irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.05.22

00:00:08Rincesorry to interrupt you.. what is the difference (in the new tkcAddressBook) between Birthday and Aniversary?
00:00:35Rinceanniversary means day of marriage in this case?
00:00:36Neo|Workone is for birthdays and one is for anniversities?
00:00:44Neo|WorkGenerally yes, only, no
00:00:47RinceI am not so sure... that's why I ask :)
00:00:56Neo|Workcould be anniversity of say, buying a dog. :P
00:01:10Rince(and I think it's funny that the builtin-calendarfeature isn't able to give me the year 1960... it stops at 1970 :-)
00:02:41W|GGL|Tis back (gone 05:16:13)
00:09:20nyarghbtw - internationally ignorant folks, in a number of languages "Anniversary" means Birthday
00:10:15Rinceyes, that's why there is some confussion
00:10:29Rincesince anniversary has different meanings too
00:10:47Rincein the german version of the ROM, they translated it to "Jubilaeum", but this is not really good..
00:50:05whardierhiaku's lowkey
00:50:11whardieroffkey I might add
00:50:14whardierwith a little lime
00:53:44ljphahaha whardier- you so funny
00:54:09ljpI got a hard drive to spin by hitting it today... I are a computer technition
00:54:55ljpmaxtor.. my firewall.. I took down while I have to dsl..
00:55:04ljpdidnt want to respin
00:55:08[DrEvil]quantumhad that problem
00:55:11ljphave no dsl
00:55:33[DrEvil]whenever a sparcstation wouldn't boot, it was usually because of the hard drive
00:55:48Rincethat's where "boot net" is coming in the game
00:56:08ljpI should just use floppyfirewall and stick an old 40mb hard drive in so it boots
00:56:36[DrEvil]you should
00:56:56[DrEvil]should I sell this amp
00:56:59Rinceljp: take a fli4l - Linux on a Floppy-Router.
00:58:34ljplooked into that.. I think I dl'd it somewhere.. but the firewalls up..and not going to come down till the power goes out for an extended period
00:59:05ljpand will be spining til the bearings wearout
01:00:01roge99ljp: adtron makes a pcmcia adaptor that plugs into the ide and uses ATA pcmcia card for a solid state hdd
01:00:25ljphmmm interesting
01:00:27roge99shows up in your bios like a 16mb hdd ( or 32 or what ever )
01:00:44roge99i have part numbs if you intrested
01:01:06roge99 i also have pre-built fw images for the cards
01:01:47ljphehehe I could run opie onit
01:02:21ljpoh ya.. I couldn't cause it has no head.. heh
01:03:23roge99is tearing up his office lookin for the manuals
01:03:47roge99i dont want to crack the case to get the pt#'s
01:04:11ljpwell.. dont kill yourself looking for it
01:04:52roge99HA !
01:04:57roge99under an INDY
01:06:03roge99hmmm no part # in the manual ... its just called  SDDA ATA Adapter
01:06:32roge99thers a url ...
01:06:58ljpcool. I'll check it out
01:07:31ljpI do have an old 40 mb and an old 20 mb hard drive that still work.. and have DOS on them
01:07:46roge99ewww dos
01:08:07ljpand the 40 mb had windows 3.1
01:08:14roge99i have some old scsi drives w/ IRIX on em
01:08:30ljpcompressed dosfs
01:09:00ljpdos is nice cause it boots in no time at all
01:09:24ljpalthough.. its not networked at all
01:09:29arrrgwhat is the difference between GTK+ and Qt?
01:09:42Rinceboth are libraries. GUIs
01:09:44arrrgI see I have glade and KDevelop on my system (mandrake) and don't know what is different
01:10:00trekeboth are gui library, the similarities end there
01:10:06arrrgoh ok
01:10:50ljpthey both run on linux
01:10:55ljpand use X
01:11:04trekeQT is primarily a C++ library, GTK is primarily C.
01:14:18ljpand everybody knows.. c++ is c with class!
01:15:10trekeisnt qualified to get into that arguement
01:19:47BigBossGTK is exactly the same as Qt
01:20:01rikkuslarts BigBoss
01:21:18BigBossrikkus: isn't it time for you to go to bed, or did you get up early?
01:21:28BigBossI hear rumors that the harmony project might get revived
01:21:28rikkusit's time for me to go to bed
01:21:46ljpreally? harmony? why?
01:22:09BigBossbecause of how unstable Qt has gotten recently
01:22:18BigBossit's probably just kids blowing smoke though
01:22:45BigBossqt3 has had a LOT of problems
01:23:00BigBosswe've had to rewrite huge sections
01:23:07ljpTT could have more and better developers if they didnt have to relocate to Norway
01:23:23warmicertainly less than GTK yet you don't see people cloning GTK
01:24:00ljpharmony needs to know about -lclonelib I've developed then!
01:24:03warmiGTK is a mess ... frankly , always been :-)
01:24:09BigBossexactly :)
01:24:12BigBossfor both of you
01:24:21BigBossyea, TT pays terrible wages and you have to go to Norway
01:24:29BigBossbut that said, they overall have some amazing developers
01:25:21ljpI dont think I've run into that many TT devs.. I would think they'd be everywhere
01:25:44ljpdont htey have about 30 developers? or something?
01:25:55warmidon't they have lots of KDE folks on their payroll
01:26:07rikkusNorway would just piss me off. Too dark in the winter, too cold.
01:26:18ljpI owuld love Norway.
01:26:28warmihuh .. as if GB is all that better ...
01:26:34ljpaurora.. endless summer days
01:26:37warmisome people prefer snow to rain :-)
01:26:51ljpskiing, sailing.. beautiful women.. who could ask fo rmore?
01:27:37warmi%50 tax rates ..
01:27:46ljpfree health care
01:27:50rikkusvery expensive to live there
01:28:00warmifree, crappy healt care
01:28:02ljpfree university...
01:28:14rikkusEUR 25 for a pizza
01:28:34warmiI hope it is a huge pizza
01:28:39rikkusno decent music
01:28:44ljpis Norway in the EU?
01:28:48rikkuser, yes
01:29:40ljpdenmark isnt so I thought maybe Norway would be the same.. ;)
01:29:49warmiljp: what's wrong with your place ?  I mean , you seem to be eager to get the hell out of wherever you are now ..
01:30:04ljpI never like the place I'm at..
01:30:12ljpI wanna mmooooooooovvveee
01:30:26ljpI like to travel
01:30:30rikkusljp: Denmark is in the EU
01:30:38warmiSweden is out
01:30:39ljpyou sure?
01:30:51rikkuswell, I live in the EU, I should know :P
01:31:03Neo|WorkBigBoss: TT pays normal wages for Norway I'm sure.
01:31:07ljphmm... well what country am I thinking of then
01:31:39warmiRussia ?
01:31:42rikkusljp: Japan ?
01:32:00ljpsmall.. northerly
01:32:07warmiFinland ?
01:32:10Neo|Workand I always though pizza in the US was so damn expensive compared to Sweden
01:32:12Neo|Workstill think so
01:32:22rikkuswonders if Norway is actually in the EU
01:32:49rikkusSwitzerland isn't. Iceland isn't...
01:33:06rikkusTurkey isn't...
01:33:33ljpiceland is considered Europe?
01:33:45ljphmmm odd
01:34:07rikkusso is Russia, depending which direction you're looking :)
01:34:17ljpnorway isnt
01:34:35warmioh .. Norway is out
01:34:36ljpwait thats not right
01:34:45warmiI thought Sweded was out too
01:34:45ljpGB isnt EU
01:35:03ljpis it?
01:35:04rikkusGB definitely is
01:35:07rikkusI live there :)
01:35:24Neo|Workbut, as Sweden, the UK is not part of the monetary union (i.e EURO)
01:35:30Neo|Work...I believe...
01:35:31warmiright , that was it
01:35:36ljpooh ok
01:35:40warmiit was monetary union I was thinking about
01:35:42rikkuswe don't have the euro
01:35:44ljpme too
01:36:25ljpheh I can drive for 30 hours East at 70 mph and still be in the same country
01:37:15rikkuseuro-using states: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland
01:37:18warmiwell Russian can do the same for about a week
01:37:42ljptrue that
01:37:52ljpif you can drive 70 on those roads
01:37:59Neo|Workis Russia really that big?
01:38:20Neo|WorkI don't have a world map at hand so I can't compare. :P
01:38:28ljpRussia is huge
01:38:32rikkusit's quite big :}
01:38:38warmiwell, yeah ... if you start at the western border and go all the way to the Barents (? ) see ..
01:38:58Neo|Workah, yes. Russia is wide indeed
01:39:22Neo|WorkYou see, I haven't updated my geography skills since it was broken up. :P
01:39:34warmiit wasn't really broken all that much
01:40:09ljpand contrary to what my president thinks.. Russia is bigger than Texas
01:40:18warmiwell, Ukraine that was a big loss
01:40:50warmiwell, he will have a chance to see that for himself soon enough
01:42:05ljpheh get this: the Feds are suing several counties in Florida over the 2000 election..
01:42:16warmiI spent my honeymoon in what it used to be Leningrad ( now it is St. Petersburg)
01:42:55rikkusmy friend's off to St. Petersburg in a couple of days
01:42:58rikkusto play paintball
01:43:05ljpplans on spending his honeymoon on Anguilla
01:43:10warmiused to be incredibly cheap place
01:43:17rikkusagainst the US marines who guard the US embassy there
01:43:23warmispent week in the best hotel in town for about $200
01:43:40warmiin 1992
01:43:53warmithese days I am sure it is just as expensive as NYC
01:52:03Neo|Workis away: home
01:55:08jjbenhamI just purchased a zaurus.  Does openzaurus yet work on the 5500?
01:55:28warmiljp: does it ?
01:55:45warmiI though they were going thru beta now
01:55:48warmior something like that
01:56:21jjbenhamI should probably wait.  Isn't opera faster then konqueror?
01:56:27ljpyes it works with the correct kernel
01:56:49warmiit is on 5000D for the simple reason that konqueror is a memory hog
01:57:12jjbenhamperhaps they will fix that
01:57:14warmiI don't know how it would work on 5500 with 2x memory being available
01:57:33warmitry it and you will know
01:57:43jjbenhamI guess so
01:58:10jjbenhamis the pdf reader fully compliant with acrobat?
01:58:20warmiwhich reader ?
01:58:26warmiqpdf ? or opera ?
01:58:34warmiboth of them can display pdf
01:59:11jjbenhamthe one on openZaurus
01:59:13jjbenhamI notice that xpdf on my desktop can't open up all the pdf files that acrobat reader can
01:59:20warmiboth of them have problems with some pdfs
01:59:42warmihell, my acrobat readed sometimes will not load some pdfs :-)
02:01:03jjbenhamAre there differnt window managers for zaurus?  Something like blackbox with bbkeys?
02:01:14warmiI think opie pdf reader is a clone of qpdf which in turn was cloned from xpdf
02:01:55trekejjbenham : Not unless you use X
02:02:03ljpopie pdf IS qpdf
02:02:08trekeI think the opiepdf reader is qpdf
02:02:10warminot at this point .... I mean, you can install X windows on your zaurus and have it behave just like the one on the desktop
02:02:28trekeX is a pain in the ass though :)
02:02:31warmiljp: yeah, but they had to remove some transformations etc ..
02:02:47warmibecasue qpe on the Zaurus doesn't support QPainter transformations
02:02:58[DrEvil]I remember hacking the ini file on my Zoomer to get it into windowed mode
02:03:01[DrEvil]all motif
02:03:09jjbenhamwouldn't x weight it down though?
02:03:52warmiI gather you are not particulary impressed with Qtopia ..
02:04:05trekeYou'd be less impressed with X
02:04:36warmifrankly, I am not a big fan of X on the desktop let alone on my little Zaurus
02:05:11jjbenhamI am kind of just checking out my options and to see how much I can customize this thing
02:05:32warminot much at this point .. at least not much as far as Qtopia is concerned
02:05:49warmibut there are other options like PicoGUI which runs on the zaurus etc ..
02:06:00trekeIf you were using OpenZaurus, X wouldnt be quite so bad
02:06:10jjbenhamwarmi: do you know of an alternative to x on the desktop.  Can you use svgalib or something?
02:06:42warmijjbenham: hah ... Win32 and osX are alternatives
02:07:06warmipersonally I use Windows 2000 and Linux + Accelerated X .. accelerated X is much better than Xfree
02:07:47NSTI think sharp should have used X be default...
02:08:02jjbenhamaccelerated X is that free software?
02:08:24warmijjbenham: no , it is a commercial X server .. I bought it for about $100
02:08:46jjbenhamis it 100% compatible with xfree86?
02:08:53jjbenhamIs this from mit?
02:09:08warmino it is from
02:09:10NSTWell, on the Yopy, it uses X quite well.. Its load isn't too bad on the system, and its IMHO easier to port apps to it.
02:09:54warmiNST: easier to port apps to ?  you mean , being forced to install 5 different widget toolkits on the Zaurus ?
02:10:07NSTjjbenham generally you only have to use AcceleratedX or something else if there *really* are no free drivers available for your card/if you need serious optimizations
02:10:08jjbenhamhow do you like Yopy?  How does it rate to the Zaurus?
02:10:35NSTjjbenham I like the zaurus better, you almost can't see anythinbg on the yopys screen
02:10:38warmiAcceleratedX is basically much faster and smoother than XFree
02:11:05NSTjjbenham and the yopy has no back/frontlight,
02:11:07warmiYopy looks very cool but just about everyone is bitching about its lack of back or front light
02:11:31NSTand its keyboard is abcd and not qwerty,
02:12:26warmiNST: do you own Yopy ?
02:12:34jjbenhamwarmi: would you run x Accelerated if you did not have to?
02:12:36NSToh and one more think i dont like about the yopy is the fact that you have to carry the stylus seperately,
02:12:45NSTwarmi no, I dont like it,
02:12:55NSTwarmi I played with one for a week
02:13:14warmijjbenham: I run it cause I like it .. I have Radeon graphic card which is well supported under XFree yet I still prefer AcceleratedX - it is simply faster
02:13:39warmiNST: do you know which X toolkit it had in its ROM ?
02:14:07NSTwarmi erm,, lemme check..
02:14:17trekeprobaly tinyx
02:14:36warmiyeah, but Xlib doesn't have any toolkit be default
02:14:50trekeoh fltk
02:14:59warmifltk .. that makes sense
02:15:00trekeI was thinking the wrong thing
02:15:17warmilean and mean
02:15:29trekethe apps are actually pretty cool
02:15:50warmijjbenham: are you planning to develop for the Zaurus ?
02:15:59NSTit used to have something they called W Windows, and well I am glad the changed to X ...
02:16:20warmione thing I don't like about fltk is that default SGI kind of look
02:17:16warmiW Windows ?
02:17:23NSTwarmi all I can find out from the site is "W Window System and Toolkit", and someone mentioned that its close to gtk+
02:17:29jjbenhamwarmi: I am just learning to code actually.  I was just trying to see how I can optimise it to the way I work if I need to
02:18:12warmiwell, just another toolkit ... and to just about any X app you would have to install either GTK, Qt or even Motif ...
02:18:13jjbenhamTrying to see what my options are.  My Zaurus is still on it way...Being delivered ups
02:18:34warmijjbenhaml: are you trying to develop ON the zaurus ?
02:18:40NSTwarmi true,, anyway, I am not sure that the yopy is ready for prime time here...
02:18:59NSTjjbenham you in the US?
02:19:06jjbenhamNST: yes I am
02:19:17warmiit looks cool :-))  like this new Sony Clie or whatever it is called
02:19:20NSTunfair... I want a zaurus, but I am in korea...
02:19:35warmiNST: how about www ?
02:19:50jjbenhamNST: you can't order it?
02:20:09NSTwarmi yea, I will prolly order it online, its just a bit more of a hassle if it breaks or something..
02:20:10jjbenhamI bought mine off of
02:20:24jjbenhamNST you can insure it.
02:20:39NSTjjbenham yea, i never thought of that..
02:20:53NSTcan anyone recommend a etailer?
02:20:55warmijjbenham: how much did you pay for it ?
02:21:29jjbenhamwarmi:  I paid 430 for the 5500 including shipping
02:21:53jjbenhamNST: I got mine off of ebay
02:21:55warmijjbenham: if you are trying to learn C++ programming then Qt/Qtopia is a dream to code for
02:22:10jjbenhamwarmi: Cool!
02:22:26trekethe documentation is a beautiful thing
02:22:34NSTI guess you guys like kde?
02:22:38warmifrankly, I coded with Motif and Win32 and Qt is frankly the best of them hands down
02:22:57NSThow's kde3?
02:22:58jjbenhamwarmi:  What is it that makes it so great to code in that environment?
02:23:14warmiit is not enviroment but the library itself
02:23:23trekeNST : only qt app on my desktop is kmines :)
02:23:28warmiMFC , compared to this, is like a f** nightmare
02:23:51jjbenhamoh I see
02:23:52NSTheh, ok, i get the point..
02:24:04warmibtw ... I do like KDE
02:24:29warmibut I am a big fan of Win32 look and feel so KDE was a natural choice for me
02:24:31NSTI am currently using windowmaker.., but wondered if its time to switch to something more erm.. "sophisticated"
02:24:35jjbenhamwarmi:  So I assume qt is well documented?
02:24:48warmijjbenham: hell, yeah
02:25:33warmiQt has just about everything .. it is far more than a simple QUi library
02:25:36NSTalways though trolltech had the coolest name
02:26:22warmiXML, Assynchronous Sockets on UNIX, fast, mean and lean collection classes etc ..
02:26:24warmicool stuff
02:26:38jjbenhamwarmi: have you every used fltk?
02:26:46warmiand it runs on X, Windows, OS-X (Apple) and the Zaurus
02:26:53warmiyeah.. I have played around with it ...
02:27:07NSTwarmi dont forget the ipaq
02:27:07warmiin fact Zcheckers was ported from fltk program :-)
02:27:49jjbenhamcsound can use fltk.  This is one of the resons why i am interested in fltk
02:28:02warmiwhat's csound ?
02:28:26Fatbuminstalling beta10
02:28:49jjbenhamcsound is a compiler for a musical programing language.  It evolved from music V that was used on the RCA mark II and old IBM mainframes
02:28:57Fatbummy friend uses csound
02:29:28jjbenhamI want to compile it on the zaurus so I can use it while on the bus
02:29:48NSTAnd about the warrenty, is it like Palm's where you have a 1 year International warrenty?
02:29:55Fatbumhaha the new wireless lan icon is funny
02:30:02jjbenhamDo I need X to get fltk on the zaurus
02:36:50jjbenhamNST were you refering to insurance?
02:39:36NSTjjbenham no, you know, for example if they say you have a 1 year warranty, and for example the unit suddenly fails, you can just take it back to the people you bought it from, and get a new unit.
02:40:11jjbenhamNST:  I am sorry I was confused
02:40:16NSTnp :)
02:40:40warmijbenham: if this is a compilter than I am sure it will run on the zaurus
02:41:17warmijjbenham: you mean there is a tool for create/programming csound written in fltk ?
02:41:36NSTbrb, reboot
02:43:39jjbenhamwarmi:  no..You can create instruments in csounds that are controlled by and fltk interface.  You have these widget opcodes that will make an fltk widget popup.  Somethink like a slider or a dial.
02:43:54jjbenhamor a pannel of sliders and dials
02:44:12jjbenhamthese dials and or sliders controll paremeters of you instrument
02:44:16NSTk, i am back.
02:44:34warmihmm ... so this is almost like a sound tracker
02:44:45warmiI don't know if you are familiar with mod files
02:45:51jjbenhamwarmi:  not even close.  csound is a compiler for sound sythesis.  I know some mod players can do synthesis.  None of them I have seen have this level of sophistication though.
02:46:36warmiyeah, I know it is probably much more sophisticated but it is similar concept ..
02:47:11warmiare there any programs like that for Windows CE or PalmPilot ?
02:47:11jjbenhamwarmi:  I feel like it is comparing apples and oranges though.
02:47:33jjbenhamThere is a program for windows. I don't know about CE
02:48:05jjbenhamwith csound you can do anytype of sythesis imaginable
02:48:43NeoTronis back (gone 10:46:14)
02:49:03jjbenhamIt was developed over at MIT.
02:49:10jjbenhamIt did not begin there though.
02:49:27warmiyeah, I was going thru csound manual
02:49:30jjbenhamThis program evolved from much older programs.  
02:49:41jjbenhamwarmi:  do you write music?
02:50:15warminot really .. I used to write mod files but I am much better at writing C++ :-)
02:50:16jjbenhamwarmi:  It takes a long time to learn.  But it is worth it if you are into that
02:51:01warmiwell, going back to fltk .. you could install X and run this program on the Zaurus ..
02:51:19warmibut you could do the same using iPaq
02:51:22jjbenhamwarmi:  does fltk require x
02:51:30warmiyeah , it does
02:51:49warmibut , as I said, the ZAurus can run X
02:51:50trekewell you can run run X apps within qtopia with some creativity
02:51:53jjbenhamwarmi:  I am not sure about running x on the zaurus
02:52:50warmisure you can .. has even entire section devoted to X apps for the ZAurus
02:52:57trekeQtopia has a vnc viewer, and vncserver acts as an X server and can run on the iPaq/Zaurus
02:53:29warmibut he wanted to do it on his way to work/schools whatever
02:53:45warmithis is a link to X11 section
02:54:12Fatbumhow bout x11 and the apmd prollem
02:54:17Fatbumis that fixed in 2.2
02:54:21Fatbumor oz even?
02:54:45trekequestion is where bipolar put his qtopia-x binaries :)
02:54:49warmiI have no idea .. but I know people do run X11  on 5500x
02:54:52jjbenhamis x slow on zaurus?
02:55:17warmiprobably a bit slower than Qtopia
02:57:08warmijjbenham: maybe you would be better of getting yourself some sort of laptop ..
02:57:10jjbenhamwarmi:  there is a program that converts midi files to csound score files.  
02:57:48jjbenhamwarmi:  I do have a laptop.  I guess it was just part of the coolness factor of doing this on a Zaurus!
02:57:55warmioh ok
02:58:22jjbenhamIf I can get gcc I am sure I can get csounds on my Z
02:58:27trekewarmi : Oh I see what you were misunderstanding. You can install the vncserver on the zaurus, which you connect to locally
02:59:31warmiyou are talking about X based vncserver and not framebuffer one ?
02:59:53warmioh .. well I guess you could but then it is like running X
03:00:10trekeexcept you also have qtopia available at the same time
03:00:18warmiyeah, that';s true ...
03:00:37trekeits a memory hog though
03:00:39warmihmm .. but then again ... that would be rather stresfull on my 32MBs ..
03:00:52Fatbumany1 gotta link to this vnc business?
03:00:56Fatbumi would like to...
03:00:59Fatbumwell whatever vnc is
03:01:22warmiI used frambuffer base vnc to control my zaurus from the desktop
03:01:41warmihe is talking about running it localy for the the hell of it :-)
03:01:41trekeFatbum: Scroll up, I posted the server ipkg. The client software for qtopia is called keypebble and is probably on handango and is definitly in opie
03:02:01NSTFatbum: just google, the first link is good
03:02:29warmiI think it is available at
03:02:53warmiyou will also need zlib ipkg
03:03:17Fatbumhow can i browse online pkgs on the zaurus
03:03:20Fatbumthru the cradle i mean
03:03:33Fatbumi have winproxy
03:03:39Fatbumso i just have to configure
03:03:41Fatbumwin2k any1?
03:04:14warmiwell, then simply configure your Z just like you would configure any desktop machine for using winproxy
03:04:35Fatbumi am arent reatarded
03:04:59warmihmm .. well, maybe it is not THAT simple ..
03:05:08Fatbumnah im sure its easy
03:05:23warmifrankly, I am doing the same except I use regular (CF) network card ..
03:05:45Fatbumthatd be easy
03:05:48Fatbumcept i have no monees
03:05:54Fatbumany1 paypal benefit?
03:05:58warmithe cradle and this whole syncing crap was working so eradically I couldn't stand it anymore
03:06:15warmicome on .. you can get ethernet CF card for about $40
03:06:24warmithat's how much I paid for mine
03:06:40warmiit is not wireless
03:06:44Fatbumi know
03:06:53warmihold on
03:08:53NSTargh,  i suck at theming..
03:09:24Fatbumarg wibndows sux
03:09:40Fatbumso where do i add as a source for the pkg deally
03:10:06[DrEvil]someone kill Steven on the Dell Commercials
03:10:20NSTcan anyone recomend a nice windowmanager,, with lots of eye candy?
03:10:45warmi$ 42.50
03:10:51warmiworks like a charm
03:11:06[DrEvil]Enlightenment has the most eye candy
03:11:12[DrEvil]port it to the Z
03:11:29[DrEvil]it would take all of your RAM to start
03:11:47warmiI am sure Trolls will someday offer themability for Qtopia
03:11:57warmithen you can make it look anyway you want
03:12:08NSTi hope so, cuz so far there are already a lot of themes for the yopy
03:12:10warmieven more outragous than Enlightenment
03:13:14[DrEvil]there is some pretty slick stuff in the CVS Enlightenment
03:13:23warmifatbum:I mean , after spending $500 for the device itself I sure you can afford $40 for the network card
03:13:33[DrEvil]alas it is a resource hog
03:13:51[DrEvil]it supports 3D hardware acceleration
03:13:59NSTwishes he was a multi billionare
03:14:12NSTthen I could fly over to the US, and get a zaurus.
03:14:17warmiEnlightenment supports 3d hardware ????????
03:14:21Fatbumthey're cool
03:14:26[DrEvil]the CVS one does
03:14:34NSTah wait, they'll think i am a terrorist
03:14:44warmiwtf .. do you even need X server anymore ?
03:14:49warmior does it come with one ?
03:14:50[DrEvil]it isn't ready for primetime though
03:14:58[DrEvil]it is supposed to do almost everything
03:15:06[DrEvil]you wont need GNOME or KDE
03:15:09NSTdoes it look better?
03:15:16NSTare there any screenies?
03:15:17[DrEvil]it's pretty
03:15:23warmiNST: you can order one on the web .. no need to fly around
03:15:56warmihow about Japan ?
03:16:12Fatbumi cant get it to connect!
03:16:26warmidon't they sell new Zs ?
03:16:48NSTyea, well thats true, for $100 bux I go on a boat to japan and back, we are so close...
03:17:31Fatbumwhere you at nst?
03:17:47warmiman , this is frigging XXI century NST .. there are means to order stuff without having to haul your ass to another country
03:17:47NSTeven closer :)
03:18:21[DrEvil]not a very exciting screenshot
03:18:30[DrEvil]build the CVS
03:18:35[DrEvil]at least until evas
03:18:50warmialpha icons with real time shading .. nice
03:18:50NSTthat transparency rocks!
03:19:27[DrEvil]evas has a kick ass demo program with it
03:19:29warmiwell .. too bad I could never get used to E
03:19:30Fatbumusb sucks
03:19:36NSTi want mac OS X's gui, only faster...
03:19:42[DrEvil]if you have the video hardware you will be very impressed
03:20:11warmiwell, yeah but it gets old after a while
03:20:20warmiand then all this glitter starts getting in the way
03:21:18warmiDrEvil: do you run E as your main WM ?
03:21:58[DrEvil]it's pretty
03:22:02[DrEvil]it's got eye candy
03:22:17warmiso what do you run ?
03:22:29[DrEvil]right now I am running sawfish
03:22:34[DrEvil]sometimes WindowMaker
03:22:53warmilong time ago I used to run NextStep ..
03:23:11warmiWindowMaker looks like NextStep ripoff
03:23:14[DrEvil]I remember trying to get OpenStep running on a Slowaris box
03:23:21warmithese days I run either KDE or IceWm
03:23:33NSTI use exclusivly WindowMaker
03:23:46[DrEvil]I still want a window manager with a swirling black hole for deleting files
03:23:58nemsThat would rule. :)
03:23:58[DrEvil]it was stupid of NeXT to drop that
03:24:04nemsI didnt know next had it.
03:24:05[DrEvil]and put a recycle icon
03:24:06NSTdid they have that?
03:24:12[DrEvil]on the original version
03:24:19nemsCan you get an old version and port it?
03:24:27nemsWindowMaker is NeXT ish isnt it?
03:24:29[DrEvil]I'm sure someone can
03:24:35warminems: yeah
03:24:50warmiit has these big ass 64x64 icons all over place
03:25:05NSTwarmi: you can make them smaller
03:25:13warmiyeah, I know
03:25:15[DrEvil]were you able to run applications in the dock?
03:25:31NSThere is my current desktop
03:25:36NSThere is my current desktop
03:25:44[DrEvil]I just remember seeing app icons
03:25:51[DrEvil]but now apps like WindowMaker has
03:26:19[DrEvil]OpenStep was as much of a pain as CDE
03:26:30warmiright now I am running the best WM there is .. it has a nice [START] button and it is called Windows Explorer
03:26:30[DrEvil]when I see KDE I think CDE
03:26:49warmiKDE is nothing like CDE
03:26:56[DrEvil]it looks like it
03:27:07[DrEvil]at least KDE 1 did
03:27:10warmiwell, not really .. it looks more like a windows desktop
03:27:37warmiCDE was famous for that nasty , useless big floating taskbar
03:27:50[DrEvil]try adding an icon to it
03:27:54warmiheh ..
03:27:54[DrEvil]you had to edit like 10 files
03:27:55nemsI know theKompany's stuff is tkc<Appname> whats the tkc stand for?  is it actually a tk app?
03:28:09warmiyou might as well write your own WM if you want to do that
03:28:22[DrEvil]Motif was nice
03:28:25[DrEvil]it just got old
03:28:27[DrEvil]and pricy
03:28:33warmiand slow ..
03:28:38[DrEvil]that too
03:28:41[DrEvil]but hey
03:28:46warmiwell, it didn't get slow .. it was always like that :-)
03:28:48[DrEvil]I had it on a PDA
03:28:57[DrEvil]anything OSF is slow
03:29:21Fatbumfuckin winsuck
03:29:25Fatbumgotta 'restart'
03:29:28Fatbumwhatever that shit means
03:29:31Fatbumlousy os
03:29:47[DrEvil]I loved OS/2's desktop
03:29:55[DrEvil]all the nice objects
03:29:57[DrEvil]true objects
03:30:06[DrEvil]not this bullshit msft is pushing
03:30:08warmiit is not Windows that sucks .. it is Sharp drivers and Qtopia syncing app
03:30:43[DrEvil]file name extension association is bad
03:30:54warmiDrEvil: I tried to install OS/2 once ... and it did install but then I spend 5 hours trying to get my lan card to work and finally got so pissed I went back to Win95
03:31:09[DrEvil]it always worked for me
03:31:20[DrEvil]I made sure everything I had was compatiable
03:31:37warmiwell, it did for some people but it was famous for being very picky as far as hardware is concerned
03:32:02warmiand not like I had some wierd nic .. just a lovely NE2000 clone
03:32:13[DrEvil]it was able to find the slightest flaw in dram
03:32:39warmiJasonNJ use to be a big fish in OS/2 community
03:32:59warmiI think he used to run that (in)famous OS2 team or whatever it was called
03:33:07[DrEvil]Team OS/2
03:33:45warmiI asked him once about that but he wasn't very talktative hehe
03:33:50[DrEvil]I went after IBM on OS/2 2.0
03:34:03[DrEvil]2.0 was a POS
03:34:13[DrEvil]It was unstable on an IBM computer Ihad
03:34:21[DrEvil]you would have thought it would have worked fine
03:34:23warmiwhat year was that ?
03:34:29[DrEvil]it came pre-installed with OS.2
03:34:35[DrEvil]around 1992 I think
03:34:46[DrEvil]so I read IBM their EULA
03:35:00[DrEvil]and they sent me an upgrade to 2.1
03:35:08nemsSo anyone know? ;p
03:35:17[DrEvil]know what?
03:35:29nemsIf theKompany tkc stuff is actually tk stuff?
03:35:30warmiso you never really had a pleasure to taste Windows 3.11 family of products ?
03:35:35nemsOr is it just called tkc?
03:35:40warminems: no :-)
03:35:43[DrEvil]The Kompany.Com
03:35:44warmiit is just called tkc
03:35:44nemsthank you :)
03:35:49nemsOh.  duh.
03:35:57warmithese are pure C++ Qt based products
03:35:58nemsThanks... I'm a little slow sometimes. ;p
03:36:07nemsOk.. new question.  Should I learn C or C++?
03:36:09NSTanyone tried freeciv?
03:36:09[DrEvil]I use windows 3.0 and above
03:36:11nemsI know enough of both to be dangerous.
03:36:11warmiI wouldn't want to run tk on my zaurus
03:36:14nemsYes actually.. freeciv rocks.
03:36:18[DrEvil]learn C first
03:36:22nemsI used to chat with the founder of FreeCiv a lot.
03:36:27nemsHe's the founder of #linux on dalnet.
03:36:33nemsSometimes he's cool.. most of the time he's a dick though. :)
03:36:38[DrEvil]C++ will drive you crazy as a starter language
03:36:49nems[DrEvil] :  ok.. second question.  whats a good book?  The cow book sucks.
03:36:52nemsWell.. I'm a perl person.
03:37:02[DrEvil]get a D&D book
03:37:08nemsa D&D book?
03:37:11[DrEvil]perl is scripted
03:37:15warmiI started with asm back in 1988 .. then moved to C and later to C++ ..  C++ was the hardest to pick up
03:37:17[DrEvil]C is compiled
03:37:18nemsYes.. but thats what I do now ;p
03:37:19nemsIs perl
03:37:22warmiat least OO concepts were
03:37:23nemsI know the difference.. I'm not that dumb :)
03:37:31nemsMy perl is very modularized.
03:37:35nemsI'm not sure if thats the same thing...
03:37:53[DrEvil]most C books are punny
03:38:03warminems: perl CANNOT be "very" in anything .. except maybe in very crappy
03:38:03[DrEvil]catalin: How To Program
03:38:06nems[DrEvil] :  I've been a linux admin for a long while...  And I know enough C to be dangerous...  Thats about it though.
03:38:17nemsPerl?  Very crappy?  You're joking, right?
03:38:22[DrEvil] C how to program
03:38:31[DrEvil]damn nick completion
03:38:44[DrEvil]Deitel & Deitel
03:38:51warminems: yeah, it is for me in my line of work .. I am sure it is usefull for sys admins though
03:38:58nemsOk..  I dont know that one.  I'm thinking of the K&R book.
03:39:02[DrEvil]Ruby is supposed to be nice
03:39:12[DrEvil]this is one of my college texts
03:39:16nemsI've never really used Ruby.  Perl is great for admin stuff though.  
03:39:25nemsAnd right now I work doing web app stuff.
03:39:28[DrEvil]Ruby is really OO
03:40:06nemsWell.. anything in our perl scripts that can be used anywhere else is in its own module... like I said, I dunno if thats consider OO or not though...?
03:40:39NSTman, I am hungry,, I haven't eaten anything today..
03:40:48nems[DrEvil] :  is the D&D book easy to read through?  Like I said, I know enough to be dangerous, so going through the first few chapters sucks... ;)
03:40:51warmiwell, it is as much OO as C
03:41:12[DrEvil]it's pretty easy to read
03:41:39warmiseriously nems .... if you know Perl then C should be easy to learn
03:41:43nemsOn a side note... how the hell do I get today to NOT pop up every time I turn it on, if there's nothing in the list?
03:42:24nemswarmi:  Its a motivation thing.. partly.  Reading through some books is just soooo freaking boring.  And if I dont have a project to apply it to, it makes it even harder.
03:44:12warmiyeah, that's true
03:44:34warmiwell, as a sysadmin you should have plenty of time
03:44:40NSThehehe, fortune :  "IBM, it may be slow, but its hard to use" :))
03:44:55nemsWell.. I'm not a sysadmin atm.  I'm a web programmer... which sucks.  Its for a large government agency. ;p
03:45:23nemsholy crap.
03:45:28BigBossis there a date function in qte that works better than QDate?
03:45:32nemsthe deitel & deitel book is 76 bucks.   I hate buying computer books. ;)
03:45:38BigBossin other words goes back before the linux start date
03:46:02warmiyou mean before the epoch ?
03:46:19[DrEvil]college textbooks are
03:46:22warmiI don't think so .. you would have to get yourself specialized date class
03:47:03nemsWhy would you need one to?  Out of curiousity?
03:47:23BigBossjust to effeciently display older calendars
03:47:38warmiBBoss: QDate can go Returns the year (>= 1752) of this date.
03:48:02warmiwell, that copy& paste did not work exactly as I planned but you get the idea
03:48:17BigBosshmm - I need to check this
03:48:51warmiNote that QDate may not be used for date calculations for dates in the remote past, i.e. prior to the introduction of the Gregorian calendar. This calendar was adopted by England Sep. 14. 1752 (hence this is the earliest valid QDate), and subsequently by most other western countries, until 1923.
03:48:58warmiThere is your answer
03:49:55warmiI thought you said you don't code anymore ..
03:50:38BigBossnot a whole lot, but I still have to check into things
03:51:24warminems: if you have any more questions about tkc stuff BB is the guy to ask :-)
03:51:25[DrEvil]all bosses have to watch over everyone's back
03:51:33warmihe runs theKompany
03:52:09[DrEvil]or so he would have you believe
03:52:33BigBosswas nems asking?
03:52:39warmiwell, yeah .. but he has been claiming that for a while now so we kind of started to believe him by now
03:53:05warmihehe .. he was asking if tkc stand for tk toolkit :-)
03:53:41BigBossah - thekompanycom
03:53:59warmiI guess he was afraid your stuff was coded in tk :-)
03:54:04[DrEvil]I was right
03:54:10warmiwe told him it was pure C++
03:54:15BigBosswarmi: where was that information from you gave me?
03:54:21BigBossgod save me from tcl/tk
03:54:34warmistandard docs for QDate
03:54:46[DrEvil]it would take a fortnight for something in tk to run on the Z
03:55:36warmiDrEvil: heheh
03:55:48warmiyeah, tcl is not known for excessive speed
03:56:09[DrEvil]it would be worse than watching my Z trying to load all my NFS mounted MP3s
03:57:18[DrEvil]I almost thought it had started to smoke
03:57:47warmiI was trying to do just that
03:58:02warmihow hard is to set up NFS ?
03:58:27warmiI am using samba to connect to the zaurus from my Windows/Linux box but I would like to mount external drives on my Z
04:01:06[DrEvil]NFS is easy to setup compared to smb on the Z
04:01:29[DrEvil]I am still trying to figure out how to get the Z to mount smb shares
04:01:45warmiI don't think Z will mount smb shares
04:02:05[DrEvil]someone said they got it to work using debian arm packages
04:02:05warmiyou can mount Z filesystem on your desktop but not the other way around
04:02:38warmito mount external filesystem you would have to have smbfilesystem installed which is a kernel module
04:02:55BigBosswarmi: thanks for the link
04:03:15[DrEvil]there are smbfs packages
04:03:17warmiI know people use smbbrowser which is sort of like ftp client for the smb but it won't let you mount external drives
04:03:25warmiBB: no problem
04:03:43[DrEvil]hang on
04:03:43warmiDrEvil: ipkg for the Zaurus ?
04:03:56[DrEvil]I am looking for  the link
04:04:13[DrEvil]for the ipaq
04:04:39warmiyeah but will it work with ZAurus kernel ?
04:04:53warmiit is not use space program
04:05:05[DrEvil]look at the second to last post
04:05:35warmihmm .. yeah ..
04:05:37warmi"Install smbcommon and smbfs packages from Debian for the arm.  Works like a champ"
04:06:12[DrEvil]Debian stable probably uses the same kernel version that the Z does
04:06:40warmihe says run "At a shell, run dpkg-deb -xX <package.deb>  This extracts the contents of the file.  
04:06:49warmiat Zaurus shell ??
04:07:02[DrEvil]dpkg-deb is a command on the Z
04:07:07warmidoes it support debs ?
04:07:09[DrEvil]I am scared of it
04:07:23[DrEvil]I no like Debian
04:07:49[DrEvil]it gives me gas
04:08:16warmihave you tried that yet ?
04:08:23[DrEvil]not yet
04:08:26[DrEvil]like I said
04:08:30[DrEvil]I am scared of debian
04:08:52[DrEvil]i'm waiting for my desire to mount SMB on the Z to overcome my fear of Debian
04:09:00[DrEvil]not really fear
04:10:02[DrEvil]being able to browse smb stuff would be nice to include in an all in one wlan sniffing package
04:10:22warmiare writing something like that ?
04:10:34nems1Debian is the best.
04:10:44[DrEvil]bite your tounge
04:10:46warmiwhoa .. nems woke up
04:10:52nemsI'm afkish :)  did I miss somethin?
04:10:53[DrEvil]damn debian beatniks
04:11:06nemsI'm a tree hugging granola eatin' hippy, damnit.
04:11:09nemsBeatnik...  Psshhhht.
04:11:17warmiyou missed nothing .. we just were bashing Debian
04:11:19[DrEvil]let me find Xach's page
04:11:19warmithat's all
04:15:01[DrEvil]nems: you should install Lesbian
04:17:24zauroaster does anyone use the Socket 802.11b card?
04:17:59zauroasterand if so, does it work on Win2k with a CF->PC Card adapter?
04:28:05nemsLesbian?  lol
04:32:02[DrEvil]it's a debian based distro that is suited for porn
04:33:05[DrEvil]it has porn-get
04:37:11nemsBut how well does porn-get work? :) It should be pr0n-get
04:38:14[DrEvil]unfortunately...the link isn't working
04:38:44[DrEvil]see if it works for you
04:49:34shoeso does wlan definitively work with OZbeta10?
04:49:43shoe(I have yet to ever get wlan to work on any version of OZ)
04:52:35NSTlol, i just got back/ "lesbian" LMAO
04:59:00warmiyou were right DrEvil ..
04:59:05warmiI got smbfs working
05:00:17[DrEvil]was it tough?
05:01:18[DrEvil]is it ugly?
05:01:28warminah ... it mounted right away
05:01:40warmithe only problem si that you need to install two additional libraries
05:01:49warmiand libpam
05:01:55[DrEvil]that's debian for you
05:02:02warmiand make soft link from ncurses lib to ncurses.5
05:02:22warmianyway, works great .. thanks for the link
05:02:30[DrEvil]no prob
05:02:35[DrEvil]maybe I will try it
05:02:49[DrEvil]we need something like gnomba
05:03:08warmiwhat is that .. a smb browser ?
05:03:31[DrEvil]it checks all hosts on a given subnet
05:03:35warmiwell, yeah it would be usefull
05:03:51warmiI am happy just with ability to mount my server shares on the Zaurus
05:04:31[DrEvil]set up nfs too
05:04:52[DrEvil]I see autofs stuff on the Z
05:04:56[DrEvil]I need to look into that
05:05:03[DrEvil]if that worked, it would rule
05:05:17warmiyeah, a lot of cool precompiled binaries for ARm arch
05:05:27warmisee you later folks
05:18:45nems[DrEvil] :  It times out :(  
05:19:14[DrEvil]oh well
05:24:14NeoTronfuck it
05:24:31NeoTronI hate that apps sometimes / often leave the "icon" for no good reason and then pop up by themselves
05:24:37NeoTronit's like randoim whether or not it happens
05:41:24faq is, like, at or at or at
05:41:24NeoTronibot faq
06:09:48W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy smoking a blunt or sleeping or something
06:24:30NeoTronannoying it is
06:52:08arrrgis there a wireless broadband modem for CF slot?
07:11:05NeoTronaw hell!
07:11:05NeoTronthis is sucky icky yucky
07:11:38NeoTronwhen I exit the SDL (Qtopia) program using return (0) it doesn't "die"
07:11:42NeoTronif I use exit(0) it works
07:18:16arrrgI am useing Kdeveloper, and I have a new Qt project and I put some SDL stuff in there, but now it doesn't know where SDL.h is
07:34:40whardieranybody awake and running doze?
07:44:12MSpinis awake, but not for long
09:08:53markanyone got tkcAddressbook?
09:36:41somazeroHas anyone installed perl on their Z?
10:09:44Pietewhen you are using a zaurus for normal things, like entering an address, as what user are you logged in?
10:10:27somazeroHmm...Why can I link some stuff?....
10:10:49somazeroI am trying to do, for example: ln -s /mnt/cf/bin/ssh /mnt/cf/test/ssh
10:10:57somazeroand I get an Operation not permitted..
10:11:13PieteWhy root??
10:11:17somazeroWhy would it give me this?
10:11:19Pieteisnt that dangerous?
10:13:51somazeroUnless you're in a terminal...or a file manager...I don't think you can do damage
10:14:09somazerobut what I can't understand is why I can't link a couple of files...
10:14:16surgesomazero: a cf card actually mounted?
10:14:24somazerosurge: Yeas
10:15:25somazerosurge: is that not good?
10:15:28surgePiete: whats the worst that can happen? you loose your data. boohoo
10:15:41surgeits only a pda
10:16:18somazerosurge: got any idea why that wouldn't work?
10:16:38surgesomazero: try cd /mnt/cf; ln -s bin/ssh test/ssh
10:17:09surgesomazero: oh yeah, cf cards are dos formatted, they dont support symbolic links
10:17:34somazerosurge: Can I reformat them?
10:17:46surgesomazero: i think so
10:18:05surgebut that would make the card unusable on all other devices
10:18:11Twiunsomazero: it's because the filesystem on CF/SD is FAT by default
10:18:25Twiunno symlinking on FAT filesystems
10:18:47Twiundoh... just scrolled up... someone already answered ;-)
10:18:49Pietefat sux
10:18:49somazeroYeah, makes sense...but, I mean, to me, I think it would be better if I had an ext2
10:19:05surge...because the other devices have inferior operating systems. haha!
10:19:07Twiunsomazero: Yeah, but like surge said...
10:19:09somazeroI don't use fat for anything anyway..:)
10:19:13somazeroYeah...I hear ya...
10:19:23somazeroDon't plan on using it in anything else though..:)
10:19:31TwiunIn that case, go for it
10:19:44Pieteis it possible to play smmall DivX files?
10:20:12surgePiete: i heard someone is working on a dixv player, but not yet
10:20:48PieteI saw someone running xine on a Yopy, I wonder if it will work on the Z..
10:21:00Pieteprolly not without some hacking...
10:22:02surgehmm, i think yopy has same cpu. you can probably give it a shot
10:22:22surgeor do they use sh3s?
10:23:27Pietei think its the same, the only prob is I think xine needs X, so either I will need to install x, or make it use fbdev (with no gui support)
10:26:43surgetheres X for zaurus already, but id recommend porting to use the qt framebuffer
10:26:54surgethat would be much faster
10:28:51somazeroSWEET...:)...I've got perl 5.6.1 installed now...:)  Nothing like having perl on a PDA...:)
10:30:40surgeyeah, immensely useful
10:31:13Pietesomazero kewl
10:31:33somazeroIt's useful for the geek factor alone...:)
10:33:06Pietehows python on the Z?
10:36:16surgealone being the operative word
10:41:40Twiunhey whardier - going to do your phone call now?
10:48:15GEPMif I sell my IIIc, I will have $600 in total available to get a Z,,, Do you guys think I should do it??
10:57:39Twiundepends on your needs
10:58:00Twiunwhat would you use it for?
10:58:03GEPMI am just a guy who loves gadgets
10:58:29GEPMAnd I am a little tired of the palms
10:59:01Twiunwould you use is purely as a pda or for other things?
10:59:22GEPMmore for other things than for a pda..
10:59:22Twiunthe Z should really be viewed as a mirco computer as opposed to a pda
11:00:05GEPMyea. I've been reading some BB's, and so far I like what I hear..
11:01:29GEPMI just love fideling with stuff :)
11:44:38surgewhy does transfers to my cf card keep crashing my zaurus?
13:11:47Twiunsurge: tried using fsck on your cf card?
13:16:51surgeTwiun: not lately. but it happened the first time i put it in too.
13:16:58surgeill check it out...
13:18:17surgehell, what device is it?
13:18:43ljpits /dev/hda1 I think.. look in /etc/fstab
13:20:02surgehmm, weird.
13:20:11surge# dosfsck /dev/hda1
13:20:14surgedosfsck 2.8, 28 Feb 2001, FAT32, LFN
13:20:14surgeReclaimed 2865 unused clusters (5867520 bytes).
13:20:14surgeLeaving file system unchanged.
13:21:40surgeah needs a switch
13:22:39ljpdarned fat fs
13:23:25surgeah heh, thats the reordering the fs? damn i forgot about that i havent used fat for so long.
13:25:36surgeit did it again
13:25:41surgeright after fsck
13:25:52surgethe card is bad maybe?
13:26:01surgedoes this happen to anyone else?
13:26:10Rincenot to me
13:28:00ljpI had a fat fs on a cd so recursively messed up I had to reformat
13:28:07ljperr cf
13:30:43surgewell this one looks clean - dosfsck doesnt report anything serious
13:34:10ljpneeds another stylus
13:40:46nemui-chanHey guys.
13:41:51Rinceand another bug in tkcAddressBook... :-)
13:42:55surgehmm, is there a way to cap the usb tranfser rate (linux on desktop too)?
13:43:29nemui-chanCap it?  Why would you want to?
13:43:32surgethis is really strange... after it barfs about 4 times or so, its fine
13:43:48surgenemui-chan: transfers to my cf card are causing hangs and resets
13:44:02surgei suspect its a usb timing problem
13:44:40nemui-chanVery odd...
13:49:43ljphey JasonNJ, how goes it?
13:57:30BigBosshey rikkus
13:57:38BigBossrince: what bug?
13:58:31BigBossI see we have a tkcJabber user
13:58:46Guesthehe a confused one
13:59:11Guestcould you help?
14:00:00bobstaygah... I just updated my rom to 1.13... how the *$%^ do you use the irda stuff?
14:00:26BigBosswhat's your question?
14:01:20Guestijust got this ancant figur out how to get my icq contacts and icq working
14:01:57BigBossare you Margot
14:02:01Guestalso why i am a guest when iregistered
14:02:06Guesthehe yes
14:02:36BigBossI don't have my wireless set up right now so I can't really walk you through it.  I know you can change it, and do it, I was doing it before, but it's been a while since I set it up
14:02:53BigBossI referred your question to the lead engineer to get a more direct answer, then we'll add it to the FAQ
14:03:15bobstayam I stupid, or does the "Internet Wizard" actually give you no option to *dial* the connection you create?
14:04:15Guesthow do i set nick in here? is it like regular irc? /msg nickserc etc
14:04:27bobstay/nick <newnick>
14:04:49BigBossthere are a number of IRC commands that aren't supported by the irc-transport, which we have no control over
14:05:33Guestack its beeping at me!
14:05:49bobstayI take it I'm stupid then.
14:06:03bobstayhunts for the ppp "dial" option without resorting to command-line stuff
14:07:01Guestok /nick doesnt work ...bob never did dialup ..using wireless att home atm
14:08:50bobstayfantastic.... handholds you through the bit I've done - putting in the dial-up settings... Nowhere does it tell you how to *dial*
14:09:12MSpinhey kergoth
14:09:40kergothhow goes it
14:09:53CloudChaserhehe hiya
14:10:10benmeyerthe please wait dialog is built into the sharp apps
14:10:17benmeyerlets incorperate it into the opie lib
14:10:26benmeyerso we can re-use it
14:10:26kergothfigured we'd want to do that.
14:10:34CloudChaserok got the nick going
14:10:53MSpinkergoth: I woke up an hr early
14:10:53benmeyerI have made one for the Tab manager
14:11:17HrAbbeybobstay: I've no idea, but did you check under Net & Sync settings?
14:11:32bobstayI did, yes
14:11:44bobstayit gives you a nice list of the services you have set up
14:11:49bobstayand add/remove/properties
14:11:54bobstayno "dial" button though
14:11:59kergothbenmeyer: ah
14:12:01kergothMSpin: what for?
14:12:15benmeyerAnyone know how to get the language via qt calls? i.e. en, de etc
14:13:09HrAbbeyIt's not dial-up on demand, is it?
14:13:14kergothwades back into kernel space
14:14:38kergothWhile I'm in the framebuffer driver, any volunteers to add subpixel rendering?
14:16:09MSpinkergoth: no reason, my body just woke up an houre before my alarm went off
14:16:17kergothMSpin: oh i hate that
14:16:54ljpkergoth: did you see those opie mails from sharp Germany?
14:17:22ljpgroucho called him, and now that sales guy thinks opie is groucho's company
14:17:44kergothopie, llc
14:17:51ljpI asked groucho for a raise
14:18:09ljpheheheh groucho, CTO Opie, llc
14:18:57HrAbbeyBobstay: Tried it and found it!  Icon on taskbar to dial.
14:19:15bobstaywondered what that was!
14:19:50HrAbbeyI wonder if I can set this up for a null-modem, in cradle, ppp setup.
14:20:04bobstayhas an irda cellphone ;)
14:20:14bobstayyou have a serial cradle?
14:21:03MSpinkergoth: I added a bunch of bugs to the bug tracker last night.  kistmet nearly works great tho:)
14:21:12HrAbbeyNope, usb, using usb->serial driver.
14:21:16kergothMSpin: thanks, ill work on em when i can
14:21:21kergothHrAbbey: ppp over serial over usb works fine
14:21:33bobstayI want to get hold of a serial cable for my GPS
14:21:42HrAbbeykergoth: cmd line I know, but with the gui ?
14:21:44kergothMSpin: yeah i was having some fun with kismet yesterday.. found 4 networks within digi, two of which dont comply with the configuration rules established by MIS.. lol..
14:21:50kergothHrAbbey: ah not certain
14:22:48scanline was last seen on #tuxscreen 21 hours, 31 minutes and 47 seconds ago, saying: is back (gone 09:22:48) [Tue May 21 17:51:01 2002]
14:22:48kergothibot: seen scanline?
14:23:19kergothwe need smoothing in the touchscreen driver. the jitter drives me nuts
14:24:53ljpisnt it the same way on the Sharp rom?
14:30:46benmeyerkergoth: when internationalizing qtopia how do you find out what the current language is?
14:31:33kergothbenmeyer: you dont need to. or at least shouldnt.
14:32:51benmeyerthe tab manager
14:32:57benmeyerwhen editing comments for example
14:33:05benmeyerin germany they are under Comment[de]=foo
14:33:12benmeyerand not Comment=foo
14:33:29kergothbrb, meeting.
14:33:37RinceBig: missing entries in the "Countries"-Field and more localization issues :-)
14:34:09bobstayhas anyone succeeded in changing the text in Qt's tabs once they're created?
14:34:49benmeyervia tabmanager?
14:35:13benmeyerI made tabmanager so if you have a bug let me know
14:35:54nemui-chanbleh.  I forgot my cardreader.
14:38:05HrAbbeybenmeyer: I just changed Jeode -> Java and Palm w/o problem.
14:38:10BigBossrince: darn localization
14:38:20RinceI know I am a bad guy there :-)
14:45:38benmeyerkergoth: is tab manager in opie?
14:45:43benmeyerdoes it work?
14:45:54benmeyerAny idea where it might be breaking?
14:45:58MSpinbenmeyer: it seems to
14:48:36HrAbbeyAnybody seen SL-5500 styluses in local stores yet?
14:51:14benmeyerI am putting together a list of things that developers should check before releasing (and to get into the new "cirtified" feed).  Can anyone think of anything that they have seen that is wrong that I should add?
14:53:19HrAbbeyLots.  Good install to CF,  clean de-install, basic stuff to start.
14:53:54benmeyershould it uninstall the settings?
14:53:55HrAbbeyEither an icon, or a README/ Help file in a standard place (you're certifiing, so you get to choose the standard?)
14:54:27HrAbbeySetting should stay put, unless bigger than Xk.
14:54:27benmeyerHelp file
14:54:27HrAbbeywhere X = say 50
14:54:34benmeyerif the app support the help thingy
14:54:36MSpinno ISO-9000 cert required?:)
14:55:17HrAbbeyI'm thinking of console / deamon apps where an icon doesn't make sense. i.e. opie-sh.
14:56:00benmeyerwell in those cases they wouldn't have an icon
14:56:00benmeyerone of the rules it no console requirement at all
14:56:28HrAbbeyAlso, thinking of config files.  Standard place (either /etc or .pkgname)
14:56:50benmeyerThey should use Config that came with QTopia
14:56:52HrAbbeyopie-sh doesn't require console, since other progs. depend on it which don't require consle.
14:57:13benmeyeryah exacly
14:57:30benmeyeryou normally shoujlnd't insall opie-sh, but you wouldn install the gui apps which would install it
14:57:37benmeyerDoesn't create a tab
14:58:31HrAbbeySo you're saying opie-sh wouldn't be certified, but apps that depend on it would be?
14:58:54benmeyerno opie-sh isn't a user app, just a requirment
14:59:08benmeyerso as long as the two packages are together then it is fine
14:59:12benmeyeri.e. in a feed
14:59:25HrAbbeyI thought the feed was for certified apps only.
14:59:39HrAbbeyBut I get what you're saying, I think...
14:59:46benmeyerI am going to make a new feed
14:59:56benmeyerthe current feed is simply everything under the sun
15:00:22HrAbbeyI think a certified feed (a la Debian testing/stable) is a GREAT idea.
15:01:51benmeyerUp until now I have been manually fixing packages and sending them to the authors
15:01:57ljpheh ya.. then you can make a warez feed ;)
15:02:05HrAbbeyAnother thing I've seen.  Icon's that don't do anything be default. (i.e. GnuBoy)  At least bring up a help screen...
15:02:16HrAbbeybenmeyer: wow.  Too much work, but appreciated, I'm sure.
15:02:45benmeyerWell up until this point it was simply trying to get up the applications numbers
15:03:10HrAbbeyGnuBoy required manual intervention to work right.  But out of the ipk. box it looked like it would do something.
15:03:46benmeyeryah, for example GnuBoy should have an ipk for each game
15:03:57benmeyerthat creates an icon with a script to start it
15:04:07HrAbbeyYep, all depending on a gnuboy-base or some such.
15:04:38HrAbbeyUnfortunately, I only know of one rom that's legal, QBert.
15:04:46benmeyerhey well then there is 1
15:06:16HrAbbeyFor a certified type feed, a max mem requirement would probably be good.  I.e. no need for swap on Sl-5000.
15:06:28HrAbbeys/Sl-5000/SL-5500 non-dev/
15:06:39rikkushow much memory does the SL-5000 have ?
15:07:40HrAbbey18meg or so usable out of the box.
15:07:52RinceZAURUSso... this works too :-)
15:07:56rikkusthat's reassuring, I thought I was dealing with less
15:08:18HrAbbeyrikkus: you are.  I'm not going to run JUST your program...
15:08:44rikkusI'm trying to keep mem usage under 2M, if that's any help
15:08:50rikkusincluding program binary
15:08:52HrAbbeySound reasonable...
15:09:29BigBossRince are you on tkcJabber?
15:09:47HrAbbeyHmmm... what else should all good Zaurus apps have / do...
15:09:58rikkusHrAbbey: not crash
15:10:00benmeyerserver manager
15:10:03Cloudhehe sorry
15:10:27HrAbbeyAhhh BigBoss's presence reminds me: compliance to Qtopia color Schemes by default.
15:10:48benmeyerkergoth: can you have a Multimedia tab in opie
15:10:51benmeyerit is needed
15:11:02benmeyerput the audio player and image viewer in it to start
15:11:04ljpmultimedia tab?
15:11:40benmeyerApplications just get filled up way to fast
15:12:08RinceBigBoss: no, I have it installed buit I don't use it yet, I don't know how to use it with IRC :-)
15:12:09nemui-chanSo does documents.
15:12:20RinceBigBoss: and I don't know how to register myself for it or so - never used it before :-)
15:13:57HrAbbeyAnother nice thing for apps to do: not take over the Home key.
15:14:43nemui-chanOr the cancel key.
15:14:47HrAbbeyAnd another: use the menu button to get to menus / icons.  Like doesn't happen in tab manager...
15:14:58BigBossIRC is easy, just select the transport
15:15:15nemui-chanWhile we're at it, make the "Ok" button simulate enter/submit
15:15:18nemui-chanif applicable.
15:15:28benmeyerHrAbbey: there is no menu in the tab manger
15:15:37HrAbbeyicons => menu.
15:15:43RinceBigBoss: huh? I only saw aim and the rest... is IRC new in jabber?
15:15:56HrAbbeyicons at top serve as the menu.
15:16:10benmeyernope, they are buttons
15:16:22HrAbbeyIn Qtopia pims, the menu button allows you to go the the icons to.  Something I like
15:16:33benmeyergive them focus?
15:16:33HrAbbeyButtons should be menu then?
15:16:40HrAbbeyYep.  They get focus.
15:17:07benmeyernot sure how to do that
15:17:21HrAbbeyAs a heavy keyboard user I have diggin out the stylus....
15:17:57Twiundoh ;-)
15:18:13i guess ls is something I type a lot.... (Where am I , what am I doind ;)
15:18:13HrAbbeyibot: ls
15:18:50rikkusheh, that's the main use of ls
15:18:59rikkusthat and pwd
15:20:02nemui-chanHrAbbey :  Ditto...  Thats why  I want "Ok" to hit enter, and "Cancel" to exit the program :)
15:20:25nemui-chanBecause I hate digging out the stylus AND I hate disconnecting from USB to open the keyboard to hit enter ;)
15:20:31nemui-chanis a picky bastard.
15:20:50warmibenmayer: you should add to your serve faq how to set up smbfs under the Zaurus so one can mount windows drivers directly under Z filesystem
15:21:04warmiI mean windows drives
15:21:06HrAbbeynemui-chan: agreed.  I'm not a pick-boardy bastard either.
15:21:30nemui-chanmount windows drivers?  err.  windows drives?
15:21:40nemui-chanwait.. you already said that.
15:21:41benmeyerupdating zz feed
15:21:48nemui-chanis sick.  Thats my excuse.  I'm sticking to it.
15:22:18nemui-chanI gotta go pick up the Deitel and Deitel book today.
15:22:50nemui-chanI'm taking back my oreilly C and C++ books.
15:22:53warmiwasn't that you who complained how expensive this book is ..
15:22:54nemui-chanSurprisingly, they suck.
15:22:58warmisomething like $70 or so
15:22:59nemui-chanYup ;p
15:23:22warmioreilly stuff is more like a reference
15:23:36benmeyersomeone made an smbmount ipk
15:23:51warmiI am not aware of smbmount ipk
15:23:57benmeyeryummy smbmount 160GB of mp3's...
15:23:57nemui-chanYup :)
15:24:03warmiI just used debs from debian and installed by hand
15:24:29HrAbbeyNow I remember why I wanted wireless lan!  Mp3's. ;)
15:24:49warmithat's great ...
15:24:51nemui-chanwill wireless do streaming mp3s? :)
15:25:17nemui-chanwarmi:  well..  the oreilly stuff I picked up for C/C++ was supposed to be a learning book... it just sucks.,
15:25:19warmifrankly, what we need now is some sort of GUI for that so people can mount their windows drivers
15:25:20kergothnemui-chan: wireless doesnt 'do' streaming mp3s. wireless is a medium over which you can do whatever you like, assuming your app can stream mp3s. heh
15:25:29benmeyerno streaming, but if you mount it locally
15:25:32HrAbbeyStreaming nothing.  Mount my mp3 dir.
15:25:33ljpwhats servermanager?
15:25:47nemui-chanI know wireless doesnt 'do' streaming.. I meant is wireless fast enough to do streaming mp3's and is there a player that supports streaming yet.
15:25:53benmeyerturn on/off telnet/ssh/boa servers
15:25:56kergothljp: comments and uncomments lines in inetd.conf .. hehe
15:26:00warmiit is nice way to start my telnet server on the Z . that's what it is :-)
15:26:05ljpheh ahh
15:26:12HrAbbeyservice manager or server manager?  I've both
15:26:17kergothnemui-chan: yes its fast enough, and opieplayer can play mp3 from a url
15:26:18warmiyou should add samba to that list
15:27:32nemui-chanI really need an ap and wireless card.  I need 250 extra bucks ;p
15:27:47Guestah, there I am :-)
15:27:47warmi$250  ??
15:27:57ljpkergoth: I'm thinking of changing opie-sound package to be in the vmemo package together..
15:28:06warmiI think you can get one for about $80 or so
15:28:09nemui-chanWell.. 100 bucks for a card, 130 for an ap, 20 bucks shiping.
15:28:13nemui-chanbut I need an ap too
15:28:18warmian ap ?
15:28:22nemui-chanacecss point
15:28:25warmioh right
15:28:42warmiyeah, that's true .. I am ignorant as far as wireless goes
15:28:50warmiat my house everything is wired
15:28:51kergothljp: hmm
15:29:15ljpsince Sound settings is really vmemo settings anyway
15:29:54kergoththough it includes volume and shit.. which is global, but thats covered by the applet
15:30:15kergothso go ahead. or include that config dialog accessible via tap+hold on the vmemo applet
15:30:34HrAbbeybenmeyer: new howtos purty.  Special Zaurus Considerations Nice.  Only one typo.  I like.
15:31:05kergothreflashes his Z so it boots again
15:31:17kergothI really need a serial cable for serial console
15:31:22ljpkergoth: well. vmemo works like if you hold the icon- it records
15:31:30benmeyerWhat is the typo?
15:31:46kergothljp: oh yeah. could change it to tap to start, tap again to stop, then prefs via tap+hold
15:31:49kergothljp: i dunno
15:32:05RinceZauruskergoth: what was it, keyboard and seri together won't work?
15:32:10ljpI'll give it some thought
15:32:19kergothRinceZaurus: yes.
15:32:33kergothRinceZaurus: unfortunate, but I still need to be able to serial console regardless for kernel debugging
15:32:47HrAbbeybenmeyer: Not really a typo. Just doesn't make sense to me.
15:32:56HrAbbeybenmeyer: Quote: "This is a power tool for developers to use and a "cool" factor to should your buddy that you have vi on your pda not a requirement. "
15:33:06RinceZauruskergoth: I need it for Solaris-Crashes...
15:33:10benmeyeroops show
15:33:13benmeyernot should
15:33:32HrAbbeyAhhh.... much better.
15:33:39kergothRinceZaurus: indeed. consoling is a nifty niche app for the Z, if they'd fix the non-use of the keyboard thing
15:34:33ljpis tired of hearing "well such and such doesn't work.. someone needs to fix it" and they dont bother to fix it themselves.. grrrr heh
15:34:44kergothYES i hate that
15:34:49kergothits open source for gods sake
15:35:35ljpespecially when its an ipaq issue.. I wrote some ipaq fucntions, but cant test ehm.. heh
15:35:56kergothdamn slackers
15:36:02ljpfire them!
15:36:14kergothyeah, go oliver
15:36:30MSpinkergoth: kismet has a nice API:)
15:36:36MSpinloves this
15:37:00kergothMSpin: so you're gonna take on the new UI? are you gonna communicate with the server directly?
15:37:14MSpinkergoth: yup
15:37:24kergothfigured. nice.
15:37:56MSpinhe has all the socket communication wrapped up cleanly
15:38:12kergothI should add some useful QCop channels to wlansetup so you can tap on a network and set yourself up to connect to it cleanly
15:38:29ljpcheck this out:
15:38:30MSpinhehe yeah
15:40:37MSpinI got a little CF to IDE adapter sitting on my shelf
15:41:23MSpinI'm thinking I'll use it on my FW
15:42:12benmeyerHey Opie-SH has its own tab...
15:42:37benmeyerShouldn't some of them be under Settings?
15:42:41HrAbbeyopie-sh tab?  What?!? When ver?  Why?
15:43:13HrAbbeyMust be in the new ver.  I never upgraded.  they used to be in Settings...
15:43:20HrAbbeyBAD Gonz...
15:43:35kergothokay I'm done setting up the sa1100fb_init_fbinfo() to handle collie. time to merge in the lcd enable/disable functions and screen blanking.. then I move on to other drivers
15:43:36benmeyerhmm, yah we should e-mail him to have it changed back
15:44:25HrAbbeybenmeyer: you've got clout.  Please do so, and tell him users (me) request it.
15:45:11HrAbbeywhat type of icon did he use for the tab?
15:45:28HrAbbeyI'm still looking for one for my changeSwap prog...
15:46:48warmido you guys know if that sharp mobile modem (spider or whatever) allows for faxing stuff ?
15:48:21nemui-chanya know... the ipkg from the feed that is for opie-qasteroids (I think) doesnt have an icon.
15:48:35nemui-chanIs there any way to get Today to stop popping up if there's nothing in it?
15:49:09kergothnemui-chan: you either have it pop up, or not. cant do it dependent on content.
15:49:25JasonNJsup dudes.
15:49:28kergothhey jason
15:49:35warmihi jason
15:49:54nemui-chanhowdy jason
15:50:33Matthew_Ihey does zaurus work with evoloution on linux?
15:51:01hungerMatthew_I: Not at all.
15:51:09warmiI think people are working on a syncing software to make it work
15:51:19Matthew_Iso maybe some day it will?
15:51:24hungerMatthew_I: There is a perl script to do some syncing, but thats rather broken.
15:51:27warmiI am sure it will
15:51:35BigBossjason: private msg for you
15:51:35MSpinheya Jason
15:51:43warmiI saw somebody posting on one of Z mlists about such projects
15:51:47Matthew_II think the zaurus is sweet, but if i can't sync with my linux box, what is the point of getting one
15:52:08BigBossI so rarely sync these things, I don't really care myself
15:52:15BigBossI've never synced the Z at all
15:52:24kergothMatthew_I: you can copy files back and forth easily with scp/ftp/samba/etc.. not exactly syncing, but its useful
15:52:34kergothme netiher. i use my Z for PIM only, dont use the desktop for such things at all
15:52:57warmiMatthew_I: remember, Evolution is an open source app  and therefore it is only a matter of time before somebody writes syncing software ( and as I sadi people are already working on it )
15:52:57Matthew_Ikergoth: so in theory I could write a script to sync my email?
15:53:45Matthew_Iwill there be any other versions of zaurus coming out?
15:53:46HrAbbeyI do copy email by script.  I haven't gotten it into the Z's mail program format yet though.
15:55:31RinceZauruswill use his laptop again for IRC
15:56:31Matthew_Iso no more versions of the zaurus are planned?
15:56:43NeoTronsure there is
15:56:53HrAbbeyNone soon to public knowledge.
15:56:54Matthew_Ithanks folks
15:57:06bobstayis working on zic again
15:57:24bobstay(after far too long)
15:57:25benmeyernothing like sitting on the can with zic, haha
15:58:25MS_awaytime to war walk:)
15:58:26NeoTronis away: work
15:58:34kergothhehe, have fun
15:59:30bobstaybenmeyer: hah! I do that!
15:59:51bobstaywhat features do you want?
16:00:13benmeyermaybe be able to hide the list of people
16:00:16benmeyermore screenspace
16:00:24bobstaythat's already there
16:00:32benmeyerthey nothing else
16:00:34bobstaythe little button at the bottom of the scrollbar
16:00:42bobstaywith the ">" on it
16:00:46bobstayhides the userlsit
16:01:04bobstayponders the possiblity of multiple servers
16:01:07Rinceoay, back -)
16:01:54kergothadds the openzaurus 2.4.6 kernel tree to cvs
16:02:13benmeyerkergoth: for selection we only have selection of:  admin, base, comm, editors, extras, graphics, libs, misc, net, text, web, x11.  Should we add some?
16:02:16benmeyerlike Applications
16:02:40kergothfor selection? you mean Section?
16:04:35kergothwell arent we supposed to use a explicit section for opie and qpe apps?
16:05:00benmeyerhmmm Settings works too...
16:05:01kergothfor example, the opie addressbook is in Section: opie/applications
16:05:14benmeyercan't have slashes
16:05:21kergothyes you can
16:05:37HrAbbeyApplications >= comm, editors, extras, graphics, net, web ?
16:06:11HrAbbeyextras/pim makes sense to me though...
16:06:32kergothhm? as I said for qtopia apps its within the section for qtopia, and opie within opie
16:06:38HrAbbeyor would that be misc.  I wonder what Debian uses.
16:07:12kergothHrAbbey: its distribution dependent.  sharp should've written a packaging policy document.
16:07:40benmeyerSharp should have done a lot of things...
16:07:45kergothno kidding
16:07:46benmeyerSo should have TrollTech
16:07:51kergothand lineo
16:07:53benmeyerbut they didn't so now I am deciding
16:07:57HrAbbeykergoth: did.  they said follow debian.  that's what ipk sez.
16:08:00benmeyerand I work with developers so I get to
16:08:44kergothHrAbbey: huh?
16:08:48kergothHrAbbey: ipkg is used by multiple distributions
16:09:08TwiunAnyone know what Motorola byte order is? Big or small endian?
16:09:10kergothHrAbbey: as I said, its DISTRIBUTION specific, not package management system specific.
16:09:27HrAbbeyIn ipk docs womewhere, it says locations, and etc should be like in debian.
16:09:33kergothHrAbbey: you're not listening.
16:09:39HrAbbeyPkg managemnet is distribution specific.
16:09:44kergothHrAbbey: wrong.
16:09:52HrAbbeyKergoth:  Listening, not agreeing.
16:09:59kergothHrAbbey: ipkg is used by familiar, the sharp rom, openzaurus, and who knows how many others.
16:10:14kergothHrAbbey: familiar's decisions regarding packaging policies need not be the same as ours.
16:10:33HrAbbeykergoth: it would be nice if they were the same though.
16:11:01kergothHrAbbey: but as I said, there's no need for it to be. in other words, its distribution specific, not specific to the package management system in use.
16:11:14kergothHrAbbey: for example, suse's package naming conventions are quite different than redhat's
16:11:19kergothHrAbbey: despite the fact that both use rpm
16:11:31HrAbbeykergoth: open source, so no NEED.  but if no advantage to change, why do so?
16:11:59HrAbbeykergoth: otherwise re-inventing the wheel a lot.
16:11:59kergothHrAbbey: we've already expanded beyond the ipkg recommendations.
16:12:11kergothHrAbbey: as I said previously, we currently expand into Qtopia and Opie Sections.
16:12:24HrAbbeykergoth: understood....
16:13:29kergothHrAbbey: So we're in our own policy space. we must establish our own policies beyond those in ipkg's recommendations.. we dont necessarily have to change things which break compatibility with familiar, but we do need a policy document.
16:13:32benmeyeroff to lunch
16:13:42kergothive got another 2 hours before i get to eat
16:13:50HrAbbeylunch sounds good.... later.
16:15:06warmikergoth: that's purely self imposed limitation .. I am sure if you really wanted you could drop everything you are doing now and go get something to eat
16:15:22kergothpoint taken
16:15:34kergothcourse there'd be consequences.. like a really annoyed boss :-)
16:15:50warmiwell, there are no free lunches
16:15:57warmigot to pay for everything
16:18:32warmimsmax: are you the guy who is working on the new driving game for tkc ?
16:19:01msmaxwarmi: not i, but boy from our company
16:19:27warmiI thought it was you
16:21:45warmimsmax: have you seen that game yet ?
16:22:26warmiwhoa ...
16:23:46warmi"I propose that Sharp offer the Zaurus with a choice of operating system: Linux,PocketPC, PalmOS.  This will keep the hardware platform alive and give consumers a choice they don't have with any other PDA manufacturer."   <  somebody posted that on Zaurus-general ... what you guys think of that ?
16:24:11msmaxwarmi: yes i have it
16:24:47warmihow does it look msmax ?  how's the graphics ?
16:24:57msmaxwarmi: i wont PocketPC on my z ;)
16:25:44warmiwell, the guy who wrote that email seems to be indicating that Zaurus with Linux on it is going nowhere .
16:26:08bobstaywarmi: I think the guy who wrote the email is an idiot
16:26:19bobstaypocketpc is feasible, but palmos?
16:26:41bobstayhe been smoking the carpet again
16:26:48warmihmm .. I think new palmos runs on Arm CPU
16:26:52msmaxwarmi: i think it realy cool game, with cool graphics (realy), need only wait until it finished
16:27:04warmimsmax: I will .. I like driving games
16:28:13warmibobstay: you know that guy who wrote it ?
16:28:26bobstayno, I'm being bigoted :P
16:28:59warmiwell, I thought maybe you saw him posting before
16:29:32bobstayno, I was just going on what you said
16:29:55ljpI think if you want palmos buy that damnpda
16:29:59bobstaybut I think there's boatloads of apps coming out for it, and TheKompany's stuff is really good
16:30:07bobstayso I don't see what he's on about
16:30:15warmifor one it would be an nightmare for Sharp trying to support 3 difffernet operating systems
16:30:47bobstaythat too
16:31:23treke_make it 4 oses
16:31:30treke_They also have their OS from japan
16:31:51warmibut, according to Jason, they are planning to phase it out
16:31:59warmiand replace it with Linux OS
16:32:15warmiwell, it would only make sense
16:32:23treke_I was under the impression it was really popular in japan
16:32:34warmiwait a bit untill Qtopia matures some more ( and aquires more apps) and then replace it
16:32:44warmihe actually said something about some sort of emulation layer
16:34:12warmifrankly, if you think about it .. iPaq is what this needs if he wants to have an option of OS
16:34:16[DrEvil]I wish people would stop cc'ing to zaurus-general
16:34:28warmiI meant, what this guy needs
16:34:45treke_yeah. you'd got everything but the palmos
16:34:46warmias I understand Qtopia runs nicely on it and so does PocketPC
16:34:59[DrEvil]but not PalmOS
16:35:10kergothi'm glad I switched zaurus-general to the daily version. i'm tired of the end user support. heh.
16:35:15warmiwell, you can't have everything you want , can you ?
16:35:23[DrEvil]well at least not until PalmOS 5.5 or so
16:35:24treke_Qtopia runs just fine on it. PocketPC probably runs as well as it does anywhere (I wiped it the day I bought it) :)
16:36:43warmiactually this post was send to Zaurus-chatter
16:36:48[DrEvil]I see felt tipped markers will be banned soon
16:38:02warmiheh ..
16:38:13warmitreke_: take a look at
16:38:34[DrEvil]once again
16:38:40[DrEvil]copy protection doesn't work
16:38:43treke_good source of information :)
16:39:29[DrEvil]I haven't come across any copy protected CD's yet
16:39:46[DrEvil]I am not going to buy any at Best Buy
16:39:59bobstayyou should, and then return them
16:40:01warmiDrEvil: obviously, they think it does work... more and more CDs come with some sort of copy protection
16:40:01bobstayone a day
16:40:02bobstayopened :)
16:40:21bobstayciting "it doesn't play - give me a replacement"
16:40:21[DrEvil]warmi: let them continue to think that
16:41:25warmifrankly, I don't really care all that much
16:41:35[DrEvil]then some company is pushing these quarter sized CDs
16:41:52[DrEvil]that don't really offer anything more than what current CD's have
16:42:20warmiwell, smaller size
16:42:42[DrEvil]but no real incentive to buy new equipment
16:42:51[DrEvil]and replace your existing collection
16:43:36warmioh no .. I thought it was compatible with the current equipment
16:43:46[DrEvil]different laser
16:43:58warmiyou right, I would never replace all my stuff just to have smaller CDs
16:44:00[DrEvil]blue laser
16:44:24bobstaygrr. there must be a way to put coloured text in tabs in qt/e
16:44:38[DrEvil]I will replace my VHS collection with DVD...because DVD offers me more than VHS does
16:45:24warmibobstay: virtual void paintLabel ( QPainter *, const QRect &, QTab *, bool ) const  
16:45:39warmiI am afraid that's the only way to do it
16:45:58[DrEvil]ponders the smbs hack
16:45:59bobstayas in, you make your own painter for the tab?
16:46:24warmino , you derive from QTabBar
16:46:31warmiand override this method only
16:46:40bobstayI see
16:46:47bobstaygoes to read some docs so he understands, as well as sees
16:47:56W|GGL|Tis back (gone 10:38:07)
16:48:08warmibobstay: actually you might want to try to give it a rich text string and see if it will render it properly ..
16:48:23bobstaythat's a thought
16:48:30bobstayany money it won't though :)
16:48:30warmisomething like "</qt><font color=red> bla </font>"
16:48:41[DrEvil]that looks promising for my plan
16:48:53warmiwell, before you fo for new class .. try that
16:49:58kergoth[DrEvil]: that looks pretty convenient
16:50:20[DrEvil]I noticed some autofs stuff on the Z
16:50:44warmibobstay: actually it should be "<qt> <font color=red> label</font></qt>"
16:51:30kergothwonders how slow SF would be for hosting a cvs repos for a kernel source tree
16:51:49[DrEvil]it's a python script
16:51:56kergothJasonNJ: is cvs access up on oxygen?
16:52:04bobstaynope, I just have massive tabs with html in them
16:52:25[DrEvil]how is python support on the Z?
16:52:33kergoth[DrEvil]: fine if you choose to install python
16:53:21warmibobstayu: yeah .. I just looked at the QTabBar source code and it doesn't use QLabel so it will not work
16:53:33[DrEvil]plays appropriate music for what he is about to do
16:53:34bobstayI'll derive it then
16:53:38bobstayputs that off til tonight
16:53:44[DrEvil]Mortal Kombat
16:53:54warmiit is an overkill just for this but ther doesn't seem to any other way
16:54:05bobstayif I do derive it...
16:54:18bobstaycould I make it so you can change its text on-the-fly?
16:54:26bobstaywhich you don't seem to be able to do at the moment either
16:54:46warmiyou can everything .. you can even display animated text
16:54:54bobstayhaha, that would be amusing
16:54:56bobstayI shall then
16:55:04bobstayQEnhancedTab coming up :)
16:55:06warmiyou own the class and it is completely up to you
16:55:13I haven't seen 'fusion84', kergoth
16:55:13kergothibot: seen fusion84?
16:55:22kergothdamnit what the heck is his nick again
16:55:36fusion94 was last seen on #zaurus 21 hours, 41 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: werd [Tue May 21 20:14:19 2002]
16:55:36warmiibot: seen fusion94 ?
16:55:43kergothah was 10 off
16:56:21warmithat's bad sign man ... usually it is 1off problem
16:56:30warmiyou already into 10s ..
16:56:54kergothThe lcd in the Z is active, not passive right?
16:57:11warmiI think so
16:57:17kergothah yep
16:57:29kergoththe lcd enable functions in colliefb.c use GPIO to deal with it. its active.
16:58:14killefiz was last seen on #zaurus 1 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: wants his Zaurus back :-( [Tue May 21 15:31:57 2002]
16:58:14dc_ibot seen killefiz :)
16:58:18kergothanyone here good with cvs?
16:58:33kergothI need to import a kernel tree into cvs.. vendor branch?
16:58:51kergothi should pester jamey
16:58:52dc_: huh?
16:58:52dc_ibot X11
16:59:17OK, dc_.
16:59:17dc_ibot X11 is the _best_ and _only_ gui enviorment work using for the iPAQ
16:59:27hmmm... opie is the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment.  More info can be found at or in the #opie channel.
16:59:27dc_ibot opie
16:59:46dc_: I forgot x11
16:59:46dc_ibot forget X11
17:00:07kergothdamn familiar X users
17:00:18dc_you love us really
17:00:38kergothnothing wrong with options. even picogui is pretty nifty
17:00:41kergothhow goes storm?
17:00:47dc_kergoth: good, thanks :}
17:00:58dc_kergoth: 0.6 out soon. and this time. it works :D
17:01:04kergothoo bonus
17:01:37kergoth: bugger all, i dunno
17:01:37kergothibot: nicolas pitre?
17:01:46i don't know, kergoth
17:01:46kergothibot: nicholas pitre?
17:01:57kergothstupid bot,
17:02:11dc_: huh?
17:02:11dc_ibot silly you
17:02:16TwiunWhat's the best way of interleaving x bytes from one file with x bytes from another?
17:02:27OK, dc_.
17:02:27dc_ibot silly you is <reply> yeah sorry, I can't help it
17:02:29dc_: sorry...
17:02:29dc_ibot silly you
17:02:41Twiunso if I have file1: 111111, file2: 222222, output: 1111122222
17:03:46Twiunanything I can do in a shell script?
17:04:21kergothbinary or ascii data?
17:05:30warmifor a guy with a hammer everything looks like a nail .... I say write in in assembler
17:06:47kergothshell scripts are a bit too limited for that
17:07:00kergothi'd go with c, unless you're very good with perl
17:07:09warmiperl would do it
17:07:17ljpnonono, use C#.. its much more advanced
17:07:41Twiunabsolutely... wish my perl was up to scratch... my C definately isn't
17:08:25TwiunC#... damn... this version of windows has a weird OS name tag... says Linux...
17:08:27kergothTwiun: thats what perldoc is for
17:08:45Twiunkergoth: digging into it now...
17:08:55warmiwell, C# is nice
17:08:56Twiunscrambles for his Perl Cookbook
17:09:17warmiand will succed despite ljp misgivings about it
17:10:12dc_Twiun: that's very strange indeed.
17:10:15dc_Twiun: where did you get your copy?
17:10:24ljponly because MICROS~1 is pushing it on windows developers
17:11:07warmipushing it ... my fellow coworker is salivating all over himself waiting for his copy of the latest Visual Studio
17:11:33ljpheh ya you cant get vc++7 without it
17:11:51warmiheh .. I wished he was waiting for C++ ...
17:12:32Twiundc_: dunno... found it on some website
17:13:00Twiundc_: err... not website... ftp site even
17:13:06kergothinfo cvs
17:13:37kergothhey whardier
17:13:37kergothhow goes it
17:13:37kergothyou home yet? heh
17:13:45dc_Twiun: cool..well
17:13:51Neo|Workis back (gone 15:21:19)
17:13:56dc_Twiun: you must have some cool virus.
17:14:14kergothhey neo
17:16:30Twiundc_: Virus? I have a VIRUS? I was told Linux is some cool warez?!?! and now you tell me it's a *virus*??
17:17:03dc_Twiun: well, maby your windows got infected.
17:17:15dc_Twiun: you know how insecure warez can be
17:17:33dc_gets bored and stops the silly game :}
17:20:42Neo|Workso I assume there's plenty of surprise floating around in here that TT hasn't announced winners yet? :P
17:20:53markNeo|Work: yeh, we're all shocked
17:21:16treke_I'm waiting for them to delcare that they all sucked and no one wins
17:22:17Neo|Workso anyone up for some betatesting?
17:22:25warmiI am just anxious to see if there are any "surprize" apps that we haven't seen yet
17:22:33markwarmi: yeh
17:22:42warmilike that QHorse for example
17:22:47marklooks cool that
17:23:05warmiNeo|Work: beta testing of what ?
17:23:16warmiwell, anyway .. I don't have my Z with me at work today
17:23:28Neo|WorkCandy Cruncher
17:24:27treke_its about time :)
17:26:38warmiNeo|Work: you should have entered with Strategic Assault ..
17:26:39warmithat would have settled games category right there
17:26:59Neo|Workwarmi: Xen Games entered (I believe) with Strategic Asssault
17:27:54Neo|Workthat is the actual game download but it'll be in demo mode only naturally. :P
17:28:15markNeo|Work: screenshot?
17:28:15warmiNeo|Work: they must have been late then for the beta stage
17:28:17treke_goes looking for his wireless card
17:28:19OK, Neo|Work.
17:28:19Neo|Workibot CC is Candy Cruncher
17:28:32okay, Neo|Work.
17:28:32Neo|Workibot CC is also beta demo download at
17:28:40OK, Neo|Work.
17:28:40Neo|Workibot Candy Cruncher is see CC
17:28:44i guess CC is Candy Cruncher or beta demo download at
17:28:44Neo|Workibot CC
17:28:50hmmm... Candy Cruncher is see CC
17:28:50Neo|Workibot Candy Cruncher
17:29:27markNeo|Work: got a date for interstellar flames yet?
17:29:36Neo|Work have some in landscape mode
17:29:39Neo|Workand no, I do not
17:29:45markany idea?
17:29:46Neo|Workonly had the early version so far
17:29:53Neo|WorkEnd of June perhaps
17:29:55treke_isnt it still in development upstream?
17:30:11markNeo|Work: k, cool :)
17:30:18Neo|Worktreke_: right
17:32:20Neo|Workoh damn, I forgot
17:32:20Neo|WorkCC also needs libSDL from http://eongames.dom/downloads/feed/
17:32:27Neo|Work...since I don't have static binaries yet...
17:32:57okay, Neo|Work.
17:32:57Neo|Workibot CC is also note that CC beta download needs libSDL from to be installed
17:33:00i guess CC is Candy Cruncher or beta demo download at or note that CC beta download needs libSDL from to be installed
17:33:00Neo|Workibot CC
17:35:47kergothhey codemnky
17:36:08codemnkyyou know anything about long beach, ca ?
17:36:14codemnkyor the area
17:36:15BigBossI know something
17:36:18markcan i have suggestions on how to make this smaller ->
17:36:19BigBossI live about 30 minutes south
17:37:10codemnkydo i want to live in san fernando valley, south bay or long beach?
17:37:47treke_I'd avoid the san fernando valley
17:37:55warmimark: tough one
17:38:48treke_For the most part it's a pretty high crime area
17:39:06markwarmi: its 360 x 323 atm
17:39:43Neo|Worksmaller fonts! ;-)
17:40:00Neo|Workseriously though, it's easy to make it less wide
17:40:18treke_codemnky : Where are you going to be working ( I assume your moving for a job)
17:40:26Neo|Workjust make the "when knights begin" selection a select box or something
17:40:53benmeyerWhy does it ask to append to save file?
17:40:55BigBossI'd live in orange county
17:41:04benmeyereither the text is there or not
17:41:04Neo|Workbecause it's the only one that is wide enough to matter
17:41:08Neo|Workand has to be wide even
17:41:14BigBosslong beach has a lot of gangs, or at least did
17:41:17BigBosssouth bay is pretty nice
17:41:19markbenmeyer: true
17:41:23BigBosslarge gay population
17:41:25markNeo|Work: okay
17:42:03benmeyercourse then you don't need the box around it
17:42:03codemnkythe job is in the LA area
17:42:04benmeyerthe 2 radio boxes should be vertical next to each other
17:42:11benmeyerYour Name: |____|  
17:42:16treke_its a big area :)
17:42:27benmeyerMakr as a box shouldn't be by itself
17:42:28Neo|Workas for height, I guess you can always remove redundant borders, although they do do grouping nicely
17:42:30benmeyerwho's is this?
17:42:43benmeyerNeo|Work, yours?
17:42:56Neo|Workknights? Mark's
17:43:05codemnkyi just want to make sure i move in a cool neiborhood that's not to expensive
17:43:10CC is probably Candy Cruncher or beta demo download at or note that CC beta download needs libSDL from to be installed
17:43:10Neo|Workibot: CC
17:43:11benmeyermark: can you send me the ui file and I will fix it up for you
17:43:15Neo|Workthat's mine. :P
17:43:17markbenmeyer: its not in a .ui :)
17:43:30benmeyerwhy not?
17:43:44Neo|Workuses nice, plain and simple in-code GUI progamming
17:43:59codemnkyi currently live on south miami beach, fl - so i'm looking for something simular
17:44:00markbenmeyer: coz the person who wrote this originally didn't use designer. many people loath it
17:44:03Neo|Workdesigner has like 5 widgets (it's missing tons of stuff) and doesn't work well for embedded stuff
17:44:18Neo|Workwhich is why I don't use it
17:44:31benmeyerThe only people that I know that loath it are those that didn't bother to read the 5 page manual
17:44:48benmeyerno offence to anyone here of course
17:44:49kergothdesigner 3 is a bit more functional. too bad it wont work with qt2. heh
17:44:50Neo|Workbenmeyer: it is lacking so many widgets. For example I couldn't make a popup menu
17:45:37benmeyerWhere is the popupmenu in that dialog?
17:45:45Neo|Workit takes me a lot longer to use designer for UI design than writing it in the code
17:45:57markyou also end up with more .h, .cpp files using designer as you have to inherit dialogs
17:45:58Neo|Workbenmeyer: I'm just saying why _I_ don't use designer
17:46:17Neo|Workit's just more work and effort with worse results for what i've done
17:46:36benmeyerwell for cleaning up for example it is easy
17:46:40benmeyeras in this case
17:46:52kergothi'll occasionally use designer to start a basic setup, then generate the cpp and .h files and dump the ui and customize. heh
17:46:55markbenmeyer: and i cant really be bothered to move this to .ui
17:47:08markkergoth: heh, yeh, i do that sometimes
17:49:57Neo|Workalso the fact that designer seems to "dislike" 240x320 (fixed) windows was annoying. When I asked it o layout stuff it changed the size
17:50:14Neo|Workplus it doesn't have the right fonts and stuff so it looks all fscked up
17:52:38marksetpagegeneral.cpp: In method `setPageGeneral::setPageGeneral(QWidget * = 0, resource * = 0)':
17:52:38mark/home/mark/qt-2.3.2-embed-x86/include/qhbox.h:58: `QHBox::QHBox(bool, QWidget * = 0, const char * = 0, unsigned int = 0, bool = TRUE)' is protected
17:54:48Neo|WorkI guess that constructor is for internal use only. >:-)
17:55:27marki'm not using that constructor :)
17:57:27markGROUP_UserName = new QHBox(this);
17:58:01markNeo|Work: and no, not my naming convention, before you ask :)
17:58:16markbenmeyer, Neo|Work: sod it. i'm moving to .ui ;)
17:58:27hmmm... CC is Candy Cruncher or beta demo download at or note that CC beta download needs libSDL from to be installed
17:58:27treke_ibot CC
18:01:20treke_wow. thats a big ass game
18:02:25Neo|Worknot hugely so, really. significant data files though
18:02:28warmihow big it is ?
18:02:36treke_1.1 meg ipk
18:03:02warmiNeo|Work: images ?
18:04:23treke_Neo|Work : is pushing the left arrow supposed to make a piece slide right?
18:05:26Neo|Workwarmi: images, audio
18:05:46Neo|Worktreke_: you slide the hole but I strongly suggest using stylus
18:05:51Neo|Workit's A LOT faster
18:06:07treke_0yeah it is
18:06:12treke_I just got that hint :)
18:07:32kergothshit, something fucked up in my cvs import of 2.4.18
18:07:35Neo|Workthe desktop allows you to choose whether arror keys move the hole or not but I don't think the PDA version has that
18:07:41Neo|Workmainly I don't think it's necessary
18:08:00MSpinheya [DrEvil]
18:08:17MSpinsay, where should I report issues with opie stuff? (opie-today)
18:08:18treke_cant picture playing this on a desktop
18:08:41treke_there any way to minimize it?
18:08:56markbenmeyer: in a .pro - i just put INTERFACES = mydialog.ui?
18:09:20kergothMSpin: in the bugtraq db, opie module
18:09:28MSpinkergoth: thanks
18:09:29ljpMSpin: either opie@handhelds, or #opie
18:09:43kergothljp: tisk tisk. we're supposed to use the bug tracker :-P
18:09:53ljphehehe hmmm
18:10:22ljpbut #opie seems to get it done faster
18:11:23kergothtrue. thats because we're supposed to be checking the bug tracker for thing sto fix too, but we arent. :-)
18:11:58JasonNJkergoth: how goes the kernie
18:12:21kergothJasonNJ: bout done with some merges on the framebuffer driver.. then I'm going into some other areas.
18:12:31JasonNJCandy Cruncher is an evil, evil game.
18:12:50ljpkergoth: dont tell the CTO, but I ignore bugtracker.. heheheh
18:14:17JasonNJa new kernel is really going to help big time
18:14:31treke_Neo|Work : you might want to allow guest viewing of bugs in your bug tracker. Might cut down on duplicate reports
18:14:35JasonNJkergoth: do you think we should use the new archangeli VM or the old one
18:14:46Neo|Worktreke_: I'm going to install bugtrack at some point..
18:14:49kergothJasonNJ: I say we stick with the stock rmk tree.
18:15:37JasonNJwhat does rmk have that the one doesnt
18:15:48JasonNJbasically, we would be using the familiar kernel then
18:15:58kergothJasonNJ: well minus specific stuff, yes
18:16:59MSpinJasonNJ: did you have a chance to test wlanmon?
18:17:04ljpdoesn the kernel on the sharp rom have realtime extensions?
18:17:42JasonNJMSpin: do you want me to try it on the sharp rom
18:17:49JasonNJI am not on OZ right now
18:19:07MSpinyeah, go for it
18:22:55MSpinwhat doyou guys think for the kismet UI? Just a table, or try to do a tree?
18:25:18kergothljp: good question.  one thing at a time though.
18:25:20JasonNJmspin send me that url again
18:26:54ljpkergoth: I thought thats what I picked up from the Lineo presentation in Decemeber
18:28:21ljpsuppose BZFlag might know
18:29:49kergothyeah he'd know
18:29:58kergothi'll go through the embedix patch with a fine tooth com
18:30:07kergothi'll port the collie stuff first, go from there
18:30:31ljpI thought lineos rt extensions were not gpl'd
18:30:43gecko_x2wohoo i just ordered my zaurus to finland from
18:31:02kergothljp: hmm.. well then their statement that the 5000d and 5500 kernel sources have been released is bullshit
18:31:04kergothljp: heh
18:32:23ljpcould be.. better make sure though
18:32:42JasonNJmspin errors out on sharp rom
18:32:53JasonNJetho: ioctl failed
18:32:59kergothis wlanmon working under oz yet?
18:33:14JasonNJit partially worked last time I checked
18:33:39JasonNJkergoth any feed updates to b10
18:34:00MSpinfor some reason that ioctl is failing
18:34:13MSpindoes iwconfig work?
18:34:15kergothshit shit shit
18:34:28kergothdoes anyone know how to import something into cvs without updating the cvs versioning information in the code?
18:34:38kergothw.g. # $Id:,v 1.12 2001/09/23 15:35:21 dwmw2 Exp $
18:34:56kergothit updates those, but those have changed after import, and a number of diff's depend on it for context
18:36:11JasonNJMSpin: iwconfig not loaded
18:36:22JasonNJI need to pull it down from the feed, hold a sec.
18:36:34JasonNJthe socketspec driver doesnt include all the tools
18:36:40JasonNJjust the barebones modules
18:36:47kergothwe shuld make that driver depend on wirelesstools
18:38:11JasonNJIWconfig reports no wirless extensions
18:38:16MSpinthat's it
18:38:19JasonNJwell, that probably explains it
18:38:31MSpinthe module source has wireless extension support
18:38:40JasonNJok so basically, with the stock sharp kernel, no way in hell will we get it to work
18:39:08MSpinI wonder if recompiling it with the define set would work>
18:39:12JasonNJkergoth/mspin can you draft a letter that I can submit to japan regarding the importance of this
18:39:22JasonNJMSpin: you can try
18:39:31kergothMSpin: I dont recall if I built that socket driver against kernel headers that had wireless extensions enabled. lets sanity check that first.
18:40:12JasonNJwouldnt the module fail completely without the wirless extensions?
18:40:30JasonNJor is that just for special stuff, like wep and packet capture
18:40:32MSpinnot necessarly
18:41:16kergothmerges 2.4.18-rmk6 into the kernel source in his cvs
18:41:43kergothcvs will let me track my changes.
18:41:44JasonNJgotta get mtdram jffs2 to work right
18:41:54kergothI should put 2.4.6 openzaurus kernel into cvs too
18:41:57kergothdoes oxygen have cvs yet?
18:42:12kergothbzflag recommends not using jffs2 on the mtdram device.
18:42:17kergothI dont recall why
18:42:34MSpinhrm, that ioctl code isn't wrapped in an #ifdef
18:42:39MSpinkergoth: why would you need to?
18:42:45kergothneed to what?
18:42:59JasonNJoh wait not mtdram
18:43:01MSpindo jffs2 on mtdram?
18:43:04JasonNJI mean the intel flash controller
18:43:15MSpinso you can upgrade the kernel?
18:43:16JasonNJjffs2 wont maintain state between reboots on mtdram
18:43:25kergothwhy would you want jffs2 on mtdram?
18:43:35kergothMSpin: I'm trying to port the collie stuff to 2.4.18-rmk6 atm
18:43:40JasonNJbzfag's intel flash controller drivers I meant need to be ported
18:43:48JasonNJso the sharp flash rom will work
18:43:59kergothhe has a mtd partijtioning scheme and altered driver to be writable
18:44:01kergothi'll port it
18:44:19kergothfirst i want the lcd screen initializing and actually displaying console messages.. then when it fails to mount root i'll get to work on that.
18:44:37JasonNJkergtoh: once you get this kernel working, get it to a7r
18:44:44JasonNJhe will want to get his z working on familiar
18:44:57kergothfamiliar would work now.
18:45:07JasonNJin fact, I would enlist his help
18:45:11kergothwith some slight changes regarding devices and stuff.
18:45:20JasonNJwell, he wont want it unless the kernel is up to date
18:45:25kergothJasonNJ: familiar is just another debian based distribution. it'd run on the zaurus fine.
18:45:38dc_can someone running Qtopia/OPIE with image gallery or tkcgallery installed do a favor for me?
18:45:41JasonNJI want to see fam on the Z
18:45:43JasonNJits another choice
18:45:49JasonNJthe hardcore people will want iot
18:45:58kergothyes, because it works well with X out of the box
18:46:08JasonNJI personally dont care about X, but some people will want it
18:46:20kergothI'll create an initrd with picogui preinstalled too.
18:46:23JasonNJand its a stick in HP's eye if the hardcore people come to Z
18:46:47VanDerVekthe new Hpaq
18:46:47JasonNJI want to see HP do a linux pda
18:46:59JasonNJI say, bring it on
18:47:04kergothJasonNJ: I want to better collaborate with familiar and emdebian regarding kernel and application source changes.
18:47:12JasonNJI dont think HP has the balls, but thats another mattter.
18:47:47JasonNJkergoth: I would start touching base with a7r and also nelson
18:47:58JasonNJtehy are both z owners and probably havent done much with their units
18:48:21kergothJasonNJ: I'd like to speak with jamey about the kernel aspects as well, specifically the maintainance of the kernel tree and cvs.
18:48:45JasonNJhave they done any security improvments
18:48:53JasonNJor do they have the same braindead security we do
18:48:53kergothwith regard to...?
18:49:00dc__kergoth: can you do me a favour ;)?
18:49:06kergothopie works the way in familiar that it does on the Z
18:49:12kergothdc__: yeah whatd ya need
18:49:13treke_JasonNJ : as in running everything as root?
18:49:17JasonNJyeah thats no good
18:49:18treke_familiar does that
18:49:38dc__kergoth: screenshots of the main Apps page with imagegallery installed :}
18:49:47JasonNJbzflag and I discussed yesterday replacing the rsync 4242 crap with scp/ssh
18:49:57dc__kergoth: I really want to imagegallery icon for my little X11 imagegallery app :}
18:50:17kergothah... i dont have imagegallery
18:50:19JasonNJthsi way, all teh remote logins can be secure
18:50:27JasonNJfile transfer, console, vnc, etc
18:50:43JasonNJjust have one networking service, plus maybe http
18:50:48treke_the Z uses telnet instead off ssh right?
18:50:59JasonNJwell, telnet is not turned on by default
18:51:08kergothheh, you could just port forward to run shit accross the ssh connection
18:51:13JasonNJwe already have ssh working but it is an addin
18:51:18kergothoh yeah
18:51:27kergothspeaking of which, you want new openssh packages for the sharp rom?
18:51:31treke_then again, most people probably leave their password as rootme :)
18:51:34kergothsplit into ssh-common, ssh-client, ssh-server
18:51:38JasonNJyeah we could use those
18:51:45JasonNJsend them to ben meyer
18:51:52JasonNJhe is going to redo the servermanager
18:51:58kergothk will do
18:52:03kergothis he adding samba as well?
18:52:13benmeyertoo anoying
18:52:14kergothand it needs to handle sshd running both from inetd and from init
18:52:18benmeyercoun't get it to work
18:52:22benmeyermaybe a client
18:52:28benmeyerbut we really don't need a server
18:52:29kergothit doesnt need to alter samba config..
18:52:41kergothit only needs to uncomment/comment smbd and nmbd lines in inetd
18:52:47JasonNJyeah a qt smb browser would be nice
18:52:54kergothor.. alternately, disable/enable the startup scripts if its not running from inetd
18:53:55benmeyerhmm, well get me ipks were that is all I have to do and I will add it
18:54:16dc__where's the Z software index again?
18:54:30somebody said zsi was
18:54:30killefizibot: zsi
18:55:01killefiznow featuring midnight commander for the zaurus ;)
18:55:11JasonNJkillefiz: how big is it
18:55:15JasonNJI bet it runs ugly
18:55:32]DrEvil[why wont the python ipk install to my sd card
18:55:41killefizmc? no idea - sharp germany still has my Z for "repair"
18:55:51treke_Neo|Work : can you add CC to your bug tracker?
18:55:53kergoth[DrEvil]: you dont have the space for the installation in the rootfs?
18:56:05killefiz(third week now ...)
18:56:09]DrEvil[I have space
18:56:18]DrEvil[but I am trying to limit what I put there
18:56:33kergothyou need room for it to extract to /tmp as well as space on sd.. thats the most common failure
18:56:36dc__: excuse me?
18:56:36dc__ibot zaurus software index
18:56:43dc__killefiz: !
18:56:54dc__killefiz: where's your software index?
18:57:00OK, killefiz.
18:57:00killefizibot: zaurus software index is at
18:57:04]DrEvil[it's a 1.9meg file
18:57:06well, zaurus software index is at
18:57:06dc__ibot zaurus software index
18:57:36]DrEvil[I have 16 megs free of ram
18:58:26dc__anyone here own a copy of image gallery?
18:58:32kergoth[DrEvil]: no idea then. run qinstall from the command line to see errors
18:59:35kergothhey whardier
19:00:11]DrEvil[it's bitching about libc6
19:00:37]DrEvil[the Z doesn't have libc6 built in?
19:00:53kergoth]DrEvil[: it has libc, but it wasnt installed via ipkg
19:01:00kergoth]DrEvil[: so it doesnt satisfy the depend.
19:01:50]DrEvil[so a manual install I guess
19:02:32kergothyou cant manually install to cf/sd
19:02:34kergothonly to root
19:02:44kergothwell you can do it, but the symlinks wont get created
19:02:49kergothyou could create them manually to hack it in
19:03:16]DrEvil[do any of the package managers support turning off deps?
19:03:27kergothipkg does.
19:03:30kergothits called -force-depends
19:03:36MSpingrr...the spectrum driver seems to not like the kernel headers that come with the SDK
19:03:38kergothbut i dont know if the sharp package manager has a way of doing it
19:03:43]DrEvil[I mean the gui
19:03:55kergothMSpin: odd. you need the build commands? its built in the openzaurus buildsystem fine
19:03:59]DrEvil[so it can install to SD
19:04:09kergoth]DrEvil[: oipkg can do it, but oipkg wont work on the sharp rom atm
19:04:19]DrEvil[I know
19:04:21]DrEvil[I tried it
19:04:29MSpinkergoth: hrm, sure
19:04:40]DrEvil[quickest way to kill a Z
19:04:51MSpinspectrum24-0.3.2 right?
19:05:01kergothyep thats correc.t
19:05:38benmeyerkergoth: Are you ever going to have opie make a 1-2MB base install that is installed on cramfs so that users can't cream it?
19:05:43Neo|WorkI changed password in a place and managed to type it incorrectly, the same way, twice
19:05:47kergothbenmeyer: not cramfs
19:06:01benmeyeror some other non-writeable fs?
19:06:01Neo|WorkI then typed it in a shell time and again to see in what ways I mistyped it
19:06:03kergothbenmeyer: better off running opie as nonroot
19:06:09JasonNJwait isnt the driver spectrum_cs not spectrum24t_cs
19:06:10Neo|Workfirst mistype was the correct one (after say 4-5 tries :-)
19:06:12Neo|Workthat was funny
19:06:12kergothbenmeyer: and then not allowing said user to overwrite it
19:06:14JasonNJthe roski driver is different
19:06:24kergothJasonNJ: yes
19:07:15JasonNJis the roski a microdriver and not a full driver? It requires orinoco and also hermes right
19:07:24kergothits a full driver to my knowledge
19:07:40kergothyes its a orinoco_cs based driver, which requires orinoco and hermes.
19:07:41JasonNJk because hermes and orinoco runs whenever that one is loaded
19:08:06kergothcould be that the filename is diffferent jason
19:08:09kergothdont know offhand
19:08:29JasonNJthe file mspin is looking at is not the roski driver for the socket though
19:08:37JasonNJthats the pcmcia spectrum24
19:08:42kergothyeah it is. 0.3.2 is it
19:08:53kergothsanity checks
19:09:22kergoth                source $(CONFIG_DIR)/methods/source && \
19:09:22kergoth                _source $(DL_DIR)/spectrum24-0.3.2.tar.gz && \
19:09:30JasonNJhokey day.
19:09:42JasonNJmeeza losing my mind.
19:10:05MSpinthe big question is if proski can use iwconfig:)
19:10:08MSpinJasonNJ: heh
19:11:05JasonNJpretty amazing how quickly the socket card became teh focus of attention
19:11:06kergothJasonNJ: didnt you run iwconfig on the socket when you were using oz? or was that the linksys?
19:11:24JasonNJiwconfig runs but it doenst support certain extensions
19:11:44kergothyeah it runs but the monitor private ioctl isnt supported, so no kismet
19:11:48kergothbut wlanmon should work id think
19:12:01MSpinkergoth: it mostly does work
19:12:19MSpinthe problems seemed to be in my parsing of /proc/net/wireless
19:13:23kergothwhew 2.4.18-rmk6 is finally in my cvs
19:13:25kergothtook a while
19:13:32kergothhope i got the tag and branch shit right
19:13:37kergothneeds to learn more cvs
19:19:35nemui-chanHey guys.
19:20:09nemui-chanheya ljp.
19:20:56markhi nem
19:21:10ljphi even
19:21:48markljp: i to you too
19:22:54mark: huh?
19:22:54markibot: ljp
19:23:01markljp: you need an entry
19:23:10OK, mark.
19:23:10markibot: ljp is opie's resident comedian
19:23:45ljpheheh there was one there, but I changed it
19:24:04[DrEvil]how much will I screw up ipkg if I fake an entry in /usr/lib/ipkg/status
19:24:11MSpinkergoth, JasonNJ: check out
19:24:47MSpindoes something like that look right?
19:25:09markMSpin: looks cool to me
19:25:19MSpinmark: cool, thanks
19:25:40kergothMSpin: yes, that sort of inteface should work fine
19:25:53ljphandhelds bugzilla hangs all three of my browsers.. so I refuse to use it
19:25:57MSpink, I'll build that then
19:25:59markthinks kruler gets my favorite kde app award
19:34:54JasonNJbenajmin's new tabmanager rox
19:37:39[DrEvil]I can't get busybox to to unpack properly
19:38:35Neo|WorkJasonNJ: but it still messes up uninstallation of apps right?
19:39:45nemui-chanheya mark
19:39:50nemui-chana bit late :)  I'm at work.
19:47:12nemui-chanHippy damnit!  HIPPY!
19:47:51nemui-chanBut rpm does suck. ;p
19:47:59nemui-chanat least tell me you agree with that? :p
19:48:06[DrEvil]what is that you are smoking?>
19:48:19nemui-chanYou're joking.. you think rpm is good?
19:48:31[DrEvil]it's neither good nor bad
19:48:33[DrEvil]it just is
19:48:47nemui-chanI just dont like having to load 40 other packages before I get my one package loaded.
19:48:55nemui-chanI prefer "Hey, want us to load these 40 packages FOR you?"
19:49:00[DrEvil]you have to do that with apt
19:49:05nemui-chanNo you dont.
19:49:05[DrEvil]you just don't notice it
19:49:08nemui-chanyou hit "Yes"
19:49:18nemui-chanrpm, you have to go download htem and load them one by one.
19:49:27nemui-chanBut anyways, what was the link for the lesbian pron-get? :)
19:49:32[DrEvil]no you  don't
19:49:52[DrEvil]let me see if it is working
19:50:24[DrEvil]it is working
19:52:09MSpinnemui-chan: that's not a fault of the rpm format.  It's the fault of the utilities that use it
19:52:28[DrEvil]the mandrake rpm front end does it all
19:52:32nemui-chanI'm not arguing the fact.
19:52:40MSpinso does ewscarpet
19:52:41nemui-chanI'll agree on that point.  :)
19:52:42kergothdoes rpm have a Build Depends yet?
19:52:46nemui-chanNo kergoth.
19:52:56nemui-chanThats my big complaint about it.
19:52:57kergothk, that I have to complain about if thats the case.
19:53:03nemui-chanMy only complaint really.
19:53:11MSpinI think the big difference is the time put into the packages
19:53:52nemui-chanlol is blocked by my firewall.
19:54:10kergothwhew finally done getting 2.4.18-rmk6 into cvs, now I can get back to work
19:55:56nemui-chan[DrEvil] :  Is this for real, or some insane joke? ;)
19:56:07[DrEvil]it's for real
19:56:10[DrEvil]you can download the iso
19:56:37[DrEvil]maybe my old 486 has found a use
19:57:55[DrEvil]but that would mean actually running debian
20:09:57kergothhmm i need a script to split apart a patch file which is against multiple files in a tree into the seperate diff's for each file
20:13:42kergothyah thats probably best
20:14:03kergothI need to do some analysis on this embedix patch
20:14:22kergothdetermine what is COLLIE specific, what is IRIS specific, and what is independant and may have already been fixed in 2.4.18-rmk6
20:14:47MSpinhehe yea
20:14:55MSpinI ran into some of that
20:15:23MSpinI have a strong feeling that this other embedded project is going to be running OZ LOL
20:16:43kergothhehe. like i keep saying, its just another debian based embedded distro. nothing zaurus specific really. same for familiar.
20:16:56kergothwe really need to improve the coordination of thes eopen source embedded projects, imo
20:17:00kergothreduce duplicated effort
20:18:00kergothwell l to you too
20:19:01MSpinthat's a hard thing, most embedded systems are so different
20:20:10kergothwell its all linux
20:20:12kergothmost use linux tools
20:20:21kergothany source changes to those tools could be used accross all of them
20:20:30MSpinyes, but filesystems layouts, etc..
20:20:45kergothI'm worried more about code changes and improvements than structure
20:20:49MSpinI think it's a harder problem than the desktop world
20:20:57MSpinbut that's fragmented too
20:20:58kergothi.e. openzaurus has some specific patches against source trees to build for arm
20:20:59MSpinyeah, true
20:21:07kergoththose patches could be used in multiple buildsystems for multiple distros
20:21:20kergothsome committed upstream, but pushing them upstream takes time..
20:23:12kergothwhew some creative shell scripting got me the info i needed.. what embedix patches were collie specific, and which were not scripts
20:23:36nemui-chanAnyone have a CF reader?  That can tell me what modules to compile into linux?  I seem to find a horrid lack of documentation.
20:24:09MSpinusb-storage usually does it
20:24:24[DrEvil]and scsi
20:26:49MSpinwhat's the QT debug printing macro?
20:27:22kergoththere's also qWarning of course
20:27:27kergothkergoth@geezer:~/buildroot-oz/build$ cat changedfiles-collie changedfiles-other| wc -l
20:27:27kergoth    456
20:27:48kergoth456 changed files by that embedix patch.. thats excluding stuff for the IRIS sa1100 implementation which isnt applicable here
20:27:53kergothshoots self
20:29:19[DrEvil]it's the clone master
20:30:08ljpI'm going to start cloning gnome apps
20:30:42[DrEvil]into other gnome apps?
20:30:49[DrEvil]or from gtk to qt?
20:33:32warmiare there are Gnome apps worth cloning ?
20:33:40warmiare> any
20:33:56kergothstarts onto those 456 source files
20:34:14[DrEvil]warmi: I am attempting to install smbfs
20:34:19kergothhey there are only 85 files specific to the COLLIE stuff
20:34:43warmiDrEvil: you know what ... there is an ipkg for smbfs
20:34:51[DrEvil]but does it work?
20:34:54kergothsmbfs is a kernel module.
20:34:59warmiwell, they claim it does
20:35:03[DrEvil]I couldn't get the ipkg to work
20:35:09[DrEvil]what is the url for it
20:35:10warmiI didn't know better and installed from deb arm distro last night
20:35:20kergothhello, the kernel module would have to be build against 2.4.6-blahblah-embedix
20:35:54warmiDrEvil: don't remember ... benmayer posted it this morning
20:36:09[DrEvil]where did he post it>?
20:36:18kergothshould i add smbfs support to the OZ kernel by default?
20:36:20[DrEvil]gets all anxious
20:36:22kergothi think i will
20:36:48[DrEvil]it will make a wlan hacking toolkit much easier
20:36:52warmihere . on this channel
20:37:01kergothits already built in OZ
20:37:03kergothkergoth@geezer:~/buildroot-oz/build$ cat ../sources/linux.config|grep SMB
20:37:09kergothcompiled in monolithically
20:37:16warmithere you go DrEvil
20:37:22[DrEvil]compile in autofs also
20:37:43kergothkergoth@geezer:~/buildroot-oz/build$ cat ../sources/linux.config|grep AUTOFS
20:37:43kergoth# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set
20:37:43kergoth# CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS is not set
20:38:01kergothknows jack about autofs
20:38:20[DrEvil]it's similar to automounter....but a lot better
20:38:31kergothokay looks like we want version 4 support.
20:38:43kergothi enabled it. I'll build a new set of the kernels for oz10 then.
20:39:09[DrEvil]there are some nice scripts that  build autofs maps for nfs and smb
20:39:21[DrEvil]so all you do is cd into the computer and you see the shares
20:40:08kergothhmm lineo changed the irda stuff for some reason
20:40:11[DrEvil]be nice to integrate that feature into a file manager
20:40:12kergothvi's patch
20:40:45kergothah some of their changes added the oom_kill support
20:41:22kergoththey also added the ability to change the direction of parsing the linked list in the power managmeent code
20:41:26kergothwhat else
20:41:31kergothi'm finding i like kernel space
20:41:55TwiunJasonNJ: Quick send him some more CF cards without drivers ;-)
20:42:02[DrEvil]kergoth:  is nfs support on in your kernel?
20:42:11kergoth[DrEvil]: yes
20:42:56[DrEvil]ponders ncp
20:44:25[DrEvil]in later versions NCP support might be good
20:44:25kergothgot the number of files changed down to 448..
20:44:58kergoth6 of which are oom_kill specific
20:46:40MSpin[DrEvil]: no, no ncp
20:47:04[DrEvil]MSpin: oh come on
20:47:09[DrEvil]people still use Novell
20:47:45[DrEvil]there might be some vertical application that someone needs on a handheld that supports NCP
20:48:01MSpinbut not in the stock kernel
20:49:14ljpponders explaining to non technical people how to reset their CMOS
20:49:30Gepetoljp: he he he ;)
20:49:32Gepetogood luck
20:49:36Gepetomay the force be with you
20:49:52ljphehehe.. may the force be with them.. that is
20:49:58Gepetono, you
20:50:04Gepetocause if it screws up
20:50:07Gepetoit'll be your problem :)
20:50:20[DrEvil]may the Schwartz be with you
20:51:35[DrEvil]warmi: it looks like this smbmount file is stuff from debian-arm
20:52:21ljpheh I said.. if that doesn't work.. take it in to a repair shop..
20:52:41kergothman, im tempted to remove collie_buzzer.c for the moment
20:53:20kergothljp: you want to help port this shit to 2.4.18? I've got the source tree in cvs
20:53:20ljphmmmm why
20:53:40ljpummm... I can once I get back home
20:54:12ljpdid I just read you say you like kernel space?
20:54:21kergothits fun
20:54:39ljphow much are you having to change?
20:54:45warmiDrEvil: yeah, it is but it is nicely packaged
20:55:02kergothljp: surprisingly little actually
20:55:11kergothljp: for now I'm leaving out oom_kill, and XIP support
20:56:18ljpI got my firewall harddrive to spinup again
20:56:26ljpby hitting it
20:56:54ljpits now up till those bearings or the electricity fails
20:57:52[DrEvil]is it connected to a UPS?
20:58:16MSpinprolly just a loose wire:)
20:58:18ljpya a small one
20:58:41ljpno.. its an old drive thats been spinning for about a year solid
20:58:50ljpand I took it down
20:59:05ljpfor a few days while by dsl gets hooked back up
21:00:42ljpI'm thinking of going solid state on it
21:02:25MSpinljp: how often do you need to write to it?
21:02:36ljpnot very often
21:02:41MSpinburn a CD:)
21:02:55MSpinboot off the CD and run from ramdisk
21:03:12ljpthought about that also
21:04:57[DrEvil]it works
21:05:12[DrEvil]warmi: the smbmount ipk works
21:07:17warmiI am gonna get rid of mine hack and install ipkg then
21:07:30marki have a widget designed in designer, with layouts so it resizes nicely.  w hen I add it to a QDialog though its not resizing with the resizing of the dialog.  ideas?
21:08:24ljpheheheh  you can make the taskbar really big by making an applet really big
21:08:37markljp: you have a warped sense of fun :)
21:09:00ljp"I can't see anything but the taskbar"
21:09:17ljproom for more apps on it that way
21:09:43[DrEvil]I see autofs stuff in the sharp rom
21:09:55[DrEvil]but...I don't see everything that is needed
21:11:02Twiunkergoth: remember that interleaving question I had earlier?
21:11:06[DrEvil]does the Z use autofs to auto mount CF and SD cards?
21:11:09kergothTwiun: yeah
21:11:14kergoth[DrEvil]: no
21:11:17Twiunkergoth: Here's the final result:
21:11:20kergoth[DrEvil]: cardmgr mounts cf, sdmgr mounts sd
21:11:22Twiun-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     1866240000 May 22 22:07 GLOBAL.DEM
21:11:51MSpinTwiun: mmmm..DEM
21:12:12TwiunMSpin: GTOPO30 raw data for the globe
21:12:19MSpinthat'd do it
21:12:49Twiunyup... I needed to merge all the tiles... their tile size of 56megs was too big to feed to my mapping server
21:13:07Twiunnow I've got the entire thing, I can cut it up whichever way I want
21:13:23MSpinyou building a map server?
21:13:40TwiunI've got a working one atm... the data isn't very high res though
21:14:05MSpinthe USGS has better stuff for the US  Ithink
21:14:23TwiunExactly... I'll probably eventually merge their stuff in too
21:14:41TwiunI can configure the server to use different data for certain regions/scales
21:14:48MSpinahh yeah
21:14:53MSpinwhat's it for?
21:15:04Twiunpurely for a hobby for now
21:15:12kergothdid the power management interface change after 2.4.6/
21:15:41MSpinvarious community wireless networks have been working on stuff to get node maps pretty
21:15:59TwiunMSpin: might allow people to trace journeys on there - esp for round-the-world trips
21:16:00jjbenhamI just recieved my Zaurus today!
21:16:03kergothoh nifty it supports clock scaling to reduce power consumption.. hm
21:16:05Twiunjjbenham: congrats ;-)
21:16:12MSpinTwiun: awesome
21:16:37jjbenhamhow do I synk it with linux?  Is there a linux driver for the docking station?
21:18:22ljpthere's qtopiadesktop software
21:18:31[DrEvil]I should just leave the USB cable on my docking station unplugged
21:19:15jjbenhamdoes the qtopiadesktop software have a driver for the docking station.  There was no linux instructions on using the docking station.  I only saw windows instructions.
21:19:33[DrEvil]you need usbdnet compiled with your kernel
21:19:46[DrEvil]it is a patch
21:19:51[DrEvil]unless you have Mandrake
21:19:56[DrEvil]then it is already there
21:20:23jjbenhamDrEvil:  It is not part of the standard kernel source from
21:20:45[DrEvil]at least not yet
21:20:52jjbenhamwhere do I get it then?
21:21:24[DrEvil]do you know how to compile the kernel?
21:21:31warmiLinux based PDA cannot synch with desktop computer running LInux OS ... ironic, isn't it ?
21:22:19jjbenhamwarmi:  WTF!
21:22:41[DrEvil]the patch is on that page
21:23:05warmiis it possible to have this patch compiled as a module ?
21:23:42warmithen somebody should compile it and post *.o file :-)
21:23:43jjbenhamwhat does this patch do if it does not sync with linux?
21:23:56warmiso we don't have to bother with compiling our kernels
21:24:18warmiit does .. I was talking about default say RH 7.3 being unable to synch with Zaurus
21:24:37[DrEvil]I don't think everyone is using the same kernel
21:24:40jjbenhamoh ok.  My heart rate is now lowering back to normal
21:25:02jjbenhamI don't use windows at all.  I don't even own a copy
21:25:26warmithen you should have no problem compiling kernel etc
21:25:58warmiljp: what was that link you posted pointing to in particular ?
21:26:25ljp'standalone' usbdnet
21:26:33warmiah ok ..
21:27:13mark no matching function for call to `setPageGeneral::setPageGeneral (QGridLayout *&, resource *&)' -- i think i'm being stupid.  
21:27:24TwiunMSpin: right... 331megs compressed, now to burn this on a cd so I don't have to redo all the work
21:28:19warmimark: check your return
21:28:28[DrEvil]getting autofs working might not be difficult
21:28:36warmimake sure your declaration has the same return type as the function itself
21:29:08ljpdrevil: autofs works
21:29:28[DrEvil]on the Z?
21:29:34markwarmi: its a constructor.
21:30:18MSpinTwiun: LOL yeah
21:30:30MSpinsweet! ..kismet rocks:)
21:30:31warmia peculiar name for a class "setPageGeneral"
21:30:45ljpDeEvil: yes it should, if you have the correct partition type
21:33:11[DrEvil]the files are there
21:33:18markwarmi: i know ;)
21:33:34[DrEvil]no startup scrip thohgh
21:33:50warmiit his Knights you are working on mark ?
21:33:59markwarmi: yes
21:34:18ljpDrEvil: do you mean automount?
21:34:31markwarmi: settings dialog needed a redesign to fit on a 240x300 screen :)
21:34:36bobstayanyone want a work-in-progress zic 0.3 binary?
21:34:45[DrEvil]what does it do?
21:34:52[DrEvil]or...what are the new features?
21:35:03bobstaynew features are:
21:35:22bobstaymainly perform
21:35:41bobstaybut also alt nick, server password
21:35:46bobstaynot a lot really, yet :)
21:35:53[DrEvil]no popups for users?
21:35:55bobstaycouple of bugfixes, and a menubar
21:35:59bobstaynot yet, working on it
21:36:04bobstayI need to fix aliases first
21:36:06[DrEvil]I'll try it
21:36:19[DrEvil]can you change your ident?
21:36:27bobstayno, I should add that :)
21:37:14[DrEvil]damn firewall
21:37:37bobstayoh, and the IRCDEBUG is compiled in
21:37:49bobstayso you'll get two extra tabs :\
21:37:52[DrEvil]can you also add a skip motd feature?
21:38:03bobstayI'll add that to the todo
21:38:29[DrEvil]dunno if that will affect how much bandwith I use
21:38:40bobstayno, the server will still send it
21:38:45bobstayI can't stop that happening
21:38:56[DrEvil]trying to minimize GPRS data
21:39:03bobstayI know the feeling
21:39:08bobstayGPRS is £££
21:39:42[DrEvil]when BT support gets better on the Z ai will be happy
21:39:53bobstayaye, I'll like bt
21:40:06bobstayI know
21:40:13bobstaydo you want it, or not yet?
21:40:25MSpinwants it now:)
21:40:27[DrEvil]I can't mess with my firewall right now
21:40:31[DrEvil]so I guess no
21:40:38MSpinoh, hehe
21:41:08[DrEvil]I think I am going to setup a mailbox for my Z
21:44:12[DrEvil]the server is down
21:44:32bobstaysod's law strikes again
21:52:10jjbenhamis qtopia desktop opensource.  I did not see the source for the desktop but only for the SDK.
21:55:03warmiI don't think Qtopiais OS
21:55:29jjbenhamdo You think I would like enlightenment better?
21:57:10Neo|Workthe SDK _IS_ the OS
21:57:16Neo|Workuh s/OS/desktop/
21:57:20Neo|Workjust compiled for arm
21:57:33RinceHmm... anyone here uses tkcjabber for the "official" ICQ?
21:58:00Neo|Workthat said, the Zaurus does have changes which are not released as open source
21:58:06Neo|Workbecause they don't HAVE to do it
22:04:01treke_no qtopia desktop is not open source
22:04:55treke_only qtopia is open source (minus some proprietary stuff
22:05:15jjbenhamdo I want qtopia 1.50 or 3.0?
22:05:49jjbenhamis enlightenment better?
22:05:54RinceHmm, how can I use tkcjabber with as icq-server?
22:06:00RinceI only see the ones from tkc?
22:06:06treke_Rince : you cant
22:06:21kergothjjbenham: you seem pretty confused. englightenement is a window manager. qtpoia desktop is a sync application.
22:06:24jjbenhamI mean evolution.  Not enlightenment sorry
22:06:27RinceI can't ? That's bad :-(
22:06:38treke_tkcJabber is a Jabber client, not an icq client
22:06:45kergothjjbenham: evolution is a PIM app. qtopia desktop is designed to sync with qtopia
22:06:50treke_the jabber server knows how to talk to icq though
22:06:57kergothjjbenham: evolution doesnt sync with the Zaurus directly, only with a script
22:07:08RinceSo I have to connect to the jabberserver to use icq through it?
22:07:18RinceHmm, then I have to test..
22:07:59jjbenhamwhat is the qtopia-free-3.00 ?
22:08:09treke_Its a snapshot of qtopia 3.0
22:09:05Neo|WorkJabber has transports, icq being one of them
22:10:19jjbenhamyou said qtopia desktop?  If I download and compile qtopia-free-1.5 What am I missing.  What propritary stuff is left out.  Do I need it?
22:10:42Neo|Workqtopia desktop is the sync program and it's not open source
22:10:55Neo|Workand what's missing is various improvements I believe
22:11:01Neo|Workyou might be better off looking at / using OPIE
22:11:09Rinceand now I have to find out how to add my friends there :-)
22:11:41treke_there are some apps that arent there. Opera, the mail client ( well a working version), and improvements
22:11:45jjbenhamNeo|Work:  I have the 5500.  OPIE only works with 5000D doesn't it?
22:11:49kergothjjbenham: i think you're confusing qtopia with qtopia desktop.
22:12:05kergothjjbenham: qtopia is the GUI on the zaurus itself
22:12:11treke_qtopia desktop is the sync/pim program for your desktop computer
22:12:29Neo|Workwhat is it you want? :P
22:14:09jjbenhamNeo|Work:  Sorry.  I was just wishing for an opensource version of something that will sync with my Zaurus.  Unfortunately the 5500 does not seem to be supported by OZ yet :(  I was wanting to use all free software.  
22:14:29kergothjjbenham: OZ works great on the 5500.
22:14:44Neo|Workand it's on the wrong end anyway
22:14:58jjbenhamkergorh:  are you sure?  I read on the home that it does not yet.
22:15:07Neo|Workopie and qtopia should be identical in terms of syncing really
22:15:10kergothjjbenham: OZ is a replacement for the sharp ROMimage on the unit itself, not the desktop
22:15:15kergothjjbenham: I created OZ, i'm sure.
22:15:26kergothNeo|Work: yep, nothing changed there
22:16:13jjbenhamkergoth: So I can use OPIE than?
22:16:34Neo|Workyou don't need to use OPIE
22:16:44Neo|Workthat doesn't change the syncing situation at all
22:16:52kergothjjbenham: opie is a replacement for qtopia. its syncing capabilities are identical to qtopia.
22:17:09jjbenhamI am sorry.  This is supposed to be a linux device.  I am just confused.  I open up the box and there is no linux documentation or any mention of linux at all.  That SUCKS!
22:17:21Neo|Workno it doesn't suck
22:17:24Neo|Workit makes sense
22:17:37Neo|Workit runs Linux but it's not supposed to be something the average consumer knows about
22:17:40kergothjjbenham: they arent marketing it to linux users. they're marketing it to the end user. the guy running windows.
22:17:46jjbenhamI am not barking at you or anyone here
22:17:47Neo|WorkI guess it sucks it doesn't come with "linux support" though
22:18:13Neo|Workthat said, people are working on syncing with evolution for example
22:18:21kergoththey shouldve pushed usbdnet upstream to the linus tree long ago
22:20:15Neo|Workwell, mandrake has usbdnet in it's kernels these days
22:20:41TwiunNeo|Work: yup, working nicely too
22:20:50[DrEvil]is there an ipkg switch to show installed packages?
22:23:01josejoseload ./tmp/xchat/
22:25:51jjbenhamkergoth:  do you suggust I use OPIE or what?
22:27:03jjbenhamkergoth:  If I move to OZ is it possible to go back if I decide?  Can I back up the old rom?
22:27:26[DrEvil]you don't have the latest sharp rom
22:27:29[DrEvil]you should download it
22:27:34[DrEvil]that will be your backup
22:27:39jjbenhamoh ok.
22:27:50[DrEvil]yes you can switch back and forth
22:27:53jjbenhamsorry I am very new.  I just got my Zaurus today
22:28:03[DrEvil]so I gathered
22:28:29jjbenhamwhat software should I use?  I am looking for something that will work with both.
22:28:37Rinceanyway, off to bed for now
22:28:48MSpinok, who wants to test some alpha code?:)
22:29:02[DrEvil]don't use oipkg with the sharp rom
22:29:02nemsMSpin :  Does it require a wireless card?
22:29:04MSpin(it's a kismet GUI )
22:29:10nemsDoh.  Sorry :)
22:29:16[DrEvil]how nice is the gui?
22:29:28MSpin[DrEvil]: you tell me
22:29:34MSpinit's alpha
22:29:43nemshands [DrEvil]  a rom. ;)
22:30:47jjbenhamDrEvil:  oipkg?
22:30:58MSpinkergoth: ping?
22:31:02MSpinJasonNJ: ping?
22:31:05[DrEvil]it is a different package manager front end
22:31:07nemsjjbenham :  Its a different packaging system.
22:31:13nemsEr.. what doc said.
22:31:21[DrEvil]it is evil if installed on the sharp rom
22:31:47nemsI had to reflash my rom whe nI installed it on the Sharp Rom.
22:32:28[DrEvil]you just had to reset it
22:32:34[DrEvil]you didn't have to reflash it
22:32:42nemsMaybe I did just reset it
22:32:45nemsI dont remember.
22:32:50nemsSetting my Z up to begin with I had to flash a lot ;)
22:32:53[DrEvil]I know what happend
22:33:13[DrEvil]something bad will happen once I get this stuff working
22:33:14[DrEvil]I know it
22:33:21nemsI prefer to just break things as soon as you get it so you can figure out what works...  then you can start doing real work :)
22:34:17jjbenhamwill OPIE replace qtopia desktop even if I have the sharp rom still?
22:34:39[DrEvil]opie has nothing to do with what you are running on your desktop
22:39:17[DrEvil]it's all about the pentiums
22:39:20[DrEvil]uh huh
22:40:42jjbenhamSo you may have told me this but I misunderstood.  Is there a replacement for qtopiadesktop yet?
22:43:08jjbenhamjust the pearl script for evolution then
22:44:01jjbenhamdoes the qtopiadesktop work with kde3 yet?
22:44:16treke_qtopiadesktop and kde 3 are completly unreleated
22:44:29jjbenhamin the faq it says it does not work with kde3.
22:44:30treke_qtopiadesktop is just a plain qt app.
22:44:46kergothjjbenham: thats due to library difficulties. its not something kde3 specific really
22:44:51kergothugh long ass meeting
22:44:59treke_just install qt 2 also?
22:45:01jjbenhamoops sorry
22:45:14kergothtreke_: it uses qt3 iirc, but a version thats included with it
22:45:15jjbenhamI figured it out.,
22:45:18kergothtreke_: i dunno, i dont use it. heh
22:45:34treke_doesnt se either of them
22:46:31kergothi like scp myself :-)
22:46:53treke_I occaisionally tar up my home directory, but dont really sync for the most part
22:46:57MSpinkergoth: yup:)
22:47:24jjbenhamwhy does qtopiadesktop.tar.gz only have a Win32 install how to contained inside?
22:47:37kergothjjbenham: because its broken
22:47:42treke_jjbenham : because a linux install howto hasnt been written
22:48:21kergothMSpin: that was fast
22:48:26kergothMSpin: hehe
22:48:36jjbenhamDo I just copy the *.so into /usr/lib and put the qtopiadeskto in /usr/bin
22:48:38MSpinkergoth: it doesn't do a lot....yet:)
22:48:47kergothMSpin: course, but its something. ill take a look
22:49:17kergothwonder what the best way to integrate it with wlansetup to alter your wireless config would be
22:49:37MSpinnote sure
22:50:22MSpinthis will list an entry for each AP
22:50:24kergothcurrently wlansetup stores its config in wireless.conf using Config and just reads it and outputs it to wireless.opts.. you could alter wireless.opts directly, then spawn off wlansetup and send it a QCop call to write out wireless.opts
22:50:27treke_jjbenham : add the qtopiadesktop directory into LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $PATH
22:50:28kergothyeah, cool
22:50:58MSpinbut for that type of thing you might want a network list
22:51:13kergothmost likely. just thinking long term
22:51:31jjbenhamtreke_: thanks
22:51:35MSpinor maybe a press-hold menu
22:52:33kergothhey hunger
22:52:43Neo|Workis away: mtg
22:53:52MSpinI'll brb
23:01:25kergothnice mspin. i like it so far.
23:02:02MSpinhave you picked up multiple APs?
23:04:00MSpinand were the byte counters incrementing?
23:09:35kergothMSpin: yes I picked up 3 AP's, and the packet count was increasing. seems to work fine
23:09:49kergothMSpin: course it picked up a wireless unit that isnt an AP.. hehe..
23:10:22MSpinyeah, I need to add that
23:10:27MSpinwas it a host?
23:10:42MSpinthere's a flag for that
23:10:46kergothyep i know
23:10:51kergothput a thing AP=yes/no
23:11:27MSpinand speed
23:11:36kergothfun stuff
23:11:37MSpinI wish I could get signal strength
23:11:39kergothworks well
23:11:49MSpinkismet is *really* well designed
23:11:53kergothcould add a option to spawn off the kismet server first or something too
23:11:55kergothis it? nice..
23:12:22ljpsomeone using a Sharp rom want to do me a quick favor?
23:12:42MSpinsay, on the wireless_monitor script, it might be nice to have it kill dhcpcd first
23:13:31kergothit really needs to /etc/pcmcia/network stop wlan0 i'd say
23:13:35kergothbring it down properly
23:13:47MSpinyeah true
23:14:34MSpinI also need to polish off this next release of wlanmon
23:16:04kergothso kismet doesnt have an interface for signal strength and stuff eh?
23:16:33kergothshit i just realized work is over
23:16:35kergothi'm out of here
23:22:17[DrEvil]how do I turn on logging?
23:26:46MSpinhow so?
23:28:37[DrEvil]I am trying to see the output of automount
23:28:39[DrEvil]it wont load
23:31:12[DrEvil]it's not dumping anything to dmesg
23:38:58[DrEvil]got it now
23:42:27ljpwhat are you trying to mount?
23:43:54[DrEvil]I am working on getting autofs working
23:43:57MSpinare you sure you want to ask?
23:44:11[DrEvil]it seems that the mount command on the Z doesn't support --bind
23:44:31nems1Whats --bind do?
23:44:38nemshas typing problems.
23:44:42ljpdoesn't the Z already automount?
23:44:43[DrEvil] Since  Linux  2.4.0  it is possible to remount part of the
23:44:43[DrEvil]       file hierarchy somewhere else. The call is
23:44:43[DrEvil]              mount --bind olddir newdir
23:45:00[DrEvil]not network file systems
23:45:08ljpahhh ok..
23:45:26[DrEvil]atd sure logs a lot
23:46:30[DrEvil]busybox doesn't want to install
23:47:05[DrEvil]Configuring busybox-0.60.3-1...tar: ./bin/busybox: input/output error -- Read-only file system
23:47:39[DrEvil]tar: Bad tar header, skipping
23:48:26[DrEvil]and there are far too many links to create for busybox
23:51:56MSpinthe busy box in the shharp rom must not support --bind
23:52:27MSpinyou *could* extract the executable from the ipk an drop it in /home/root
23:53:05[DrEvil]I just tried a bb from the net
23:53:13[DrEvil]and it doesn't support --bind either
23:53:23MSpinwhich version?
23:53:29MSpincompiler mount
23:56:20[DrEvil]the problem is
23:56:32[DrEvil]how do I make my mount work before the built in one
23:57:10[DrEvil]automount is going to look in /bin first

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