IRC log for #wowwiki on 20080116

00:00.56GourraI hate 1 AM
00:01.01GourraHonor update lag
00:03.41*** join/#wowwiki cladhaire (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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00:14.21winkillerwell, we were at swamp lord muiselek
00:14.32winkilleras you can imagine we dpsed a bit harder
00:41.33kd3do we not have a page with cascading protection that can prevent specific pages from being recreated?
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00:48.23pcjkd3 just create the page and lock it
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02:47.11Dottedor Kirkburn
02:47.14Dottedor whoever
02:47.42Dottedcan i get protected, its gonna get messy otherwise
02:47.52KirkburnGo kd3 :P
02:49.25Dottedthx kd3
02:58.56pcjYay, monobook makes tables look hideous
03:00.39kd3huh? doesn't look all that bad to me...
03:01.49pcjI mean what I fixed it from
03:08.19Kirkburnbtw, to make certain columns unsortable I think you add a class to the header like class="unsortable" (I forget the exact name)
03:12.30pcjoh boy
03:40.45*** join/#wowwiki Lafawnduh (
04:00.59sacarascheh, log out just in time for the maintenance to happen and couldn't connect to the character selection thing
04:13.26Sky2042_kd3: shouldn't be too hard to create such a page.
04:13.46Sky2042_kd3: just name it "WoWWiki:Cascading protection" or something
04:58.43*** join/#wowwiki theLichKing (
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06:01.11pcjhow nice
06:03.41pcj^ this is new?
06:10.46Sky2042_afkpcj: lol. 2 ally posts in the first 20.
06:10.58Sky2042_afknot exactly a worthy comeback.
06:11.16Sky2042_afkmy server would've been like, "oh. cool. l2pvp"
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06:50.22bleeterKirkburn|sleep: you'll love this
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08:11.31*** join/#wowwiki Gourra (
08:11.54Gourranew comment
08:12.17Sky2042what do you think of splitting some stuff to [[warcraft II structures]] and [[warcraft II units]]? I'm not sure that's needed
08:12.20Sky2042but we could.
08:13.05Gourrathis would be more of a combined page of it, and keeping it in the manual style rather than in-game style
08:13.18Gourranot everyone fancies unit data you know
08:15.13GourraI could, though, make a "See also" at the bottom of the page
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08:21.01Gourratake a look now
08:23.43Sky2042I'm not sure why you'd use divs as opposed to spans. definitely cleaner looking now (TOC especially). still not sure about deletion as opposed to not.
08:24.13*** join/#wowwiki Kalroth (n=kalroth@
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08:25.30Gourrayeah I'm using divs instead of spans because of the TOC
08:25.43Gourralooks pretty cluttered witha long TOC you know
08:25.45Sky2042spans won't make the toc look evil
08:26.37Gourrameh ok then
08:28.06Gourraah snap
08:28.45Sky2042i meant just replace the div with span. let me have a go at it
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08:30.29Sky2042that didn't work out so hot
08:30.42Sky2042back to div, imo
08:31.11Gourranow you broke it
08:31.36Sky2042i reverted to non-killer-toc and using spans
08:31.42Sky2042and using divs*
08:40.36GourraI like the captions at [[Future_race_ideas]]
08:42.53Sky2042me too =)
08:45.18*** join/#wowwiki Kalroth_ (
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08:56.46Gourramaintenance boo
08:57.57Sky2042more time for wiki editing!
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09:10.36Sky2042Gourra: what program are you using to shrink the images?
09:10.57Sky2042legal, or not? :)
09:11.03Gourralegal ofc
09:11.52Sky2042are you shrinking by width and height? or actually chopping off edges?
09:12.11*** mode/#wowwiki [+v Kalroth] by ChanServ
09:12.49Gourrajust shrinking
09:12.57Gourraand lowering quality a bit if possible
09:13.08GourraI hate PNGs since shrinking them makes them ugly
09:13.14Gourraand I can't change the cuality
09:13.17Sky2042too true
09:13.31Kalrothhay ther baby
09:13.44AdysHAI DER U GUD 2DEY?
09:15.07KalrothI'm already fucked up
09:15.15Adysbut you dont have a brain!
09:16.14Adysjus buz
09:16.14Sky2042that's how he did it.
09:18.24Sky2042so, Adys where art thou on that there list?
09:18.45AdysIm a regex ucantfindme
09:21.19Gourrahow can you move image pages?
09:21.47Adysyou cant because MEDIAWIKI SUCKS
09:22.18GourraSIR YES SIR
09:22.25Sky2042Adys: you don't happen to be slightly drunk, do you?
09:22.40Adyswtf its 10am i woke up two hours ago and you  want me to be drunk
09:22.57Adysafk a bit
09:25.18Gourrahow the hell did it end up that big
09:25.45Sky2042high quality!
09:26.41GourraI tried to resize it to 227x200 and reduce it to lowest quality (pixels showing), and still it wouldn't get below 200 kb
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09:28.36KalrothI got a 40kb version that got almost zero diff
09:29.24Kalroth's_end_2.jpg vs
09:30.21KalrothHell, even the png version is smaller :)
09:30.25Kalroththan the original jpg
09:32.40KalrothAh, the original jpg got like 200kb of Photoshop meta-data
09:33.34KalrothMonitor information too
09:34.06Kalroth"Internal RGB KODAK sRGB Display", "ND65 monitor" and "CD65 monitor"
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09:47.51Gourra hmm
09:48.56Sky2042well, no, but a duplicate anyway
09:48.58Sky2042do-not post
09:49.08Sky2042new's bot, you fail
09:49.26Gourraso delete?
09:49.53Sky2042already done
09:50.19Gourrayou're fast.
09:50.46Gourrayou might take a look at the whole article
09:51.11Gourrabut I would keep it, just for novelty
09:52.11Sky2042nah, whole article's fine
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10:59.45iwinuloseDoes anyone know if Blizzard has released any info about the infrastructure behind wow?
11:14.51*** join/#wowwiki Fisker- (
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11:58.22Gourra :|
12:02.48*** part/#wowwiki Fisker- (
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12:52.14Taurmindowhy is uther on that list?
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12:56.41PolarinaTaurmindo: Uther is a paladin according to the wowwiki page about him. You can remove him from that page. :)
13:00.09PolarinaAlso,   Erelas Ambersky looks like a Druid to me, his clohtes and the quests he gives.
13:03.12Polarina <- Paladin.
13:05.15Polarina looks like a Druid.
13:09.09Taurmindothe list doesn't seem very good. ;P
13:09.26PolarinaGoing to clean it up.
13:15.47PolarinaI removed all the NPCs I saw obviously as not being a priest.
13:16.41zealUther was originally a priest iirc, that's probably why he's on the list.
13:18.18PolarinaZeal: He's a paladin as of now, not a priest. :)
13:22.42winkillerfucking blizzard
13:22.50winkillerthey updated arena points at 1 and not maint
13:26.58Zeali know, just saying. i dunno what the policy is, as character's classes, current nad previous tend to get listed.
13:38.10Zealcan anyone tell me the point of {{questrace}} ?
13:40.34Gourrathe question is more like why is there only male icons usable for it?
13:41.18Gourraother than that it's seful to show questgiver icon
13:41.40Gourrabut then there's horde/alliance/ meh
13:42.15Gourraor, it might just be for only one race
13:42.40Gourrafor example see
13:46.31Zealwhy would you show quest giver?
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13:46.57Zealand the implication is more that it's showing the quest is restricted to a race.
13:47.08Gourrayeah that's what I meant
13:47.22Zealtheres no such thing afaik
13:47.30Gourraas what ?
13:47.38Zeala race restricted quest.
13:48.44Zealfair enough
13:49.07Zealjust as long as people don't use it for quest givers : /
13:49.53GourraI hope not, because there's only male icons available for that template
13:51.09Gourraalthough a template for that should be doable
13:51.30Taurmindothere are tons of race restricted quests. ;P
13:51.53Gourrajust read that and it's chain is only for taurens
13:52.10Taurmindoin all starting areas there are several race-only quests.
13:52.35Taurmindoand e.g. the get-book-from SM quest is horde-except-undead only.
13:53.06Gourrayeah but it wouldn't be doable in one template
13:53.09Gourrabetter to put a note in it
13:54.04Taurmindosomething like (race restricted) after the quest name?
13:54.53Gourraor put a note in the quest "This quest is not available for undeads"
13:58.22*** join/#wowwiki arskeh (
14:20.35Taurmindoare the icons choseable when making arena teams uploaded on the wiki?
14:21.38Taurmindoor are the colorcombinations and all too many to be uploaded?
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14:30.51Zealthere we go, {{questrace}} depreciated.
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18:15.12KyrinKirkburn|sleep: Around?
18:16.42Adys wtf?
18:17.02ralfWORKold news buddy
18:18.44*** join/#wowwiki dcramer (
18:18.45Adysyea i just came back home
18:22.27pcjsomething wrong with wowhead?
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18:36.39KyrinSo, can I copy some of the Template:User_* "badges" for our wiki?
18:42.08Kyrink, I'm marking any templates I get or are inspired by wowwiki with [[Category:WoWWiki]]
18:50.25Kirkburn|sleepKyrin, sorry for not replying earlier :)
18:50.45Kirkburn|sleepI'll pretend that I telepathically told pcj to say that
18:50.59pcjlazy bum
18:51.45KyrinKirkburn|sleep: heh
18:52.06KyrinKirkburn|sleep: thx, I got inspiration for my sig from yours while I was busy looking at the user badges
18:52.25Kirkburn|sleepyay another one :P
18:52.51KyrinAye, though it probably would look better on a dark background, we haven't finished with our theming yet
19:36.05pcjstupid newsbot
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20:14.47pcjwhy is my user CSS randomly crapping out
20:18.30Gourrathat template is really unnecessary
20:22.06pcjDon't talk anymore gourra
20:22.39GourraI meant that Lootpic is unnecessary
20:22.41Gourranot Item
20:22.58pcj...yes that was the point of me linking to the template where i had already tagged it for speedydeletion
20:23.21kd3make sure there's no incoming links, I'll get it in a sec
20:23.27pcjalready done
20:23.52Gourrapjc I just said what I thought of the template...there's nothing wrong in that
20:24.31pcjgourra if you're going to talk to me use my correct nick
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21:03.50pcjhi kirkburn, keolah :)
21:08.04kd3wiki slow or my connection screwing with me?
21:08.45pcjit's slow
21:08.49pcj(as usual)
21:09.31Zealindeed, slow
21:12.26pcjso does anyone else think the storyline behind ZF is somewhat lacking?
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21:44.48KeolahWhat storyline?
21:46.36Zealprobably his point :p
21:48.37KeolahIs there a list anywhere of what names aren't allowed for pets? ;p
21:48.52KeolahI mean, some of them I can understand, profanity and all, but sometimes I run across one that seems really arbitrary ;p
21:49.27ZealKonkeyDong isn't :( damn them.
21:49.50KeolahMy NE hunter went and tamed a tiger to learn dash, only to find, "Tigger" isn't allowed!
21:50.25Zealpossible blocked words similar to "nigger".
21:50.42Zealmovie time, bbl
21:53.16KirkburnTigger would be blocked as it's probably registered to Disney
21:54.34KeolahI would bet that every potentially trademarked name in existence probably isn't, though :p
21:56.05KeolahThat'd be an awfully long list, heh, and I haven't actually run across anything it wouldn't let me name a pet besides "Pussy" and "Tigger" thus far ;p
21:56.18KeolahAnd the former I can understand. ;)
21:57.04sacarascbecause it was a wolf?
21:57.25KeolahMy current hunter's primary pet is a cat named Schroedinger :)
21:57.42Keolah"Is it alive? Is it dead?" "Only until I cast Revive Pet."
21:57.45sacarascwhen it's not summoned, is it alive?
21:58.00Kyrinsacarasc: exactly the joke I was about to write
21:58.04SroshWell, there're more and less bitchy companies and Disney is definitely way up there one of those super-bitchy ones.
21:58.38KeolahI've seen copious amounts of hunters with pets named after every character from the Lion King ;p
22:01.19GourraI made a hunter once called Nefarian
22:01.23Gourraand called my pet Chromaggus
22:01.28Gourrathe GMs didn't like it
22:08.39KeolahHmm, yep, it doesn't stop you from naming a boar Pumbaa, either. So wtf _does_ it disallow? ;p
22:12.07Gourrait should disallow the default names
22:12.17Gourrathat way hunter bots will get reported ;p
22:12.49Keolah... yes, I'm pedantic enough to check. Hmm, it seems pretty inconsistant. Or biased! :p
22:13.07Keolah"Drizzt" and "Elminster" aren't allowed, but "Raistlin" is! But Raistlin was so much better a character! :p
22:15.11Gourraon my hunter I call my pets Marguk which is almost identical to the NPC name Marduk
22:15.27GourraI have no idea where I got the name from :p
22:15.44Gourrasame with my first night elf, I called him Thalanaar
22:15.46KeolahMy friend named his orc hunter, "Zargh". He delivered meats to himself.
22:16.03Keolah(Or the other way around, whatever.)
22:16.06winkillernever bad
22:16.23Gourrathen one day, someone walked up to me and said "Uhm hey mate, why have you called yourself of a town in Feralas?"
22:16.24winkillerblizzards naming policy is subject to change
22:16.34winkillerwe had a garr renamed to ragg, now he's garr again
22:16.37Gourraheh nice one Keolah
22:16.45KeolahBlizzard's * policy is subject to change.
22:16.46Gourrayeah that too winkiller
22:17.03winkillertbh I find it kind of annoying
22:17.09GourraI reported him at the same time I got reported for Nefarian ;P
22:17.20winkillerlike Vazruden and Nazgrel on my server - I always mix em uo
22:17.25winkilleralthouhg it should be Nazan
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22:18.08winkillerthis server sooo lacks healers...
22:18.30Keolahevery druid wants to be feral, every priest wants to be shadow? ;p
22:18.33winkillerand everytime I add a priest to my list the next time I speak to him he's shadow..
22:18.45winkillerall pallies are tanks. yes
22:19.35Gourraexcept mine
22:19.36KeolahMy pallies tank _and_ heal... as retribution. (Well, it works fine enough for leveling ;p)
22:20.07Gourrasoon (in 13 levels) I'll have my warlock on 70
22:20.19Gourrathen I'll have pure dps, tanking and healing chars
22:20.24Gourra(warlock, druid and paladin)
22:20.56winkillerGourra: your pally doesn't heal my heroics, so doesn't count :P
22:21.26winkillerhm I got a Rogue - dps
22:21.29Keolahheh heh. I'm such an ass. Friend announces what his new character is...
22:21.30Keolah[14:08:27] <Rakdos> troll rouge
22:21.30Keolah[14:08:57] <~Keolah> I dearly hope not.
22:21.30Keolah[14:08:59] <~Keolah> Trolls should not wear makeup.
22:21.31winkillerI got a Druid - dps
22:21.35winkillerand I got a lock - dps
22:21.42winkillermy warrior is 62 - dps
22:21.48winkillerI need help :/
22:22.09Gourramy first characters to 70 were healing chars (priest and paladin)
22:22.28KeolahI have hunters. Lots of hunters. And a feral druid, a retri pally or two, a shadow priest...
22:22.49KeolahA rogue, an arms warrior... oh, I have a disc priest! :P
22:23.13GourraI have a BM hunter, shadow priest, affliction warlock, arms/fury warrior, holy paladin, feral druid..
22:23.14KeolahDiscipline doesn't get enough love. It's a great tree.
22:23.24Gourraalso a frost mage
22:23.43Gourradeleted a fury warrior, frost mage and rogue
22:24.04GourraI deleted the first two because it wouldn't give me more char slots
22:24.18KeolahI play two servers, one for ally and one for horde... slots are full on both of em.
22:24.41GourraI play full time on one server
22:24.48KeolahAdmittedly, I can delete a fair few of the ones on one of em...
22:25.07Gourraraiding MH/BT doesn't give you much time left..
22:25.19Keolahlevel 1 rogue, disposable warrior I primarily made to tank for my friend until he got a few levels, warlock I don't like..
22:25.24Gourrahad to farm 26 primal shadow and 11 primal life for shadow res gear
22:25.46KeolahMy highest level char is a 61 pally ;p
22:25.51Gourraah :p
22:26.13KeolahI also have a 60 hunter, a 52? priest... and many, many chars in the 30s and 40s ;p
22:26.23KeolahI suffer from terminal altitis.
22:26.43Gourra70 warrior/priest/druid/paladin, 62 hunter, 57 warlock, 43 mage
22:26.52KeolahOne of these days, I _will_ get a char to 70!
22:26.57Keolah... by that point, the level cap will probably be 80.
22:27.20winkillerI grinded my AR gear for TK on one evening
22:27.34GourraAR gear isn't really needed for TK
22:27.42winkiller450 clefthoof bulls
22:27.45winkillerit helps
22:27.45Gourraas long as you know how to avoid the balls
22:27.52ltcolumboleveling is easy in wow
22:27.54*** join/#wowwiki aliesky (n=aliesky@
22:28.02winkilleron our Solarian tries I was last man standing 90%
22:28.07winkilleras a Rogue :)
22:28.23ltcolumbothe fun stuff is after you get max level
22:28.23alieskyHello everybody
22:28.46alieskyabout enchanting: wich is better "Mongoose or Major Agilty"?
22:28.51ltcolumbothat makes it unique
22:29.07ltcolumboall the profession leveling, rep etc
22:29.13Gourra@ aliesky
22:29.21winkillerno, depends
22:29.24winkillerdruid: agi :D
22:29.36alieskyfor a Paly ;)
22:29.36ltcolumboI wish we had control over stat builds in wow
22:29.45winkillerretri pallyß
22:29.56winkillermongoose, yea
22:29.57Gourratake mongoose
22:30.06alieskyok, thanks to both
22:30.08Gourrawinkiller: do you use ret pallys?
22:30.08ltcolumbooh well
22:30.27winkillermhm, guess Carnai was the last one we had
22:30.36winkillerand LS also didn't have them pre-buff
22:30.39Gourrayeah the guy who just left us
22:30.52winkillerno clue, I didn't know him much
22:30.56Gourrawent for BloodBound
22:31.01winkillerI knew he was retri. end of knowledge
22:32.37winkillershould you change your mind, still haven't got a group :/
22:34.24winkillerhi Zurr
22:39.52alieskywinkiller: exist a better ench for a melee weapon?
22:40.01winkillermaybe executioner
22:40.04winkillerdepending on your gear
22:40.13winkillerwith s3 set exec > mongoose
22:40.34alieskywhat does "s3" mean? :D
22:41.04Gourraseason 3
22:41.32alieskythanks gourra
22:41.44alieskythen Mongoose
22:42.06alieskywinkiller: thanks to you too
22:52.25pcjwooo 25k edits
22:53.54*** part/#wowwiki aliesky (n=aliesky@
23:10.23*** join/#wowwiki Paradox (
23:13.16winkillerMadness is what brought you here, pcj
23:24.42Adysbeing in too many channels is fun when chanwatch is on
23:24.43Adys[00:24:01] #firefox: <matt1020> the error is
23:24.43Adys[00:24:03] #elitistjerks: <manly> I CANT BREATHE AAAAAAAAAAA
23:35.12*** join/#wowwiki GG|He3F (
23:36.03GG|He3Fany one here now why spriest is going so fast down i anena?
23:36.48GG|He3Fhave 417 resi and 11k hp, and my hp just go to zero in 5 sec, on a 1500 rating
23:48.35sacarascbecause everyone targets you first?
23:48.51sacarascI know I would
23:55.04*** join/#wowwiki tekcub (

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