IRC log for #wowwiki on 20070930

00:03.15*** join/#wowwiki Mero (
00:06.01Kirochiaw, Garm in trouble again
00:08.38Kirochireminds me of the good old days
00:09.02Kirochiwhen Xmuskrat would have traded his soul for a viable Rumored Races page
00:13.15piu"It's this mat, that you lay on the floor, and it has "conclusions" written on it, that you can "jump to"  !!
00:13.45piuoffice space on TV
00:40.38Fisker-I OWN YOU Kirkburn
00:45.01[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Glove enchants for the discerning Druid -
00:46.30Bagginswwyep garm is very strange
00:46.54Bagginswwhe acts like future race ideas is a page in order to convince blizzard to create race for a faction, :p
00:47.12Bagginswwthus if that means trying to discredit one side over the other :p
00:47.28Bagginswwdespite stuff blizzard has stated
00:47.37*** join/#wowwiki FIRE (
00:47.49FIREguys i have a question
00:48.23Fisker-no me
00:48.38piuwait what?
00:48.58piuwhat's up fire?
00:49.01DottedFisker- how many insane challenges have you done in peggle?
00:49.28Fisker-them all
00:50.25Fisker-This is lunacy
00:50.59Fisker-almost got 4000g :o
00:51.37Fisker-must... wait... for the G90 series
00:52.35Dotted[+Fisker-]: them all <- lies
00:53.30Fisker-although i used max hax
01:24.06FIREi need help with a quest
01:24.13FIREis that off topic?
01:24.26Kirkburn10th October, here we come Fisker- :P
01:24.30KirkburnFIRE, which quest?
01:24.35FIREmirror lake
01:25.00FIREno its like southwest of stormwind
01:25.00KirkburnOr is that Crystal Lake, I don't recall
01:25.14KirkburnWhat's up?
01:25.34FIREi know where it is but when i get there i cant find the exact place to fill bottle up
01:26.12FIREany1 got any ideas
01:29.57KirkburnLake above Forest's Edge on here I guess?
01:30.07KirkburnDon't know the quest or spot though
01:34.00BagginswwHmm kirkburn I think we should probably remove "dragonkin" from the future race ideas
01:34.08Bagginswwdue to game mechanic rules
01:34.21Bagginswwsure they could go the Undead Forsaken route and make them humanoid
01:34.27Bagginswwbut that's unlikely
01:36.41*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine (
01:37.11KirkburnSome could be made humanoid I do think
01:38.03LukianKirkburn, I agree
01:39.22Bagginswwbut that's diffferent than humanoid
01:39.31Bagginswwpretty much immune to alot of the thigns of normal humanoids
01:42.00KirkburnIs there's a removal section on dragonkin on the talk page?
01:43.35KirkburnWoot, now all use Ambox :)
01:43.53[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 12762 doing ~0.8 job/s, done in approx. 4hrs 25mins 52secs.
01:44.18FIREya guys those pictures were no help i already knew where to go but not EXACTLY where to go
01:47.11*** join/#wowwiki Mr_U (n=demetrio@unaffiliated/mru/x-000000001)
01:47.41piuwhat's the exact quest name
01:48.40Bagginswwkirkburn at times yes
01:49.05Bagginswwand we use the same arguement for "elementals" and other non humanoid races
01:49.06FIREmirror lake
01:49.23BagginswwI can see where garm was occusing people of being "hypocritical"
01:50.38piuyou found the waterfall at the lake?
01:53.14piu[[Quest:Mirror Lake]]
01:53.15[NewsBot]piu meant:
02:13.06FIREya i found it but when i get there and use the bottle it says "needs mirror lake falls" or something
02:13.49piudid you jump in the water and get right under it?
02:17.34FIREwhat do you mean by "right under it"
02:17.56piulike, jump in the water and stand right where the water is falling
02:18.04Kirkburnomfg, the things you find on the wiki -
02:18.18KirkburnI didn't even know we had this crap :/
02:19.02*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine_DC (
02:25.59Bagginswwgod garm is an idiot
02:26.17Bagginswwsorry excuse me for taking the lord's name in vain :p
02:26.28BagginswwHe's showing his true colors
02:26.37Bagginswwthat he's another one of those horde fanatics
02:27.35Bagginswwcan we please make the page a locked page, with admin edits after peer discussion? :p
02:27.52*** join/#wowwiki Gimliiii (i=rrtt@gateway/tor/x-ebe6a415f7744e96)
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02:33.11*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
02:33.13KirkburnOMG VOTE:
02:34.01piuvoting on voting? *head asplode*
02:36.42KirkburnIt's a deletion vote, at least :P
02:38.26FIREhey pui
02:38.40KirkburnI felt it would be a little extreme to use a vote vote to vote on the vote policy vote.
02:40.44*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine (
02:41.53FIREits a pretty wide space and i cnat find the right place this is really getting to me
02:42.14piuI haven't done the quest, my mage is gnome not human
02:42.31piubut usually these quests have a certain place you can stand to use the item
02:42.37piuin the photo on the quest page
02:42.44piu[[Quest:Mirror Lake]]
02:42.44[NewsBot]piu meant:
02:43.12piuon the far right, I see falls right by the rocks, you probably have to stand right there
02:43.28piuand right-click the flask item to fill it
02:43.47piuthat's about all I can say, only a guess anyways
02:45.33[NewsBot]WoW Insider: "There was nothing personal about it." - New WoTLK interview from 1Up -
03:00.54*** join/#wowwiki pcj_2 (n=pcjjenks@pdpc/supporter/active/pcj)
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03:13.57KirkburnToo wild for pcj, methinks
03:14.39*** join/#wowwiki Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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03:17.34[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 7711 doing ~0.7 job/s, done in approx. 3hrs 3mins 35secs.
03:18.39*** join/#wowwiki Flexom (
03:26.01*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn -> Chan rules: - UI questions: #wowi-lounge - No trolling/acc trading/emu serv talks, thanks || Press release! || Steam! || We are an official fan site! || 44,000!
03:27.54KirkburnA penchant for spikiness
03:28.07KirkburnDamn, I misread as fel orc
03:30.38Bagginswwwell I have no clue why it was in the half-orc article and it looks more like a troll, :p
03:31.28Bagginswwspecifically a witch doctor
03:34.05*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine (
03:46.17Kirkburn|sleepNight all
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04:26.19OlisonBibi: mind sharing your points->rating forumla with me? :>
04:26.34BibiLOL NO
04:26.45Bibi(Ctrl + U and steal the source code, like everyone else :p)
04:28.02[NewsBot]MMO Champion: More season 3 information, rating calculator update -
04:29.35Olisonah there it is :D
04:29.41Olisonok, /me steals
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04:59.29OlisonBibi: maybe you can help me out, im not familiar with js math, what does the ,10 mean here? parseInt(Math.log((1511.26/(1639.28*points/coeff))-(1/1639.28))/(-0.00412),10)
05:02.32Bibididn't code it
05:04.57*** join/#wowwiki Gimliiii12 (i=rrtt@gateway/tor/x-69b36ea5b2a958ae)
05:09.52Olisonk ;(
05:15.39*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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05:29.31*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine (
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05:53.29[NewsBot]World of Raids: Season 3 infos and Zul'Aman Preview -
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05:59.53*** join/#wowwiki twoshadetod (
06:23.17*** join/#wowwiki Guillotine (
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06:48.50Bagginswwooh teldrassil that doesn't look like a stupm
07:09.52*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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09:04.27*** join/#wowwiki Chompers (
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11:39.30[NewsBot]GamePolitics: Legal Blogs React to Jack Thompson’s Gay Porn Court Filing -
11:41.09*** join/#wowwiki harldephin (
12:05.33[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Breakfast Topic: The clothes you wish you could wear -
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13:41.33[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Patch 2.3: Let's play Gladiator Mix-n-match! -
13:58.58*** join/#wowwiki Kirochi (i=Kirochi@
13:59.10Kirochihello there
14:02.05KirochiI think this is the time for a new term to be introduced
14:05.33[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Around Azeroth: Above Garadar -
14:06.48KirochiWe have to distinguish Race and Species
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14:19.30[NewsBot]GamePolitics: Gamer Protests Mod Chip Raids, Gets Off-Topic Form Letter Back -
14:25.34*** join/#wowwiki [NewsBot] (i=NewsBot@unaffiliated/dotted/bot/newsbot)
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14:31.55TaurmindoThraeBot: char eu the venture co ithildess
14:31.58ThraeBotTaurmindo: Ithildess, Level 70 Undead Priest (14/0/47). 7781 HP; 7350 Mana; 138 mana regen; 28 mp5; 136 spell crit; 134 spell hit; 950 +spell dmg/heal; 183 frost dmg (1133); 338 shadow dmg (1288); 4.90% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 996 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Sep 30 10:47:17 2007 EST ]]
14:47.34*** join/#wowwiki piu (
14:53.28*** join/#wowwiki Foxbot (
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14:54.18foxlitDifferent core stack, just checking that things generally work
14:59.28KirochiKirkburn, betcha still haven't read my lecture
15:04.36KirkburnWe have Warcraft movie images?!?
15:04.53Kirochimerely one, methinks
15:05.10*** join/#wowwiki weasy (
15:05.18Kirochifrom the BlizzCon, supposedly
15:05.27KirkburnLooks pretty cool though
15:05.32KirkburnI missed that briefing ><
15:06.45Kirochiheh, looks like they had many meetings at the same time
15:16.13winkillerhow can I tell Foxbot to not process one item? and how do I add one?
15:20.33Taurmindoso, a messy tactic on a boss-page.. should it have stub/strategy + wikify banners?
15:21.23foxlitwinkiller: that is not the foxbot you're looking for.
15:21.55winkiller => or -> of
15:22.08winkillerso this one out of queue, and "of" in
15:22.34winkillerand it's been months since I used foxbot, I'm sorry :/
15:23.14foxlitThere is no real queue as such
15:23.28foxlitpcj just uses the template to generate a category which he then feeds to foxbot periodically
15:23.39foxlitIn that case, tag it for speedydelete (typo)
15:23.52*** join/#wowwiki WyriHaximus5th (
15:23.55foxlitOr move it to the correct page
15:24.10winkillerah ok
15:26.17piuwhat's a good average sinister strike for a level 70 rogue?
15:32.30*** join/#wowwiki Bibi` (
15:33.31*** join/#wowwiki Foxbot (
15:33.32*** mode/#wowwiki [+v Foxbot] by ChanServ
15:34.01foxlit!item Balanced Shadow Draenite, Blackrock Medallion, Blood of Amber, Cortello's Treasure
15:34.01FoxbotOkay, foxlit, queued Balanced Shadow Draenite, Blackrock Medallion, Blood of Amber, Cortello's Treasure.
15:34.34Lukianwaht's that do?
15:36.12foxlit!item Infused Shadow Draenite, Legion Missive, Magic Broom, Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Wonder
15:36.13FoxbotOkay, foxlit, queued Infused Shadow Draenite, Legion Missive, Magic Broom, Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Wonder.
15:36.28foxlitImports item pages to the wiki
15:36.55foxlitNew stub tags clash with item tooltips in safari
15:37.28foxlitAnd firefox.
15:37.46foxlitKirkburn: ping.
15:38.01AFKDuTempeteclash how?
15:38.25foxlitText gets superimposed on top of both of their backgrounds rather than wrapping
15:38.42AFKDuTempetetext from which?
15:39.16AFKDuTempeteI see no problems, foxlit
15:39.34*** join/#wowwiki Lukian (n=wizard@
15:39.39AFKDuTempeteI think your mac sucks.  Stop using it.
15:40.21KirkburnTooltip needs to be turned into a table, I think
15:41.04KirkburnIt's a div
15:41.04foxlitThe reverse, imo
15:41.21foxlitIt's also firefox in win32
15:41.34KirkburnYou want me to turn the stubs into div? >_>
15:42.35foxlitPerhaps not.
15:42.41foxlitI assumed they were divs as well
15:42.59KirkburnIt's worse on IE :P
15:43.07foxlitIE wraps, so it at least looks decent
15:43.14foxlitHover tooltips don't work on IE7, iirc
15:43.33KirkburnThey do
15:43.46foxlitDidn't Mikk fix this earlier?
15:43.51piuhow does the tooltip hover code find the tooltip portion of a page?
15:44.09foxlitAsk it :)
15:44.09KirkburnAsk pcj
15:44.15KirkburnMikk fix what?
15:44.48foxlitBands clashing with hovering elements
15:45.05KirkburnVia crazy code, yes
15:45.10KirkburnBut it shouldn't be needed
15:45.38foxlitIt's not rendering properly in virtually 100% of common user agents
15:45.56foxlitIE wraps, firefox and safari compromise readability.
15:47.02KirkburnThus my guidelines on WW:MOS
15:47.14KirkburnThey should be placed at the top of an article where possible
15:47.41foxlitThey referring to?
15:47.42KirkburnThe idea isn't for the stubs to be as wide as possible, they're supposed to be 80% width
15:47.51KirkburnArticle management tags, stubs, etc
15:48.51foxlitDoesn't really help with section-stubs
15:48.55KirkburnIndeed :P
15:49.28KirkburnTbh, for that article, the whole article is a stub, not just the source
15:50.23foxlitDoesn't really matter.
15:50.25KirkburnWhat could be possible is to have the main AM tag at the top, and have a smaller generic stub text to mark out the missing sections
15:51.11foxlitIt's much easier to fix am tag code to work anywhere, rather than moving text around to accomodate technical issues
15:52.15KirkburnThis is how article management tags are supposed to appear -
15:56.14KirkburnWhy am I not seeing the overlap on here?
15:58.56foxlitCause the table is not an ambox
16:04.15KirkburnSomewhat confusing, since it's now a problem, but I didn't actually change the design ...
16:05.35[NewsBot]WoW Insider: WoW Moviewatch: M A.G.E. -
16:08.22foxlitYour first table has a slight error
16:08.35foxlitstyle="...;width:80% ;"
16:09.05foxlitIf you do it that way, width gets ignored
16:09.14foxlitSo it just resizes the table sanely.
16:09.42foxlitIf width: 80%; is in there, div is forced to 80% of container width. Container in this case is the page, and 80% of that gets you right into the tooltip.
16:09.52foxlit(or, rather, the content div)
16:10.15*** join/#wowwiki ChiLLabiS (
16:10.40foxlitIn short, doesn't overlap because you made a slight typo
16:11.01foxlitIt also doesn't behave like you want to - divs take up 100% of available space rather than 80%.
16:17.02[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 2133 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 35mins 33secs.
16:18.06[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 4262 doing ~ job/s, done in approx. 0secs.
16:18.34Kirkburnfoxlit, I still say they should be page headers
16:18.48KirkburnAs per
16:19.29foxlitMoving those items into the page title itself would be more interesting
16:19.51KirkburnHow do you mean?
16:20.24foxlitTake a 32x32 icon for every state, and add it to the <h1>User:Kirkburn/Dev2<>
16:20.41*** join/#wowwiki Lukian (n=wizard@
16:20.43foxlitSort of like the wikipedia button
16:21.03KirkburnThe problem there is that it wouldn't be noticeable enough
16:21.31foxlitDoes it really need to be?
16:21.44foxlit(what's with the no-links links on )
16:23.10KirkburnPatches we don't have notes for
16:23.24KirkburnThey existed, but not for the US or EU
16:23.54Kirkburnhmm, actually, I should remove 2.2.1
16:24.38foxlitIt's a navbox.
16:25.20KirkburnI know, but they are patches that exist
16:25.28foxlitIt should either be a broken link, or it shouldn't be there at all, depending on whether we want to archive korean/chinese patchnotes
16:25.30*** join/#wowwiki simlan (
16:27.09KirkburnThey wouldn't be in english :P
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16:29.15KirkburnGive a man a fish and he'll eat it for lunch. Teach a man to fish, and he'll destroy your ecosystem.
16:41.42AFKDuTempeteAnywho, really afk, now.  Moving to laptop in the living room, and I'm too lazy to log into IRC, there.
16:42.09AFKDuTempetePlus, I have work to do, and you people are a horrible distraction. :P
16:42.15AFKDuTempete<insert dog smiley> Kirkburn.
16:42.32Kirkburn!jobqueue, AFKDuTempete
16:42.43KirkburnAlso, woof
16:42.53[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 3429 doing ~1 job/s, done in approx. 57mins 9secs.
16:45.57KirkburnIt takes sooooo loooong
17:06.09*** join/#wowwiki Dotted (i=Dotted@pdpc/supporter/student/dotted)
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17:31.36[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 2314 doing ~0.6 job/s, done in approx. 1hr 4mins 16secs.
17:37.46LukianThis is madness!
17:41.41Sky2042wtf. they removed detect magic
17:41.43Sky2042i r sad
17:43.23*** join/#wowwiki _dok3Dal (
17:45.51Lukianyeah I saw that a few days ago
17:46.14Lukianblizz are like , ok you can take all warlocks with you now
17:46.44Sky2042lol, nah. i actually used it to mark shep
17:46.56Lukianoh nice
17:48.31Sky2042or i sometimes used it as a hunter's mark
17:48.42Lukianbeing immune to daze effects in skettis is sooo good :D
17:50.28*** join/#wowwiki Jiyambi (
17:50.45Jiyambihullo people
17:56.38JiyambiSky did you see Clyde Jr.'s suggestion in the village pump?
17:58.00Bibi`you be here ?
17:58.03*** mode/#wowwiki [+v Bibi] by ChanServ
17:58.08Sky2042i did, and his suggestion is good, but I can't condone Cynra's. the way wikipedia does their projects makes me sick. xD
17:59.13JiyambiWell, I would agree there, though we could steal elements of it
17:59.24Jiyambithey also just have a billion more projects than we would :P
17:59.53JiyambiI think a category page is a possible solution though, it would make the list easy to keep updated
18:00.20Bibibah Fisker- is no be here :(
18:00.23Bibiand Adys|sleep either :(
18:00.28Bibii've got no friends !
18:02.21Sky2042bibi: fisker- is in #wowhead
18:02.38Sky2042well, i killed him there, so he might not be, but oh well.
18:09.11JiyambiSky2042: any ideas on how we could create a project page?
18:11.34*** join/#wowwiki piu (
18:13.44JiyambiYou talking about the to do in the community portal, or the category to do?
18:16.47JiyambiHmmm, I don't see why we couldn't either A: create a subcategory for projects or B: just add projects to the To Do category themselves. I think I favor the subcategory, but I am seeing if any of the pages there already serve this purpose
18:24.24Sky2042coll of week?
18:26.30Jiyambi[[WoWWiki:Community Portal/Collaborations/COTW]]
18:26.31[NewsBot]Jiyambi meant:
18:27.13Jiyambihasn't been updated in over a year....
18:27.42piurename to collaboration of the year!
18:28.14JiyambiThe info on the page is still useful, perhaps it could be added to the project page if we get it up and running
18:28.44piuyeah, speaking of projects
18:29.28*** join/#wowwiki Epistaxis (
18:29.53Sky2042jiyambi: hmm
18:30.09Sky2042i can prolly fiddle with all of this.
18:30.26piuanyone have ideas on a centralized "project" area?
18:30.39piuor is that what you're talking about now and I just logged in mid-convo
18:30.54Sky2042piu: yup
18:31.08piuwell, I support the idea if it means anything
18:31.14JiyambiWe were thinking perhaps as a subcategory of the to do category, or maybe just making projects categorized under to do....
18:31.26piuI know about DT's warlock project only because I saw it on the VP long ago
18:31.35Sky2042jiyambi: could prolly just get rid of that page and move WoWWiki:CP/Collaborations to WoWWiki:Wikiprojects or something like that
18:32.35JiyambiHmmm, why not just WoWWiki:Projects?
18:33.02Jiyambidid your chat put a smiley in the middle of that? cause mine did.....
18:33.16piunot mine
18:33.37piuWowwiki <colon> Projects
18:33.48[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 1542 doing ~0.5 job/s, done in approx. 51mins 24secs.
18:33.52Jiyambiokay good *glares at pidgin*
18:34.28Sky2042Jiyambi: lol, no, mine didn't either. you could use ww:projects if you want to.
18:34.37Sky2042wikiprojects or proects, no matter
18:35.00Jiyambiokies, I personally would just prefer "projects" to "wikiprojets", since it is simpler
18:35.27piu[[WoWWiki:Projects]] for the general project guidelines?
18:35.27[NewsBot]piu meant:
18:35.53Sky2042the list also, i think
18:35.59piuindividual projects called [[WoWWiki:Project Mage]] ?
18:36.42JiyambiThe list could be in category form, I think that would be easiest for updating purposes
18:36.51Sky2042piu: ew!
18:37.11piuyou probably want: [[WoWWiki:Mage Project]]
18:37.25JiyambiDo the individual projects need to be in the WoWWiki namespace?
18:37.26Sky2042Mage project, maybe
18:37.31Sky2042Jiyambi: yes
18:37.37piuwell, wikipedia uses WikiProject
18:37.38Sky2042they aren't part of the content
18:37.50piuand all projects follow WikiProject X
18:37.56Sky2042piu: yes, but that's what i hate.
18:38.13piuit offends your delicate sensibilities?
18:38.14Kirkburn|afkCareful about making too many pages
18:38.44KirkburnOne page would probably be enough, tbh, with the talk page working out the details
18:38.53piuI have several projects I'd like to start and/or contribute
18:38.56Sky2042ty kirkburn
18:39.16JiyambiHmmmm, It seems it could get very cluttered if there are not serparate pages for each project though....
18:39.31Jiyambium serperate = separate
18:39.33KirkburnBest to start small, I reckon
18:39.35piuYeah, you kinda need a seperate page for each project
18:39.42KirkburnWe don't know how popular it'd be until it's started
18:39.55Sky2042ww:proj/name, maybe
18:39.57piuwith deletion criteria if it is created but left stagnant for too long
18:40.01KirkburnIf you make too much at once, it doesn't get used
18:40.32JiyambiTrue.... Okay some projects are simple anyways. How about, if it's a more complicated project it gets a separate page, and a summary on the main page with a link.
18:40.43JiyambiBut most are just described on the main page
18:40.50JiyambiI'm good with that
18:40.54Kirkburne.g. the darktable project doesn't need it's own page
18:41.10piusomething like a Lore Project might get it's own page, that's a huge cross-section of the wiki
18:41.25KirkburnIt could replace the Community Portal, tbh
18:41.45Jiyambihmmmm, i dunno - It could definitely have a link there at least
18:41.57Sky2042Kirkburn: com-p needs redoing with css colors :|
18:42.04KirkburnIt sure does
18:42.22KirkburnNeeds a complete revamp, really
18:42.29KirkburnIt's been on my todo for aages
18:42.37KirkburnI'll try and take a look at it soon
18:43.00Kirkburnpart of the reason is all the subpages :/
18:43.46Jiyambioy, my boyfriend is cleaning house and its making me feel guilty, i better go help out
18:43.58JiyambiI will talk to you people laters :)
18:44.18Kirkburntoodles :)
18:44.30Sky2042_afki must also be leaving thee
18:44.34KirkburnIt is a woman's job, after all :P
18:44.39piuanything related to starting up proper projects probably needs a pass on the village pump
18:44.42Sky2042_afkthat was harsh!
18:45.17KirkburnPC should arrive 2moro
18:45.49Bagginswwgg it annoys me to no end how garm keep son adding thigns or changing things in future race ideas without any consensus being formed in the talk pages
18:45.54Bagginswwlike he is the one man consensus
18:47.14Sky2042_afkkirkburn: if it isn't alread ythere, could we get something like "no fanfic" for ww:fa?
18:47.37KirkburnAdd it :)
18:47.56Sky2042_afkmk... will do
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18:49.06KirkburnI had been meaning to do it
18:49.38Sky2042_afki'll go do it when i get home, prolly
18:50.42KirkburnHey Teo
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18:53.46Bagginswwno one ever reads the heading of future race ideas or follows it :p
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19:00.24BagginswwI'd like to add a new caveate to it, if you don't follow these rules you will be warned, if you continue to not follow it you will be given a suspension :p
19:01.16Bagginswwwe already have the not as blunt warning about it things should not be allowed to become a battleground of clashing ideas.
19:01.19Bagginswwin reference to edit wars
19:02.26[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 330 doing ~0.4 job/s, done in approx. 13mins 45secs.
19:03.10Fisker-almost 1337
19:03.15Fisker-btw i hate you Kirkburn
19:04.18KirkburnBagginsww, I have an idea to help with that
19:04.33KirkburnJust going shopping now, but will look when I'm back
19:06.15BagginswwI'm going to add one minor addition to the intro, still on the non-blunt side
19:09.37[NewsBot]WoW Insider: WoR previews Zul'Aman -
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19:10.00Fisker-we need a filter on WoR, Wolrdofraids etc.
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19:17.24Dottedownt Fisker-
19:18.32Bagginswwa few changes
19:20.23Fisker-TF2 tiem
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19:45.13Bagginswwi made a few more changes kirkburn, your welcome to modify it or implement whatever your idea was instead if you think it will work better.
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19:52.10KirkburnMuch fun :P
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19:58.10Fisker-oh hi Kirkburn
20:00.07Bibioh I see, Fisker- will talk to ops but not to me
20:00.18Bagginswwso kirkburn can I give garm and sandwichman a warning for the edit war they commited earlier... At least to be unbiased :p
20:00.36Bibi[21:07:26] <Fisker-> we need a filter on WoR, Wolrdofraids etc.
20:00.46BibiGot a funny story about WoR today. :D
20:00.51Bagginswwalthough to be honest I feel sandwich and others who edited were fair
20:01.06*** join/#wowwiki espai (i=a@unaffiliated/spychalski)
20:01.14BibiIt seems that the same IP was used to register 3 accounts to advertise worldofraids/try to create a drama with curse/say that my site sucks.
20:01.24BibiOf course, we don't know whose ip it is.
20:01.57Fisker-was it from france? :P
20:02.00Bagginswwas garm was ignorning olicy we mentioned in the race ideas intro.
20:02.04Bagginsww:the policy
20:02.14BibiFisker- : yes !
20:02.31Fisker-What a surprise!
20:02.39Fisker-I think it was you!
20:02.56Bibinot my provider
20:02.58Fisker-You did it for the insurance money
20:03.02BibiI know a webmaster with this provider though.
20:03.41Fisker-Admit it!
20:03.46Fisker-You did it for the insurance
20:05.07Fisker-gonna sleep now though
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20:45.11KirkburnBagginsww, pour toi -
20:45.41KirkburnAdded to both rumoured races things
20:46.33BagginswwI warned sandwhich too, just to be fair
20:47.52Bagginswwalthough Garm has two points to be warned against :p
20:50.24pcjAdded a more technical way to disable the tooltips which seems to at least work
20:52.42Bagginswwkirkburn we should leave the WW: and WoWWiki: headings for only official stuff?
20:52.57BagginswwI mean policy
20:53.22KirkburnDon't bite the noobs is referred to by policy
20:53.32KirkburnWhereas the rumoured races concerns a specific article
20:53.40KirkburnNice and unclear :P
20:53.40Bagginswwok that makes sense
20:53.50Bagginswwwe may have to explain that somwhere :p
20:54.23KirkburnIf it was made more "official" then I would suggest it for the WW namespace
20:58.04[NewsBot]Dark Legacy: #110:Escort -
20:59.41Fisker-any noobs here?
20:59.43Fisker-I wanna bite them
21:04.19foxlitthat page breaks scrolling
21:04.52KeolahOoh, ooh, bite me! Bite me!
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21:07.40muleshlooking for help with a fauxdropdown scrolling frame
21:08.59KeolahLFG for BBQ from KFC? :)
21:10.12pcjtank lfg bbq
21:11.01AdysBibi: did you call me?
21:11.36Bagginswwwhat's the crossout command?
21:12.21piuI think
21:17.37[NewsBot]WoW Insider: Kael'thas bugged, hotfix not incoming -
21:19.51KirkburnUpdated intro on
21:21.08PolarinaDoes any item that can fit into the keyring have a durability count?
21:25.39Fisker-i cannot sleep Bibi
21:25.41Fisker-your fault
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21:56.14[NewsBot]mIRCStats for #wowwiki updated by pcj! Check out the stats at
22:04.41Bagginswwthe link on that manual site seems to be down
22:04.55bleeterBagginsww: what do you reckon the chances of getting a and are?
22:04.58Bagginswwalso is tehre a pdf for TBC manual?
22:05.13BagginswwLOL, not very likely?
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22:15.55[NewsBot]BlizzPlanet: IGN - World of Warcraft Collectibles Preview -
22:16.11bleeterBagginsww: ok, well how about
22:16.32Bagginswwas an addition to How not to bite the noob
22:17.22bleetermore the flip side of that article
22:18.21bleeterif there even is such a beast.. I can't find it.. meh
22:28.27Bagginswwso ya did you know reincarnation exists in warcraft/
22:28.40Bagginswwand iit can turn someone into some other race LOL
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23:13.45KirkburnSky2042_afk, others - Community Portal revamp in progress - ... edit as you wish!
23:16.49piushould we start up a wowwiki projects proposal somewhere?
23:16.59piulike say at WoWWiki:Projects
23:19.57Kirkburncan do
23:20.15piuprojects might be the best way to get new visitors involved editing
23:20.36piuthey can jump right to a project where they have interest or expertise
23:20.58piurather than nebulous "fix stubs" or other stuff up there
23:23.32[NewsBot]The job queue length is currently 3445 doing ~0.2 job/s, done in approx. 4hrs 47mins 5secs.
23:27.30piuany theory crafters around?
23:27.45piuread [[Resilience]] and tell me if I'm off my rocker
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23:36.02bleeterpiu: do I have to read that before saying you're off you're rocker? :(
23:36.37piuI could be off my rocker anyways, but does the article make it more or less evident
23:37.20foxlitWasn't the way crit damage increasing mechanics and resilience interact changed in 2.2?
23:37.46foxliti.e. you no longer lose double the crit damage due to pre-coefficient application?
23:38.07foxlit"Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage."
23:38.36piunot sure how to interpret that
23:39.27piumy equation is based on my own interpretation of the effect, does that patch change it?
23:41.12foxlitMaybe not
23:41.40foxlitCheck if the values you predict match what you get on live realms?
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23:41.52piuaccount expired (!!)
23:42.12piulooking now for anyone else who has tested and posted
23:51.10Bagginswwkirkburn we should have a fancy intro for the future race ideas talk page
23:51.44Bagginswwbasically same kind of thing but, "how to submit an idea" information in the talk page
23:52.00Bagginswwand the warning not to edit the main page
23:54.02*** part/#wowwiki mulesh (n=mulesh@
23:54.07KirkburnSomething very similar to the front page intro might work

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