IRC log for #wowwiki on 20070329

00:11.40Kirkburn|afkHey clad
00:11.49Kirkburn|afkDon't think any of them are on atm
00:11.59cladhairei really want to get in touch with one of them
00:12.03cladhairemake sure i'm not causing any problems.
00:12.13cladhairecause i've run into a few issues, and I'm trying to work them out.
00:12.19Kirkburn|afkBtw, see the end of ... Sheer awesomeness abounds!
00:12.45Kirkburn|afkGimme a sec, I'll see what I can find
00:13.16cladhairelol nice =)
00:13.26Kirkburn|afkHmm, now seeing recognisable names on the Wowhead article's history
00:13.51Kirkburn|afkI know they appear on here from time to time, but I can't recall who atm :(
00:14.05cladhaireits only 60 megs or so.. but I pull it in a matter of 15 minutes or so
00:14.06ShirikKirkburn|afk do you have a moment?
00:14.35Shirikyou know Lua right?
00:14.37Kirkburn|afkcladhaire, whatcha talking about?
00:14.44Kirkburn|afkHah. No, not really.
00:14.55Kirkburn|afkcladhaire does :)
00:15.02ShirikYeah but cladhaire's busy
00:15.10Kirkburn|afkThere's #wowi-lounge
00:15.16Kirkburn|afkAnd #wowace
00:15.16ShirikYeah but it's really a wowwiki topic
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00:15.21Kirkburn|afkOh how so?
00:15.23Shirikit's regarding one of the pages
00:15.34Shirikthe portion I wrote about "Variables"
00:15.41Shirikor rather, my contention with that section being there
00:16.10ShirikI really just wanted to know if what I was saying was justified
00:16.21Kirkburn|afkMention to the people on #wowi-lounge - they often use WoWWiki and should be able to give feedback
00:16.53Kirkburn|afkUnless you already did, in which case they're useless :P
00:16.55cladhaireThat section is really poorly written
00:17.05cladhaireShirik: Don't delete it, just rewrite it, and explain scope.
00:17.25ShirikBut see it's in a section called "quirks"
00:17.31Shirikand I fail to see why scope would be considered a "quirk"
00:17.36Shirikreally, it's a feature
00:17.59cladhaireso explain it, saying "This isn't a quirk of the language, but the scoping rules of Lua may be different than what you're used to"
00:18.07cladhaireanything that's different from what people expect, is a quirk
00:18.14Shirikhm ok
00:18.16cladhairebut clarification is necessary
00:18.24cladhaireYou can even make a new Lua_Scoping page,and link to it.
00:18.31Shirikwell what he _had_ written was just completely wrong; I touched it up a little
00:18.45Shirikthe code block a little further down is what he had
00:18.51Shirikwhich has comments on the code that just aren't true
00:18.51cladhaireget rid of everythign there
00:18.57cladhaireand re-write it from a new perspective.
00:19.02cladhairewhoever wrote that, was wrong, plain and simple =)
00:19.24ShirikI think I'll take your idea of making a scope page and link to it
00:31.01*** join/#wowwiki Skosiris (
00:42.55Kirkburn|afkI've turned WW:SIG into a guideline
00:59.41Kirkburn|afkSkosiris, you're with Wowhead are you not? I've forgetful
01:00.38cladhaireI thought it started with an S, heh
01:00.41Kirkburn|afk(Took me half an hour to look at the name, erk)
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02:06.39Kirkburn|afkAnother Hero Classes rumour -
02:06.55cladhaireSkosiris: ping ;-)
02:09.56Karrius"bringer of pain" ?
02:10.14KarriusAlso, I doubt that they'd give warlocks the name that's also shared by ad emon
02:10.25Karrius"Shady Thief"... heh
02:11.33KarriusFake. Not even a particularly well-written fake.
02:12.30Kirkburn|afkAwesome CAD comic today -  (the cast -
02:33.29*** join/#wowwiki pomke (n=pomke@unaffiliated/pomke)
02:33.29pomkeis this the channel for addon questions or is that the lounge?
02:33.30pomkenm *reads topic*
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02:48.57LadySerenamy mom just hit 140k total HKs
02:50.34Kirkburn|afkLol, grats at her!
02:53.12*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn|afk -> Discuss all wiki issues here! Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign:
02:55.09*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn|afk -> Discuss WoWWiki issues here! Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign:
02:57.46*** join/#wowwiki Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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04:11.42*** join/#wowwiki Kirkburn (
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05:45.18LadySerenaholy crap .... Ruins of Jubuwal ..... wiped them all out in 5 minutes
05:46.07Hobinheimwell we won't know unless we see the innards of the wiki...
05:46.10Hobinheimbut we can't so we won't
05:46.37KirkburnHobinheim, no my point is - I can't get it to occur and it seems no-one can
05:46.50KirkburnAnd afaik there's absolutely no reason for it to happen
05:47.06KirkburnThe Sidebar has been changed many times before without trouble :/
05:50.54LadySerenalittle 42 belf lick-lock .... can wipe out Ruins of Jubuwal in 5-10 minutes  :D
05:51.18ShirikStupid question because I sux at wiki syntax
05:51.22Shirikhow do I make a numbered list ><
05:51.41Shirikor should I just do :1. :2. etc
05:55.15Kirkburnetc, etc
05:55.37Shirikthank you <3
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08:31.46*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn -> Discuss WoWWiki issues here! Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign: | 2.0.12 now on the PTR!
08:39.49KirkburnZomg, patch notezors on teh wiki!
08:41.09*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn -> Discuss WoWWiki issues here! Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign: | 2.0.12 now on the PTR! Notes:
08:41.19*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn -> Discuss WoWWiki issues here! Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign: | 2.0.12 now on the PTR! Patch notes:
08:48.03*** topic/#wowwiki by Kirkburn -> Channel info: | RC list: | UI questions? Join #wowi-lounge | Main Page redesign: | 2.0.12 now on the PTR! Patch notes:
08:48.15Kirkburnzomg, topic spam
08:48.27ShirikKirkburn ftl
08:48.55KirkburnFor that shocking insult you must make a cool sig to make up for it
08:49.15ShirikI'm not creative enough to do that
08:49.28ShirikI made you a nice article that you don't understand though :D
08:51.45KirkburnLua Scope, aha
08:51.58Shirikthe article we talked about earlier
08:52.01Shirikthat clad|sleep recommended
08:52.37KirkburnI saw
08:52.48ShirikMy first real article :D I'm excited
08:52.55Shirik(new article)
08:53.13KirkburnI wonder when I made my first /new/ article
08:53.23Shirikhow far back does your contribs go?
08:53.46Kirkburn29 May 2006 iirc
08:53.55Kirkburn26th possibly
08:55.20ShirikI meant
08:55.26Shirikso like there's no limit on how far you can look back
08:55.31Kirkburnnope, no limit
08:55.34Shirikit's not like purged after 3 months or something
08:55.43KirkburnExcept possibly the sky
08:58.07KirkburnI think my deletion/upload/etc logs are probably about as long as my list of edits. I'm over 10,000 edits.
08:58.45KirkburnMy last 500 logs entries only goes back to March 7th
08:58.53ShirikI have 43 edits
08:59.01Shirikand most are on talk pages ><
08:59.05KirkburnDarn, my contribs go back to March 24th :P
08:59.23KirkburnI must have been slacking with my deletions recently
08:59.36Shirikdeletion spree!
09:18.25Shirikyou did go on a deletion spree
09:30.37Shirikkirkburn you wanna help me for a sec?
09:30.59Shirik:( he died
09:34.18Shirikam I going crazy
09:34.22Shirikor can you not edit this page:
09:34.43ShirikI want to vote, but I hit edit and the edit box starts in the middle of the page :/
09:34.44KirkburnI can
09:34.54Shiriklike in the middle of the vote
09:35.03KirkburnWhat browser?
09:35.25Shirikit starts with this: {{delete/talk|This page is empty, and not likely to be a source of redirects.}}
09:35.29Shirikis that where it's supposed to start?
09:37.11KirkburnSilly wikipedia-type people
09:37.18KirkburnShould have just been flagged speedydelete
09:37.26KirkburnAnd people should also try and READ the deletion guidelines
09:37.33Shirikwell there you go :P
09:37.34ShirikI helped
09:37.52ShirikGogo deletion spree!
09:50.18bleeterif I could ever be bothered, I could be such a pain in the arse .. ;)
09:54.00KirkburnUnused images is down to 77!
09:54.10KirkburnAbout two weeks ago it was on about 1500
09:54.32Shirikout of curiosity
09:54.35Shirikif you have a list of them
09:54.39Shirikwhy don't you just write a bot to do it?
09:54.58KirkburnTo do what?
09:55.04Shirikdelete them?
09:55.12KirkburnThey're not for deletion
09:55.22Shirikoh? what are you doing with them?
09:55.27Shirikfinding places to put them?
09:55.29*** join/#wowwiki Adys (
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09:55.33KirkburnYeah, pretty much
09:55.35KirkburnHey Adys
09:55.37AdysNice work on ww sig :)
09:55.43Adysand hey
09:55.53KirkburnWhy thankyou
09:55.57bleeterheya sady
09:59.53Kirkburnsancus, vlad_, either of you got a moment?
10:08.58AdysBy the way
10:09.18AdysI think we should delete all item articles that only contain a stub and/or a category, without any info
10:09.29Adyssince KasoBot would automatically take care of it
10:13.09KirkburnSo do I
10:13.40KirkburnThat would require me to make Kasobot as admin of course
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10:18.27AdysI dont see the need?
10:19.20KirkburnHow would it delete them?
10:21.03Shirikwhat happened to
10:21.27AdysKirk: We can take care of this :P
10:21.35AdysShirik: sounds like an image has been uploaded
10:22.02Shirikthat breaks it or something? :/
10:22.12Adys"big" images do that
10:23.58Adysor maybe mikkbot having probs
10:24.51AdysNo clue wth is going on
10:25.05Adysit seems to have broke as of a certain upload
10:25.19ShirikJust do what I do when my web server goes down
10:25.38ShirikSit back, drink a coke, and when it comes back, broadcast to everyone "Hey guys I fixed it"
10:25.43Shirikand then everyone praises you
10:26.34Adysthis is the
10:26.36Adyswhat the heck
10:29.57Shirikdon't know what to say man, sorry
10:30.04ShirikI made your life miserable now didn't I :(
10:31.02AdysI think I found out what was fucked up
10:31.03AdysWARNING: This page is 675 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections.
10:31.07Shirik.. wow
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10:34.11KirkburnAdys, that icon page seemed to miss a few
10:34.20Adyshow you mean?
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10:34.32KirkburnThere are still some icons on Unusedimages
10:34.37AdysIll check that
10:34.39Adysgimmeh a sec
10:34.52Adystemplate:talk and template:app already support {{{1}}}
10:34.57Adysso template:app is useless
10:39.38Adysthe shortblades
10:39.43Adysyes, they are incorrectly named
10:39.48AdysIll take care of this
10:40.26KirkburnI guess I'll start adding the icon-s to my Unusedimg page
10:41.03Adysill delete them once i renamed them
10:41.09Adysas for the two statues
10:41.12KirkburnRenamed them?
10:41.14Adysthey are incorrectly named too
10:41.24KirkburnI'm talking abotu Zeal's things
10:41.26AdysYes, instead of ShortBlade it should be Shortblade
10:45.01AdysOh kirk
10:45.15Adyscheck out
10:45.20Adysthe external links thing
10:45.31Adyswas just an idea
10:45.43Adys(we could bot that up <cringes>)
10:48.29Adyspretty icon
10:51.45KirkburnThe elinks thing is nice
10:56.47Adysbtw kirk
10:56.52Adysfor anatomy of a city:silvermoon
10:56.56Adyscheck how i did it for
10:57.29Adysthe problem is
10:57.41Adysit didn't look like exactly how it should :P
10:59.06Kirkburn11 on the Unusedfile list
11:02.40Adysvlad_ or sancus
11:02.49Adyshow possible would that be?
11:03.32ShirikI would
11:03.41Shirikrecommend making a robots.txt that doesn't index the printable versions tbh
11:03.59Shirikdoesn't make sense to be indexing both
11:04.02Shirikbut just a thought
11:04.13Adysi agree :P
11:06.36KirkburnBagginsww, need your comments on the Eleven (language) page
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11:08.15AdysThere you go kirk
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11:14.19KirkburnJesu christe -
11:15.19Shirik|zZzlet them talk
11:15.34Shirik|zZzIt's somewhat the same stance I take on my forums - we get a lot of bots spamming our forums
11:15.48Shirik|zZzI look at the glass half full. The fact that they're coming to our site indicates we're popular and ranked high on search engines.
11:15.51Shirik|zZzSame applies here ;)
11:17.17bleeter'You should have named this thread "Why Baggins is an idiot".' < hehe
11:17.31bleeterpurl, comfort Baggins
11:17.49Adysinfobot, give Baggins a cookie
11:18.00infobotACTION gives Baggins a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
11:18.00Adys~give bleeter a slap, too
11:18.02infobotACTION gives a slap, too to bleeter
11:21.12bleeter~give sady three slaps
11:21.14infobotACTION gives three slaps to sady
11:30.55AdysIcons are all done
11:30.58Adysall are 64x64
11:31.01Adysall are uploaded
11:31.06Adysthere is not a single duplicate up
11:42.23AdysPost scriptum
12:05.44bleeterKirkburn: I just finished reading that scrollsoflore thread you posted
12:05.59Adysits going on since ages
12:06.40Kirkburnbleeter, so who came out on top?
12:06.54bleetersssh.. I enjoy seeing one bunch of arrogant asshats call another bunch of arrogant asshats... arrogant asshats ;)
12:07.16bleeterwho's on top? i dunno, don't care fore lore
12:07.21bleeterI care for :)
12:07.31KirkburnWho won the argument then? :P
12:07.32bleeteryou guys are here, so yer winners in my books :)
12:07.48bleeteroO there's was an argument in the drivel?
12:07.58bleeteryou're just trying to make me read it again! aaargh!
12:08.19KirkburnThere was me continually telling them that we're neutral, and that they should use edit summaries
12:08.39KirkburnThen there was them saying they're always right and ignoring everything else
12:08.48bleeteris there any way you can force the comment field to be filled in if, say, there's more than XX chars being deleted?
12:08.54KirkburnNot afaik :(
12:09.05bleeterI mean, prolly is, would require client JS and foo tho
12:10.18bleeter'coz I see *that* being where the real problem is, sure the history of a page can be looked at when there's controversy over a topic. but 'coz bugger all people fill the comment in, it's too much effort for individuals to workj out
12:10.32bleeterso it falls back o the poor bastards who've been sucked in to admin :P
12:11.11bleeterwhen it comes to lore, tho
12:11.13bleetermy take is
12:11.35bleetermetzen's prolly been tied up for past two years in sudden business reality of really popular game, etc., XPAC, etc. etc.
12:11.58bleeterand hasn't been taking whatever substances were aiding his previous lore creation to hold together, etc. etc., thusly it's fallen into a complete mess
12:12.04bleeterand even HE don't know anymore ;)
12:12.48bleeterand, tbh, the lore fans would be such a tiny market to Blizz now, they prolly don't care
12:13.09bleetermy 3c (inflation, ya see)
12:13.15KirkburnWhat is it with everyone saying Blizz doesn't care about the lore?
12:14.06KirkburnBlizz didn't spend all their time on the WC3 patches expanding the lore of it, or creating new lore, they were patching a game.
12:14.16KirkburnSo why should they suddenly be different now?
12:14.44KirkburnWC1 was a game, so was WC2, and so was WC3 surprisingly enough
12:15.08KirkburnIf you really think it's all a mess, that's just silly
12:15.28KirkburnThere are loose ends of course, and some contradictory stuff - just like the real world
12:15.46KirkburnThe sheer size of the Warcraft Universe makes it impossible to make it all neat and tidy
12:16.26KirkburnShould Metzen know every single niggly bit of Warcraft? And Starcraft? And Diablo? No, because he's /human/.
12:17.16bleeterOh, I totally agree. What I'm saying is that new people coming to the game do see it as a mess, and that kinda hurts them a little. Lemme explain.
12:17.24KirkburnThis isn't getting only at you bleeter, I've seen others make sillier comments along the same lines
12:18.30bleeterTake the WC1,2,3 + Books player base size. Pull a figure outta the air - lets say, 2 mill. Current base is 8 mill. Those 2 mill would've largely grown with the lore, but these other 6 mill have it presented as first time. ...
12:19.00KirkburnIt's a lot to take in at once
12:19.09bleeterIt's also advertised, by word of mouth or Blizz themselves, as a Universe. People expect consistency. That there are glaring holes in the lore makes a mockery of the 'Universe' idea
12:19.45bleeterNow, to those who say Blizz don't care about the law, I'd say that they're working on an Encylopedia of their own, would tend to dispute this claim
12:20.14KirkburnBlizz are "laying down the lore" as you might say ;)
12:20.19bleeterhowever, a hundred or so of those original 2m lore fans running around making ambit claims one way or another..
12:20.28bleeter.. yes, while Blizz try to lay down the lore
12:20.59bleeterwhilst Blizz go over all their old stuff, plus what's on the wiki, at scrolls, etc., see what outsiders have picked up
12:21.13bleeteris just going to take them... a *bloody* long time. You're right, metzen is only human.
12:21.43bleeterit's such a huuuge job, that correcting *every* piece of lore would be a near pointless task
12:22.03bleeter*therefore* the only sane thing to do would be to only care about the lore that makes sense to those new 6 mill people
12:22.27bleeterand hopefully tie up a few loose ends for the other 2 mil
12:22.53bleeterand, you'll prolly find, it's only a tiny subset of those 2 mil players who really scream 'blizz don't care' from the rooftops
12:23.31bleeterthe other thing to consider, is the movie.
12:24.01bleeterwhatever the plot is, it's going to have to be lore that most players, not a small fraction of lore fanaticals, will agree to
12:24.48bleeternot to say that they should totally ignore that small fraction, but in the overall biz side of things, if they were to adjust something *for the movie* to appease those lore fanaticals... and it's not in a game, or a book, etc. etc.
12:26.00bleeterit'd be endless pain and suffering on the forums. Blizz would prolly just be happier to lose them as customers... from a business point of view (ie, if people quit the game over an illogical universe, there's no bad publicity about it ;-)
12:26.22bleeterI might stop ranting now .. 'coz seriously.. couldn't care less :D
12:26.52bleeterit'd be nice to have consistent lore, but I can appreciate that it'd be a thankless task on the vendor's part... so.. meh
12:28.19bleeterKirkburn: sorry to flood you there mate, I just wanted to make sure you understood that my claim of 'they don't care about lore' was more from a business point of view, rather than some rabid book reader / rpg player ;)
12:29.32bleeterI can remember the games I was involved in writing.. 'no, those bits should be further to the left, the green's the wrong shade, can we change this layout, we need one more transaction per second'
12:29.45bleeternone of the devs really gave two shits about the 'plot' ;)
12:30.28bleeterwell, we did at the start. got too exhausted thinking about it tho
12:30.40bleeterand things always got delayed more
12:33.21KirkburnHmm, so I just noticed SoL is barely in the top 1,000,000 on Alexa
12:33.41KirkburnWoWWiki is 2,224 atm
12:33.55KirkburnPageranks comparison - 2/10 to 5/10 :P
12:33.58bleeterSoL? dunno about enGB, but enAU that's "shit outta luck"
12:34.05bleeteroh, scrollkeepers
12:34.05KirkburnScrolls of Lore
12:34.16bleeterno shit! :D
12:37.00bleeteron the subject of W1NN4R$ ...
12:38.04KirkburnHmm, SoL is deader than I realised
12:39.45KirkburnZomg, that took long to find -
12:40.08KirkburnIf only you could leave comments on the page
12:40.18KirkburnThat way you could just link to the thing you're paying for
12:41.26KirkburnAh, and the other -
12:43.13*** join/#wowwiki Adys2010 (
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12:49.08KirkburnAdys, boo!
12:49.56KirkburnI love how in arguments people keep stating the same thing even when you prove it wrong as if it somehow back up their point
12:50.32KirkburnExample -
12:51.13Kirkburn(this is apart from the fact the poster appears to be a petulant child)
12:54.09bleetermeh, transparency's a cop out for people who can't keep their windows tidy
12:54.22bleeterorganise work flow, etc. etc.
12:54.25bleeternn folks
12:55.39KirkburnThat can't be right ... has an Alexa rank of 4,602
12:56.12KirkburnProbably explained by the higher techiness of the visitors (who know Alexa's toolbar to be ... uh ... crap)
13:09.38AdysFrom WoWWiki
13:09.38AdysRevision history
13:09.38AdysView logs for this page
13:09.38AdysView or restore 5022 deleted edits?
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14:00.07*** mode/#wowwiki [+v Kaso] by Adys
14:00.08Adyslo kaso
14:41.39Tuqui-tuquigutten tag
14:41.54Tuqui-tuquiIm sure a german somewhere is cursing me for killing their language
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15:05.45AdysKaso, you there?
15:06.43Kasosorta yes
15:09.12Adyswas talking to kirkburn about it earlier on
15:09.23Adyshow possible would it be for kasobot to ignore stubs
15:09.38Kasoas i dont make the item stubs?
15:09.45Adysmeaning, to treat them as an "empty page" if there is only 1-2 lines
15:10.02AdysI meant, pages containing only {{Stub/Item}} or something, no tooltip at all
15:10.15Kasoso to over-write anything that is currently a stub?
15:10.27Adysthat is currently lacking a tooltip i would say
15:11.04Kasoi'll look into different ways of implenting that
15:11.07Adys stuff like that..
15:11.16KasoOnce i get my network card working >.<
15:12.10AdysOh and btw
15:12.34Adysdo the "This Item Begins A Quest"-items are automatically categorized as Quest Starting Items?
15:12.39Adys(shit grammar)
15:12.54Kasono they arent i didnt think about that
15:12.59Kasobut its easily doable i think
15:13.05Adyskk :)
15:13.07Kasoactually it might already be doing that
15:13.21Kasoi forget the cat code i did, but i'll double check
15:13.35AdysIm gonna go over Category:Stubs/Item
15:13.40AdysDelete empty stubs a bit
15:13.52Adysand expand some here and there
15:14.41KasoThats a good idea
15:14.57KasoIm going to stare at these scary linux drivers for a while till they magically start working
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15:31.49Adyshm anyone else thinks tooltip should get a dis= arg?
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16:10.41KasoAdys: disenchantment?
16:10.51Adysdissing skill req
16:11.21Kasoi wouldnt really be for that, inst the skill required easlily calculatable from item level
16:11.37Adyspossible args: number or "no"
16:12.30KasoIm not so sure.
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16:21.39ClydeJrI read that thread over on SoL. Ow... my head hurts now...
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16:46.13Adyslol clyde
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16:46.28Adysyea theres a pretty bunch of odd guys there
16:46.40Tekkubdo we REALLY need to put "or blah blah turnins for humens cause they get a shitty bonus to rep" every time a reputation number is given?
16:46.55Tekkubhow about a Zeal-style * with hover tip
16:47.43Tekkubno we don't, or no hovernote?
16:48.49Tekkuban underline note mabe?  _240_ (hover: 220 for humans)
16:49.08Adysno to both tbh
16:49.18Adyspeople shouldnt be fucked enough to ask for someone else to calculate 10% of something
16:49.26Tekkubso just drop the human bonus numbers completely?
16:49.33Adysimo yes
16:49.49Tekkubyea that's kinda my opinion, human toons should know they get a bonus
16:50.15Tekkubwas just thinking a hover tip could keep people from constantly editing it back in
16:50.16Adyswhen you're alliance, and you start being worried about rep
16:50.23Adysif you still didnt find out you get 10% bonus rep you suck
16:50.42TekkubI'll toss up a vote somewhere I guess, give an example
16:50.42Adysand yeah tekk
16:51.03AdysWell i guess you can keep a star on stuff like
16:51.07Adysfull instance clears
16:51.15Tekkubcause I have a feeling people will still keep adding them if we don't have something to point to and say "this is our policy on huumons"
16:51.17Adysbut not on mobs and quests rewards
16:51.59Tekkubno no, I'm talking about "It takes 240 marks (220 for huumons) to get from fuck you to OMGSEX rep"
16:52.18Tekkubfuck mobs and pidly little shit
16:52.21Adyswell, yeah i guess
16:52.24Tekkubthat's deleteable
16:52.40Tekkubhower tip then with a dotted underline to draw attention slightly?
16:52.41Adysa star can do, that's stuff actually harder to calculate :P
16:52.51Adyssomething like that
16:53.05TekkubI personally hated the stars, they were hard to notice and people don't think to hover
16:53.10Tekkubthey look for a footnote
16:53.15ClydeJrIt would be a lot damn simpler if we could just kill them all off...
16:53.58Tekkublike this ad...
16:54.04ClydeJrhumans! Kill em all! For the horde and all that! :)
17:00.02Tekkubhere we are
17:03.55Adysyeah sounds decent
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17:05.13KasoHas anyone seen Highlord Kruul since the dark portal event
17:05.57Kasoi just havent seen him since
17:06.06Kasoi have an alt camped in the scar but natta
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17:35.04LadySerenayou know Bangalash in STV?  the 43 elite?  I just soloed it and beat it.  then I ran, when its guardians dropped aggro, I was down to 1 health
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17:45.17Tuqui-tuquinice LadySerena
17:46.07LadySerenastill, not bad for a 42 lick-lock
17:52.10LadySerenawhat other classes could solo Bangalash (43 elite with two guardians) at lvl 42?
17:52.43Tuqui-tuquihmm... mages are too squishy for him
17:52.54Tuqui-tuquiI would say warlocks because of the pet
17:53.05Tuqui-tuquiand probably hunters ?
17:53.37LadySerenawell, I am an affliction (lick) spec warlock (lock)
17:53.44Tuqui-tuquiwell there you go ^_^
17:53.58Tuqui-tuquiby the way, you dont have to aggro the other two tigers
17:54.10Tuqui-tuquiI've pulled Bangalash alone before
17:54.18Tuqui-tuquiof course I died, but I did pull him alone
17:54.24Tuqui-tuquior was it the other way around
17:54.26LadySerenathey aggroed on my void, when the void died, they all came after me
17:54.41Tuqui-tuquipull one guard without pulling bangalash
17:54.52Tuqui-tuquianyhoo, you CAN fight Bangalash alone
17:54.56LadySerenathey didn't appear until I started on Bangalash
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19:29.58LadySerenaKhan Hratha <--- STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT QUEST
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22:35.27Kirkburn|afkGood morning all
22:57.29Kirkburn|afkBtw, the GTAIV trailer is out
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23:54.49Adysmorning kirk

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