IRC log for #wowwiki on 20090619

00:02.53*** join/#wowwiki Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
00:09.34kd3dunno if it's js or my prefs or what... trying to figure out now
00:09.48kd3say, [[Patch 3.2.0]], I see the toc box, but only the [hide] line in it
00:09.49Dottedkd3 meant:
00:10.20pcjwhat skin
00:11.57pcjnot experiencing it
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00:48.40Dottedkd3, pcj same here except i just see Contents rather tahn hide
00:48.57pcjwhat browser are you using
00:49.16Dottedwait i got the show/hide aswell
00:49.23Dottedchrome 2.0 stable
00:50.46Dottedinteresting, toc shows fine when you login
00:51.19Dottedfirefox has the same issue not logged in
00:52.29Dottedopera 10, same
00:53.33Dottedhell ie8, same
00:53.48Dottedall as logged out
00:56.34sacarascFailfux works for me.
00:57.02Dottedsacarasc, are you logged out?
00:57.21Dottedexplains it
00:57.45pcjwhat charitwo
00:57.45Dottedor rather i assume what is true for chrime is true for the rest :P
00:57.49sacarascWorks for me when logged out too.
00:57.54charitwothat guy you just reverted
00:58.08pcjwhat about him
01:00.01Dottedor not
01:00.14Dottedwhen i loggin in and out it works in failurefox aswell
01:00.41Dottedsacarasc try a less fail browser :p
01:01.04sacarascFailfux is fail because it works?
01:01.19Dottedonly after you have logged in once
01:01.26Dottedit still fails
01:01.34sacarascI'll try Konqueror!
01:02.02pcjdoes lynx work?
01:02.54sacarascThat's it for that box.
01:03.51sacarascLayout sucks on lynx, but it mostly seems to be working.
01:04.28sacarascLinks seems good, too.
01:04.36Dottedwhy do i have to run ie8 in compatibility mode :/?
01:05.22*** join/#wowwiki kd3 (n=kd3@wikia/kaydeethree)
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01:05.46pcji'll run it through browsershots
01:06.33pcjah definitely
01:06.55pcji'll report it
01:08.37Dotted"After much quiet contemplation, rogues now possess the ability to learn how to use one-handed axes." <- teh fuck, i need to read the news more often
01:09.03Dottedlol im so gonna reroll axe rogue
01:10.39sacarascThey just want more orc rogues is all.
01:10.51pcjkd3 for you is it happening when logged in
01:11.37kd3I've sorted it out
01:11.44kd3stupid cache
01:12.24pcjyeah well it's still happening
01:23.29*** join/#wowwiki crucially (
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01:36.38kd3hm... how to implement the margins?
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01:43.54pcjthats a <BODY> class kd3
01:44.08pcjso you'll probably need to reference a child element
01:44.16kd3ah, grr. wtb more caffeine
01:46.45kd3it'd also help if I stopped failing at css
01:46.58pcjyes that would be advantageous
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02:23.09kd3now then... time to bitch in #wikia to get things not quite so broken in text mode (again!)
02:25.52kd3the good news is the new main page is only 88k instead of 188k...
02:26.04kd3+ads, js, css, images of course
02:26.14kd3sighs some more
02:51.47*** join/#wowwiki BiggieSmalls (
03:07.48kd3my gods... why the hell are we using polls?
03:07.52kd3gags at the source code
03:09.00DottedBECAUSE WE CAN
03:18.41*** join/#wowwiki pantomimehorse (n=chatzill@
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14:20.55pcjis anyone getting the left ad on
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14:25.34Fiskerthe exact same ad or just the ad in the location?
14:27.30pcjthe same ad
14:29.49Fiskernot yet atleast
14:35.00Fiskeri can't get gold spam ad :(
14:39.25pcjit's not gold spam
14:39.28pcjit's account trading
14:43.05winkillerI'll trade my account with a 60 and a 44 for.. mhm, one with an 80. any takers? :P
14:43.53*** kick/#wowwiki [winkiller!n=pcjjenks@wowwiki/Pcj] by pcj (pcj)
14:44.43*** join/#wowwiki winkiller (i=fhtagn@unaffiliated/winkiller)
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14:45.43winkillerI blame your bad mood on the anal probes by said ufo
14:45.44_Dottedpcj meant:
14:45.44pcjNO EXCEPTIONS
14:45.45pcjno links for you!
14:46.41winkiller"account sale" is a bit different than account trading btw
14:47.00winkillermaybe equally not-ok within the ToS, but still differen
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15:46.44Fiskerit's not winkiller
15:46.46FiskerSale = trade
15:50.51*** join/#wowwiki bagginsww (
16:02.34winkillertrading money for stuff? riiight
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16:13.20pcj"We're working to accommodate fun."
16:13.24pcjnerf fun plz
16:13.44pcji am not really sure about this person
16:14.05pcj"I've found that a few hours a day is just enough."
16:30.55Fiskerunderestimating the coliseum
16:31.18FiskerTell me, if we're underestimating it, how come you had to clone the instance?
16:37.18*** join/#wowwiki Verz (n=alskd@
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17:14.51pcjomg gold seller!!!
17:19.08pcjrecently updated?
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18:14.41pcjeww achievements
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21:07.51Solimh...hab ne Frage
21:30.33foxlit bugs me.
21:31.58pcjgosh, why
21:32.52foxlitE: {{item|Titansteel Destroyer}} --> "E: [{]"
21:32.52_Dottedfoxlit meant:|Titansteel_Destroyer
21:37.35pcjfoxlit: fixed
21:37.50pcjgood thing g0urra didn't see it
21:48.41kd3hokay, george's new main page design is live on /dev. go play with it.
21:48.54kd3The portal links need work, but otherwise I'm happy with it
21:52.25pcji'm pretty sure you didn't need to move that into monaco.css
21:52.30pcjerr from monaco.css
21:52.41pcjmainly because it will look like shit on other skins even if it does work
21:53.37pcjkd3: where's teh AWESOME background image
21:53.45pcjand sidebar section frills
21:53.45kd3looks ok in monobook and wowwiki. 'course, the css selectors aren't doing anything in those themes
21:54.01pcjif they did it would look like shit
21:54.29kd3but meh, I'm not touching the css for a while. the damn caches are annoying as usual
21:54.55foxlit/hate the new portal navigation
21:55.07kd3I mainly changed it so it'd not look like shit using the new 'awesome' theme
21:55.20foxlitIt takes up way, way, WAY TOO MUCH SPACE.
21:55.24kd3fox if you've got ideas I'd love to hear em, I don't like it either
21:56.21foxlitDidn't mind the old tab line quite as much
21:56.53foxlitIt at least had the decency to fit in 2em of vertical space :)
21:57.50pcjthey should just implement proper tab switching
21:58.06kd3if we had 2em-high icons that would make sense I'd go back to the tab layout, with abbreviated text or something along side them
21:58.18kd3"WoW', "Wrath", etc...
21:59.46foxlitWe do have the inline icons for some of those
22:04.37kd3whee, down to only 38 errors on the new theme
22:15.38pcjif they got rid of the ad space in the upper right corner it would be a little better
22:15.43pcjat least one row of icons instead of two
22:37.44kd3hokay... back to the tab style. do we want to add icons or no?
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23:21.14pcjkd3: if you're planning to implement it with AJAX and a backwards-compatible version you'll need Wikia's help
23:21.46kd3no, not ajaxy. was planning on simple links to the current portals we have now
23:21.59kd3most likely
23:22.44pcjoh...just revert back to before they asked me to change it then
23:23.47kd3iunno. how painful would it be to have the 5 portals be ajaxy but the front page not?
23:24.10pcjwell it would just be moving the problem away from the main page
23:24.20pcjthe portals would take as long to load as they do now
23:24.58pcjthe whole idea was to be able to switch to other portals without another page load
23:25.18pcjunfortunately they also wanted backwards compatibility with non-JS browsers
23:27.20kd3back-compat should just fall back to the links working like normal... regular links -> page loads.
23:27.34pcjthey do
23:27.51pcjbut there's no way for me to code in wiki terms detection if their browser supports JS or not
23:28.01pcjso i had to send them everything either way
23:28.27pcjwe could always redirect them to another page if they support JS
23:28.42pcjerr have JS detect itself and redirect people to another page
23:29.51kd3how hard would it be to extend the ajaxTable style page load to this? just hook in to the tab links for the other tabs but display the selected tab the same js or not?
23:30.38pcjwe could do AJAX (this is not really AJAX) but there will be a slight delay on switch
23:30.47pcjkirkburn opted for loading everything
23:31.07kd3I wouldn't mind the slight delay. loading everything is entirely too much data
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