irclog2html for #wowwiki on 20070116

00:00.55Hobinheimhow do you spell the blacksmithing profession
00:00.57Hobinheimlike.. exactly
00:01.09ZealBlacksmithing i beleive
00:01.27Hobinheimadis, are there any poisons quests
00:01.32Hobinheimlike under the cat "Poisons"?
00:01.49Adysi hate you hobi
00:01.57Adysand i have no idea
00:02.02Adysmy rogue is 38 =P
00:02.10Hobinheimok i think this works
00:02.11Adysbut i dont think so
00:02.18Hobinheimi invite everyone to check out the templates used in this page
00:02.31Hobinheimproper use of the switch statement, etc
00:03.03Hobinheimif you wanna know more about the templates i made
00:03.08Hobinheimthat's all i'm sayin'
00:03.37Adyswhats the day=x for?
00:03.42Hobinheimyeah still getting kicked to the "main" page...
00:03.49Hobinheimit just gives the box a number
00:03.56Hobinheimi meant look more at how the profession icons get generated
00:04.10Hobinheimit uses proficon and switch
00:04.14Hobinheimfor your own edification!
00:04.15Zealswitch statement? :S
00:04.25Hobinheimone more HUH and someone's getting the boot
00:04.30Zealyou mean {{qif}} right?
00:04.34vlad_Kirkburn|afk: er?
00:04.45Zeali got it too vlad, but went away
00:04.55vlad_um, hmm.
00:04.56Kirkburn|afkMajor weirdness when I edit stuff and preview it
00:05.11vlad_what does it say?
00:06.00Adysit says "Wowwiki has a problem" instead of the page title
00:06.08Adysmakes up a weird double icon
00:06.30vlad_anything else? no error?
00:06.58Adysits the main page instead of any page you were on before
00:07.02Adysill try and take a screenshot
00:07.34Bagginswwnow itener's
00:07.43Bagginswwdiscription needs a rewrite
00:07.46Bagginswwfor neutral pov
00:07.58Bagginsww"not part of the wacraft universe"?
00:08.08Zealok.. i really don't see the point in {{switch}} when {{qif}} does the same job simpler, without the need for switch tables. and no, switch tables are not easier to handle, because they are still local to what you intend.
00:08.28Bagginswwnot part of World of Warcraft MMO or Burning Crusade maybe
00:08.31vlad_ugh, mediawiki is already at 1.9.0, damn them
00:08.40Bagginswwnot not hte implication that they aren't part of warcraft universe...
00:08.46Hobinheima... switch table is different from an if statement
00:09.18Zealno, it's not
00:09.19Hobinheimif an input is supposed to refer to disparate sets of data, that's what a swtich table is for. it's a value key lookup
00:09.30Hobinheimzeal, prove it
00:09.31Kirkburn|afkHow about this:
00:09.43Zealit's exactly the same Hobinheim. each case= is the same as testcase=
00:09.48Hobinheimprove that a qif template can do what i did as easily
00:10.01AdysLore zones are those regions which are known from the lore, Warcraft RPG books, and older Blizzard games such as Warcraft III, but which are not currently included in World of Warcraft.
00:10.19Zealand switch means you need to create a seperate template for no reason.
00:10.20Bagginswwya that's better
00:10.30Bagginswwcheers to Adys
00:10.56Hobinheimit's like overloading the qif statement...
00:10.58ZealHobinheim, i've done what you've done plenty of time in my existing templates with qif, feel free to look.
00:11.02Hobinheimdid you make it?
00:11.07Zealit can;t be overloaded.
00:11.11Hobinheimoh tekkub did
00:11.31Zealyes, qif was here long before i came
00:11.36Bagginswwwell take care everyone I need to cook up some hamburgers for the family, and finish some homework
00:11.46Bagginswwwhich I seme to continue to put off LOL
00:11.52Bagginswwalthough I'm down to 10 pages left now
00:12.40Zealkk, ttyl Bagginsww
00:12.40Hobinheimcrazy tekkub...
00:12.40Zealthat works Kirkburn|afk, nice
00:13.07Kirkburn|afkCan you imagine it looked like this less than a year ago?
00:13.16Kirkburn|afkThat's June last year :/
00:15.49HobinheimLOL UGLY
00:16.03Zeallol Kirkburn|afk
00:16.05Hobinheimthank elune Kirkburn saved us from bad design...
00:16.15Zeali though it was silverside? :s
00:16.35Kirkburn|afkNah, SS was never admin
00:16.47Zealhe di.. the community portal?
00:16.53Kirkburn|afkHis front page design were awful, however, templates and subpages and 3 screen lengths
00:16.55Zeali'm still working on mine.. heh
00:17.45Zeal atm :P
00:18.34Zealgeneral got a nerf :p
00:23.35Zealyou changed back Kirkburn|afk? :s
00:24.24Zealwtf.. it says you never made the changes..
00:24.29Zealwiki borked?
00:24.41Zealoh woop nvm
00:24.47Zeal_Dev >_>
00:27.06Bagginswwsee luke johnson admits its his opinion
00:27.08Bagginswwnot official
00:30.23Hobinheimso who's rolling blood elf with me tonight
00:31.03Bagginswwhates you LOL
00:31.24Kirkburn|afkI'm going to the shop 2moro morning
00:31.44Kirkburn|afk(since HMV cancelled my order)
00:32.22ZealHobinheim, i shall hopefully be joining you in the morning, but not tonight :P
00:32.49Hobinheimi'm conflicted...
00:32.54Hobinheimlife stuff... work... blood elves....
00:33.00Hobinheimstrategy guides that need writing!!!?!DSFGH A!@#
00:33.01Adysim off, mad at the french post =P hf guys
00:33.41Hobinheimi even ordered more ram today...
00:33.45Hobinheimpurely on impulse
00:35.25Hobinheimit's like illidan was whispering to me...
00:35.38Hobinheimthat if i got more ram, he would imbue me with demonic powers
00:35.50Hobinheimsecond to a pony and a quest namespace, i've always wanted fel fire...
00:36.08Hobinheimit could be a great party trick, like when i pick up those elven chicks with the pointy ears
00:46.07Kirkburn|afkGained 11,281 Darnassus rep so far
00:47.43Kirkburn|afkYou've lost me
00:48.01*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
00:48.43ZealHobinheim said fel fire
00:48.52Zealthere is a spell icon called felcano :p
00:49.21Zeala volcano of fel fire and fel magma and fel.. rock and ash.. yeah
00:49.25Zealit's all fel :P
00:56.14*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
01:05.08ZealKirkburn|afk, opinions -->
01:05.17Zealthe about section only that is.
01:05.38Kirkburn|afkInteresting approach
01:06.29Zealinteresting in a good or bad way? lol :P
01:06.34Kirkburn|afkPersonally I don't think we need the explanation of a wiki on there
01:06.46Kirkburn|afkThere's a [[wiki]] link in th e2nd par
01:06.49Kirkburn|afk*2nd para
01:09.52Zeali noticed
01:10.03Zealbut for some reason i'm fond of it.. lol
01:10.40Zealit shall be removed
01:12.24Bagginswwya much like the introduction
01:13.22Zealhm.. vlad_ did you say redirects are broken atm? :s
01:13.44Zeal is not redirecting..
01:17.12BagginswwWarcraft Universe, isn't about the same as the "source" article?
01:17.58Bagginswwand can we get rid of the "canonical" term?
01:18.04Bagginswwofficial sources of lore
01:18.07Bagginswwis more neutral
01:23.29Bagginswwmight want to check edits by laithina
01:23.47Bagginswwsmall pointless edits it looks like
01:26.55Zealcleaned up the canon article
01:28.08Bagginswwya that's better
01:28.36Finwell tits, "Backend database engine error: please try again later"
01:29.02Bagginswwwe could bring up websters exaggerates 10 definitions
01:29.33Finit does have a strong religious connotations to it, though
01:29.39Bagginswwthat's our main issue
01:29.50Bagginswwand people get mad assumgin we are trying to promoate our own fanon
01:29.52Bagginswwover canon
01:29.54FinI was typing that while you said that :)
01:29.56Bagginswwthus why we are trying to neutralize
01:30.17Bagginswwwhen we are niether tring to promote fanon or canon
01:30.29Finthere's a lot of people who do a fairly accurate impression of a religious fanatic
01:30.41BagginswwI know what you mean LOL
01:31.00Finand using the word "canon" seems a bit tongue in cheek - it's always good not to take yourself too seriously
01:31.18Finthen it's easy to spot the people that *are* taking themselves too seriously :)
01:32.14Bagginswwoh people who use canon get really serious aobut it believe me ;)
01:32.29Bagginswwtoo much time in star wars, and star trek communities
01:32.37Finwell... maybe that's their problem? you're obviously not a religion; it's a game
01:33.34Finso using "canon" shouldn't be a problem - people who accuse you of thinking of yourself as a religion can rightly be told that they have no sense of humour but are still welcome to make a sacrifice
01:33.57Finpeople who *do* think of it as religion, just, I dunno, they really shouldn't
01:34.00Bagginswwwell I don't necessarily like to use canon either since blizzard does not use the terminology
01:34.05Bagginswwat least not commonly.
01:34.08BagginswwI've heard rumors
01:34.25Bagginswwthey have used the temr "official" , or "lore' from most quoations I've read
01:34.42Finthat's not a great reason either :) you can have your own style, blizzard just make the money off us :)
01:34.46Bagginswwcan't think of many franchises that use the term "lore"
01:35.00Bagginswwis it a rpg thing?
01:35.17Finit's all rumours mate, rumours and speculation and fiction :)
01:35.22Bagginswwnext we can have the article on "fanon" lol
01:35.25Bagginswwif it doesn't exist alreadey
01:35.54FinI'd vote, go for canon :)
01:36.57Finit's nice, just over the top enough to be tongue in cheek and not over the top enough to actually deviate from High Lords Blizzard :)
01:38.05Zealfin, blizzard has only discussed the validity of their lore and various sources in terms of official and unofficial. nothing Blizzard has ever produced has ever come under unofficial.
01:38.18BagginswwI don't know i've been attacked over it to much, by those that think they have their own view of what is and isn't canon. If you go outside if their view bam you are "wrong"
01:38.32Bagginswwand I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes
01:38.57Finthat statement sounds almost like you're correcting me, but doesn't say much other than "Blizzard's stuff is official"?
01:39.17BagginswwI feel like Ghandi
01:39.20Bagginswwpassive resistance...
01:39.24Bagginswwnot in a war :p
01:39.43Finaww, c'mon, you love it really :)
01:39.45Bagginswwnot trying to cause a war
01:39.51ZealPeople use the term canon on top of that, to describe what they official lore they beleive to be valid as lore and what they beleive to be invalid lore. the wiki takes a neutral stance on this, and sticks with what Blizzard have said, that it is all official. thy refuse to except this, and beleive things they cosnider non-canon is being pushed as canon by the wiki.
01:39.51Bagginswwactually I quite star wars over this crap
01:39.57Bagginswwgot too tired of it
01:40.06Kirkburn|afkSeriously, Fin - this isn't a war for us.
01:40.16Zeal*what official lore they
01:40.17Finzeal, you sound like you're correcting me again
01:40.18Finare you?
01:40.24Kirkburn|afkIt's like someone attacking Switzerland :/
01:40.29Zealyes, as you seemed to be missing the pint ;)
01:40.31FinKirkburn|afk: it's very difficult to tell from my point of view!
01:40.41Bagginswwbasically we don't want to push any views on anyone
01:40.47FinZeal: maybe you're missing my point?
01:41.01Zealdefinitely fin, i saw no point from you :P
01:41.11Finso what was there to correct?
01:41.19Thrae"Lore" is an archaic term. Blizzard likes to use archaic terms. And English accents.
01:41.34Fin"canon" is also archaic
01:41.39Kirkburn|afkThrae, damn right :D
01:41.48ThraeLike "Derigible" for "Blimp"
01:41.54Bagginswwlove that word
01:41.59Finnono! dirigible means something else I think!
01:42.02FinI'm not entirely sure though
01:42.03Bagginswwalthough they use Zeppilen
01:42.04Zealyou were taking a laid back approach and seemed to just see it is nerdish talk. was explaining why it's a real problem, and what the problem is.
01:42.07BagginswwGoblin Zeppelin
01:42.10FinI'll have to look it up, hang on
01:42.16*** join/#wowwiki cK^DeathmanX (n=admin@
01:42.56Kirkburn|afkDirigible means movable, blimp = static?
01:42.57ThraeDerigible is a Blimp or any Balloon mobile person...thingie...brain dying.
01:43.13cK^DeathmanXbad news
01:43.13ThraeBlimps are intended to move...
01:43.25Kirkburn|afkcK^DeathmanX, hullo?
01:43.36Zealyou pooped your pants? :s
01:43.37cK^DeathmanXi was just at gamestop
01:43.40Bagginswwone of those multie definition things
01:43.48FinZeal: if it's a real problem, that's fair enough - I do think however that accepting "canon" as being used with tinge of humour and self awareness could be a good thing; perhaps even raise you above the level of the people who so vehemently complain about it
01:43.52cK^DeathmanXi bought a pack of WOW cards
01:43.54Kirkburn|afkZeal, you're such a child! :P
01:43.55Finthat's not quite what I meant
01:43.56cK^DeathmanXand i didnt get a snapjaw
01:44.03Kirkburn|afkcK^DeathmanX, noo!
01:44.09cK^DeathmanXand also didnt preorder BC
01:44.14ThraeA Blimp is a balloon.
01:44.29Finbut Iain M. Banks uses it in his books when referring to huge organic plant like aliens things that float around and live for billions of years
01:44.34Bagginswwblimp in american is the same thing as a derigble
01:44.39Bagginswwdefinition wise
01:44.50Bagginswwand zeppelin
01:44.56Bagginswwgood year blimp anyone?
01:45.06ThraeFin: If it's filled with gas lighter then air, it's a balloon. Balloons don't need to be made of rubber.
01:45.31ThraeFear the balloon-head aliens.
01:45.54Finplease paste me the definition of balloon from your favourite source :)
01:45.55Zealfin, it's a war sadly i have to fight being a lore fanatic. i wish i didn't and i'd rather choose not to except use of the term period as i always try to remain neutral, like a wiki, despite having my own views of what i think is good and bad lore.
01:46.12cK^DeathmanXGood news.
01:46.22Bagginsww1 : an airship that maintains its form by pressure from contained gas webster
01:46.22FinZeal: using "canon" is meta
01:46.28Bagginswwamerican definition
01:46.30Bagginswwof blimp
01:46.30cK^DeathmanXI got the electromagnetic gigaflux reactivator
01:46.30Finit's not Lore itself
01:46.37ThraeFin: Most dictionary definitions suck.
01:46.40Zealbu it's used by others fin
01:46.54FinThrae: good for arguments over IRC though
01:46.55ThraecK^DeathmanX: Dammit I want that. I keep farming and farming that boss...
01:47.00Zealit's hard to have a conversation with someone using a term if you don't acknowledge it.
01:47.17Bagginswwand yes I'm aware that american language is different than the brits.
01:47.25FinZeal: you just told me "I have to fight a war about lore", then I said it's meta, then you said "it's used by others"
01:47.27Kirkburn|afkJust so you know, it really is "dirigible", not an 'e' =)
01:47.28Bagginswwwe have quite a few definition differences
01:47.34Finhonestly I'm having a hard time connecting the dots
01:47.50Zeali don;t follow what you meant by meta
01:47.57cK^DeathmanXThrae, got it on my second trip
01:48.19cK^DeathmanXWhats with this server, I want to change my nick back but my other connection wont DIE OFF
01:48.24FinI mean, it's not Lore itself, it's just words used to describe the Lore; it's words describing the words describing the Lore
01:48.49Zealin which case i do not see your point to my original statement :P
01:48.52Bagginswwa few years ago grey listed as its own word in websters
01:49.00Bagginswwand cited as "chiefly british"
01:49.07Bagginswwnow its on the same page as gray
01:49.15Finzeal, your original statement said that you're fighting about lore
01:49.20Bagginswwcause frankly we should be able to spell it any way we please ;)
01:49.24Finusing "canon" is not lore
01:49.27Bagginswwand I'm American LOL
01:49.30ThraeFin: If you want an exercise in futility, sure. Debating on definitions is silly. If most people know what you mean when you use a word, then that's fine enough by common standards. Grammatical debates are for uptight English professors who are frustrated at their lack of talent in creative writing.
01:50.11FinThrae: I don't think I've argued the definition of lore much... is that what you're referring to?
01:50.20Kirkburn|afk(or people who are losing an argument ;)
01:50.25Zealusing canon to describe lore is (sadly) part of a lore discussion. thus i am fighting a war about lore. O_o
01:50.25ThraeFin: I'm arguing principle.
01:50.33FinI pasted the definition and said it had religious connotations, that's all - but yeah sure, you're right
01:50.47Bagginswwnot always kirkburn not if the person twisted the meaning in the first place or tried to twist what you said :p
01:50.57Bagginswwor language barrier miscommunication
01:50.57Zealnever said canon was lore.. canon is used in lore.
01:51.00FinThrae: stating that it's for uptight English professors doesn't rule out that it might be for other people too, however
01:51.03Kirkburn|afkI was being silly :P
01:51.33Bagginswwzeal yo ucould almost turn that int haiku
01:51.55Zealoh? lol
01:52.43ThraeWell, back when the word "Lore" was first used, the Christian Church had a strangehold. So of course it probably had religious connotations. Many words were invented by the nobility, of which the church was part of. However, times change, and so does the evolution of the language. As the church gained less influence, words gained less religious connotations.
01:52.43Finis it one or the other?
01:52.43Bagginswwwell you just need to turn your thoughts into what is it 4 7 5?
01:52.43FinLore or Canon?
01:52.43Bagginswwfor haiku
01:52.48Fin5 7 5
01:52.53Finhere's my favourite:
01:52.58Finhaikus are easy
01:53.03Finsometimes they are complicated
01:53.13Finarg, I got it wrong
01:53.19Zeal... "i'm fighting a war about canon's use in lore" make it any clearer fin? being ridicolous now : /
01:53.20Finthe second line is actually "sometimes they don't make sense"
01:54.00Zeal*warcraft's lore >_>
01:54.06FinI don't get it
01:54.07Finsorry :(
01:54.16Kirkburn|afkMy felguard has greater dmg output then me on low level mobs :)
01:54.21Zealrofl Kirkburn|afk
01:54.48Finsomething can be canonical, but not loreical?
01:55.02Fincanonical lore is just the official stuff, no?
01:55.17Bagginswwthe biggest problem is whenever someone throws around cnaon, others thrown around non-canon
01:55.36Bagginswwand vice versa
01:55.39Kirkburn|afkTake who was the first druid - I guess you could say both sides have their lore (tauren think it was them, NEs too), but 'canon' is that it was Malfurion
01:56.05Zealcanonical lore doesn't exist in warcraft until Blizzard start to say what official sources, are or aren't canon.
01:56.25Finusing the word "canon" seems to me (and this is all I'm saying), uhm, intellectually humourous on a level that illustrates (but doesn't emphasise) that it's perhaps not real life in the end (despite being something worth enjoying)?
01:57.05Bagginswwexcept alot more zealots :p
01:57.10Zealwell that was why i said it seemed you had a laid back approach. there's a problem, and it's not going to go awake just by ignoring it :P
01:57.18FinZeal: canonical law not existing doesn't have anything to do with using the word "canon" or not
01:57.24Zeali wish we could be laid back like that :P
01:57.31Bagginswwdon't we all
01:57.40Zealin terms of warcraft lore it does fin.
01:58.07Finthe problem of people who are taking it *too* seriously (and I would suggest that anyone who believes you are a religion (and therefore debates the use of the word "canon") is taking it too seriously) is not going to go away by not using the word "canon"
01:58.39Bagginswwwell its the people who think its a religion that we worry about LOL
01:58.51Bagginswwthat is they treat it as a religion that htey woship in
01:59.03Bagginswwmajority of us don't
01:59.42Bagginswwso for every thing they say canon, they also have their strong opinion of what htey think is non-canon
01:59.54Bagginswwplus the fanon concept
02:00.24Bagginswwthey start acting like we attacked them somehow
02:00.28Zealit is fin. they claim something that their god (Blizzard in this case) chooses not claim. if you remove their ability to claim it, then they are back in line their their god and with the rest of us :p
02:00.40Finthis is your reasoning for deciding to stop using the word "canon"?
02:00.46Zeal*with their
02:01.00Bagginswwour reasoning is just to use blizzard's terminology not our own
02:01.07Finare you saying you're just going to stop saying that anything is official?
02:01.12Kirkburn|afkLol, someone just rang my flat doorbell =)
02:01.17Bagginswwcanon is more "speculation"
02:01.19Zealit's not really the term canon fin, its validity and invalidity, it could be any word with the same meaning
02:01.33Kirkburn|afkA very drunk girl from upstairs, lost her keys and phone
02:01.34Finso you're going to stop claiming that anything is official and valid
02:01.49Bagginswwwell if its copyrighted to blizzard its "official" source
02:01.54Bagginswwneither valid nor invalid
02:01.57Zealnot official, as that is seperate in this case, but yes.
02:02.07Bagginswwnon-official is fanfic
02:02.28Finand this will solve which problem - that of the people who take it too seriously taking it too seriously?
02:02.28Bagginswwthat is not authorized or printed by blizzard
02:02.36Finnot solve, sorry - but help?
02:02.48Bagginswwtheir issue was with the word "canon" oddly LOL
02:03.06Zealhonestly, i don't see the seriousness an issue, that's nothing to do with me :p
02:03.21Zealjust to stop people claiming things that are known not to be true.
02:03.35Finif you don't see it as serious, why are you bothering to stop using it?
02:03.38Finthat sounds fairly serious
02:03.47Orclevcanon means it's official... of course how that applies to a fictional world I'm not quite sure
02:03.49Finthat's not right
02:04.05Zeali said it's not an issue, i never said i don't see it as serious. i think it's obvious i do.
02:04.50Finit's serious, but not an issue?
02:05.08Zeali like order, that requires being serious. plenty of times when it doesn't matter that i can not be serious though.
02:05.23Zealhence, a non-issue
02:06.57Finso you think "canon" is wrong to use because this is serious?
02:08.18infobotI've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said!
02:08.18Finand to properly be serious you should use the terminology used by the people that define canonerrofficial bits
02:08.35Zeali consider canon to be wrong because it is not the truth, i consider it a serious matter and i feel there should be an order to things, as many things, especially in this digitial age, operate on it.
02:08.52Zeal*as i feel
02:08.56FinI honestly didn't intend to keep discussing this so long, I'm just having trouble finding something that's been said that doesn't seem slightly wrong
02:09.11Zealer.. lol
02:09.53Finso people are using the word "canon" to mean official and valid, but that's incorrect, and - as you want to be serious (fair enough!) you want to stop using it to describe official and valid?
02:10.14FinI mean, slightly wrong to me - that just means I don't understand something generally
02:11.34Finif I was involved in this I might be tempted to keep using "canon" just to stir things up a bit, for the reasons I said above about it being slightly humourous :)
02:11.47Kirkburn|afkI think what is being said here is that nothing in Warcraft is canon, because it's flexible
02:12.25Zealpeople are using the word "canon" to mean valid official lore and "non-canon" to mean in-valid official lore. That is incorrect, as the definitive source of this information does not make such a a distinction between the two. Therefore i want people to stop making that distinction, in this case, stop using the world canon.
02:12.27Kirkburn|afkTo call something canon gives the impression that it won't be altered in future
02:13.01Finnow that makes much more sense
02:13.18Bagginswwwhat did I miss
02:13.35Bagginswwhmm looks like you finally got to the root of the issue
02:14.19Finstill think you're wrong though!
02:14.24Zealoh? :o
02:14.47Finother people obviously see a difference
02:14.56Orclevhmm... I'm bored... maybe I'll play with the bot
02:15.12Finyeah, you're right
02:15.22Orclevinfobot, cannon
02:15.29infobotstuffs orclev into a cannon along with some really nasty stuff, and pulls the cord shooting him into the neverworld
02:15.30Orclevinfobot, canon
02:15.45Fininfobot, cannon is BOOM
02:15.46infobotstuffs fin into a cannon along with some really nasty stuff, and pulls the cord shooting him into the neverworld
02:15.54Orclevinfobot, jerkit
02:16.03Fininfobot, stats
02:16.04infobotSince Mon Jan  8 04:50:05 2007, there have been 189 modifications, 1073 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 825 commands.  I have been awake for 7d 21h 25m 58s this session, and currently reference 112395 factoids.  I'm using about 18876 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 31779.81/2116.98 child 0.04/0.01
02:16.07Orclevthat module not loaded?
02:16.26FinI love stats
02:16.44Zealfin, i see differences too. there are things imo that are canon and not, but i don't go around preaching my opinions them as fact. i state them as my opinions, thus they fall under the realm of speculation.
02:17.00OrclevWe used to use the karma system all the time in the last IRC channel I hung out in, but that dosn't seem very popular around here
02:17.23Orclevinfobot, karma for Zeal
02:17.23infobotfor zeal has neutral karma
02:17.27Finonly because mostly people don't use it
02:17.37Orclevinfobot, karma zeal
02:17.37infobotzeal has neutral karma
02:18.07Zealinfobot, my karma ran over your dogma
02:19.43Kirkburn|afkargh, from end of Darkshore to the other
02:20.02Zealbefore you drivers died? :P
02:20.17Kirkburn|afkIt's soooo long :(
02:20.29Kirkburn|afkI hate you, Onu!
02:20.31*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
02:21.30Kirkburn|afkChatted to a GM for the first time today :)
02:21.37Kirkburn|afkAlmost two years since starting
02:21.44Kirkburn|afkReported gold seller
02:21.51Kirkburn|afkGot another one reported now
02:21.59FinI do that all the time
02:22.02Orclevhow do you report gold sellers?
02:22.06Finthey stopped whispering me personally now
02:22.11Kirkburn|afkI do it under verbal harassment
02:22.13Finthere's some bot that sends an automated message
02:22.23Zeali get about 5 gold seller mails a month, about 10 whispers as day.
02:22.33Finif you whisper again, it just repeats "if you wish to get in touch with a GM, blah blah"
02:22.45Finit's nice for automatically reporting them
02:22.53Zealoh? coolies
02:22.57Finprobably doesn't help much, but might, and they said to keep reporting them
02:23.01Kirkburn|afkLink? :)
02:23.02Finyeah, works for mail and chat
02:23.03Orcleveverytime I get one of those spam whispers I just reply with fuck off
02:23.12Zealdamn Orclev
02:23.50Finit blocks the whispers as well
02:24.00Finjust adds them to a list and says "spam blocked"
02:24.14FinI check the list later and it prepares a nice ticket that I send off, very neat addon
02:24.20Orclevgood to have
02:24.25Finthe spam checking is a bit hokey but it's easy to remove people from it
02:24.33Finand apparently easy to update
02:24.54Finrecently added a nifty little fubar addon as well
02:25.16Zealthe one thing i'm dreading is addons tomorrow..
02:25.21Finsomeone should start claiming that it needs to be rewritten in Ace2 soon, I should think
02:25.57Kirkburn|afkWow, just found a new place I've never been to before
02:25.57Orclevwish I could figure out why my AddOn semi-randomly crashes the client, and corrupts the friends list in certain situations
02:26.00Zealhis crotch.
02:26.01Kirkburn|afkNope, northern Darkshore
02:26.01Finyou wrote it yourself?
02:26.07Kirkburn|afkRuins of Mathystra
02:26.11FinYOUR crotch!
02:26.33Zealforget where that is.. sounds blatent naga
02:27.01Orclevit's rather simple in some ways... and I'm already planning a number of changes to fix some issues with it. But the main problem is, I have no idea why it crashes the client
02:27.17Zeallooks like my proposals won't be written for a while now >_>;
02:27.41Zealwell sounds rather serios
02:27.52Zeali'd remove functionality until it stops
02:28.00Zealgive you an idea.
02:28.31Kirkburn|afkWoot, another GM :)
02:28.45*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
02:28.50Orclevwell, I can't really remove any functionality as then I wouldn't have an AddOn... it really only does one thing, which is to make sure that a common list of friends is kept synchronized between all the characters on a realm
02:29.00Zealall mods have since been addressed by wow now..
02:29.14Orclevhas something to do with threading I think
02:29.22Kirkburn|afkZeal, what do you mean?
02:29.22Zeal*all my mods
02:29.45Zealie, they've been made redundant through additions or blocking in the game.
02:29.48Orclevdosn't like when an event handler kicks off the event it's designed to handle it seems, even when I explicitly set a semaphore to prevent concurrent modifications
02:29.48BagginswwI've told vargedan but I can't find the temr "magic elemental' or "mana elemental" anywhere iin any official sources
02:29.51Kirkburn|afkOh I see
02:30.06Bagginswwrpg calls the type of creature as a whole "mana surge"
02:30.21Kirkburn|afkMana surge, I've heard of that
02:30.31Zealthey wre generally rank scaling, self casting, inteligent spell choices etc.
02:30.45Kirkburn|afkThere are mana surges in Dustwallow
02:31.18Kirkburn|afk(from a mage quest)
02:31.25Zealwhat are the oens moam summons?
02:31.38Kirkburn|afkTabetha (a.k.a. Aegwynn? \o/)
02:31.43Bagginswwheh heh
02:31.50Zealthey were were mana elementals or something
02:32.26Bagginswwpretty sure man aelemental as a term doesn't exist
02:32.34BagginswwI've done a alla search
02:32.38Bagginswwthottbot search
02:33.03Bagginswwand they aren't even elementals in rpg
02:33.08Bagginswwcloser relation to oozes
02:33.13Zealone sec..
02:34.04Kirkburn|afkSo far I'm down 43g today :P
02:34.04Bagginswwthey have elemental classification in WoW
02:34.08Zeal"Far more surprising, even to the arcane emperors, was Moam's ability to summon burning elementals crafted of pure mana." {{cite| }} ;)
02:34.17Bagginswwbut they are not ever called "elementals"
02:34.32Bagginswwthat helps I suppose
02:34.37Bagginsww"burnign elemental"
02:34.45Zealburning mana elementals essentially, lol.
02:35.07Zealor mana burning?
02:36.24Bagginswwwell we can find out what the hey is when monster manual comes out
02:36.34Bagginswwit supposed to clarify on officilal race names
02:36.43Bagginswwlike flamewakers and others
02:36.59Zealfire naga! lol
02:36.59Bagginswwbut it was definitley mana surge in the old one
02:37.05Bagginswwand they werne't elementals LOL
02:37.11Zeali always did like the salamander name too though.
02:37.32Bagginswwya but do we need another Salamander?
02:37.46Zealbecause the other one is elsser known :P
02:37.55Kirkburn|afkDamn this server is too responsive now!
02:38.04Zealtoo reponsive? lol
02:38.04Kirkburn|afkI barelt skim a building and I get dismounted
02:38.13Kirkburn|afkSeriously, it's amazing
02:38.13Zealdarn : /
02:38.16Zeali miss that
02:38.39Zeali hate getting dismounted in the zep and flight towers in and outside org : /
02:42.26Zealand inside bridge buildings in tb..
02:42.33Bagginswwuh maui is the one with honoluhu or is that oahu?
02:43.47Bagginswwthen its o'ahu LOL
02:44.56Zeallol, kk
02:46.43Bagginswwlast time I went there it was those two islands
02:46.50Bagginswwso its kind of a blur LOL
02:46.59Bagginswwwas only there 2.5 days
02:49.52Zeali see
02:52.31Zealtell you what would be nice, if mediwiki added the support, for when transcluding pages, you could do something like {{<page>#1-5}} to include everything under the first 5 top level headers of a page.
02:52.58Zeal#0 to get the stuff before the first header
02:53.10Zealmake life easier..
02:54.03Zealhm.. something like that just might be possible with my contentbox template now i think about it
02:55.59Zealinside if statements around the box, to check for variables given to the page. though it would require a user to specify the number manually. you'd end up with {{<page>|<headersuptothisnumber>|<headerwiththisnumber>}} or something.
03:35.40*** join/#wowwiki Gryphen (
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03:41.53Kirkburn|afkWoot now I got asked to fill out a GM survey :)
03:42.03Zealwtf? :o
03:42.10Kirkburn|afkRate your GM
03:42.11Zealoh nvm i get it..
03:42.21Zealthought you were asked to be a GM, lol.
03:42.21Kirkburn|afkExcellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent,  :)
03:43.10Zealwiki rather slow..
03:43.19Zealnot speed, as in use.
03:43.24Zeal*not as in
03:43.39Zeal... *not as in speed, as in use.
04:03.01*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
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04:10.37Kirkburn|afkSo violent
04:11.01Zealfill me in on why modules can;t be installed on wowwiki :P
04:14.41Bagginswwholbeiheim was discussing this earlier right?
04:15.56Kirkburn|afkBecause vlad is a busy man
04:18.16Zealis that it? not problems or limitations?
04:22.19*** join/#wowwiki PenguinECE (n=penguin_@
04:24.36BagginswwIs he the only one that knows how to do it then?
04:25.10Zeallo PenguinECE
04:29.30*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
04:34.56*** join/#wowwiki Sky2042 (
04:35.12Sky2042ok, noob question
04:35.42Sky2042hello? :o
04:36.40Kirkburn|afkAman, that's his name
04:36.58Kirkburn|afkBagginsww, the Titan guy who gets summoned in the inn
04:37.26Bagginswwyou found out more about it?
04:37.37Kirkburn|afkI just summoned him =)
04:37.52Bagginswwheh screenshots
04:37.52Bagginswwits been along time since I did that quest
04:38.13Kirkburn|afkNot much to say really, didn't screenshot his appearance though
04:38.17Kirkburn|afkThe text might be useful?
04:38.42Bagginswwwell catalog it for the quest article ;)
04:38.53Kirkburn|afkOkay, have kept the pic
04:39.33Bagginswwyou know I have the letters you get back from scourge quest in my bank I should screenshot those
04:39.47Bagginswwat least I think I still hae the letters
04:39.51Bagginswwform the scourge invasion
04:40.06Bagginswwthe ones discussing hte family research
04:41.02Kirkburn|afkargh, missed the boat
04:41.39Kirkburn|afkGained 21,000 Darnassus rep so far :D
04:41.58Kirkburn|afkI sooo wanna get exalted
04:42.06Bagginswwunfortunately I did most of htose quests already for lore :p
04:43.38Kirkburn|afkI've finished all Teldrassil, Darkshore and Ashenvale quests
04:43.56Kirkburn|afk(all the interesting ones anyway)
04:44.03Kirkburn|afkSo now I'm a bit stuck
04:44.11Kirkburn|afkThink I might now do all the IF ones =)
04:44.16Bagginswwheh heh
04:44.22*** join/#wowwiki Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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04:46.28Kirkburn|afkI'm even almost honored with Exodar
04:48.06ZealKirkburn|afk, you blew off a newbie :p
04:48.12Zeallo Sky2042, whats up?
04:48.38Kirkburn|afkOh yeah, sorry
04:48.46Sky2042lol :P
04:49.01Kirkburn|afkJust ask away, it's silly to ask if you can ask ;)
04:49.07Sky2042ok, this is pretty bad: what is the easiest way to create a new page? >:(
04:49.17Zealtype in the url
04:49.19Sky2042i just couldn't understand the help page
04:49.32Zealif it doesn't exist, it will present you with the edit page to make it :p
04:49.34Kirkburn|afkType it exactly as you want it to appear, spaces an dall
04:50.00Sky2042thx guys. now im off to go eat some item stubs. >:)
04:50.26Zeal*presents you with a link to edit it ;p
04:50.34Zeallol kk
04:50.54Zealso yeah.. Aman.
04:51.03Kirkburn|afkGood poit
04:51.04Zealis it a summon or his spirit i wonder though?
04:51.21Kirkburn|afkIt's a spirit, it suggests
04:51.28Zealif its spirit, it's more understandable it would be Aman'Thul.
04:51.37Kirkburn|afkOh yeah:
04:51.44Nolando-sleepgood night everyone
04:51.49Kirkburn|afk"By the stars! A spirit has been summoned!"
04:51.52Kirkburn|afkSee ya
04:52.42Zealwell, same thing :P
04:52.42Zeali essentially meant summoned spirit or summoned physically.
04:53.37Zealbecause that way, it can be considered a trace of a spirit, which apparently everyone leaves on anything they have contact with, especially when they have great connection to it.
04:53.51Zealnot actually suggesting Aman'Thul is dead :p
04:54.35ZealMedivh explains it in tLG to khadgar :)
04:58.10*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (
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04:58.29Bagginswwastral projection
04:59.07Zealthat's possible too
04:59.13Zealbut i'm doubtful of it.
04:59.20Zealdepends what he says i guess
05:01.54Zealwb Tekkub
05:02.02Kirkburn|afkWow. I just found a new quest to do for level 60 :D
05:02.13Kirkburn|afkI thought I'd found every single solo one left =)
05:06.19TekkubI WIN!
05:06.42Tekkubgot names Bear and Cub on all of the new PvE servers :)
05:07.50TekkubNow I just need the motivation to play one
05:07.58Tekkubanyway, off to Wally then Warky
05:32.11Orclevhow are the servers holding up so far?
05:33.07Kirkburn|afkDunno about Outland, but Azeroth is fine for me :)
05:39.14Orclevbah, installer is at 90% now
05:43.21*** join/#wowwiki nemppu (
05:45.20Hobinheimpaging lore expert
05:45.27Hobinheimi just got my copy of bc
05:45.41Hobinheimalthough i'm trying to balance life and prepare some stuff for work.. it's gonna be a long night... =(
05:46.19Hobinheimuhh anyway just dropping in to say i need a citation name for the burning crusade manual. i'm sure it tells us nothing new
05:49.49Orclevwtf, the damned BC installer wiped all the updates, I'm having to repatch back to 2.0.5
05:50.37kazurkwe all are Orclev
05:54.57*** join/#wowwiki Tekkub (
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05:57.07Zealhuh Hobinheim? :S
06:17.13Kirkburn|afkThe version on the BC CDs is dated 31st October 2005
06:18.13Kirkburn|afkOooh, didn't notice the sun come up
06:18.22Sky2042silly europeans :p
06:18.27Kirkburn|afkIN WOW, obviously :P
06:18.38Kirkburn|afkBet they must have enjoyed the view in the Outlands
06:18.53Kirkburn|afkTook 1 hour for the first person to reach the Netherstorm on my realm
06:24.48Bagginswwkirk have you been awake for 24 hours?
06:25.42Bagginswwwell I meant almost all day
06:26.11Bagginswwhmm hobinhemi those infernals appear glitched to me for some reason
06:26.16Bagginswwcoming off as blue background
06:27.38Sky2042the infernal on the right looks fine
06:27.48Sky2042i don't like the look on the left though :/
06:28.13Bagginswwone of hte left is covenrg hte woowiki name for me
06:28.27Bagginswwboth appear glitched for some reason
06:28.30Bagginswwnot sure why
06:28.41Sky2042why would the right appear glitched? It looks perfect to me
06:28.47BagginswwI mean its blue
06:28.52Bagginswwtransparency isn't working right
06:28.57Bagginswwprobably settings
06:28.59Bagginswwon this comptuer
06:29.17Sky2042it looks the usual colors to me, so it prolly is the comp
06:29.26Sky2042neon fire and grey rock
06:30.11Bagginswwanyone know how to turn on transparency?
06:30.19*** join/#wowwiki EightbitfuryX (
06:30.28EightbitfuryXuhh hey guys o_O
06:30.47EightbitfuryXis there any place to download the patch required by burning crusade other than the torrent thing?
06:30.50EightbitfuryXcause its not working for me :9
06:31.48Sky2042gl finding one right now, unless blizz pre-released the patch to mirror sites
06:32.19Bagginswwhmm looking into its apparently a glitch in png graphics and microfsoft enternet explorer
06:32.37Bagginswwnot sure if there is a way to get around it
06:33.21Sky2042yeah... its not just ie. im getting the glitch in ff ;(
06:33.28Sky2042oh, nvm
06:33.35Sky2042ill go away :9
06:33.44Sky2042wrong glitch ;(
06:34.25Bagginswwthat talks about it
06:34.30EightbitfuryXlemme know if you find a patch mirror
06:34.41EightbitfuryXim anxious to make ma blood elf mage..
06:34.50EightbitfuryXwhich sound beefy as hell from a pvp point of view.
06:34.54Bagginswwgoing the blood knight route
06:35.05Sky2042... aoe silence is op ;(
06:35.13EightbitfuryXmakin a dranei pally too
06:35.23Bagginswwonly thing is I"m not using IE 6 :p
06:35.24EightbitfuryXi'll be my first alliance character XD
06:35.38Sky2042lern2ie7 or ff2.0, nublet!
06:36.05Bagginswwbut I have Ie7 LOL
06:36.25Sky2042qq. then whytf would u be using ie6? xD
06:36.54Sky2042i read that wrong -_-
06:36.57Bagginswwhmm somehow its reverted...
06:37.14BagginswwI was using ie7 but some reason it reveted back to 6
06:37.17Bagginswwok reinstalling
06:37.46Sky2042ok, question: is this page appropriate?:
06:38.23Bagginswwso weird
06:39.05Bagginswwtoo much of a stub imo
06:39.13Bagginswwno background info etc
06:39.23Bagginswwabout as bad as player or guild stubs :p
06:40.41Hobinheimstill haven't thought of a pally name
06:41.06Sky2042-ThisisyourgenericBEPld- :P
06:41.16Sky2042edit* have to have female in that
06:41.42Bagginswwall I know is I have grueslayer saved on my server for a draenei character
06:41.53Bagginswwnot sure what class I will use yet though
06:42.05Bagginswwthinking warrior or shaman
06:43.09EightbitfuryXthis is bothering me
06:43.11EightbitfuryXi wanna play >_,
06:43.15EightbitfuryXanyone find a mirror  yet?
06:44.17Hobinheimyay who didn't delete their patches!
06:45.25EightbitfuryXi didnt ..
06:45.34EightbitfuryXyou just need to repach with 2.0.3?
06:45.52Sky2042i didn't delete mine... but i haven't patched since 2.0.1 >.>
06:46.04Hobinheimjust... let the installer do its thing
06:46.10Hobinheimi don't know why people are so uppity about patches
06:46.12Hobinheimjust let it go
06:46.26Sky2042when your firewall or whatnot won't let it go... ;(
06:46.28Hobinheimall the grief that one could potentially give himself
06:46.33Hobinheimincluding a keylogger or virus
06:47.07EightbitfuryXso seriously
06:47.12EightbitfuryXall i gotta do is download the 2.0.3 patch again?
06:48.06*** join/#wowwiki Apollozeus (
06:48.14Hobinheimjust sign on
06:48.19Hobinheimjust. sign. on.
06:48.22EightbitfuryXthe torrent thing doesnt work for me!
06:48.30Hobinheimit should default to http after a while
06:48.33Apollozeusnaw my god
06:48.39Hobinheimor why don't you open up your ports?
06:48.41Apollozeusanother murloc pet
06:48.43EightbitfuryXi dont know how...
06:48.48Hobinheimit has instructions
06:48.48EightbitfuryXI JUST WANNA PLAY DAMNIT
06:48.56Hobinheimdo you know if you have a router?
06:49.02EightbitfuryXi have a router -_-;
06:49.07Hobinheimyes, download 2.0.3
06:49.10EightbitfuryXthank you
06:49.17EightbitfuryXnow i shall go and download 2.0.3
06:52.16Sky2042hmm... you happen to know of a server page that looks pretty? :o
06:54.21Apollozeusinfernals on the main pge
06:54.58HobinheimSky2042, someone mentioned one in village pump
06:55.43Apollozeusthat's over the top IMO
06:55.48Hobinheimwho tf is auchindon
06:56.28Sky2042yeah... i thought about Mal'ganis, but then i agreed with apollo ;(
06:56.49Hobinheimit is over the top.. but still nice looking
06:57.06Hobinheimin other news i changed my forum icon and it was well-received!
06:57.12*** join/#wowwiki Adys (
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06:57.16Hobinheimstill need a name tho
06:57.17Adyscool mainpage hob
06:57.55Kirkburn|afkI'm just moving away from the text a bit
06:58.03Hobinheimi thought if we could have a drunken new years, we could at least have a legion invasion...
06:58.05Adysmm bit too much kirk imo
06:58.14Kirkburn|afkBit too much what?
06:58.22Adysthe infernal hideing under the navbox doesnt look good
06:58.23Kirkburn|afkWe cannot have them covering up the links
06:58.28Hobinheimif anything, i recommend doing something with the left infernal
06:58.32Adysah true
06:58.32Hobinheimbut the right one i really like
06:58.35Hobinheimhe's special =)
06:58.36Apollozeuswhat do you guys think about that?
06:58.56Hobinheimuhh it looks like a racebox
06:59.09Kirkburn|afkNice, but NO to number of players
06:59.21Hobinheimi guess.
06:59.30Hobinheimif we could find nice icons for PvP, PvE, and RP
06:59.34Hobinheimsomething iconic
06:59.45Apollozeuswhy, hobinheam?
06:59.49Kirkburn|afkHow about if the infernal goes over the wiki icon?
07:00.00Kirkburn|afkIt won't affect the link
07:00.04Apollozeuswe're not trying to pimp pages
07:00.13Apollozeuswe're just trying to give as much information as possible
07:01.52Adysmoved the right infernal a bit more - its not covering links and it was biggering the page in 1280
07:01.59Hobinheimwell, badges to readily identify realm types is giving information
07:02.27Hobinheimnot to say that i'm opposed to helping/change
07:02.30Hobinheimbut it looks more silly now =(
07:02.32Kirkburn|afkAdys, the infernal to the right cannot be brought in closer
07:02.33Hobinheimat least on mine
07:02.36Hobinheimit's biggering the page
07:02.39Kirkburn|afkCheck lower resolutions, please
07:03.05Apollozeusthe right infernal is still breaking the page D:
07:03.11ApollozeusI'm using 1024x768 btw
07:03.15Adysbring it up top and move the left one down?
07:03.16Kirkburn|afkYou mean going off it?
07:03.33Hobinheimyeah the right infernal is permanently like... meh
07:03.38Hobinheimrevert the right one
07:03.43Hobinheimlefty will stay hidden like ninja
07:03.43Apollozeusyes, kirk
07:03.48Kirkburn|afk"Revert" it?
07:03.54Apollozeusremove it :/
07:04.09Hobinheimthe burning legion is a complete failure
07:04.11Adyshow about bringing the right one under the search link
07:04.11Apollozeusnice idea, but it screws up the page
07:04.18Apollozeusthe left one can stay though :p
07:04.19Adysit wont affect any link
07:04.32Hobinheimhe's so like.. easter egg though
07:04.37Hobinheimi was going to put a HUGE illidan on the front page
07:04.40Kirkburn|afkHmm, further down for the right one?
07:04.46Kirkburn|afkIt should fit with the policy section
07:04.59Kirkburn|afkOr yeah
07:05.03Kirkburn|afkAdys' idea is good
07:05.05Hobinheimi agree with pumping righty up below search
07:05.26Hobinheimand don't make his positioning permanently induce scrolling =/
07:06.15Adyserr, what did you do to the left one :p
07:06.28ZealApollozeus, template, die. (i'm currently rreading over what i've missed..)
07:06.37Adys(soz for borrowing your devpage btw kirk=P)
07:06.56Kirkburn|afkWhat did I do to the left one?
07:07.03Adysno idea
07:07.04Kirkburn|afkI stopped it covering up links :)
07:07.05Apollozeusthe right one still moves off the page there adys
07:07.21Kirkburn|afkYes, it'll have to move off the page if it's gonna fit
07:07.30Kirkburn|afkAnyway, what's wrong with that? :)
07:07.33Adysmm, can do it slightly more
07:07.33Apollozeuswe can remove that puff of smoke on the right
07:07.39Apollozeusthen it will fit
07:07.42Adyskirk: it looks bad with the logo at least on my screen
07:07.46Adysaye what apollo said
07:07.48Kirkburn|afkHere's an idea
07:07.53Kirkburn|afkReduce the image size!
07:08.15Apollozeuskirk, notice the green smoke in the upper right corner?
07:08.17Apollozeusnerf that :p
07:08.21Zealshame z-index: is only on position: absolute (iirc)
07:08.37Hobinheimsuch a big hullabahoo over my little surprise
07:09.09Hobinheimi think lefty should be in more
07:09.12Kirkburn|afkYou should've dev paged it first tbh
07:09.16Hobinheimalmost touching the wowwiki loog
07:09.23HobinheimKirkburn|afk... good point
07:09.27Hobinheimthe idea didn't even like..
07:09.32Hobinheimit was supposed to be simple =P
07:09.38Hobinheimand a surprise.
07:09.56Hobinheimapologies. next time there's an invasion... i'll be sure to dev it out
07:10.05Hobinheimhuge pictures of saph's cousins all over the nav bars
07:10.06Adyshow bout now?
07:10.29Hobinheimbtw i talked to some kids online at the game store
07:10.44Hobinheimit was a mix of "i check lore" and "i check strats"
07:10.49Hobinheimand we all got free passes to alla
07:11.00Hobinheimi think i'm going to use the alla pass for some espionage
07:11.03Hobinheimwrite down a feature list
07:11.12Hobinheimand then we can go ahead and implement free versions of those
07:11.21Hobinheimone kid also noted that thottbot was better for beta information
07:12.26Kirkburn|afkAdys, the left infernal completely covers the logo!
07:12.26Apollozeusbeta information?
07:12.26Hobinheimand that he was curious if we had a data mining mechanism set up
07:12.26Adysdoes it?
07:12.26Apollozeusthere's no need for beta info anymore
07:12.26Hobinheimi told him that it was in the works and we're looking into it
07:12.26Apollozeuswe want real info D:
07:12.26HobinheimApollozeus, BC stuff, durr
07:12.26Apollozeusno hobin
07:12.26Hobinheimthe infernals aren't moving on my screen =(
07:12.26Adysaaah the wowwiki text you mean?
07:12.27Apollozeusit's the 16th today :p
07:12.27Kirkburn|afkAdys, yeah
07:12.31Adyswell doesnt look too bad ^^
07:12.31Hobinheimget rid of righty's puff of smoke on the dev copy
07:12.31Hobinheimand you got it
07:12.41Adysimho its better covering the text than the W logo
07:12.58Kirkburn|afkI disagree :)
07:13.10Adysis it poss to make the wowwiki go over the infernal?
07:13.12Kirkburn|afkI'd rather partially cover the icon than the name of the website
07:13.14Adysim an html noob, sorry
07:13.21Kirkburn|afkNope, unfortunately
07:13.43Adyshow about the right one?
07:13.51Hobinheimit's not an html problem, it's a wiki problem
07:14.03Hobinheimmediawiki uses a subset of html so not all tricks are possible
07:14.12Kirkburn|afkAgain, v close in
07:14.20Hobinheimoh glory be login
07:14.29Hobinheimfeh still need a name
07:14.51Kirkburn|afkAdys, problem is, I don't want people on low resolutions suddenly finding half their screen is now infernals
07:15.12Adyshmm tbh with lower res the actual positions are already screwing up
07:15.33Adysat least for me
07:15.38HobinheimKirkburn|afk, it's a price we have to pay
07:15.44Hobinheiminferals don't care
07:15.47Sky2042random question: are all the links gonna be green now? :O
07:15.50Hobinheimthere will be casualties
07:15.52Kirkburn|afklol, not if I can help it
07:16.07Adyslol hob
07:16.31Hobinheimman i'm going to be stuck at character select for hours...
07:16.34Apollozeuslol Sky2042
07:16.36Apollozeusimagine that
07:16.42Apollozeusrather ugly huh :p
07:16.58AdysKirkburn|afk: the right infernal is screwing up in all res, including 1280x1024 which is the most used - at least it doesnt in the latter
07:17.01Sky2042the right infernal's over the -article- link in the little intro next to the name on my screen... ;(
07:17.14Kirkburn|afkAdys, what browser?
07:17.26Kirkburn|afkAnd what do you mean by screwing up?
07:17.34Adysit enlarges the page
07:17.43Adysand make the centering look ugly
07:18.01Kirkburn|afkUh, you've got an odd copy of FF2
07:18.08Kirkburn|afkOn mine it just adds a scrollbar
07:18.30Adysand it uncenters the page =P
07:18.47Kirkburn|afkIt's fine here
07:18.51Kirkburn|afkTotally centred
07:19.06Kirkburn|afk(assuming you don't scroll right for no apparent reason)
07:19.31Zeal<@Hobinheim> mediawiki uses a subset of html so not all tricks are possible <-- huh?
07:19.31Hobinheimneed. gay. name. for. blood. knight.
07:19.53Zealfor me, the infernals are fine, but for those at lower re, the right one is surely a problem.
07:19.53Hobinheimhuh what. mediawiki renders only a subset of all possible html
07:20.18Zealoh i see what you mean
07:20.30Sky2042lol hob
07:20.36Zealeither way, it would make no difference for what you're attempting
07:20.43Hobinheimman you guys have no sense of destruction
07:20.44Sky2042im rofling here hob
07:20.51Zealand it's XHTML, pfft ;)
07:21.39Zealit was fun Hobinheim, jsut not practical for more than a few mins :P
07:22.32Zealhate when you can't think of a word..
07:22.51Hobinheimi was only satisfied with two names i've ever come up with
07:22.55Hobinheimhob being one of them
07:22.56Hobinheimi need a third epic name
07:23.06Hobinheimcuz the rest were just trash alts
07:23.08Adyshow about now?
07:23.14Adysi uploaded a new infernal3.png
07:23.17Adysslightly smaller
07:24.37Kirkburn|afkOh, you got rid of the wisp
07:24.37Zealcovers wiki introduction
07:24.52Zealas right one fails tbh, no way around it.
07:25.04Adysdo you play in 640x480 zeal ><
07:25.06Hobinheimchanged it
07:25.11Kirkburn|afkHow about resizing it down a bit more too Adys?
07:25.12Zealno adys, lol.
07:25.15Hobinheimhow about now
07:25.26Zeali just size my browser to check these things
07:25.28Adysmm lemme check
07:25.40Hobinheimi see what's happening
07:25.43Adysyea zeal but to cover the wiki intro I need to go really small
07:25.44Hobinheimthe things flex a lot
07:25.48Kirkburn|afkArgh people - stop covering the text!
07:25.52Hobinheimok we'll never be satisfied
07:25.56Hobinheimforgget it
07:25.59Hobinheimi say scrap the inferals
07:26.01Zealleave the left one, hes fine
07:26.02Hobinheimcuz we're getting no where
07:26.09Hobinheimeither people get eaten alive or they don't
07:26.39Kirkburn|afkThe left, yeah, seems fine, but if the right one is about 2/3 the size, it should work too
07:26.54Zealcan't wait to finish my main page dev, then i can add this sorta stuff with conditionals :P
07:28.09Hobinheimps feel free to actual overwrite or delete the infernal files
07:28.24Kirkburn|afkI shall fiddle now
07:28.34Adysscaled down
07:28.39Adyshows it now?
07:29.03Zealwtf @ left one
07:29.08Hobinheimif the left one is covering the logo on my screen
07:29.16Hobinheimwait nevermind i have the window scaled down
07:29.18Zealkeep it within the fixed space of the side bar
07:29.19Hobinheimforget i said anything
07:29.26Kirkburn|afkAdys, better :)
07:29.31Kirkburn|afk(the right one)
07:29.45Hobinheimnow they look wimpy
07:29.48Kirkburn|afkShall replace on main page now
07:29.49Hobinheimwhat kind of invasion is this
07:29.51Zealnope, right still covered wiki intro
07:30.00Zealat thats before 1024
07:30.12HobinheimDemonic Invasion Lite (tm)
07:30.18Hobinheimsame great fel taste, less filling!
07:30.53Adys changed it to Dev page
07:32.13Kirkburn|afkOkay, let's stop this edit war now
07:32.23*** join/#wowwiki Sky2042 (
07:32.53Kirkburn|afkI will tell you all this now - the main page is NOT for fancy graphics and crazy ideas
07:33.01Kirkburn|afkIf you have one, bring it up first
07:33.13Sky2042Kirk's goin on the warpath!
07:33.17Kirkburn|afkThe infernals are cool, but you must talk about it first
07:33.31Hobinheimduly noted for next time tho
07:33.37Hobinheimnortherned, etc
07:33.39Adysinfobot, do your job
07:33.52infobotACTION does your job.
07:33.52Hobinheiminfobot, give me a damn name
07:33.55infobotACTION gives a damn name to hobinheim
07:33.55Adys.. silly bot
07:33.56Kirkburn|afkCool idea, but really - not something so big please :P
07:34.04Zealwtf? at theron
07:34.27Hobinheim(if the invasion was done properly, you would have been critted by Shock and Awe)
07:34.29Adyssup with theron again?
07:34.52Hobinheimi can't get the syllabal kael out of my head
07:35.58Zealoh, him editing his reply to me on the knight talk page
07:36.27Zealwas funny what he added thne removed and how it made no difference.
07:40.13Adysdont you love the quote of the day ^^
07:46.19AdysWoot, BC postman is here
07:49.22Sky2042lol kirk
07:49.29Sky2042some ppl just dont get it ;p
07:50.28AdysThey gave me the outland mousepad in french ARGH
07:52.05Adys%!@#hats, i need to install the french version now too >.>
07:52.09AdysELP time..
07:52.44Adysya're french right?
07:52.49Kirkburn|afkMust be awful for you :P
07:52.50Adysyes and? :p
07:52.51ApollozeusD: so what's the problem?
07:53.02Adysthe problem is blizzard fucking translated names like stormwind
07:53.22Apollozeusyou can download the english version, right?
07:53.31Adyseuropean language pack
07:53.35Apollozeusjust use your french key :p
07:53.38Adystakes ages tho
07:54.03Kirkburn|afkWoo, revered with Gnomereagan
07:54.18*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
07:54.27Apollozeusenjoy your mechanostrider, kirk :p
07:54.35Kirkburn|afkNot exalted :P
07:54.49Apollozeus>_< I keep mixing those two
07:56.21Apollozeustakes ago? how big is that language pack?
07:56.33Adysbout 3gb
07:57.20Adystranslated sounds, images etc
07:57.29Apollozeusawefully big, indeed
07:57.53ApollozeusBlizzard has introduced yet another murloc pet
07:57.54Adyswhat i originally did is install the english version from packing up mpqs from the ELP
07:57.59Apollozeus'Lurky'.. :/
08:00.13Adysmy computer has over 80gb of wow related data
08:00.26Apollozeuswhat the fuck
08:00.30Adys50gb of archives, 7gb of friends and family alpha
08:00.36Apollozeusdid you install the german, spanish and korean versions as well?
08:00.44Adys7gb of closed beta, 4 gb of original alpha
08:01.12Apollozeusno open beta? :p
08:01.13Adys6gb of unconverted screenshots and rests are various tweaks and models remade
08:01.21Adysthats the same client apollo
08:01.56Hobinheimmodified after my friend's last name
08:02.21Apollozeusthat's the name of your new character?
08:06.32Adysthe art of warcraft book is awesome
08:07.18Kirkburn|afkYou taunt me so!
08:07.34Adysdidnt manage to get the first collector edition =/
08:07.40Adysso its my little cheerup
08:08.32HobinheimApollozeus, yeah
08:10.07Kirkburn|afkI hate when people don't think when they edit the wiki - someone edited the TBC page to say it was released at 0:01 EST in the US and EU
08:10.22Kirkburn|afkHe really thought internationally there, eh :/
08:13.01Kirkburn|afkAnyway, proper afk now
08:14.43Apollozeusgotta hate the people who think wow is all about america
08:15.49AdysHorde lolz
08:17.02Sky2042that wasn't me!
08:17.21Apollozeusyeah, horde lolz indeed
08:18.02Apollozeusblood elf is going to be the most popular horde race
08:22.21Zealindeed, we got it before them, woot, lol.
08:22.33*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
08:23.02Adysto be honest
08:23.07AdysI gotta admit blizzard impresses me
08:23.12Adysaccount page is still up and fast
08:23.15Adysno lag in outland
08:23.24Adysno real race to camp mob spawns
08:23.38Adysonly 15 mins downtime this afternoon at 0.00
08:25.39Zealwell it started off poorly with the EU CE pet screw up, the previous 2.0.5 fiasco, and the upgrade page screw up. but it's been pretty quick to sort and the servers sound fine
08:25.58Zealso.. its definite EU get Gurky?
08:26.32AdysWell zeal they still impress me compared to for example AQ40 opening event and permanent 30 seconds lag during 10 hours
08:26.42Adysone or two hours downtime on a low pop servers
08:26.57Adysthe original retail, up to a week to get the page to "work"
08:27.30Apollozeusit turns out even blizzard draws conclusions from past experiences
08:27.32AdysI mean, at half past midnight there were already 100+ ppl in hellfire and levelling without lag on my serbv
08:27.42Zealwait.. we get Lurky?
08:27.49Adysbut still !
08:27.56Adyszeal: no idea, but gurky is a contest
08:28.01Zealreading the redemption, no one would have it yet.
08:28.20ApollozeusZeal, hang on
08:28.20Zealand the redemption says you will get a netherwhelp
08:28.26Apollozeusyou will get both
08:28.35ApollozeusI'll pass you the link
08:28.39Zealoh sorry
08:28.43Zealifnore me, i skimmed
08:28.48Zealget Lurky for now
08:29.08Zealand 2 free days
08:29.19Zealthey could have made the important info bold >_>;
08:30.31Zealso is the wow site page removal temp or perm?
08:30.48*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
08:31.11Zealif temp, lame, if perm, hurry up and do a new one.
08:31.30ApollozeusI hope it's permanent
08:31.38Apollozeusthe old site was too damn heavy
08:32.03Zealand i don't beleive XML+XLS was really needed
08:32.14Apollozeusneither do I
08:32.21Apollozeushtml and/or php was good enough
08:32.54Apollozeusbut oh well
08:33.04Apollozeusthey're wasting their own bandwidth with their fancy website :)
08:33.23Zealperhaps they come up with the xml implementation that saved a lot of overhead with the traffic it gets
08:33.29Zeal*came up
08:33.34Zeal*with an
08:34.05Apollozeusw/e it is
08:34.15Apollozeusall the more reason to use ;)
08:34.50Hobinheimcan't save
08:36.27Adysfirst install is over from the 4 cds...
08:36.34Adysnow downloading 1.12 update
08:39.13Zealtable text is full sql error? :S
08:39.17AdysDatabase error
08:39.17AdysFrom WoWWiki
08:39.17AdysJump to: navigation, search
08:39.17AdysA database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:
08:39.19Adysfrom within function "Revision::insertOn". MySQL returned error "1114: The table 'text' is full (localhost)".
08:39.29Adysaka "got the same problem"
08:39.49Zeal: /
08:39.51Adysvlad_ ?
08:39.51Zeali see
08:41.44Zeal"All [[World of Warcraft]] or [[Warcraft]] art, images, and lore are the property of [Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and used by permission." is that true? :S
08:41.58Zealand you left a "["
08:42.01Adysdont know, im not doing the texts, im just styling up
08:42.10*** join/#wowwiki Q_Continuum (
08:42.15*** part/#wowwiki Hobinheim (
08:43.09vlad_what the hell is that
08:43.23Zeala big problem.. lol
08:43.29Adysim getting it when trying to send up an edit
08:43.37vlad_hold on
08:43.39Zealwe all are : /
08:43.43*** join/#wowwiki sylvanaar (
08:43.44vlad_oh ffs
08:44.18ZealAdys, you were the last person to edit, i say we blame you :P
08:44.47Adyshit on the frenchy while you still can, boy
08:45.18Zealthat could be taken wrong :p
08:45.26Adysinstalling patch 1.12 now >.>
08:45.38Q_ContinuumAdys: upgrading to TBC?
08:45.43Adys"Ecriture des données des textures dans 'patch.MPQ'" yawn
08:45.59Adysya Q_Continuum, but got the french BC version so need to install the french client
08:46.07vlad_Trying a fix now, please hold.
08:46.17Q_ContinuumOn that note - I just did a 1.0.0 install (buddy had a release one, my CDs were from the next batch) then installed TBC and it patched it straight to 2.0.0
08:46.17Adysso I need to get out the cds of the original french version
08:46.21vlad_<insert hold music here>
08:46.22Q_ContinuumNo need to patch at all
08:46.28Adysya but cba =P
08:46.40vlad_good thing I was still awake
08:46.42vlad_instead of sleeping
08:46.45vlad_like I should be
08:46.50vlad_do dee doo
08:46.57vlad_this might take a minute or two
08:46.57Adyswhere do you live vlad_? Europe?
08:47.19vlad_if I was in europe I should be waking up right about now!
08:47.25Adysits 10am here yeah
08:47.37Adysgood thing I was awake and not sleeping like i do every day, Id have missed the postman!
08:47.47Q_ContinuumSometime later today I'll finish mirroring the 1.0.0 installer on my storage server, w00t...
08:48.58Q_ContinuumEasy to make your own installation "DVD" from the CD set too, just copy all of the Installer Tome.mpq files to a single directory.  BTW - is there an article on installation or optimizing an install in any way?  *Couldn't find one, was going to write one*
08:49.23ApollozeusI don't recall there to be one
08:50.10Q_ContinuumFor example I've made my own install DVD with current patch  (Could be burned, currently is just a folder on my storage drive) and its rather simple, but most people aren't aware of it.
08:50.56Q_ContinuumI also don't understand why Blizzard continues to: 1) Update the installation sets, when you usually have more than 1 patch to install, and thus need the current uber-patch and 2) Why you STILL have to buy the Collector's Edition (or Trial!) to get a DVD.
08:51.14Q_ContinuumOdd that the Trial at $1.99 comes with a DVD, but the Full Game at $19.99 only comes on CD...
08:51.16vlad_wonder how long this alter table will take
08:52.05vlad_well, you jest, but
08:52.43vlad_I need to bounce the web server, one sec
08:53.11vlad_there we go
08:53.20vlad_had to make sure that my mysql command could grab the table :p
08:54.04vlad_> And you'll need to wait. That ALTER TABLE is going to take some time. Really.
08:54.19Q_ContinuumOh, before we do anything with the site?
08:54.40AdysLOL Zeal
08:55.35Q_ContinuumHmmm...the current big install downloader (straight from Blizzard) for the trial comes in at 3.16GB - I wonder if it includes the expansion...Original game = 2.5GB, expansion 2.0GB (US install size, without any extra patch files)
08:55.54Adys6gb for full patch 2.0 downloader :|
08:56.03Adys700 mb sorry
08:56.10Adys698 actually
08:56.12Apollozeusthe trial will probably not include the expansion...not yet
08:56.15Adysbut its the french one so its bit bigger
08:56.27Apollozeusnot fair to the people who have bought the original game
08:56.27Q_ContinuumIf you bought the expansion it will patch from 1.0.0 and up - no need to patch first
08:56.38vlad_I brought the wiki back up, but in read only mode
08:56.46Q_ContinuumIs that for 2.0.0, or 1.12->2.0.0?
08:57.08AdysThe database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal.
08:57.08AdysThe administrator who locked it offered this explanation: 1
08:57.12Adys1, uh? :P
08:57.20Adys1.12-2.0 cont
08:57.21Zeali don't see why the trial would ever be the expansion, but it will continue to get updated along with normal wow.
08:57.23Adysbut its the same thing
08:57.35Q_ContinuumNo, you'd have to be at 1.12 first
08:57.38Q_ContinuumSo that's two patches.
08:57.49Q_ContinuumTBC includes all that - as I just proved with my installation test. *shrugs*
08:58.10vlad_there, there's a messe now :p
08:58.12Adysmeh 50% through the download so far
08:58.33Zealwell it would do, TBC is 2.0+, the whole mpq system got rearranged and all existing patches got put into common.mpq
08:59.13Q_ContinuumPlus if you're installing TBC, you've got to repatch to 2.0.3 and beyond
08:59.45Q_Continuumas TBC boxed set is 2.0.0 - it converts any existing copy to that, at least in the US.  (updates were made after the CDs/DVDs were sent to the presses)
08:59.54Zealbeleive the original had to be patched on release too :p
09:00.18Q_Continuumno, TBC takes it *back*
09:00.20Zealyeah, that makes sense
09:00.24Q_Continuumthen you have to patch to the "current" version. Heh.
09:01.01Zealfurther adds to my point TBC was, and isn't ready.
09:01.52Zealimagien you were back at 2.0.1 on live >_>; that's what they expected people to play with on release.
09:02.37ZealCE :)
09:02.40Zealjust arrived
09:02.41Adystbc is ready tbh
09:02.47Adysgrats zeal, enjoy =)
09:02.52Adysthe box is awesome
09:04.06vlad_man, they weren't kidding when they said this will take a whie
09:04.07vlad_er, while
09:04.10vlad_guess i'm not sleeping for a bit
09:05.11Zeali should backup my edit then..
09:06.04Zeallol@warning reading my mind
09:10.31vlad_bouncing web server again (not done yet)
09:12.23Zealwhy disc 4 in a slip? :s
09:13.57vlad_reindexing 4gb takes a really long time!
09:14.18Zealduh ;)
09:14.38Adyszeal: the other pocket can only contain 3 of them
09:14.47Adysand the box is too small to contain a bigger pocket
09:14.51Adysthats what i figured out
09:15.00Zealfair enough
09:15.09Zealbtw.. these are all CD's.. not DVDs
09:15.15Adystheres a dvd
09:15.22Adysits under the music tracks
09:15.56Adysin a small pocket
09:15.56ZealDVD for the game though?
09:15.56Adysim installing it from the dvd right now
09:16.00Zealfucking fuck bags..
09:16.13Adysits in a carton pocket, in the top corner near the card games, under the plastified music tracks
09:16.23Zealthey put the CD's in a dvd case and hide the dvd.. gg
09:16.39Zealtoo late now, disc 2 almost done
09:17.20Adyscheck the art of warcraft book meanwhile
09:17.23Adysfuck, I love it
09:18.27Zeali willo do
09:18.35Zeali gotta clean my desc up tbh
09:19.38Apollozeuslawl @ my newspaper
09:19.48Apollozeusred draenei D:
09:23.03*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
09:26.17vlad_wtf is going on
09:26.20vlad_I don't understand!
09:26.36vlad_well, ok, I do, I just wish it would go faster
09:26.45Adysthe infernals i tell ya !!
09:26.52vlad_we just did the copy-lots-of-stuff part
09:26.59vlad_now we're at the do-a-lot-of-thinking part
09:29.38Adysyay installation ove
09:30.41Adys219 more megabytes to download for fucking minor patches ><
09:31.07Adysand ofc, NOW it goes slow..
09:32.14Adysjust why..
09:33.57Zealhaha, didn;t have to download patches
09:34.12Adysi gotta dl 2.0.1 > 2.0.5
09:34.23Zeal2.0.5 i will
09:34.32Zealbut i already had 2.0.3 on my wow
09:34.43Adysso do i
09:34.44Zealso it found it and updating to it now
09:34.47Adys.. in english :[
09:34.53Apollozeusmurky gurky lurky
09:35.04Zeali wanted gurky tbh
09:35.09Zealbut netherwhelp > all
09:35.15Apollozeusthey should make a wurky or something
09:35.23Apollozeusthan we could have murloc powerrangers
09:35.29Zealnah, murlocs generally suck
09:35.53Zeali wish we could get soem sort of inanimate pet
09:36.04Zealeg, orbs and stuff
09:36.14Zealthat follow us and float about
09:36.18Apollozeusspirit of summer?
09:36.25Zealwhats that?
09:36.34Adysa red wisp
09:36.37Adysfrom the summerfest
09:40.54Zealoo crystal forge pala design
09:40.56Zealthats win
09:41.45vlad_do de doo
09:41.46vlad_still sorting
09:42.14Zealcoolies btw, though i was thinking stuff more along the lines of orbs from wc3 and keals 3 orbs
09:43.15Zeal"goog paladins always keep their armor shiny and polished" XD
09:49.25Zeal"Murlocs would be better ambushers if there didn't scream all the time" XD
09:53.40vlad_someone go do a test edit please :)
09:56.17Adyson it
09:57.17Zealty vlad_
09:57.31vlad_now i'm off to bed!
09:57.35Adysgn ^^
09:57.40Adysand thanks aye
09:58.54Zeal2.0.3->2.0.5 is one update, yay :)
09:59.18*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
10:13.17Zealonce again, friends screw me over..
10:13.36Zealwow release all over again
10:13.49Zealpeople not sticking to plans and going to diff realms..
10:14.52Adysi gotta say the tcg is quite beautiful
10:15.06Adysbut having it in french is enough of a security for me to not get hooked ^^
10:15.10Adysnot to*
10:15.24Adysinfobot, are you here?
10:15.34infobotYes, I'm right here, adys.
10:15.41Adysok thanks
10:17.42Zeali dunno what to do now
10:19.21Adysdunno, you can go level?:p
10:19.29Zeali was coming back because i wanted to roll and move with friends after we all went inactive for a while.
10:19.41Zealbut the lanned server, they've moved away from again
10:19.46Zealwell, one of them stayed
10:20.02Adysmove with em?
10:20.21Zealand the new server is PvP, when the whole guild said theey wanted to move to PvE..
10:20.58Zeali don't want to play PvP anymore, but i also don't want to go through another year with friends on different servers.
10:21.09Zeal2 of these being RL swedish friends.
10:21.20Zealone has stayed, the other has moved again.
10:21.35Zealthe one that's stayed isn't consistantly active..
10:22.15Adysdepends what your plans for the game are
10:22.26Zealcasual play, small guild.
10:22.35Adysif you dont have friends on a server either you change of server or you find another game to play with friends, tbh.
10:22.40Adysthats my opinion about wow
10:22.53Adysim playing since three years the same class, not having fun doing it
10:22.55Zealyes, that's why i quit wow so many times..
10:23.12Adysbut i got loads of friends and there is <NO WAY> Im quitting the game until they do
10:23.15Zealcome back, and things fall apart again.
10:24.20Adysbut honestly, if you cant find nice peeps on your serv, then your serv is really not a good one
10:24.20Zealnow i've just spent money to return again and same thing..
10:24.35Adysyou can try and transfer, youll meet new ppl while levelling
10:25.06Zeali'm not looking for nice peeps on my server, i'm looking for RL friends who i know, can create a guild together and slowly add people we like.
10:25.23Adyswhy rl friends?
10:25.26Adysi mean
10:25.30Zealit's not a question of transfering, it's where to roll my new char.
10:25.30Adysplaying with rl friends is always fun
10:25.40Zealextremely fun.
10:25.45Adysbut the point of playing a virtual game thats so based on the social like wow is meeting new ppl
10:26.02Zealthat' fine, but i'm not after that initially
10:26.09Adysrl friends you're lucky enough to be able to meet them regularly irl
10:26.30Zealand generally, people are narrow-minded idiots so wouldn't want to be in guild with them..
10:26.45Zealgone through that enough..
10:26.52AdysIm organizing a small stormrage meeting with old guildies that became very close friends very soon
10:27.20AdysTHIS is the point of having friends you dont meet irl
10:27.26Adysregularly that is
10:27.29Zealmost people i've thought i liked, have either turned that around, left or quit.
10:27.32Adysi mean, after some time you'll meet them anyways
10:28.32Adysyou play on EU or US?
10:28.41ZealEU, ofc :p
10:29.10Zealpreferabbly horde if i have to choose.
10:29.29Adysmeh Im alliance =P well if you got an alliance char come and transfer on stormrage
10:29.37Adysfor the community its one of the best server i know
10:29.44Adysand pve =P
10:31.42Zealwill keep that in mind
10:32.06Zealfyi you're the first french person i've not hated after talking to ;)
10:32.34Adysim a very well known enchanter on the server, and when you've got that position you regularly get to meet ppl
10:32.47Adysyou see the polite peeps and the ones just wanting an enchant
10:32.56Adysim not kidding, thats how I met my gf =P
10:33.24Zealwell guess i'm just gunna jump on darkspear, i know their old chars are still on there and it was the planned server..
10:34.31AdysRL friends are fun to play with but if you're actually seeking to play with rl friends when you are playing a mmo, its not the way to go imo
10:34.39Adyswow is so much centered on the social its incredible
10:35.09Adysmeeting new ppl, getting to know them and then meeting irl is fun
10:35.50Adysofc its also fun knowing ppl irl and playing with them, but centering your playstyle on this side of the social game only is not fun imho
10:36.58Adys27 mins for 30% of a minor patch
10:37.00Zealit's perhaps not easily, but it is fun.
10:37.06Zeallol, ouch
10:37.20Adysyeah I know its fun :P
10:37.25Adysbut you can always do both
10:37.39Zeali miss when i played open beta with my best firend.. we were just reminiscing a min ago
10:37.55Zealboth tauren druids, i was tank and dps, he was healer and buffer :p
10:38.05Zealdid everything together, lol.
10:38.53Zealand sure, we made lots of firends we kept in contact with, and i would have gladly added to a guild.
10:39.03Zealand that's how i'd like to enjoy the game..
10:39.10Zealbut lacking the first step.
10:39.21Adysbc is the perfect occasion for that
10:39.26ZealAnd no, i really don't want to join a guild :P
10:39.29Adystell you, while levelling youll meet ppl
10:39.50Zealwho are usually guilded or crap :P
10:39.51Adysbeing guildless doesnt help meeting new peeps either
10:40.12Adysnice peeps are usually guildled thats a fact
10:40.38Adysthe only guildless ppl who play the game long are usually kids who just play "for the game"
10:41.10Adysthe whole point of wow is its social part, i can really ensure you that
10:42.11Zeali think you've known me long enough to know i'm very opinionated on how i think things should be done. why i could never be in a guild i don't play an important part of. my first guild i quickly became an officer in, then took the role of co-leader, then when i went inactive, i handled administrative stuff for them, website, organization, politics, rules etc. when the leader was going inactive, i salvaged the guild by merging it
10:42.28Zealreformed one i had been in talks with arranging an alliance
10:42.53Adys(sorry) LOL
10:43.02Adyswhy doesnt that surprise me =P
10:43.25Adysbut im kinda the same kind of person in a guild
10:43.50Zeali then went into a lesser administritive role, but still had a big say, until a disagreement over DKP system, at which point i bowed to their decision as a guild, and quit the guild (though most of them got the wrong idea.. which pissed me off) and quit wow at the same time.
10:43.54Adysive been for one year and half officer/raidleader in two different guilds
10:44.07Adysafter i left my second guild for a more casual one
10:44.11Adysi gave up and wanted to chill
10:44.27Adysits relaxing not doing all this and not be bothered too much
10:45.41Zeali'd always wish there was a more relaxed RP server..
10:45.49Adyswhen you get regular whispers for various enchants, lead a MC pug every week, are officer in a major raiding guild, edit and watch wowwiki on a regular basis, try and keep up to date some addons and want to spend time with your girlfriend you just burn out at some point
10:46.05Adysthat counted i was raiding 7 days a week (6d/week + the MC pug)
10:46.07Zeali nthe sense, you're not having to act out your char, but act as your char.
10:46.33Zealwell, i have no obligations..
10:46.45Adysme neither!
10:46.50Adysapart from maybe the enchants
10:46.54Adysbeing officer was my choice
10:46.59Adysediting wowwiki was my choice
10:47.04Adysdoing addons was my choice
10:47.13Adysraiding every day was my choice
10:47.23Adysleading the mc pug aswell - i just enjoyed it
10:47.36Adysbut then you dont have time to spend with ppl you know and that sucks
10:48.35Zeali'm not a big RL socializer anyways. most of my firends i've met online or through education.
10:49.06Zealcinema, odd pub, meal. that's about it.
10:52.24Zealso, i'm fairly safe in that regard.
10:53.44Zealbut anyways.. i'm more than willing to meet people, but don't want to level on my own and stumble around for a guild and more that likely hop through guilds..
10:54.04Adyswell i dont really get it
10:54.15Adysif you want to level with other ppl but not join a guild its gonna be hard tbh
10:54.40Zealthat's where friends are supposed to come in..
10:54.51ZealRL or not
10:55.00Adysmy friendlist is composed of about 5 friends i met during levelling etc
10:55.08Adysand 45 ex guildies
10:55.33Adyseven had to set up a channel to get to talk to these ppl regularly since my friendlist was full
10:56.05Adysi just found out
10:56.09Adysim downloading the EPL
10:56.12Adysand not the patch >.>
10:56.25Adyseuropean language pack sorry
10:56.36Adysenglish version over french version
10:57.19Adys211 more mb to download now >.>
10:58.20Zealah i see, lol
10:59.29Adysyay found a decent mirror
11:00.44Zealany idea where Kirkburn|afk plays? XD
11:01.02Adysor did you mean server
11:01.07Adysi think hes on bloodhoof im not sure
11:01.50*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
11:03.36Zealchecks the.. slowwiki
11:04.05*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
11:04.25Zealhm.. dragonblight
11:04.51Zealalliance though :(
11:05.33Zealinfernals breaking page..
11:06.31ZealKirkburn|afk broked it :p
11:09.01Zealalliance is tempting me now..
11:09.10Zealwith you that is..
11:09.28Zealdraenei hunter.. heh
11:15.00Adyshow the hell am i supposed to use the language pack once i have it installed... back
11:17.56Adysit used to add a folder inside the wow directory
11:18.02Adysnow it basically adds mpqs and stuff
11:18.06Adysbut no idea how to "enable" it
11:20.26Zealperhaps it's in the WTF file?
11:20.35Zealall the wow settings should be in there
11:22.38ZealSET locale "enGB" in config.WTF
11:26.29*** join/#wowwiki denominator (n=fcrick@
11:26.45denominatorso wowwiki says the chan name is wowi-lounge
11:26.52denominatormaybe someone should fix that
11:27.14Zealer.. no it doesn't?
11:27.31Igor_nickDon't ask us! We recommend you join, #wowi-lounge
11:27.52Zeal#wowi-longe is probably linked for wow interface editing, not the wiki itself
11:28.14Igor-wowahh it does exist
11:28.16Igor-wowok ignore me
11:28.33Igor-wowguess i mistyped it when i typed it before
11:29.02Zealactually i mispelled it too, heh.
11:29.04Igor-wowwiki is looking nice these days
11:29.13Igor-wowi fix API errors when i see em
11:29.20Zealbut yeah.. if you read that wiki page, it's listed as an answer for wow ui help.
11:29.30Igor-wowyeah i can't read
11:29.33Zeali generally don't touch that stuff :P
11:29.39Igor-wowheh thats all i look at
11:29.44Igor-wowevents, API, macros
11:29.56Igor-wownever even browsed anything else
11:29.59Zealmore, lore, templates and policies
12:08.56Apollozeusall the articles on the vanity pets are messes
12:09.45Zealfucking addons..
12:10.06Zealwhy can't people write decent addons.. useful addons..
12:25.02Zealanyone wanna flood me with recommendations?
12:26.46Apollozeusnon-flaming ones? :P
12:30.10*** join/#wowwiki kaso (
12:30.21*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
13:19.02Zealthey've fucked with the timeline again
13:20.02kasoIt was always that way..
13:24.01Zealtake it back
13:24.07Zealthank god..
13:26.05Zealit's a official Naxxramas can now be considered cleared in lore.
13:27.17Zeali take that back
13:27.20kasowhatcha mean?
13:27.27Zealdon't worry >_>
13:27.33AdysKel Thuzad killed illidan!
13:27.35Adystrue story
13:27.39*** join/#wowwiki LucidFox (n=Sikon@
13:27.59Zealadys, gief addons
13:28.14Zealanything useful.. lol
13:28.16LucidFoxis Adon still there in the addon? :)
13:28.23Adysyeap lucif
13:28.42Adyszeal, what kind of addons you want :p
13:28.50LucidFoxand the logs blocking access are still there too?
13:29.08Adyscourse not lol
13:29.08LucidFoxreplaced by a huge instance portal?
13:30.36*** join/#wowwiki _dok3Dal (
13:30.47LucidFoxI still can't see how a connection between zones with such level disparity can work
13:30.59Adyszul aman is close
13:31.05LucidFoxI bet Ghostlands are constantly under attack by level 60 Alliance
13:31.14Adysand same thing for tirisfal and WP tbh
13:31.39Apollozeuscan you take a picture of the portal to the ghostlands?
13:31.43LucidFoxI didn't know Tirisfal and WP were connected...
13:31.49LucidFoxYES, PLEASE!
13:31.50ApollozeusI'd like to know what it looks like D:
13:31.54kasoWhat will be the new Surprise Spider for blood elfs i wonder
13:31.58Adysthey are lucid, by the Bulwark
13:32.02kasoThe Greeting grub?
13:32.13Adysapollo, when i get there><
13:32.20kasohmm no those gubs are yellow iirc
13:32.23Adysim on a levelling race atm
13:32.24LucidFoxdo all three CoT instances work?
13:32.34Apollozeusso that's why you're in IRC?
13:32.37Zealadys, anything, stuff you like.
13:32.46Adysepic flying mount to the first guild's 70
13:32.56Adysand autorun + windowed mode = win
13:33.05LucidFoxalso, is access to Hyjal still blocked?
13:33.11Apollozeusof course LucidFox
13:33.42Apollozeuswhat made you think that blizzard would suddenly have opened it?
13:33.56LucidFoxone more question, then...
13:34.01Adysnot sure what they wanna do with hyjal tbh
13:34.11LucidFoxis the modern Hyjal the same zone as CoT-Hyjal>
13:34.14Adyskinda odd they dont open it tbh
13:34.17Adysyes but no
13:34.20LucidFoxor are they distinct zones?
13:34.22Zealmake wisps a playable race Adys ;)
13:34.28Adysits the same zone in the lore but they are different
13:34.28Apollozeusnoone is, but it's gonna be closed for the upcoming few months for sure :p
13:34.30Adyslol zeal
13:34.41ApollozeusZeal, that's so 2006 :p
13:35.06ZealHyjal (Past) is an instance, it does not exist in Kalimdor in terms of the game. Only in lore.
13:35.15LucidFoxI think they will eventually turn Hyjal into a recreational area, like Moonglade but for higher-level players
13:35.28*** join/#wowwiki Bagginsww (
13:35.28LucidFoxZeal> ok
13:35.39Apollozeusmoonglade isn't just recreation though
13:35.47Adyshyjal a recreational area lo
13:35.50Bagginswwanyone see foogray's edits to alleged death section of maiv shadosong?
13:35.52Zeali just had a panaic moment, i thought they screwed up the timeline again :P
13:35.55Adysthe idea makes me laugh
13:36.01LucidFoxBY THE WAY!
13:36.06BagginswwI have to say that for once its very neutral piece of work and well done
13:36.16LucidFoxI was excited to see Maiev alive!
13:36.23Apollozeushehe, bungalows in hyjal!
13:36.27LucidFoxdoes she do anything after you free her?
13:36.28Bagginswwno one attacking the authors this time around
13:36.30Apollozeuslet's make it a tourist section
13:36.36Apollozeuswith safari jeeps and stuff
13:36.36Bagginswwya its cool that she's alive
13:36.38Adysit already is =P
13:36.42Adys5g and I summon you there
13:36.50LucidFoxto Hyjal?
13:37.03Adysand if you dont pay we summon you underwater
13:37.58LucidFoxfor those living on a desert island, by the way:
13:38.02Zealnice Bagginsww
13:38.29LucidFoxMoonglade is actually one of the reasons I play a druid
13:38.56Adysthats like saying
13:39.13Adys"arcane intellect is actually one of the reasons i play a mage"
13:39.19Zealthough if i could be arsed i'd clean it up to sort the speculation and the rest of the article out in accordance to policy, but ofc i cba :P
13:40.03ApollozeusTemplate:BC <-- so ugly
13:40.19LucidFoxhow big is Silvermoon?
13:40.31LucidFox(without the ruined part)
13:40.31Adysbout the size of stormwind
13:40.34Adysbit bigger
13:41.07LucidFoxand Exodar?
13:43.41Apollozeussmaller than that D:
13:44.25Apollozeusmy brother was all excited this morning before he went to school
13:44.35Zealsilvermoon is huge, like an xbox.
13:44.37Apollozeus'omg, i see draenei shaman! draenei shaman!'
13:44.43LucidFoxUndercity is the smallest capital in the original game, correct?
13:45.07Zealit's pretty big tbh
13:45.14Zealjust don't realize it.
13:45.20Apollozeusit's got multiple levels
13:45.25Apollozeusthat makes it seem smaller
13:45.27LucidFoxthen what is the smallest one?
13:45.38Apollozeusdarnassus or thunder bluff methinks
13:45.40Zealrather hard to judge
13:45.44LucidFoxyes, Darnassus
13:45.44Apollozeusbut that's wild guessing
13:45.53Zeali'm thinking TB
13:46.15LucidFoxso, how does Exodar compare in size to the other capitals?
13:46.26Zealsimilar to undercity imo
13:46.33Zealbut vertical space it's massive.
13:47.02Zealhorizontal, rather compact.
13:47.20Zealbut not really small.
13:48.57Zealadys.. waiting on those addons XD
13:49.04Zealanyone, recommend addons :p
13:49.10Adyssearch for gogomount on curse gaming
13:49.14Adysits my preferred addon
13:49.16LucidFoxwhat will happen if you try to sail to the Draenei area with the original game?
13:49.27Adysyou die
13:49.34Zeali'm too out of the loop and it's hard sift through the crap and dead stuff.
13:49.35Apollozeusyou get teleported back to darkshore
13:49.37Adysor get tp'd
13:49.38Apollozeusbut you won't die
13:49.46LucidFoxwithout explanation?
13:49.59*** join/#wowwiki Tepetkhet (
13:50.02Apollozeus'you don't have TBC installed bla bla'
13:50.04Zealit'll probably put you back on the boat on a return :P
13:50.22Apollozeusyou'll be on the graveyard north of auberdine
13:50.23Zealfair enough
13:50.33Apollozeusyes, and alive
13:50.33Zeallame : /
13:50.44Zealvery lame
13:50.51LucidFoxlame, indeed
13:51.35Apollozeuswhy? it's not as if it matters
13:53.16LucidFoxmysterious is Elune, and inexplicable are Her ways of dealing with the unworthy...
13:54.37LucidFoxby the way, what will happen if you log out on expansion territory and try to log back in with the original game?
13:54.52Apollozeusthat's impossible lucidfox
13:54.59Apollozeusyou have to upgrade your account
13:55.38Apollozeusdarth vader D:
13:55.49Zealyeah, i'm wondering how are they enforcing that?
13:56.04Zealare they simply saying TBC accounts can no longer use the WoW client?
13:56.10ApollozeusI would assume that
13:56.15Zealouch : /
13:56.21LucidFoxwhat if you're being summoned there?
13:56.33Zealwill likely fail
13:59.25Zealmore addons, lol
13:59.40Bagginswwso I heard the Europe CE, were screwed up... Wow that sucks.
13:59.55Bagginswwbut hey you get "Lurky" I'm jealous LOL
14:00.12ApollozeusAND two days of extra play time
14:00.17ApollozeusLurky is dumb though :p
14:00.24TepetkhetI'm sad that I missed out on the collector's edition.
14:00.43Apollozeusmy brother ordered one
14:00.53LucidFoxis the restored BE kingdom still known as Quel'Thalas?
14:00.58ApollozeusI'm gonna try and convince it to open it instead of selling it through ebay
14:01.06Apollozeuslorewise, yes
14:01.11Apollozeusin game mechanics, no
14:01.24Apollozeusit has been split up in the ghostlands and eversong woods
14:01.29LucidFoxI know about that
14:01.53LucidFoxthe Kindgom of Stormwind and Khaz Modan aren't exactly zones either :)
14:02.09Apollozeusbut the ghostlands are hardly under the control of the BEs any longer
14:02.13Apollozeusit's like Westfall
14:03.48LucidFoxdoes Eversong have the same tranquill and peaceful feeling as Elwynn?
14:03.59LucidFoxor is there something sinister obviously lurking in the air?
14:04.23Apollozeusother than the dead scar
14:04.30Apollozeusthe peaceful feeling is still there I guess
14:04.43LucidFoxwell, the Dead Scar is out of question :)
14:05.19Bagginswwrestored region is quel'thalas if you try going around its portal
14:05.28Bagginswwinstead of through the portal
14:05.38ZealApollozeus, kingdoms are not used in game. it hasn't been split up.
14:05.56Apollozeuszeal, quel'thalas = two zones
14:05.59Bagginswwbut inside hte portal it only goes by zone names
14:06.16Bagginswwdon't know aobut quest refrences
14:06.22Apollozeusthat's why I said "lorewise, yes"
14:06.22Zealthat isn't what you said though.
14:06.31Zealit still is there in game
14:06.40Apollozeusin term of game mechanics, it's not
14:06.51Bagginswweversong is actually pretty tranquil
14:06.53LucidFoxanything there recognizable from W3, apart from the Dead Scar?
14:06.56Bagginswwexcept ofr lots of trolls
14:07.03Bagginswwand the dead scar
14:07.07Zealpractically nothing exists in terms of game mechanics..
14:08.01Bagginswwbut yes if you somehow move beyond the northern sections outside hte instance you will be said to be in "Quel'thalas" heh heh
14:09.03Bagginswwbut ya Khaz Modan is on the maps of the games, just not showin in the game
14:09.16Bagginswwsame with "continent of Azeroth"
14:09.40beeyatchpeople are mailing me patches so i complete them.
14:09.52Zealer.. lol
14:10.00beeyatchmay these are infected or something.
14:10.07beeyatchsince he said ne bnupdate.exe is missing...
14:10.08LucidFoxdoes Sylvanas have anything to say in-game about the restoration of her homeland?
14:10.14Zealdunno why people are so keen for patches, theres one that takes 5mins top. that's it.
14:10.21LucidFoxor they about her, for that matter
14:10.35Zealthere is quests, yes
14:10.44ApollozeusLucidFox, read [[Lament of the Highborne]]
14:10.53LucidFoxbut that's about Alleria!
14:11.03Apollozeusguess who sings it? D:
14:11.09Zealno, it's about sylvanas and alleria
14:11.10LucidFoxI know, I know, I know
14:11.13Zealdie Apollozeus..
14:11.27Apollozeuslolz, beat ya to it
14:11.31LucidFoxI wonder if Alleria knows about Sylvanas' fate...
14:11.44Zealnothing about that, more about the claim she sings it..
14:11.59ApollozeusAlleria is stuck somewhere in Outland
14:12.06Apollozeusand we don't know where
14:12.13Apollozeusrumor has it she's in the Black Temple
14:12.51LucidFoxis the Black Temple inaccessible?
14:12.55Zealshes apparently confirmed alive though (though the wiki article seems to lacks a source on this, what it has is wrong afaik)
14:13.12Bagginswwthere is implication in Shadows and Light that some of the heroes may have been captured and held in the "Citadel" ya
14:14.38Bagginswwcan anyone confirm velen's color now?
14:14.40Bagginswwstill blue?
14:15.01beeyatchZeal: you wont belive how many hit my site.
14:15.15beeyatch50% of the people per day are downloading 1.12 full
14:15.23beeyatchfor free shards
14:15.37beeyatchmost language downlaoded is enGB
14:15.49beeyatchmost people come from moskau
14:16.01beeyatchchecking analytics is always fun... :P
14:16.01LucidFoxso many unseen siblings
14:16.03Zeal1.12? rofl
14:16.12Bagginswwits been several weeks and no one has confirmed the term, "ra'sharri for the imps :p
14:16.23LucidFoxVereesa Windrunner, Calia Memethil, Tandred and Finnal Proudmoore
14:16.33Zealit's from tBC exodar hologram thingies afaik
14:16.43Bagginswwno imp hologram
14:16.50beeyatchZeal: i am on place 2 if you search for the file on google. since yesterday...
14:16.56LucidFoxand we know nothing of them
14:17.11Bagginswwcalia shows up?
14:17.17beeyatchi am so happy :D
14:17.35LucidFoxno, I was just listing the lost siblings we know nothing about
14:17.36Zealveeresa is in 2 (3?) novels LucidFox
14:17.47BagginswwTandred lives on Kul Tiras
14:18.02LucidFoxexcept that Kul Tiras is nonexistent in WoW
14:18.04Bagginswwmost of eerything we know about him is in Lands of Conflict
14:18.22ZealBagginsww, i've posted a link to a BC species run down from the TBC info on the Mo'arg talk page
14:18.27Zealcheck it out
14:18.27Bagginswwalthough i'm not sure tha tmaterial has been adapted into the wowwiki
14:18.34Zealbeleive it handled the imps
14:18.40Bagginswwya, zeal I've read that page
14:18.49Bagginswwit shows screens hots for the holograms
14:18.56Bagginswwra'sharrii isn't cited
14:19.02Bagginswwand I've been to the holograms LOL
14:19.05Bagginswwthere is no imp hologram
14:19.14Zealafaik, those holograms changed several times in beta, imps were there at one point
14:19.23Bagginswwif its beta information then
14:19.30Bagginswwwe can only mark it as "removed from game info
14:19.31Zealbut it beleive the ciation for that is a quest line from TBC, i don't know which.
14:19.40Bagginswwya that's all we need to know
14:19.48Bagginswwquest line information
14:20.05Bagginswwplus find out if its a language thing
14:20.08Zeali'll ask the author if/when i get the chance
14:20.11Bagginswwlike is it a draenei language
14:20.17Bagginswwvs common language
14:20.45Bagginswwat least for holograms we know more aobut them that true name, and class names
14:21.10Bagginswwsaccubus being kind of a class within sayaad
14:21.22LucidFoxalso... the Greymane Wall is a lame excuse for not implementing a zone
14:21.33Bagginswwagrees with lucid
14:21.41Bagginswwwhat's keeping them from touching that zone, :P
14:21.58Bagginswwmaybe they want to save it for when they implement kul tiras and the like
14:22.01Bagginswwwho knows
14:22.22Apollozeusso many unfinished zones..
14:22.41Bagginswwthey could at least finish hyjal in some way :p
14:22.44Apollozeusmakes you wonder what blizzard has in store for us in the upcoming expansion
14:22.56Bagginswwupcoming they announced a new one?
14:23.02Bagginswwbeyond BC?
14:23.08Apollozeusthey announced they were 'working on something'
14:23.12LucidFoxanyway, they have a lot of untouched areas for an expansion besides that
14:23.19Bagginswwthe working on something could be handful of things LOL
14:23.19Apollozeusbut no details... we're likely not gonna hear them before e3 either
14:23.24LucidFoxUndermine, Nazjatar, Emerald Dream, Northrend
14:23.39Apollozeusno, the question was specifically about new expansions
14:23.59ApollozeusNazjatar will probably be a full-underwater raid dungeon
14:24.01Apollozeuswhich sucks
14:24.18Bagginswwunless they push towards the idea of raising hte city
14:24.22Bagginswwto the surface
14:24.25Bagginswwby some arcane means
14:24.30Apollozeusand the naga there?
14:24.33Apollozeusthey die?
14:24.35LucidFoxwell, there's already Suramar
14:24.42Bagginswwnaga can live ont he surface LOL
14:24.55Apollozeusso then we've got an empty city left
14:25.24LucidFoxexcept that Suramar would be an area with one friendly NPC, Drak'Thul
14:25.37Bagginswwthere is a possiblity that Makrura could become a neutral city
14:25.43LucidFoxand lots of Naga
14:25.46Bagginsww*Makrura capital O mean
14:25.49Bagginswwthat's near the naga city
14:25.52Zealand once again, ct_barmod is useless as it loses a bar..
14:25.59Bagginswwthey are enemies of each other
14:26.09Bagginswwso we might get questsw fro the makrura
14:26.11LucidFoxalthough knowing Blizzard, they'd probably be like
14:26.35LucidFox"only 10% of Maiev's forces went to Lordaeron, the others remained on the Broken Isles and even founded a new city"
14:26.38BagginswwI'm a little upset with the idea that Zul'aman will be yet another ZG type thing :p
14:26.54Bagginswwthey could have at least given us another zone to explore
14:27.11Bagginswwat least halfway
14:27.17Zealwell it's likely deserving of 70
14:27.17Bagginswwthen switch to the actual instance
14:27.32Bagginswwya that's the plan zeal
14:27.52Bagginswwits just that so far the major troll cities have had alot of similarities
14:28.07Bagginswwziggaraunts more ziggaurats LOL
14:28.13Apollozeussen'jin village looks nothing like zul'gurub
14:28.17Bagginswwsure we have had desert vs jungle
14:28.23Zealand ct_bottombar fails as it doesn't show keyring or bags..
14:28.27Bagginswwits a village not a city LOL
14:28.55Zealoh fucking wonderful, now i have no bars..
14:29.05Bagginswwzul'aman has been decribed as yet anothe rjungle LOL
14:29.07Bagginswwin other sources
14:29.18Bagginswwvery similar to ZG
14:29.32Bagginswwalthough different set of worship
14:29.46Bagginswwrevolved around a snake god who may or may not be an Old God
14:30.03Bagginswwlikely not
14:30.05Bagginswwof course LOL
14:30.24Bagginswwthough possibility of it being a minion of an Old God could exist I supppose
14:31.50LucidFox"The Lady's Necklace" is a Horde-only quest, I presume?
14:32.12Zealremoval of variables and addons and still i have bags and user bar stuck in the middle of my screen and no bars..
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14:33.38Bagginswwthe one that causes sylvannas to sing?
14:34.02Apollozeus<LucidFox> "The Lady's Necklace" is a Horde-only quest, I presume? <-- no, the alliance will be allowed to enter undercity just for this quest
14:34.12LucidFoxand talk to Sylvanas?!
14:34.20Apollozeusno of course not -_-
14:34.30Bagginswwthe zombies woudl eat me alive
14:34.46LucidFoxby the way, did they change her model in the addon?
14:34.53Bagginswwif the meat golems didn't get me first ;)
14:35.07Bagginswwand they should have
14:35.19Bagginswwthey finally replaced Rexxar's model though
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14:35.33LucidFoxso she's still a recolored NE?
14:35.36LucidFoxah, Rexxar...
14:35.38Bagginswwya :p
14:36.04LucidFoxI remember how I was sneaking through Feralas with a level 25-something character...
14:36.37LucidFoxand when I was between the Twin Colossals, Rexxar and Misha showed up, and I was like, "I'm sooo screwed..."
14:37.09Zeal-_- i hate shitty coded addons..
14:37.30Bagginswwits unfortunate that he doesnt still travel around there
14:37.47Bagginswwcause its nice for low level progression and atmosphere
14:38.02LucidFoxwell, for the Horde, maybe :)
14:38.12Bagginswwwell and to scare the alliance
14:38.20LucidFoxbut for a low-level Alliance character to meet him...
14:38.29Bagginswwheh heh
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14:39.01Bagginswwthey could have at least replaced him with another wandering half-ogre
14:39.16Bagginswwto scare lowbies
14:39.45LucidFoxI actually met him twice, the first time being in the passage between Stonetalon and Desolace
14:40.13LucidFox(both times I managed to evade him, though)
14:41.32LucidFoxI remember how many tries it took me to sneak to Nijel's Point - my armor was all red when I finally got there
14:41.45BagginswwI ran into him in desolace.
14:41.50LucidFoxbecause I couldn't find the entrance
14:41.52Bagginswwhe doesn't attack as far as I know
14:41.57Bagginswwor didn't
14:41.58LucidFoxthat's relieving
14:42.05Bagginswwnot even sure if you could attack him
14:42.08LucidFoxbut now, it doesn't matter anyway :)
14:42.14Bagginswwsad :(
14:42.30Bagginswwbut ya I ran all the way up to him once just to see if he would do anything
14:42.37LucidFoxis it just me, or Desolace is the crappiest zone in the game?
14:42.48BagginswwI loved Desolance myself
14:42.53Bagginswwjust not hte quest lines really
14:42.54Bagginswwboring quests
14:43.05Bagginswwbut thought it was visually unique
14:43.28LucidFoxI prefer lush zones, Desolace is just that - dull grey desolace all the way
14:43.33Bagginswwreminded me a bit of real life bad lands topgraphy areas I've been to
14:43.44Bagginswwbut that's the geologist in me LOL
14:44.25Bagginswwdesolace isn't a word right?
14:44.35Bagginswwbut a contraction of two words
14:44.45Bagginswwdesolation and solace?
14:44.58LucidFoxI don't know, I always assumed it was a word
14:45.10Bagginswwthat's what I thought too, then I could never find it
14:45.26BagginswwI've found Desolate
14:46.10Bagginswwum no idea why I just capitalized desolate, LOL
14:47.15LucidFoxin terms of looks, my personal favorite is Feralas, followed by Ashenvale, Elwynn, Azshara and Arathi
14:47.24ApollozeusAshenvale is the best
14:47.33ApollozeusMystral Lake, Forest Song
14:47.47Apollozeusthose places are so... mysterious somehow o.O
14:47.55BagginswwKind of like hinterlands myself
14:48.10LucidFoxnever been there, so I can't really say
14:48.28Bagginswwanyone who thinks plaguelands are scenic must be sick LOL
14:48.38Apollozeusazuremyst and bloodmyst are going to my least favourite alliance zones I think
14:48.46LucidFoxPlaguelands are creepy
14:48.49Bagginswwoh azuremyst is beatiful
14:49.07Bagginswwbloodmyst is kind of like another plaguelands
14:49.08ApollozeusI haven't really been able to experience that firsthand
14:49.28Apollozeusbut judging from the looks, it's just not as majestic as the other alliance starting zones
14:49.54BagginswwI found it more majestic than teldrassily personally
14:50.14Bagginswwno idea lOL
14:50.26LucidFoxI think the creepiest part of Plaguelands is Plaguewood and the Stratholme outskirts, and the second creepiest...
14:50.28Apollozeusbaggins, you're teldrassily :p
14:50.29LucidFoxtake your guess :)
14:50.30BagginswwI bump y key alot by accident
14:50.51Apollozeuslucidfox, all of outland?
14:51.01LucidFoxno, I'm talking of Plaguelands
14:51.10LucidFoxand ty
14:51.19LucidFoxthe second creepiest place there :)
14:51.23Bagginswwthere is something about all the glowing moths and stuff you run into in azuremyst isles too
14:51.34Bagginswwdifferent atmopshere
14:51.36LucidFoxit's Light's Hope Chapel :)
14:51.53Apollozeushey, at least LHC has got Argent Dawn people
14:52.00Apollozeusto reassure you're in safe hands
14:52.12Apollozeusunless you were so stupid to declare war on them
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14:52.45Bagginswwok there is a "gurky" murloc too?
14:52.55Apollozeusit was for a contest
14:52.58ApollozeusEU only I believe
14:52.59Patrigan-Syldrahanded out by websites in the fansite project
14:53.03Patrigan-Syldraright before christmas
14:53.15ApollozeusMurky, Gurky and Lurky
14:53.15Bagginswwwe need some more murloc pets ouf our own :p
14:53.22Patrigan-Syldrabut that's impossible...
14:53.26Apollozeusmakes you wonder what pet we get next
14:53.29Patrigan-Syldrabecause we have the google ads ><
14:53.46ApollozeusTurky? :P
14:53.48LucidFoxare there any Alliance settlements in Badlands at all?
14:53.59Patrigan-SyldraNo Lucidfox
14:54.14BagginswwI think they should add a neutral flightpath though
14:54.14LucidFoxand it's supposed to be part of Khaz Modan how? :p
14:54.27Bagginswwits part of the continent not hte coutnry
14:54.29TraeI have crack in hand and am installing
14:54.33ApollozeusLucidFox, it *may* be wise to check with the wiki before asking us a ton of questions which can be answerred easily
14:54.34Patrigan-SyldraHorde doesn't have a flightpath in Blasted Lands
14:54.42Patrigan-Syldrawhich is atm essentially moer important
14:54.43LucidFoxI did check the wiki
14:54.49Bagginswwhorde should have one there LOL
14:54.54Patrigan-Syldrawe don't
14:54.57LucidFoxbut it sounded unusual so I wanted to make sure
14:55.09Patrigan-Syldrait's just a short path from The swamps
14:55.09BagginswwI say neutralize nethergarde keep
14:55.17Patrigan-Syldrait's fine
14:55.22Bagginswwwell there is a blood elf abassador there
14:55.24Patrigan-Syldrasoon we'll be using HS anyways
14:55.32Patrigan-SyldraPATCH FASTER ><
14:55.41Bagginswwand he wants to try to bring piece between horde and alliance
14:55.48Bagginswwand he's neutral to both horde and alliance
14:55.59Bagginswwso it would fit the lore of the area
14:56.02Patrigan-Syldratowards Honor Hold/ Thrallmar
14:56.30Patrigan-Syldrawell that's it
14:56.34Patrigan-Syldracurrently logigng in on BC
14:56.41Patrigan-Syldraso you won't be hearing me again for...
14:56.46LucidFoxthe wiki says Badlands and SG are part of Khaz Modan the kingdon
14:56.47Patrigan-Syldrawell QUITE A WHILE ^^
14:56.51Patrigan-Syldrayes they are
14:56.53Apollozeuscya Patrigan-Syldra
14:56.54Patrigan-Syldrabut read well
14:56.59Apollozeusdon't forget to peepee and poopoo
14:57.00Patrigan-Syldrathe KINGDOM Khaz Modan
14:57.02TraeI got on top of the portal last night
14:57.06TraeI felt leet
14:57.09Patrigan-Syldrabut I think others can explaun it better
14:57.26Patrigan-SyldraGot a bucket next to me for that stuff
14:57.33BagginswwNot sure about moving of all pets into their pet items
14:57.40ApollozeusCartman did that smarter, Patrigan-Syldra... :P
14:57.48Bagginswwsometimes certain critters exist outside of being pets
14:57.53Bagginswwlike various types of cats
14:58.12Bagginswwhow do you get on top of the portal?
14:58.15Traethey should have just had a blank CD.... hmmm who knows if anything is really installing or if this is just a timer cd that makes you wait
14:58.28ApollozeusBagginsww, then the critter can be at the page of the animal
14:58.36Apollozeusand the pet at the item page
14:59.04Traeanyone to 70 yet?  lol
14:59.05Bagginswwwell ya its just a few got redirected I think
14:59.07Patrigan-Syldramy mom didn't want to do that :(
14:59.08Bagginswwinto the item page
14:59.09Patrigan-SyldraI asked :<
14:59.22Apollozeusyou seriously did?
14:59.42ApollozeusTrae, to 70 in only 15 hours? now THAT is hardcore gaming
15:00.05Apollozeuseven when your toon is already level 60
15:00.09TraeI'm gonna take my uber leet shadow priest and melt some faces
15:00.30Tuqui-tuquiyou're already at 70? :o
15:00.31Traewell... ok it's not so leet
15:00.37Traehah no
15:00.43Tuqui-tuquisince you're already at your peak
15:00.46Tuqui-tuquican I have some gold? :D
15:00.50Traejust hit 60 this past week
15:00.55Traefirst char
15:00.59Tuqui-tuquiheh :p
15:01.02Traeworld of warcrack
15:01.11Bagginsww if that gets moved to a pet item, I'll be upset LOL
15:01.12Tuqui-tuquiim so close to my mount :D
15:01.14Tuqui-tuquiI cant wait!
15:01.25Tuqui-tuquiroaches are already pets dude
15:01.28Tuqui-tuquithey sell them at UC
15:01.34Bagginswwnot my point
15:01.41Bagginswwmy point is they are critters and pets
15:01.45Traeanyone have a spare 3500 gold on them?  heh
15:01.49Bagginswwso putting them under the pet item is unclear
15:02.00Apollozeusbagginsww, we need a page with the proper attributes for items
15:02.09Apollozeussuch as the source and item sections
15:02.13BagginswwI agree
15:02.14Traedisc 4 coming up!
15:02.35Bagginswwits just that not all cockraoches are the "item"
15:02.46Apollozeusis Cockroach the name of the item?
15:02.48Traecan't wait to get a pet
15:02.57Bagginswwnot as far as I remember
15:03.01TraeI do have a cute canon ball thing as a trinket
15:03.07Traeerr cannon
15:03.27Tuqui-tuquiI have a black kingsnake
15:03.29Traeit's saved my butt before
15:03.30Tuqui-tuquihis name is blackie
15:04.44TraeI had to go to 2 freakin' stores this morning
15:04.48Traefirst one didn't have it
15:05.06Bagginswwsaved your butt?
15:05.08Apollozeusit won't be moved
15:05.38Bagginswwlol the container is the same name
15:06.16Bagginswwok let's use prairie dog as an example then LOL
15:06.25Bagginswwok Brown Prairie dog can go to the container page
15:06.30Bagginswwwhistle something or other
15:06.38BagginswwPrairie dog whistle/
15:07.02Bagginswwbut definitely needs to be a prairy dog critter page too ;)
15:07.39ApollozeusPrairie Dog can be the page about the critter
15:08.12Apollozeusand Prairie Dog Whistle on the item and the pet
15:08.12Apollozeusand needless to say
15:08.12Apollozeusboth pages should link to eachother
15:10.02Traewhy did I just know, there'd be an update
15:10.06Bagginswwya apollo I agree
15:10.10Bagginswwwas telling beep that
15:10.25Bagginswwhe was actually going to make 3 pages LOL
15:10.30Bagginswwa disambig
15:10.35Bagginswwand one for critter and pet
15:10.41Bagginswwbut I told him for something that minor
15:10.41Traethis is retarded.  I was at 2.0.5  now I'm downloading 2.0.3???
15:10.48Bagginswwwe an use inpage disambig
15:11.36BagginswwI'm happy that all cat names currenlty redirect to "housecat"
15:11.45TraeI'm fairly certain, that after 2.0.3 when I log in, it's going to make me install 2.0.5 all over again
15:11.53Bagginswwand not the item containers LOL
15:14.47Bagginsww3 more hours until store opens :p
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15:15.21TepetkhetI'm going to pick up my copies after work.
15:15.43Traejust be prepaired
15:15.54Traeto go through 3 levels of updates after you install
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15:17.00TraeI was at 2.0.5 Installed BC, logged in, dl and installl 2.0.3 log in, dl and install  and I'm sure I'l have to installl 2.0.5 next
15:17.47Traehawt damn
15:17.49TepetkhetOnce again, Blizz pushed a patch out too early.  :/
15:17.49Traelogging in
15:17.53Traestill on top of the portal
15:17.56HobinheimTepetkhet, truth
15:18.00Traeneed to jump off
15:19.01Tuqui-tuquihas anyone attacked Kruul and his minions?
15:19.05Tuqui-tuquido his minions droploot?
15:19.12Tuqui-tuquidrop loot?*
15:20.13TraeI won't say anything I see
15:20.18Traedon't want to spoil it
15:20.33Tuqui-tuquiI still havent found him
15:20.44Tuqui-tuquior hes never there when im in a major city
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15:21.26Hobinheimhe's still alive?
15:21.34Hobinheimi thought that would have been over by now
15:23.47Bagginswwhis minions drop blues
15:24.05Hobinheim lady sylvanas singing in burning crusade content
15:24.08Tuqui-tuquiwhere the feck is this mooblet >:{
15:25.25Apollozeusgo to the dock of darkshore
15:25.43Apollozeusalmost every boat from azuremyst brings draenei
15:38.09Bagginswwwell someone redirected "cornish rex" to the cat carrier, but there are also cornish rex critters too
15:39.20Bagginswwthe main name should redirect to the housecats article which an include links to the carrier
15:40.03Bagginswwsame for the orange tabby :p
15:40.07Bagginswwor any of hte cats
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15:44.23Apollozeusthe cornish rex article was all about the vanity pet
15:44.29Apollozeusso I moved it
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15:47.20Bagginswwok so its ok if we redirect the names to housecat
15:47.35Bagginswwuse it as a disambig
15:47.48Bagginswwand it will linke back to the items
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15:53.42Bagginswwhmm so main coon was renamed?
15:53.56Bagginswwsomeone get offended by "coon"?
15:54.51Apollozeusaccording to thottbot, it was renamed in patch 1.6
15:55.01Bagginswwprobalby was due to an offense
15:55.06Bagginswwcause coon is an insult in the US
15:55.39jrris it?
15:55.42Apollozeus"Well maine coon always used to get stuck in the swear filter - coon being a derogatory term for a black person"
15:56.09Bagginswwthat's what I thought
15:56.24Bagginswwsad actually
15:56.26jrrthen again i'm not real profecient with terms like that
15:56.37Bagginswwsame reason for cockatrice apparently
15:56.49Bagginswwalthough it hasn't affected the pygmy cockatrice
15:57.20BagginswwI only know about it jrr, because I've seen enough movies like Roots and the like
15:57.43Bagginswwand history books
15:57.51BagginswwOne of the Ks in KKK
15:57.56Bagginswwstands for Coons
15:58.13BagginswwKoons, Krauts, and something else
15:58.23Bagginswwvery sick :p
16:00.29Bagginswwamong being ignorant they apparently can't spell.
16:01.23jrri wouldn't expect any basic intelligence out of somebody that subscribes to the idea that people of one skin color are inherently worse than another
16:02.49BagginswwThe real truth is that they make themselves worth than others :p
16:02.56Bagginswwthat ist he KKK members
16:03.16Bagginswwstripping themselves of humanit and decency
16:03.45jrrwell said
16:05.46Bagginswwok, ya looked it up apparently the symbolism behind the KKK was, Koons, Kikes, and Katholics, also ist he first letters of Klu Klux Clan, as most peopleknow.
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16:06.28Bagginswwso I guess it is predominately southern protestant movement :p
16:06.39jrrlittle boys playing in sheets
16:06.50Bagginswwcause they don't have the courage to show their true faces
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16:08.16Tuqui-tuquiwait til the end of the video
16:08.42jrrholy crap
16:08.49jrrthat looks like asphault
16:08.55Tuqui-tuquiit is
16:08.59Bagginswwuh did they do that on purpose?
16:09.13Tuqui-tuquiI think the girl missed her landing
16:09.16BagginswwI mean does it relate to the discussion we were talkinga bout :p
16:09.25Tuqui-tuquitheres a new law that says certain ages of cheerleadrs cant do certain tricks
16:09.36Bagginswwhmm sounds fair
16:09.45Tuqui-tuquibut they still do them -.-
16:09.53jrrthere should be no restrictions over thick gymnastic cushions
16:09.57Bagginswwnext step if you are going to do the trick wear a helemt
16:10.07jrrbut they have no business doing it in a parking lot
16:10.31Bagginswwprobably with the really thick ones is sometimes they bounce you off the cushion into other objects or hte gorund :p
16:17.09Bagginswwyaw saw it happen to someone back in high school LOL
16:17.44Bagginswwluckily they weren't heard bad just a few bruises
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16:25.59Apollozeusthis is a weird category
16:26.06Apollozeusit features mount and pet vendors alike :s
16:40.08Tepetkhetoh man
16:40.16TepetkhetThat was horrifying.
16:41.18TepetkhetNot quite as bad as the pic that put me off amusement parks and fairs, though.
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17:11.15Tuqui-tuquiI wonder if Kruul has to take the elevator in order to attack TunderBluff
17:11.23Tuqui-tuquiThunder Bluff*
17:11.46kasoApollozeus The question is why are the Mechanostrider vendors in that category :>
17:12.16jrrkaso: for that matter, why are they influenced by carrots and spurs?
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17:23.45Apollozeuseasily explained
17:24.02Apollozeusthe gnomes figured out how to set up artificial intelligence :O!
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19:27.38KirkburnSo that Collector's Edition DVD is quite good ...
19:28.49HobinheimKirkburn, you have it?
19:29.02KirkburnYou should be ;)
19:29.11Hobinheimhow'd you swing that?
19:29.16KirkburnRan into Bristol town centre at around 4pm
19:29.22Hobinheimwho did you have to Backstab (Rank 3) to loot that
19:29.25KirkburnGot the last copy in the store :D
19:29.33Hobinheimidiots, how come they didn't sell out asap
19:29.42KirkburnSurprised me too
19:29.46Tuqui-tuquiso you got a SE at the store?
19:29.54Tuqui-tuquiwas it a pre-order?
19:29.56Hobinheim, how's the layout
19:30.01KirkburnTuqui-tuqui, not even!
19:30.06Hobinheimactually, i'm quite content. so don't say it's bad =(
19:30.27Kirkburn<-- a very very lucky man :)
19:30.57KirkburnUpgrady time! :)
19:32.10Hobinheimyou didn't upgrade last night with everyone else?
19:32.16Hobinheimi gotta say... it was pretty smooth
19:32.25Hobinheimall the hassle before hand was worth it
19:32.33KirkburnI only got the copy about 3 hours ago =)
19:32.37HobinheimYOU ARE NOT PREPARED! etc
19:32.40Hobinheimthat tag is sorta corny tho
19:32.48Tuqui-tuquiis there an intro movie?
19:32.54Tuqui-tuquiis it a cool intro movie?
19:32.55Hobinheimyes, the one that's been on theinternet
19:33.05Hobinheimyou see raptor mounts looking fucking awesome
19:33.18Hobinheimmana tap
19:33.25Hobinheimreally really nice spells, movie wise
19:33.33Hobinheimpolymorph is all giggles, it's great
19:33.39jrrfun starting area
19:33.42KirkburnYay, upgraded
19:34.02jrrracial heal ftw
19:34.03Hobinheimlook, i've got the patch =)
19:34.23Hobinheimcam clarke's blood elf laugh is slightly maniacal
19:34.24Hobinheimit's great
19:34.30Hobinheimhaughty and devious
19:34.39Hobinheimi think it's out of range or out of mana
19:34.41Hobinheimhe sounds so...
19:34.44HobinheimGRR so annoying
19:34.54Hobinheim"I *said* I'm out of range."
19:35.01Hobinheimshut up you gay piece of crap
19:35.05Hobinheimwho do you think you're talking to
19:35.11KirkburnTurn those warnings off :P
19:35.20Hobinheimblood elves are so like... full of themselves
19:35.21Hobinheimi love it
19:35.23Hobinheimi love all ofit
19:35.39Hobinheimi still haven't managed a twirl jump
19:35.42Hobinheimpeople say its random
19:35.45Hobinheimi've gotten none
19:35.50KirkburnBE female?
19:35.55jrrit's probably like NE flips
19:36.03Hobinheimhow often does a nelf flip?
19:36.05KirkburnThe men don't afaik
19:36.11Hobinheimi thought it was always at the apex of a wide jump
19:36.17TepetkhetI thought they spun around.
19:36.27KirkburnI might be wrong
19:36.34Hobinheimin a video they did
19:36.38KirkburnI hardly played my beta male
19:36.38Hobinheimmaybe casters only? teehee
19:36.54Hobinheimdudes who play chicks = what the christ
19:37.02Hobinheimi kept /whistle ing at someone who was running around naked, haha
19:37.20KirkburnI'd rather stare at a female bottom all day long, y'know
19:37.37TepetkhetThen stare at a real female's bottom.
19:37.38KirkburnHowever, my main is male =)
19:38.19KirkburnTepetkhet, if only ...
19:39.02KirkburnI don't think my girl would agree to taking a photo and letting me stick in on my monitor though
19:39.12TepetkhetWhy not??
19:39.17TepetkhetGeez, I would.
19:40.37KirkburnNow, which server to play on ...
19:41.01TepetkhetI think some wish I'd leave now.
19:45.32TepetkhetMy old GM has said some very nasty things about me.
19:45.51TepetkhetAt least he's not spreading it around the forums.
19:46.06equiraptorOutright llies, or just his perversions of the truth?
19:46.06HobinheimTepetkhet, what did you do, ninja a binding?
19:47.07TepetkhetHis perversions of the truth.
19:47.20TepetkhetI ninja'd a MT/Raid Leader.
19:47.32TepetkhetAnd priest.  And DKP officer.
19:48.07Hobinheimi'm lost
19:48.11TepetkhetAnd 2 off-tanks
19:48.11Hobinheimi don't get it
19:48.26equiraptorTep and the GM disagree on some things that affect the running of the guild. Neither one is willing to compromise. So Tep left.
19:48.45equiraptorMany of the guild members would rather follow Tep than the GM. So they have.
19:48.58TepetkhetNot as many as I'd have liked.
19:49.01TepetkhetNot as many as I thought.
19:49.06Hobinheimyou all know each other?
19:49.11HobinheimARE YOU COLLUDING?
19:49.23equiraptorTep and I know each other from another IRC channel.
19:49.31Hobinheimcannotsleep, clownswilleatme. cannotsleep, clownswilleatme. cannotsleep, clownswilleatme.
19:49.32equiraptorI rolled on her server to sign her new guild chater.
19:49.34equiraptorEr, charter.
19:49.55TepetkhetAnd thanks.
19:50.21equiraptorNow I'm headed to outland for the first time.
19:51.34Tuqui-tuquiyay for eqiraptor!
19:51.39Tuqui-tuquiwhile you're at it
19:51.44Tuqui-tuquiget me a gallon of milk
19:52.04equiraptorSorry, we only have about 1/3 gallon here, and ice on the roads, and my car has summer tires.
20:03.39Bagginsww2 copies of collectors heh
20:03.54Bagginswwmy main preorder worked out
20:04.13Bagginswwand picked one up at compusa as well
20:06.52Bagginswwonly problem no time to install at the moment :p
20:11.39TepetkhetHow many slots should I even get?
20:11.58TepetkhetWe don't have many people now...
20:12.02KirkburnBagginsww, what's happening to your second?
20:12.14Tepetkhet25, 35, or 50...
20:12.15KirkburnTepetkhet, for your guild?
20:12.23KirkburnHaven't the faintest :P
20:12.39Tepetkhet50 might be overkill since we don't even have near that many in the guild yet.
20:13.28TepetkhetBut Illidan might say to me all creepysexy-like, "Are you prepared?" and I'll have to say, "No..."
20:13.39Kirkburn25 is a bit close to the max raid size
20:13.47KirkburnAre you a raiding guild?
20:13.51TepetkhetI hope so.
20:14.33TepetkhetWe formed on Sunday...
20:26.14KirkburnMostly 60s?
20:26.27Bagginswwkirk selling itLOL
20:26.34Bagginswwselling it for more than I payed heh heh
20:26.40Bagginswwand part of the money is going towards college tuition
20:26.43KirkburnNice idea
20:26.58Bagginswwwell my sister's currently
20:27.11Bagginswwshe's going to a slightly more expensive university
20:27.59Bagginswwother bit to make my copy basically free LOL
20:30.59Bagginswwwas going to give it to my sister, but she wasn't all that interested in the all the extra stuff was going to sell it anyways.
20:31.13Bagginswwso I let her know it was worth more unopened
20:31.43Bagginswwand she decided regular edition was more her style
20:32.20KirkburnAww, but netherwhelp!!
20:32.29Hobinheimany goons here?
20:33.05Bagginswwya well she decided money was more important
20:35.12Bagginswwshe had me get the regular ediitona nd send her the key LOL
20:37.14KirkburnOh yeah ... I'm with the mafia, and relatives of the Kray brothers
20:38.57Hobinheimnot those types of goons
20:39.10Hobinheimthe goons that steamroll you on mal'ganis
20:40.50Kirkburnpimpzored warlokz?
20:41.44Bagginswwlloves the artbook
20:41.59TepetkhetAnd the guild...
20:42.09TepetkhetEverybody that joined has at least one level 60.
20:42.22TepetkhetBut there are only about a half dozen for now.
20:42.55TepetkhetI was recruiter for my previous guild.
20:43.07TepetkhetAnd helped build it up to a level to start doing MC and Ony.
20:43.19TepetkhetAnd the MT that left with me...he has experience through BWL.
20:43.51KirkburnBWL? Psshh ... TK is where it's at now ;)
20:44.15TepetkhetHe was also part of one of the first Horde guilds on my server with any kind of endgame progression.
20:45.00Kirkburn10 62s on my server now
20:45.23KirkburnI hope all the HFP quests are working this time around ;)
20:45.25TepetkhetI should be strong...and optimistic...
20:45.43KirkburnYou gotta believe!!
20:45.50KirkburnDo you, do you BELIEVE?
20:45.57TepetkhetI believe...I have a headache.
20:46.16KirkburnWhy do people keep saying that to me ...
20:46.46BagginswwLOL the artbook calls them "cockatrice"
20:46.51KirkburnAs you do, in front of a PC :P
20:47.03KirkburnWell they damn well are cockatrices!
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20:47.20TepetkhetBagginsww: I think somebody at Blizzard caught wind of me (and others?) calling Blood Elves cock riders.
20:47.36Bagginswwstupid censorship
20:47.46Bagginswwits probably similar to main coon incident
20:47.51CelebronIf you buy BC can you still play with the non-BC people on your server?
20:47.58KirkburnCelebron, yup
20:48.05Bagginswwthey just can't reach you
20:48.07Bagginswwif you are in new areas
20:48.16Celebronok, then is it possible for someone without BC to get to the new capitals
20:48.17KirkburnYeah the Maine Coon was a pity
20:48.19Celebronsilvermoon, etc
20:48.30Bagginswwwhich is sad because those are wonderful breed of cats
20:48.40KirkburnThey're on the Outland server, offlimits to non BC people
20:48.41Bagginswwbut it screws the filter up
20:48.55KirkburnThe chat text filter?
20:49.01Bagginswwnew capitals are in their own instances
20:49.02Bagginswwso no
20:49.07Celebronah ok
20:49.09Bagginswwchat text filter
20:49.13KirkburnNot entirely, Bagginsww =)
20:49.13Bagginswwcause coon is an insult
20:49.27KirkburnThey're on Outland, on that map, but the co-ords are transferred to Azeroth
20:49.50KirkburnThey're way way away though, afaik
20:49.52Bagginswwquel'thalas in the outland?
20:50.00KirkburnEffectively, yeah :P
20:50.14BagginswwI thought they were split like seperat continents
20:50.16KirkburnI can understand the chat filter thing, that makes perfect sense
20:50.17Celebronand all of outland = contested or what?
20:50.21Bagginswwlike they did with eastern and kalimdor
20:50.23KirkburnCelebron, pretty much
20:50.46KirkburnBagginsww, it might have changed of course, but that was the last I knew
20:51.50Kirkburnomg I'm going thru the portal!
20:51.53Bagginswwhmm a possible race name for those scorpion bugs in aq
20:51.58BagginswwSand Reaver
20:52.09Bagginswwyou know like the first boss in aq20
20:52.29TepetkhetFavourite boss fight in the game.
20:52.33Bagginswwits is fun
20:52.50TepetkhetRogue = run behind and stab the whole time.
20:53.01TepetkhetWe kite him back and forth in a line.
20:53.05TepetkhetSteps to pit to steps
20:53.33Bagginswwhmm a race called the Mantaxx
20:53.37Bagginswwdid that make it into outland/
20:53.56Bagginswwgiant praying mantises
20:55.18CelebronOK WOOt
20:55.29CelebronIm gonna call my local EB and see if they have BC
20:55.42Celebronthey probably only got like 5 copies because our town is so small
20:56.42TepetkhetOurs was sold out of the collector's edition very fast.
20:56.50Celebronwhat comes with that
20:57.00TepetkhetPet.  :(
20:57.05TepetkhetI dunno what else.
20:57.07TepetkhetDon't care.
20:57.14TepetkhetI wanted the cute widdle pet.
20:58.58Bagginswwkirkburn most of what he just said we have actually already done...
20:59.22Bagginswwnot sure what he wants specifically
20:59.43Bagginswwbesides the fact we will create a neutral appendix 3 banner I guess
20:59.52Bagginswwas we discussed in her yesterday
21:00.52TepetkhetLooking at uh...CMSs for my guild's website...
21:01.00Tepetkhet"Drupals motto should be "Nothing is easy. A few things that should be easy are nearly impossible. Most things are hard, but at least most things are possible.""
21:01.08KirkburnBagginsww, Aeleas?
21:01.33Bagginswwproblem is if we go his route copmletley we are doing a "canon vs. noncanon" idea
21:01.37Bagginswwwhich is what we are trying to avoid
21:01.56BagginswwI'm fine with citations epxlaining where a source is from, and that there may be a controversy
21:02.08KirkburnThe separate cats thing does go a bit too far, imo
21:02.13Bagginswwbut not fine with the idea of trying to imply something is not canon or is canon
21:02.20Bagginswwyes that's what I mean
21:02.26KirkburnPoints 1. and 2. sound goos
21:02.43Bagginswwwell when tehre is a connection sure
21:02.50Teomyrworld server doooown! yay!
21:02.51Bagginswwif there is a direct refrence or connection
21:03.01Bagginswwthey should be allowed to integrated
21:03.09Bagginswwbut if the topic has nothing to do with the other sources
21:03.18Bagginswwand is somehow incorporated
21:03.27Bagginswwit needs a better type of citation
21:04.03Bagginswwwe can't go too far and start giving the impression that we consider something less valid than another sourc,e or more valid
21:04.14HobinheimUSE A WIKI
21:05.20Bagginswwand the thing is we don't go for majority rule thing, we just present the information. We point out controversies if they exist
21:05.23Bagginswwnothing beyond that
21:05.31Bagginswwmajority rule is still fan opinion
21:05.35Bagginswwnot blizzard statements
21:06.52TepetkhetGoogle knows so much.
21:07.27Kirkburn"/leave 1" ftw ;)
21:08.35Bagginswwwell take something like sprite kirkburn
21:08.46Bagginswwit exists in more than one particular source
21:08.54Bagginswwso integration makes sense
21:09.11Bagginswwbut we to use an improved citation methoid
21:09.17Bagginswwsomething that's by chapter
21:09.24BagginswwMOM, page number and chapter
21:09.33Bagginswwsimilar to MLA style citation
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21:09.38KirkburnIndeed, the rules can be interpreted, and allow some leeway
21:09.49Patrigan-Syldrarules of what?
21:09.58Bagginswwif people want to ignore the citation they can
21:10.24KirkburnThat whole section
21:10.37Bagginswwthe problem is aeleas is too gungho against trying to have fan interpretaitons of what is canon and isn't
21:10.38Patrigan-SyldraThat WHOLE sentence!
21:10.53Patrigan-Syldrasentence > section ^^
21:11.16Bagginswwif the majority doesn't like it
21:11.19Bagginswwit must be non-canon
21:11.32Bagginswwbut the truth is
21:11.38Bagginswwwe are trying to not force it either direction
21:11.47Bagginswwif there is some kind of direct link we list it
21:12.01Bagginswwif its a speculative link it needs to be in a speculation section
21:12.03KirkburnTBC server is slooow
21:12.12Bagginswweveryone logging in at once LOL
21:12.59Bagginswwbtw I shouldn't be "policy writer" in my lorekeeper notation because it means didly LOL
21:13.13KirkburnThe server load is massive
21:13.26KirkburnIt's like the wiki on a patch day :P
21:13.26Hobinheimuhh are we planning to make the bc template a litle more ninja
21:13.28Bagginswweverytime I've tried to explain my intent to keep things neutral someone inevitably screws what I say
21:13.29Hobinheimit's so... ugly
21:13.43KirkburnHobinheim, that template should only be on major articles
21:13.45Bagginswwicon needs to be smaller
21:13.58Bagginswwits mostly involves stuff you find in outland
21:13.59Hobinheimi use the term bc template very loosely, i realize there are more than one
21:13.59KirkburnWe have an inline one to use
21:14.03Hobinheimi'm mainly talking about the blood elf article
21:14.05Bagginswwor the azuremyst etc
21:14.06Patrigan-SyldraSorry, but I'm stupid, what's the point of that proposal?
21:14.07Hobinheimi wanna just... bzzzrip
21:14.32Bagginswwsomeone that hates a section and wants us to declare it as canon, although we aren't saying either way
21:14.39Bagginswwdeclare it as non-canon
21:15.01Bagginswwwe are trying to remain neutral, and show all material no matter the source or the quality
21:15.16Bagginswwif it was printed ior created n a licensed product
21:15.19KirkburnLol, Honor Hold is busy as hell
21:15.34Patrigan-Syldrathat last sentence should be changed to "You are not prepared!"
21:15.36KirkburnAnd I just managed to wipe the entire convo :P Argh
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21:17.05Bagginswwanycase if any policy is tried to be voted into position and tries to undermine our neutral stance on material is flawed.
21:17.41Kirkburnomg, I just noticed
21:18.08KirkburnIn the Honor Hold inn there's "Anchorite Barada" and "Assistant Klatu"
21:18.10Patrigan-Syldratell us kirk!
21:18.22Bagginswwwhere's niktu?
21:18.29Patrigan-Syldrak, I fail...
21:18.33Patrigan-Syldraexplain >.>W
21:18.39Bagginswwfamous words from a movie
21:18.42Bagginswwscience fiction
21:18.45Bagginswwday earth stood still
21:18.46Bagginswwas Ir ecall
21:18.48KirkburnNo sign!
21:19.00KirkburnBarada klaatu nikto
21:19.11KirkburnKlaatu barada nikto, even
21:19.18Patrigan-Syldradoesn't matter :p
21:19.39Patrigan-Syldranolinkings and stuff...
21:19.42KirkburnIt's actually interesting =)
21:19.44Patrigan-Syldraand quite pointless...
21:20.05KirkburnIt could be improved by adding which Blizz employees were wehere
21:20.16KirkburnThat way it'll be an interesting record of events
21:20.39KirkburnFair enough that atm it's not so much :P
21:21.04Patrigan-Syldramyeah good point
21:22.51Bagginswwso kirk you read all of aeleas posts above the policy?
21:23.15Bagginswwwhere he says if the majority thinks it does't fit, we somehow orphan it
21:23.53BagginswwI'm for improved citaiton methoid allowing people choice to ignore something, but ceratinly not orphaning material just because "I don't think it fits"
21:24.04Bagginswwif belongs to a related subject
21:24.16KirkburnNo, I just agreed with (most of) the policy
21:24.36Bagginswwya you just didn't notice aeleas way of interpreting how it is it be used
21:24.44Bagginswwthat's where the problem exists
21:24.52Patrigan-Syldrabtw, Varghedin is crazy :<
21:25.06KirkburnYes. And? :)
21:25.09Bagginswwthat is if majority thinks it is non-canon therefore it should be orphaned from any relating article
21:25.12Patrigan-Syldra lol at the character name XD
21:25.18Bagginswwand it can apply to any source majority thinks doesn't ift
21:25.26Bagginswwappendix 3 is just used as an example
21:25.31Hobinheimbtw what's our stance on strategy as a form of POV
21:25.43Hobinheimi think i mentioned this last night but i talked to some people that used our wiki for strategy
21:26.12Hobinheimbtw i do not approve of really ugly badges like THIS IS POV PLZ IGNORE, LOLZ
21:26.14KirkburnAdded name about his note, Patrigan-Syldra :)
21:26.25Hobinheimi think tasteful icons, linked to what they mean would be enough
21:26.31Hobinheima BC icon, a lore icon in the form of a book maybe
21:26.40Patrigan-Syldralol Kirkburn added note about his name you mean? :p
21:26.41Hobinheimbut that banner crap's gotta stop, it's ooogly
21:26.48KirkburnPatrigan-Syldra, shurely not!
21:27.03KirkburnEyonix is next to him
21:28.08Patrigan-SyldraI know!
21:28.31Patrigan-Syldraanyone read the "thanks to" in the BC Booklet
21:30.19Kirkburnomg wiki lag
21:30.35KirkburnPatrigan-Syldra, I watched the credits, so kinda
21:30.52Kirkburn(wiki lag is my fault, fixing a line spacing problem on the bc templatE)
21:31.08Hobinheimis mikaka a he or a she?
21:31.10Patrigan-Syldrawell there were quite funny "thanks to"'s in it :p
21:33.25Bagginswwwhat did it say?
21:39.15Patrigan-Syldradon't have it next to me
21:39.22Patrigan-Syldrabut there were typo's in it ^^
21:40.46KirkburnCertain members of the UI community were thanked, too :P
21:44.00Hobinheimwhere are you readin ghtese thanks?
21:44.08Hobinheimsorry i can't read
21:44.17Hobinheimbc booklet =(
21:44.26Hobinheimhey the races were sorted yby size
21:44.31Hobinheimtauren > draenei > trolls
21:44.36Hobinheimheight, rather
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21:46.42Finoh hey, grats Hobs on transcending!
21:46.56KirkburnYes, because tauren actually have tiny -- .... uh, yeah
21:47.01HobinheimFin, go /foad.
21:47.24KirkburnFire On A Dog
21:47.49KirkburnFood Of A Donkey?
21:48.23Finjust a "dwhu" at the venom! my word, coming from a Leader of the community like that...
21:49.03KirkburnWhat one giveth, one can taketh away ;)
21:49.32Hobinheimwhat did i transcend? reading? =(
21:51.37Patrigan-Syldrawasn't there a way to buy just CD-Keys?
21:51.49Patrigan-SyldraFrom WoW-europe that is
21:57.59Hobinheimyeah and i'm a quillboar's uncle
21:58.12TepetkhetOkay, I go now.
22:05.23KirkburnLaggius Majoritus
22:05.56Patrigan-Syldraneed to know where I can simply buy a CD-Key
22:06.05KirkburnYou can't, you have to buy a ccopy
22:06.07Patrigan-Syldrablizzard should offer them on their website imo ><
22:06.19Patrigan-Syldranah, know people who bought BC Cd-Key only :p
22:09.23Patrigan-Syldraah well, will figure somehting out I guess
22:10.15KirkburnHey, my server just caught up :D
22:11.06Bagginswwhah hah the designers use terms for blood elves such as "evolved from high elves", "Next step above high elves" etc
22:11.15Bagginswwin the making video
22:11.21KirkburnMetzen also called Illidan a demon
22:11.31Bagginswwwe should note this
22:11.38Bagginswwinteresting stuff
22:11.54KirkburnI think he was simplifying for audience though
22:12.16Bagginswwthey also note "red skin" compared to high elves
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22:14.06Bagginswwahh never mind I misheard it. they said "blood elves evolved from night elves"
22:14.13Bagginswwsame as we already knew
22:14.35Bagginswwstill fits into cultural evolution not biological evolution between high and blood
22:17.19Bagginswwahh so the netherwelp is sent via ingame mail by "Master Handler Sylvester"
22:18.50KirkburnWoo, new equipment :D
22:19.01*** join/#wowwiki Sakabatou (
22:26.49Tuqui-tuquiI want mousepad! XD
22:27.46Tuqui-tuquiis there a mousepad in the SE?
22:27.51Tuqui-tuquiis it cool looking?
22:28.06Tuqui-tuquiis it a pic of a hot female blood elf?
22:29.06Bagginswwits a very wide mousepad
22:29.17Bagginswwand its a map of outland
22:33.34KirkburnYeah, it's cool
22:35.59KirkburnIn fact, I might even use it
22:36.05KirkburnI don't use mousepads these days :P
22:36.35BagginswwI will continue to use my soft wrist pad one
22:36.41Bagginswwwhere is velen located?
22:38.00KirkburnNot sure exactly
22:38.21KirkburnVault of Lights .. I think. Not sure though
22:40.39*** join/#wowwiki dok3Dal (
22:41.01Bagginswwwell vallen is definitely blue
22:41.03Tekkublike... oh mah gawd becky!  You are, like, so not ready for this shit... or something!
22:41.11Bagginsww*velen or hower its spelled
22:42.41Bagginswwya he was in vault of lights
22:42.53BagginswwI rand into him once in beta, but exodar still confuzzles me LOL
22:47.54*** join/#wowwiki miceiken (
22:48.29miceikenAny wow AddOn creation guide?
22:50.41Hobinheimnot really a well written one
22:51.15Hobinheimcheck out our addons section
22:53.26Bagginswwlol misspelling in a quest
22:53.37Bagginswwreinforcements coming though
22:55.40KirkburnExpedition Point ftw
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23:33.22BagginswwLOL kirkburn, Kilwakis or whatever his name is still doesn't get it... That we can't take the view of non-official sources over what Blizzard states, and if blizzard doesn't make a statement, we can't impose our own viewpoints on issues. However that doesn't mean we can't point out controversies if they exist.
23:33.58Bagginswweven after luke johnson admited his view isn't official, he ignored what he said and acted like Luke cleared everything up
23:47.38BagginswwI posted kurkburn
23:47.45Bagginswwtell me what you think?
23:47.52Bagginswwposted int he lore idea thing
23:49.06*** part/#wowwiki Hobinheim (
23:49.29Bagginswwhobin if you can, can you read it as well
23:49.38Bagginswwit relates to your idea of improving citation methods
23:50.04BagginswwI think we need to upgrade to some kind of MLA system
23:50.07Bagginswwor equivalent
23:50.11KirkburnBagginsww, sorry, was playing :P
23:50.17Bagginswwno problem
23:50.53Bagginswwwell if you have a moment :)
23:59.04BagginswwWe need something along the lines that will cite material such as "*MoM Appendix III 200"
23:59.24Bagginswwor "DotD Ch1 134"
23:59.36Bagginswwan asterix means, "controversial"
23:59.51Bagginswweither way chapters get cited along with page numbers

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