IRC log for #wowwiki on 20080102

00:00.07foxlitMine sometimes crashes when waking up from standby; have no idea whether its web client works or not; no ipod touch :(
00:00.31Sky2042Hakkar was easy
00:00.36Sky2042Jindo was the hard one :/
00:00.44Sky2042And those imps.
00:00.56foxlitMeh, was fun not decursing people
00:01.39*** join/#wowwiki Pernicius (n=chatzill@
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00:02.12CyberMacSorry bout that
00:02.26CyberMacWrong button :S
00:07.59[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Dell XPS contest winner revealed -
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00:27.26[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: BlizzCon Card - Murloc Costume Contest Winners -
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01:21.44KirkburnJunior Senior ftw
01:23.00pcjwhere are people supposed to ask to be considered to be admin, is there a sub page like the community teams
01:23.05KirkburnAsk someone who's danish :P
01:23.22pcjwho's danish
01:24.32KirkburnNo subpage exists indeed
01:26.19pcjfisker <Kirkburn> Junior Senior ftw
01:28.03Sky2042_afkI was thinking about drafting such a page.
01:28.09Sky2042_afkI'll be back in about 10
01:28.42pcj10 days, weeks?
01:32.56KirkburnBe my guest
01:33.19pcjhe's still gone i think
01:37.42Sky2042_afkminutes nubs
01:39.55pcjwell make the subpage already
01:40.53pcjwow it doesn't work with emotes
01:40.56pcjepic fail
01:49.11*** join/#wowwiki tekcub (
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02:17.31Sky2042_afkKirkburn / pcj: ?
02:17.43Sky2042_afkripped from wikipedia, with some editing on my part, but there it is
02:17.47pcjShouldn't it be in the WoWWiki namespace
02:18.16Sky2042_afkit will be
02:18.19Sky2042_afkthat's jsut a draft
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02:19.09KirkburnI'd say no need to say just me of Fandy, an admin will do
02:19.43KirkburnYes, thanks :P
02:20.06KirkburnI don't think time restrictions are needed either
02:20.20Sky2042_afkneither did i
02:23.04pcjit still refers to a definitive period
02:23.07pcjtho it doesn't specify it
02:23.23Sky2042_afkdoes it?
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02:23.41Sky2042_afkwell, yeah
02:23.53Sky2042_afkuntil a bureau decides to close it.
02:24.12Sky2042_afksee: Kirkburn.
02:24.15pcj"bureaucrats extend RfAs beyond seven days"
02:24.32pcj"At the end of that period, "
02:24.38pcj"The purpose of this time"
02:25.39Sky2042_afkdone?... xD
02:26.09Sky2042_afkanyway, brb in 5 min
02:26.31KirkburnLooks good
02:28.49*** join/#wowwiki tekcub (
02:29.54Sky2042_afkok, back.
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02:36.31Sky2042_afkpcj: you can write regexes, right?
02:36.38KirkburnEr, Sky
02:36.45KirkburnYou deleted something that was 4 minutes old
02:36.51KirkburnAnd called it "abandoned"
02:37.12Kirkburnit was also linked
02:37.20Sky2042_afkand now it's not
02:37.59KirkburnIt is
02:38.00Sky2042_afkI reuploaded it under the original images name.
02:38.03Sky2042_afknot as a picture.
02:38.16KirkburnSee Sandwich's talk page
02:38.26KirkburngOurra is probably wondering what the hell is going on
02:39.06Sky2042_afkwhat the
02:39.28Sky2042_afkthis is confusing though:
02:40.34KirkburnMay be a dupe, sec
02:41.19KirkburnAye dupe
02:41.26KirkburnFix without the wc2 bit
02:41.50Kirkburn[[WoWWiki:List of non-WoW Warcraft icons]]
02:41.50[NewsBot]Kirkburn meant:
02:42.16Sky2042_afkthey're both used tho? or is that caching
02:42.30KirkburnPage likely needs updating, SWman's talk page is confusing
02:47.30Sky2042_afkanyway, back to original question. pcj, how would you make a regex for finding a text string; eg, the string is [[aaabbbde|dcef]] where dcef is a variable # in length and of characters, how would you do it?
02:47.39Sky2042_afki can't write them, but that's what I want to do :/
02:48.11Sky2042_afkaaabbbde remains a constant, as do the surrounding text
02:49.11pcjhmm i think something like .*\[\[aaabbbde|\w{4}\]\].*
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02:49.17pcji'll have to check real quick
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02:51.41pcj.*\[\[aaabbbde\|\w{4}\]\].* actually
02:52.03pcjwhere 4 is the number of letters
02:52.15Sky2042_afkup to, or exclusively?
02:52.34pcjif you wanted a range i can do that
02:52.40Sky2042_afkthat would be good =)
02:52.47pcjrange of what?
02:53.21Sky2042_afkup to 20 would be good.
02:53.26Sky2042_afkcall it 5-20
02:54.40pcj\[\[aaabbbde\|\w{5,20}\]\] then
02:55.04pcjthe .* around the outside will replace the whole page if you include them
02:55.25pcjand \w only matches letters a-z, A-Z
02:55.38pcjif you wanted to do any character replace \w with .
02:56.24Sky2042_afkum... so reiterate what .* does?
02:56.34pcj.* matches any character, anything
02:56.48pcjso if you use them it will match the whole page if the page contains the middle part
02:57.03pcjit will still check to see if the middle part is there but if you're trying to replace it leave it off
02:58.20Sky2042_afkcan I use the character ":" in the beginning part, or must that alos be preceded with a backslash?
02:58.51pcjyeah you don't need a backslash
02:59.53Sky2042_afkin the range, can the lower end also include 0, or must it be from 1+?
03:00.47pcjif you don't want a lower limit just do {,20}
03:01.00Sky2042_afkthanks pcj
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03:02.21pcjthat doesn't seem to work, use 0 I guess
03:02.39pcjit's {5,} on the upper bound that you can leave off it seems
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03:05.35pcj reference
03:05.40pcj test place
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03:18.20DuTempete!seen Adys
03:18.36DuTempete~seen Adys
03:18.39infobotadys <n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowhead, 11h 27m 25s ago, saying: 'ill be back later, too'.
03:18.43pcj~seen Gryphon
03:18.44infobotgryphon <n=gryphon@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 57d 6h 11m 9s ago, saying: 'ono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.'.
03:18.51pcj~seen Gryphen
03:18.52infobotgryphen <n=gryphon@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowwiki, 19d 4h 2m 31s ago, saying: 'ono i esceared of teh rawr! i need a huggle.'.
03:19.17pcj[[User talk:Gryphon#Hey]]
03:19.17[NewsBot]pcj meant:
03:19.18DuTempeteawww crap... somebody gave Sky op...
03:19.37*** join/#wowwiki Liothen (n=liothen@
03:21.49Sky2042uh... I seem to recall someone's bf doing that... I wonder who...
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03:22.41pcjcrap, ran out of girls to equivocate with
03:24.21DuTempeteWell, someone doesn't get involved with her boyfriends work- or admin-related decisions, despite how they frighten her. :P
03:24.39*** join/#wowwiki tekcub (
03:25.13DuTempetehow they *may* frighten her... :P
03:25.52Sky2042speaking of which, Kirkburn:
03:26.39Kirkburnbeat you!
03:26.46DuTempeteHoly shit... you had a good idea, Sky?!
03:27.09pcjThat was my idea first
03:27.12Sky2042well, it was Kirkburns
03:27.20Sky2042from about a month or so ago.
03:27.26DuTempeteHe's so smart :)
03:27.39pcjyeah but didn't follow through on it
03:27.48KirkburnCause I is lazy, man
03:27.56DuTempeteWell, I never said he was ambitious... just smart :P
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03:28.16pcjSo do you create another page or just make it a third-level heading
03:28.18KirkburnSky2042, WW:ADMIN needs teh linkz (and thanks)
03:28.34DuTempeteI still think he's the bestest evar, though. ;)
03:28.53Kirkburnpcj, 3rd level is probably enough for now
03:29.20Sky2042no need for transclusions.
03:30.02DuTempeteKirky, it needs a Nominate Someone! link
03:30.26DuTempeteor Sky2042, rather
03:30.29DuTempetesicne it's your page
03:30.46Sky2042btw, Kirkburn, you suck for ww:rfa
03:30.54Fisker-i have to get up in 30 minutes
03:31.00DuTempetethus one need not guess how to properly format the nomination
03:31.05Fisker-shame i've been up for the last 48 hours or so
03:31.28Sky2042DuTempete: I'm not sure if it's possible to specify that the user should add a level 3 section.. :/
03:31.48DuTempeteLook at the community group pages
03:31.58DuTempeteWhat I'm talking about is used there.
03:32.01Sky2042which are level 2s
03:32.05DuTempeteIt probably isn't a 3rd level heading
03:32.12DuTempetebut it should be done in that way.
03:32.15Fisker-beep beep i'm an alarm clock btw
03:32.24DuTempeteSo, fix the page if you need to, but get it in there.
03:32.24Kirkburni r teh theif
03:32.25Sky2042Fisker-: getting up in 30 minutes. Ew.
03:32.48DuTempeteFisker- I would suggest not getting down at all.
03:32.54DuTempeteThus, no gettign up in 30 minutes.
03:33.16DuTempeteUnless you've already got down.
03:33.18KirkburnFisker-, Junior Senior
03:33.21DuTempeteThen you're screwed.
03:33.33Fisker-your mother Kirkburn ?
03:34.21KirkburnLook, you're .dk, what do you expect me to ask you about ... non Danish things?
03:34.59Fisker-i dislike danish music
03:35.09KirkburnBut ... Junior Senior!
03:35.10Fisker-i.e. i haet it and i want it to die
03:36.55KirkburnA slightly amused expression?
03:37.11DuTempeteA pink elephant?
03:37.55Kirkburnyour mom?
03:38.36[NewsBot]pcj meant:
03:38.37DuTempetein my pants?
03:38.39pcjis that good
03:38.45Fisker-whatever it is
03:39.03Fisker-imo i'm a better candidate
03:39.05Fisker-i troll
03:39.10Fisker-you need moar troll admins
03:39.57DuTempeteEnglish is fun, Sky!
03:39.57Fisker-doesn't that mean opposite of what he wants it to mean?
03:40.06DuTempetelol no, Fisker :P
03:40.21pcjIt means exactly what I want it to mean, damn it
03:40.31DuTempetepsh, to hell with the trolls... you need moar gurl admins
03:40.42pcjdoesn't adys count
03:40.54DuTempeteadys is inactive :P
03:41.00DuTempeteand I only said *moar*
03:41.01pcjhmm good point
03:41.12Fisker-adys is a girl?!
03:41.12Kirkburnpcj, I do hope other readers "get" your message
03:41.18KirkburnWho paid for it?
03:41.30KirkburnAnd do we get a picture of you sitting on a desk?
03:41.51pcjAdys is French, which means he probably dresses in drag twice a week
03:41.56Fisker-i'd want in on that
03:42.11DuTempeteI think we're mixing jokes, ehre...
03:42.12Fisker-wears a thong each day, every day
03:42.13Kirkburnpcj, wait, Adys dresses in men's clothes twice a week?
03:42.37KirkburnAh, he fools us expertly.
03:42.48Fisker-i'm hip with the internet community, i browse 4chan!
03:43.00KirkburnNo, that's just scary
03:43.25Sky2042i r responded to pcj.
03:43.46Sky2042question: why doesn't Fandyllic use the delete button?...
03:43.51KirkburnIt's like saying "I'm definitely a family man, I'm an axe-wielding maniac"
03:44.06KirkburnSky2042, because he's a good admin
03:44.26KirkburnNo, "touche" is the correct response :P
03:44.52pcjWait, I've seen you use the Delete button Kirkburn
03:44.56KirkburnUnless something is an obvious delete, generally it's best if another admin take a look
03:47.49KirkburnEspecially in the article namespace, if it's in any way a controversial delete (to anyone), there should be some opportunity for others to take note
03:48.59Fisker- :D
03:49.06KirkburnAs for images, I should mention, until 1.12a, we don't have the ability to restore them after deletion, so you gotta be extra careful there
03:49.19Sky2042_toucheI haven't touched the ones I wasn't sure on.
03:50.01Fisker-thought they supported that a long time ago
03:50.03KirkburnYeah, no accusations, just wanted to mention it cause it'll make me dance
03:50.38KirkburnWell, if it is supported already, it ain't turned on for us, but I'm sure it'll appear as a result of the upgrade
03:52.09KirkburnFisker-, awesome picture
03:55.37DuTempeteI thought that when the revolution came, I was supposed to put my head between my knees, my hands behind my neck, and cry for my mommy?
03:59.25Fisker-definitely awesome
04:04.59Bibi#care called Fisker-, they want you back.
04:05.23Fisker-just like your mother
04:05.52Bibithis was inappropriate.
04:06.07Fisker-no u
04:06.19Bibianyway, January 2
04:06.26Bibiholidays starting for Bibi !
04:06.43Bibiblue posters will be back today, and I won't have to write news anymore
04:07.20Fisker-oh u
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04:08.09Bibiand yay, dawnstone in my bag of gems
04:08.44Fisker-i got 2 of those
04:08.48Fisker-and a living ruby
04:09.20Bibiexalted ?
04:09.31Bibii'm only revered :/
04:09.52Fisker-farm moar
04:10.02KirkburnWell ain't you just all that, Bibi
04:10.18*** join/#wowwiki Bagginsww (
04:10.40Bibican't really farm more on this character, I stopped playing on the server
04:10.45Bagginswwhmm I see an issue with the new character infobox... it doesn't allow for hybrid characters...
04:10.54BagginswwI mean hybrid race
04:10.56Amarandeshould I have gone to outland at 58 as a priest?
04:10.56Bagginswwlike sargeras
04:11.13Bibiif you can kill 58/59 monsters, yes Amarande
04:11.20Bibijust go grind the buzzards
04:12.04KirkburnBagginsww, assume it has a [[ and the start and a ]] at the end already
04:12.29Bagginswwya that's the problem
04:12.29KirkburnFixing it the other way would probably take too long
04:12.29Amarandewell, mainly 1) even some of the beginner quests at Thrallmar seem to be beyond my reach
04:12.35[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
04:12.46KirkburnBagginsww, I mean, get rid of the start [[ and the end ]]
04:13.01AmarandeMainly due to some of the quest mobs being too close to other adds (as we know, adds are a priest's nightmare ...)
04:13.16Amarande2) the fact that priests kill even-leveled mobs too slowly for the Outland mentality, apparently.
04:13.46AmarandeAt least, the impression I get of fel reavers is they're trying to force people to get in, kill a few mobs and get out instead of being able to grind indefinitely :P
04:13.54KirkburnIs it me, or is the wiki going slow?
04:14.03Bibiwell I just know that hunters can go here @ lvl 57, almost 56
04:14.05Sky2042_toucheit's me too.
04:14.20Bibibut hunters are grinding machines :/
04:14.25AmarandeBibi: You're talking about hunters :P
04:14.46AmarandeI'm going to gank the next person on thottbot who talks about how this or that quest was ridiculously easy for "my hunter and pet at (insert ridiculously low level here)"
04:14.47DuTempeteAmarande, I would wait until 60, probably.
04:14.48Bibiyeah that's why I added a level or two
04:15.10Bibiwell maybe you should start playing a decent class
04:15.11Amarandeit's no wonder some people are calling for a big nerf on pets
04:15.13DuTempeteI still had a bitch of a time with my holy priest at level 60, doing the lvl 58 quests
04:15.27AmarandeBibi: Okay, everyone will go and play "a decent class"
04:15.34AmarandeLet's see how far you get in raid instances without priests :)
04:15.44BibiI'm a hunter, people don't invite me in raid instances
04:16.06Bibias far as I'm concerned, you can remove priests from the game ^^
04:16.20[NewsBot]pcj meant:
04:16.23pcjthere you go sky
04:18.36Bagginswwhmm kirkburn that didn't have desired effects
04:18.45Bibi[SERVER] Restart in 13:00
04:18.47Sky2042_touchesounds good pcj.
04:18.48AmarandeThis comes after having done awesomely in Scholomance with a short-handed group that had a serious lack of tank (we had to rely on the warlock's pets and the fact that one of the players was a 70, basically)
04:18.51Kirkburn|sleepBagginsww, yeah, weird
04:19.02Sky2042_touchenot quite what I had in mind for a response, but it works. =)
04:19.13Bibiwell Amarande , want to level fast in Outland with a holy priest ?
04:19.18Sky2042_touchei was more concerned about tagging WW:GUILD vios when they aren't all vios.
04:19.20Bibiget yourself a lvl 70 warrior and run hellfire remparts
04:19.35Bibior just pull lvl 62+ monsters and get them killed by a 70
04:19.39Kirkburn|sleepBagginsww, meet pcj, pcj, meet Baggins. /me throws npcbox into the mix ;)
04:19.53pcjlol wut?
04:20.02*** join/#wowwiki Slackwise (
04:20.06Kirkburn|sleepnpcbox doesn't support multiple races
04:20.21pcjYeap, noticed that problem
04:20.26Sky2042_touchedum dum dum dummmmmmmm
04:20.33Kirkburn|sleepI'm thinking an alternate line for multiraces?
04:20.33Sky2042_touchewho's got a multiple race though? :/
04:20.44pcjNight elf/demon
04:20.58Kirkburn|sleepAnnoying kid/superhero
04:21.00pcjYeah, alternate line would be fine
04:21.01Sky2042_touchejust use {{{races}}} if included.
04:21.03Bagginswwalmost any satyr
04:21.04Amarandeactually, I'm a shadow specced priest
04:21.09Bagginswwany satyr is hybrid
04:21.28Bagginswwalthough most are night elf
04:21.29Amarandehowever, I have in general noticed that against even-level and slightly-higher mobs I have distinct difficulties that do not happen with, say, my hunter.
04:21.32Sky2042_toucheor.. yeah.
04:21.36Sky2042_touchei'll be quiet now
04:21.59Kirkburn|sleepAmarande, that's cause are OP in PvE :)
04:22.09Kirkburn|sleeps/cause/cause hunters are/
04:22.25Sky2042_toucheis that ....
04:22.39Kirkburn|sleepBeing able to keep a mob off you is amazingly useful, priests need an offtank for that
04:22.50Kirkburn|sleepI mean, a tank
04:23.02Amarandeyou mean OP in general, Kirkburn
04:23.05Amarande*cough* WSG *cough*
04:23.09Kirkburn|sleepI only PvE :P
04:23.20Sky2042_touchelol, Beastial Wrath ouch
04:24.46Kirkburn|sleeplul wut fear?
04:25.07Sky2042_touchelul aemdshot
04:27.40Kirkburn|sleepI have lost favour :(
04:27.55Bagginsww[[dark titan]]
04:27.55[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
04:28.36[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 30436 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 8hrs 27mins 16secs.
04:29.21[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 38390 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 0secs.
04:29.31pcjbaggins, try races=
04:29.37pcjit's unformatted and unlinked
04:29.41pcjit also pre-empts race
04:30.26Bagginswwso category:racees= ?
04:31.01pcj|races=[[Demon Lord]], [[Lich King's Mother-in-Law]]
04:31.02[NewsBot]pcj meant:'s_Mother-in-Law
04:31.10pcj|level=30 kabillion
04:32.07Kirkburn|sleepDisturbingly accurate
04:33.22Bagginswwya, LOL
04:34.00Kirkburn|sleepHmm, or possibly grandmother
04:35.11Bagginswwso uh kiljaeden is the mother?
04:35.19Sky2042lol, wtf
04:35.23Sky2042it works now.
04:35.28pcjWhat does
04:36.02Kirkburn|sleepBagginsww, yeah
04:36.14Kirkburn|sleeptotally :)
04:36.17Kirkburn|sleepI'm off now
04:36.52Kirkburn|sleepA mother who's lost control of her daughter, and isn't pleased with her choice of boyfriend
04:37.30Kirkburn|sleepSorry, I lost the theme, "her choice of girlfriend".
04:37.35BagginswwLet me guess s/he is also a class [[Lumberjack]], ;)
04:37.56pcjAnd that's ok!
04:38.01BagginswwHeh heh
04:38.18Kirkburn|sleepThere's only one real man in Warcraft
04:38.48Kirkburn|sleepI'm flattered
04:39.03Kirkburn|sleepSleeping with the fishes
04:39.27Kirkburn|sleepI'm a slow drowner
04:40.15Kirkburn|sleepOkay, okay, zZzTempete is pestering me :P
04:40.19Kirkburn|sleepG'night all!
04:40.34zZzTempeteg'night everyone ;)
04:40.53pcjyou guys don't even live in the same house and you're going to sleep together?
04:41.10zZzTempete5.75 days...
04:43.40Sky2042pcj: the regex you gave me
04:43.52pcjattempted to take over the world?
04:43.58pcjI should've added an extra \
04:44.09Sky2042turn on bot edits on recentchanges =)
04:47.50Sky2042tnhis is fuujuuuuun
04:48.17Sky2042you have no clue
04:51.45pcjis that a question i'm supposed to be able to answer
04:55.35Bagginswwso has anyone played twilight princess that can give me a hint on how to get a certain chest :p
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04:56.32pcj...sorry not finished with hello kitty island adventure yet
04:56.41Bagginswwthere is such a game?
04:56.53BagginswwI'm sure Zelda is superior, ;)
05:02.46Amarandeok, those mobs were easier than I thought
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05:07.20Sky2042pcj: what's the Laurlybot for a quest page?
05:07.34[NewsBot]pcj meant:
05:07.39Sky2042with an s.
05:09.54AmarandeI've never quite understood Laurlybot
05:10.54BagginswwI need a good screenshot of a dreadsteed for gorgon article :)
05:11.32pcjlevel a warlock to 60 then
05:12.52Bagginswweh, I know there are people that do fancy screengrabs using model viewers :p
05:13.13pcjask varghedin
05:13.22BagginswwI'm going to check Monster Guide too
05:13.26Sky2042pcj: the character "-" is considered a special one for regexs, isn't it?
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05:56.08Zealback and caught up reading.. bah.
05:56.23Zealhope everyone has a happy new years
05:56.38Zeal<+pcj> foxlit/kirkburn can you add the class "itemlink" to {{loot}} <-- yay, finally
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06:15.36`jaakuis it possible to see who wrote an article on wowwiki?
06:15.46ArideniAnyone here know a css hack I can use for width in opera?
06:15.49pcjjust click the history tab at the top
06:16.04`jaakui wonder who wrote that shadowpriest pvp article. gotta register :S
06:17.36`jaakuhow come i knew the same guy wrote those articles :/
06:18.07Zealif you need to do width seperate in any browser, you're likely doing something else wrong (margin, padding, quirks mode).
06:19.56ArideniZeal: I have a list used for a nav menu & I actually forgot why now to think of it, but I needed to set width: auto; for opera only. Other browsers should see width: 8em;
06:20.10ArideniIt appears to be working in Opera 9 so I don't even know why I had that put in my document, well it is 1:22AM lol
06:27.31Zealhm.. someone might want to fix the hieght for div.NavFrame div.NavHead, should have a fixed min-hieght in px to match the tallest icon used in itc (atm, wotlk) atm the icons spill over outside it.
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06:47.04`jaakusomeone also might want to fix that line about druids removing diseases in a certain pvp guide.
06:48.54ArideniI would so fix that, lol, but I have about 6 tabs being simultaneously used (another 3 inactive) & working with 2 documents while browsing a thesaurus & IM'ing friends
06:49.08ArideniGive me the link to the article & if no one fixes it I'll take a look when I get time
06:54.56`jaakuThanks, i'd do it myself, but i am kind of sure i would never again log into wowwiki anyway, since you can look up all you need without being registered.
06:56.04Sky2042_afkThoughts for the future: require people to register for wowwiki, hopelessly sucking them into editing.
06:57.01`jaakuwell i never really paid attention, so this was the first flaw i found in there
06:58.37Sky2042_afkfine. he's ending up blocked.
06:58.54`jaakubut druids curing diseases scared the shit out of me, i began to wonder whether i just suck.
06:59.37`jaakuand i seriously logged into wow and opened my spellbook :x
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07:02.45Sky2042_afklast I checked, durids can heal poinso
07:03.42`jaakuand remove curses
07:04.22Sky2042_afkbut Mages usually get to do that.
07:05.01`jaakuprobably in pve, but i quit pve'ing
07:05.49`jaakuand in arenas you will see like....well 20 durids in 20 games
07:06.00`jaakuat least i get that feeling.
07:06.38Sky2042_afknah. only 19.
07:08.32`jaakuand they're all resto. yesterday i saw a durid named "wegrennlol", which is german and would be something like "runningawaylol" in english
07:08.57`jaakui felt owned.
07:11.58kd3wth... Digg thinks SC2 could be coming for the 360
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07:15.27Sky2042_afkthey tried SC on N64. It failed horribly.
07:15.40Sky2042_afkconsoles + rts = bad combination.
07:16.23`jaakusc as in starcraft?
07:16.51`jaakuthat would be like playing some game from the 10th layer of hell.
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07:17.56`jaakunevermind Ariendi, i'm gonna edit it.
07:18.02`jaakui just decided to register :/
07:18.42Sky2042_afkDUM DUM DUM
07:18.48Sky2042_afkwelcome to hell!
07:19.30`jaakuafter i read about hunters having a 3 yard minrange and durids casting healing wave
07:19.49`jaakui began to hate that guide.
07:21.29`jaaku"Your account has been created." = hell?
07:28.00`jaakui kind of just experienced hell
07:28.09`jaakui thought i'll edit those 3 lines
07:28.15`jaakuand then i found like another 6
07:28.44Sky2042_afkI told you, welcome to hell.
07:31.08`jaakuis it okay to just flug everything as a minor edit?
07:32.05Sky2042_afkif you're changing more than spelling, probably best to leave it a normal edit with a comment. i personally overflag minor edits
07:32.24`jaakuyou "overflag" them?
07:32.46Sky2042_afki flag too many edits as minor*
07:32.57`jaakuah, i see
07:33.20`jaakuwell, adding a comment to every edit could become a pain in the ass
07:33.40`jaakuand really annoying, depending on how many edits i'll have to make
07:34.06Sky2042_afkpeople at wikipedia do it for every edit; some of them have over 10k. there are a few in the realm of 60k edits
07:35.20`jaakui'm in hell. that's gonna be the longest morning i ever had :/
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07:47.08Arideni`jaaku: That's how I got started, though I haven't edited very much at all, usually a spelling error, etc. I was reading pages at one point so often (in the lore section) that I got hooked - from there on, I just fix little errors like that when I see them, if I have time. They're easily looked over
07:48.56`jaakuup to now, i just made factual corrections
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07:49.39`jaakuat least i think that's what you would call it when durids cure diseases.
07:57.45`jaakuis ranged damage the same as melee damage?
07:57.59`jaakuhunters for example.
08:05.37[NewsBot]MMO Champion: 2.4, Death Knight, 3-man MC, AutoProfitX -
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08:22.02Arideni`jaaku: No, they are quite different.
08:22.19`jaakui was quite sure they are
08:22.25`jaakudidn't change it yet though
08:22.53`jaakuas it says "melee attacks", that would mean ranged damage will not trigger it
08:23.16ArideniMelee damage is not ranged damage, but they both deal damage which is equivalent in value
08:23.46Arideni`jaaku: I would presume you are correct, since it specified.
08:24.02[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Guildwatch: Too much holiday cheer -
08:24.26`jaakui know touch of weakness is not triggered by spells
08:24.41`jaakui never paid attention wether it procs against hunters though
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08:25.14Bagginswis it just me or is this an example of how not to use templates
08:25.17ArideniThat would be classified as dealing physical damage vs magical
08:25.24Bagginswits ugly
08:25.30Aridenia ranged attack can be either
08:25.33Bagginswthe templates totally overtake the entire article
08:26.45Bagginswmaybe if the templates were autohidden it would be better
08:28.25`jaakuThat was my first guess, but i figured i would not change anything until im 100% sure ;x
08:28.48Pzykyou took em out
08:29.26Pzykhow's this?
08:30.16Bagginswya better authidden
08:30.22Bagginswif they have to be there :p
08:30.37Bagginswactually I'd personally suggest it only needs one of the two templates not both
08:30.45Bagginswburning legion preferred
08:30.49`jaaku"Keep your back away from the Rogue if they're carrying a dagger, and your front away from the rogue if otherwise."
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08:31.15Pzykkeep your back away from the rogue always
08:31.21`jaakucan anyone tell me why the hell you would turn your back to a rogue
08:31.22Pzykwhere was this little gem from?
08:31.33`jaakua shadowpriest pvp guide....
08:31.38`jaakuim editing it since
08:31.49Pzykwell you could use it to avoid gouge I guess
08:32.00`jaakuabout half past 7
08:32.25`jaakua rogue would not gouge a priest
08:32.32`jaakuhe would simply rape him, because he can
08:33.01`jaakuand gouge = 5,5 seks less of weakened soul = more shields
08:33.26Pzyksame for rogues though
08:33.39`jaakusame for rogues?
08:33.47`jaakuyea, true.
08:34.09Pzykoh shit
08:34.13Pzyk2x tuesday
08:34.20Pzykmust order some food
08:34.23`jaakudo you actually think the author is capable of thinking about gouge while he's talking about druids curing diseases?
08:34.28ArideniGouge comes up when you need to interrupt casting or prevent movement.
08:35.19`jaakuthey have shiv :x
08:35.37Pzykshiv won't stop a heal though
08:35.45Pzykunless MACE STUN A#%A$~!
08:36.04`jaakulol! im a shadowpriest! i dont heal!
08:36.07`jaakujust kidding
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08:37.06ArideniShiv is for slowing, not for stopping*
08:37.13Pzykclose enough
08:37.17`jaakui'll just let that "always turn your back to rogues if they're not dagger specced" slide
08:37.56ArideniYou can slow a player & they can still turn around, if they are incapacitated...
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08:38.32`jaakuyea, sure
08:38.33ArideniI don't really see how "always turn your back to rogues if they're not dagger specced" is useful advice, situational at most & apparently controversial.
08:38.44Pzykit's not something they should worry about
08:38.54`jaakuofc i know that gouge is useful, i have a rogue myself
08:38.56Pzyka rogue is going to find a way some how
08:39.08Pzykespecially when priests don't have a snare
08:39.09ArideniPerhaps it would be better to say, "Rogues who use daggers commonly attempt to attack a player from the back" etc
08:39.28`jaakubut the fact that he's indicating shadowpriest has autowin vs. rogues if he shields himself before a duel
08:39.35`jaakuis kind of ridiculous
08:40.23`jaakua good rogue kills me in like 30seconds
08:40.29PzykHARP rogues are ridiculous at this point that any good player will win with one
08:40.33`jaakuand i have 495 resilience / 12k hp on my priest....
08:40.35ArideniWith Prayer of Mending before the changes, it was proven in a 1v1 situation a priest could kill a rogue without even directly dealing damage.
08:40.59Pzyklol instant heals ftw?
08:41.11ArideniThat was pre-2.1 I think
08:41.14`jaakuthat was before the changes though
08:41.33`jaakuand he does not even mention healing himself
08:41.56`jaakuoh wait
08:41.58`jaakuhe does
08:42.18`jaakuthat shocked me.
08:42.49Pzyksays shadow priests lack burst
08:42.57Pzykwhen was this written?
08:43.10`jaakulong ago.
08:43.15ArideniProbably when Bubble won duels
08:43.18`jaakubefore i edited some it said
08:43.26Aridenior before, and just amended, lol
08:43.26`jaakufear ward has a 10min duration
08:43.29`jaakuand 30sec cd.
08:43.43ArideniThat's a fairly recent change, though (imo)
08:43.57`jaakuwell true.
08:44.06`jaakubut devouring plague is a disease since release imho
08:44.10ArideniI haven't played since 2.1 so I can't interject but so much
08:44.25ArideniYeah, rly
08:44.53`jaakuhe's going to manaburn a shaman
08:45.10ArideniIt's good you're updating stuff like that, nice to see that with all the changes goin' about
08:45.13ArideniIt'll only get worse when 3.0 hits
08:45.58`jaakuwhy? :O
08:47.04ArideniBecause things about class abilities & talents which are currently out of date, will only become more so when 3.0 comes
08:47.09Zealmmm.. gief IE8
08:47.22ArideniIt won't matter if or when they become updated, but their age will be even more prevalent.
08:47.42ArideniZeal: are they "fixing" hasLayout in ie8?
08:48.44`jaakuaccording to that guide every shaman is melee specced and ele shamans have huge casting times
08:49.06`jaakui guess this was pre- bloodlust and lightning overload too....
08:51.41Zealwhy wouldn't they?
08:53.13ArideniZeal: they didn't "fix" it in ie7 afaik
08:53.26Zealthey didn't intend to
08:53.41ArideniIt seems everyone is so adjusted to using hacks they didn't even bother
08:53.48`jaakudoes stuff like "I hate warlocks. They are (for me) easily the hardest class to beat" belong into an article?
08:54.00ArideniI haven't read up on IE8, any comments on it?
08:54.01`jaakuseems rather personal :S
08:54.28Aridenilol, it's definitely biased
08:56.57`jaaku"You could try reading up on the official forums, but I find them a little too depressing." wtf....
08:57.02Zealand i can actually confirm, hasLayout is gone.
08:57.25Arideni`jaaku: I vote that one stays intact.
08:57.41`jaakui didn't edit it
08:58.15ArideniZeal: bout time, lol
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08:58.53Pzykhonestly, I'd just slap a "this is outdated" on every pvp page every time a patch comes around
08:59.49`jaakuyea, true
08:59.50*** mode/#wowwiki [+v cladhaire] by ChanServ
08:59.56`jaakuhowever most of it was just plain wrong
08:59.59`jaakuand not outdated
09:00.02ArideniI think only general advice should be given. Only something that doesn't require updating if an ability is slightly changed or added.
09:00.03Pzykdelete it!
09:00.40Pzykonly problem is that blizzard loves changing PVP mechanics in a huge way.
09:01.10`jaakui just did minor changes though
09:01.55`jaakui didn't want to completely change the article and spread my opinion of shadowpriests losing against rogues and not facing them backwards
09:02.20`jaakui just didn't like druids curing devouring plagues etc :/
09:02.21ArideniFor example: Rogues have a natural advantage against cloth classes, including Priests, however there are certain tactics which can be adapted to suit different situations. ...leading up to...When facing off against a rogue, be mindful of their attacks; they have a tendency to attack from behind, especially if using daggers.
09:02.59ArideniSomething like that wouldn't go out of date if they changed how bubble worked, for example.
09:03.10`jaakuyes, that's what i would have done, but if i actually decided to edit it in that way
09:03.13ArideniYou can get even more exact and still not lose detail
09:03.21`jaakui would be editing that article until tomorrow
09:03.53Arideni`jaaku: you could edit paragraphs & place them in the talk page for review, maybe
09:04.07Aridenior paste here, for commentary
09:04.08Pzykit'd need a lot more manpower than we have
09:04.43`jaakui'd rather go smoke now and get something to eat.
09:05.03Aridenican I have some of whatever you're eating? anything except snails or middle eastern
09:05.09`jaakubtw, this one was epic:
09:05.13`jaaku"(Factual correction - shadowform does not actually decrease all sources of dmg.)"
09:05.25Kalrotho rly?
09:06.21Arideniphysical & magical damage, yes?
09:06.25ArideniWhat other types are there for players?
09:06.27`jaakuI don't know what i'll be eating yet, but i'll let you know if it was snails :S
09:07.00Aridenioh, I think I read it wrong
09:08.13Aridenicya going to kitchen, Lol
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09:26.15jaakuarena vendors in nagrand still there? or was it just for the first weeks of s3? :S
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09:35.35Kamikhey guys
09:38.53Niatg'morning everyone!
09:40.36*** join/#wowwiki Royal (
09:41.10RoyalGood morning
09:41.55RoyalQuick question, seeing how Blizzard does not allow naming and shaming on the realmforums, I thought it would be interesting to set up a different page for it (just for my server)
09:42.28RoyalWould be sweet if I were able to add it to the Wiki page - Wanted to know if that's allowed
09:42.37RoyalNaming and shaming, that is.
09:44.05RoyalBotters overrun AV, it's so bad nowadays that even some respected players are doing it... I guess a 3 day ban by Blizzard isn't exactly scary enough to stop people from getting free honor
09:46.13KalrothI'd go out on a limb here and say; hell no.
09:46.57RoyalWhy not then... The ToU don't say anything about it I think, it's just some Forum rule of Blizz?
09:47.27RoyalIt's so annoying that these people are 'protected' :x
09:48.13KalrothThe amount of flames that it'll generate will be silly. Not to mention it's rather pointless. Do you really think they'll care about their name on some random page, when they don't mind botting their way to already free epics?
09:49.25RoyalI'm pretty sure they'll care... Flames etc. would be moderated - you could even go as far as only allowing someones name up there with some screenshot or vid as proof
09:49.43RoyalJust a name with small description of what he/she did, no flames on the page itself
09:49.53Royalif the player gets flamed for it ingame - so be it ... you think thats unfair?
09:51.13RoyalAbout the not caring part, reputation is pretty much THE thing that gets you anywhere in WoW. Even if they eventually get their epics, if they are known morons there will prolly be a lot guilds/players that avoid these people
09:51.17KalrothDon't get me wrong, I'm all against botting and afking in battlegrounds. I think it's utter shit and it often ruins my own gaming. I'm just stating that naming and shaming doesn't lead to anything good.
09:52.08KalrothEspecially not on a site like WoWWiki. But until the admins wake up, I can't tell you it's against the rules, because I can't find anything about it.
09:52.24RoyalI used to think the same, but it got so bad now that I had to rethink all of this... You can tell just by the amount of name & shame posts that are emerging on our realms forum that people are starting to be fed up...
09:53.11RoyalThese 3 day bans that the botters are getting (if at all) aren't exactly scaring them away from botting. So now honest players are even risking a week forumban just to try and stop this shit
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09:54.23KalrothWell that's where we disagree. :) I don't believe naming and shaming will stop them from botting.
09:54.53RoyalAt least it's better than ignoring it :(
09:54.57KalrothWith the current amount of players doing it, it's no longer a problem with the players, it's a problem with the game.
09:55.24KalrothThe punishment isn't harsh enough, so more do it. When more do it, it gets more "legal" and so on.
09:55.34RoyalExactly, and unfortunately Blizz doesn't seem to do anything about it.. theres known botters on our realms who have been reported a gazillion times, some players even made vids I think - yet they still bot every day
09:55.53Royaland when that happens the citizens form a vigilante
09:55.59Royalif thats how you say it in English :)
09:56.22Royaltake action in their own hands... guess it's wrong, but until Blizz takes action it's the best there is imo
09:56.52KalrothSure, but there isn't much action to be taken. You can keep a list of players that Blizzard doesn't punish and the player themself can ignore, simply because the list is so big.
09:56.57RoyalI'd love to ignore it as well... but with the amount of botters in every AV game nowadays it's kinda hard to :(
09:57.35RoyalHmm, you have a good point there :) But I still believe that the (fear of a) blow to their reputation will be a good enough reason for a lot of them to stop botting
09:57.43KalrothThe only thing the list will accomplish is to point the problem out to Blizzard and they're already well aware of it.
09:59.00KalrothAnyways, you should talk to Kirkburn about it. When he wakes up, that is.
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09:59.28RoyalI don't know, you made me more depressed now about this whole subject :P
09:59.44RoyalAbout the list not resulting to anything anyway :D
09:59.51RoyalWill see
09:59.52KalrothDon't be, it's just a game :) AV is getting changed again in 2.4
10:00.02KalrothUntil then, I highly doubt Blizzard will change anything.
10:00.16Kamikwhat are the changes?
10:00.19RoyalHmyeah, unfortunately
10:00.57KalrothWell they're going to allow organized groups in AV again. Also there should be some guild vs guild stuff for battlegrounds.
10:01.13KalrothNothing confirmed though, only rumours and/or guesses though.
10:01.35RoyalThat'll prolly mean there will be nothing but botters left in the non-guild games ;)
10:01.45KalrothI doubt they'll change anything in the actual layout of AV.
10:02.07RoyalSince TBC the changes made to the game are all in favor of casual gamers.. no wonder people are all botting - everyone got so damn lazy
10:02.17Royalsparkling herbs and boosted XP, gimme a break.
10:02.26RoyalNot to mention that every inaginable NPC is trackable now...
10:02.27sacarasci was always lazy
10:02.31sacarascthank you very much
10:02.36KalrothEven though Balinda should be harder. The NPCs in alliance base should fuck off. There should be more than one entrance to alliance base, etc. etc.
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10:03.09sacarasci've only ever done 1 AV
10:03.19sacarasci was a healer and died a lot ;(
10:03.24KalrothI'm exalted on 2 characters, almost 3. :)
10:03.36RoyalEveryone wants the Season 1 epics now.. another thing Blizz did for casuals :(
10:03.44RoyalCouldve at least made them blue items ;(
10:04.15sacarascepics like them are the only ones i can see me ever getting ;(
10:04.16KalrothMeh, it's just a color. It used to mean something, but that changed in TBC.
10:04.21RoyalUntil 2 weeks ago I havent played for 6 months because I was fed up with TBC, tbh it only got worse
10:04.56RoyalI already quit once at TBC release, started playing again in april or so, just to quit again in summer - giev pre-TBC :(
10:05.45sacarascRoyal: could be worse... my realm has totally gone to shit... an RP realm with less RPing than if you trained monkeys to play
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10:06.00RoyalThat's a shame :(
10:06.15KalrothWoW isn't much of an roleplaying game.
10:06.16Royalalways wanted to play RPPvP.. but couldnt be arsed to move or restart a char
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10:06.34Royaljust some basic RP rules _should_ be enforced in any realm though, imo
10:06.35*** mode/#wowwiki [-o sannse] by sannse
10:06.37Kalrothsannse is a hacker!
10:06.52RoyalRunning into someone named Ihealyou or Nightelfrogue just ruins it.
10:06.58sannseyou mean, she knows IRC comands? ;)
10:07.05RoyalXxroguex is a popular one as well
10:07.22Kalrothsannse: Same difference!
10:07.40RoyalYeah although Legolas still sounds pretty cool, can't say that about Ihealyou!
10:09.21jaakui rerolled last week
10:09.26jaakuon an rp pvp realm <3
10:09.42KalrothAnd there will always be people picking stupid names.
10:09.55sacarasci got some friends on an rp pvp realm... i should go join them some time...
10:11.22Royalmost of my friends stopped playing, couldnt get them to start again when I did
10:11.30jaakuyea, i saw a lvl 55 warrior rp'ing in silvermoon
10:11.30RoyalCan't blaim them really :)
10:11.36jaakuand his nick was....deadwarrior...
10:12.19RoyalOn a regular server that would still be pretty ok compared to other crap names, but on RP... :(
10:12.42jaakui wanted to call my druid pedobare
10:12.54RoyalIt's those little things that started messing up the game for me way before TBC, although it was easy to ignore it then
10:13.05jaakuthen i realized i wouldn't want that when i saw the realm was rp pvp :x
10:14.58jaakuand now he's named thyran :X
10:15.44RoyalNothing wrong with that!
10:16.36jaakui'll have nightmares farming honor for s1 gear when i hit 70
10:16.50jaakui hate bg's
10:17.31jaakuthough warsong as a resto druid is probably fun, just running around with flags
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10:17.59jaakugotta get that sleep-on-hit chestpiece and the frostnova-on-hit ring from scarlet monastary ^^
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10:33.04Lukianjaaku, my friend got that the other day xD --  had no idea what to do with it at high level
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10:44.56Kamikanyone here that plays on deathwing who would like to get a eye of the storm pug started? pm me please!
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10:58.04LukianKamik, a) you didn't specify faction
10:58.21Lukianb) you have about a 1% chance that there's someone on that realm in here.
11:00.06Kamikare the majority of players in channel from different servers?
11:00.52Kamikwould you guys know of any irc servers/channels that have a wow server chat?
11:01.35Pzyktry looking on your own realm forums
11:01.40Pzykto see if there's an irc
11:02.25Kamikgood idea
11:09.31jaakuthis gotta be a joke
11:09.45jaakui just critted a primal mooncloth priest
11:09.58jaakufor 5,5k with berserk + shred in warsong
11:10.31Pzykanything can happen when people try to pvp in 0 resilience
11:10.44jaakuye ofc but
11:11.01jaakushred has an energy cost similiar to a sinister strike
11:11.15jaakuwhere in the world do sinister strikes crit for 5,5k
11:12.06Pzykin a world with berzerker and 0 armor
11:12.34jaakumaybe :S
11:12.35Pzyktry hemo though
11:12.46jaakui have hemo on my rogue
11:13.27jaakuthe feral im playing right now is not my char, i don't have the time to have 20 alts :S
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12:27.56Fisker-haha Bibi
12:28.55Fisker-they already announced that the podcast slated for this week will have 2.4 info
12:29.12KalrothBibi is here again?!
12:30.08PzykWTB 2.4 to come out faster
12:31.22Fisker-i just want 2.3.2
12:31.34Pzykrogue nerf go go go
12:31.53Pzykthat's all I remember
12:47.57Dottedand i dont care at all
12:47.58Dottedso i win
12:48.20Dottedbtw Fisker-, sniper TF2 nerf ftl
12:51.49BibiFisker- : I know
12:52.03BibiIt's not like I've got tons of news to post lately
12:52.08Bibiand stop crying Dotted
12:52.11Bibithey nerfed my spy to death
12:52.46Dottedits anooying there is a delay ón switching weapons, atleast they could have made it like in CS, tards
12:53.13Dottedno matter anyway i can barely play as a sniper with my current mouse
12:54.02Dottedif i only move it abit its precision drops to zero which makes it impossible to aim
13:00.41Bibibut they nerfed my spy
13:00.56Dottedi care
13:00.58Dottedso much
13:01.03Bibiengineers are going to be god soon :/
13:01.15Bibithey slighty reduced the range of sappers
13:01.21Bibiyou can't sap from behind an engineer anymore
13:01.38Dottedthat makes sense though :P
13:01.45Bibiand there is this nerf that was applied a few weeks ago
13:01.56Bibiyou don't deal as much damage as before to buildings you sapped
13:02.00Bibi(and this one doesn't make sense sir)
13:02.16Bibiand that's very, very, very lame.
13:03.59Dottedgonna play some
13:04.18[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Breakfast Topic: Resolutions -
13:06.05Dottedwhen the fuck is valve gonna fix the focus bug? god i hate having to use task manager every time i start TF2
13:06.18[NewsBot]World of Raids: Death Knight, 2.4, Popular Arena Setups -
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13:07.02Fisker-they nerfed my mother
13:07.22Fisker-illegal danish 2 was shit
13:07.40Fisker-even how to paladin have better storyline and it's funnier too
13:07.41Dottedold machinima is oooooooooooooooooooooooooold
13:07.57Fisker-fail Dotted is faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
13:08.05Fisker-because it's a couple of hours old
13:08.31Dottedescape from orgrimmar?
13:09.12Dottedheh i thought ID2 was Super Snacks
13:09.43Fisker-and you suck
13:10.46Fisker-but it's really really bad
13:11.09Fisker-feels like a stupid clipshow
13:11.15Fisker-americas funniest homevideos
13:11.23Fisker-not that funny
13:11.33Fisker-WoW's not so funny home videos
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13:36.46DottedFisker- yeah it makes you wonder why it took so long
13:37.02Fisker-heh yeah
13:37.31Fisker-i wanted to punch the creator in the face when it ended with "Arcanite Reaper, HOOOO"
13:37.41Dottedwhere is Dirty nightslayer edition?
13:37.50Fisker-dunno :o
13:38.57Dotted[14:27:16] [Jackdans]: yo
13:38.57Dotted[14:35:47] [Dotted]: yo
13:38.57Dotted[14:36:16] [Jackdans]: what does Kakav e toi mean in english
13:39.00Dottedwhat the hell
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14:08.17[NewsBot]WoW Insider: The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day two -
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14:44.10zealwow, belated santa
14:47.41[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 18577 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 5hrs 9mins 37secs.
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15:02.44[NewsBot]GamePolitics: Pepsi Sponsors Video Game to Fight Childhood Obesity in Mexico -
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15:04.17[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Around Azeroth: Highlighting the local wildlife -
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15:06.08RprpWhat should be better for healing, A pally (Plate, Etc) Or a priest (Cloth etc)?
15:11.34Pzykpallies are boring
15:11.44Pzykyou have exactly two buttons
15:12.21deltronplate because it has the stats you need
15:12.26deltronspirit = sux for pallies
15:13.19ArideniYeah, paladins don't exactly get time to regenerate
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15:16.49Pzykspirit hasn't been a great stat anyways for pretty much any class
15:17.11deltronpriests and druids can't get enough of it
15:17.58Pzykfor druids, mp5 is a tiny bit more effective
15:18.16Pzykbut then again, chain potting makes any sort of regen obsolete
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15:24.24pcjgood morning DuTempete :)
15:24.49zZzDuTempetehehe I'm here
15:24.50Pzykfast reaction
15:25.12zZzDuTempetedidn't realise I hadn't registered my short away nicks
15:26.02DuTempetebtw, I added to [[WW:RFA#Pcj]]
15:26.32[NewsBot]DuTempete meant:
15:26.38DuTempetefuck you, NewsBot.
15:26.48pcj[[WW:RFA#Pcj]] works too
15:26.50[NewsBot]pcj meant:
15:26.56DuTempeteI know, I just didn't want to type it.
15:28.53DuTempeteHey, are we going to drop a link to that page on the MP and/or VP?
15:29.04DuTempeteDoesn't do us any good if no one knows about it
15:29.45pcjGo ahead
15:31.36RprpSo, Priests should be better for healing?
15:31.46DuTempeteoh god
15:31.52pcjPriests are more of a hybrid healer
15:31.57pcjPallies are more for direct healing
15:32.04pcjDruids are more for HoT/AOE healing
15:32.07DuTempeteThat sort of question is for #wowhead, not here.
15:32.59DuTempeteWe don't go for that sort of "my class is better than you class" bullshit, here. :P
15:33.09DuTempeteBut #wowhead does :P
15:33.29RprpWell, I would to start a class who could heal, and asked for the 'best?' class...
15:34.06DuTempeteHowever, pcj does give the correct and wise answer to that question :P
15:35.08DuTempetebtw, pcj...
15:35.16DuTempeteI go to sleep, and you're still online...
15:35.27DuTempeteI wake up, and you're still around...
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15:35.32DuTempeteDo you sleep?
15:36.20DuTempeteNow if only Kirkburn|sleep would wake up :P
15:37.01DuTempeteOh, I think that ping did it :P
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15:52.49Pzyko_O druids for aoe healing?
15:53.53[NewsBot]pcj meant:
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15:55.50DuTempetekks, will read it later.  I've got some super important business to get taken care of asap :P
15:56.57pcjbbiab then
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15:59.50Zealhm.. lol
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16:08.18[NewsBot]WoW Insider: On age discrimination -
16:09.49KirkburnMorning all!
16:11.45KirkburnRoyal, regarding naming and shaming - no go on the wiki, sorry. Apart from the possible legal ramifications, the admins wouldn't want to spend their time fighting battles with angry people :(
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16:12.18KirkburnBibi, what's this about being unable to embed due to Vista?
16:12.25KirkburnI've heard of no such limitation ...
16:12.44pcjEmbed what?
16:12.57KirkburnIllegal Danish 2
16:13.50KirkburnFirst post on MMO-C
16:14.47pcj<embed> should work fine...except it's deprecated in the w3 spec
16:15.12foxlitIsn't it object yet?
16:15.27pcjIt should be object
16:15.44KirkburnYeah, there's no big difference between IE7 on Vista and XP, so I'm wondering what Bibi is talking about
16:21.08MentalPowerKirkburn: does the XP version of IE7 have safe mode?
16:21.17KirkburnProtected mode, no
16:21.24MentalPowerthat could be it
16:21.39KirkburnShouldn't make a difference afaik
16:21.45MentalPoweralso if they are running 64bit IE7 the 32bit foo won't run
16:22.05KirkburnThen they should run the 32bit version, it's available to them :P
16:22.27MentalPowerthose are the two differences that I know of
16:22.38KirkburnIf protected mode breaks it, then divx are worse coders than I had already realised :P
16:22.51pcjlol kirkburn
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16:23.13KirkburnTook them months to support divx on Vista in the first place :/ (and I *assume* they support it by now)
16:24.18[NewsBot]WoW Insider: WoW Moviewatch: Illegal Danish - Escape from Orgrimmar -
16:24.37foxlitSo, question
16:24.53foxlitIs there any particular reason the roundspecicons have a template each? :)
16:26.43pcjYou mean like {{Horde Icon}} ?
16:26.52[NewsBot]foxlit meant:
16:27.14foxlit{{SpecIcon|Druid|Balance}} would be so much more <3
16:27.14[NewsBot]foxlit meant:
16:27.19pcjidk, but that seems to be some unknown user who created it
16:28.36pcjOnly used in a few places too
16:28.50foxlitBecause they're such a pain to look up :)
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16:32.13KirkburnLaurlybot hasn't run for over a month :(
16:34.50pcj~seen laurly
16:34.53infobotlaurly <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowhead, 35d 8h 9m 37s ago, saying: 'arena promoter thats what i was looking for :)'.
16:35.03pcjlaurly said she'd been on IRC since then but i'm not seeing it
16:36.49Fisker-i misplaced one of my thongs
16:36.54Fisker-you have a replacement you can spare?
16:36.56foxlitbotmail time!
16:37.45pcjfinish him!
16:39.21Fisker-already did
16:43.07Kirkburnfoxlit, ?
16:43.14foxlitKirkburn, !
16:43.38Kirkburnfoxlit, #&;*%!
16:44.17foxlitKirkburn, *@:#?
16:49.32Lukianwho leads the Kil'sorrow Orcs?
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16:54.04Fisker-btw fail foxlit :D
16:54.26Fisker-DSB apparently paid 250k for each of their remote terminals where you can buy a ticket on the station
16:54.41Fisker-250k for a computer with a touchscreen and a card reader
16:54.46Fisker-boy did they get ripped off
16:55.03foxlit(a) Where do I come into the picture? :)
16:55.12Fisker-you're danish
16:55.19foxlit(b) You're underestimating the amount of damage that terminal can resist
16:55.23Fisker-and i want to share the lulz
16:55.57Fisker-what does that have to do with them paying 250k for each? :o
16:56.40KirkburnDon't forget, the often do nuclear tests in the area, Fisker-
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16:57.48foxlitI'm implying that that isn't quite "1. Buy touchscreen. 2. Steal basement PC. 3. Done!"
16:58.30Kirkburn250k what btw? US dollars?
16:58.57Fisker-the frame isn't 50k
16:59.02Fisker-nowhere near that
16:59.51foxlitDoes that include installation, btw? :)
17:00.13Fisker-installation, apart for the cables that need to be wired is pretty easy though
17:01.19foxlitWhen you're dealing with a terminal that essentially prints money
17:01.40foxlitYou start taking odd precautions :P
17:01.47[NewsBot]foxlit meant:
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17:03.38Fisker-well they're apparently not getting touched until new year's eve so i guess they might as well just save on the frame since it's going to be blown up anyways
17:10.35pcjfoxlit wouldn't class then spec be more logical
17:11.02foxlitpcj: At first glance, yeah
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17:11.33foxlitBut not really; they don't conflict enough
17:12.03foxlitI'm contemplating whether to force the class requirement or make it optional
17:12.32foxlit{{SpecIcon|Balance}} is unambiguous, for example; why require more typing? :)
17:12.33[NewsBot]foxlit meant:
17:13.35pcjbecause you're sadistic?
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17:15.19Yeppyanyone know the server laughing skull?
17:20.49Zealoptional sounds fine to me
17:21.21Zealand you still could do class|spec
17:22.40Zealhave your class specific switches on {{{1}}}, if it doesn't match a class for disambig, then switch it against the talent tree names. if it does match, then switch {{{2}}} for them.
17:23.08foxlitI'm not a big fan of optional parameters that appear in the middle of your non-optional parameters
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17:27.16Zealeg. {{#switch:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}|pala={{#switch:{{lc:{{{2|}}}|holy=Holy Pala}}|priest={{#switch:{{lc:{{{2|}}}|holy=Holy priest}}|Retribution=Ret Pala}} really many ways to do that, but meh.
17:28.29DuTempeteZeal, you're an ass.
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17:29.06[NewsBot]DuTempete meant:
17:29.43zealwhy, because i opposed it?
17:30.10DuTempeteBecause you yourself are incredibly biased, and you play yourself arrogantly off as the expert of all things.
17:30.33zeali'm arrogant, never said i'm the expert of anything.
17:30.44DuTempeteAnd you think if you don't get your own way, you're entitled to accuse other people of unfair play.
17:30.58zealand this is coming from someone else who is biased and also complained last time i pointed out i was biased agaisnt pcj?
17:31.23DuTempetehow am I biased?
17:31.49zealDuTempete, i spoke to Kirkburn about pcj in private long before i even tried to speak to pcj or most of the issues existed. nothing to do with getting my own way.
17:31.52DuTempeteYes, I complained about that.  I don't like your attitude most of the time, hence I complain about it.
17:31.56zealBecause you're friends.
17:32.16DuTempeteWhat on earth makes you think I won't tell pcj off if I don't like what he does?
17:32.24DuTempeteDid you even read what I said on his nom?
17:32.40zealwhat makes you think i won't praise him if i think he does soemthing right?
17:32.52Kirkburnpcj has control of the javascript because (1) he made it, (2) it works, and (3) if it wasn't in his namespace, edits wouldn't be possible
17:33.12DuTempeteThat's the thing I call into question, zeal.  You don't thinkg *anything* is right unless you've done it.
17:33.46zeal(1) doesn't mean it should be included directly (2) barely (3) it sohuld have been moved to an open namespace for collaboration, i told you that.
17:34.03KirkburnIt can't be moved to an open namespace
17:34.14pcjlol that would be a security risk
17:34.17zeali think plenty of people do things right, and i do a crap laod wrong.
17:34.41DuTempeteWell, when you can give me an example, zeal, let me know.
17:34.49KirkburnWhat do you mean by included directly?
17:35.03zealpcj, it could be locked down as is doen with templates. point being was making it public and having discussion on changes at is done with everything else.
17:35.13zealinclunded from his userspace Kirkburn.
17:35.26DuTempetepcj wouldn't have access if it were locked down
17:35.31DuTempetethat's the whole point of it going to his user page
17:35.39zeali'm not singing kirkburn and baggin's praises much am i? >_>;
17:35.51zealwhy should he over any user?
17:36.02pcj...because i designed it
17:36.18DuTempeteand he's constantly working on it.
17:36.41DuTempeteThat's the other reason he needs access to it.
17:36.47zealerm.. ok if you want to be pathetic like that, i deisgned most of the major item related templates in use, shall we move them back to my userspace? no, because i'm not an ass.
17:36.58DuTempeteThe admins don't want their time wasted by being pcj's gopher.
17:37.07Kirkburnzeal, you're making strawmen
17:37.15zealno, they need to be everyone else's isntead.
17:37.34Kirkburnpcj designed the tooltips in his namespace because they *have* to be in his namespace for him to develop them
17:38.02KirkburnThey cannot be outside the namespace
17:38.48zealanyways, you'll do what you want with it, just voicing my opposition in both cases. let me know when that isn't a crime.
17:38.59KirkburnProper js pages are locked down by MediaWiki anyway, and that would mean pcj would have to be an admin to develop then ...
17:39.33KirkburnYou gave an opinion. People are allowed to disagree.
17:39.50DuTempeteand I'm just letting you know I think your opinion sounds more like a flame, and I think that's inappropriate for where you've placed it.
17:40.00zealthat isn't what DuTempete was doing though Kirkburn, no problem with disagreement, i expect it.
17:42.00DuTempeteWhat was I doing when, zeal?  When I told you I think you're an ass?
17:42.48[NewsBot]GamePolitics: GP Covers the Ron Paul World of Warcraft March -
17:43.17pcji agree with [NewsBot]
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17:45.52foxlitSorting on those spec sets: the Arena way or the Tier way?
17:47.25DuTempetebtw... is anyone else getting some level of edits club image flashing at them from a hover?
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17:48.15[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: Unofficial Starcraft II on Xbox 360 Rumor -
17:48.15DuTempeteIt's really odd... usually happens in the middle of the page, although I'm not sure if it's from a link or a certain location.  It flashes for half a second, and goes away, not coming back if you hover there again.
17:48.16pcjThat's my sig
17:48.31DuTempeteoh god that's annoying :P
17:48.35pcjlol ok
17:48.49DuTempeteI thought I was going crazy
17:48.57pcjwell no argument there
17:49.30DuTempeteyeah, that's a tad flashy, pcj :P
17:49.39DuTempetenot very humble... or useful... :P
17:50.24foxlitIs there a 5-million club icon yet?
17:50.50DuTempeteand the edit club still says 10k, when you're claiming 20k :P
17:53.05pcjThere isn't a 20k wwclub
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17:54.25DuTempeteoh, it's 25k after that?
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17:54.44DuTempetethought it was 20, then 50 :P
17:55.02timskiHello. Is anyone here able to edit the Elink template?
17:55.13DuTempetehello timski :)
17:55.56DuTempetewell, zeal, whatever I think of you, and your opinion... I'm going to observe some restraint and not argue with you on RFA.  That's for pcj to do.
17:57.11DuTempeteI just hope that if you say anything else there, you'll do the same, and refrain from speaking in such extreme terms again.
17:58.06DuTempeteI feel sorry for the folks who might read what you've written there and be misled by your venom.
17:59.17pcjyou can comment that without arguing
17:59.19DuTempetebecause they don't know any better
17:59.27DuTempeteI'd rather not, pcj.
17:59.37DuTempeteThat's what you're supposed to do. :P
17:59.50DuTempeteBesides, atm, I'm still a tad angry. :P
18:00.14DuTempeteanger is never a good reason to post anything :P
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18:03.08DuTempetehi sannse!
18:08.18[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Forum Post of the Day: Bring back the honor grind! -
18:08.26DuTempetewell, I'm going to go hose myself off now...
18:11.24zeallame timing, bah.
18:16.12ZealIf admins think it's a flame, delete it. i clearly don't think it was otherwise i wouldn't have posted it, if i wanted to flame pcj i would, but flaming isn't something i've ever resorted (publically, lol). I'd much rather you have criticised what i said on the page than flaming me (or in your view, i guess it's falling for flame bait?) on here.
18:21.50KirkburnThis ignoring the fact you directly accused me of favouritism?
18:22.28KirkburnI'm pretty sure others would accuse me of favouritism to you as well
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18:34.08AFKDuTempetestill afk, but I can't resist...
18:34.17AFKDuTempeteZeal, damn straight I'm flaming you.
18:34.36AFKDuTempeteBut I'm doing it to your face, and in the least public and permanent place I can do it.
18:34.45Zealnot directly, but you ofc knew it was refering to you. Just replied, which explains further why it comes off as favouritism. You know i have alot of respect for you, and i'm sure it's not intentional, but it does come off that way.
18:34.49AFKDuTempeteI'm also not embellishing.
18:35.38AFKDuTempeteThat's no excuse for throwing shit around on the wiki.
18:36.09Zealwhat happened to hosing yourself off? : /
18:36.23AFKDuTempeteI'm going back to that, now.
18:36.30*** part/#wowwiki gwm (n=Guilherm@
18:41.01Zeali can't beleive when i first noticed you saying that, it gave me a last craving for popcorn
18:41.11Zealthankfully i fulfilled it 2 weeks later :P
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18:45.22KirkburnAnd Adys has the ability to edit it :P
18:45.33Zeal"recieved (sic) the recognition it deserves". mind pointing out to me where i said this btw, recognise it, jsut wanna check the context :p
18:45.40pcjOn your user page...
18:46.25pcjAs I linked to
18:46.27Zealah, the timeline
18:50.34Adyskirk i never edited ww's js
18:50.50KirkburnI know, but you have the ability :P
18:51.21AdysI dont feel like dumping my nice clean life for more online drama thx :P
18:51.36foxlitDo it for the popcorn!
18:51.38KirkburnSo citing you as someone who has criticised it and using that to say it should be opened up (which, again, security risk, and not really possible on MediaWiki), doesn't work
18:51.51KirkburnI don't like popcorn :(
18:52.01pcjYou'll like popcorn if I give it to you!
18:52.14pcjNo, actually, I don't much like popcorn either
18:52.24KirkburnCopycat :O
18:52.26pcjWorked in a movie theater for a little while
18:52.57KirkburnZeal, two weeks to get popcorn? o_O
18:56.16[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 14531 doing ~0.6 job/s, done in approx. 6hrs 43mins 38secs.
18:56.47foxlitBot gets worse timeouts from wiki at the moment than from the armory :/
19:11.25foxlit9 (  142.606 ms  141.184 ms  143.260 ms
19:11.25foxlit10 (  422.921 ms  408.171 ms  412.646 ms
19:12.21[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Figureprints make great gifts... or do they? -
19:13.44Pzykbig jump
19:14.18Zealyeah, waited until i went to the movies Kirkburn :p
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19:15.57foxlitYeah, level3 is being horrible for some reason
19:16.32foxlitHm, pcj
19:16.33pcj ?
19:16.45foxlitAJAX the template loading! :)
19:16.54pcjwhat template
19:16.59foxliterm, tooltip
19:17.00foxlitduh :)
19:17.04Pzykit's only a 90ms ping to from west coast
19:17.15pcjWhat, 1s too long?
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19:17.55foxlitHow many js files do you have? :)
19:18.16pcjList at
19:27.07Zealtrying to stir a bowl with chopsticks is now ideal >_<;;
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19:30.23Pzykthe asian is not strong within you.
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19:32.50Zealcan use them fine, was just trying to stir a bowl of noodles with them and failed, lol. ended up rolloing them about :p
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19:37.36Sky2042_afkwell, that's interesting.
19:39.28Sky2042_afkthat is definitely interesting.
19:39.33kd3gah, slowwiki is slow
19:39.43Sky2042_afklots for me to read this morning.
19:39.52KirkburnMorning Sky2042_afk
19:40.08Sky2042_afkmorning Kirkburn, all.
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19:41.32pcjhi keolah :)
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19:44.55Zealhey sky.
19:45.02Zealhey Bagginsww
19:45.21Sky2042_afkhey Zeal.
19:45.26Sky2042_afkyour name speaks of you ;P
19:45.34Zealalways, hehe.
19:49.20Zeal <-- that's what i'm watching atm :p big leap from charmed, lol
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19:52.45Sky2042_afkKirkburn: you realize an admin can move the js either way, right? pcj doesn't have to move it...
19:53.28KirkburnYes, I think you misread my meaning :P
19:53.51Kirkburnjs pages can only be edited by admins, if pcj was one it wouldn't need to be in his user space
19:54.07Sky2042_afktrue. but why would we move it then anyway?
19:54.42pcjThere isn't really any reason to move it
19:54.50pcjExcept for a more centralized location
19:55.15KirkburnNo techinical reason, but it would be more in keeping with the spirit of the wiki
19:55.44AFKDuTempeteYeah, but if Fandy does end up banning pcj, we wouldn't have it anymore :P
19:56.26AFKDuTempeteI think it should be moved, if only because it *should* be elsewhere.
19:56.34AFKDuTempetelike Kirk said, in the spirit of the wiki.
19:56.57AFKDuTempeteand to prevent people like zela from developing certain opinions without consideration of the facts.
19:57.11KirkburnNow now, I thought you hosed yourself down :P
19:57.25Zealthe only technical reason is on principle, as you said, in the spirit of the wiki.
19:57.26AFKDuTempeteI did... I didn't say why I had :P
19:58.43Fisker- <-lulz
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19:58.45AFKDuTempeteon that note, though, zeal, I don't dislike you, and I don't think you're a bad person. You just make it really fucking hard to like you.
19:59.05Zealcan't disagree with that.
19:59.10AFKDuTempeteI find you arrogant, rude, and oooooverly suspicious of anyone's opinion but your own. :P
19:59.19pcjwhat do you need ultros
19:59.40Zealnot suspicious, curious and eager to learn ;)
19:59.42Ultroshmm, some commands...
19:59.54kd3this isn't a fserve channel. there aren't any bots that respond to normal  commands
20:00.13AFKDuTempetethose two adjectives are the *last* two I ever would have come up with to describe you, Zeal. :P
20:00.54Fisker-beep beep, alarm clock, etc.
20:00.54Sky2042_afkwhen did pcj call me silly, zeal?
20:00.54AFKDuTempeteI think you're silly Sky2042_afk.
20:00.54Zealimplied != call
20:00.54Sky2042_afkAFKDuTempete: I do try.
20:01.01pcjyour exact word was "suggest"
20:01.03Sky2042_afkw/e. when exactly was it. that's just what I'm looking for.
20:01.11Sky2042_afkI couldn't care either way.
20:01.11Zealah, suggest then
20:01.57Zealwhen i asked why pcj started removing content from my sandbox templates instead of leaving them or doing simple fixes like you had been doing sky.
20:01.59AFKDuTempeteWell, I'm really AFK for a while again :P
20:03.29Zeal<3 {{syntax}}, still annoying when i want to link non-template space templates with {{t}} though :(
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20:08.24[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Tales from the Lion's Pride Inn: The sentinel -
20:10.22Zealbah, just realized i stopped typing something to reply to you. :p er.. Yeah, i know i'm arrogant, and i know i come across as such, but what doesn't come across is that fact it's simply because i believe strongly in what i know, but i also recognize that i don't know everything and have alot to learn still meaning i'm wrong half the time and thus try to engage people into discussion to understand them and learn from them to be
20:11.03Zealperhaps help thme in the process. And yes, i complain about stuff all the time because of it.
20:11.20pcjthere's a difference between constructive criticism and complaining
20:11.52Zealbut then my friends appreciate my brutal honesty and support, so they put up with it.
20:12.15Zealpcj, it starts out as a complaint, if it becomes a discussion, it becomes constructive.
20:13.06Zealgod damn i love this opening theme.
20:13.19Zealkd3, have you ever watched cutie honey btw? :S
20:13.57pcjI don't think the discussion has much to do with it, I think wording of the original question/criticism has more to do with it
20:14.28Zealwhat we referring to here? you've lost me :P
20:14.40Zealor are you really speaking in general?
20:15.29pcjWell, if the original point is worded nicely, the ensuing discussion won't be as much mudslinging as trying to work together
20:15.40pcjIn general, of course
20:16.09Sky2042_afkI have issues with this as a person. Heh.
20:16.44Zeali generally throw out random observations, typically negative ones, and see if anyone bites. tbh i can't say i'm a "fun" person, and perhaps becuase of insecurities, i assumed no one gives a damn about what i'm talking about ;)
20:17.07Zealgoes double for IRC, lol
20:17.23Sky2042_afkmight want to work on that. just a tad.
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20:24.04Sky2042_afkfoxlit: yes.
20:24.09Sky2042_afkwhy do you say it now?
20:24.22foxlitBecause Mikk edited them in elsewhere a while back :)
20:24.49foxlitAs for the second part, because my AJAX loading for tooltip code works :P
20:26.28Fisker-want pics?
20:26.37foxlitHm, let me consider that for a second.
20:26.43foxlitNo. No way. Not ever.
20:27.05deltronlawl fisker
20:27.13Zealwhere's that foxlit (ajax tooltip code loading thingy magiggy)?
20:27.24foxlitmy .js
20:28.02LukianFisker-, yes please
20:32.59Zealhm.. so whats the purpose/benefit of that foxlit?
20:33.14foxlitThere aren't any :)
20:33.20Zeallol, kk
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20:34.21foxlitJS typically hangs rendering while it is being downloaded, but that shouldn't be the case since pcj's script fires on onload
20:34.55foxlitI could theoretically pre-scan for presence of specific tooltip classes, and decide what to load dynamically, but there's no reason pcj can't do that as well, and it's somewhat nasty
20:35.37Zealyeah, that was soemthing i've been aiming to do.
20:36.10Zealbut personally i've not wanted to support anything other than items so far.
20:36.12kd3zeal; nah
20:36.17kd3just finished minami-ke, actually
20:37.28Zealanime to live-action conversions are lolz
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20:38.50Zealthe cutie honey one is suprisingly good, but because of the type of content, it's ridiculously funny
20:40.08BagginswwI don't know what to think of the upcoming Speed Racer
20:43.02Sky2042_afkIt just ocurred to me that the wow forums are just "response bias"
20:43.21Zeallol baggins, i've never even watched the anime tbh.
20:43.34Zealresponse bias?
20:43.55*** part/#wowwiki sannse (n=me@wikimedia/
20:44.16Zealin what way? :S
20:44.31Sky2042_afkonly the people who have something to say will visit them =)
20:44.57Zealthat and people with problems
20:44.58Sky2042_afkand thus using it as a sample in a statistical experiment will fail, due to such bias.
20:45.04Sky2042_afkuh huh.
20:45.11Sky2042_afkbut that's still response bias.
20:45.32Zealonly time visisted before i quit, to check when there was tech errors and down time
20:45.38Zealnothing to say
20:46.00Sky2042_afk"nothing to say" is the other half of response bias.
20:46.11Zealmade my officers do all the forum posting for the guild, mwuahahaha
20:47.51ZealBagginsww, have you got your first comic yet btw? or have you completely cancelled and waiting on the first volume now?
20:48.00BagginswwI cancelled
20:48.17BagginswwI'm just going to go for the tpbs
20:48.21Zealstill waiting on mine :/
20:48.27Zeali probably should too..
20:48.44BagginswwI prefer tpbs anyways better in the bookcases
20:48.51Zealtrue true
20:48.57BagginswwI just hope they don't skip series :p
20:49.08Zealbetter not >_o
20:49.20Bagginswwalthough so far we only know the comic is scheduled to go 12 issues so that's not likely... Unless they decide to continue it
20:49.43Bagginswwand the only times I've seen skipped series was for one shot and two issue stories :p
20:50.08Bagginswwwhich imo should have just been inserted as an extra with one of the other main series tpbs :p
20:50.16BagginswwI'm speaking of experience with star wars comics btw
20:50.49Zeali think they probably will continue in some shape or form, perhaps a whole new series.
20:51.27Bagginswwas for speed racer, ya I saw some of the anime in my youth
20:51.39Bagginswwit was strange
20:51.55Zealprobably did too, but too young to remember.
20:52.44Bagginswwit was an 80's show I think... had some revival or reruns on mtv in the 90s
20:53.30Sky2042_afkSpeed Racer ftw
20:53.49Bagginswwthe thing was I knew enough about speed racer, that I saw 2 seconds of the trailer and knew the move was going to be about the show :p
20:54.29BagginswwI don't even know what even brought it to my mind too, it was kind of unconciously
20:55.11BagginswwI saw the trailer when I went to see National Treasure 2
20:56.02Bagginswwand I didn't even know they were making a speed racer movie, so I doubt that's what nudged my memory
20:57.00pcjyou're AJAX-loading the JS foxlit? lol
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20:58.14foxlitThere is one slight advantage: if the browser doesn't support ajax, I don't do anything :P
20:58.20foxlitPlus can start slightly earlier :P
20:59.28Bagginswwso I take it I can't get the last chest in the Goron Mines until I have hookshot or something?
20:59.44Bagginswwthe one way high above in the room with all the archers
20:59.47pcji think your JS killed squid foxlit
20:59.58Bagginswwnorthwest corner
21:00.03foxlitNah, squid was dead long before I started messing with that
21:01.18Bagginswwand by goron mines I'm speaking of LOZ:Twilight Princess
21:01.42Zealthat explains why i couldn't find it on ww :P
21:02.51Sky2042_afkthat's pathetic zeal.
21:03.03Zeali don't play zelda games :P
21:03.12Sky2042_afkthat's still pathetic.
21:03.24Sky2042_afkthe series has been around for almost 2 decades and you don't know what a Goron is?
21:03.48Zealthink i played one on a GB emu once
21:04.05KirkburnSo I'm thinking let up on the wowwiki js intensity?
21:04.25[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Jump from Netherstorm to Hellfire Peninsula -
21:04.30BagginswwZeal you are missing out ;)
21:04.34Zealbug teo for extention :p
21:04.47BagginswwZelda is one of the best game series eva
21:05.04Zealyou're as bad as my friends joking that it "didn't get out of midgar" because i played ff7 once and hated it :P
21:05.21Bagginswwwell I can understand why people don't like turn based rpgs
21:05.23Sky2042_afkI don't like Zelda... too big. :/
21:05.30Bagginswwtoo big?
21:05.39Sky2042_afkI'm one of those people who needs a little more direction than Zelda type games have.
21:05.45Sky2042_afkuh huh.
21:05.49Bagginswwzeldas don't usually take 90 hours to complete like turn based rpgs
21:05.51Sky2042_afkthe world is huge
21:05.58Zeali don't like 3d turn based rpgs, especially ones with horrible early 3d graphics like ff7 had.
21:06.00Sky2042_afkwhat, like Golden Sun?
21:06.04Bagginswwzelda games usually point you where to go
21:06.07Bagginswwat least the new ones do
21:06.13Zealoh, and over-simplified controls.
21:06.14Bagginswwannoying fairies and midna
21:06.36Zealseems quitea bit of LoZ:TP
21:06.58Zealfriend played it, i ended up as his enemy spotter, lol.
21:07.02BagginswwI just got a wii so got a chance to play it
21:07.27BagginswwI know I could have gotten the cube version earlier, but I wanted to wait
21:07.47Zealwhy have GC when you can have Wii? :P
21:07.54Sky2042_afkI have LoZ:OoT on GCN. It r awesome.
21:08.06Bagginswwya its a great game
21:08.09kd3OoT <3
21:08.14Zealoh, and i've palyed mario and sonic olympics now, love it.
21:08.33Zealthough i hate the tabel tennis, is wii sports tennis but even worse.
21:08.51Bagginswwand Phantom Hourglass, I loved the note taking options
21:08.56Sky2042_afkI'm just waiting for SSBB for Wii. until then, I play ssbm =)
21:09.06KirkburnI'm editing the SSB wiki atm :P
21:09.07Bagginswwwant to remember something? just write it on the map
21:09.26Sky2042_afkKirkburn: there's a better wiki out there already maintained by the smash community :/
21:09.27Bagginswwmy mom love's phantom hourglass
21:09.39Bagginswwthe controls are so intuitive its easy for her
21:09.48Bagginswwall point and tap
21:09.59KirkburnI care not, Sky :)
21:10.05Sky2042_afkI know.
21:10.17Bagginswwzeal have you played metroid prime series?
21:10.40Sky2042_afkbut it means that ssb.wikia isn't going anywhere
21:10.54BagginswwMetroid has always felt like Zelda set in science fiction settings to me. Though POV was a bit different.
21:11.04Zealonyl the nds one, for which i couldn't play with such a bad control system :/
21:11.11Bagginswwjust the inventory mechanics and exploration
21:11.26Bagginswwget an item then use it to solve puzzles and then fight the boss before finding the next item
21:11.58Bagginswwwhich version of the nds one? the demo or the final release?
21:12.13Sky2042_afkkd3: is it really that hard?...
21:12.14Bagginswwya kd3 that would be strange heh
21:12.38Bagginswwonly place zelda should be in first person should be when using the range weapons
21:13.09Zealhm.. the demo actually.
21:13.18Bagginswwya the demo is nothing like the final release
21:13.27Bagginswwdemo was basically a tech demo
21:13.28Zealshame, the demo put me off it : /
21:13.38Bagginswwit took like 3 years to release the final game
21:13.55Zeali suspect the wii one pwns
21:13.58Bagginswwbut ya the demo was a tech demo just to show off the capabilities of the system
21:14.06Bagginswwwii one is awesome ya
21:14.06Sky2042_afkpcj: I think we need a new tag, or for you to label your boilerplate messages.
21:14.11Zealand when i finally get a wii, probably be the first game i buy
21:14.19Sky2042_afkthat's the second person who's not know what's going on.
21:14.20Zealcan borrow everything else i might want :P
21:14.22Bagginswwit was the first wii game I got ;) not counting the pack in
21:15.27Bagginswwbut ya the thing you need to understand Metroid Prime games are not like most FPS games, they are more adventure than shooter. especially the game cube and wii versions
21:15.41Bagginswwyou spend more time scanning panels for information than actual combat lol
21:16.20Bagginswwit has a slower pace and is designed around the exploration
21:17.27Zealit'll just be nice to use a control system that works well for an fps :P
21:17.29BagginswwIts a very cool hybrid style heh. Not many fsp/adventures out there.
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21:18.12Bagginswwwell to be honest I feel the DS had tighter controls as far as FPS style
21:18.30Bagginswwcloser to a mouse
21:18.50Bagginswwwiimote takes some time to get used to.
21:19.14foxlitIs it just that slow for me?
21:19.22Sky2042_afkI found gryphen
21:19.26Sky2042_afkhe's in #wikia
21:19.36pcjand here...
21:20.30Bagginswwworst problem I get in the wii version is when your turning its very easy to turn to fast and lose controll of your targeting
21:20.48Bagginswwthe reticle basically goes orange and you lose control of the mote
21:20.59Zealyeah, was slow for me too.
21:21.03Bagginswwits very touchy as far as staying inside the box
21:21.08Bagginswwof the screen
21:21.23Bagginswwand that can get you killed :p
21:21.48Bagginswwplus the games hit detection seems off in some cases
21:21.55Bagginswwor perhaps too precise
21:22.04Bagginswwin that you have to sometimes hit very small pixels
21:22.07Bagginswwin order to do damage
21:22.10Zealwell so far the onyl wii fps experience i've had is with red steel, and it was far too jittery for me to aim and seemed like alot of the movements of the wiimtoe could have been implemented to add further functionality instead of buttons.
21:22.25Bagginswwya jittery is a good description
21:22.53BagginswwI mean its partly probably due to not be used to holding a remote like you do in the game
21:23.00Sky2042_afkslowwiki is slow
21:23.01Bagginswwso there is hand wobble
21:23.07Fisker-i want the white snow
21:23.36BagginswwI'll pick up the zapper next month and try it out
21:23.46Kirkburnslowwiki is already reported
21:23.50Bagginswwsee if holding the remote in both hands like a gun helps against the wobble
21:23.51Zealplus you've got not resistance with it in the air like that, the wiimote is a bit too light to feel like real weapon, and the lack of weight or resistance makes it hard to control and gauge your movements in mid-air. think i still prefer a mouse for precision aiming.
21:24.07Bagginswwya that's what I'm saying
21:24.10Zealyou have no resistance.
21:24.14KirkburnHuge screen + Wiimote = awesome
21:24.30Bagginswwya on a huge screen its alot harder to get outside the box
21:24.48Bagginswwat the dorm I moved into, the CC has a huge projecto/screen combo
21:24.52Zealwell i was playing it on my 32"
21:24.54Bagginswwhe's let me into his room to use heh
21:24.59BagginswwI mean huge
21:25.02Bagginswwtakes up a whole wall
21:25.09BagginswwI don't know the dimensions
21:25.29[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 8212 doing ~0 job/s, done in approx. 0secs.
21:25.32Bagginswwstill zelda doesn't have that move outside the box problem as much.
21:25.40Bagginswwwhen in aiming modes
21:25.45pcjoh nos jobqueue's catching up
21:25.47BagginswwI found aiming to be more precise
21:25.53Zealyeah, seemed to be a bit better.
21:26.06foxlitpcj: what's your average ping to there? :)
21:26.13BagginswwI think some of hte wobble in metroid prime was intentional
21:26.31KirkburnHow's the wiki now?
21:26.38Bagginswwit reminds me of sniper wobble
21:26.47foxlitslooow, unless you changed something 2s ago
21:26.56Kirkburnyeah, I mean right now
21:26.58Zealslow, but not as slow.
21:26.58Bagginswwwobble caused by breathing
21:27.23kd3slowwiki is slow
21:27.27Bagginswwthere is no wobble in zelda except for whatever your wrists do
21:27.27foxlitNah, still slow
21:27.38pcj77ms foxlit
21:27.39kd3anyone know if he's undead or drgonkin?
21:27.55Sky2042_afkoh god.
21:27.57Zealhm.. good question
21:28.15pcjAnd [[Lich King's Mother-in-Law]]
21:28.15foxlitOh, he's _dead_.
21:28.17foxlitI killed him!
21:28.20kd3so what goes in the npcbox?
21:28.34pcjkd3 you can use races= to specify multiple races
21:28.41pcjit's unformatted so you'll need to link it yourself
21:28.41Sky2042_afkanyway, thoughts on redirect to fansites?..
21:28.43Zealundead i guess.
21:29.35Bagginsww[[Undead]] [[Dragon]]
21:29.36[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
21:29.40Bagginswwuse races, ;)
21:29.45foxlitHe's not actually undead, yeah?
21:30.05Bagginswwhmm just in a spirit trapped form
21:30.07foxlitIt's this whole emerald-dream-is-zomg-fucked
21:30.15Bagginswwits confusing ya
21:30.48KeolahThe Emerald Dream is just an excuse for guys not calling me back!
21:30.53foxlitDragons of the nightmare were dragons, I think?
21:31.01Bagginswwthey also wereon't ghostly
21:31.04foxlitUndead doesn't really make sense without some necromancer somewhere
21:31.07Bagginswwjust corrupt looking
21:31.27Bagginswwwell technically I don't think I'd call anything other than walking corpses undead
21:31.33Bagginswwspirits don't really seem "undead" to me
21:31.45Zealwhere as forsaken sure as hell do :p
21:31.45Bagginswwbut get classified as undead
21:31.46foxlitThen we agree, more or less :)
21:31.59KeolahWhat about the ghosty Forsaken? :p
21:32.06Bagginswwlike banshees?
21:32.46foxlitWiki is so sad that my bazillion-armory lookups set-page processor actually crashes while attempting to save the wiki page :(
21:32.51Pzykaren't forsaken just undead with a different mindset?
21:33.05Bagginswwwell ya banshee I'd classify as a spirit being
21:33.55Bagginswwundead in traditional fiction was usually used only for zombies, vampires, and other mobile corpses
21:34.11Bagginswwat least with spirit you know the corpse is still dead
21:34.12KeolahIt depends.
21:34.30KeolahOf course, in WoW, "spirits" tend to be a lot more... solid than you'd expect ;p
21:34.31Bagginswwwhere as if the corpse is walking around its "undead"
21:34.41KeolahSeeing as you can beat the crap out of them with weapons generally.
21:34.42Bagginswwthey have to be for mechanics heh
21:35.00Bagginswwwell ectoplasm is a liquid ;)
21:35.11Bagginswwwell sorta a gel
21:35.16Bagginswwso somewhat solid
21:35.19KeolahAt least in D&D-esque crap it usually at least needs to be a _magical_ weapon.
21:35.29KeolahNot that anyone over level 10 in WoW is likely to be using a non-magical weapon :p
21:35.48foxlitDoes my [Icy Stick of the Beaver] count?
21:35.56Bagginswwalmost everything in D&D seems to have +1 in some special damage
21:36.44Bagginswwor I should say most characters you'd encounter have at least +1 in some special damage on their weapons
21:36.59Bagginswwgoing by the RPG books I have
21:37.27KeolahOn a completely unrelated subject, me and my bf were leveling the other day and he was playing around with the Mechanical Greench.
21:37.39Bagginswwbehold my +1 dirk of icy bite
21:37.52Zealnerf warriors, they can't hit ethereal mobs anymore! :P
21:37.53KeolahAnd we made the observation... gasp, it's smart enough not to attack the sheep! I said "Wow, that's smarter than most escort quests." He added, "That's smarter than most pets. Hell, that's smarter than most Alliance players."
21:38.43foxlitPet/Creature AI got updated, iirc
21:38.47Bagginsww looks up undead in webster
21:38.50Bagginswwnope no ghosts LOL
21:39.22kd3gah, it's been so long since I've been to ST. wonder if I can still remember the way in
21:39.31KeolahDon't know, don't think we've even _done_ an escort quest with our pally/mage duo since the last update.
21:39.56KeolahWe tend to avoid them on principle because they're usually complete idiots and a pain in the ass ;p
21:39.58foxlitI can't ever be bothered to clear enough trash to do Eranikus cleanly
21:40.14foxlitOur last encounter had me looting the corpse about 5 seconds before being swarmed by most of the instance :(
21:40.58foxlitOn the bright side, I tanked all of them for about 3 seconds
21:41.26foxlit!item Marshal's Dragonhide Boots
21:41.43FoxbotTooltip saved, foxlit, view at's_Dragonhide_Boots
21:41.58foxlithey, wiki is recovering, ever so slowly
21:42.14KeolahFixing idiotic AI won't help with idiotic players, though ;p
21:42.38Bagginswwbut ya even in D&D banshees are considered undead, just "incorporeal"
21:42.55Bagginswwso this is a matter where real world definition and gaming definitions don't necessarily agree
21:43.04KeolahBut geez, the Mechanical Greench is an _aggressive_ little thing... we let it loose in one of the yeti caves in Feralas, and it didn't stop until there wasn't a yeti left alive ;p
21:43.16Keolah"Undead" isn't really a term you'll use often in the real world :p
21:43.36KeolahUnless some zombie apocalypse suddenly descends upon the planet ;p
21:43.40Bagginswwthat's true, but its also more than a gaming term too
21:43.51KeolahYes, it's also used in books and movies :P
21:44.08KeolahIt's a fantasy/horror term in general.
21:44.09Zeali'm sure somepeople waking up call be classified as undead at times :P
21:44.11Bagginswwwell in fiction its only walking corpse type monsters
21:44.17KeolahDepends on the fiction.
21:44.17Zeal*could be
21:44.20Bagginswwin rpgs and games it includes all ghosts
21:44.30KeolahAgain, depends on the game.
21:44.35Bagginswwok in dictionary its zombies and vampire and walking corpses
21:44.43Bagginswwnot ghosts
21:44.51Bagginswwwhich is the so called "real world definition"
21:44.56KeolahIn, say, Magic: The Gathering, (bad example, but still), "Zombie" "Spirit" and "Vampire" are all different types ;p
21:45.07Bagginswwah it split things up a bit
21:45.21Bagginswwor are you asying different types of undead
21:45.27KeolahDifferent creature types.
21:45.50Zealwhere as they could also be states of being.
21:45.53BagginswwI don't much like the idea that some fantasy puts that zombies and vampires are exactly the same thing, just one lost its mind :p
21:46.00KeolahWhereas in WoW, they'd all just get slapped with the broad "Undead". ;p
21:46.25ZealBagginsww, on ww you've been using undead as a state right?
21:46.30Bagginswwa zombie like vampire should probably be a revenant
21:46.43KeolahWhich is okay, I mean, everything from humans, to centaurs, to naga, to yetis, gets called "Humanoid"...
21:47.09BagginswwZeal in warcraft anything dead that's come back in any form is "undead" :p
21:47.25Bagginswwunless it was brought back to actual life
21:47.29Pzykexcept for undead!
21:47.30KeolahThe only thing that bothers me about WoW's creature types is oozes and silithids not having a type is sloppy and inconsistant ;p
21:47.34Zeali know, jsut making sure the gameplay term hadn't seeped into the races
21:47.41Bagginswwin the rpg oozes are oozes
21:48.07Bagginswwwell the problem is zeal the gameplay term is also the lor eterm in the rpg explanations :p
21:48.08KeolahI can understand not wanting them tameable or trackable or anything, but would it have been so hard to make an "Ooze" creature type and such? :p
21:48.16KeolahIt's not like there's any shortage of them...
21:48.28Bagginswwwell forsaken are undead, yet humanoid in wow
21:48.43KeolahAnd most satyrs are demons, except a couple who are humanoid for some reason ;p
21:48.45foxlitKeolah: it's because nobody knows what the heck those oozes are
21:48.52Zeali'm just thinking, Forsaken should have a race field, with human, high elf etc.
21:48.53Bagginswwbut in the RPG they are just your average undead, have all the strenghts and weaknesses that come along with being udnead
21:48.55foxlitThere's a quest in IF/Un'Goro to that effect
21:49.07KeolahBut the _game_ should know what they are ;p
21:49.23Bagginswwrpg also has fey classification too
21:49.34Bagginswwalot of things classified as demons or humanoids in wow are actually fey
21:49.46Zealnever heard that one.
21:49.47Bagginswwlike thoe grell
21:49.55foxlitThe game forces your PoV :P
21:50.08[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
21:50.13Bagginswwdoes it redirect?
21:50.21Zealah, i see
21:50.52Bagginswwbut ya these classifications aren't just listed in classifications they get used in lore descriptions too
21:51.04Zeallore fails
21:51.20Bagginswwthe point is the RPG has a slightly more realistic way of categorizing things
21:51.32BagginswwWoW is just more limited
21:52.13Zealkd3, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Elfen Lied next?
21:52.26kd3you want violence or comedy?
21:52.26Pzykyou haven't watched haruhi yet?
21:52.29Pzykwatch haruhi.
21:52.36Zealnope, i haven't, lol.
21:52.39Zeali like both :P
21:52.45*** join/#wowwiki Paradox_ (
21:52.48kd3haruhi then elfen
21:53.10Zealhehe, kk.
21:55.21Bagginswwwell take care all I'm going to play some more zelda
21:55.58Zealhf, ttyl
22:03.07kd3nope, the shade is classified as dragonkin, not undead
22:08.25[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Blood Pact: Looking back at Locks -
22:11.02Bagginsww added balor to the regions list
22:14.42Zealcropped images of islands != helpful
22:14.52Zealcan tell where the hell it is, lol
22:15.24Bagginswwits only there for the text
22:15.34Bagginswwwhich states "balor"
22:15.43Zeali'm referring to to be specific :P
22:15.46Bagginswwalthough some of the scans are blurry :p
22:16.18Bagginswwoh it should have a link to the larger map
22:17.20Zeali should label these on my wall map
22:18.19Bagginswwyou bought the wall map?
22:18.23Zeal <-- what's that one from?
22:18.23Bagginswwor making one?
22:18.30Bagginswwthat map is awsome
22:18.39Bagginswwwere you able to get it in a tube, or was it folded?
22:18.40Zealshame it's already outdated :P
22:18.47Bagginswwyour lucky
22:18.51Zealdirect from bradygames.
22:18.59Bagginswwoh ok I'll have to reorder it from them then :)
22:19.10Bagginswwwell its only partially outdated
22:19.16Zeali had a discount too, so it was win, lol
22:19.41Bagginswwfunny thing was it was released not long before the release of TBC
22:19.43Zealhope the release another pre-wotlk, or atleast after it.
22:19.47Zealyeah, lol
22:20.03Bagginswwbut ya we know sunwell island is getting added back in
22:20.12Bagginswwjust the dimensions have been readjusted
22:20.42Zealbe nice to have the updated areas and FPs too.
22:20.46Bagginswwall WoW maps suffer from the scale issue of leaving no room of kul tiras :p
22:21.09Bagginsww[[South Seas]] was a post WoW map
22:21.10[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
22:21.13Zealwell i love how on this Zandalar is huge.
22:22.12*** join/#wowwiki Sandwichman2448 (
22:22.30Zealno kezan on it, but it has tel abim, gilijim and lapadis
22:24.04Zealoh yeah, missing bloodmyst and azuremyst too ofc :P
22:24.09Bagginswwkezan should be far south anyways
22:24.25Bagginswwoff the map really
22:24.28Zealkeep wonders, what is the north set of isles?
22:24.34Sandwichman2448Undermine was a contenent, not a city once.
22:24.41Bagginswwthat's true
22:24.53Bagginswwwell technically its the undercontinent it seems
22:25.08Bagginswwits huge and extends outside the island
22:25.16Bagginswwglass tubes and what not
22:25.29Zealdeep run trams all over the place ;)
22:25.48Sandwichman2448No, just in a line that does not fit.
22:26.10Bagginswwthat north set of islands disappears and reappears on maps :p
22:26.33Bagginswwits on some, and missing on others
22:26.38Sandwichman2448It is just a minor detail?
22:26.48Zealwell it's gone on wotlk ofc, and alternates on everything else :P
22:26.57Bagginswwlol ya
22:27.02Zealthey oddly look liek a back-to-front broken isles :P
22:27.08Bagginswwya :p
22:27.19Bagginswwwhich is obviously in the wrong area
22:27.21Zealarthas moved them, honest ;)
22:27.33Bagginswwunless broken isles have been floating all over hte place
22:27.42Zealor was it azshara? lol
22:28.16Bagginswwalthough that would be kinda cool of broken isles had some kind of orbit around the maelstrom LOL
22:28.58Bagginswwduring winter its in the north seas, during summer near the maelstrom near fall near kul tiras :p
22:29.18Bagginswwhits undermine during the spring :p
22:29.40Bagginswwat least that's what the goblins think :p
22:29.58Zealwhat islands are we missing from the map.. Kul'Tiras, Zul'dare, Crestfall, Balor, Broken Isles, right?
22:30.28Bagginsww[[channel islands]]
22:30.28[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
22:30.30Zealoh.. Plunder Isle too
22:30.50Bagginswwany number of smaller Channel Islands
22:31.03Bagginswwwhatever those small islands around balor are
22:31.12Zealah, those.
22:31.22Bagginswwthat only exist in concept art
22:31.59Bagginswwbtw there is text under Balor that looks lke some kind of explanation on one of the wow concept maps
22:32.03Bagginswwwishes I could read it
22:32.07Zealso.. Hiji, where's that?
22:32.16BagginswwI think its plunder isle's original name
22:32.21Bagginswwthe same and general location is similar
22:32.28Zealwhere's the image from? :S
22:32.30Bagginswwalthough plunder isle is a bit more north
22:32.41BagginswwDungeons and Dragons WArcraft the Roleplaying Game
22:32.48Zeallame : /
22:32.59Bagginswwand you can see the entire map over in [[Azeroth]] I think
22:33.04[NewsBot]Bagginsww meant:
22:33.45Bagginswwcompare to the southseas map and you'll se the location is somewhat different than plunder isle
22:33.47Zealsilly me
22:34.22Sandwichman2448This RfA this is a huge change. Do you think Pcj will win?
22:34.34Bagginswwoh and its interesting that map kind of splits Kalimdor into three continents by the name of Kalimdor, Mulgore and Durotar
22:35.03Bagginswwand Mount Hyjal possibly (though the text is somewhat smaller)
22:35.16Zeal lol
22:35.21Bagginswwthat map
22:35.24Bagginswwlook at kalimdor
22:35.33Bagginswwit appears to have four continent designations
22:35.41Bagginswwlike the easternside
22:36.02Zealvote outcome doesn't matter afaik, it's merely to gain a view of opinions and concensus.
22:36.15Zealadmins still decided. just the way i like it.
22:36.42Sandwichman2448Do you think Pcj will win?
22:37.06Zealno idea
22:38.46Bagginswwzeal decided on what?
22:38.59[NewsBot]pcj meant:
22:40.13BagginswwI abstain ;)
22:41.26Bagginswwbtw I don't think our maps from WC3 and expansion are complete
22:41.43Bagginswwor the maps from WC2
22:41.58BagginswwWe also don't have the ones from WC1
22:42.19Bagginswwwhich I kinow are kinda blurry :p
22:43.05Zealno idea if i even have any in my wc3 : /
22:43.22Bagginswwno maps on your loading screens?
22:43.56Bagginswwthere was a website that had all the wc2 maps without the mission and act text
22:43.58Bagginswwbut I can't find it
22:44.03Zealoh, thought you meant manual.
22:44.30Bagginswwmanual doesn't have all the maps
22:45.35Bagginsww ok in game are there two islands north of westfall?
22:45.55Bagginswwand west of stormwind
22:46.31Bagginswwthat might be balor
22:46.48Bagginswwif Balor is just a village on an unnamed island
22:46.48Zeal3 west of westfall. lighthouse and the islands with the hut and tree on it or w/e. nothing big.
22:47.10Bagginswwya lighthouse is in southwest Westfall right?
22:47.40Zealislands are pretty much west iirc, not nw.
22:47.57Bagginswwa bunch of islands but nothing that looks important or stands out like on that previous map I showed you
22:49.47Bagginsww those two islands are bigger than anything seen on the westfall map
22:49.52KirkburnRegarding the RfA, yes, it's not based on vote counts :)
22:51.36kd3wth... it's nearly 18:00 and it's only -2c outside
22:52.18pcjyou're behind the keyboard!
22:53.01Bagginswwbtw does someone want to add a trivia section to balor?
22:53.09Bagginswwmentoning its mythological roots
22:53.11pcjOh boy, do I
22:53.44pcjExcept I don't know anything about it
22:53.57Zeal curious as to where the island west of stormwind is from on that.
22:54.33Zealcould be edited in as balor or something, but can't honestly tell
22:54.40Zealcertainly not from the wotlk map.
22:55.25Zealif i knew what those mythological roots where, i'd probably still say no :P
22:55.30*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
22:55.30*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Tekkub] by ChanServ
22:55.49KirkburnWe just went under 1,000 on Alexa :P
22:57.29Bagginswwwell on that fan map there is a mysterious island around that area
22:57.36Bagginswwif you hadn't noticed
22:57.56Bagginswwnear the weird penninsula
22:58.29Zealthats what i was talking about :P
22:58.44Zealnot sure if it was from an old alpha map or not, or custom edited.
22:58.51*** join/#wowwiki A2` (
22:59.14Bagginswwahh I see
22:59.35Bagginswwbut ya that island is roughly where the island is on the map I showed you
22:59.42Bagginswwminus the peninnsula
23:00.45Zealcompare with
23:00.58Bagginswwthe one major problem I can see with that fan map is it has The Rift enlarged when that area is properly known as The Eye
23:01.10*** join/#wowwiki Pzyk (
23:04.06Bagginswwrift is an areay within the Eye
23:04.24[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Celebrating the new year with a GM -
23:04.27BagginswwEye is the only liveably area within the Maelstrom
23:04.58Sky2042_afkmealstrom, huh?
23:05.12Bagginswwwhere you can get your fill of fish
23:05.43Bagginswwgiant lobster and fishsticks
23:05.50Bagginswwand frog legs
23:06.03Zealboiled makura
23:06.06Bagginswwheh heh
23:06.45Bagginswwnaga sticks, and murlock legs
23:07.16Zealgrilled mur'gull legs.
23:07.21Sandwichman2448one l
23:07.25Zealbah, lol
23:07.26*** join/#wowwiki Ose (
23:07.47Sandwichman2448See Illigan danish 2?
23:07.59pcjwow not bad kirkburn
23:08.04Sandwichman2448I was like 'Where is the ending?'
23:08.06Oseis it out?
23:08.07Bagginswwmur'gull legs heh
23:08.18[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: Epic WoW Stunt - Netherstorm to Hellfire jump -
23:08.20Bagginswwtastes like fel chicken
23:10.30Oseanyway, I have a little problem with my sig, and I was wondering if anyone who actually understands this shit could help :P
23:10.39Bagginswwif we could just make out that text under balor
23:12.30Sandwichman2448Meni-Flreg Nerierg Slongi
23:12.32Sandwichman2448That is what I got.
23:12.35Zealwhere are the images from Bagginsww?
23:12.40Pzyktreasure slayer
23:12.46Bagginswwthe dvd I believe
23:12.56PzykI'm pretty sure that last word is slayer
23:13.22BagginswwI thought it said "Island" or Islands
23:13.28BagginswwTreasure Island, :p
23:13.32BagginswwPlunder Isle?
23:13.40*** part/#wowwiki Rprp (
23:13.57Bagginswwwhich would fit the theory that balor became Plunder Isle :p
23:14.27Bagginswwbut ya Pzyk the I is very faint, so if you leave off the I, it would appear as Sland or slay
23:14.44Sandwichman2448new flk
23:15.05Zealzoom is fun
23:15.14Pzykwtb better resolution
23:15.26Bagginswwwe must raid blizzard
23:15.28Bagginswwfor the maps
23:15.34Sandwichman2448Or get the DvD
23:15.35Bagginswwand Warcraft Adventure
23:15.44Bagginswwthe dvd needs better resolution
23:15.49Pzykmaybe the CIA got to them or something
23:15.59BagginswwI have the dvd but its back home
23:16.10Sandwichman2448** **** *** *** * ***** **** *****
23:16.27pcjsky2042 / kirkburn:
23:17.07Bagginswwon the other hand zeal those maps also have the little island west of Stormwind which could blow away the idea that that was balor :p
23:17.14Sandwichman2448Intre? French or typo?
23:17.38Sandwichman2448Oh, a user
23:17.49Zealor someone spilt some ink :p
23:18.36Sandwichman2448He is a vandal
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23:18.53Zealjust musing over the idea of a menethil->kul'tiras boat.
23:18.55*** part/#wowwiki sdouble (n=sdouble@
23:19.45Sandwichman2448Undermine -> Kul'tiras
23:20.45Sandwichman2448Looky this fan art
23:21.27Sandwichman2448Googled Undermine, that came up.
23:21.37Zealinteresting how it has balor in a huge range of islands. and then a tiny tomb of sargeras.
23:23.20Pzykyou'd think parking a big balloon full of gas right next to a lava pit would be a bad idea.
23:23.40Bagginswwloading the map
23:23.57Bagginswwtrying to load it :p
23:24.21Zeali wonder if we will indded get a port from ratchet to valgard, lol.
23:24.22Sandwichman2448That many bombs by lava.
23:24.26BagginswwHmm "newly named treasure islands"?
23:25.05[NewsBot]Sandwichman2448 meant:
23:25.31Sandwichman2448The docks have not been fully shown.
23:25.35BagginswwI think their should be some neutral goblin zeps
23:25.58Pzykdidn't they already set the zepp points at blizzcon?
23:26.07Zealwoot, i cna play the dvd
23:26.14Zealnot afaik :s
23:26.53PzykI just remember that journalists were complaining that they spawned on the mainland, had the respec all their stuff, and take a 5 minute ride from somewhere before they actually saw anything
23:27.19Pzyk=/ maybe I'm tripping.
23:28.40ZealBagginsww which chapter>title?
23:28.41BagginswwI hopes that someday the world will be made seamless
23:28.42kd3gah, I can barely feel my hands. maybe I shouldn't be typing
23:28.50Bagginswwnot sure zeal
23:28.55Bagginswwthe first one I think
23:28.59Bagginswwdiscussing the world
23:29.03Bagginswwdesigning the world
23:29.48Zealbah, really doesn't help, lol.
23:30.03pcjHmm, are articles like really valid in the main namespace?
23:30.51Zealdunno tbh
23:31.11Pzyknot really
23:31.25Pzyksounds more like a user page
23:31.37pcjIt's not even a user...
23:31.50pcjIt's a freaking old page too
23:32.05Bagginswwsounds deletable
23:32.18Pzyk[[Sell Value]] is the only page that links to it.
23:32.18[NewsBot]Pzyk meant:
23:33.25PzykI'd say delete the capnbry page and just link to his site on the Sell Value page
23:33.41Sandwichman2448Merge with sell value?
23:33.52pcjThat's what I did
23:34.44Bagginswwso uh kirkburn you datamined the orca image?
23:34.59Bagginswwand so can it be used on whale page or not :p
23:35.24Zealbaggins, your lapadis images, are they not from private servers? :p
23:35.39Sandwichman2448I hope.
23:35.55Zealdunno, i found "you teach yourself polymorph" a bit suspect :p
23:35.59Bagginswwbeta page
23:36.15Bagginswwthere is no lapidas on private serers
23:36.17Sandwichman2448The polymorph books.
23:36.18Bagginswwjust empty sea ;)
23:36.29Sandwichman2448turtle pig seal
23:36.35Zealat lvl 12 sandwhichman (i've not played mage much btw)
23:36.37Bagginswwwell it could be a private server using the beta cliant :p
23:36.52Bagginswwbut hard to tell
23:36.54Zealprivate servers with alpha builds out there.
23:37.03Bagginswwya it would be alpha not beta
23:37.04kd3poly:seal? the hell?
23:37.26BagginswwI hope :)
23:37.36Bagginswwpoly seal would be awesome additon to Wotlk
23:37.56kd3I'd prefer poly:penguin
23:38.02Bagginswwseals were one of the polymorph animals from warcraft ii
23:38.02Zeali wanna tame pengiuns in northrend. :P
23:38.06Bagginswwwhenever on a frozen map
23:38.07Osewhat an awesome movie!
23:38.20Sandwichman2448No ending, ose.
23:38.25Bagginswwpig is a variation of the boar polymorph in warcraft II
23:38.36Sandwichman2448But boars can fight.
23:38.42Bagginswwnot in warcraft ii
23:38.58Bagginswwand seals can be vicious btw
23:39.05Sandwichman2448They needed to make it harmless in WoW.
23:39.18Zealindeed, they can kill with cuteness ;)
23:39.30Bagginswwnah they have teeth :p
23:39.42Bagginswwoften battle each other for the women
23:40.01KirkburnI have no idea what orca picture you're talking about :)
23:40.03Bagginswwelephent seals are a good example
23:40.09Bagginswwthe one in wow?
23:40.44OseI was in strat earliier today, and I got mind controlled while having a target sheeped, and it became red "with" me :P
23:41.26Bagginswwbut ya elephent seals tend to bash into each other over females :p
23:41.31Bagginswwsea lions are similar
23:41.43BagginswwI can't speak for every single species of seal of course
23:44.00Osecan anyone tell me why my sig splits into to lines?
23:49.29KirkburnOse, way too many opening <span>s not enough closing </span>s
23:49.59KirkburnWill tweak
23:51.16Osethat's what usually happens with copypasta :p
23:52.59Osethanks Kirk
23:55.01KirkburnSince my arm has been twisted, {{FC/17}} is changed
23:57.18Bagginswwsigh I so wanted that orca in the whale article :p
23:58.58Zealwell i'm off, nn all
23:59.24Bagginswwugh formating peoples, :p

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