IRC log for #wowwiki on 20090527

00:02.40KeolahI tamed a bird of prey for pvp. I wanted to name it "Screwyoupalliesanddeathknights" but it wouldn't fit.
00:02.42*** join/#wowwiki Kaso (n=Kaso@
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00:06.27sacarascWhat about FUPalasnDKs?
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00:17.27ViiKunaOkay, I'm a total newbie, can someone help me?
00:18.06sacarascIf you say what the problem is, someone might be able to help.
00:19.41ViiKunaSo I just played the trial thingy (10 days), I'm about to buy the game. from the game site it says the price is 14,99¤. If I purchase that, do I get to keep the characters, and do I get any playing time with that, or do I have to buy it seperately?
00:20.27sacarascYou get 1 month free when buying the game and you keep everything you've done in the trial.
00:23.14ViiKunahmh, apparently I haven't yet got my jobs pay, so no WoW yet :<
00:28.30ViiKunaoh, and by the way; is it the trial that is stopping me from going over profession skill 100, or is it something else?
00:28.53sacarascProbably the trial, it limits you in a few ways.
00:37.25ViiKunaoh, and about how long does it take to get to play after the purchase? the site says it might take up to 72h, but it seems kinda long time
00:39.39sacarascI think I was playing within an hour when I got mine, but it was about 2 years ago and can't remember fully.
00:43.48ViiKunaand you bought it from the WoW site? (with a credit card)
00:47.29ViiKunawell, it's almost 4am.. oughta go to sleep
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02:10.31pcjPeter Cumming, an associate professor at York University in Toronto, presented a paper on children's sexuality at the 78th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences defending the practice as a modern variation on "playing doctor or spin-the-bottle."
02:10.37pcjhis last name must be a set up
02:17.28Kasoi see the spin the bottle comparison
02:17.34Kasobut playing doctor?
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02:35.32GravespitYou never played doctor as a kid? :)
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03:05.52KasoGravespit not when we ended up naked
03:07.35KorenlWhen I was a kid, I WAS a doctor
03:08.09KorenlDoogie Howzer style
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05:00.08KeolahQuestion: How does one manage to die in the inn in Dalaran? :p
05:02.12kd3locks being emo?
05:04.45charitwopcj seems like an emo kinda guy
05:09.19Arrowmasterhearthing with some form of DoT
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06:22.36charitwowhy so non-cloaked g0urra
06:22.49g0urraI have cloak
06:22.56charitwog0urra ( has joined #wowwiki
06:23.03charitwotoo slow to identifyy
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06:50.31Fisker-slaps g0urra around a bit with a large trout
06:50.33Fisker-slaps g0urra around a bit with a large trout
06:50.35Fisker-slaps g0urra around a bit with a large trout
06:53.05Fisker-wanna make out?
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07:27.58Fisker-slaps g0urra around a bit with a large trout
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09:25.07Fisker-so mxs
09:25.09Fisker-teh beta is soon
09:27.49ViiKunaGot a problem again.... I'm trying to pay with a credit card (Visa Electron), but it keeps saying that there's an error with paying. If I buy the game from a store, do I still get to keep the characters of my trial account? Or is the only possible way to keep the trial characters to buy the game online?
09:28.45ViiKunaor can I just buy some game time?
09:30.58Zyferusyou can do either
09:31.12Zyferusor all of the above
09:31.16ViiKunaso I don't even need to own the game..?
09:31.31ViiKuna(I haven't bought the game, I've just used the trial)
09:31.33WardHyou need to buy the game, either online or in the store
09:31.43Zyferuswell, if you want to play beyond the trial, you will need to purchase the game
09:31.45WardHthe game will usually come with some free gametime already
09:32.00WardHyou can use the serial that comes with the game to upgrade your trial account
09:33.55ViiKunaand also, why does the purchasing form (credit card - visa electron) need my e-mail...?
09:34.20ViiKunaI mean... seriously
09:36.06WardHbecuase they'll mail you a receipt
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09:38.52ViiKunastupid errors...
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14:06.59g0urra16:02 (Deletion log)‎ . . [Gourra‎ (151×)]
14:09.25Fisker-g0urra is hacked
14:21.32g0urraBY GOURRA BE PURGED
14:21.47Alramcowers in fear.
14:25.18g0urrayou better
14:25.21g0urraor I delete you
14:25.33AlramFind me first!
14:28.23WardHg0urra, find me
14:29.31g0urraAlram: then?
14:29.35g0urraWardH: no
14:31.06AlramIt's Marlamin
14:35.23XSlicersearch is kind of outdated right
14:36.14XSlicerSince it doesnt have everything (new) and search previews have old text..
14:37.46g0urrayeah it's very outdated
14:38.39WardHI did ramps last week with char I'm leveling
14:38.40WardHI healed
14:38.46WardHdruid mate tanked
14:38.50WardHwe do every instance like that
14:38.58WardHbring some dps
14:39.03WardHif they suck we continue 2 man :p
14:39.21g0urrachanged over 2 months ago.. and the search cache is from august
14:39.29WardHwrong channel
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20:44.17KetrelWhat's Nightfall (as far as a warlock is concerned)?
20:45.04Ose|BarcaA GuildWars expansion innit?
20:49.21Arrowmasteran affliction talent
20:49.39Arrowmasterthat always procs at the wrong time
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21:47.26KetrelOh, It calls it night fall, but it means Shadowtrance
21:50.11Gnarfoztalent: Nightfall
21:50.15Gnarfozproc name: Shadow Trance
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22:05.18KetrelIt tells you when "nightfall" procs
22:05.32Ketrelwhen it's "Shadow Trance" that procs, which is why I was confused ;)
22:06.17GnarfozNightfallRank 2
22:06.17GnarfozGives your Corruption and Drain Life spells a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent.  The Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
22:06.22Gnarfoz"Shadow Trance" :P
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22:08.27KetrelHere's a question, when you have the glyph of corruption, does that replace, or add to that percentage?
22:08.34Ketreland nvm
22:08.39KetrelI see my answer on the wiki
22:10.12Gnarfozuse wowhead comments, they make more sense :P
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22:19.16KeolahI made a lock.
22:19.16Ose|Barcaaw my gawd
22:19.16KeolahShe's sexy. But her imp's name is "Dagpad". :p Why do imps always have stupid names?
22:20.26Arrowmasteryou used to be able to abandon demons and resummon for a new name but they fixed that
22:21.42KeolahI hope her VW has a better name.
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22:31.57cruciallyswitching DNS providers for wowwiki
22:32.01cruciallylet me know if there are any problems
22:33.06Gnarfozthat's gotta be fun ;P
22:34.00Antillieso if i'm on a normal server i can wander to say... the barrens without getting killed by random horde ppl?
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22:34.09Antillieif i'm alliance
22:34.42cruciallyAntillie: depends on if you are cute or not, if you are cute they can kill you
22:35.00Gnarfozas soon as you're in a zone that's "red" (hostile territory), you're killable
22:35.08Antillieoh ok
22:35.24Antilliei thought that was just enemy cities
22:35.42Gnarfozenemy starting zones are usually red, too
22:35.48Antillieahh ok
22:35.55Gnarfoznot sure if Barrens is red or yellow
22:36.05Gnarfozbecause Mulgore/Durotar should be the starting zones
22:36.58Arrowmasterbarrens is considered horde, not contested
22:44.04KeolahIf you are on a pve server, you DO NOT become flagged from entering the barrens or even durotar.
22:44.09KeolahYou only get flagged if you actually enter Orgrimmar.
22:44.47KeolahThe Barrens is perfectly safe to wander around as alliance on normal servers.
22:45.32g0urrapcj let have moar admins pl0x
22:46.07Fisker-ze medic is a spy
22:46.21KeolahI don't know why these myths persist.. I play a pve server and have gone all over the place.. no flagging except actually in enemy cities or pvp zones (wintergrasp)
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22:48.28a_s_y_d_could you help me with Rawr ?
22:48.57a_s_y_d_Rawr & wine
22:49.00KeolahNope. don't even know what that is.
22:50.11GnarfozKeolah: guess why it persists :P
22:50.54KeolahBecause idiots play pvp servers and don't know how normal servers work? :p
22:51.37Gnarfozthe other way around, obviously :p
22:52.55g0urraAntillie asked about how it was on a normal server, not on a pvp server
22:52.59KeolahThey were talking about normal servers, not pvp servers.
22:54.55g0urrawhat she said
22:55.04KeolahAnd if for some reason somebody doesn't believe me, I get a screenshot of my dwarf paladin dancing around unflagged on top of the Razor Hill inn ;p
22:55.13GnarfozI won't spell it out for you, since it would be just as much flamebaiting as Keolah's own idea :p
22:55.45Keolah[17:34:05] <Antillie> so if i'm on a normal server i can wander to say... the barrens without getting killed by random horde ppl?
22:55.48GnarfozI don't even have a "flag" indicator in my UI, since I'm on rp-pvp anyway ^^
22:55.50Keolahnormal server. ;p
22:56.02GnarfozKeolah: you're totally not getting what I was suggesting
22:56.11Arrowmasteryellow name or blue name?
22:56.23KeolahYou said they would be flagged in the barrens. They would not be. ;p
22:56.41GnarfozKeolah: and you fail to notice when a conversation moves to a new topic
22:57.03Gnarfozyou obviously corrected me, and that was the end of that topic. after that, you asked why the misinformation persists.
22:57.06KeolahWhat new topic? We're talking about whether or not an alliance char on a normal server would be flagged in a newbie horde area.
22:57.16Gnarfozno, that was concluded when you corrected me
22:57.50KeolahAnd don't take anything I ever say seriously or personally, because I call _everyone_ idiots, you idiot :P
22:57.55Arrowmasterfor some reason i was just reminded of our zombie raid on the town in duskwood and then goldshire
22:58.21Arrowmasteri swear we had over 200 guards attacking us
22:58.34g0urraI remember taking over Lower City with my zombie army.
22:58.36g0urraGood times.
22:58.39GnarfozKeolah: I didn't and I wouldn't, that's why I already typed out what I intended to say, but refrained from sending it off :D
22:58.47KeolahWould you prefer "Because people play pvp servers and don't know how pve servers work"? :P
22:59.11Arrowmasterwe may have been the ones that discovered the weapon swap for insta heal zombie bug.........
22:59.44GnarfozI was going to suggest something more along the lines of pvp server players obviously communicating more
23:00.24g0urra"HEY GUIS WHERE R TEH GANKRZ??"
23:00.29Gnarfozif pve server players communicated as much, well, every conversation where a pvp server player spouted misinformed crap as I just did would end up being corrected by a pve server player, wouldn't it
23:01.04KeolahThis isn't the first time I have corrected people on this particular point, though.
23:01.07g0urrais a PvE server player
23:01.15Gnarfozcarebears inc
23:01.18Gnarfozbe afraid!
23:02.26Keolahback in amoment, running ebon blade dailies with my bf.
23:02.37g0urraI take it you're a PvP server player Gnarfoz
23:03.16Gnarfozgosh, how did you figure THAT out?
23:03.21g0urrathe reason why I play on a PvE server is because I like to sit around sometime or go out questing without being afraid of getting ambushed by some low-life rogue
23:03.37Gnarfoz<Gnarfoz> I don't even have a "flag" indicator in my UI, since I'm on rp-pvp anyway ^^ <-- possibly this might have given it away ;)
23:03.52Gnarfozg0urra: well, "no risk, no fun"
23:03.59g0urragot something else to say, wise-ass?
23:04.07g0urraclearly our definition of "fun" are different
23:04.15GnarfozI'd have to consult my mentor first
23:04.25Antilliei play pve cause i don't like pvp in general
23:04.26Gnarfozbut then, I usually don't touch enemies most of the time
23:04.43Arrowmasterim on a pvp server and i never pvp
23:05.12Gnarfoz(I'd just bash them into the ground anyway, if they're not one of the few highend pvp players or in one of the top 3 horde guilds)
23:05.50KeolahTo quote some guy on IRC once... "My idea of "having fun" does not include the word "jurisprudence"."
23:06.23Gnarfozideas are made up of words now? :>
23:06.47pcjare you trying to be difficult
23:07.35KeolahI only do pvp because I don't raid and it's an easy way to fill in gaps in my equipment.
23:08.01Gnarfozpcj: I'm trying to have a conversation, keeping it going is part of that
23:08.22Arrowmasteri would rather not play wow than pvp instead of pve
23:08.29Arrowmasteroh wait, i already quit
23:08.40Gnarfozyou did? again? ^^
23:08.47Arrowmasternot really
23:09.02Arrowmasterjust super casual, i rarely login but my account is still active
23:09.06KeolahAlso, wintergrasp is kinda fun. Though it would be more fun if _I_ were the one with ten stacks of tenacity.
23:09.19GnarfozI love being the one with X stacks of tenacity ^^
23:09.29KeolahI wanna get my hordies up to 80 ;p
23:09.43Gnarfozkilling 5 enemy vehicles + the players in them
23:09.58GnarfozDivine Shield, heal to full, keep going
23:14.23g0urramoar token females pcj
23:15.15KeolahSeems every time I get to first lieutenant in wintergrasp, alliance proceeds to lose ;p
23:16.40Antillieis that one of those battlegroud things?
23:16.49Keolahpvp area
23:16.58KeolahEven on pve servers.
23:17.02Antilliesee i like that idea
23:17.17Antillieif i want to pvp i can go do to a place meant for it
23:17.23KeolahIt's interesting since it's different -- siege warfare, with tanks and turrets, cannons, destroying walls and towers, etc.
23:17.42Antilliewithout getting randonly killed by some lvl 80 when i'm out doing quests
23:17.57KetrelFor leveling as a paladin, what's the best spec at low levels?
23:18.21Antillieno clue lol
23:18.36Gnarfoznowadays, ret
23:18.40KeolahNo idea. My pallies were level 70 and 45 when they completely changed around pallies specs.
23:18.41Antilliemy highest toon is a lvl 10 paladin
23:18.53KeolahAnd the 70 leveled up as prot with a mage as backup ;p
23:18.58Gnarfozsince questing is about killing stuff, most of the time, you want the spec that kills stuff :p
23:19.10Gnarfozand you get the movement speed increase talent quite early
23:19.14Arrowmasterseal of chance at lvl 20
23:19.29Arrowmasteryoull either take forever to kill something or 2shot it
23:19.33Gnarfozwhen do you get blood/martyr?
23:19.39Keolah(okay, actually, the 70 spent time as holy and ret before I got a clue and realized what I was trying to do here.)
23:20.04KeolahWhen I started playing I had no idea what spec did what and what spec was for what :p
23:21.07Arrowmasterblood/martyr is like 66
23:22.26KeolahSo yeah. Now I have a prot pally teamed up with a mage, and a ret pally teamed up with a feral druid.
23:25.54KeolahI want a pet wolvar pup :(
23:31.20Antilliei think i wanna play a tank paladin
23:39.01Antillieseems that palys can tank
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23:43.50KeolahTank pallies tend to work best when you're actually tanking for somebody and not trying to kill stuff soloing.
23:45.09KeolahThey don't do amazing damage by themselves, but they can certainly take it.
23:45.28KeolahOf course, once you get higher up they _can_ put out a fair amount of damage.
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23:58.40Antilliei duo with my wife
23:58.57Antillieshe plays a mage and does enough damage for both of us

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