IRC log for #wowwiki on 20071214

00:01.33*** part/#wowwiki Lukian (n=wizard@
00:01.51PairaduxOh, by the way, call me Rey. :o
00:03.59PairaduxLOL .-.
00:05.38Pairaduxj00r Character am sexy, DuTempete. :o
00:05.57*** join/#wowwiki Hobinheim|ubuntu (
00:06.01DuTempetej00r engrish are bad, Pairadux.
00:06.06PairaduxAh, true, true.
00:06.12DuTempetehowdy Hobinheim|ubuntu
00:06.16PairaduxNah, I actually do pretty well with English. D:
00:06.26DuTempeteThen why don't you use it, eh? :P
00:06.44PairaduxEvery once in a while, my typing roots pop back. :D
00:07.59Pairadux^ Original. :D
00:08.51PairaduxAnd as you probably saw, the saddest part is she got the 5000 gold. .-.
00:10.10*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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00:10.44[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Skinning Tauren for leather -
00:18.37PairaduxDuTempete, do you like opals?
00:18.46DuTempeteThey're alright
00:18.50PairaduxAlright? D:
00:18.58DuTempeteI like them better than most gemstones
00:19.01PairaduxWhy does everyone keep saying they're alright ;-;
00:19.21PairaduxI think opals are the most beautiful of all the stone-stuffs. .-.
00:20.34DuTempeteI prefer garnets, sapphires and rubies :P
00:20.46DuTempetebut really, I'm not into shiny objects
00:22.01PairaduxOpal isn't really shiny as much as it's super colourful
00:22.11DuTempeteis too shiney
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00:22.14DuTempeteshiny, whatevr
00:22.42DuTempeteI'm mostly interested in how this topic came up :P
00:24.18PairaduxI forgot how .-.
00:28.31PairaduxI didn't know there were so many realms
00:29.09sacarascthere is only 3, the rest are fictional
00:29.21PairaduxAnd those three are?...
00:31.14Kirkburn|afkErik, Baleog and Olaf
00:33.43*** join/#wowwiki SolaPan (n=pu@wikia/pansola)
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00:56.49badz_can someone help a fellow gamer get WoW running in wine for ubuntu?
00:57.31sacarascdon't bother, DX support in wine sucks, it will go slowly no matter what video card you got
00:58.23badz_you can change it to run via opengl tho no?
00:58.33sacarascit still goes really slow
00:59.22badz_my roomate has it running in wine
00:59.33badz_hes got nvidia hardware tho
00:59.40badz_i run ati, so idk if thast where the issues are stemming
00:59.56badz_ive followed the wowwiki but to no avail
01:00.05badz_sound is 100% great, but video is a slideshow
01:00.46badz_what do u run in? windows? cedega?
01:01.33sacarascuse wine, and it goes slow ;p if i had a spare hd to boot off of, i'd run it in winders
01:02.42badz_ill end up just staying in windows then out of lazyness
01:03.13sacarasci dunno about ati stuff, i got an nvidia card
01:04.43badz_damn ati!
01:04.58badz_worst choice of my last upgrade
01:06.03*** join/#wowwiki dok3Da847 (
01:06.05bleeterat least ATI have opensourced foo
01:06.21bleetereven if the guys writing the drivers want to get the basics working before 3D accel
01:06.46sacarascthe most recent open sourced thing is the 9800 series, isn't it though?
01:06.51bleeterbut yes, I'd agree that ATI Wine WoW can be far more painful than nVidia, when using the closed source drivers
01:07.26bleeterdunno where the cutoff is
01:07.41bleeteriirc, it's wherever the pre-existing open-source 3d accel finished
01:14.46[NewsBot]WoW Insider: No patch 2.5 planned -
01:16.44*** join/#wowwiki Kirkburn (
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01:59.04*** join/#wowwiki ^RaK^ (
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02:37.15^RaK^ye only 10-15 minutes late but nm :/
02:37.30sacarascand then you ruined it ;(
02:37.47DuTempetedamnit ^RaK^!
02:38.22MentalPower~lart ^RaK^
02:38.22infobotinstalls a bad bootloader on ^RaK^ and turns ^RaK^ into a brick
02:38.36^RaK^deserved :(
02:38.54wiredoh snap
02:39.07wiredwhat up sacarasc
02:39.26wiredi usually just say hi
02:39.34sacarascsome german guy is trying to steal my nick, other than that, not a lot, yourself?
02:39.35wireddidnt realize people were paying attention
02:39.45wiredim good
02:40.05wiredjust revamping a page on kel'thuzad and the scourge of lordaeron
02:40.20wiredi suck at wowwiki html
02:41.47wiredany of you do zul'aman yet?
02:49.56PairaduxDuTempete, I haz one more question. :<
02:53.21PairaduxWhich has more DPS; Affliction or Demonology..
02:54.43sacarascPairadux: try it out yourself, DPS isn't everything, you also have to be content with playing that style...
02:55.11PairaduxI know, but I'm not really picky when it comes to stuff. .-. By the way, call me Rey.
02:59.44MentalPowerShadow :P
03:01.06DuTempetePairadux, neither.
03:01.17DuTempeteDPS depends on your gear and playing ability.
03:01.26DuTempeteand how well you spec for doing DPS
03:01.43DuTempeteIt's possible to have really good DPS ergardless of the tree you go down.
03:02.33PairaduxD: I'm just really stuck between Affliction and Demonology
03:02.45ArideniJust going to throw in that DPS isn't the same as damage output, though I haven't been following the conversation
03:02.49DuTempeteYou ahve 70 levels to try them both out, Pairadux :P
03:03.02DuTempeteI've gone through numerous specs
03:04.16PairaduxWould it be expensive to respec twice?
03:04.34sacarasc11g, i think
03:04.50PairaduxAlright, thanks. :o
03:05.24sacarasc100 would be the most for 2 respecs, but if you've not respecced before, i'm sure it's 11 or 16...
03:08.47wiredhi rey
03:09.42ArideniAlso, each month of play without having your talents reset will merit a 5g decrease
03:11.41wiredi didn't know that
03:12.48*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
03:13.16^RaK^they added it in some time ago
03:13.19ArideniIt only drops to 10 or 15g
03:13.26ArideniYeah it's been like a year or close to it
03:13.30^RaK^15 i think, lowest mines ever been
03:13.32ArideniI think it's 15g is the lowest
03:13.50wiredi never really changed specs
03:13.53ArideniA month is a lot longer in practice than paper, though.
03:13.54wiredi stay holy
03:14.45ArideniI don't change specs weekly or anything, I believe in basically stickin' with your main role if you have to make such important decisions...Have an alt, at least that's how I do it
03:15.19*** join/#wowwiki Gryphen (
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03:15.20ArideniFor example, I run a protection warrior, but I do not respec weekly just so I can fool around in PVP...I have a rogue, lol
03:15.27wiredi was an idiot, i had one toon and it was a priest, and i was alliance
03:15.31*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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03:15.33wiredim such a moron
03:15.49ArideniYou're only what you label yourself, so don't say such!
03:16.03wiredafter i was in too deep with my priest when i realized alliance was horrible
03:16.18wiredat least on my server
03:16.20ArideniOh, don't believe the grass is greener as it is not.
03:16.59wiredpeople were such jerks
03:17.27wiredi was always guild hopping
03:18.40sacarasci don't like most guilds, what i want and what they want are usually two different things
03:19.34wiredwhat kind of server you guys on?
03:19.51sacarascRP here
03:20.02wiredi wish i was on an rp server
03:20.14wirednormal servers have too much idiotic spam
03:20.31sacarascthe server i'm on has about 40 rp people on it and a bunch of idiots
03:20.39wiredno kidding
03:20.41wiredid rp
03:20.45bleeterRP servers have their idiots too
03:20.45wiredit sounds like fun
03:20.51wirednever did it before though
03:21.02wiredi wouldnt mind doing an rp pvp server
03:21.37sacarascalso, like so many other things, alliance rping seems to be a lot worse than horde
03:21.55bleeterone man's RP is another's lame rehash of Gilgamesh
03:22.12ArideniRP servers are more inclined to slower progression, at least as far as the common populace is concerned. *Based on my experiences
03:22.29wiredrp must be fun though
03:22.41ArideniIt's fun in the world environment
03:22.44bleeterI'd also suspect that the average age of folks on RP is older
03:22.45wiredif i ever play wow again id go rp server on the horde
03:22.52Arideniand Battlegrounds are the same as always
03:22.59sacarascit can be, but in my experience half the people wanting to "rp" are just wanting to cyber
03:23.01bleeterseems to be that way on the RP I'm on... doesn't mean there aren't idiots, just they're older idiots
03:23.29wiredmore like perverts
03:23.33ArideniI agree with Bleeter, what server do you play?
03:23.45bleeter<Kalroth> I just  joined #eu-druids and said I wanted furry sex, noone kickbanned me :(
03:23.45ArideniMy experience comes from Ravenholdt
03:24.08wiredi was on Llane server
03:24.09sacarasci'm on Darkmoon Faire EU
03:24.29bleeterArideni: I've got a couple of lowbies on Ravenholdt US, I had some higher ones but tx'd off to play with friends who've stopped playing. Am thingking about moving them back
03:24.53bleeterArideni: my mains are on Thorium Brotherhood RP-PvE US, tho
03:25.09ArideniMy mains are on Illidan.pvp (US)
03:25.30sacarasci want to do a char on a pvp server
03:25.36wiredthis is my toon that i never play if you guys want to see
03:25.37bleeterPvP's tough for me, what with hideous Oceanic pings :/
03:25.43Aridenibut I have a lovely 29 lock & priest on Ravenholdt.rppvp (US) for pure bg's
03:26.09bleeterit's OK if you're on an Oceanic realm, 'coz everyone's got the same horrid ping.. but those realms are overpopulated with dickheads
03:26.30ArideniI have a terrible ping usually as well. 1000ms is not uncommon.
03:26.34bleeterand there are no RP oceanic realms at all, PvE or PvP
03:26.43wiredi always had outstanding ping
03:26.50wiredi never lagged anywhere
03:26.57ArideniYeah, =( your realms aren't even Oceanic in essence, I believe
03:26.58bleetermy ping's dropped about 100ms since I installed the socat hack
03:27.26ArideniYou referring to the TCP/IP ack delay?
03:27.32bleeterArideni: correct, they're marked Oceanic for timezone, and housed in LA
03:27.34bleeterArideni: yeah
03:27.56bleeterArideni: I keep meaning to hack wine so it does it natively, but keep forgetting/getting sidetracked when I do actually go look
03:28.26ArideniI use Dialup so even though I play in the US on North American realms I am limited
03:28.51ArideniOf course, there is little option for any other choice where I am currently living.
03:29.18sacarasci have a nice ping, but i got fast nets and don't live that far from the EU servers
03:29.56bleeterArideni: and being dialup, the ack hack prolly won't help that much
03:30.08ArideniI've pushed beyond the limits of anyone else I know for my connection, so in that I hold confidence
03:30.19ArideniAye, I didn't bother with it.
03:30.50PairaduxOn wowhead's talent calculator, how do you remove a point?..
03:30.56wiredso how exactly do you rp on the server?
03:31.41sacarascyou talk, emote and do things as if you were really there
03:31.55ArideniPairadux: Right-click the talent you wish to remove
03:31.59wiredshouldnt be too hard
03:32.27Arideniwired: you just talk from the perspective of your avatar instead of your real persona
03:32.43PairaduxI tried, Arideni
03:33.47ArideniPairadux: check the top-right of the calculator; there is a "lock/unlock" feature which may prevent you from changing the talents. Or click 'Reset' talents
03:40.58*** join/#wowwiki kd3 (
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03:43.10wiredsounds like fun
03:43.18wiredwish i did it before joining a normal server
04:11.46*** join/#wowwiki Arrowmaster (
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04:21.18Bagginswwdo we have a namespace for fanfic/fanfilms?
04:23.10wireddon't know
04:26.05*** join/#wowwiki abcdehe (
04:29.03[NewsBot]World of Raids: 2.3.2 PTR Notes updated, PTR Status, Patch 2.5, Daily Blue -
04:32.14Hobinheim:( buffer too long
04:32.21Hobinheimdid someone ping me in the last like 8 hours
04:32.39Hobinheimoh no it was DuTempete, right
04:32.55DuTempeteI was saying hello :P
04:33.09DuTempetehello, Hobinheim!
04:33.17DuTempetesorry to hear that :(
04:33.21Hobinheimyeah me too
04:33.32Hobinheimsupporting wow addons is virtually impossible during the week days
04:33.40Hobinheimi'm hoping to get some work done this weekend
04:34.27Hobinheimsoon, i keep telling myself. soon...
04:39.03DuTempeteI've finally finished my semester, so it's nice to be able to relax, talk to certain people, and goof around on the wiki again :)
04:39.25KirkburnWhich are these certain people?
04:39.38DuTempeteYou, of course, Kirky :)
04:40.02KirkburnYou needed to finish your semester for that? :P
04:40.48DuTempeteIf I answer that question, I fear I shall incriminate myself too soon...
04:42.55KirkburnWhatever could you mean!? :O
04:43.15DuTempeteI'll tell you on Saturday.
04:43.22KirkburnJust me?
04:47.44DuTempetewhat supplies?
04:49.10DuTempeteNo sleeping!
04:50.06Hobinheimzzz... must earn money... to pay for... Warlock membership fee.... zz.....
04:51.28DuTempeteDamn warlocks...
05:45.00PairaduxMiddle school track shotput, or olympic?
05:46.27DuTempetemen's olympic
05:46.33PairaduxOw. :<
05:47.45DuTempeteI'm really good at throwing shotput, too.
05:48.05PairaduxI'm ok at it, I pulled a muscle in my back 'cause I didn't stretch
05:48.16DuTempeteOr at least I was 9 years ago.
05:48.30PairaduxXD Why, how old're you?
05:48.58DuTempeteAsk Adys.
05:53.06[NewsBot]MMO Champion: 2.3.2 PTR Updates -
06:00.44PairaduxDuTempete, was that a joke?..
06:00.51PairaduxOh, no.
06:00.57PairaduxBut that would've been a good joke.
06:01.10DuTempeteYes, it was a joke.
06:01.23DuTempeteI refuse to tell anyone my age in IRC :P
06:01.26PairaduxAs in...Adys = Eighties?
06:01.31PairaduxXD Ok
06:01.38PairaduxThat's the first thing that popped into my head.
06:01.54DuTempeteNo, as in Adys has a rather interesting guess at my age. :P
06:03.11PairaduxYou can't guess my age! >:D
06:03.34Pairadux+ correctly
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07:20.41Niat_g'morning and stuff...
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09:00.10zealwell that's amusing. just now got 4-5 day old ww emails for talk page notifications.
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09:50.29Zealpcj, one of your scripts is giving off a syntax error, line 43.
09:50.42Zealbah, not even in here : /
10:02.30Zealand i've found the bug
10:03.15Zealyet i can't fix it becaue it's in his user js, yay : /
10:03.56Zealany admin want the pleasure of fixing it?
10:05.00ZealKirkburn|afk, kd3?
10:05.02DuTempeteBest to wait for pcj, Zeal.
10:05.37Zealwell considering the error has been there since last night, not a good way to handle his errors is it?
10:05.42DuTempeteChanging it might do something odd, and pcj is best suited to knowing how to fix his own code.
10:06.22Zealit won't do anything odd, he just made a mistake in his last edit. removed "if (questTooltips) {" by mistake.
10:06.44Zealso the left over "}" is causing an error
10:07.01Kirkburn|afklink, line?
10:07.01Zealright now, nothing works at all because of it.
10:07.38Zealput it in between line 31 and 32 on
10:07.56Zealyou can see his last edit (hell, evne jsut revert it) to see what he did.
10:08.31*** join/#wowwiki Norsken (
10:17.21Zealnow to figure out how to work aorudn the fact my script is loaded before his : /
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10:18.07*** join/#wowwiki Lopen|Home (
10:28.18Zeal</3 mediawiki's server-side caching.
10:28.41Zeal<3 Adys|sleep because he knows what i'm talking about too.
10:29.51Zealthat one lasted 7 mins, yay.
10:33.04*** mode/#wowwiki [+v Zeal] by Adys|sleep
10:33.35*** mode/#wowwiki [+vvv dok3Dal equirapt1r winkiller] by Adys|sleep
10:34.26Kirkburn|afkWhy dok3Dal? All he does is disconnect and reconnect :P
10:34.41Kirkburn|afkWay less often than he once did at least :)
10:34.42DuTempeteWhy Zeal?  All he does is bitch.
10:35.06DuTempeteping, Adys|sleep
10:35.08DuTempetewe're talking to you
10:35.14Adys|sleepblah blah bla
10:35.21Adys|sleepdok3Dal is french
10:35.22DuTempeteanswer us, you Frenchie bastard.
10:35.24Adys|sleephe gets a voice
10:35.25Adys|sleepend of it
10:36.05DuTempeteSo, Adys, did you actually sleep for 8 hours straight today?
10:36.09*** mode/#wowwiki [-v dok3Dal] by Kirkburn|afk
10:36.16*** mode/#wowwiki [-o Kirkburn|afk] by Adys|sleep
10:36.16Kirkburn|afkdok3Dal, Adys told me to
10:36.18*** mode/#wowwiki [+v dok3Dal] by Adys|sleep
10:36.31Adys|sleepDuTempete: nope but almost
10:36.35*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Kirkburn|afk] by ChanServ
10:36.43*** mode/#wowwiki [-o Adys|sleep] by Kirkburn|afk
10:36.47*** kick/#wowwiki [Adys|sleep!] by Kirkburn|afk (Kirkburn|afk)
10:36.48*** join/#wowwiki Adys|sleep (
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10:37.05Adys|sleepwhats the use of removing my op if you kick me?
10:37.14Kirkburn|afkFor teh giggles
10:37.15DuTempeteit amuses us.
10:37.38Kirkburn|afkWe're conspiring against you :P
10:39.03DuTempeteAdys|sleep you're no fun anymore :(
10:39.09DuTempeteDon't you like us?
10:39.10Adys|sleepIt is:
10:39.17Adys|sleep"Oh you're not funny anymore."
10:39.50DuTempeteBah, you'll always be funny, if only because you're French, Adys|sleep.
10:40.29Kirkburn|afkNo Zeal, the correct response was :)
10:40.58DuTempetethat frightens me, Adys...
10:41.06DuTempeteand I'm not sure Kirkyburn would approve...
10:41.52Adys|sleeptee hee easy qq :(
10:42.06DuTempetewho is the easy qq?
10:42.13Adys|sleepme :/
10:42.42DuTempeteWhy are you such an easy qq?
10:42.43ZealKirkyburn, the new baby murloc pet.
10:43.13DuTempeteMatters not to me, Zeal, as long as Kirkyburn is *my* pet :P
10:43.37Kirkburn|afkShe owns me :O
10:43.54Zealin many ways.
10:45.22Kirkburn|afkDuTempete, is it saturday yet?
10:45.43DuTempeteNo, Kirkyburn.  24 hours yet to go.
10:47.14dok3Dalwoot a +v thanks
10:47.23Adys|sleepsee? he talks
10:47.24dok3Daland no I am not *totally* afk
10:47.34DuTempeteomg, you're alive, dok3Dal?
10:47.37Kirkburn|afkBloody hell, is this the end of days?
10:47.54dok3Dalyes, still alive
10:48.48dok3Daland yes I am french
10:48.53Kirkburn|afkIf you'd answered that any other way, I would have been disturbed
10:48.57DuTempeteSorry to hear that, dok3Dal.
10:49.03Adys|sleepfuck you DuTempete
10:49.11Adys|sleepI got eye on you.
10:49.14DuTempeteno thanks, Adys|sleep
10:49.19Adys|sleepwhy not :('
10:50.18Kirkburn|afkFuck me, DuTempete?
10:51.10DuTempetebecause you aren't Kirkburn, Adys :P
10:51.18Adys|sleepyeah qq
10:51.27Adys|sleepwhats the difference? Im always |sleep
10:51.38Kirkburn|afkI'm always |afk, totally different
10:51.43DuTempeteDo you really want me to answer that, Adys?
10:52.01DuTempeteDidn't think so :P
10:52.13DuTempeteI still heart you, though. :)
10:52.33Kirkburn|afkAnd I still won't stomach you :)
10:52.52Kirkburn|afkCan I knee you though?
10:55.03Kirkburn|afkI'm listening to a song with the lyrics "hon-hon-hon, baguette, vous du fa-fa, vous do fa-fa-faaa-faaaa, hon-hon-hon", with stripy tshirts and bicycles
10:55.30Adys|sleep[11:54:45] <@Kirkburn|afk> I'm listening to a song with [...] stripy tshirts and bicycles
10:56.53Kirkburn|afkHey, you can't make fun of the fact I'm watching Flight of the Conchords
10:58.16Kirkburn|afkJus d'orange!
10:58.42Kirkburn|afkbonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour monsieur! Bonjour!
10:58.56*** part/#wowwiki sannse (n=me@wikimedia/
10:58.58Kirkburn|afkCa va? Ca va! Ca va? Ca va! Ca va!
10:59.10Adys|sleepAre you trying to flirt with me Kirkburn|afk.
10:59.32Kirkburn|afkWhat would you say if I was?
10:59.47Adys|sleepabout the same
11:00.13Adys|sleepPamblemousse is another word for boobs
11:00.19Adys|sleepPamplemousse even
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11:02.17Kirkburn|afk <-- Foux de fa fa!
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11:04.03Kirkburn|afkAdys|sleep, how representative is that video? :P
11:04.15Adys|sleepnot representative at all
11:05.53Kirkburn|afkI thought that was just like france :(
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11:12.11DuTempeteWait, Adys|sleep, France isn't really like that?!
11:12.39Adys|sleepdefine France
11:12.46DuTempeteI thought for sure at least the striped shirts and bicycles...
11:13.33Kirkburn|afkAnd the baguette obession...
11:13.40DuTempetewell, that too
11:13.52DuTempetedo you think they play them with their noses, too?
11:14.30Kirkburn|afkof course
11:15.06Kirkburn|afkI would
11:19.29Kirkburn|sleepAdys, find me something stereotypically British :) I'm sure it's out there ...
11:19.43Kirkburn|sleepPosh bastards that we are
11:29.05KalrothThat's so Kirkburn
11:29.26KalrothHay ther baby
11:29.35KalrothAre you sleeping with Kirky?!
11:29.45Adys|sleepNo I reserve myself for you
11:30.16Kalroth[11:57] <Adys|sleep> Are you trying to flirt with me Kirkburn|afk.
11:30.17Kalroth[12:12] <Kirkburn|afk> of course
11:30.20Kalroth[12:16] --- Kirkburn|afk is now known as Kirkburn|sleep
11:30.29KalrothNot taken out of context at all.
11:30.37Adys|sleepAt all.
11:32.38Zealhm.. just swallowed something sharp in my pie :s
11:33.08Adys|sleepyour knife?
11:33.15Kalroth[12:30] <Zeal> hm.. just swallowed something
11:33.19Zealno idea what
11:33.28KalrothOh, that was me. Sorry.
11:33.47KalrothWhat kind of pie?
11:33.58Adys|sleepMicrosoft Pie
11:34.13KalrothPi Pie?
11:41.05Zealminced aberdeen angus pie.
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12:58.51Niatdid i say hi? anyway, hi there! *g
13:07.09[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Breakfast Topic: Your favorite places in Azeroth... and beyond! -
13:07.38wiredno i said hi
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14:48.00Zealffs, notepadd++ can't take CR's or LF's in it's find/replace box : /
14:48.43[NewsBot]GamePolitics: Next Generation Summarizes Gaming’s “Year in Politics†-
14:51.10Zealand apparently mediawiki is selective about auto-preformat (eg. ignoring it when there's html on the same line)
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15:21.38wiredhi guys
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15:48.31Kaynot much,  u ?
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16:20.31wiredyou guys still there?
16:20.42wiredpeople always talk when i leave
16:20.54Arideninope, busy<-
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16:21.24wiredoh ok
16:21.49[NewsBot]mIRCStats for #wowwiki updated by pcj! Check out the stats at
16:22.19wiredsunwell trilogy rocks
16:22.26wiredi just read the hardcover edition
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16:31.40wiredarideni = davosyn?
16:36.49ArideniYes, how did you find that out?
16:37.25ArideniIt's an old char. name, but I became so accustomed to using it in WOW it stuck
16:42.47wiredi was reading recent changes a second ago
16:43.04wired3 days comes out the second comic
16:44.40ArideniSecond comic?
16:45.01wiredthe wow comic books
16:45.09wiredthe first one came out last month
16:45.53wiredcomes out in 5 days
16:46.11wiredthe first one rocked
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16:46.39Aridenioh I didn't know it came out so long ago. I'm still finishing off Sunwell Trilogy as I didn't even know the entire trilogy was completed. I've been in & out over the last year because of a car accident, so
16:47.04wiredoh, sorry to hear that
16:47.11ArideniI figured i would just wait until all 3 books were out, lol
16:47.18wiredi just got out of the military so i read alot now
16:47.33wiredhave you read all the novels?
16:47.35ArideniYeah and like an idiot, I bought it spur of the moment at Books A Million for 27$...on for 20.
16:47.48Aridenibut with shipping costs (it's semi-hefty!) who knows =/
16:47.55wiredim the same way, no worries
16:47.57ArideniNah. not yet
16:48.05wiredthe novels rock
16:48.14wiredyou should get the warcraft archives
16:48.27wiredits a huge book, has 4 stories in it
16:48.32ArideniI read a lot after my accident, but not Warcraft. Mostly biographies or books from thrift stores.
16:48.40wiredoh ok
16:48.49wiredi read starcraft books too
16:48.57wiredand alot of stephen king
16:48.59ArideniI looked at my collection of books once & noticed it's almost all biographies
16:50.21ArideniMy mom loves Stephen King, but I haven't really tried them. The movies always rock though
16:50.59ArideniWhat I read recently was mostly anything ranging from Seinfeld bio to John Gotti lol
16:51.16Arideniand then there was Clive Barker's Cabal...that was really great I thought.
16:51.46wiredi never really got into that
16:51.58wiredi like dan brown novels
16:52.09wiredi like government conspiracies
16:52.41ArideniI saw the book hardcover & jacket in a thrift store a year ago & just liked the way it looked (and who hasn't heard of clive barker?) so I picked it up for like 2$ or something. It just jumps right in the story & then it plays out just like a movie
16:52.56Arideninot predictable, but easy to relate to...despite how freakish it may get
16:53.33Aridenioh are you a Clancy reader?
16:53.47wiredi read rainbow six
16:53.56ArideniMy goal personally is to one day read Bram Stoker & as many of the james bond novels as possible
16:54.10wiredlet me rephrase im into government/religious conspiracies
16:54.24wiredmostly catholic church conspiracies
16:54.40Aridenilike a Primal Fear thing?
16:55.20wirednot like that
16:55.22wiredmore ancient
16:55.33wiredlike church cover ups
16:55.47wiredi also like to read about masonic conspiracies
16:56.28wiredif you're ever interested, read Angels & Demons
16:56.33Aridenioh Davinci code type stuff?
16:56.49wiredAngels & Demons is the prequel to davinci code
16:57.00ArideniI wasn't interested in the Da Vinci code as a movie or a book.
16:57.08wiredwhen i started reading, i honestly couldn't put it down
16:57.23wiredits way better than da vinci code
16:57.36wiredin fact, it has nothing to do with the da vinci code
16:57.44ArideniI wont' say the person who wrote them isn't a good writer, but I don't want to read controversial content like that.
16:58.00wiredpersonally i am a Catholic
16:58.05wiredi read it a fiction
16:58.09wirednot non fiction
17:00.42wiredyou play wow?
17:02.44ArideniMe? Not anymore, I haven't resub yet
17:03.00ArideniI regular the wowhead warrior forums
17:03.17wiredi dont play either
17:03.22wiredi really miss it though
17:03.23Arideniand...widdle away time while I wait to re enter the workforce
17:03.37wiredi work
17:03.46wiredmidnight to 8
17:03.52ArideniI can't go back to my old job because I have weight restrictions now (b/c of my back, etc.)
17:03.53wiredbut i like it
17:04.09wiredi know what its like
17:04.11ArideniI worked 2nd shift, so 2-4pm until 11pm
17:04.19wiredi was wounded in iraq the first time i went
17:04.26Aridenicome home, grab food, play wow until 5am go to sleep
17:04.29wiredtook shrapnel to my face and right arm
17:04.43Arideniwow, thank you for your service!
17:04.49wiredi appreciate it
17:05.13wiredever since getting out of the marines, ive had bad lower back problems, constant headaches
17:05.22wiredknees and ankles always hurt when i run
17:05.26ArideniIt's where I would be if I hadn't got my job in 04/05. I wasn't really headed anywhere & wasn't really able to go to school at that time
17:05.49wiredi dont have a college education
17:06.08wiredand these days no one cares that you served in the military, it doesnt get you anything
17:06.11ArideniHopefully the Dept. of Vocational Rehab is gonna send me back to school, but I pissed around for a month or two longer than should gotta be persistant with these people (and I wasn't at first)..I'll probably have to wait until Fall now as I'll miss spring semester
17:06.30wiredi also drink alot
17:06.55ArideniYeah, =( I didn't go & I guess how things turned out, I wasn't meant to go.
17:06.58wiredespecially when i played wow
17:07.05ArideniI don't drink alcohol
17:07.36ArideniI mean, =/ I just wasn't raised with it in the house, etc.
17:07.44ArideniMy mother was a hardcore cop
17:07.50wiredi used to joke around when i was drunk playing, i told people that drinking beer gives me +50 finger speed on the keyboard with a 5 min bio cooldown
17:07.58Aridenias was her stepdad (her real one a hardcore drunk)
17:08.18wiredmy parents drank
17:08.24wiredbut not alot
17:08.33wiredthey always had liquor and beer in the house
17:08.37wiredbut it usually just sat there
17:08.45wiredi learned to drink while in the marines
17:08.55Arideniyeah see we never had any of that in our family, as far back as my great great grandparents at least
17:09.00wiredbesides blowing stuff up, drinking is what we did well
17:09.20wiredmy wife's family doesnt drink
17:09.29wiredthey're hardcore Christians
17:09.38wiredthey believe its a sin to drink
17:09.59wiredso whenever im around them im courteous enough not to drink or talk about it
17:10.29ArideniThey had like an Army exercise day at one of the high schools I went to when I was younger. They had like this booth where you take an M16 & get to shoot targets, see how you aim. I got like 45-50% or something, I was somewhat proud as I really admire the military
17:10.53Arideniah, well personally we didn't grow up that strict...but I think that's probably the reason behind it ultimately
17:10.53wiredgood for you
17:11.07wiredmy parents were strict on me
17:11.20wiredwouldnt let me ride my bike on the next street over
17:11.29wirednever let me go to movies with my friends
17:11.43wiredthey got more lenient when i started dating in highschool
17:11.47wiredbut i still had restrictions
17:11.54wiredlike be home before 9pm
17:11.56wiredstuff like that
17:12.18ArideniWe live out in the rural areas of NC, so like we have 5 acres right now. My mother grew up at one point without a faucet in the house, her & her parents, etc. worked the fields Tobacco & cotten farming
17:12.19wiredbut now that i look at it, i think im a better person because of it
17:12.29wiredi live in nc
17:12.43Arideniso you know how it is then!
17:12.49wiredmy wife lived in the rural areas
17:12.54wiredtobacco, cotton
17:12.57wiredall that stuff
17:13.10wiredher family has a farm
17:13.13wiredim not from nc
17:13.17wiredim from albany ny
17:13.26wiredi met her down here when i was in the marines
17:13.35ArideniWe have cotten & peanut fields all around us where the forests aren't, anyway. Our backyard used to be the hog pen & we just took down the poles you tie 'em up on a couple years ago...they were hard to dig up
17:13.45wiredmy wife is from sanford nc
17:13.54ArideniI presume you live near Charlotte or Raleigh now
17:14.24wiredsanford is like 25 min south of cary, 40 min southwest of raleigh
17:14.32wiredwe live in wilmington nc
17:14.37wiredright by the beach
17:14.45ArideniI'm from Fayetteville my biological father was in the 82nd Airborne so we lived there at Ft. Bragg. The doctors said I was born under the "Stars & Stripes" (also proud of that lol)
17:15.06ArideniMy stepdad is currently living in Southport
17:15.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Enter to win a Dell WoW Edition notebook -
17:15.22wiredits been unusually warm down here
17:15.25wiredin the 80s
17:15.32Aridenibut we actually live on the land up a bit higher, about 2hr from raleigh...near Roanoke Rapid where the Randy Parton Theatre is
17:15.35wired2 days ago it reached 90
17:15.48wiredi know where that is
17:15.57ArideniLet me tell you, it's been gettin' warmer & less "Christmas-sy" every year for the last decade
17:15.59wiredchris daughtry is from roanoke rapids
17:16.13wiredi want snow
17:16.30wiredi called my mom yesterday, she told me there was a blizzard back home in albany
17:16.38wiredim so jealous
17:16.39ArideniWhen I was living in Raleigh in 2000, we got 2-3 feet of snow it was incredible. People were out on sleds or boards down the highway
17:16.59wiredi dont go to raleigh much
17:17.03wiredonly to go to concerts
17:17.05ArideniWe never got 3ft of snow over here, but it was cool back then.
17:17.15wiredmy wife loves country music
17:17.18ArideniAh, well, I have moved 27 times since I was little
17:17.34Aridenihaha Carolina Crossroads ftw
17:17.54ArideniI'm also somewhat proud of our moonshine heritage though I don't drink, =P they always confiscate some when they have concerts there
17:17.54wiredshe just bought front row tickets to keith urban and carrie underwood concert at the rbc center
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17:18.22wiredim trying to cut down on my drinking
17:18.42ArideniPeople be comin' up there with square boxes filled with actual mason jars, like something from the old dukes of hazard movies...but people a lot of them, they don't realize this is how things really were back then (and to a degree, still are)
17:18.59Aridenidukes of hazzard shows**
17:19.01wiredi drank beer from a mason jar
17:19.15wirednow thats redneck
17:19.31wiredthey sell mason jars at wal mart
17:20.08ArideniMy grandfather had a black muscle car when he was comin' along & he actually did transport moonshine. Stories like that are priceless & only get them from your family passed down
17:20.40wiredheck yes
17:20.40wiredi dont have any stories like that
17:20.40ArideniYeah, I worked at the Super Wal-Mart near I-95 exit at Roanoke
17:20.40wiredive seen that
17:20.59ArideniThe people who come in though, they're so "rushed" & ill-mannered, I don't know why =/
17:21.23wiredpeople are generally in a rush for everything, even if they're not late
17:21.25ArideniI go to other stores like the Wal-Mart in Greenville and people are so different
17:21.30wiredand people in general are just not nice
17:21.39wiredat least here in wilmington
17:21.41wiredgo up to ny
17:21.42ArideniPeople there aren't in a rush or jam packed trying to get out the door
17:21.50wiredpeople are so mean up north
17:21.52wiredits so sad
17:22.06ArideniI had some couples from NY come in my dept (furniture) before
17:22.27ArideniThey were all like "Oh, you're so nice wow, I can't believe everyone here is so helpful! back home they dont even look at you"
17:22.38wiredmy brother is a jerk
17:22.49wiredi cant get him to stay on the phone with me longer than 2 min
17:23.12ArideniI always smile & I always try to hold up the 8ft rule (if a person walks within 8ft of you, you offer them help)
17:23.20wiredi got to work on christmas :(
17:23.26Aridenilol I don't like using the phone either, but I can totally talk to strangers
17:23.47ArideniChristmas Day? the 25th is the only day our store would close the entire year
17:23.56Arideni24hr a day 364 days
17:23.58wiredim a security officer at the mall here in wilmington
17:24.23wiredim going to work overtime today
17:24.38wiredworking from 3pm to 11pm
17:24.42wiredi make decent
17:24.48wiredbut my wife she makes a killing
17:25.12wiredshe does less than i do
17:25.16wiredbut make a ton more
17:25.27ArideniYeah? As long as you both are satisfied^_^;' what's she do?
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17:25.42wiredshe does research on pharmeceutical products
17:25.59wiredwe are
17:26.03ArideniYeah I know somewhat about Mall security, it can harsh on you. After my mom retired from the police force she went into that for the Pinktertons
17:26.04wiredvery satifsfied
17:26.19wiredits not too bad for me
17:26.24wiredat night no one's there
17:26.29wiredits like a free paycheck
17:26.37wiredi sleep during the day
17:26.43wiredso i basically have no life
17:26.44Arideniyeah that was at least a decade ago though, she has like problems ala a spur or such in feet or leg pain
17:27.09ArideniYeah I feel a lot better at the end of my day if I am working in the daylight
17:27.12sacarascwired: you make it sound like sleeping during the day is a bad thing...
17:27.36wiredoh and the mysterious sacarasc comes alive
17:27.45sacarascplaying pokemon ;p
17:28.05wiredits ok to sleep during the day
17:28.15wiredbut sometimes i cant fall asleep
17:28.16ArideniYeah just doesn't feel right, though
17:28.26Arideniah I don't have a problem with that normally, haha
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17:28.34wiredi have my dog
17:28.39wiredshe likes to lay in bed with me
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17:29.09wiredim trying to figure out what to do on wowwiki
17:29.12Aridenihaha I have a couple, they will get up & put their darn head on the pillow
17:29.18wiredim so horrible at fixing pages
17:29.35wiredmy dog likes to put her head on my foot or leg
17:29.41ArideniI fix typos and stuff if I see one on a page, not much else crosses my path anymore.
17:30.11wiredi cant think of anything
17:30.17wiredi guess ill do that then
17:30.30wiredwhat type of race/class did you have in wow?
17:31.13Arideniseveral, the one I played last was a ne warrior
17:31.24wiredyou on a normal server?
17:31.29ArideniI mean pre-tbc I had 6 max levels, so =/
17:31.43Aridenithose are on Illidan (pvp server)
17:31.51wiredyou liked pvp?
17:32.20ArideniYeah, but not in essense battlegrounds, since it was hard for me to participate in big battles with my bad internet
17:32.28wiredoh ok
17:32.44wiredi had 1 toon
17:32.47wiredhuman priest
17:32.54wiredi loved it to death
17:33.30ArideniWorld pvp was always my forte, that's what everyone did originally, you know. Attacking TM with like all high levels, then moving your raid over to somewhere far Gadgetzan
17:33.30wiredthough now that i think about it, i wish i tried other classes, and i wish i was on a rp or pvp server
17:34.20ArideniI started with a couple friends we decided upon PVP server thinking it was more realistic..indeed, back then it really was. You were never aware of your surroundings, just trying to find that quest npc
17:34.37wirednow its different?
17:34.53ArideniMost players know what they're getting into on a pvp server I figure
17:35.13wiredi hear stv is a kill zone
17:35.49ArideniIn my experiences it's easy once you get where you're hubs are camped, but you can go out to regular places & kill mobs, etc. quest as normal
17:36.04ArideniPlayers always gravitate towards the little hunter or rebel camp
17:36.29wiredif i ever play again im going pvp server
17:36.44wiredi think i might go horde too
17:36.46Arideniif you can get your quest & get away from the general area, you don't really run into a lot of trouble at all
17:37.21wiredbut once you get to lvl 70 and continue on with quests, its not so bad huh?
17:38.31ArideniI remember my first character like level 3 going from the start zone for elves to the little town up the road...some big fat orc dude who had flashy things all over him (the weapon buffs) jumping around...stopped & /dance to me lol. Then he magically turned into a wolf and ran away! like a dozen ppl chasing him from the hilltops
17:39.01wiredbut since he was in an alliance zone, he couldn't attack you
17:39.09ArideniOh lol the very first thing I saw when the video ended was a naked female elf dancing in front of me, blowing a kiss.
17:39.25ArideniYeah I didn't know that at the time, I didn't even know what he was, I had only read about orcs & didn't know what the wolf thing was about
17:39.27wiredthose female elves are hott
17:39.44wiredso he was a shaman i take it
17:40.01wiredare you male or female
17:40.04wiredcant really tell
17:40.21ArideniYeah, well she was like giggling and crap & I was just fresh from Star Wars Galaxies (where men actually play male characters, lol) so I was in awe
17:40.22wiredmost likely female
17:40.41wiredoh man
17:40.44wiredyou have no idea
17:40.49wiredi hated that so much
17:40.56wiredwhere men play female toons
17:40.57ArideniTransexual toons?
17:41.02wiredi will never play a female
17:41.09Arideniyeah lol it's strange, it was a very hard concept to grasp at first
17:41.27wiredyou play male or female characters?
17:41.30ArideniNothing will teach you better than playing druid for 60 levs only to stare at a big ass bear butt the whole time, though
17:41.51Aridenibut it was a one-time choice, once you leveled up you either have to start over or keep going.
17:42.18wiredi liked my priest
17:42.26sacarascwired: why do you hate it so much?
17:42.28wiredi was shadow for a year and a halk
17:42.45wiredi recently went holy
17:42.58wiredi got sick and tired of fighting for gear with mages and lock
17:43.15wiredi tried holy out and i absolutely loved it
17:43.23ArideniPersonally, my warrior was female night elf, but if I went to do it over again I would in all likelihood pick a male
17:43.36ArideniHealing was so much fun
17:43.46wirednow the name arideni, is that a male or female name?
17:44.17ArideniDruids really didn't have many options at release, feral wasn't viable in any form at all. Most leveled as restoration from my experiences, including me
17:44.28wiredi dont care what anyone says, healers set the tempo for dungeons/raids
17:45.09ArideniFor sure
17:45.22wiredare druid healers just as good as priests
17:45.32wiredcause if i ever play again i want to try out a druid or shaman healer
17:46.03ArideniAbout my name, originally I picked the name Eridani because Antares was taken by a warlock on horde. It's some type of small, red star in a minor constellation that no one ever heard of in their life.
17:46.24ArideniI don't know about druids anymore, I quit my druid around like 1.4ish
17:46.31Aridenior 1.6 is probably more accurate
17:47.01ArideniI don't even remember the patch numbers, but it was before 1.8
17:47.12wiredwhen was the last time you played wow?
17:47.28Arideniso about, 3 or 4 months ago?
17:47.38Aridenifeels like a week ago, lol
17:48.24Arideniabout the name, though...I took the letters E and A from Eridani and rearranged them, so it's a madeup name really. Not male or female
17:48.28sacarasci started at 2.1
17:48.52sacarascor was it 2.0.12... around then anyway
17:48.53ArideniI thought it was befitting for my second character to resemble the first, for friends
17:49.30wiredoh ok
17:50.02wiredbut you personally are a male
17:51.03ArideniI don't pretend to be a female in the game or anything, I usually stay rather neutral
17:51.40ArideniIt's hard to engage in combat if you're RP'ing some prissy female elf or something, lol. Always gotta be lean 'n mean
17:52.03ArideniWired: check your PM
17:52.36wiredi did ty
17:52.57Arideni|lunchkk, bbl
18:11.17[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Playing chicken: A frank discussion of poultrification -
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18:42.43[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: WoW Insider Interviews Ed Fries -
18:42.47wiredhi people
18:46.08Teomyrwb wired!
18:48.43[NewsBot]GamePolitics: GP on Joystiq: Two Governors, Two Hypocrites -
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19:07.19[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Engineers having fun: Eject! Eject! -
19:07.38wiredoh sorry
19:07.40wiredwas afk
19:07.49wiredi gtg to work now though
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19:25.39[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 41842 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 11hrs 37mins 22secs.
19:28.42KuinKalavähä mie feilaan, ku on nii homo
19:32.57Taurmindothe jobqueue gets longer when people feddle with e.g. templates like {{loot}} and {{npcrace}}, right?
19:39.16[NewsBot]WoW Insider: The Care and Feeding of Warriors: Tanking knicknacks -
19:50.15[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 40769 doing ~0.3 job/s, done in approx. 1day 13hrs 44mins 56secs.
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19:58.50Zealshlow wiki is slow >_>
19:59.32sacarascor is it?
19:59.50Zealit is
20:01.34Zeali can even load pages
20:01.39Zealso dunno whats going on
20:01.45pcjlol b&
20:01.49Zealall toher sites fine, just ww.
20:09.45Zealwell that's fun, proxy worked, but i still can't get on.
20:10.33Zealfinally back, weird.
20:11.19[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Violet Eye ring exchanges at exalted only -
20:13.02Zealah now i get why, ajax lockup ftw.
20:15.35Zealhaha, replicatable, fun.
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20:24.26sacarascignore that :D
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20:59.29Zealffs.. mediawiki fails at lists : /
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21:00.46Zeallove how it also seems to incorretly assume <li>'s are inline elements
21:14.04zealhm.. the RIAA are now trying to say even if you own a CD, it's copyright violation to rip it to mp3 to use on your pc and other devices..
21:17.52sacarascheh, sucks for people who live in america ;p
21:17.57*** join/#wowwiki RaK- (
21:19.44foxlitzeal: link
21:22.41[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: Starcraft II Q&A - Batch 24 -
21:24.50foxlitI believe that's mainly about the placement of the word "unauthorized" in a document?
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21:25.53zealno? they're contradicting what they've rpeviously said, and trying to establish that it' na infringement, when in a previous case (and how the law is) it isn't.
21:26.35foxlits/they're/the blog post is saying they're/
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21:28.37[NewsBot]mIRCStats for #wowwiki updated by pcj! Check out the stats at
21:29.29zealbut i can honestly never make heads or tales or american legal documents, just a big jumble of original text and references to unlinked documents of the case poor readability.
21:32.35zealis this correct zeal day?
21:33.54zealok, and believe i see the issue in the document now
21:34.40zealthey are trying to say once the music on CDs are converted to another format, they become unathorized copies and show an intent to share.
21:34.44zealwhich is ofc, bs.
21:35.51zealimo, blogger got it right, but did need some more explanation and quotes to back it up tbh.
21:35.57foxlit"Once Defendant converted Plaintiffs’ recording into the compressed .mp3 format and they are in his shared folder, they are no longer the authorized copies distributed by Plaintiffs.  Moreover, Defendant had no authorization to distribute Plaintiffs’ copyrighted recordings from his KaZaA shared folder."
21:37.55foxlitIt's odd
21:37.58zealdepends how much weight they put on them being in the shared folder as the cause for that argument.
21:38.07foxlit"and" placement in particular
21:38.19foxlitKeep in mind that you do not need authorization to make certain kinds of copies
21:38.24zealbut to me, it just sounds like a backdoor to make a more borader statement.
21:39.17zealthats oddly a hard word for me to type :S
21:39.20zealanyways, gone now.
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21:50.31FoxbotThere are currently 0 queued operations.
21:52.11foxlitHm, probably going to do something evil
21:52.18foxlitAnd integrate ability infobox and abilitytip
21:55.15pcjDamn, that's evil
21:56.06pcjMaking it look like infobox or abilitytip?
21:56.56foxlitThe idea is that abilitytip becomes the transcludable portion of the page
21:57.05Gnarfozname my shaman :>
21:57.11pcjBecause _everyone_ transcludes abilities
21:57.16foxlitand infobox uses it rather than its own imitation of a tooltip
21:57.29laindirGnarfoz: Idropsticks
21:58.23foxlitpcj: that's the good part, I wouldn't be breaking anything :P
21:58.48[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 1847 doing ~0.7 job/s, done in approx. 43mins 58secs.
21:59.52FeardotrunLolol, I should go to fat camp.
21:59.59FeardotrunJust so people can be like, "Wtf? :<"
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22:31.33Bagginswwbtw has anyone noticed that during sometime during the last couple of patches that Aerie Peak is now green to alliance, rather than neutral?
22:32.11pcjwildhammer was removed in 2.0
22:32.20BagginswwI don't mean the faction
22:32.26BagginswwI meant the color of the npcs
22:32.40pcjnpcs were previously wildhammer-aligned
22:32.44Bagginswwafter the raction was removed they were still flagged neutral for awhile
22:32.51pcjidk then
22:33.14BagginswwI logged onto one of my characters that I had sleeping there, LOL and they are all gree now
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23:15.25sacarascGOOD NIGHT ZEAL
23:15.49sacarascsorry, when i get bored i become slighty... eccentric
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23:40.49Kirkburn|sleepTo all, do NOT go to that link, it is a phishing site
23:41.03Bagginswwok I've looked into this claim that Madoran Bronzebeard was the Bronzebeard brother's father... where does that originate from?
23:41.05BagginswwI can't find it int eh rpg
23:41.27BagginswwStrangely Brann never makes a connection to himself and Madoran.
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23:52.16Kirkburn|sleepBagginsww, no idea
23:52.33Bagginswwwell I've checked all the manuals for the games
23:52.53Bagginswwand the only reference to Madoran says his and Khardros statues were erected by his "sons"
23:52.57Bagginsww*their sons
23:53.01Bagginswwhardly specific
23:53.20Bagginswwso I'm going to start removing it
23:53.30foxlitThere's just one thing to do with phishing sites
23:53.34foxlitspam invalid submittals
23:54.21foxlitawesome iframe url, though
23:54.27BagginswwI think it might be safe tos ay he's an (ancestor), but that's about all
23:54.34foxlithaxs. ... /wowphish/index.html

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