopie-mediaplayer does video fine as long as it doesn't have todo software scaling
00:28.46VampireZIMi didnt know or i would have probably gotten it first
00:29.08VampireZIMflipLR: what machine do you have?
00:29.37Pendalara friend of mine got bored and is trying to code an OS... I'm trying to push him toward a PDA OS rather than a desktop
00:29.42flipLRa 5500
00:29.46Pendalarmaybe I can push him to help OZ
00:29.51VampireZIMi read a review and email from tkc and they say it drops to 320X240, but it doesnt on my machine
00:30.04flipLRPendalar: tell him to pickup a deserted app
00:30.07VampireZIMyea, that would be cool
00:30.14VampireZIMmake a WINDOWED OS for C7xx
00:30.14flipLRi've been working on opiemedia player
00:30.45flipLRits just missing a bunch of little stuff
00:30.54Pendalarhe's wanting OS level..
00:31.08Pendalaropie-irc is missing a good bit as far as protocol completion
00:31.13flipLRheh, tell him to write an sd module :-)
00:31.24flipLRPendalar: nod, but its all easy stuff to put in, just takes time
00:32.38Pendalarif it was that easy, I'd imagine the dev would have finished it
00:32.50Pendalarunless there was just an abrubt life change or something
00:33.05flipLRthats what i'm guessing, development seemed to just stop
00:34.23Pendalarcrap bbiaf
00:34.28flipLRthat, or people just lose interst
00:34.32Pendalargot to take my son down in a storm to visit a relative
00:45.22flipLRanyone know what the tcp signature changing patch for the linux kernel is?
00:46.04*** join/#zaurus rev (
00:48.26VampireZIManyone seen a 1Gb SD card on the market?
00:48.50flipLRyeah, there's a few of em
00:49.05VampireZIMwho sells them and how much do they cost?
00:49.25flipLRSandisk, that one is $219
00:49.38VampireZIMno, SD
00:49.41VampireZIMnot CF
00:49.57flipLRsorry, wasn't paying attention
00:50.20flipLRno, i haven't seen any 1gig SD cards
00:50.37flipLRi have a 256meg in my 5500
00:50.49VampireZIMsome guy said they were selling them in a store in California for $299 after rebate
00:51.06flipLRbut sandisk does have one
00:51.11flipLRi dunno if its on the market yet
00:51.14VampireZIMyea, so does Panasonic
00:52.05VampireZIM1Gb would be nice
00:52.17flipLRThe 512MB SD card is expected to be available in the second quarter, while the 1GB SD card is expected to be available in the third quarter.
00:52.35VampireZIMyea, everyone sells the 512Mb for about $299 now
00:53.03flipLRnod, thats what i bought the 256
00:53.16VampireZIMif someone would just write drivers for that SD BlueTooth, then i could get a 1GB CF
00:53.27flipLRhrm, can't seem to get anti-aliased fonts working in mozilla on my laptop
00:53.59flipLRVampireZIM: doesn't really matter, the Zaurus doesn't support SDIO anyway
00:54.10flipLRat least the 5500 doesn't i dunno about others
00:54.11VampireZIMoh yea
00:54.22VampireZIMare you sure C7xx doesnt have SDIO?
00:54.41flipLRi'm pretty sure the 700 doesn't i dunno about the others
00:55.04VampireZIMoh well, guess i will just 256MB
00:55.29VampireZIMi wish they would release the American C760 already
00:55.50flipLRshrug, i can't afford one anyway :-)
00:56.08flipLRthe whole reason i bought a 5500 is because i got the $169 HSN deal
00:56.20VampireZIMyea, great deals on 5500
00:56.39VampireZIMi might buy one just to keep papers from flying off my desk when i turn on the AC
00:57.23VampireZIMthats my next purchase
00:57.28VampireZIMthen Siemens S55
00:59.15flipLRi'm buying a new phone next month
00:59.20flipLRjust haven't decided which one
00:59.28VampireZIMwhat are you looking for?
00:59.52flipLRcolor, java, maybe bluetooth
01:00.18flipLRa decent sized screen would be nice, but not essential, and i'd like something that works on sprint's network
01:00.32VampireZIMS55 is cool, small, color, pictuer ID, camera clip on, IR, bluetooth, SpeakerPhone, wav ring tones, voice dialing and other stuff i cant remember
01:00.43VampireZIMits GPRS
01:00.57flipLRwhere do you live?
01:00.59VampireZIMi am selling my PocketPC Phone tomorrow
01:01.08flipLRwhat provider?
01:01.52flipLRhmm, i wonder if that phone will work with sprint
01:01.54VampireZIMthey offer unlimited DATA for $19.95/mo
01:02.01flipLRi like the unlimited data included thing
01:02.02VampireZIM'it wont, Sprint is CDMA
01:02.09flipLRplus i get a discount thru work
01:02.20flipLRsprint doesn't have a GPS network yet?
01:02.25VampireZIMSprint has NO Bluetooth phone yet
01:02.35VampireZIMT608 might be released, but its uncertain, it has BT
01:02.45flipLRthat kinfa sucks
01:02.58VampireZIMmy friend has Sprint, he is bitching about it all the time
01:03.09VampireZIMthere are tons of Bluetooth phones for GPRS
01:03.26flipLRyeah, i wanna pay $50 or less a month'
01:03.37flipLRif you don't mind me asking, whats your plan?
01:03.49VampireZIManother option for data would be a GPRS CF Card, but i dont know if i could get it to work on Z withouth drivers
01:04.06VampireZIM3000mins anytime $50/mo
01:04.27VampireZIMi will be adding unlimited data when i get my new phone
01:04.49flipLRhmmm, thats without data tho, my plan would have to be $30 + data, gotta have data
01:05.07VampireZIMi dont know Sprints data plans
01:05.20VampireZIMmy friend says he pays like $99/mo for unlimited
01:05.23flipLRsprint data is included
01:05.35VampireZIMbut CMDA x1 is faster than GPRS
01:05.44VampireZIMwow, that must be a new thing, thats cool
01:05.52flipLRnah, its been like that awhil
01:05.56VampireZIMCDPD X1 is fast, like 150k
01:06.08flipLRi have a bunch of friends that use it, you see people come in here every so often on it
01:06.12VampireZIMGPRS is 56k
01:06.30VampireZIMstupid that they dont have BT though
01:06.47VampireZIMmaybe they are discouraging DATA usage
01:07.24flipLRthey probably want to make money off "data kits"
01:08.02flipLRi can probably get a discount thru work on tmobile too
01:08.05VampireZIMmmm, watching ET, they just got Pizza, looks yummy
01:08.06flipLRi just haven't checked
01:08.28*** join/#zaurus raster (~raster@
01:08.34VampireZIMdamn, i might have to order pizza now
01:08.55VampireZIMi wish i could get my Z to connect to my daughters Sony Ericsson T300 via IR
01:09.02VampireZIMit wont sync up, its pissing me off
01:09.25VampireZIMif i could make that work, i could wait on the S55 purchase
01:10.08VampireZIMi am really anxious to get my C700 on the net
01:10.48flipLRyeah, i use wifi around my place and campus
01:11.01VampireZIMyea, i dont have wifi either
01:11.09VampireZIMor i could go to the coffee shop and get on
01:31.15*** join/#zaurus djk (
01:39.40*** join/#zaurus mutexer (
01:42.26*** join/#zaurus ljp_laptop (
01:43.19*** join/#zaurus treke|wherever (~ggilbert@
01:46.50*** join/#zaurus warmi (
01:57.10*** join/#zaurus W8TVI (
02:09.59*** join/#zaurus fishhead- (
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03:27.56*** join/#zaurus tunemx (
03:28.08tunemxgood evening
03:30.53tunemxcanuck needs help
03:31.03fishhead-that's for your countries many acts of terrorism
03:31.08fishhead-like celin dion's titanic soundtrack!
03:31.17tunemxand mike myers?
03:31.27fishhead-and a ton of bad sci fi movies and series like lexx
03:31.39*** join/#zaurus Bala (
03:31.58fishhead-another one
03:32.01tunemxi installed pingizauri's vnc package
03:32.11tunemxand the Z is broke since then
03:32.16fishhead-sorry guys I don't have a sharp pda
03:32.19revfresh canadian flesh
03:32.22tunemxi am not cnuck btw
03:32.24revit's ok fishie
03:32.27tunemxi am hungarian
03:32.28fishhead-but my palm died so I am weighing my options
03:32.36tunemxliving here temp
03:32.37revwhat do you want out of a PDA?
03:32.39revwhat palm did you have?
03:32.40fishhead-staples is giving me a $250 check
03:32.47fishhead-because their extended warrenty service fouled up
03:32.57revwhat model?
03:33.01revand what did they do to it?
03:33.02fishhead-mb died
03:33.08tunemxwhen i start OpenZaurus I only get the shell
03:33.13rev$250 for such an oldie
03:33.13fishhead-they told me it was out of warrenty and I took it apart
03:33.17tunemxwhat can I do?
03:33.22fishhead-it was $300 back then with a rebate
03:33.32revfishhead-: then why would they pay you for taking it apart? :P
03:33.43fishhead-no dude they fouled up
03:33.48fishhead-they lost the records too
03:34.16fishhead-even though I am 29 my mom handled the 2nd call and apprentely convinced them :p
03:34.40*** part/#zaurus TimRiker (
03:34.50revmamma's boy
03:35.16fishhead-na dude actually I still live here
03:35.21fishhead-i was born brain damaged :/
03:35.30warmi29 years old mamma's boy
03:36.08revis your brain undamaged now?
03:36.09fishhead-yeah well I doubt I will see 30
03:36.16fishhead-yeah it's getting better
03:36.27fishhead-the bad news is my body is shutting down from all the yrs of med trials
03:36.30revand if not, what is it?
03:36.33revwait a second
03:36.38revi think he's yanking our chain
03:36.59fishhead-I wish
03:37.05fishhead-ANXIENTY ATTACKS
03:37.30tunemxand you type it with your nose?
03:37.41tunemxor your mom is typing?
03:37.51fishhead-at least I ain't a filthy canuck like you
03:38.05tunemxthen you are a filthy what
03:39.19fishhead-so are there are zarus's around $250-$300
03:39.28fishhead-I am probably going to end up getting a palm tungston T
03:39.34revi bought a SL-5500 for $180
03:39.37revthe TT is a good buy
03:39.44revor a zire 71
03:39.50fishhead-na the 71 is canucked
03:39.52fishhead-no flash rom
03:39.53revif you dig the POS, they're both very nice
03:40.03revis that a big deal on POS devices?
03:40.08fishhead-POS ?
03:40.09revthat is, do they release major upgrades via flash rom updates?
03:40.14revPOS is PalmOS
03:40.24fishhead-see palm 5 isn't native arm
03:40.26revor i guess one could say PalmOS is a POS, heh
03:40.31fishhead-it's still m68k with some arm optimizations etc
03:40.37fishhead-6 will be native arm
03:40.39revfrom what i read, POS 6 won't be either
03:40.41fishhead-so if I get a TT
03:40.45fishhead-then I can upgrade
03:41.01reva flash ROM is a must for a Linux PDA
03:41.08*** join/#zaurus flipLR (
03:41.17fishhead-bare min requirement for me for any new palm
03:41.22revbecause if yo uwant to change something little, like the way RAM is split between storage and program RAM, you have to hack your kernel, recompile, rebuild the ROM and reflash
03:41.22fishhead-is flash card support
03:41.35fishhead-no I mean cards
03:41.39fishhead-like to store docs sound etc
03:41.40revlike i said
03:42.05fishhead-I woudl also like color and sound but the flash card support is the one thing I won't budge on
03:42.35revespecially when POS units can only top out at 128 MB of RAM
03:42.40revas far as internal storage
03:42.46revthank the lawd for POS 5.2.1
03:42.55revbecause the limit is 16 MB bnefore that! :P
03:42.59revwhich is totally nuts
03:43.13revbut at the same time, POS apps really are a ton smaller than Zaurus or PocketPC apps
03:43.16fishhead-yeah that was CANUCKED
03:43.21fishhead-well you know why don't you
03:43.27fishhead-16 meg is a limit of dragonball m68k
03:43.42revbut the TT is still limited to 16 MB
03:43.49revbut only because it runs POS 5 and not 5.2.1
03:43.58revbut that doesn't matter, it's not like you were gunna solder more in :)
03:44.13fishhead-16 meg is not really a problem
03:44.22fishhead-when you can exec some apps right out of flash
03:44.29fishhead-or even if only for data
03:45.12revbut at the same time, non-app data is the same no matter where you are, pocketpc, wince, linux or POS
03:45.17fishhead-right nwo I have frakenPALM
03:45.18revmore or less that is
03:45.26fishhead-I broke my mom's IIIx
03:45.29revsome platforms would store it different, but sizes are about the same
03:45.32revthat blows
03:45.34fishhead-actually my belt clip snapped and it dropped
03:45.38revyou have frakenPALM?
03:45.38*** join/#zaurus flipppy (
03:45.47fishhead-you know like frankestein
03:45.57fishhead-it's my mom's motherboard with my case and screen and digitizefr
03:45.58revso frankenPalm
03:46.01revis it modified?
03:46.05*** part/#zaurus m_0f (
03:46.23fishhead-I managed to cram a lot of data files into 4 meg
03:46.32fishhead-plucker is pretty rought but it does work
03:46.41revit's funny
03:46.48revi just got a new Zaurus SL-C760
03:46.56revwith 128 MB flash RAM and 64 MB of regular RAM
03:47.06revand the 128 MB is almost full, and i don't really have anything on it :/
03:47.09tunemxnobody can help?
03:47.14fishhead-Zaurus SL-C760
03:47.16revtunemx: what is the problem?
03:47.17tunemxok i am a canuck but anyway
03:47.27revonly a few new apps, maybe 4
03:47.30tunemxi installed pingizauri's vnc
03:47.33revi don't know where the space went
03:47.40tunemxand them rebooted it
03:47.58tunemxbut vnc was still not wokring
03:48.02revnever used it man
03:48.03tunemxso rebooted it again
03:48.16tunemxyou may still know how to fix my problem
03:48.25tunemxso when i rebooted twice it hang totally
03:48.40tunemxeven the battery switch was not resetting the device
03:48.47tunemxso i removed the battery
03:48.50tunemxthat helped
03:48.56revdo you havea  5500?
03:48.59tunemxi booted again
03:49.03revthat is the double-reboot problem
03:49.05tunemxwith OZ 3.2
03:49.06revare you aware of it?
03:49.17tunemxnow it is booting
03:49.23tunemxbut i get only shell
03:49.30tunemxopie won't come up
03:49.33fishhead-hey rev
03:49.35revre install
03:49.36fishhead-that 5000
03:49.41fishhead-does it have sound ?
03:50.08tunemx[/root]$ /etc/init.d/opie start
03:50.09tunemxYou seem to already have a /root/Applications directory.
03:50.09tunemxAssuming it is the Opie Applications directory. Exiting.
03:50.09tunemxStarting Opie....
03:50.25revfishhead-: does the C760? yup
03:50.32fishhead-no the 5500
03:50.41revit has stereo headphones out
03:50.42revand mic in
03:50.44tunemxit says starting and then goes back to the shell
03:50.45rev(in the same jack)
03:50.56revit has just a PC-speaker-like beeper for non-headphone sound
03:50.59revit has no real internal speaker
03:51.06revtunemx: :/
03:51.08fishhead-no it does have a headphone
03:51.09revi've never used OZ myself
03:51.19revfishhead-: uh, yes it does
03:51.29revunless you're talking about something other than the Zaurus SL-5x00
03:53.08fishhead-I wonder if staples sells them
03:53.23revi think they may
03:53.30revbut not for $180 like i mentioned
03:53.49revi got mine (long since resold because it was a horrible PDA) through a deal at
03:56.39tunemxstaples and zaurus?
03:56.42tunemxforget it
03:57.25revare they just out west?
03:57.30fishhead-I am in pa
03:57.34fishhead-I dunno
03:58.05treke|whereverstaples used to sell 5500. Never seen 5600s
03:58.27fishhead-i'd like to give them the business
03:58.31revwho buys 5600s anyway? :P
03:58.40fishhead-since they are refunding a 3 yr old palm
03:58.52revwhat makes you want to go linux?
03:58.55revjust out of curiousity
03:59.15fishhead-me I don't
03:59.17revi wish the PalmOS emulators ran at a higher res than 160x260
03:59.22fishhead-I just don't want winCE
03:59.33revwhy not palm again?
03:59.40warmifishhead- what ? you don't like CE ????
03:59.41fishhead-I probably will
03:59.48fishhead-but I am weighting my options
03:59.57revit's hard to be pragmatic in these times :)
04:00.22fishhead-espically with my health and mental well being
04:00.23revas soon as i tell people i'd usually rather use CE over the other options available today, people think i'm  some sekret MS zealot spy
04:00.28revoh newton
04:00.40revwhy did you have to die and leae us with such shitty platforms?
04:00.53warmirev : you are damn MS zealot
04:00.58warmibut that's ok .. so am I
04:01.15revi've nothing else that runs windows except my WinCE PDA
04:01.22revnot anymore actually
04:01.27revi've nothing that runs any windows anymore
04:01.36revsince i sold my Axim and Jornada 720 because of the C760 i had coming
04:02.46treke|whereverdont you feel more pure now?
04:03.46warmilet's see .. I 2 linux installations and 5 windows + 2 ce
04:04.01warmiand I feel pretty pure
04:04.30revi'll feel a lot more pure when i purge QPE/Linux bullshit and just have Squeak running on the Linux kernel
04:04.42revbut i'd feel totally pure when it was just Squeak/Dynapad on the bare hardware, no kernel even
04:04.45fishhead-staples wants $500
04:04.58warmirev and you and your lisp perversions ;-)
04:05.08revfishhead-:  for the 5500 or the 5600? prolly still the MSRP
04:05.12revbut the first step would be to have Dynapad as an OZ distro
04:05.16revwarmi: nah, Smalltalk
04:05.24warmiah right .. never mind :-)
04:05.29revif smalltalk had a parent, lisp is pretty close
04:05.30warmiI can't even get that right today
04:05.31revi mean
04:05.32*** join/#zaurus cyn (
04:05.51warmiI actually read some of your posts on /.
04:05.52revit's nto a direct parent, but smalltalk is a child of lisp's ideas much more than it is of BCPL or Algol
04:05.59revi hope i don't sound to insane
04:06.04revi try to keep practical
04:06.05warmiI think that was part of yopy review thread or something like that
04:06.14revbecause i doin't expect everyone to love smalltalk, i say to each her own
04:06.25revi get easily set off about PDA stuff
04:06.29warmiactually it was pretty interesting .. I don't agree with some of your observations but it was interesting to read
04:06.38revdo you know what post iot was about?
04:07.02warmiyou had couple ... you are the guy that signs his every post with link to Dynapad right ?
04:07.23revi hate when people seem to think that linux pdas are the only PDAs where you can run VNC and Apache :)
04:07.25revwarmi: yeah, it's my .sig
04:07.27warmifishhead- : thats frigging insane
04:08.11revbig time
04:08.19revdid they give you in store credit or real money?
04:08.53warmiactually  I really liked your post defending CE :-)
04:09.07warmiI wasn't lying when I said I was MS zealot
04:10.02revsee, i wasn't lying when i said i wasn't
04:10.03warmiI was actually suprised myself to learn that one can run stuff like Apache, SSH, X11 on CE
04:10.10revoh yeah
04:10.37revi used that J720 like a regular computer, more or less giving my gf my ibook :)
04:10.51revbut there's no tehcnical reason that you couldn't do all that stuff on CE
04:10.57revi mean, it's a real OS
04:11.14warmiah ... stupid me .. I thought you were talking aboit Pocket PC .. yeah the proper Windows CE is more like a real thing
04:11.24revand with a little compat library most stuff is pretty easily ported
04:11.31revrainer kuchel's (sp?) celib
04:11.44revi was talking about WinCE and by extension PocketPC
04:11.55warmiyeah, I have seen that site .. this guy ported just about everything
04:12.03warmiyou right .. I forgot about it completely
04:12.14revi've done almost all of that stuff on a PocketPC (iPAQ 3150) before I did on the vanilla WinCE or Handheld PC 2000 Jornada 720
04:12.32revPPC 2k and 2002 is just WinCE 3.0 with a couple extra libraries
04:12.45warmion the other hand if you want to run this stuff then Linux based laptop is obviously much better choice ... just like Linux ( or Unix) is much better choice to run Apache etc
04:12.54warmithese things were written with Unix in mind
04:12.57revand some mods to make the window management like it is in PPC instead of how it's done on a desktop win95-ish machine
04:13.14revnot neccesarily
04:13.22revallow me to explain
04:13.32revif you wanted to run Apache as a production server on a PDA, i'd say do it on Linux, yeah
04:13.34warmiWindows can be just as efficient ( or even more) but things over there are done differently and consequently streight ports like older Apache port aren't as efficient as Win32 native stuff
04:13.41revbut you'd have to be insane for that!
04:13.49revmost people want php/apache/etc on their PDA for testing
04:13.50revor playing around
04:14.07revand for that, CE and Linux both do a good job
04:14.09revfishhead-: night!
04:14.12warmiwell, I mean in general .. stuff written for unix/Linux runs best .. surprise ., on Linux :-)
04:14.17warmifishhead- night
04:14.23revbut the difference isn't that large
04:14.46revbut then again, that software was also written for Linux desktop/servers/etc
04:14.48warmiwell, for example forking on Win32 is a hack  .. shouldn't be really used ..
04:14.51revnot embedded devices like PDAs
04:14.56warmiWin32 is much more efficient with threading etc
04:15.00revand i actually found a lot more Unix software that was well adapted to running on a CE PDA than I did for the Z
04:15.15revit's really easy to do a port of any ol console linux package to the Z
04:15.22warmiyeah , well .. CE been longer around .. not to mention it has a much bigger user base
04:15.26revbut, how useful is that?
04:15.45revbut for me, that factors into it
04:15.47warmiyou planning to get a CE device any time soon ?
04:15.55revi just sold my 2 CE devices
04:16.02revi really wanted this puppy:
04:16.20revand i would've tried to get it instead of the C760
04:16.30warmihow much ?
04:16.34*** join/#zaurus nerdboy (
04:16.43revbut... its CPU is an XScale PXA250 instead of a PXA255 like in the C760 :(
04:16.47revit's a whopping $1200!
04:16.49revwhich is SICK
04:16.52warmiuh .. fuck that
04:16.54revmeaning i never would've got it
04:16.58rev(i got the C760 for free)
04:17.04revyeah, but that thing is about the perfect pda for me
04:17.05warmibut it has Wi-fi
04:17.09revas close as i've seen for a while
04:17.14warmic760 for free ?
04:17.14revand it has a 800x480 screen
04:17.22warmiyou mean for the price of two CEs you sold right ?
04:17.23_Psychowi-fi AND bluetooth
04:17.28revand the device itself is a bit larger- i don't like the small things
04:17.31revi mean
04:17.39revmy PDA pretty much replaces my laptop and desktop
04:17.52warmiuh .. I don't think I know of any PDA that could that for me
04:18.00revand i really liked the physical size of Newton screen
04:18.11revalthough the bulk framing is very large
04:18.14warmisorry, couple more generations .. then will talk about replacing my laptop :-)
04:18.31revi'm definately an exception, an anamoly
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04:18.40revi've a fetish perhaps
04:18.45warmithe biggest problem is input
04:18.56revand that's the biggest problemn i've had with linux so far
04:19.06revbecause i've not found any good means of input
04:19.12warmiI generally use my laptop for coding and for that nothing ( so far) beats good old full-sized keyboard
04:19.24revon the Newton or on a WinCE PDA, I can get 45-50 WPM entering text with real handwriting recognition
04:19.37revnot crappy character recog as found on the Z or w/ palm's graffiti
04:19.48ljp_laptopI do all my coding on the zaurus
04:19.49warmiMS recognition is workable but just doesn't come close to having access to a keyboard
04:19.55revon the J720, i was able to type a good 50-60 WPM
04:20.01revbut then again, it has a real keyboard
04:20.03revalthough it's tiny
04:20.06warmifor stuff like notes etc it is great but no way it could replace my main laptop
04:20.10rever not tiny, but 75% of full screen
04:20.20rev75% of full size
04:20.36revsome photos i took of mine for the ebay sale
04:20.37warmirev: you don't core on your PDAs do you ?
04:20.50revtreke|wherever: to me, a thumboard is tiny
04:20.53revwarmi: do you mean code?
04:20.55revor core dump?
04:20.57revbut if you mean code, yes
04:21.03warmicode ;-)
04:21.05revthat is why i'm so keen on having a faster PXA255
04:21.06warmiof course
04:21.11warmireally ??
04:21.13revi do almost all of my coding on my PDA
04:21.18revbelieve it or not
04:21.24revthat's one of the main reason i got into PDAs in the first place
04:21.32revand why i chose the Newton back then
04:21.41revi wanted a computer that was veryl ow power, yet performed decent enough
04:21.47warmiman .. coding is painfull enough on 1280x1024 ( my reg res ) , then sometimes I have to do it on the road with 1024x768 but anything below that would be uh ..
04:21.59revand on which you could write applications without the use of a desktop for any part of the workflow
04:22.25warmion the other hand if I think about it .. back in 80s I used to by happy with 320x200 screens offered by things like C-64 or Atari :-)
04:22.31revi've two 17" monitors at work each running at 1280x1024, at both jobs i've a setup like that
04:22.35revbut i don't code there
04:22.47revif not on my pda, i code on my 1024x768 ibook
04:22.52revi'm used to it
04:23.22warmithat jornada doesn't look too bad
04:23.53revand i have keyboard shortcuts for switching easily
04:23.53revi also program in smalltalk
04:23.53revand the class browser helps
04:23.53revthat is, i'm not just editing one huge .c file
04:23.53revthe browser seperates the methods for me
04:23.53revand in smalltalk, methods are typically pretty short- the average length is probably 5-10 lines
04:23.58warmiactually the keyboard looks like a real deal :-)
04:24.10revit's a nice machine
04:24.19warmirev:  how fast is smalltalk ..
04:24.22warmiI know nothing about it
04:24.27warmiis this interpreted stuff ?
04:24.54revi would've kept it as my main machine if not for one main thing: a faster processor... having a reflective screen was somewhat important to me too. although, the C760 doesn't have that either I have just found out. :( (but it's more readable outdoors)
04:25.06revas with anything, the speed of the language depends on how you implement your programs
04:25.14revsmalltalk is similar to java in execution speed
04:25.22revhowever, doni't associate the speed of Swing with it :P
04:25.26revsmalltalk is compiled
04:25.28revto bytecode
04:25.34revand the bytecode is JITed
04:26.09reva lot of things are a as fast or faster in Smalltalk on my C760 than they are in Qtopia
04:26.17revlaunching an app for one
04:26.37revother things are slowe,r naturally
04:26.40revgive and take
04:26.47warmiwell, as you said .. there are well written apps and there are these that weren't written so well
04:26.57revfor me it's worth it, considering the power over my environment i get with smalltalk
04:27.38warmiwhat kind of GUI you are using
04:27.45warmiframebuffer ? or are you running X ?
04:28.10revthe GUI i use for Dynapad is the default GUI toolkit that Squeak uses- it's called Morphic
04:28.38revi run Dynapad/Squeak (squeak is - it's a smalltalk implementation) on top of X11, Qtopia and the framebuffer
04:28.47revright now, i've mostly been running it on top of Qtopia
04:29.06revbecause i just got this C760 and i'm playing with both Smalltalk and Qtopia a lot
04:29.20revthat's and older and ugly screenshot
04:29.27revi'll show you what my desktop looks like, just a sec
04:29.36warmiyeah , looks kind of like old style X desktop
04:29.42revbut you see that "halo" of buttons around that mouse image?
04:30.19revone of the cool things about Morphic is that you can directly manipulate/interact with GUI objects
04:30.44revfor example
04:31.01revlet's say i have the menu in some app i'm using
04:31.13revand i want to do something from this menu a lot
04:32.21revi can just rip out the single menu item and place ito n my desktop
04:32.21revand click it
04:32.21revrather than go through the menu
04:32.21revi could also just make the menu sticky
04:32.21revbut meh
04:32.21revthat wasn't the best example...
04:32.27warmithis is sort of like having image selected in a program like photoshop ?  ( I am talking about this mouse squeak logo )
04:32.38revnot quite
04:33.01revin this case, the squeak logo itself is actually a raster image, yes
04:33.11reveach of those buttons has an action
04:33.22revand you can bring that "halo" up on *any* gui object you see on the screen
04:33.32warmiyeah, makes sense
04:33.34revfrom a bitmap like that, to a button, menu item or text box
04:34.01warmion the other hand I don't see how is that different than say having bunch of default "Action" buttons on top of your Window Manager window frame ?
04:34.17*** join/#zaurus W8TVI (
04:35.31warmiof course X is not a best example since the whole concepf of WM was badly implemented ( WMs and Apps don't have enough way to influence/query each other - )
04:35.32revgoing clockwise: the pink X deletes/closes the GUI object, the red button brings up a menu of options for it, the black button picks it up and moves it, the brown moves in place, the green makes a duplicate, ... the purple changes color, the yello resizes, the question mark gets help, the blue rotates, the little aqua eye allows you to attach scripts to events
04:35.42rev(like, double click on this gui object does this or that, etc"
04:36.06revit's different because you can do this interaction with any GUI object
04:36.09oGMoapplications suck anyway
04:36.17revoGMo: yeah
04:36.23oGMotalk about the best of 60s technology ;P ;)
04:36.37revi can't tell if you're mocking me or serious
04:36.41oGMoconsider we're still programming identically to the way they did 40 years ago
04:36.48revwe pretty much are
04:36.53revrather, most folks are
04:37.04oGMorev: actually i was just tangentially addressing warmi's window manager comments
04:37.07warmiwell, consider we are still driving almost identically to the way they did 40 or even 80 years ago
04:37.13oGMoright, because actually i'm not :)
04:37.16warmisome things simply make sense: -)
04:37.18revdynapad is an attempt to at least try to bring my personal computing environment forward to the mid 80s at least :)
04:37.20oGMoand i assume a few others aren't either
04:37.30oGMowarmi: yes, and this isn't one of them
04:38.01warmiwell, I won't dispute that
04:38.09revsome things just do continue to make sense, yes
04:38.15oGMoah, squeak
04:38.22revbut that argument is more often just used as a cop out for non-evolution or non-innovation
04:38.33oGMoi have a few things against squeak
04:38.39oGMobut yeah
04:38.45oGMorev: exactly
04:38.57revsqueak ain't perfect
04:39.00warmiwell, to tell you the truth Smalltalk sounds to me like C++ done really well and without all that C baggage
04:39.08radsaqgee I love when opera causes qtopia to get OOM killed
04:39.08revbut it's the best thing i've got for me at this moment
04:39.22revwell, Smalltalk is the first "fully" object oriented language
04:39.30revalthough Simula is where the ideas were really invented and implemented
04:39.30oGMosmalltalk is nifty
04:39.50rev(an example of an ugly, but not as so damn ugly Squeak app of mine)
04:39.56oGMorev, my main objection is that it's tied to a language
04:40.07revoGMo: i'm keeping my eyes on Slate-
04:40.18oGMomeh, another language ;)
04:40.22revoGMo: that what is? squeak, or morphic?
04:40.29revslate will be, like smalltalk, more than a language
04:40.30oGMoalso, i don't like prototyping OOP
04:40.38oGMorev: squeak and slate
04:40.47warmirev ugliness doesn't matter cause it is just a matter of badly ordered pixels ... this can be fixee relatively easy
04:40.59oGMoprototyping is actually far less flexible and useful than class-based OOP
04:41.04W8TVIIs there a package that I can download so I can use opie programs on qt/sharp rom?
04:41.06revyou can load IceWM themes into squeak, i'm trying to find a screenie i took
04:41.22revoGMo: i personally apperciate a combo of it, even if optional
04:41.33warmiW8TVI : used to be that all you needed was opilib .. but I am not sure how it is these days
04:41.41warmiopielib even
04:41.41oGMoon a practical note, i wish squeak weren't an image-dumping deal
04:41.48revthere we go
04:41.54revwarmi: check that out
04:41.56reva little less ugly
04:42.07oGMorev: openlook theme! ;)
04:42.10revthat's what my Zaurus looks like, although fewer pixels
04:42.15oGMoi actually _liked_ openlook ;P
04:42.18revwell, that theme is bluecurve actually
04:42.20warmiah .. smalltalk uses "natural language" ...
04:42.23revbut i have an openlook theme installed heh
04:42.26oGMorev: whoa, you have squeak on the Z?!
04:42.26revwarmi: not really
04:42.30warmiuh .. I am not a big fan of this .. not since I tried Cobol :-)
04:42.35oGMowarmi: no it doesn't
04:42.36revit's not like that
04:42.45oGMowarmi: it just looks somewhat natural sometimes
04:42.52revoGMo: yeah, that is the only reason i have the Z! for dynapad, my PDA platform written in squeak
04:43.07oGMoit's "object method param1: val param2: val" or similar
04:43.25revsmalltalk is like "natural language" in that it follows the syntax: "subject verb" or "subject verb: object"
04:43.29oGMorev: website to Z port and details? :)
04:43.33revit's not like intercal or cobol
04:43.53oGMo10 COME FROM 20
04:43.57warmiah ok
04:44.04revoGMo: dynapad has an old release at
04:44.15revPLEASE DO THIS MR COMPUTER : !@#A + 23
04:44.30revoGMo: squeak actually runs *really* nicely on the C760
04:44.42W8TVIWhat is squeak?
04:44.46oGMorev: unf... i wouldn't mind having a C760 with squeak on it
04:44.52oGMoit'd make the _ultimate_ pda
04:44.54warmiwell, my problem with Cobol was that this "naturalisation" of language didn'r really make anything easier butr resulted in extremely long and wordy code
04:44.55revit is incredible
04:45.19oGMopeople who can't code lose out on so much
04:45.27revoGMo: that's my purpose with dynapad- to provide a totally extensible, dynamic user environment... object DB for data storage, no apps as such
04:45.37revfor example
04:45.40oGModynapad isn't the same as the Dynapad, right?
04:45.53oGMooh, *reads wiki*
04:45.56revdo you mean the toshiba laptop?
04:46.01revor Dynabook?
04:46.12revDynapad is my play on words on Alan Kay's Dynabook idea/goal
04:46.13oGMoer dynabook
04:46.24oGMogot it confused i guess
04:47.04W8TVISome one needs to port beowulf to run on the Z
04:47.14W8TVI100 C760's :)
04:47.30rev^^ good general information on handheld Squeak VMs
04:47.44rev^^ specific to the Z
04:49.17revi'll be doing a review on the C760 actually
04:49.21warmiman I am so used to C/C++ way of doing things ( a C++ bigot)  everything  else seems so weird
04:49.38oGMoC++ sucks, really
04:49.40revand i'll take a photo of it running squeak without any enlargement... everything is so tiny, yet very readable
04:49.43oGMoQt is just unusually nice
04:49.44flipppyheh. i was like that
04:49.47revyeah, c++ is nas-tie
04:50.08warmiI asume that patternCollection := #('*ColorSpuit*').      :=  is to avoid confusion with comparison sign ?
04:50.17oGMo(C++ sucks for reasons most people who say C++ sucks don't understand)
04:50.31revoGMo: what would those reason be? :P
04:50.41revwarmi: yes
04:50.46oGMorev, the fact it's a static language, #1
04:50.56oGMoin fact, i think everything else stems from that :)
04:50.58flipppyshrug, i use it because its the best tool for a lot of jobs
04:50.58revand possibly because of pascal and those early languages
04:51.06revin smalltalk = tests for identity and == tests for equivalence
04:51.23revthat is = returns true if the two objects are the *same*
04:51.33oGMoi thought smalltalk originally used <- (one character arrow) for assignment
04:51.36revin smalltalk, everything is an object, including numbers
04:51.40revoGMo: yeah, it did
04:51.48revand in squeak you can use _
04:51.50warmiyeah, = is like Java's = and == is like java's .equal
04:51.51oGMobut := because people don't have that on their keyboard
04:51.54revand in the default font it prints that <- arrow
04:51.55oGMoalong with an up-arrow for returns
04:52.00oGMorev: cute
04:52.01rever yup
04:52.06revone uses ^ for that
04:52.11revbut it just shows ^ in squeak
04:52.15revrather than the up arrow
04:52.15W8TVII like my Sl-5500, but I want a C7601
04:52.23revwarmi: yup
04:52.27revoGMo: how'd you like it?
04:52.27W8TVII like my Sl-5500, but I want a C760!
04:52.37revi've played with GST some, but it was such a pain to get any modules working
04:52.39warmioGMo: C++ staticness allows for some nifty optimizations
04:52.42ShtoinkW8TVI: I hear ya
04:52.51oGMowarmi: eh
04:52.57revbut that was 3 years ago, it's gotten a lot better since... i had writen some DB2 bindings for it while interning ;)
04:52.58flipppyyeah, i'd like a 760
04:53.03flipppybut they're alittle pricey
04:53.07oGMowarmi: nothing you can't do with a properly-hinted dynamic language
04:53.08revjust a little!
04:53.09oGMo(read: lisp ;)
04:53.36revoGMo: eh, ruby hasn't provided me with anything real special, so while i know it ok, i've not turned to it for any projects
04:53.38oGMorev: i like it a lot, but i like ruby because it's a bit more modern (and less buggy... at the time, gst was quite buggy)
04:53.43warmioGMO: I am sure but  , for the most part, C++ gets the job done
04:53.56revthat is, while i typically download squeak in a big-ass image, it's not just that way anymore
04:53.58W8TVIAny of the Zaurii are dam* cool...
04:53.59oGMoruby actually has some nice things that are fairly special for modern languages
04:54.09oGMowarmi: not really
04:54.11revoGMo: like what? (besides the obvious)
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04:54.14W8TVIMuch cooler than a palm
04:54.21revW8TVI: not always...
04:54.22oGMowarmi: not when you go beyond 60s-style programming methodologies
04:54.27warmiW8TVI : well, but it is expensive like hell
04:54.42revand lacking a lot of software
04:54.45revcompared to PalmOS devices
04:55.08reva couple things to note- 1) dynapad can put apps and stuff in the object DB
04:55.09oGMorev: extreme dynamicism, the ability to "reopen" and modify classes after the fact, treating everything as an object, blocks, continuations, and a really really simple C API
04:55.17revthe core image is 4 MB and you load other stuff
04:55.25warmiwell, one can afford to go beyond true and tested in academic enviroment but people have to deal with real deadlines and real projects .. ;-)
04:55.31revoGMo: oh, i thought it would be stuff maybe Smalltalk didn't have- always looking for fun stuff like that :D
04:55.33W8TVII replaced all the palm programs that I USE with ones for the Z
04:55.46revand 2) there has been tons of module work for the base squeak system in the last year
04:55.51oGMothe things it really lacks are #1 macros (lisp-style, of course) and #2 a VM/full compiler
04:56.08revpeople have Squeak images as small as 99 K now
04:56.11revwhich then load everything else
04:56.13revwhich isn't bad at all
04:56.21revit's definately not your typical monolithic image
04:56.34oGMorev: nah... what ruby does well is learning from smalltalk/lisp and implementing it in a modern and accessible fashion
04:56.44oGMorev: nice
04:57.04revoGMo: accessible to unix programmers... lisp and smalltalk are very accessible and modern (imho), but they're not what most unix programmers expect
04:57.05oGMoalso ruby isn't threadsafe, which pisses me off from time to time
04:57.14oGMorev: well
04:57.17revoGMo: yeah, there is some crazy stuff going on these days
04:57.35revyou don't use squeak like you would a stereotypically unix scripting language
04:57.37oGMolisp is less accessible than smalltalk, mostly because most free implementations require one to be somewhat of a wizard to compile
04:57.40revGST is a lot closer though
04:57.46oGMorev: yeah
04:57.49oGMowhich is why i liked gst
04:58.04revfor me, i prefer squeak- but i use squeak *as my desktop*
04:58.14revi guess i'm akin to those hardcore Emacs users
04:58.28oGMoi want mephle (a ruby project of mine) to be my desktop
04:58.36oGMorev: hehe
04:58.48oGMothe thing is people fail to see extreme extensibility as a good thing for some reason
04:58.56revi mean, there are a lot of the core apps i need written in Squeak- IRC client, very basic web browser, a very good Vt100 terminal, email client, all the dev tools i need
04:59.02revoGMo: got a url for mephle?
04:59.16oGMorev: haven't formally released it yet ;/
04:59.23revdoes it do much yet?
04:59.28oGMoyes ;)
04:59.31revif you ever need someone to play, let me know... :)
04:59.50revthe only thing i really need OS X/Linux/Windows for is a decent web browser
04:59.57oGMoit's basically a transparently-persistant transparently-networked interface-independent framework for ruby
05:00.15revand i have means to deal with that
05:00.20revhook me up
05:00.30revi'll promise non-sharage and stealing
05:00.49revthat is, on my iBook under OS X, i use applescript to have squeak and OS X communicate
05:00.58oGMolike, i can grab an object on server 1 and another on server 2, and call a method on server 3 with them as parameters, and there's _no_ special code
05:01.10oGMo(actually that's not true, i don't have connection code yet, but that's all i need)
05:01.25oGMo(server cross-connection code that is)
05:01.52oGMorev: well, it's there, but there's no documentation and it's mostly focused on the html/cgi interface at the moment
05:01.57oGMoyou'd be best to wait for 1.0
05:02.04revfair enough
05:02.07oGMoit's GPL so you can't steal much ;)
05:02.24oGMoor, conversely, you can steal as much as you like
05:02.32revwhen i click a URL in the squeak email client, it will open up the page in Safari, IE (on Windows), Mozilla, Links, or Scamper (the simple built-in Squeak browser) depending on the platform and settings
05:02.36revi could steal your glory
05:02.43revand try to take credit
05:02.50revi typically run squeak full screen
05:03.14W8TVIIf its GPL its not really stealing
05:03.18revand then i've a menu, like the OS 9 app menu in the upper right hand of the screen, where i've listed all of my squeak windows as well as external OS X apps
05:03.39oGMomaybe, i have various legal documents and witnesses that would testify I own the rights to it, and i'll be registering a trademark and copyrights soon ;)
05:03.49oGMo(it'll remain gpl though)
05:04.15oGMoW8TVI: exactly ;)
05:04.27revi use some DO stuff like  that in Dynapad
05:04.49revthanks to powerful objects and a decent DO framework, i've basically killed the market for hotsync conduits, etc
05:04.55revnothing special for syncing data
05:04.59revit's all a db man
05:05.11revi suppose if you wanted to import into outlook tho
05:05.12oGModata is so passe ;)
05:05.24W8TVII made a shell script for kismet on my Z
05:05.32revoGMo: :)
05:05.36oGMooutlook can suck it, i'd just have the scheduling system on both my workstation and my PDA
05:05.44revthat's what i do
05:05.50oGMowith Mephle i can just access the event objects remotely
05:05.50revi just run Dynapad on my PDA and my desktop
05:05.55revand have them keep their databases in sync
05:06.00revi don't use mephine, but same idea
05:06.05oGMothat's how things _should_ be done
05:06.21revon the PDA side or workstation side, you can have it set to only sync items which match certain criterea
05:06.25W8TVIIt starts the card, sets monitor mode, and starts kismet. then after you quit kismet it shuts the card down
05:06.30revfor most folks, the critereon would be category
05:06.42revthat is, only sync my Work calendar dates with my work computer
05:06.46revdon't put my personal stuff on there
05:06.56revbut much more powerful filtering is possible
05:06.59revall in the same system
05:07.00oGMopersonally i'd rather just plug my PDA in and access the objects on it directly, having it become a part of my desktop system
05:07.09oGMoi'm not sure i like syncing at all
05:07.13revi agree
05:07.19revagain, you can do that with dynapad too
05:07.28revthat is, just have it to the DO calls right to the PDA
05:07.33revthanks to USBnet on the Z :)
05:07.35oGMoor, when we get ubiquitous wireless broadband, my PDA can just access my server ;)
05:07.39revor wifi/ethernet etc
05:07.40W8TVIHow does that script look to you guys
05:07.41oGMorev: yep
05:08.03revsomething i demo occasionally is to only sync Addressbook entries where the person lives in Minneapolis, MN
05:08.22revyou can filter by categories, etc... or you can just pass it a block and battabing, have all the power you want
05:09.43revit's slick
05:09.55revwith dynapad, one typically doesn't use seperate addressbook/calendar/todo  apps
05:10.18revwhile it's possible and i have "apps" that behave that way too, for people which prefer it
05:10.23revbut you just browse the database
05:10.41revand the model objects know how they should be presented, be it for edit or view
05:11.08oGMohehe cool
05:11.08revyou can view many types of data, copy and paste, move, etc without having to switch apps or do a cranial context-switch
05:11.17oGMoi should check out dynapad
05:11.28revwell, the release on the website doesn't do much of this stuff
05:11.31revit's literally a year old
05:11.34oGMooh hrm
05:11.38oGMoupdate! ;)
05:11.40revbut end of summer will be a big honkin release
05:11.44oGMoyou should make a 5500 rom too
05:11.57revit's all cross-platform, naturally! :)
05:12.05oGMonaturally. ;)
05:12.05revbut yeah
05:12.13revi'm going to get an OZ "distro" made
05:12.19revi've talked to kergoth a little about it
05:12.26revhave a ROM all set up
05:12.50oGMothat'd rock
05:13.00revhave a really bare bones linux in ROM (most userland gone), Squeak VM and then the base image (around 4 MB)
05:13.09revthen put the object DB into non-ROM storage
05:13.10oGMothat'd _rock_ ;)
05:13.21oGMocan you have more than one DB?
05:13.45revi know, i can't wait until this new release... when i finally pull together all the disparate stuff i've been doing
05:13.51revyes, but right now it's not that exciting
05:13.57revthat is
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05:14.09revthe DB just lives within a bunch of folders
05:14.09W8TVIIt seems to me that you should be able to hack something on the sharp rom to make the internal flash R/W like OZ
05:14.28revon a fat or ext formatted card/space
05:14.44oGMorev: well
05:14.44revyou can have multiple DBs, switching between them... but when you're in one, you can't get to info from the other
05:14.53oGMorev: you need to be able to plug in a CF/SD card for more ;)
05:14.55revalthough that wouldn't be hard to do, but it'd be a bit weird at times
05:14.57oGMothat's the only thing
05:14.59revoGMo: naturally
05:15.26revyou mean for that sort of situation
05:15.33revi thought you meant for having like multiple users
05:15.38revwhich is doable too
05:15.56revone great idea i stole from the newton is what were called "union soups" in NewtonOS lingo
05:16.09revsoups being object datastores
05:16.23W8TVII noticed in the shutdown app that there is a button that says "Terminate Qtopia"
05:16.39W8TVIDoes that give you a full screen CLI?
05:16.40revbut you can open a union db asking for all objects of this type, etc and itl'l give you data from all dbs, seamlessly
05:17.08W8TVIThe real linux command line?
05:17.12revand those DBs could be, for example: internal, CF, SD, TCP/IP shared...
05:17.14revW8TVI: yes
05:17.22revalthough there is a Terminal app for that too
05:17.26revthat you can run in QPE itsel;f
05:17.54W8TVII have it, but I want to be able to get to the Cli without the gui too
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05:18.11W8TVIWhats the command for restarting Qt?
05:18.34W8TVIAnd does typeing reboot work on the Z?
05:18.46revyou reboot
05:18.48revi think so
05:18.52revyou can just flip the switch
05:18.56revthe batt swtich
05:19.27W8TVII want to try to run zismet from the read CLI
05:20.15revdo you have a 5500?
05:20.22revyou can do it on boot too
05:20.31revlike when it's at the Wait... part of the text boot
05:20.34W8TVIWith the sharp 3.10 rom
05:20.34revdo you know what i'm talking about?
05:20.41revand you hit... 'a' i tihnk?
05:20.50revand it'll give you a localhost login:
05:21.11revi have no 5500 anymore and haven't for a month, so i can't remember what the heck to do
05:21.14W8TVINo password?
05:21.16revbut i thik that's it
05:21.25revon the 2.38 ROM, the login was root w/ no password
05:21.28revno sure if 3.10 is different
05:21.45ShtoinkI installed the sharp 3.1 rom and was very disappointed
05:21.46W8TVINot "a"
05:21.56ShtoinkI really prefer oz the the sharp roms
05:23.22W8TVIGo into console mode
05:23.23W8TVIWhen the Zaurus first boots up, before the 'Zaurus' logo appears, there is a text screen containing boot-up messages. At one point, it says "Wait...". If you push the key, and then select the "a" option, you'll be given a log-in prompt.
05:23.26revanyone willing to rip the opera 6 ipk for me?
05:23.32revthat was for the 2.38 ROM though
05:23.36revthings may have changed
05:23.48VampireZIMhey rev
05:23.56W8TVIIf you push the key = If you push the / key
05:23.58ShtoinkI have on my CF card...
05:24.04revVampireZIM: hey man!
05:24.10VampireZIMhow are you?
05:24.17revnot too shabby... you?
05:24.24revjust chilling with my sister, she's playing ocarina
05:24.25VampireZIMjust woke up from a nap, blah
05:24.29W8TVIIt works on the 3.1 rom
05:24.32revshe's visiting me for the weekend ;)
05:24.42VampireZIMcool, ocarina?
05:24.51Shtoinkrev: you can grab it out of the apps pack from the tkc rom section
05:24.55revocarina of time
05:24.56W8TVIRoot login no pass
05:25.22VampireZIMhey, i will give you my C700 and $300 for your C760
05:25.25revprollythe best game ever
05:25.32W8TVIThis is alot easyer to read
05:25.36revsure thing man :P
05:25.49VampireZIMwant my address?
05:26.46revbut first i gotta receve my $300
05:27.04W8TVIYes! kismet works on console mode
05:27.04revand then as a gesture of good will i'll send you the C760
05:27.10revand when you get it, you send me the c700
05:33.46W8TVIWhat is cramfs?
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05:35.37sonyis there any websites that takes international orders for c760?
05:35.55revfor where?
05:36.12revmaybe one ofthe korean or jp suppliers?
05:36.17revdo you need it in english?
05:36.21W8TVIDang... no way to make the cramfs mount rw
05:36.36revso, japanese would be fine?
05:36.36sonyi check with the japanese websites, they need a japanese address
05:36.52revwhat abou the ...
05:36.53revjust a sec
05:39.42revnot sure if you coudl orde from there, but seems like there'd be an ok chance
05:40.21sonysigh..only c700
05:40.37revreally? :(
05:40.38revemail them
05:40.49revthey sell the 50 and 60 too
05:40.53sonysingapore is worse... dun even have c700
05:41.31sonyok..thanks for the help
05:41.34sonyyou from hk?
05:41.40revi'm from the states
05:41.53sonymetal? new casing?
05:41.57sonyi see..
05:42.22revthe stylus with the C700 is metal instead of all plastic
05:42.26revwell, it's part metal and part plastic
05:42.31revbut the c760 is all plastic
05:42.34revscrew that
05:42.58revyou think they could afford that little bit of class with a n $800 pda! :P
05:42.59cynsame size rev?
05:43.24cynthat's import + knockup
05:43.35cynhaha markup i mean
05:46.04*** join/#zaurus W8TVI- (
05:46.14rev$600-650 new in JP
05:46.14sonybetter to get someone to buy it from japan and mail it to you
05:46.32revthen you'd be without the nice localization
05:46.40revthere are other places which do the import localziation too
05:46.43revfor a little cheaper
05:46.47rev$800 is from dynamism is $729
05:46.57sonyno prob..
05:47.53revi got my C760 via a donation anyway
05:48.14W8TVI-How did you do that/
05:48.32revi'm working on a new PDA platform
05:48.34revcalled Dynapad
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05:49.06revre oGMo_
05:49.35cynrev i got my c700 straight from japan and manually localized in < 10 mins
05:49.54cynheh ascii movies
05:50.42revy'all are prolly windoze and linux users, so you may have missed out
05:50.58revsomeone wrote a quicktime plugin for rendering into ASCII in a terminal
05:51.10revand you can watch/view *any* QT format in ASCII
05:51.28revincluding Flash, QT .mov, avi, mpeg, etc etc
05:51.30revit's a lot of fun
05:51.47revgreat to watch to the star wars gangsta rap swf
05:51.49revin a huge terminal
05:51.52revtiny font, full screen
05:52.11revit'll take up as much space col x lines as you give it
05:53.28cynprolly heavier overhead tho
05:53.42revnot that bad actually
05:53.43revi mean
05:53.44VampireZIMwhat are the benefits of running Dynapad?
05:53.45cyncan't really see how it could be less
05:53.48W8TVI-I told my pda to shut down and its froze with both lights on
05:53.56revW8TVI-: well
05:54.01revW8TVI-: that's normal for a 5500
05:54.09revsounds like the dual reboot problem
05:54.11W8TVI-Reboot that is
05:54.22revif you do two reboots but without a suspend in between it'll do that
05:54.33revboth lights go on, the screen often looks fucked up, and you loose everything in your RAM
05:54.39revhope you got a back up
05:54.47cynwow that's uber weak
05:54.48W8TVI-I did just do a backup
05:55.05cynbut, just another reason to use oz or another alternative
05:55.08revthat is why they ship flash + ram instead of just split RAM
05:55.09VampireZIMthat reminds me
05:55.20revcuz they can't do it without fucking up :(
05:55.26revit's sad
05:55.45cyni know the hacking and tweaking community would much prefer the ram :)
05:55.50revi had to reboot my 5500 10x more than i've ever had to any WinCE /PocketPC PDA
05:55.57cynget a sd mmc or cf card for yer flash ffs
05:56.04revthat said, the C760 has been a lot more stable
05:56.16cynyea my c700s quite stable on the whole
05:56.23W8TVI-I have a sd card... tobad I can't load the OZ rom off of that
05:56.29revit bothers me that you can't just adjust allocation like you can in WinCE
05:56.29VampireZIMrev: does your C760 screen seem unsually bright?
05:56.31cynwow I just remembered i have two CF cards i borrowed from a friend
05:56.35cynI should really get these back to him
05:56.43cynVampireZIM: only in non-sunlight
05:56.45revyou have to *snicker* install a hacked ROM with the values hardcoded
05:56.47revthat is weak
05:56.57revVampireZIM: it's brighter than most PDA screens, yes
05:56.59VampireZIMi cant believe i am even saying that, but at night i have to turn it down, its SOO bright
05:57.03revalthough in a good way
05:57.09revi do that on all PDAs tho
05:57.16revturn the backlight to the lopwest
05:57.16cynyou can adjust the allocation with a modified rom
05:57.21revif i'm reading an ebook in bed or something
05:57.26revor else it's waaay toooo bright
05:57.27W8TVI-So I have to push the full reset button to get it out of this state?
05:57.27VampireZIMi dont, i usuall am always trying to turn it brighter on pdas
05:57.29revand my eyes burn out
05:57.30cynwell, okay, you'd need some manner of lilo equivalent which noone uses
05:57.36revW8TVI-: yup
05:57.39VampireZIMwas the 5500 screen really good?
05:57.44revcyn: ah
05:57.46revVampireZIM: HAHAHAHAHAHA
05:57.56revthe 5500 screen is the *worst* screen i've ever seen on a PDA
05:57.59cynthe c7x0 screens are to die for
05:58.00revabsolute shite
05:58.07cynI got my pda for the screen knowing about the cache bug
05:58.09revthe c7x0 screens are utter drool worthy
05:58.10cyncoz I couldn't wait
05:58.17revthey're not reflective
05:58.21cynbut I wanted the screen so I'm not disappointed
05:58.25revbut in some sunlight they're still readable
05:58.31cynI can use it in all but the brightest sunlight
05:58.37cyngotta turn the brightness up a notch or two tho
05:58.43revit's funny
05:58.49cynbut still don't need fullest
05:58.58cyni have nfc when the full brightness would be useful
05:59.00revbefore i got the 760, i could easily say that the best PDA screen i've seen was on the Dell Axim
05:59.07revand that the worst was the SL-5500
05:59.08cynmaybe if you don't want to take off your sunglasses
05:59.18VampireZIMwhy the worst?
05:59.18revthe funny part is that both screens are made by sharp
05:59.34VampireZIMis 5600 better, have you seen it?
05:59.37revfor some reason, sharp uses their shitass screen for their own PDA and gives out the good stuff to del
05:59.40revVampireZIM: nope, same screen
05:59.42revi've seen it
05:59.45revand seen part numbers
05:59.48revsame crappy screne
05:59.52revit's the worse because
05:59.57revit is oddly fuzzy
06:00.01revnot very sharp
06:00.06revit is *really* dim
06:00.09reveven at highest brightness
06:00.20revit's not really fuzzy, i don't mean to make it sound like it's drunk-o-pda
06:00.25sonysharp makes good lcd screen...
06:01.01revVampireZIM:  but the 5500 at its brightest is about the second-to-lowest brighness level on my C760
06:01.11revsony: sometimes
06:01.28revwhen you'd move the Z back and forth along a horizontal axis
06:01.50revlike if you were moving slightly while standing, sitting on the bus, or walking (etc), dark verticle lines appear
06:02.19VampireZIMsounds like a piece of shit
06:02.24VampireZIMglad i never bought one
06:02.25revit is
06:02.38VampireZIMso you going to buy my SD?
06:02.47revbetween that and the horrible software i felt ripped off even though i paid only $170 for it new
06:02.55revwell, i think i'll pass for now
06:03.04revif you haven't sold it when i get back from europe i may want it
06:03.06revbut don't hold it for me
06:04.35revi want it, but i'm so poor with this trip
06:04.39revit's like
06:04.47revmax aaron: beyond poor as hell
06:04.47VampireZIMwow, my internal flash is full
06:04.53revmine is almost full
06:04.54revi'm pissed
06:05.00revi have almnost nothing on it
06:05.14VampireZIMme niether
06:05.18W8TVI-Whne I upgrade to the oz rom I should be take my backup and put it back on the Z, right?
06:05.42revgood question
06:06.14W8TVI-Hmmm... not EVERYthing
06:07.41W8TVI-But it looks like I might beable to edit some of this tree and have a new "backup" to restore
06:08.57VampireZIMuninstalling shit
06:09.06VampireZIMi need C760, more flash
06:10.16revthe C760 has this weird plastic thing on the bottom/back of it
06:10.21revthat the C700 and 750 don't have
06:10.25revto accomdate the bigger battery
06:11.16W8TVI-Crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 32 Apr 25 23:00 usbmouse
06:11.42revi wonder if a PCMCIA drive- that is, ym 2 GB PCMCIA drive from my Jornada 720
06:11.49revi'm going to miss being albe to store *everything* on my pda
06:12.45VampireZIMi think that tkc apps took up all my internal flash
06:13.07revhow much you have? 64 mb?
06:13.27revwow, that's it?
06:13.31W8TVI-Can you use the backup and restore program with Oz?
06:13.59revno clue
06:14.31W8TVI-If you can... you'd be able to roll your own backup
06:16.03revi mean
06:16.14revif you were using the same app i dunno if i'd call it roll-your-own
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06:16.44W8TVI-It makes a directory tree with the backup data in it
06:17.56W8TVI-You should be able to edit it and the text files that it makes and just restore your program data
06:18.05revnight all!
06:18.07revtime for bed
06:18.18W8TVI-That way you wouldn't mess up the OZ rom with stuff from thesharp rom
06:18.23W8TVI-Night rev
06:19.26W8TVI-I'll just have to see if it works with the oZ rom
06:25.22sonyoh... i juz heard from my fren that c760 is out of stock in japan
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07:15.22VampireZIMcool, address books are stored in XML
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12:18.54prhok - if I've killeq qtopia and I've got a normal console. (C750) can anyone tell me how to enter a control char? like ^C or ^D, or change vt's? like alt-f1
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12:20.54Twiunafaik the calendar key acts as ctrl
12:20.59Twiunin pure console mode
12:21.09Twiunno idea if there's an alt key
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13:37.43*** topic/#zaurus is Sharp Zaurus Discussion | OpenZaurus discussion in #openzaurus and #openembedded | | | SF zaurus mailing list subscribers will be transitioned to the new lists today!
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14:31.00George-whoa, tkc have their own rom!?!?
14:32.30bachGeorge-: yup bu it is impossible to download
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15:10.34George-yo kergoth
15:39.31sashzhello kergoth
15:39.58sashzyou know what inside SL-C700 ?
15:40.05kergothits an encrypted shell script.
15:40.14kergothfucking idiots over at sharp.
15:40.17sashzi wrote encoder/decoder for it...
15:40.36sashzwant  see it?
15:40.36kergothah you did? what is it, just an xor?
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15:41.05sashzi analyse decoding output and made table for restouration...
15:41.11sashzwait , i will put it to site..
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15:42.57sashzsee there
15:43.14sashzhrr decoded sorry
15:43.21sashzand original updater
15:43.46sashzfor decoding: encsh -c script
15:43.57sashzfor decoding : encsh -d script
15:44.19sashzshit, for encoding: encsh -c script
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15:45.03kergothsashz: nice work there.  I was needing exactly this last night, to flash a c750 i'm borrowing, since the c700 model check makes it useless
15:45.28sashzkergoth, i also cracked flash rom in 750
15:45.59sashzif you want i can put initrd.gz, which running when flashing new update...
15:46.13sashzi can put it to site ;)
15:46.33kergoththat in the small chunk of nor flash?
15:46.59sashzit gzipped ext2 ram disk image
15:47.10sashzwait i will put it too....
15:47.15kergothi know, i mean where is it in flash
15:49.01sashzungzip it and mount as ext2 ;-)
15:49.50sashzi got slc750 and slc760 for making russian localization, so i will NEED get all it, because no sources on japan sites ;) hihi
15:50.09sashz... i was need ...
15:50.38TimRikersashz: Nice work!
15:50.43sashzahhhhh, it in /dev/mtdblock1
15:51.57kergothsashz: okay, thats what i figured
15:52.01cynsashz: are those screenies the rom it comes with?
15:52.11cyn( )
15:52.16TimRikersashz: is the initrd.gz just in the nor someplace?
15:52.29sashzthere interesting parts what inside mtd1
15:52.52cynwoo opera
15:53.00sashzTimRiker : see inside.txt , there smalllayout ;)
15:53.06cynman those icons are so much nicer than the crap that came on the c700
15:53.07TimRikerah. ok. we should put up a wiki page on this stuff and add to it as we go. thoughts?
15:53.14cynwell that stupid grinning star is still there
15:53.32sashzcyn whih screens?
15:54.10sashzahhh, no, its part of my work for russian localization
15:54.18cynahh - good work then :)
15:54.33sashzi made it for one russian company which sell zauruses in russia
15:55.52sashzsoon i will made free version for all ;)
15:56.35prhexcellent work!
15:56.46TimRikerso in diagnostics mode it's booting linux now?
15:57.11prhhas anyone dumped the 750/760 rom so that if I was playing around and broke stuff, I'd be able to restore?
15:57.38prhor can I do that?
15:58.05prhsay dd if=/dev/mtdblock1 of=/mnt/cf/part1   sort of thing?
15:58.31kergothyou only need to back up what will be touched by the flash process
15:58.42kergoththanks to sashz here, I think its time I tested oz on a c750
15:58.44prhwhat will be touched by the flash process?
15:58.51prhkergoth: :O)
15:59.47kergothshit, i forgot my cf and sd cards at home. grr.
15:59.49prhthats a point - why is there no opera on the 7x0 ?
15:59.51kergothwill have to grab em on lunch
15:59.56kergothprh: it comes with NetFront
16:00.04prhbut opera is better :O(
16:00.07sashz;) i made backup from service menu for C750, but for C760 havent big CF or MMC card :(
16:00.17sashzyes, opera better ;)
16:00.36trekekergoth: you see that tkc has links to all of the closed source apps from the 3.1 rom? :)
16:00.38sashzbut, in opera not working proxy setting from NetworkSettings
16:00.39prhsashz: you opera working on the 7x0?
16:00.57kergothtreke: eh?
16:00.58prhoooh  - in compatibility (ie low res) mode?
16:01.00rev|libopera 6 works on my C760
16:01.03prhor properly?
16:01.08sashzno , in 640x480
16:01.11rev|libsame here
16:01.17rev|libOpera 5 doesn't work right in 640x480 though
16:01.18sashzonly small buttons ;)
16:01.24rev|libsashz: do you have the icons?
16:01.28rev|libmine are just blank
16:01.31rev|libbut i know hwere to click :P
16:01.32trekekergoth: There is a tarred up hancom, opera, java, and other closed source ipks on the "tkc" rom
16:01.37kergothtreke: ahh
16:01.38prhso where are you guyds getting opera 6 from?
16:01.39rev|libthat's hwerei  got mine
16:01.43sashzyes, you need made right package with opera
16:01.48rev|libi got mine frmo thekompany apps.tgz
16:02.32prhooh ta
16:02.38sashzinstall it on 750 or 760 or 700
16:02.59sashzthan from root: chown -R zaurus:qpe /home/zaurus/.opera
16:03.00prhsashz: sharp rom? oz? both?
16:04.04sashzthis package for SL-C7x0
16:04.10sashzsharp rom
16:04.44kergothi should get off my ass and finish the qt/e keyboard handler, and fix the automatic rotation
16:04.47kergoth(oz on c7x0)
16:05.21sashzheh, when i will  finish localization i will try run Qtopia 1.6 on C700 :)
16:05.35prhoh the other thing I want is support for the ratoc usb-host CF card...
16:05.36sashzC750 and 760 too ;)
16:07.39rev|libso... ugly...
16:12.58sashz<TimRiker> ah. ok. we should put up a wiki page on this stuff and add to it as we go. thoughts? --- yes, of course, good, all must have chance for look inside this rom ;) hehe
16:14.55TimRikersashz: I'd recommend you do NOT distribute the opera binary.
16:15.08sashzok, now will remove it...
16:15.20TimRikerthough a script to build the ipk from a sl5500 rom would be a Good Thing.
16:15.54sashznow it clean (:
16:16.29rev|libthe snails demo doesn't work on my C760
16:16.41rev|libstinking sdl
16:16.46TimRikerHas anyone searched through the cd included with the 750/760 to see if there is a new version of the somplace there?
16:17.18sashzi have cds, but there nothing for updater for C750, C760,
16:17.32sashzprobably it same as for C700,
16:17.37sashziwill try later....
16:17.41trekerev|lib: what doesnt work?
16:18.01rev|libthe snails game demo
16:18.02rev|libit's like worms
16:18.06rev|libbut with snails :P
16:18.09trekerev|lib: What doesnt work about it?
16:18.11rev|libused to use it on my J720
16:18.17rev|libit's made especially for the 5500 it seems
16:18.19rev|libit uses sdl
16:18.20trekeNeo doesnt use SDL for graphics iirc
16:18.30rev|liband only writes to a 320x240 corner of the screen
16:18.55rev|liband afaict, there's no way to interact with the menus even if i wanted to play it in little wittle mode
16:20.19warmirev|lib: I think he just ported the existing PPC version
16:20.36warmiany limitations that were present in PPC version are present in Zaurus one as well
16:20.49rev|liblike the screen size i'm sure
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16:22.59warmifrankly, I never tried snails on anything else than PPC type device so 320x240 screen size seemed quite natural to me :-)
16:25.16warmithe game is actually quite interesting ( as far as PPC games go)
16:26.35rev|libhave you ever played games?
16:26.40rev|libi mean
16:26.43rev|libhave yo u ever played Worms?
16:27.26warmiyeah, I have
16:27.41warmiback in 1998 or so I think
16:27.49rev|libthis is totally a clone of Worms Armageddon
16:27.53warmiyeah, it is a clone
16:27.55rev|libeven down to the way things look stylewise
16:27.59rev|libnot that i mind
16:28.00warmibut well done clone :-)
16:28.02rev|libi wouldn't be playing it on my Zo therwise
16:28.36trekesnails is a fun game
16:31.27prhworms is ace
16:31.48prhfar too addictive
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16:56.55ronnocolDoes anyone know of a way to interact with the Sync process of the new 3.10 ROM? I'd like to add something to the things that get synchronized between the desktop and the Z
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16:58.31George-hey warmi
17:00.18George-Shtoink: uptie: command not found
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17:19.08pedrozap-zero: can you help-me? i need an e-mail of deutsche poste for reclamation of parcel.
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19:14.49rev|deskthis is PIMP
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19:38.14tunemxrev|desk: i installed the tkc ROM
19:38.25tunemxafter all my problems
19:38.35tunemxOZ was broken so I gave it a shot
19:38.38tunemxlike it so far
19:40.45George-tunemx: no, you mean totally fucking borked
19:45.49rev|deskhow do you like it?
19:45.50rev|deskah good
19:47.35George-OZ fucking rocks dude
19:47.44George-except for the maintainer.. he's a lazy fucking asshole :)
19:49.10tunemxwell not OZ was broken
19:49.18tunemxi will probably flash it back
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19:49.28tunemxso far that's my favourite ROM
19:49.29rev|c760ircing from c760
19:49.36tunemxhello C760
19:50.00tunemxpingizauri's VNC pkg broke OZ, so Opie could not start
19:50.15tunemxand I could not figure out the reason why
19:50.21kergothdont use that.
19:50.27kergothoz has vnc packages in its feeds
19:50.27tunemxtoo late
19:50.28kergothuse them
19:50.31tunemxbut i learned the lesson
19:50.36kergoth*always* use the versions of things in the oz feeds
19:50.40kergothunless you have a reason to do otherwise
19:50.52tunemxi will
19:51.00George-kergoth: hrmm, case of pebkac?
19:51.30tunemxbut if something is not in the feed, I have to ignore it?
19:51.42kergothno, if its not in the oz feeds, go ahead and obtain it elsewhere
19:51.44kergoththis isnt that complecated
19:51.45tunemxlike "Cocktails"
19:51.53kergothIF something is in the oz feeds, USE the version in the oz feeds.
19:51.54kergothits that simple.
19:52.01kergothand that was the case for vnc
19:52.03tunemxcocktails was not working though
19:52.06George-hrmm, I can *feel* kergoth's temper at the moment
19:52.15pHluidQuiet you.
19:52.21kergoththen it wasnt working for some other reason. probably a shitty package or something
19:52.26kergoth90% of the ipks out there are absolute crap
19:52.34kergoththanks to trolltech encouraging the use of mkipks
19:52.39kergothwhich is worthless
19:52.54George-that's right, blame it all on trolltech! :)
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19:53.14kergothwell, whomever put together the sdk. sharp/lineo/tt
19:53.20George-none of the blame goes onto those morons at that made the shitty ipkg! :)
19:53.35kergothipkg sucks, but most people's ipks are worse
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19:56.11pHluidWhy, what is wrong with ipkg?
19:56.18George-it sucks.
19:56.32pHluidSo do you, you're still here every damn day though.
19:56.42kergothso's ipkg
19:57.31ljp_laptopgeorge just doesn tknow how to use ipkg
19:57.33George-pHluid: I am not here every day! :P
19:57.51kergothgeorge is ipkg!
19:58.27tunemxkergoth: I posted a topic to the dev forum, and I would like to know your opinion:
19:58.50kergothokay, how the fuck does one force a hard reboot of a c750/760
19:59.01kergoththe battery switch doesnt do a fucking thing, unlike the c700
19:59.04ljp_laptopthrow it out th ewindow
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20:00.20cynkergoth i kinda wish the battey switch didn't do that
20:00.37ljp_laptoptunemx: that would take a patch to qte
20:00.41cynsome apps (like justreader) don't retain the spot where yer reading when you pop the battery to switch it because of the reboot
20:00.45cyneven if you close the app...
20:03.17tunemxljp_laptop: is that a big deal to do?
20:03.45ljp_laptopkinda, ya
20:04.03kergothrebooting this is a pain when you dont have a kernel that boots, and no reboot switch
20:04.06ljp_laptopperhaps I can mention this to Trolltech.
20:04.17kergothpop battery, kill AC, pop battery in, hit key combo, put AC back in
20:04.51ljp_laptopso make a kernel that boots so you can reboot it if it doesnt boot
20:05.09ljp_laptoptoday is silly day
20:05.12kergothI just ripped the original kernel from the stock c750 mtd1 image, but it doesnt boot onto that either
20:05.16kergothso Something Went Wrong
20:05.21kergoth</sharp annoying message>
20:05.41ljp_laptopwhats the flash procedure for c700? any docs on it?
20:05.53kergothyeah, i have it in my mailbox or something
20:06.01kergothand i think its up on spacetown somewhere
20:06.11ljp_laptopis it in engrish?
20:07.19cynflash procedure is simple
20:07.25cynthrow the crap on sd or mmc or cf
20:07.32cynpower off, battery slider over
20:07.41cynslide it back on, hold OK while powering on
20:07.51cynthen you get a menu
20:07.59cynand here's where i forget if its 3 or 4 :)
20:08.15cynand whichever it is takes you to an option for sd/mmc or cf
20:08.24cynso - if you hit one and it doesn't - power back off and do the other
20:08.32ljp_laptopcool. thx
20:09.03kergothit has a confirmation
20:09.07cynok no worries then
20:09.18kergothI love bvi
20:09.25ljp_laptopoh works from sd. nice
20:09.55ljp_laptopgrrrr, my cat has been byting my laptop power cord
20:10.18kergothfucking son of a bitch
20:10.19kergothgod i hate usb-storage
20:10.35ljp_laptopshe likes biting cords. the first night I had her, she bit through my dsl line
20:12.58meshugawheres this full reset buttong?
20:13.05meshugain the battery compartment?
20:13.22ChipX86kergoth: I have the same problem :/ starting to get on my nerves as well
20:13.27ChipX86meshuga: yeah
20:13.35meshugai cant seem to find it
20:13.39meshugais it labelled? whats it look like
20:13.41meshugai got a 5500
20:13.51ljp_laptoplittle bitty indent
20:16.52kergothChipX86: arent zombie mount processes fun? bleh.
20:17.01ChipX86oh very.
20:17.57ChipX86well if you're not busy later, I have a couple ipkgs for you to try. Looking for UI suggestions
20:18.56ljp_laptopI know what zombies are, cause I watch Scooby doo cartoons
20:22.27tunemxC760 uses the usb-storage modul? cool
20:22.36kergothtunemx: eh?
20:22.38kergothit does?
20:22.47tunemxyou just mentioned you hate it
20:23.09tunemxso i guessed you can mount your unit as a storage via USB
20:23.14kergothwrong guess
20:23.20kergoththats me mounting my usb cf reader
20:23.51tunemxah OK :)
20:25.57ChipX86what card reader do you have, btw?
20:26.08meshugahow long does the 'reconfiguring all packages installed to root' typically take on a firsttime openzaurus install?
20:26.14kergothsandisk sddr-31
20:26.37ljp_laptopabout 30 minutes.. it seems
20:26.55meshugais OZ using x11 or still FB?
20:28.06meshugaanyone installed x11 on there Z?
20:28.13ChipX86kergoth: do you have any problems writing to CF cards?
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20:28.48kergothChipX86: heh, i've had the cp process hang trying to write fairly often as well, assuming i get the damn thing mounted at all
20:28.56ChipX86mine's an SDDR-77. Dual memstick/CF. I can write to CF fine, md5sums are valid, etc, but when I go to unmount, corruption on what I've just written occurs
20:29.06kergothodd. havent seen that behavior with this
20:31.00meshugai use a pcmcia-isa adapter, then a pcmcia-cf adapter, then a 192meg CF
20:31.04meshugaand i unmount then yank
20:31.14meshugaworks perfect.
20:31.34ChipX86I've looked through the linux drivers, but I'm not seeing anything noticeable that would cause this. I know it doesn't happen in Windows :/ oh well. It works for reading, and the Zaurus works well enough for writing
20:32.06meshugaanyone know of a CF card that has a external antenna jack?
20:32.08kergothgreg kh takes a lot of flak for usb-storage, but apparently 90% of the products out there are crap, and they work closely with windows to make the driver deal with the crap
20:32.12kergothwhich isnt the case for the linux drivers
20:33.09kergothanyone know what the beginning of an arm zimage file is, offhand?
20:33.18kergothI want my file binary to recognize them, damnit
20:34.02meshugahow is thekompany.rom?
20:34.19ChipX86imho, not bad for 1.0rc2
20:34.37meshugawhats the preferred rom?
20:34.46ljp_laptopone thats works
20:34.46meshugai just put OZ on it for shits and giggles
20:34.51kergothpreferred is an individual choice
20:35.02kergothI prefer oz for obvious reasons
20:35.04ljp_laptopsome may prefer sharps 1.02
20:35.40kergothibot: memory
20:35.40hmm... memory is Chips in a computer that remember data. Also commonly referred to as RAM.
20:35.50kergothibot: no, memory is <reply> The memory smacks of usage!
20:35.51okay, kergoth
20:36.08ljp_laptopI still have a 1.02 rom I believe
20:36.22kergothi have way too much shit on my plate
20:36.35ljp_laptopyup. you do
20:36.36kergothi need a pda that i use as a pda
20:36.45tunemxibot: kergoth
20:36.46i guess kergoth is at, or that openzaurus guy
20:36.49ljp_laptopget an ipaq
20:37.04kergothljp_laptop: thinking about it. either going to get an ipaq or an axim as my next device to play with
20:37.08ChipX86I've just gone back to my Visor as a PIM
20:37.11kergothbut knowing me, i'll hack the hell out of it instead of using it
20:37.36ljp_laptopnot to play! to use!
20:37.40kergothmaybe i should just use the damn pim apps in my cell phone
20:37.43ljp_laptopget something that cant possibly run linux
20:37.46kergoththey suck, but ..
20:38.08kergothI really need a solid todo list, that puts the todo completion dates on the calander
20:38.12kergoththats absolutely critical for me
20:38.20kergothand integration with a web frontend to my todo would be optimal
20:38.31ljp_laptopvi cant do that!?!
20:38.38tunemxthen develop it :)
20:38.41ljp_laptopemacs can
20:38.50kergothvi could, i'm pretty sure you can embed python in it
20:38.52tunemxseems like you won't get it otherwise
20:38.54kergothbut thats evil
20:39.04kergothtunemx: oh yeah, thats *just* what i need. more shit on my todo list
20:39.24meshugai need ssh-common for ssh-server right?
20:39.46tunemxwhen's OZ 3.3 coming up? maybe you can integrate the new PIMs until then
20:39.54ljp_laptopI cant get the ts to workie
20:40.00tunemxso OZ would rule the ROM world :))
20:40.05kergothI *could* start on such a thing for post opie 1.0
20:40.10kergothbut I've never been very good at PIM applications
20:40.25kergothi'll leave that to others who know what they're doing
20:40.30kergothljp_laptop: still? w/ tslib or w/o?
20:40.37kergothwhat device?
20:40.46tunemxbut i heard the new OZ will use mysql for PIM apps
20:40.49ljp_laptopI'm a luser
20:41.00tunemxis that true?
20:41.07kergothtunemx: no
20:41.09ljp_laptopand this time qtopia started out rotated for whatever reason
20:41.18kergothtunemx: opie will end up using an sqlite pim backend someday..
20:41.26kergothljp_laptop: weird.
20:41.31tunemxi see
20:41.39kergothljp_laptop: are you setting the qws display env var right?
20:42.00ljp_laptopit was working fine before.. heh.
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20:42.54ronnocolAnybody know where to get docs on adding things the the list of items that get synchronized?
20:43.04ljp_laptopthe apps run, though
20:43.13kergothljp_laptop: progress, eh?
20:43.22kergothcool cool
20:43.24kergothgetting there
20:43.53ljp_laptopya, just a few tweaks I think. not sure about ts. I dont have a serial cable
20:44.14pHluidXML is fine for PIM
20:44.14pHluidSQL is overkill, bigtime, imho
20:44.23kergothxml sucks for pim in flash
20:44.35kergothit results in a fuckload of flash writes due to having to move shit around in teh file to add things
20:44.38ljp_laptopand the timezones didnt get installed. ever try running citytime without any timezones?
20:44.45kergothljp_laptop: hah, no. whats it do?
20:45.03ljp_laptopa bunch of dialogs that it cant find timezones
20:45.09ljp_laptopone after the other
20:45.20meshugacan i have the openzaurus functionality in x11?
20:45.29meshugaor would i have to run fluxbox or something
20:46.08ljp_laptoptheoretically, opie runs in qt x11
20:46.17ljp_laptopif you compile it right
20:46.54meshugaah fuck, i forgot to grab opera before flashing to OZ
20:47.15meshugahm, i dont trust my qt compiliation skills. :]
20:47.27rev|deskthat sucks
20:52.21meshugacan i do usb networking under windows?
20:52.54meshugaso i can surf the net via the usb cable, under win?
21:02.25*** join/#zaurus George- (~george@
21:09.21rev|deskyou can
21:09.30rev|deski've seen it in a FAQ, and had it partially set up once
21:09.31rev|deskthat is
21:09.47rev|deskthe regular drivers for windoze just make the usb ->z an ethernet device
21:09.58rev|deskall you'd have to do it setup NAT/connection sharing on windows
21:10.14rev|deskon OS X that is incredibly easy, and i'm surfing via USB from my C760 as we speak
21:10.19rev|desk(and on irc too!)
21:10.35rev|deskand it only took like 2 clicks on the OS X side and a couple CLI lines on the Zaurus side
21:10.54rev|deskanyone know a good, very simple and free NAT app for windoze?
21:10.59rev|deskdoes windows have it built in?
21:12.10leviWindows Connection Sharing
21:12.10George-"good", "free" and "windows" in the same sentence?!??!
21:12.25rev|desklevi: is that in 98SE onwards?
21:12.32leviOr Internet Connection Sharing, or something like that.
21:12.39kergothafaik it wasnt added till 2k
21:12.48leviI'm not sure when it started.  I had it in Win ME.
21:12.56kergothi've used winproxy w/ transparent proxying with success
21:15.52tunemxbye guys
21:15.52TheMasterMind1reminds me of that socks proxy setup i was playing with earlier
21:15.54TheMasterMind1worked quite well too
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21:25.17cynI highly recommend knoppix for a good free windows NAT app
21:25.28George-kergoth: what's transparent proxying?
21:25.39George-kergoth: is that so that all programs can use the proxy?
21:25.40cynit's where the client has no indication it's proxied
21:26.09George-why the fuck don't all OSs have transparent proxying?
21:26.27kergothknoppix rocks
21:26.32cynwhy the fuck should an os have transparent proxying builtin
21:26.49ljp_laptopknoppix rox
21:27.21oGMoan OS shouldn't have anything much built in
21:27.37oGMoljp_laptop: i want to use knoppix for game distribution :)
21:28.37cynya sure can at that
21:28.44cynbecause knoppix what? knoppix rocks.
21:29.22prhkergoth: played with the 750 yet?
21:29.32ljp_laptopI am going to use knoppix for a opie/qtopia sdk
21:29.35kergothprh: yeah, it doesnt boot anymore
21:29.38kergothprh: hehe
21:29.54kergothworking on it though
21:29.56prhkergoth: totally broke?
21:29.59prhoh ok
21:30.10kergothwell, i cant seem to even flash the original zimage that was in the c750's flash and have it boot
21:30.14kergothso something weird is going on
21:30.24kergothjust not sure what
21:30.37ljp_laptopyou bricked it!
21:30.40kergothand without serial, i'm pretty crippled
21:30.42prhkergoth: oops - so whose machine is it? :O)
21:30.48kergothprh: not mine..
21:30.55kergothi'll get it to work eventually
21:31.15prhdid someone not start porting the CRL bootloader to the zaurus?
21:31.22kergothno one has started on such a thing
21:31.46prhhow exactly does the boot process work on these Z's ?
21:31.58prh(I'm a DD, and familiar with ipaqs...)
21:32.29TimRiker~zaurus feed
21:32.37well, feed is a package repository. See,,{stable,testing,unstable}/feed, or
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21:33.33prhbah still no downloads on the spacestation. When are sharp going to release the kernel and Rom?!
21:35.01ljp_laptopwhen they damn well feel like it
21:36.50Neo|Workseriously, isn't that really a breach of GPL?
21:37.53kergothhas anyone formally requested the sources yet?
21:37.56kergothi havent had time
21:38.23ljp_laptopcat /dev/time >> kergoth
21:38.25TimRiker~no feeds is a package repository. See,,{stable,testing,unstable}/feed, or
21:38.26okay, TimRiker
21:38.59meshugaso anyone done this powersupply hack?
21:39.03meshugaand vouch its reliability
21:39.30kergothheh, i wonder if sash just disassembled the sharp /sbin/decsh binary in their initrd. thats what they use to decode it
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21:59.06rev|deskknow of any good games for the Z?
21:59.24kergothany of neo's are good.. puzz-le, opie-bounce,
21:59.37alexwrev|desk: sfcave !
21:59.49warmiknights if you are into chess
22:00.12kergothsfcave is nice
22:00.20rev|deskneo  = eon games?
22:00.40rev|deskah coo
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22:05.41W8TVIHow do I make a backup of my curent rom?
22:06.28W8TVII want to be able to go back to what I have now, incase I don't like OZ for some reason
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22:07.13kergothuh, sharp roms are downloadable online
22:08.46W8TVII don't want to download the da... stupid rom! I have a stinking dialup connection
22:08.56rev|deski don't know if they intended sfcave to be played on the C7x0
22:09.02rev|deskit's a bit easy with the huge screen :)
22:10.12W8TVII just got a 6-in-1 memory card reader for radio shack. $50 with a $20 mail0in reabate
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22:10.29W8TVIIts the dazzle brand
22:10.44W8TVIUsb 2.0... but it works with usa 1.1
22:13.14W8TVI4mb of 14mb copied... 40mins left to go
22:14.45W8TVII hope the grammer on the OZ rom is much beter
22:15.30W8TVIWow... I just ran the backup on my Z (backup to Cf) and that was FAST!
22:22.10meshugadoes hancom come w/ the sharp rom?
22:22.46W8TVINot in the rom...
22:23.00W8TVIIts on the CD that comes with the Z
22:25.53W8TVISome how I took a screenshot on my Z and I don't know how I did it...
22:26.55W8TVI28mins left...
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22:33.28meshugaits not on my cd
22:33.33meshugasupposed to be under apps right?
22:33.55W8TVIHoldo n
22:35.10W8TVIOn the cd for the 3.10 rom CD its in the Applications dir
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22:44.41prhkergoth: any progress?
22:45.29meshugaW8TVI : i dont have that
22:45.48meshugaso, how can i get a 3.10 rom cd?
22:46.24kergothprh: no
22:46.28kergothprh: besides nearly bricking it..
22:46.37kergothif i reboot right now, i'm hosed.
22:46.49prhahh. what you done to it?
22:47.07kergothtrying to write the damn zimage into the correct location in flash with sharp's nand tools
22:47.13kergothfor which we have no source
22:47.26W8TVIDows anyone know anything about operacreator_1.6.5_arm.ipk?
22:47.42prhkergoth: well good luck - I'm off to bed.
22:50.09W8TVII installed it an it looks like it put something in /home/zaurus/Documents
22:50.21kergothyes, it makes an opera ipk
22:50.25kergothcopy it off of your z
22:50.28W8TVIIts opera only 1.5k?
22:50.32meshugaer hm
22:50.36kergothyou have to install operacreator into a sharp rom
22:50.37kergothnot oz
22:50.46kergoththen it creates an opera ipk for you to use when you do have oz
22:50.57W8TVIIs still using the sharp rom
22:52.42W8TVISo is the 1.5k one the right size?
22:52.55Neo|Work1.5 MB perhaps
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23:29.07ljp_laptopblimey! walk the plank!
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23:37.14kergothtalk to you all monday, i'm outta here
23:37.57kergothgah, no i'm not
23:38.05kergothneed to wait for this nanddump to complete
23:38.11kergothand i cant cut the power to my c750 or it'll be bricked
23:38.42ljp_laptopbrick schmick
23:39.51ljp_laptopthink i'll steal this 2.4.18 kernel
23:40.03kergothi cant break the nanddump
23:40.11kergothcause ctrl+c isnt mapped in console
23:40.58ljp_laptopwhat commands tells me what fs the kernel handles?
23:41.26kergothcat /proc/filesystems
23:41.35kergoththat wont show you any filesystems that you have as modules
23:41.42ljp_laptopoh, heh I though there was a binary
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23:44.30aldjiblahanyone got an impression of the kompany rom?
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23:53.21ljp_laptopyes, I flashed it
23:53.58ljp_laptopdl'ing the app pack
23:54.27ljp_laptopthere's lots of room to install stuff

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