irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.05.11

00:19:33Neo|Workis away: home
01:28:24FuC0ranybody know where i can find good games and apps for zaurus 5500?
01:29:06treke_go to for some kick ass games (strategic assault rocks)
01:29:32FuC0ri just got my 5500 it rocks
01:29:51FuC0rthey have apops too?
01:30:11treke_handango has aps. eongames just does games
01:31:23FuC0raahhh man i dont want to PAY for any of them hehehe
02:10:30whardierI sooooooo need a beer or ten
02:20:14ljp_hatesQWestPhand a lai?
02:26:10whardierwhats with the nick
02:26:24whardieremachines make ghz machines now.. hehe
02:26:33whardiernice quick dirty smart ass firewalls
02:26:38whardierI have 3 tulip cards in this one
02:26:59whardierits routing 5 class C's at the moment + a compressed tunnel
02:31:01surgehmm, how do you display a menu in java on the zaurus?
02:31:30surgeive got the VK_F11 event, but i dont know what to do to display the menu
02:32:54MSpin: i'm not following you...
02:32:54MSpinibot oz
02:33:00well, openzaurus is a Community version of the operating environment for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00[d] PDA.  See or
02:33:00MSpinibot openzaurus
02:34:11ljp_hatesQWestPhbout the only thing I know about java is 1) how to brew it, and 2) how to drink it
02:34:36ljp_hatesQWestPhis watching a Playboy special on tv
02:35:59ljp_hatesQWestPhtoo bad they're censoring the good parts
02:40:16surgeplayboy! what good parts?
02:44:31ljp_hatesQWestPhTHE good parts.. on the Fox channel
02:47:11flCSis there a usb cable yet, that can be used without the cradle?
02:53:36flCSanyone here?
02:59:23MEGASTePis away: I'm away, dammit
03:05:11whardierwhaks MEGASTeP with a MEGAPixeL!
03:59:58whardierthink you could get me the hook up one of these days soon with your friends?
04:00:18whardierI never thought I would ask yoda for a pathway to happyness
04:04:16Com[Plex]my dsl sucsk
04:09:46codemnkyyo whardier
04:10:01whardier was last seen on #zaurus 9 minutes and 43 seconds ago, saying: I never thought I would ask yoda for a pathway to happyness [Sat May 11 05:00:18 2002]
04:10:01codemnkyibot seen whardier
04:11:09whardiershakras codemnky
04:11:33codemnkywhat's up
04:11:36whardierin Hawaii
04:11:53whardierin the industrial area
04:11:58whardierits not the hippist
04:12:05whardierthe cutest woman I have seen here so far was at the bank
04:12:09whardiershe wanted to go do something
04:12:14whardierI don't have my own damn car here :O
04:12:29codemnkythat's almost torcher
04:12:38whardierlooking for JasonNJ to hook me up with bisexual femininites!
04:12:53whardiergoing to chili's for a beer soon
04:12:57whardierlast time we were there
04:13:01whardierthis chick was so drunk
04:13:13codemnkyjust the way i like'm
04:13:16whardierthat she didn't bother twisting in her chair to stare me down so I would give her a cigarette
04:13:21whardiershe would just rotate her head
04:13:22whardierand stare
04:13:25whardierkinda freaked me out
04:13:53whardiermy hunger is about to connection time out as well
04:13:59codemnkyi've been doing the freelance contracting gig
04:14:08whardiermaybe my boss will ditch me in Waikiki this weekend
04:14:09codemnkysince mycity went under
04:14:20whardierwhatcha been up too
04:14:28whardierget me some wireless gigs so we can meet up.
04:14:37whardiereven simple shit pays the bills
04:14:38codemnkymostly linux, perl, apache, mysql, postgresql type projects
04:14:51codemnkysysadmin crap
04:15:10whardiersame to you.. get me wireless gigs so I can come meet you too
04:15:19codemnkylooks like mycity will be bought out of bankrupctcy
04:15:27kergothcodemnky: ah nice
04:15:28whardierby whom?
04:15:33codemnkyand need help to run it (mahhaha
04:15:36whardierthey have already lost all reputation
04:15:45codemnkyit will be used for something else
04:15:48whardierits like buying something that was a hot shit.. as a warmed over turd.
04:15:51codemnkynot under the mycity name
04:16:05codemnkyyou bastard
04:16:13whardierno no
04:16:15whardieryou were a hot shit!
04:16:32codemnkyyou know the difference between shit in the grass and shit on a pedestal
04:16:35whardierbut buying something that just went thru the sewage system.. is a bad idea IMHO
04:16:48whardierwhats the diff?
04:16:57codemnkythey are buying the code, that's it
04:17:00codemnkythe diff is
04:17:13codemnkysomeone will stop to look at the shit on the pedestal
04:18:06whardierwhat about the grass shit?
04:18:11whardierwill somebody step on it?
04:18:28whardierI don't get it
04:18:30whardierdear god help me
04:18:31codemnkythere are actually about 10 groups who would pay about $25k setup and $5k a month for mycity services
04:18:33whardierI am so dumb
04:18:40codemnkyit's currently making about $45k a month
04:18:43whardieroh right on
04:19:02whardierI just talked to a guy that made $120,000 today
04:19:04codemnkyi'm the only run running it currently
04:19:07whardierhe does that a lot
04:19:13codemnkydamn nice
04:19:18whardierhe owns shit
04:19:20whardierlots of shit
04:19:24whardiernot pedastal shit either
04:19:31whardierlike.. the athos shit.
04:19:37whardierthe zeus shit
04:19:47whardierconcocted from the devine ambrosia.
04:19:55kergothman you need a spellchecker or something
04:19:59whardierthat I do
04:21:49codemnkywhere is everyone
04:21:55whardieravoiding my spelling
04:22:03kergothwith good reason
04:22:16whardierI don't wanna fuck somebody up with it..
04:22:17kergothI should package up that prism2 driver for use on the sharp rom one of these days
04:22:26whardieryou know how that one goes.
04:23:42codemnkyso kergoth
04:23:54codemnkybesides fooling with the z what do you do?
04:24:03kergothwork in tech support
04:24:11codemnkywhat kind of clients?
04:24:25codemnkyyou support
04:24:25kergothsysadmin contract work.. coding contract work..
04:24:36kergothah.. generally admins trying to make Digi products work
04:24:56codemnkywhat is a project of Digi
04:24:59kergothstupid motherfuckers makin twice what i do who dont know how to use the 'cat' command in their unix box
04:25:10codemnkyyou kidding
04:25:24codemnkyman that sucks, i know the feeling all to well
04:25:29kergothcodemnky: they make products in a market thats going away.. serial ports. boards. network attached. console management products. that sort of thing
04:25:35kergothnope, not kidding.. heh.. sick eh
04:25:37kergothah well
06:49:49W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy smoking a blunt or sleeping or something
11:17:59surgeTwiun: pong
11:18:15TwiunStill looking for the menu stuff in java?
13:10:48surgeTwiun: yep
13:11:01surgeTwiun: do you have some info?
13:16:12surgeTwiun: paste url or something if so... im too busy coding to notice you quickly :)
13:19:08TwiunBah ;-)
13:19:13TwiunSame here
13:19:19surgeah ha!
13:19:22surgegot you!
13:19:31Twiunlooking at the javadoc now ;-)
13:19:45surgewhy did you ask about the menus?
13:20:08TwiunI log everything on this channel whilst I'm asleep... and scan it afterwards ;-)
13:20:17Twiunxchat highlights anything java for me
13:20:45Twiun1.4 doc... but valid for 1.1
13:21:02surgeim using 1.4
13:21:28Twiunthen just create a MenuBar in the standard way, and use that method to have it show up
13:30:15markcan someone confirm that the officail zaurus ROM runs the standard gnu wget?
13:30:37Twiunerrr.... it has *a* wget... not sure which one though
13:30:53Twiunhasn't got his Z handy
13:31:45markTwiun: yeh, I know it has one, but I'm writting an app that uses QProcess to wget, so I need to be sure it has the options i am using
13:36:26markgah I hate GUI work :(
13:36:56ljp_hatesQWestPhI hate work
13:37:20marki've written a nice class that does the dirty work, but i can't be fished to write the GUI to it. grr :)
13:37:38markljp_hatesQWestPh: QWestPh?
13:38:32ljp_hatesQWestPhheh god n.. I don't work for that POS company
13:39:05ljp_hatesQWestPhI'd kill myself if I wrked for QWest
13:39:29markis confused
13:41:21zecke|FatKaterljp_hatesQWestPh: what is QWestPh for an European?
13:41:22ljp_hatesQWestPhQWest farked me
13:41:35ljp_hatesQWestPhQwest Phone Company
13:42:06ljp_hatesQWestPhso I have no dsl for 2 weeks, while they set up my 'new' account I've had for 5 years
13:42:11markoh right....
13:42:27marksounds like a QT class ;)
13:42:32ljp_hatesQWestPhI tried to dl mozilla... too big..
13:42:52ljp_hatesQWestPhheh.. ya its the Qt class that causes segfaults
13:43:17ljp_hatesQWestPh#include <qwest.h> for adding segfaults
13:45:29ljp_hatesQWestPhsomehow, sometimes, it includes itself
13:50:45Twiunsurge: whats up?
13:51:59surgegot disconnected
13:52:12Twiunahh, I though ti was something else
13:52:14surgeTwiun: whats the last thing you saw me say?
13:52:23surgewell it is also... :)
13:52:27Twiun<surge> im using 1.4
13:52:52surge<surge> and, um, i dont see anything there to pop up the menu
13:52:52surge<surge> setMenuBar just adds it to the frame. i have already done that. i want to pop up one of the menus
13:53:35Twiunsurge: hang on... you mean you want to use a popup menu? Or have a menu like, say the TextEditor on the Z?
13:54:07surgeuhm, let me check that editor...
13:54:28surgeyeh kinda
13:54:45surgethe problem is just that pressing the menu button pops up the QT menu and not mine
13:55:02TwiunAhhh, that's another problem
13:55:04surgei want it to pop up the applications like the text editor does
13:55:34TwiunYou man need to have some kind of key listener on the frame
13:55:45Twiun /you man/you may
13:55:49surgeyeah i have that already
13:55:55TwiunNo effect?
13:55:59surgebut what do i do to make the menu pop up?!
13:56:10surgewell i dont know what to do with it
13:56:13TwiunAhhh... tried ?
13:56:22surgei dont see any methods to pop it up
13:56:26surgeoh... wait...
13:56:45surge(think i already tried that, but compiler couldnt find the method)...
13:56:49Twiunerm... doh, no show method ;-)
13:56:58Twiunlet me have another look at the docs
13:58:31surgeheh, good luck, ive already been all through everything i can think of
13:58:58TwiunHow about finding out what event a stylus tap generates (on the menu)
13:59:09Twiunand using dispatch(AWTEvent) to fake it?
13:59:28Twiunerm... dispatchEvent() even
13:59:44TwiunThis programing under java 1.1 sucks AND blows
13:59:48Twiungive me Java2 anytime
13:59:54surgegood idea
14:00:19surgethatll take ages for me to figure out though... you dont happen to have some example code i can modify?
14:00:36TwiunHah! You're assuming I actually got that far before I got bored
14:00:48surgeok, point taken
14:01:31surgehey, feel like testing my calculator btw?
14:01:42surge(which is what all this is for)
14:02:01TwiunHehe... what about this method?
14:02:04Twiuntried it?
14:03:05surgerun java -cp Zcalc.jar Zcalc
14:03:35Twiunsluggish server?
14:03:57Twiunhmmm, maybe not your problem... my dns too ages to resolve that
14:04:05Twiun /too/took/
14:04:11surgeyeh its dynamic
14:05:05surgeuhm, i think that shortcut thing will actually run the shortcut as well
14:05:16surgealthough admittedly i havent tried it
14:05:25Twiunthat's ok, neither have I ;-)
14:06:15surgeTwiun: hmm, actually would you rather an ipk?
14:06:18Twiunloadsa buttons ;-)
14:06:24surgeheh yeah
14:06:31Twiunno worries, I have it running on the Z already
14:06:40surgei was so annoyed with the standard calculator, i went overboard
14:06:41Twiunbut it takes a good second to show all those buttons
14:06:56surgeyeh i know... still to do optimizing
14:06:56Twiunit's a little too wide
14:07:13surgewhats the correct way to size the frame?
14:07:20marksurge: what does ur calc do? i cant run it as i'm on OZ
14:07:23surgei used setSize(230,280)
14:07:32Twiunsurge that's the problem
14:07:35surgemark: dont you have java?
14:07:37Twiunit's the values
14:07:48Twiuntry using 276
14:07:49surgeTwiun: you just have to guess?
14:07:55marksurge: no
14:07:59Twiunnah... think about it... window decorations
14:08:18Twiunfor some reason it doesn't factor them into the setSize method
14:08:30Twiunso you have to take the 4 pixels yourself
14:08:31surgeTwiun: i also used getToolkit().dimenstions() or something, but then it wouldnt stop when i pressed cancel
14:09:01Twiunthe problem with the toolkit methods is that they ignore the taskbar
14:09:14surgeoh yeah, that was it
14:09:24surgeok, so take 4 pixels off width huh...
14:10:19Twiunready for download?
14:10:40surgenew ipk in same place : java-zcalc*.ipk
14:10:53Twiunarg... just the jar please ;-)
14:11:03Twiuncan't be bothered with all this restarting qpe all the time
14:11:21surgeheh, ok...
14:12:46Twiunhmmm... ok... 277 ;-)
14:12:55surgemark: well, im thinking about porting it to qt because its really slow, and im not sure i can get it much faster, but its an advanced scientific calculator designed to replace the standard crap one that sharp distributed
14:12:58Twiunbut it's cool otherwise
14:13:12marksurge: neato
14:13:20marksurge: have you seen neoCal though?
14:13:22surgethat was 236
14:13:27surgemark: yeh but its not free
14:13:31surgemark: this is gpl
14:13:32Twiunerm... 237 even
14:13:37marksurge: good ;)
14:13:37surgeTwiun: ok
14:14:10Twiunsurge: the multiplication button could do with being '*' instead of 'X'
14:14:32surgeTwiun: i tried that. its *really* small then
14:14:36surgelooks like a .
14:14:59surgethe fonts a bit funny i guess
14:15:06surge237 .jar ready
14:17:00surgeTwiun: btw, theres a bug where if you press the home button, it doesnt go into background. if you have a clue how to fix, let me know
14:17:13markcan i see a screeny?
14:17:16Twiunwill do... 237 is perfect
14:17:25surgeok thanks
14:17:42Twiuntry adding 2px to the height
14:17:52Twiunmight get rid of the lower line decoration
14:18:11Twiunhmmm, centered about box...
14:18:25Twiunweird sstuff happens to the buttons when I change views
14:18:39Twiunfrom scientific<->basic
14:18:58Twiunfrom basic->to any other and back
14:19:04Twiunno problem with sci<->integer
14:19:17surgeoh you mean all the buttons redraw?
14:19:25Twiunyeah, it's freaky ;-)
14:19:46surgeheh, yeh i had to override GridBagLayout cos it sucked
14:19:52surgeanother one for optimization
14:19:58Twiuntry deferring the relayout until you've added all the components ;-)
14:20:02surgeas long as it works out in the end
14:20:15Twiunand good news... home key sends it to the background
14:20:23surgeyeh i did, it still invalidates itself after every panel update
14:20:36surgebut ill leave that for optimization later
14:20:47surgenext task is these menus...
14:23:13surgeoh home key works?! when the hell did that happen?? :)
14:23:26TwiunHehe, no idea...
14:25:03surgei love bugs that fix themselves :)
14:25:10Twiunalways the best thing
14:25:25markTwiun, surge: if you are on official Z, can you do me a big favour?
14:25:32surgemark: sure
14:25:35Twiunmark: wget, right?
14:25:53surgehmm, home key doesnt work here :/
14:25:59markyeh, just hit wget in embeddedkonsole and give me the first line
14:26:01surgeyou sure it work for you?
14:26:17TwiunYup... let me try the ipk
14:26:27surgemark: uhm, a) i only have standard terminal, and b) i dont have wget
14:26:31Twiunmark: wget: missing URL
14:26:40Twiunmark: it's busyboix wget
14:26:44Twiunbusybox even
14:26:45markTwiun: FSCK
14:27:03surgeipk there
14:27:18markTwiun: can you do wget --help and get an argument list?
14:27:43Twiunsurge: one sec ;-)
14:28:02Twiunmark: long, LONG list
14:28:10surgehmm thats weird
14:28:21surgerunning it from console allows menu to work
14:28:23Twiunactually... it's not busybox wget
14:28:27markTwiun: hehe
14:28:41TwiunGNU wget 1.7, a non-interactive network retriever.
14:28:41markif its not it should say 'gnu' somewhere at the top
14:29:02markthank you
14:29:12TwiunNow your turn surge ;-)
14:29:21surgefor what
14:29:35Twiunmy attention ;-)
14:30:11surgewhats up
14:30:21Twiunscrolls up...
14:30:29TwiunOh, you've seen that it works from the console
14:30:34TwiunI'm baffled
14:30:40surgeme too
14:30:52Twiunlet me tinker with the ipk
14:30:58surgebut if you want my attention, ive added it to my bug list, and ill fix it later
14:31:33TwiunYeah... it's not really a high priority thing just now
14:32:55surgeone last thing... ive added my email to the author dialog, email me if you find more bugs
14:33:13surgeget new ipk
14:33:32surgeversion 0.0.4
14:34:13Twiungot it.. I'll play with it some in a bit
14:35:01surgeyou get some debugging output if you run it from console, but you probably already figured that out
14:38:52surgeoh heh, i got you wrong before. i thought you wanted my help.
14:43:48TwiunHehe, no worries
14:43:53surgeah ha!! isPopupTrigger()
14:45:04surgeack! bththtp! grraaagh! it still doesnt say how to show the menu
14:45:50Twiunnext thing you can try...
14:46:11Twiunget the source for the Menu class ;-)
14:46:19ljp_hatesQWestPha popup menu?
14:46:54surgeheh, actually thats easier than finding out the event it needs...
14:47:00surgealready have it for the Gridbag
14:47:47Twiuncool... goin' afk... gotta take care of RL for a bit ;-)
14:47:54surgedamn why didnt i think of that
14:48:02surgeTwiun[afk]: ok thans for help
15:20:11nasaHi Mark, just seeing if anyone was out there
15:32:08Com[ANGRYwho was it that had the broken Z?
15:32:37Com[PlexI wonder if he would sell it.
15:32:51Com[PlexI want it for parts,
15:33:14Com[PlexIe, its battery, its plastic shell, its power cord, etc.
15:34:05Com[PlexI ordered some new paint, that mirage/chameleon whatever paint. - Id like to experiment with another body first.
15:34:20ljphehehhe.. I dunno..
15:34:47ljpI think he might be ok with it, as long as it gets flames.. ;)
15:35:57ljpwhat would be really cool, is a metal case that replaces the plastic POS..
15:36:14zecke|FatKaterljp: true
15:37:49ljpall the paint is wearing off mine
15:38:14ljpand it looks like the cheap plastic you see in plastic airplane/car models
15:39:19nasaok, question for you OZ experts -- how unstable is it?  Is it unusual for it to lock up often?  Is it unusual for  programs to work and then later lock up the  Z?  or could this be a hardware problem?
15:40:29ljpdepends on what apps
15:40:39ljpwhat rom?
15:41:03nasaI am using OZ beta 9
15:42:55sitruCshould try out oz b9
15:43:22ljpohh, hmm b9 does not have a lot of extra room on /
15:43:34zeckenasa: why are you using OZ at all?
15:43:49ljpthere's a b9.2, but not from sf
15:47:12nasaI actually like OZ, as shitty as the installer is -- it is better than the sharp one...
15:48:37marknasa: if i'd written that piece of software that would be hurtful for me
15:49:19zeckenasa: oipkg?
15:50:18nasayeah, nothing against the author (who recognizes there are many problems, and is doing a fine job)
15:50:44nasano, just beta 9
15:51:44nasaI ask only because I have a sinking feeling something is up with my hardware.  I had other strange problems with the 1.13 rom as well (not the same as now though)
15:53:03zeckenasa: I experience random lock ups as well
15:53:23ljpon the sharp rom?
15:53:51zeckeljp: OZ 3 8.5 locks up more ofthen than sharps
15:54:05zeckelistening to mp3, doing network io
15:55:36ljpif you want more room in OZ. rm -rf /usr/lib/gconv if you dont need all those
15:55:55nasawhat is gconv?
15:56:41ljpa bunch of basically useless stuff no one needs.. its not on the Sharp rom at all
15:57:06ljpbut.. if you do that.. update to the glibc on the Oz feed
15:57:44ljpcause you'll see some error messages in /var/log/messages if you have it turned on
15:58:49nasahow do you turn on the /var/log/messages?
15:59:38ljpin oZ all you need to do is run syslogd and klogd
16:01:24nasadamn, didn't realize oz had these
16:14:00surgefucking hell
17:13:01surgeanyone know what event causes a menu to popup in java?
17:34:40W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy smoking a blunt or sleeping or something
17:52:24surgegack. anyone happen to know how to convert degrees to radians and gradians?
17:53:19gonzsurge: i am sure zuc can do this for you ;)
17:55:18FuC0ranybody have a working 3d shooter game for zaurus 5500
17:56:49surgeand who/what/where is zuc
17:57:17gonzFuC0r: i've seen doom running on the ipaq (and it was impressing) with intimate... i don't see a reason why this shouldn't be possible with the z. i've seen a quake.ipk for qtopia, too but never tried it and i'm sure it is slow...
17:57:36surgethe quake ipk didnt work for me
17:57:43gonzzuc is a zaurus unit converter... i found it at (or so..)
17:57:44surgeit killed my system too
17:57:56FuC0rgonz can you send to me ?
17:58:11surgegonz: know where the source is? i dont want to convert some numbers, i wanna know how to do  it
17:59:10gonzhas no idea
18:36:53DocWhatI have a question....does anyone network their zaurus via linux?
18:44:09DocWhatAnyone use linux to sync with the zaurus?
19:00:30surgeof course
19:31:59Slashdot - Updated 2002-05-11 17:49:17 | NASA Parts Scroungers Resort To eBay For Parts | Mashed-Up Music | Design Your Very Own Microprocessor | Many Eyes, Shallow Bugs, and Spider-Man
19:31:59NetAmpibot: slashdot
19:37:46whardierdoes OZ beta9 boot?
19:37:54whardierthere we go
19:38:05whardierits doing some quacky shit!
19:41:07whardiernow to download shit!
19:49:00NetAmpit's Kwacky whardier
19:49:03NetAmpk w a c k y
19:49:05NetAmp:P ;-)
19:49:09NetAmpask BigBoss :P
19:49:15whardieris funky
19:49:19NetAmpis it?
19:49:21whardierI need to download the entire feed to CF now
19:49:32whardierI wish my hunny kergoth was on
19:52:35kergoth is available at
19:52:35NetAmpibot: kergoth
19:52:55NetAmphave fun whardier!
20:45:25dauxxxa question about flashing OZ
20:45:41dauxxxzImage-beta7_48-16.exe ??
20:46:03dauxxxwhat should i do with this ??
20:50:01Gepetodauxxx: no idea
20:50:11GepetoI upgraded my rom only one and it was by uploading a file to a CF
20:51:16dauxxxhave a only to rename this file ??
20:51:34dauxxxa cant execute this file
20:51:39Gepetowhy not ?
20:52:32dauxxxdos-box say not enough memory :-(
20:52:36Jet8810anybody selling their zaurus?
20:52:48Gepetojetjejtejt ej jet ejte tjejet
20:52:49Jet8810hey gepepto!
20:52:53Jet8810my ipaq sucks ass
20:52:57Jet8810activesync wont SYNC
20:53:11GepetoJet8810: had a problem yesterday at work
20:53:21Gepetothis raccoon saw the 10 000volt cable and thought "Yummy...cable!"
20:53:29GepetoBAM! Fire! Smoke! burn! no more power :)
20:54:09Jet8810hehe even
20:54:20Jet8810alright gp, what version of windows are you running?
20:57:11GepetoI run windows ?
20:57:31Gepetook well at work I run NT4, NT4 server, 2k, 2k server :) but at home? nada :)
20:57:38Jet8810oh yea hehe
20:57:48ljpnada.. is that a new OS?
20:57:54Jet8810ugh, if i were to get a burned co[py of somebodys 98 cd coudl i put it on my pc?
20:57:59Jet8810cuz xp sucks ass
20:58:05Jet8810you know what, how hard is it to learn linux?
20:58:08GepetoJet8810: 98 !?
20:58:10ljpso does 98
20:58:10Gepetoput 2k
20:58:18Gepeto98 blows cow goats
20:58:23Gepeto2k is my favorite windows
20:58:39Jet8810how hard woudl it be to flash and learn linux on my pc?
20:58:49Jet8810and how would i go about syncing ipaq?
20:58:54Jet8810would i put linux on that too?
20:59:07markljp, hunger: are either of you unable to turn ur Z on in OZ when not plugged into an AC Source?
20:59:07GepetoFlash linux on your pc?
20:59:11GepetoI call that installing an OS?
20:59:14Gepetoand for me it wasn't hard
20:59:18Gepetodepends what distro you use
20:59:23GepetoI started with Debian, now I use gentoo
20:59:34markGepeto: ditto, not an easy one to start with though
20:59:39Jet8810is it hard to learn how to use though?
20:59:40hungermark: I think so. I allways have it connected to AC.
20:59:48markhunger: can you try it for me?
20:59:50Gepetomark: For some reason I always thought debian was easy
21:00:10Gepetomark: I think it was just made the way I wanted an OS to be, so it was simple and intuitive for me
21:00:12hungermark: What should I try? On/Off button?
21:00:17markhunger: yeh
21:00:54markhunger: it just wont turn on here
21:00:58hungermark: Works fine for me.
21:01:05markand now it has
21:01:09hungermark: Even gets new IP via dhcp.
21:01:20marksometimes mine works
21:01:22marksometimes it doesnt
21:01:29marksometimes it just goes on then immediately goes off again
21:01:36hungermark: Did you press the button long enough?
21:02:10markyeh, while i'm holding it it just flips off again
21:02:49hungermark: I have not noticed that behaviour so far.
21:03:07markits doing it while plugged in no
21:04:19markif i turn it on and remove the power its fine
21:11:01Gepetoqtopia desktop segfaults :(
22:11:39whardierdamnit.. where is my pimp?!
22:12:27ljpright here. man
22:12:58whardierno i need JasonNJ to hook me up with his bisexual chick friends in hawaii
22:13:40whardierI have a weekend of nothing so far..
22:14:06ljphey.. its raining here..
22:14:38ljpgo to a Hotel bar
22:14:55whardiergonna do that later at the Ko Olina hotel
22:15:55ljpnaaa.. go to the Kuna Ling Us Hotel
22:20:27ljpthats right around the corner from the Fel A Cio Bar
22:22:40whardierohphone and aalib do not make since to eachother
22:25:33Mictianwhen i try to run quake for zaurus it tells me it cant load the wad file or that i need a registered version in order to run modified versions  can anyone help?
22:26:19whardierever played quake?
22:27:01ljpI felt a quake once.. up in Alaska
22:28:06whardierI did too
22:28:17whardierin Anchorage staying at a hotel that decided to shake
22:28:27whardieris girdwood hard to get too from anchorage?
22:28:34whardierI might go visit a buddy
22:29:52Mictianso nobody can help?
22:30:35ljpno, Girdwood is right down the highway toward Kenai
22:31:17ljpMictian: I dont play quake, and I heard it doesn't play thatwell on the Z
22:31:34Mictianwhat games do besides stupid ones   heheh
22:31:55ljpwhardier: provided you dont get run off the road and into the bay by all the crazy local drivers!
22:33:58ljptictactoe plays pretty well
22:47:01whardiermight have a job near Kenai
22:47:06whardierand Duch Harbor
22:47:16whardierand worse of all
22:47:18whardiernear Dead Horse
22:47:29whardierand all the way out in Adak
22:47:38whardierI found a loophole
22:47:42whardierand I need to exploit it
22:47:53whardiervery badly
22:48:38whardierusing ethernet channel bonding with starband dishes. (say like 5 of em) and offseting the network calls to each just enough to make it act like striping raid
22:49:14whardierthe easiest way to do that is to make longer cables going to the network on each dish
22:49:16whardierfunny huh
22:49:38whardierthen I can make like 35mbit downloads
22:49:44whardierand 5mbit uploads
22:49:56whardierwith lower latency if I make the offset work
22:50:10ljphmm.. can you send some of that bandwidth this way?
22:50:20whardierbuy 5 starband dishes
22:50:27whardierthat is what I am doing when I come home
22:50:39whardierI am gonna buy 3 dishes and put them on my balcony
22:50:41whardierand get this working :)
22:51:06whardierall Ihave to do is make a tunnel going to some high bandwidth place over each sat
22:51:10whardierthen I can bond the tunnels together
22:51:18whardierthe worst part is if I wanna screw latency
22:51:25whardierI can compress and or encrypt each tunnel
22:51:30whardierthen bond themtogether
22:51:37whardiertalk about fast web surfing
22:51:51whardierI would rather fix the latency issue with offset writes to the sat
22:52:09whardierif it can send out to the entire world at a specific Hz
22:52:16whardierthen it should recieve at a close to that Hz
22:52:32whardierso I should be able to offset the upload speed a bit
22:55:36ljpall this through your Zaurus? ;)
22:56:10whardierof course
22:56:11whardierwhat else?
22:56:56ljpmake a cluster of Z's and do that
22:58:12whardiera cluster of 800mhz transmetas
23:04:30ljphow you going to get that in a zaurus? ;)
23:09:39whardiershould I be staying on topic?
23:09:48whardierI could just start up a #whardier channel
23:09:53whardiernobody would join tho
23:10:03whardierunless they wanted to hear the fuckingest ramblings in the world
23:13:32ljphahahah.. yep
23:19:27ljpwith any luck, Kergopth and I might get hired by Sharp...
23:38:26whardierright on!
23:38:35whardierhe deserves it!
23:38:47whardiersmart ass litte fucker
23:40:18ljpalso needs a kernel guy
23:41:08ljpya.. if I ever get hired anywhere.. I'll shit bricks, and buy those poor ipaq opie devs some Z's
23:42:47ljpI'm tired of hear "well what if you don't have ir.."
23:48:22whardierI should snag the new OZ feed
23:48:29whardiershould I be using it?
23:48:35whardiercause nothing fucking installs on it
23:48:44whardierkeeps saying out of disk space
23:49:20ljpuse b9.2
23:49:38whardiergimme the link
23:49:44ljpk hang on
23:50:55ljpits on geezer somewhere
23:52:07NetAmpheh whardier's really a die-hard beta tester ;)
23:52:27whardierwanna be in my shoes :P
23:52:38whardierI would have helped kergoth all the way if I had steady income
23:52:39whardierbut no
23:52:39NetAmpno thanks! *lol*
23:52:42whardierI have to go to hawaii
23:52:43whardierand alaska
23:52:46whardierjust to make ends meet
23:52:54ljpthere was about 4 megs in /lib/gconv that wasn't needed
23:52:56whardierbesides.. my shoes stink
23:53:09whardierwhat kernel should I use
23:53:11whardierI have a huge SD
23:53:47ljpI use 26-6
23:53:55whardierthats what I was using
23:54:09whardierwhat packages are neded for installing shit
23:54:20whardiercause I cannot install any from the feed when beta8 came out
23:54:25whardierlike opieftp
23:54:26ljpshould all be there in 9.2
23:54:27whardieror anything
23:54:46whardieranybody know how to use the no mtdram kernel
23:54:53whardierI would rather use that with the SD
23:55:09ljphmm. dont know
23:55:58ljpwhats that you say? rum o'clock?

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