IRC log for #wowwiki on 20090626

00:07.35DottedThe job queue length is currently 355
00:12.15foxlitperhaps you broke it? :)
00:12.23DottedThe job queue length is currently 501
00:12.34kd3let's go for 1000!
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00:38.35*** part/#wowwiki Sandwichman2448 (n=cyrillpi@
01:16.11pcjjust need one more vote to finish up the whole deceased thing
01:22.02GunrunI'll make a vote
01:22.06Gunrunwhat for?
01:24.04KeolahGive me a link, I'll vote in the way that would most annoy you on principle.
01:24.05Keolahjk ;p
01:45.15*** join/#wowwiki Jamash (
01:47.19Gunrunthats got to rank among one of the gayest things to have an argument about I have ever seen
01:47.23Gunruntop 10 at least
01:50.33Gunrunwikiburocracy is retarded
01:51.03Gunrun99.9% of people don't care what catagory something is in and the only people that do only care because it gives them something to influence in their lives
01:51.35Gunrunor are on the autism spectrum
01:51.42KeolahMy opinion:
01:51.48KeolahThe argument is as stupid as any argument on Wikipedia. :P
01:52.06Gunrunits actually worse cos on wikipedia it could be about something vaugly important
01:52.17Gunrunhere its about lore about pixelated characters in a video game
01:52.23KeolahI've seen wikiflamewars over there about the organization of pokemon articles.
01:54.02Gunrunthis whole argument seems to stem that catagory:undead could mean both that the game clasifies them as undead (ie my excorism crits against them) vs they're undead (ie the race or lore type thing)
01:54.23Gunrunthe simplest way to solve it would be to have Catagory:Mobtypeundead or something
01:54.33Gunrunanyway i don't care
01:54.33Gunrunoff to bed
01:55.12KeolahIt also doesn't help that the wiki tries to cover both what's in the game and what lore says ;p
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03:35.45balmzare there trees in WOW?
03:36.02balmzdo they serve a use?
03:36.19sacarascThey look pretty, or they're a healer druid.
03:36.42balmzcan you get fruit from them?
03:37.23sacarascNot as such. If you're a herbalist you can pick plants.
03:37.26Lukianyou can get fruit from trees in Basin for a quest :>
03:37.33balmzok thanks
03:38.49balmzwhat is the most deadly enemy in WOW?
03:39.21sacarasc[[Algalon the Observer]]
03:39.21Dottedsacarasc meant:
03:39.24sacarasc^ Him
03:42.39pcjActually, no
03:43.12*** join/#wowwiki A2` (
03:43.23sacarascOnly because people can't get to Algalon.
03:43.40pcjHe can't kill the people who aren't getting to him, so he's not very deadly is he
03:44.04pcjalso: lol at people dying to ahune
03:44.36sacarascI wiped on Ahune earlier. :(
03:45.26balmzcan you turn invisible?
03:46.00pcjSome classes can
03:46.10pcjThere are also invisibility potions
03:46.20sacarascAnd an engineering cloaking device.
03:46.40balmzcool thanks
03:47.00KeolahThe most deadly enemy in WOW is Hogger, ofcourse.
03:47.13KeolahBlasphemy on anyone that says otherwise! :P
03:47.50KeolahHeh. Me and my bf wiped on Ahune the first time we tried... Then we realized we should kill the adds. :P
03:47.51sacarascBack in TBC it was the lift boss.
03:50.30sacarascJust £25!
03:51.50pcj"Pet redemption will require a World of Warcraft account to be merged with account. "
03:52.16sacarascI want the pet, but I don't want to pay £25 for it.
03:53.53balmzi am confused with what a shaman is and what it does, will someone explain it simply please?
03:54.21KeolahElemental naturey types.
03:54.37pcjsacarasc: there's always
03:55.10KeolahSpirits and all that.
03:55.37KeolahThink New Age pagans, but with more asskicking.
03:55.49sacarascThanks for the tip, pcj!
03:56.06balmznone of this is helping sorry
03:56.34KeolahThey have totems that give buffs, they have healing spells, they have damage spells, _and_ they can smack shit in the face.
03:56.46balmzthat helps thanks
03:56.52sacarascA shaman is a guy (or gal) who calls on the spirits of earth, fire, wind and water (not heart) to either damage with spells, damage with weapons or heal.
03:57.14pcjbasically they are paladins who wear mail and poop out poles
03:57.45KeolahDepending on their talent spec, a shaman can specialize to be a healer, a magey DPS caster, or a dual-wielding shredder.
03:57.53sacarascI'm making a tanking kit for my shaman. Keep getting passed over for gear, though.
03:57.55balmznow that helps a lot thank you VERY much
03:58.13sacarascBeen rolling on stuff since day 1 and only got a blue shield.
03:58.14pcjyeah that mail defense gear is hard to come by
03:58.43sacarascI got resilience to make me crit immune!
03:59.40balmzwhy isn't aether an element?
04:00.33sacarascBecause fire, air, water, earth, shadow, ice, nature and maybe others are enough.
04:00.45balmzok thanks i have to go  bye
04:01.32*** part/#wowwiki balmz (n=63ebd6b5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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04:23.23Cooobrano wonder he was confusing everyone.... he doesn't even know what hes talking about
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05:36.01DuTempeteDuT in teh hizzouse!
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06:33.28DuTempetehidey ho
06:33.31Roberto-Illidanwhat other wow rooms are there?
06:33.41Roberto-Illidan#wowhead, ?
06:34.14DuTempetecouldnt' list them off the top of my head
06:34.22DuTempeteI've been off IRC too long to recall
06:34.23*** join/#wowwiki Srosh (
06:34.27Cooobrashhhhh... some of us are trying to sleep here
06:36.51*** part/#wowwiki Roberto-Illidan (
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06:46.44Vilmarhis leaving, reason: play some WoW then off to bed. pager is off and logger is on
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08:07.51SilversteelDruidI have a question about how to deal with a user on wowwiki who keeps vandalizing our server's page... I was confused by the vandalism page. What's the best way to go about keeping the vandalism from continuing to happen?
08:11.18SilversteelDruidI wouldn't say anything if it was just a joke, but the edits are vulgar, inflammatory, and often racist, and the person has been doing it for over a month now :/
08:14.50SilversteelDruidAh, never mind... old guildmate figured it out. Thanks anyway, and good luck to you all!
08:14.54*** part/#wowwiki SilversteelDruid (
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11:32.53Fiskerslaps mxs around a bit with a large trout
11:33.02Fiskerblizzard doesn't care about us :(
11:57.23pcjfisker what does this mean
12:31.14*** join/#wowwiki Alram (
12:36.43*** mode/#wowwiki [+b *!*] by pcj
12:36.46*** kick/#wowwiki [Alram!n=pcjjenks@wowwiki/Pcj] by pcj (pcj)
12:39.07Gunrun[1:Mikejackson]: <Neverland ranch> is recruiting, no minimum age, looking for all gnomes and dwarves. Must have webcam.
12:39.14GunrunPeople in trade are really angry
12:39.20Gunrunabout that
12:39.32*** mode/#wowwiki [-b *!*] by pcj
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14:12.37*** join/#wowwiki Keolah (
14:16.10pcjthey made all the t9 plate look the same? gay
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15:11.29Gunrunpcj come on man
15:11.32Gunrunplaceholder items
15:11.52Gunrunthe real designs probably aren't done yet, it was the same with T8 and T7
15:13.11pcjbut this way i get to yell at bibi when it's not the right one
15:13.52*** join/#wowwiki Marla (
15:15.04Bibihere you go pcj
15:15.04BibiPLATE SET
15:17.29Marlarobo blob
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15:33.11pcjr u srs?
15:34.03Fiskeroh god Bibi what is that?
15:34.42BibiPaladin S7
15:35.08Fiskerknew it had to be paladin QQ
15:35.28pcjwas it the shoulders fisker
15:35.31pcjit's the shoulders right
15:35.35pcjthey're f'd up
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15:37.01Gunrunman so much for arena plate looking like proper plate
15:37.14Gunruninstead of fancy neo gothic architecture
15:39.41*** join/#wowwiki sacarasc (
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16:25.27pcjg0urra: this discussion just got incredibly silly
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16:30.39KeolahYou mean it wasn't already?
16:33.27g0urraRolandius the drama queen. <3
16:34.22KeolahAnd nobody, of course, suggests having a "dead things" category with subsets of "undead" and "dead-dead" :P
16:35.25KeolahAlthough I think the entire discussion is getting beaten until dead... ;P
16:36.23g0urrait's gone past beating a dead horse, it's beating a skeletal horse now
16:36.36g0urraundead horse
16:36.39g0urraI'm so funny.
16:38.51*** join/#wowwiki Kraps (
16:42.40pcjbut is the horse deceased
16:45.28g0urrais your mom deceased
16:47.01pcjif she is can i call you a necrophile
16:50.43*** join/#wowwiki Leeith|Fussel (
16:50.53pcjthere's just one problem
16:51.00pcjcheetos are corn puffs not potato chips
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17:57.28pcjcrucially the wiki is dead
17:59.48cruciallydefine dead
18:00.04pcjnetwork timeout
18:00.07pcjtaking too long to respond
18:00.08g0urrais it a deceased character pcj
18:00.21cruciallywhat does tell you?
18:00.44pcjthere it goes
18:01.22cruciallysuspects something between pcj and the servers
18:01.25cruciallyno bandwidth drop
18:02.00pcjmaybe level3 - xo?
18:03.35pcjyou seem to be behind qwest
18:04.27cruciallyvarnish3 is internap
18:05.56pcjlast hop before wikia servers on my tracert is
18:06.48cruciallycan you paste the entire one somewhere?
18:11.08pcjit switched to varnish6 now crucially
18:11.26cruciallyso you had problems reaching san jose
18:11.36cruciallycan you got
18:11.45pcjworks now
18:14.16cruciallyso temporary routing blip
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20:44.25*** topic/#wowwiki is Welcome to #wowwiki, please read | UI&Macros: #wowuidev | #cvn-wikia-wowwiki | BlizzCon announced -
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21:59.56Fiskerwhy the fuck can't people read?
22:02.57pcjlack of elementary training?
22:03.19FiskerAlso went a couple of rounds on elitist jerks
22:03.54GunrunI don't understand
22:03.58Gunrunwhats hand of reckoning?
22:04.21pcjin the next patch it will do 50% of AP as holy damage for targets not currently targeting you
22:04.32pcjafter applying the taunt
22:04.46Gunrunso i taunt a guy
22:04.50Gunrunand then another taunts off
22:04.59Gunrunand I can do mo wait I'm confused
22:05.10Gunrunoh wait I see
22:05.15Gunrunwhen you pull with it
22:05.21Gunrunit does 50% of attack power as a damage
22:05.42Gunrunso testing it on attack dummies doesn't work
22:05.45foxlitIt is, essentially, a "taunt and stay taunted" sort of thing.
22:05.56pcjyes it does because the dummies don't target you
22:05.59Gunrunit'll be good for bosses where you only need 1 tank
22:06.03Gunrunbut the second tank can taunt off
22:06.05Gunrunor something
22:06.13foxlitThey could just add the threat component directly if they get too annoyed with people actually using it for DPS.
22:06.33pcjthe point is people are actually considering using it
22:06.37pcjwhich is retarded
22:06.48pcjusing it for dps*
22:06.57Gunrunits going to be fun being a tank
22:07.00Gunrunin pugs
22:07.13Gunrunit really should just do a bit of damage but lots of threat
22:07.53FiskerYou can't use it for DPS foxlit
22:08.06Fiskerother than on target dummies or other non-threat bosses
22:08.15FiskerAnd non-threat bosses will probably just be immune to taunt anyways
22:08.44foxlitI don't think I suggested that.
22:10.55Fisker <-he might just be a bigger troll than me
22:11.26Fiskerthat was pcj
22:31.19Gunrun burning crusade
22:31.23Gunrunin a nutshell
22:41.33*** mode/#wowwiki [-v Fisker] by ChanServ
22:41.45Fiskerslaps charitwo around a bit with a large trout
22:42.26Fisker~karma Fisker
22:42.26infobotfisker has karma of -10
22:42.33Fiskeryeah fuck you Ackis
22:42.36Fiskeryou can't stop me
22:45.33pcj~karma Fisker
22:45.34infobotFisker has karma of BELOW -9000
22:45.55Fisker~karma Fisker
22:45.55infobotfisker has karma of -10
22:46.04Fisker~karma Fisker
22:46.08pcjit's only right when i do it
22:46.15Fiskeri hate you
22:46.27*** mode/#wowwiki [-v Fisker] by ChanServ
22:46.30Fiskerslaps charitwo around a bit with a large trout
22:46.48charitwowhy so trout Fisker
22:46.58pcjsomething seems fishy
22:47.01Fiskerwhy so fucking notice?
22:48.38charitwowhy so quiet g0urra
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23:23.36sacarasc~karma Fisker
23:23.57sacarascinfobot hates me, it seems.
23:27.57charitwo~karma Fisker
23:27.57infobotfisker has karma of -10
23:28.04charitwo~karma Fisker--
23:28.04infobotfisker-- has karma of -2
23:28.16charitwo~karma- Fisker
23:28.33charitwo~karma Fisker --
23:28.33infobotfisker -- has neutral karma
23:28.45charitwo~karma pcj
23:28.45infobotpcj has karma of -2
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