IRC log for #wowwiki on 20100903

00:29.28*** join/#wowwiki Ressolute (
00:43.39*** join/#wowwiki Herodotus (~pez@unaffiliated/recognizance)
00:51.08kd3damn it. they need to come up with better names
00:51.39kd3keeps typing Akhenet (in Uldum) as Ahn'kahet
01:11.12Eraclitoi never learned to spell ahn'kh..knah... ...old kingdom
02:20.38Ressykd3, the quest's bugged now.
02:23.31RessyI hit the chest, and it didn't actually complete the quest.  had to do it again
02:24.32*** join/#wowwiki Nechckn (Nechckn@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
02:37.28*** join/#wowwiki LibertineLush (~Libertine@unaffiliated/libertinelush)
02:45.12Ressyyeah..  Found a sep quest chain in Chamber of the Stars - starts with a skele sitting inthere.
03:07.26*** join/#wowwiki Jamash (~chatzilla@
03:21.12*** join/#wowwiki Sesshu| (
03:29.03*** join/#wowwiki Jamash (~chatzilla@
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06:41.32*** join/#wowwiki foxlit (
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07:41.58*** join/#wowwiki Zyferus (
07:42.36g0urrahey kd3, what is that uldum map supposed to be
07:43.46g0urraa proper map?
07:45.33Cooobraoh.. Varghedin is back.. good, he can make the rest of the icons for ashbear lol
08:01.08*** join/#wowwiki foxlit (~foxlit@
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08:33.19*** join/#wowwiki Ward (
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10:57.03Camiciodoes worldoflogs have any irc channel?
11:01.17g0urradon't think so
11:25.37Camiciohow do you track boss health in worldoflogs's expression editor?
11:25.57*** join/#wowwiki Kazie (Kazie@
12:10.50*** join/#wowwiki foxlit (
12:10.50*** mode/#wowwiki [+o foxlit] by ChanServ
13:23.56*** join/#wowwiki g0urra (~g0urra@wowwiki/g0urra)
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14:10.43*** join/#wowwiki Ressy (
14:13.05g0urraremember Kingslayer Orkus?
14:36.37kd3g0urra, the uldum map's just the one at the proper resolution. they haven't shipped a drawn version yet
14:36.46kd3and rofl; is orkus up in twilight highlands or something?
14:37.03g0urranaw, southshore
14:37.11g0urraremember the quest where you dispatched him there?
14:37.28g0urraapparently someone damaged his mount, and he's now drowning just outside southshore
14:38.26g0urraalso I'm already exalted now at level 23 :/ can't track reputation gains now
14:41.04g0urraokay.. the chain ends at ruins of southshore
14:41.11g0urranow I'll never find out what happened to orkus :/
14:52.00*** join/#wowwiki Nechckn (Nechckn@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
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17:08.21*** join/#wowwiki Kalikun (56053aea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:13.33KalikunGood day, a favour if I may: Can someone check the two external links at      marked as (included for notability)
17:13.47KalikunOne is linkdead, the other appears to be about pigs in Uganda and fair trade.
17:14.04Kalikun(Both in Danish btw)
17:21.08foxlitKalikun: fixed the dead link
17:21.53KalikunThanks. I'm guessing the other one has had its link recycled, thus changing the content of the target.
17:22.14foxlitThe other one is weird. I can only guess that someone at DR needs to be hit with something
17:22.25foxlitThe video is related, but the article is completely random junk.
17:24.15KalikunOk, might be worth either removing the link for now, or adding clarification to it then?
17:27.30foxlitYeah, could be.
17:29.44KalikunThanks for your help.
18:21.27*** join/#wowwiki deek (
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19:42.27g0urrawat @ notes
19:52.30foxlit << qq at lack of a continue breadcrumb
21:02.34*** join/#wowwiki Cooobra (~Cooobra@
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21:15.28*** join/#wowwiki deek|_ (
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21:23.47*** join/#wowwiki LibertineLush (~Libertine@unaffiliated/libertinelush)
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22:14.49*** mode/#wowwiki [+b *!*] by pcj_2
22:24.14pcj_2Ackis: any word?
22:36.36*** join/#wowwiki PrimalZed (
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22:58.54*** join/#wowwiki MasterOfDisguise (
23:02.20*** part/#wowwiki pcj_2 (~User@wowwiki/Pcj)
23:09.43*** join/#wowwiki Herodotus (~pez@unaffiliated/recognizance)
23:46.59*** join/#wowwiki LibertineLush (~Libertine@unaffiliated/libertinelush)
23:48.18*** join/#wowwiki Hazer (
23:50.15*** join/#wowwiki Whiskey_Slims (

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