IRC log for #wowwiki on 20090129

00:04.54infobotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
00:07.48pcjackis in blacksmithing you need to mark the barbaric set as horde only
00:40.29KillabeezSo i want to start reading the WoW lore
00:40.31Killabeezwhats the first book
00:41.03g0urraDay of the Dragon
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06:08.20smOkyhi all
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06:31.44smOkyhi all :)
06:32.29smOkyplz hellp
06:33.14smOky!m ew
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13:50.24pcjhi g0urra
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14:24.16g0urrano pcj
14:25.25g0urra<pcj> hi g0urra
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14:30.49syberghostg0urra: y so no pcj?
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15:26.49Fisker-hi g0urra
15:27.00g0urrano Fisker-
15:30.30Fisker-hi g0urra
15:33.23g0urrabye Fisker-
15:34.02sacarascwhy so bye, g0urra?
15:38.35Fisker-hi g0urra
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15:48.05syberghostsacarasc: ITYM "bi".  HTH.  HAND.
15:48.29g0urraBTW FYI STFU
15:49.16syberghostNO U
15:55.11Fisker-btw g0urra
15:55.17Fisker-i almost died today
15:55.57g0urrashit, I thought I killed you
16:06.20AckisWorkFisker-: too bad
16:06.58g0urrahow does Rolandius's tears taste pcj?
16:07.12pcjnom nom nom
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19:19.16LidoMFcan anyone help with a quest
19:19.31LidoMFThe crimsen curier
19:19.45Swizzyrefresh my memory, whats goin on?
19:20.37Swizzyok, whats your question
19:21.03g0urraLidoMF, you're better off asking someone in the game
19:21.05LidoMFjust looking for people to help defeat him an the crimson bodyguard
19:21.11pcjsure, meet me at EPL
19:21.46LidoMFEPL sorry im new to wow
19:22.05pcjwell invite me to group
19:24.10SwizzyAlright, here's the thing.  The chance of one of us playing on your server is very small.  If by chance we are, the chance of us being in the same zone as you is even smaller.  What server do you play on?
19:24.33LidoMFmal ganis
19:25.16Swizzy:-/  I play on Uther, so I would be unable to help.
19:30.32pcjgg g0urra
19:30.35pcjwhy did you gank him
19:30.50g0urrabecause Fisker-
19:30.52pcjwe had the courier down to 5% and you killed us
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19:54.02pcjhey g0urra
19:54.04pcjnice signature
19:54.38g0urrahey pcj
19:54.44g0urrawhy didn't you kill the curier
19:55.06pcjbecause i was talking to Fisker- in privite chat
19:55.46*** join/#wowwiki BiggieSmalls (
19:55.53BiggieSmallsjoin wikia-runescape
19:56.00BiggieSmallsmy bad
19:56.01Fisker-hey g0urra
20:02.09syberghostChances are even smaller of us being on Mag'ganis, since transfers to it are currently closed.
20:02.17syberghostOr so the people cyberstalking Mia Rose tell me.
20:02.30syberghostI mean the other people cyberstalking her.
20:21.12AckisWorkwho's mia rose?
20:21.38sacarascYour mother
20:21.50sacarascI believe that is the typical response for a question like that
20:25.24sacarascMia Rose is either a singer-songwriter or a porn star
20:25.33sacarascAccording to google
20:25.52SwizzyOr...wait for it....
20:25.56Swizzyboth o_O
20:27.22Oseand a wow player apparently
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21:06.34syberghostAckisWork: the Mia Rose to whom I refer is a porn star and WoW player, who has been in WoW porn, who was recently interviewed for a WoW blog site.  She revealed the not-too-secret fact that she plays on Mal'Ganis, and a lot of people suddenly showed up in the forums with complaints they can't transfer there.
21:06.55syberghostPossibly in some cases by sheer coincidence.
21:07.00AckisWorkworld of whorecraft?
21:07.09syberghostYes; she's the belf in Episode 2.
21:07.23syberghoster, uhm, or so I'm told?
21:08.54syberghostThere was also a subsequent controversy when shortly after this, she got banned for a ToS violation, because the account was in somebody else's name.
21:09.27syberghostThis has all been over the last week or so.
21:10.10syberghostHer main was "Miarose" on Mal'ganis, not a big secret as you can see.
21:10.17syberghostShe also had a DK named Creampie, same server.
21:11.56pcjwait a minute
21:13.14syberghostI'm guessing she appealed and got unbanned, since somebody is racking up achievements on Miarose.
21:14.18syberghostShe CAME OFF as whiny in the interview, but she HELD HER OWN.
21:17.06AckisWorkman she must get so many free things
21:19.33syberghostThat's been alleged.  I wouldn't know, I've never been in a Guild with her.
21:21.34AckisWorkyou're just stalking her instead?
21:27.08winkillerwell at least she plays wow
21:27.24winkillerthat's quite a quality criterium for such a film
21:27.41winkillero_O she's young
21:27.43OseWorld of Whorecraft?
21:28.09winkillermhm, wikipedia has no wow entry
21:28.31syberghostwinkiller: inorite?  Most of those people in it probably never played WoW, but she brings AUTHENTICITY to the role.
21:28.47winkillerexactly what I meant ;)
21:29.03winkillerthis game's becoming too mainstream
21:29.09syberghostIt's the new golf.
21:30.28winkillerI learned to drive on one
21:30.32winkillerbut never owned one
21:30.46winkillerthen again, only on my second car now
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