irclog2html for #wowwiki on 20061230

00:03.40Hobinheimwhat do you think of the broken being changed to broken draenei
00:04.00Hobinheimmy rationale was that broken needn't be namespaced with draenei since nothing else in the game is named broken
00:04.06Hobinheimthe article title, i'm talking about
00:04.31Hobinheimor lost ones becoming draenei lost ones
00:04.52KirkburnHmm, they're called the Broken
00:05.15KirkburnSame goes for the lost ones, it's their species name
00:06.17Hobinheimbut do we really need the title of the article to be "Broken draenei" and "Draenei Lost Ones"?
00:08.02KirkburnGood question
00:08.02Hobinheimi disagreed with baggins on it and he gave me some weird answer that didn't really get to what i was saying
00:08.02Hobinheimzomg i got one piece of work done today
00:08.02Hobinheimi feel like celebrating
00:09.26KirkburnBah, he gives a reasonable reason for keeping draenei in the name
00:09.33KirkburnThey are draenei, just mutated
00:10.28Hobinheimbah you sound like baggins
00:10.31Hobinheimbah with you!
00:13.02*** join/#wowwiki MentalPower (
00:13.19[Zeal]The Broken is a faction tbh, not a race. But all members of the Broken are indeed Draenei that are corrupted at the same level.
00:13.53[Zeal]same goes for lost ones
00:15.52[Zeal]there was probably revelations about it in RotH, so i'd want ragestorm's input
00:17.44KirkburnYeah, the Broken and Lost Ones are factions =)
00:18.56[Zeal]the races are more "Draenei that look like broken" and "Draenei that look like Lost Ones" :p
00:19.37[Zeal]"Eredar that are now Draenei" and "Eredar that now serve the Legion"
00:20.10[Zeal]though i think it's safe to assume Draenei are the same as a normal Eredar would have been
00:20.36[Zeal](Yet another reason i hate that we used the term "races" for the "player races"
00:20.48[Zeal]because some are really factions..
00:22.23[Zeal]Forsaken, Draenei etc. Well in reality all the playable races are actually races within playable factions.
00:22.48[Zeal]Hence using Undead instead of Forsaken. and Eredar should be used instead of Draenei.
00:23.08[Zeal]sorry.. ranting now.. :P
00:26.25Hobinheimugh i finished one of my really easy assignments...
00:26.30Hobinheimnow i'm on something complex and retarded =(
00:26.57Teomyrlike me... i'm writing a WDB parser in PHP
00:27.04*** join/#wowwiki MentalPower (
00:27.16Hobinheimhey cool, i was trying to write one in perl the other night
00:27.32*** join/#wowwiki Kirkburn (
00:27.33Hobinheimi was too hung up on the different methods of parsing to get it actually done =(
00:27.45[Zeal]And really, Blood Elves are merely a faction of High Elves >_>
00:28.33[Zeal]who wants eagle stats? pfft
00:29.01tekkub1pommegranite martini
00:31.41KirkburnTeomyr, I got 1,000 hits from the WoWInsider article :O
00:32.34Teomyrthat is, bad for your traffic bill
00:33.01Kirkburn48,768 hits so far in December :P
00:33.18KirkburnNovember: 14,815
00:34.24Hobinheimwhat's this?
00:34.59tekkub1hey! feature one of mine!
00:35.39tekkub1TheBigPicture and TheLowDown :)
00:35.52tekkub1they kinda go together
00:36.10phreakyDo TheLowDown work good with Prat?
00:36.16phreakyHavent tried it in a while, got a lot of errors last time
00:36.49phreakyWhat's thebigpicture btw ? :) Don't see it on wowace
00:39.06tekkub1prat's... ugh
00:39.08sylvanaarTheLowDown is built into prat
00:39.15tekkub1dunno what's up with it lately
00:39.24phreakyis it build into prat? Oo
00:39.36KirkburnPrat is awesome :D
00:39.53sylvanaari thought that you asked me to do that tek
00:40.12phreakyi miss ConsoleMage so much =(
00:40.20tekkub1I still want featured and those are the best ones I got updated right now
00:40.24phreakyor, well.. missed.. stoped playing my mage :)
00:40.50KirkburnSend an anonymous tip, tekk :P
00:41.05Kirkburn(no, I did not do that!)
00:42.02sylvanaar[02:27] <Tekkub> prat need to absorb TheLowDown ^^
00:42.12KirkburnIs this viewable?
00:42.15sylvanaarim not going crazy at least
00:42.29[Zeal]Teomyr, how was it to setup the wiki to match wowwiki?
00:42.39Kirkburnfoxlit, if so, then that's my hit counter :)
00:42.44[Zeal]actualy screw that, i don't have PHP5 >_o
00:43.01foxlithit or visitor?
00:43.05phreakyAny1 know if there is an addon out there that got an ignore-word-list? Like you can add words to a list and then it ignores all whispers etc that includes that word?
00:43.12KirkburnUnique Visits
00:43.22foxlitphreaky: probably better off asking in #wowi-lounge
00:43.49phreakyI've asked there, i thought someone here might know anything :)
00:44.07phreakyI wish i got the knowledge to do it myself :)
00:44.09KirkburnThis is my page views :P
00:44.15foxlitMy visists chart is slowly going downwards :/
00:44.45KirkburnTo where?
00:44.47foxlit101412 so far this month, was like 170k in June
00:45.46KirkburnAand, the site it?
00:45.51foxlitIt's a game guide completely unrelated to wow.
00:46.06KirkburnStill, that's a lotta hits
00:46.23KirkburnBroswer (sic) wars!
00:46.56Kirkburn(it was misspelt on the website)
00:46.58[Zeal]doesn't work for me :/
00:47.06foxlitThat seems awfully skewed for firefox
00:47.15Kirkburn[Zeal], what broswer?
00:47.29KirkburnYes, massively skewed
00:47.43foxlit71.5 % IE varients, 24.3% firefox variants for me.
00:47.54KirkburnThat was over december
00:48.01[Zeal]Avant (IE7). it attempts to download it, as IE refuses to display png's when linked.
00:48.10[Zeal]but the download fails
00:48.17Kirkburn[Zeal], strange
00:48.27KirkburnMy IE7 has no problem I don't hink
00:48.34KirkburnAh try this
00:48.39KirkburnCopy the link, then paste it
00:49.03KirkburnOdd, innit
00:49.11[Zeal]why are people still using IE6 >_<
00:49.41foxlitIE7 is a pushed through WGA
00:49.54Hobinheimwindows genuine advantage?
00:50.02[Zeal]true true
00:50.07Kirkburni.e. pirates can't use it easily
00:50.12[Zeal]in which case i say "die you free loaders"
00:50.32Hobinheimi already paid microsoft twice for new xp discs to get that silly free loaders guilt trip shit off my computer
00:50.33KirkburnYou meant it is protected by WGA, but pushed via Windows Update (and slowly)
00:50.50KirkburnThey're not pushing IE7 out to everyone at once
00:50.56KirkburnThus the slow take-up
00:50.58foxlit(to be honest, I have yet to see an illegal version of windows complaining about WGA)
00:50.59[Zeal]no, i downloaded mine from the microsoft site. never got a windows update for it. : /
00:51.04Hobinheimwindows update is sorta like patch day for blizz, only... patches are required by a certain day
00:51.25Hobinheimno, ever since that one push for wga, every non-legit version of windows i've seen has had it
00:51.29foxlitRegardless, if you fail a WGA check, you can't install.
00:51.30KirkburnNext up....
00:51.34KirkburnOS wars!
00:51.40foxlit98.2% windows
00:51.44Hobinheimyou could also argue that really good non-legit versions of windows would be technically legit (volume licensing)
00:52.09Kirkburn96.18 for me
00:52.15[Zeal]i won't be updating to ff 2.0 until ff 1.5 tells me too.. second time they've redon the browser and left the auto-updater in the dark. if you're gunna have an auto-updater on your application, make sure it fucks works.. >_<
00:52.26KirkburnIt's on purpose
00:52.43KirkburnTo prevent massive bandwidth overuse
00:52.46Teomyrhmm. my firefox updater is very persuasive
00:52.52[Zeal]*redone *fucking
00:52.58foxlitMy firefox updater didn't ask me the first time it updated something.
00:53.07Teomyras soon as an update is available... "update has been downloaded, will be installed on restart"
00:53.08foxlit"Yo, I got an update; Click to restart."
00:53.09KirkburnFF1.5 to FF2.0 was bugger all though
00:53.30Hobinheimsupposedly... 1.5 is supposed to auto update to 2.0
00:53.35foxlitThat felt evil,really.
00:53.36Hobinheimbut i have 1.5s just chillin out
00:53.39[Zeal]lol, mine asks. two updates for 1.5 in the last month.
00:53.40TranceEmotionWith all the keyloggers, alot fo wow players are using firefox now as it is wayyy better than IE in field
00:53.58KirkburnWoah, what?
00:54.01TranceEmotionthat field*
00:54.05Hobinheimwell, ie7 is pretty slick, it shows you every add-on loaded. but it's not like people check
00:54.18[Zeal]well, ui wise, i think ie7 is a pile of wank
00:54.19KirkburnFF is no safer than IE
00:54.21[Zeal]why i use avant
00:54.35KirkburnI'll qualify that, sorry
00:54.37Hobinheimsp2 was pretty solid in terms of blocking shit out
00:54.42[Zeal]Kirkburn speaketh the truth.
00:54.44KirkburnFF2 is no safer against IE7, against that
00:54.46Hobinheimthe only reason something would install is if someone actually let it go through
00:55.06foxlitThe problem lies between the chair and the monitor.
00:55.08TranceEmotionmaybe IE7 but not earlier version FF is way better
00:55.16Hobinheimomg i'm just avoiding work again i hate you guys
00:55.20Teomyrqft, foxlit
00:55.21KirkburnTranceEmotion, hell yes
00:55.28KirkburnHobinheim, yay!
00:55.40Hobinheimsir, you've been the victim of an ID10T error
00:56.03KirkburnIf I find people using IE6 I give them a slap :P
00:56.17[Zeal]Basically, FF's security, is via optionally disabling usability. they is no real security benefit, merely that the IE issues are more well known and effect more people.
00:56.29TranceEmotionbut people are switching to FF because of IE6 and lowers repuation
00:56.58[Zeal]IE6 was awful standards wise, but FF is no angel either.
00:57.05Hobinheimto effect people is to give birth to them
00:57.05TranceEmotionFF updates/fixes roablems/has way fewer bugs that IE6
00:57.08[Zeal]nope, *there ;)
00:57.26*** join/#wowwiki Kirkburn (
00:57.30TranceEmotioni cant speak for ie7 as i dont use it
00:57.36foxlitDid they fix the memory leaks yet?
00:57.36*** mode/#wowwiki [+o Kirkburn] by ChanServ
00:57.40KirkburnApparently the answer is ... "no, I will disconnect you"
00:57.45[Zeal]not true TranceEmotion, they jsut patch up their bugs quicker and it hasn't existed long enough to find them all.
00:58.15KirkburnI'm glad IE has competition
00:58.18[Zeal]apparently firefox 1.x eating up CPU, leaking resources, and crashing randomly wasn't an issue for people >_>
00:58.19foxlitIE7 in Vista > Firefox probably
00:58.34Kirkburnfoxlit, yup, I'd agree with that
00:58.38[Zeal]i reall should isntall thatl ast vista beta..
00:58.39KirkburnUntil the next FF
00:58.43TranceEmotionlol, FF is Netscape, and netscape has been around just as long as IE, try again...
00:58.55[Zeal]not its not TranceEmotion
00:58.56Hobinheiminternet explorer 7 will never be better than firefox until i can rebind tab switching keys and scale font size
00:59.07[Zeal]based off, but it was a brand new core.
00:59.09foxlitScale in IE7 = bliss
00:59.12Hobinheimscale font size properly
00:59.14Kirkburnfoxlit, yeah
00:59.18equiraptorFF uses the Gecko core, which is an open source rewrite of the old Netscape.
00:59.18foxlit(zoom is freaking awesome!)
00:59.27KirkburnHobinheim, IE7 has proper scaling
00:59.33equiraptorNetscape 4.x != netscape 6+
00:59.43KirkburnAnd I mean proper scaling, not FF's hacky attempt
00:59.43Hobinheimlol i'm checking now, you're blaspheming
01:00.02Hobinheimoh shit real scaling
01:00.02foxlitAnd shrunken images actually look good for a change.
01:00.19[Zeal]i can't live without font aa now..
01:00.24[Zeal]pains me to read in ff :P
01:00.38Hobinheimoh shit even with the plus minus keys
01:00.42KirkburnHob ... Rebind tab switching keys? Hmm, probably never that one though =)
01:00.43Hobinheimwow, WOW
01:01.09Kirkburn[Zeal], turn on ClearType?
01:01.55TranceEmotionwell ive had absolutly no problems with FF, whereas ive had nothing but problems with IE6 (ive had xp since it came out) so on a personal note, IE^ never again will i use it
01:01.59foxlitIsn't IE7 tab-switching Windows default?
01:02.29Hobinheimgod i really don't feel like doing work... =(
01:02.35Hobinheimi just wanna go home and poopsock
01:02.38[Zeal]it is Kirkburn, doesn't effect ff
01:02.40Hobinheimor clean my room or something
01:02.52Kirkburn[Zeal], whaa?
01:03.00[Zeal]or its not.. meh
01:03.05KirkburnIt should do :P
01:03.11[Zeal]fairly sure i don't want it on anyways
01:04.20Hobinheimyou don't read something awful?
01:04.27Hobinheimthere's this urban legend or whatever
01:04.36Hobinheima girlfriend goes to her boyfriend's room
01:04.40Hobinheimbf plays wow a lot
01:04.49Hobinheimthere's a duffel back near his chair
01:04.56Hobinheimhe usually takes it, one day he left it behind
01:05.01Hobinheimthe room kinda smelled
01:05.02[Zeal]no wonder you hated that new item page..
01:05.16Hobinheimshe opened the bag and there were rolled up tube socks with poop in them
01:05.27Hobinheimhence playing wow for extended period amounts of time = poop socking
01:05.32Hobinheimto bio at chair w/o going to the banjo
01:05.38Hobinheimsee also south park MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
01:05.47Kirkburn[Zeal], ?
01:06.17[Zeal]bah, cleartype off.. hurt eyes
01:06.29[Zeal]erm.. firefox wasn't displaying the same as IE7
01:06.33[Zeal]gunna fix
01:07.26[Zeal] fixed
01:07.49[Zeal]forgot the 1px would cause issues, IE7 didn't care however.
01:08.14Hobinheimi never liked health items, i never use them
01:08.28Hobinheimwarriors bandage, rogues bandage, priests, shammies, druids, heal...
01:08.37Hobinheimlocks drain tank...
01:09.05[Zeal]now to figure out wtf the toc is doing..
01:09.22[Zeal]why the hell are my headers being ignored all of a sudden >_<
01:09.53Hobinheimpaging kirk
01:11.25Hobinheimkirk are you not registered
01:11.34Hobinheimbtw where does the name kirkburn come from
01:11.42[Zeal]{{{1}}} and {{{header}}} produce the same results, yet if i user header= it works as a toc header, is i juse enter the first value, no toc header..
01:11.55Hobinheimwhoever can guess where my name comes from, i'll give them a cookie
01:11.55[Zeal]*if i just
01:11.58KirkburnI'm regged
01:12.12Hobinheimare you identified now?
01:12.19Kirkburn to second question
01:12.49[Zeal]he dreams of burning captain kirk
01:12.59Hobinheimoh shit what's up design buddy
01:13.11KirkburnI'm a burning Kirk in a church by a stream
01:19.40tekkub1Picard is obviously superior
01:19.42[Zeal]ok.. well i've stumbled upon a bug with the wiki
01:20.39[Zeal]for a header (using xhtml) to be added to the toc, it requires that an = proceeds it, probably because of the wiki markup for a header.
01:21.11[Zeal]so, i'm forced to user {{contenbox|header=Blah}} isntead of {{contentbox|Blah}}
01:21.39tekkub1why are you forced to do that?
01:21.41Teomyrthat's probably not a bug, but a "feature"
01:22.13Hobinheimoh diss
01:22.24KirkburnYou want me to call myself Picaburn?
01:22.28tekkub1hey that'll take both!
01:22.32Kirkburn"Little fire"
01:22.40tekkub1alt name!
01:23.00tekkub1or just Ohhhburn
01:23.00Hobinheimdon't cadbury eggs come from your part of the world
01:23.13KirkburnBetter than my racially insensitive "Kilkbuln"
01:23.31tekkub1tonights a hibernatin night
01:23.36HobinheimINSURTING MY PEOPER?!
01:23.38tekkub1good thunderstorm out
01:23.52Teomyr[Zeal]: yes, you'll need to use |header=blah, because that's a named argument
01:24.11KirkburnHobinheim, you'le be solly!!
01:24.26[Zeal]i already had the template set to do {{{1}}} and {{{header}}}
01:24.34Kirkburn(you'le? wtf?)
01:24.43tekkub1what's the template code that's not working?
01:24.52tekkub1I see no reason why the two should differ
01:25.06[Zeal]neither did i
01:25.14[Zeal]but its nothing wrong with the template
01:25.16tekkub1unless there's an = in your arg
01:25.28tekkub1then you have to use 1=blah=blah
01:25.49tekkub1show me the offending line :P
01:25.58Hobinheimoh i'll show you an offending line
01:25.59[Zeal]{{{1}}} procuded the same code as {{{header}}}, except the wiki was appending the <a> for the header, so the toc doesn't add it.
01:26.07Hobinheimtekkub, you're one sorry example of a human being
01:26.11Hobinheimwaste of flesh even
01:26.20[Zeal]ts a bug in the wiki markup it seems
01:26.24tekkub1Hobinheim, screw you hippie
01:26.34Hobinheimi'd rather be a hippie than a commie, COMMIE
01:26.44tekkub1... James?
01:26.47tekkub1is that you?
01:27.51Tekkubone of the managers at the place I used to work at would say exactly that
01:28.08Hobinheimi'd rather be a ____ than a commie, commie?
01:28.08Tekkubhe also called me a slacker
01:28.19Tekkuband got all bent when I called him a bastard
01:28.27Tekkubit was quite amusing
01:28.36Tekkubseems I hit a nerve with him
01:28.39Hobinheimyeah i'm one of those people that can dish it but can't take it
01:28.43Tekkubmust miss his daddy
01:28.43Hobinheimi have thin skin =(
01:29.48[Zeal]{{{header|{{{1|}}}}}}, used that fallback in most of my templates, no issues, there wasn't any issues with the result of my template either. the only issue is when using i did specified the ehader, and was just feeding it ordered arguments, the wiki wasn't applying a link above the header (which i assumed it was supposed to do automatically), so it wasn't being added to the toc.
01:30.21[Zeal]*when i wasn't specifying header
01:31.21Hobinheimisn't adys english also?
01:31.31Teomyrno idea, sry zeal
01:31.36Hobinheimand appollo's like dutch or something
01:31.45Teomyradys is french, i think
01:31.46[Zeal]it does do it automatically.. thats so weird : /
01:31.47Hobinheimaren't all you peans related or something
01:31.54HobinheimAMERICA AMERICA!
01:33.20Tekkubfuck america
01:33.35Hobinheimwhat did i tell you guys, he's a commie
01:34.21TekkubI'm a canadien trapped in a stupid american's body
01:36.04[Zeal]scratch that, found the bug. it's an issue with new lines after the |<value>. it works fine with |<arg>=<value> though.
01:36.16Hobinheimi wish i had that stupid streamcast box so i can watch silly videos from my home computer...
01:36.26[Zeal]and also with |<value>}}
01:37.49Teomyrdamn, i should go to bed
01:37.58Teomyrthere's an interesting flamewar going on
01:38.38Teomyrand i'm not tired at all (though i'm sure i won't be able to get up until 2PM)
01:40.19[Zeal]yay, fixed
01:41.57Teomyryou know what's pissing me off
01:42.10Teomyrmysql has this "MySQL Workbench", an alpha version
01:42.12[Zeal]the world?
01:42.23*** part/#wowwiki Hobinheim (
01:42.26Teomyrgranted, it's an alpha version
01:42.56Teomyrbut come on... releasing a version in which you can't apply changes you made to a table is just...
01:43.44Teomyrit's completely useless!
01:45.33Teomyrjoy! my wdb parser is working \o/
01:46.04[Zeal]hows the parsing process now? wdb>xml>mysql?
01:46.18[Zeal]no, i just mean hidden, as in minized/closed.
01:46.26Teomyrno, more like wdb>
01:46.45Teomyrit's supposed to be wdb>mysql, but i haven't finished that yet
01:46.51[Zeal]ah, kk lol
01:48.05[Zeal]so, upload wdb, parses, then inserts into/updates the db?
01:48.24Teomyrand then the data is available to the wiki
01:48.58[Zeal]now we just need rustak..
01:49.35[Zeal]its scary to think, if he doesn't start being more active, the wiki will probably end up having to move without it's data : /
01:49.54Teomyroh well
01:50.12Teomyrif it really were *that* bad, so that the wiki had to move to a different webspace...
01:50.25Teomyrthere's still an XML export available ^^
01:50.45[Zeal]for admins use? cool.
01:50.53Teomyrno, for general use
01:51.12[Zeal]hm.. and the wiki has an import from xml too?
01:51.45Teomyrbut it'd still be a tedious process since there's so many pages
01:51.56Teomyrand images...
01:52.43[Zeal]already probably end up doing my own warcraft lore wiki at this rate anyways
01:53.19[Zeal]wasn't really too up for the idea, but i've caught the wiki bug and i have too much free time, heh.
01:53.46Teomyryay, free time!
01:54.05Tekkubscrew free time, I'm gonna go sleep for 12hr
01:54.53Teomyrdoesn't attract me the least at the moment
01:55.10[Zeal]wtf.. where has my page gone : /
01:55.30KirkburnG'night Tek
01:55.57Teomyri often lose pages, but in the sense of not finding them in the 200 browser tabs and windows i have opened
01:56.16[Zeal]nah its not that..
01:56.27[Zeal] 404 for you too?
01:56.51Teomyrnot 404, but can't connect
01:56.58[Zeal]yet i'm looking at the page in my ftp right now : /
01:57.46TeomyrUnable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
01:58.25Teomyri haven't been around on the wiki for that long. what happened to silverside?
01:58.45[Zeal]sigh.. think i've had enough. was someone else's project that i've taken over, but it's still on his server, which is shit..
02:03.00[Zeal]hopefully i steal the domain, my host is planning to upgrade to php 5 soon, so i'll be able to run a wiki properly.
02:03.36[Zeal]*i can steal
02:07.44Teomyryou really want to split off of wowwiki? why?
02:08.06Teomyr(other than the issues with rustak)
02:09.58[Zeal]because of the negativity surrounding wowwiki in terms of lore.
02:10.23[Zeal]and the fact i can't work in a system i see as flawed :P
02:11.33[Zeal]currently, wowwiki i feel i'm contributing to a mess, and just making more mess. it's like trying to sort out recylable materials at a land fill.. >_>
02:13.08Teomyrhm... well, then it might be a good solution for you if you start in a 'fresh' wiki
02:13.25foxlitWe'll clone your pages afterwards, though :P
02:13.46[Zeal]doesn't bother me.
02:14.59[Zeal]i considering a wiki as a educational tool, fuck copyrights or content ownership, if it helps teach people, combats ignorance nd stupidity, i'm happy.
02:16.42Tekkubstill more for you to fix in that sentence :P
02:16.47[Zeal]i know
02:17.25Kirkburn[Zeal], how long have you been visiting WoWWiki?
02:17.47[Zeal]visiting? hm.. no idea really.
02:18.07KirkburnI would say it took me about 2 months of contributing before I really got a feel for how it all worked
02:18.23KirkburnHow have to balance what newbies want to do with what is ideal
02:18.58[Zeal]that should have been s/How/How you/ :p
02:19.01[Zeal]i think
02:19.06KirkburnAnd obviously, cope with an admin who's not around that much
02:19.22Kirkburnyeah, that makes sense :P
02:19.51KirkburnDespite Rustak's absence, the wiki isn't died or crashing or, in fact, getting worse
02:19.51[Zeal]i still 'feel' a mess.
02:20.08KirkburnI know
02:20.28KirkburnThere's still a lot of "sorting" to do
02:20.36[Zeal]oh, i see adding new articles following existing 'policies' as making the matter worse :P
02:21.04KirkburnBut remember those policies were voted in
02:21.15[Zeal]i know
02:21.37foxlitSomeone sort the Events section
02:21.41[Zeal]no offense, but i consider most people short sighted.
02:21.55KirkburnI'm going to be deleting much of the news cat soon
02:22.11foxlit(category talk: news for my suggestion about that)
02:22.13[Zeal]those polcies worked i nthe short, but they're really not scalable for the wiki.
02:22.48[Zeal]s/i nthe short/in the short term
02:22.56[Zeal]no? bah
02:23.14Teomyrmissing a slash in the end
02:23.22[Zeal]ah.. yes
02:23.53Kirkburnfoxlit, perhaps that would be something to start in the future
02:24.10KirkburnThe problem, however, is that it needs maintainers
02:24.31KirkburnThere's far too much stuff on the wiki that starts off well, then someone leaves and it crumbles
02:24.51[Zeal]would love to setup a test wiki like Teomyr has, just to copy over and show off my proposal. it doesn't really have the impact it deserves in my sandbox :P
02:25.09KirkburnSilverSide did a lot of that. He came in a storm, did loads of stuff, started all these initiatives ... then left. Everything crumbled, the wiki started going to pieces
02:25.55KirkburnIt's good to be ambitious, but you have to balance it with realism
02:25.57[Zeal]well, my idea, i would liek to think, could easily be done without me, and continued on in the future by any and every user.
02:26.24[Zeal]i think adys did those didn't he?
02:26.27KirkburnTake your redesign [Zeal] ... that would take an absolute age to implement, and the wiki would be a mess during any transition
02:27.06foxlitThe {{WoW API}} transition is still in the middle of doing something
02:27.12[Zeal]it would take a while, yes. but it can be doen in peices. and no, it wouldn't be a mess in transition.
02:27.24KirkburnIt's an interesting design, it is ... but can you get a newbie using it immediately?
02:27.33[Zeal]and even if the transition wasn't smooth, it would still be less of a mess that it currently is..
02:28.24KirkburnThis is talking specifically about the box design stuff - we're using the design wikipedia is using - is that surely not a good model for us?
02:28.33[Zeal]if policies go up, sure. even if they didn't, it would be very easy to catch and correct.
02:29.02[Zeal]oh god, certainly not. everything i said im my proposal applied to wikipedia too.
02:29.07Kirkburnfoxlit, I'm never going to remember your wiki name, you know that? ;)
02:29.27Kirkburnx 2
02:29.39[Zeal]wikipedia is worse than wowwiki, they just have been going long enough to achieve static navigation and lists.
02:29.43foxlitMaybe I should insert a spaec somwhere
02:29.50foxlitBoxes look overly busy, really.
02:29.58foxlitBut that's just a personal opinion.
02:30.18[Zeal]ywah.. but i'm not evne proposing those yet..
02:30.26KirkburnHalf the world sees wikipedia, surely one of them would have thought "this is messed up, let's change this"?
02:30.41KirkburnI mean, wikipedia has the resources to change a lot of stuff, but they don;t
02:30.50[Zeal]they can be styled in so many ways and voted on the final style. already showed how it can essentially look like default.
02:31.19foxlit makes me cry
02:31.41foxlitThen again, I practically wrote, which is actually worse.
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02:32.33[Zeal]even if people decided they didn't want to use the boxes because of the editing issue, i'd be fine. i'm more interested in seeing a good structure. hell i could even redo those boxes so that, inserting the template would require more work, but you'd get edit links.
02:32.39foxlitThinking about it, I should probably make World_of_Warcraft the way I want World_of_Warcraft:_The_Burning_Crusade to be.
02:34.05cluffensteinHi guys
02:34.41Kirkburncluffenstein, welcome
02:36.11[Zeal]as to wikipedia, its the prime example of when it's too late for change. i hope that wowwiki never gets to the point. any policy changes to wikipedia are not feasible
02:42.55Teomyri'm off
02:42.58Teomyrsee ya
02:50.24KirkburnG'night all!
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03:39.04Industrialthis is not documented
03:39.42Industrialif I do frame:SetScript('OnEvent', myfunc()) can myfunc() take any arguments
03:39.46Industriallike uh, the event? :>
03:51.53[Zeal]apparently #wowi_lounge or something can probably help you better.
03:51.58[Zeal]nn all
03:54.23Industrialframe, event, arg1, arg2, ..., arg9
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13:29.36Teomyrbah... the mysql part is making my wdb parser awfully slow :(
13:29.59Teomyronly ~20 items per second
13:30.17Teomyrkind of bad when there's a wdb with 7000 entries :O
13:37.50ApollozeusI should count how many red links to quest articles still exist
13:41.24Apollozeusor, rather, have the wiki calculate that for me in some way
13:47.41Apollozeusnvm not possible >_>
14:19.56KirkburnJust look for "Quest:"
14:20.11KirkburnAnd, uh ... count :P
14:20.34Apollozeusyeah ;p
14:20.40KirkburnHmm, this needs fixing:
14:20.43ApollozeusI'm not gonna count them by hand
14:21.02Kirkburn(the mobs should not be in that category)
14:21.40Adysdone kirk
14:22.03KirkburnWhat's done??
14:22.10AdysStub/mob was linking to it
14:22.19KirkburnAh lol
14:22.29Adystheres 5-6 left
14:22.39Kirkburnooh, would you look at that
14:23.15AdysIm in wsg =P
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15:40.40KirkburnImprove me!
15:41.29Patrigan-SyldraKirkburn, Improve me! as in delete useless words like "portmanteau of the acronym" ^^
15:41.46KirkburnThat's what it said on wikipedia
15:41.47Patrigan-Syldraor like adding to it: (In human turns, this means...)
15:42.23Patrigan-SyldraWell, either way, I'm not going to fiddle with the about
15:42.34Patrigan-Syldrabut, a list of all admins would looik great there imo
15:43.12KirkburnYeah, that's a good idea
15:45.54KirkburnK, added the list of admins
15:54.17Apollozeusrustak's contact information
15:54.22Apollozeusas if that serves any purpose ;p
15:59.31Teomyrdamnit... my wdb parser is down to 10 items per second :<
16:09.59Teomyrcould anyone provide me with a enGB/enUS/frFR itemcache.wdb?
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16:26.26Finbonjour Adys
16:28.10Teomyrhi adys
16:28.13TeomyrPatrigan-Syldra: yes?
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16:28.55Finhow's tricks, mon petit Frenchella
16:28.58Patrigan-Syldrayou still want that enGB itemcache?
16:29.10Teomyryes, that'd be nice
16:29.17Patrigan-SyldraI have itemcache
16:29.31ApollozeusI have cash
16:29.33Apollozeuslots of it
16:29.43Patrigan-Syldranow give some to me
16:30.16Teomyrcould you try to DCC the file? don't know if it works
16:30.25Patrigan-Syldraalrdy did it :)
16:30.33Patrigan-Syldra4.64MB >.>
16:30.41Teomyrmy bouncer must have it, then. thanks ;)
16:30.57Patrigan-Syldrayour bouncer? XD
16:31.18Patrigan-Syldrajust hoping my Firewall wants to cooperate...
16:31.19Teomyryes, irc bouncer. never heard of it? ^^
16:31.25Patrigan-SyldraI really should fix him up...
16:31.28Patrigan-Syldranot really ^^
16:32.40Patrigan-Syldratransfer timed out oO
16:33.14Teomyrcould you try again please?
16:33.34Teomyror, no, wait
16:33.57Teomyrshould work now
16:34.03Teomyrin theory ^^
16:35.11Patrigan-SyldraSec gonna check up with my firewall
16:35.20Patrigan-Syldraany clue which ports the IRC DCC uses?
16:35.43Teomyrmine uses 59 for incoming
16:36.29KirkburnWant a Burning Srusade one?
16:37.11Teomyryes, i have one, but others would be nice too :D
16:37.24Patrigan-SyldraI recently deleted my BC
16:37.28Patrigan-Syldradue to lack of time
16:37.45Patrigan-Syldrafriggin firewall XD
16:37.50Patrigan-Syldrasee the problem
16:38.00Patrigan-SyldraI recently formatted a PC in my network
16:38.10Patrigan-Syldraand the firewall took away it's IP and readded it afterwards
16:38.20KirkburnTeomyr, yay I can't send either :P
16:38.25Patrigan-Syldrameaning everything above (including this comp) got a number 1 lower...
16:38.31Teomyromg ^^
16:39.05Kirkburn"DCC SEND itemcache.wdb to Teomyr failed. A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied"
16:39.26Patrigan-SyldraI'm just getting a timeout ^^
16:39.33Teomyri want this to work! :o
16:40.19Patrigan-Syldrawell I fixed my firewall now, if it still doesn't work, it's your side!
16:40.32Patrigan-Syldraif you like, I can upload it to my server
16:41.09Teomyryes, its probably my client's or router's settings
16:41.28Teomyri changed them now, could you try again please? :)
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16:44.14Patrigan-Syldratimed out
16:45.45Teomyrwhen we tried last time, i got kirkburn's dcc send, but not yours (though no data could be sent)
16:46.15Patrigan-SyldraI'll put it on my server
16:46.18Patrigan-Syldramight be my firewall
16:46.26Patrigan-Syldrawelln,, better said firewalls...
16:47.31Teomyrkirkburn, could you try one last time? sorry if i'm annoying :P
16:47.57Patrigan-Syldracan't even connect to my ownb server >.>
16:48.44Teomyrvery strange. my irc client listens on 8613, and that port is forwarded, but no data :(
16:48.48Teomyrthanks :)
16:50.28Teomyrwtf... my parser is still processing the old wdb file with 7700 entries oO
16:50.35Teomyrcurse you, mysql!
16:51.52KirkburnIt's probably my fault that it doesn't send
16:52.00KirkburnYay for having websites :P
16:52.38Teomyrindeed :D
16:55.48Patrigan-Syldrawell, I know one thing
16:55.55Patrigan-Syldramy internet is fucked up
16:56.01Patrigan-Syldracan't reach ftp servers whatsoever
16:56.12Fincan't even login?
16:57.40Patrigan-Syldrabut I think I got it fixed now
16:57.48Patrigan-Syldrarestarted all firewalls
16:58.01Patrigan-Syldrascary thing to do, cuz that means I'm open for attacks >.>
16:58.49Finyou mean you completely reset your firewalls?!
16:58.58Finwhat sort of firewalls are you using?
17:03.02Patrigan-Syldraninja it plix
17:04.49Patrigan-SyldraTeomyr !
17:12.47Teomyrsomething in the WDB format has changed with bc
17:12.58Teomyreach entry is 8 bytes longer
17:13.24Teomyri know where the first extra 4 bytes are, but i have no idea where to put the other 4 oO
17:14.28Finmight help, dunno
17:15.39Teomyrnote to self: remember to check talk pages more often
17:15.42Teomyrthanks! :D
17:16.25Finglad it helped, it was a bit of a shot in the dark
17:16.55Teomyrit did
17:16.56FinI've thought about writing a converter before, are you going to make yours public?
17:17.48Teomyrdon't know whether it would be useful. it's a wdb > mysql converter written in php, for integration with the wiki
17:18.52Finoh, huh, I was just reading something in the Village Pump about that (something to do with tooltips)
17:19.19Findo you have anything against sharing it? cos I'd love a copy :)
17:20.31Teomyrit's too messy to be published right now :D
17:20.56Finheh, k
17:21.12Teomyri might release it later once it has less bugs and is more readable ^^
17:21.40Teomyrin case you're interested in the wdb integration for the wiki, you can have a look at my test site at
17:21.58Teomyri did some stuff there which i'm trying to improve atm ;)
17:22.32Patrigan-Syldra1 BIG note I alrdy have
17:22.40Patrigan-Syldramake it clearer what is tooltipped and what isn't
17:22.47Patrigan-Syldraatm it looks like 1 text
17:23.59Teomyryou mean on [[Item Tooltip Test]]?
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17:25.27Patrigan-Syldrathose 4 dots are all tooltips
17:25.31Patrigan-Syldrabut by just looking at it
17:25.34Patrigan-Syldrayou don't know
17:25.41Patrigan-Syldrahow can I see it's a tooltip?
17:25.50Teomyrah, yes, you're right ;)
17:27.24Patrigan-Syldrabut don't just underline it
17:27.38Patrigan-Syldraperhaps underline it like an admin name?
17:28.28Patrigan-Syldraother tha that, it looks really nice :)
17:29.00Teomyrthanks :)
17:29.14Teomyrmaybe it'll be part of the official wiki one day
17:31.01Patrigan-Syldraone day? Let's say tomorrow?
17:31.07Patrigan-Syldradon't say we need Rustak for it >.>
17:32.17Teomyrcorrect :/
17:32.43Teomyrthat's why i set up a test wiki. what i'm doing here are extensions for mediawiki
17:33.13Patrigan-Syldrarustak plays shaman on the american Burning Legion
17:36.04Teomyrgank him! :O
17:38.55Teomyr<-- afk
17:45.25Tekkubthat kicks ass
17:45.36Tekkubfuck rustak, lets move to a new server
17:45.47Apollozeusone problem
17:46.00Apollozeuswe can't snatch the mysql database
17:46.22TekkubI'm about sick of rustak
17:46.28Tekkuband I've never talked to him
17:46.31Tekkuband that's why
17:46.50Tekkubeveryone on US live, make a toon and spam up his ingame mail :)
17:47.22Apollozeusare we sure his ingame name is rustak as well?
17:53.20KirkburnAdys: kill!  >.<
17:54.27Patrigan-Syldralove players who don't know bout the icons upload ^^
17:54.44Patrigan-Syldrawe can only hop
17:55.16KirkburnPatrigan-Syldra, it's not as if I added giant notices to the image upload page ......
17:55.34Patrigan-Syldraperhaps they're too small?
17:55.38Patrigan-SyldraMAKE THEM BIGGER!
17:55.51Patrigan-Syldraor people ar ejust too lazy to search for it ^^
17:55.59Patrigan-Syldraor they dislike the naming?
17:56.12Patrigan-Syldrathena gain
17:56.29Patrigan-Syldrapeople look for "ward of the elements" and not for the real icon name
17:56.34Patrigan-Syldrawhich causes problems
18:03.23Finis it just me, or is the styles on the Preferences page broken?
18:04.03KirkburnThis may help a bit with the images:
18:04.08KirkburnFin, it is, yes
18:05.56TeomyrFinished WDB parsing. (8410 items, 6007 skipped, 2403 new). :O
18:09.55Teomyri think i'm going to write a PHP class for it
18:13.21Fingreat idea!
18:13.27Finthen release it :P
18:13.41Teomyrafter all, there are other wdb formats that my parser doesn't support
18:14.00AdysKirkburn: lol
18:14.24AdysArgh I hate this
18:15.26FinTeomyr: right, but releasing it would enable people like me to contribute bits to support more formats :)
18:15.56Kirkburnzomg, RC page update :P
18:16.19TeomyrFin: it'd probably take more time if you had to understand my code first :P
18:16.52AdysOi teo
18:17.01Adysdont underestimate fin!
18:17.35Finaw, thanks Adys
18:17.54FinTeomyr: there's only one way to find out!
18:17.55Adysnice work btw kirk
18:20.44AdysI miss Ommra in my talk page
18:20.56AdysQuel'Serrar Serrar, Whatever will be, Will be
18:23.03AdysI mean Kirk
18:23.13AdysOr anyone else..
18:23.42AdysHow "doable" would it be to superpose 1-3 numbers on the item icons on item pages
18:23.54AdysI really like thottbot's way to show stacks
18:24.12Adysinstead of the ==Notes== Yaddiyadda stacks in groups of 20..
18:24.36KirkburnYou would have to edit the pic itself most likely
18:24.51KirkburnClick history on any page and tell me what you think!
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18:27.54Adysmm not bad
18:28.11AdysI prefer the pretty infoboxes :P
18:30.31Adysis there any mediawiki addon to put an image in the background instead of as its handled now?
18:30.43Adysbut at the same time, keep the link to the image page..
18:31.33KirkburnAlso updated the page move text
18:32.22TeomyrAdys: look at wowhead, they're showing stacks very nicely too
18:32.50Adysyeah its same as thottbot
18:32.55Adysits basically what i want to do
18:33.06Teomyri don't know about the background thingy, but can't you specify styles with an image?
18:33.16Adysi dont think so
18:33.30Adyswell not with wikicode anyways
18:33.41AdysImagine the template ...
18:35.02Adyswhere overlay would be a text going over the icon, say.
18:35.44Adysand ofc if no arg2 then no overlay
18:35.58Adysjust thinking here... would be awesome
18:39.11Adys{{Icon}} : <noinclude>[[Category:Item Templates]]</noinclude>[[Image:{{{1}}}.png|left]]
18:39.14Adysfor now
18:41.39KirkburnYay for divs
18:41.50KirkburnIt's entirely possible
18:41.54Adyswould it work on an entire page?
18:42.09KirkburnI totally forgot about that method :P
18:42.18KirkburnYou can easily fit it into the templates
18:42.35Adystesting something, gimme a min
18:43.03KirkburnThe code ( <div style="position: absolute; right: 6px; bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold">200</div> )
18:43.31KirkburnI think we should make the stack size clearer though
18:43.40KirkburnNo need to do it exactly as the other do
18:46.46Adysis it possible to add or change a font on wowwiki?
18:47.13Teomyrhow so?
18:47.23Adyschange a font
18:47.24Teomyrin theory, you can specify any font in the style
18:47.33AdysWell yeah thats what im wondering
18:47.36Teomyrstyle="font-family: Tahoma;"
18:47.39Teomyrfor example
18:48.02Adysfix that =P
18:50.45Adys lol
18:53.52Adysshouldnt that be Two Handed Maces?
18:54.48Apollozeus<@Adys> lol <-- I WANT THAT
18:55.08Adyspfft :P
18:56.35Adys<noinclude>[[Category:Item Templates]]</noinclude><div style="position: relative; width: 64px; height: 64px; float: left; margin-right: 0.5em">[[Image:{{{1}}}.png|left]]<div style="position: absolute; right: 6px; bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold">200</div></div>
18:56.56AdysCorrection... <noinclude>[[Category:Item Templates]]</noinclude><div style="position: relative; width: 64px; height: 64px; float: left; margin-right: 0.5em">[[Image:{{{1}}}.png|left]]<div style="position: absolute; right: 6px; bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold">{{{2}}}</div></div>
18:57.08AdysAnything unneeded?
18:58.32Apollozeus<@Adys> <-- that is unneeded
18:58.48Apollozeusnvm, that joke sucked
18:58.55Adysbah :P
18:58.55Teomyri think the |left in the image code can be removed
18:59.03Teomyrbut try it first
18:59.06AdysAye will do
18:59.26Adysbut first..
18:59.26AdysI need to have a blank {{{2}}}
18:59.26Adysif not specified
18:59.26Adysand I suck with this =P
19:01.19Adysk wtf?
19:03.33Adysargh whats up with that
19:06.17ApollozeusCategories: Items with Stamina | Items with Intellect | Items with Spirit | Items with Fire Resistance | Items with Nature Resistance |
19:06.24Adysthats normal
19:06.31Adyscheck Template:Attribute
19:06.31Apollozeusare those going to be added?
19:06.39Adysits more of a test area
19:07.27AdysINV_Chest_Cloth_03 Netherwind Robes is cloth che
19:07.42AdysI dont get it
19:08.35AdysOk rolled back Template:Icon to [[Image:{{{1}}}.png|left]]
19:08.51Adysand it still fucks up
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19:10.03AdysI dont like when things dont work >< :(
19:11.47TeomyrAdys: (refresh!)
19:12.15AdysBetter =P
19:12.33Adysbut i still dont get it
19:12.41Adyswtf is up with the icon thing
19:12.48Adyswhats wrong ,
19:12.59Teomyrdon't know
19:18.46FinAdys: what's wrong with what?
19:27.19AdysFin: it doesn't work
19:27.32Adysits used there
19:27.40Adysit displays the name of the icon instead of the icon
19:28.44Finis there somewhere it does work?
19:28.56Adysi rolled it back to its simplest form
19:29.00Adysit should work without problems
19:29.33Adyserm... wth
19:29.39Finwas it working before?
19:29.47Adysnope just created it
19:29.52Adysfound what was wrong :)
19:29.58Adysthree {{{}}} instead of two
19:30.09Finwhen I just looked at it, it had |10 at the end of the icon name
19:30.21Adysyes, its supposedly the stack
19:30.42Finit might be thinking that's part of the filename?
19:30.49Adysnope, no worries
19:30.59Adysmy plan is to make it so the second arg is the stack.. lemme show you, now it should work
19:31.46Adyscheck that out :) (refresh)
19:32.51foxlitWhy the 5? :)
19:32.56Adysfor a test =P
19:33.08Adysstack size eventually on real items
19:33.29AdysI need to make it null if the second arg isnt specified
19:33.31Finbtw, any reason why the information on shouldn't be copied over to wowwiki?
19:33.35Adysand i have no idea how to do that
19:33.40Adysnot sure its 100% legal fin
19:33.50Adysso better have separate wikis
19:34.11KirkburnAdys, nice work on the stack size!
19:34.22AdysKirk, you're the man I need =P
19:34.23Fins'waht I figured
19:34.25Adys - fix me that
19:34.41KirkburnWhat's wrong with it!?
19:34.47Adysrefresh :-p
19:34.53Adys{{{2}}} if stacksize empty
19:35.10Adysaint there :/
19:35.25KirkburnSo?? :P  Tekkub!
19:35.43Teomyr{{{2|}}} ?
19:36.24Adysgo ahead teo
19:36.29Adysi have no idea
19:36.39Adysi just know its possible and easy :p
19:37.23Adys"Netherweave is the next generation of cloth."
19:37.46TeomyrAdys: there you go
19:39.01Adysah i see how it works
19:40.43AdysAnyone else than me thinks it's time to write a guide on how to create an item page
19:40.56Adysinstead of that .. illisible boilerplate
19:41.41Teomyror wait until my wdb thingy is finished and rustak is back :P
19:41.50Teomyrwhich could, basically, take forever
19:42.29Adysnot really lisible... any advice?
19:42.47AdysI like the size, thinking about another font
19:43.34Teomyrwhat are you referring to
19:43.43Teomyrthe whole page or the tooltip?
19:44.05Adyson bright icons its not very clear
19:45.58Teomyrwowhead has an outline around them, not sure how they do it
19:47.12Teomyrlooks like they're putting a white stack size on a slightly larger black one
19:47.33Adys... oO lol
19:48.58Adysge('ic21845').appendChild(g_CreateIcon('INV_Fabric_MoonRag_Primal', 2, 0, 0, 20));
19:48.58Adysg_AppendTooltip('tt21845', '<b class="q3">Primal Mooncloth</b>');
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19:54.38Garthnaitanybody here?
19:57.48Adyssort of
20:00.01KirkburnGarthnait, welcome
20:00.07AdysAwesome, teomyr
20:00.11GarthnaitIs somebody here that can help me creating an AddOn for WoW (sorry bout me bad english)
20:00.33KirkburnTeomyr, haha, sneaky
20:00.46Adyslove ya :)
20:00.46KirkburnGarthnait, I recommend you go to the #wowi-lounge channel
20:01.08Garthnaitups ^^
20:02.57Adysawesome teo :)
20:03.10Teomyrhehe, thanks :D
20:08.00Adyssounds really good
20:14.03KirkburnAdys, are all icons done?
20:14.07Kirkburn(non TBC)
20:14.23AdysNope, actually Im gonna finish that off now
20:14.50Adyseverything in red is missing
20:15.59KirkburnOoh, not much
20:16.30KirkburnWhere'd Tusva go, eh?
20:16.37Adysquitted wow methink
20:21.47AdysI just figured out
20:21.56AdysNow I need to use my {{icon}} template...
20:22.34Finthere there Adys
20:27.04foxlitWhat's with the crazy <div style="margin-left: 3%"> lately?
20:30.11AdysOwlBoy has updated shitloads of selfmade wow icons
20:30.16Adysim trying to replace them atm
20:30.51AdysOwlboy's revision:
20:31.01AdysOfficial revision:
20:31.23KirkburnAh the shadow
20:33.28Kirkburnfoxlit, it looks cool?
20:34.30Kirkburnfixxored the page anyway
20:34.37foxlitIt's silly.
20:35.14foxlitThere's no real reason to use indenting like that, and it just wastes space.
20:38.06Teomyrpersonally, i think the icons uploaded by owlboy look nice
20:38.32Teomyrthey're not selfmade, but they use a photoshop template contained in the official wow fan site kit
20:39.13Adysblizzard is lame
20:39.19Adysthe second is the right one
20:39.39Teomyrthey both have an ugly border
20:39.58Teomyri do. it's non-standard :P
20:42.34Adyslol kirk
20:42.44AdysI remember you telling "Images keep the text alive"
20:43.15KirkburnNOT HIS
20:43.31KirkburnI don't even need to look at the page to say that
20:43.50Kirkburnoh, oh my god, oh my
20:44.11Finalive and currently having some sort of fit
20:44.48KirkburnHis paint skills are "interesting"
20:45.03KirkburnAll those awful WC3 mob skills pictures - DT
20:45.24Finat least he's trying
20:45.57KirkburnYes, but if you're going to post a low quality bitmap, don't blow it up to three times normal size and paste it randomly into a rectangle
20:46.29Adysgood god
20:49.01KirkburnHow can you put:,, in an article?
20:49.08KirkburnThey're all different sizes and qualities
20:49.11Fin"Kunal Plushybottoms admired a Pandaren woman for he warrior prowess, but he dared not court her. She was a member of the earth clan which was hostile to his Storm Clan."
20:49.27Finpoor old Kunal Plushybottoms
20:49.30KirkburnTis a great name :D
20:50.52KirkburnThis is type of of his screenshots which i hate:
20:51.56Adys--->  - Now tis all pretty, everything not INV is done for good this time with correct caps where they have to be
20:52.00AdysAND! A shortcut
20:53.08AdysGood god..
20:53.12Adys2684 icons
20:53.15Adysand thats without bc
20:54.14KirkburnAND! A breadcrumb
20:54.42KirkburnAND! A shortcut to WoW Icons :) Use [[WW:ICON]] :D
20:55.52Adyscounted it
20:55.56Adys191 icons missing
20:56.07Adyswow, I was extremely close with my 93% estimation
20:56.12Adysits actually 94%.. I think
20:56.30Adys191 of 2684..
20:59.23KirkburnSomehow, I have no idea how, there was no link to the Guidelines on the Main Page
21:00.08AdysActually no, I'm at 92.88%
21:00.11Adysso yes, 93%
21:00.21Adyswow, Im proud!
21:01.30KirkburnFINISH HIM!
21:01.43Adys191 icons left good god
21:01.56Adysgo tell varghedin he has 191 npcs left on the list
21:02.02Adysand watch him commit suicide
21:02.39Adysthe less there is on the list the more stressing it is
21:02.49Adysyou do realize at some point we had 150-200 pngs on the wiki :D
21:05.04AdysI give up on cleanups
21:05.09AdysI'm just gonna change png/jpg
21:05.16AdysI wanna finish this
21:06.51Teomyrwow, my wdb extension works oO
21:07.01Teomyr{{wdb/item:Runecloth|de:Name}} => Runenstoff
21:07.07Teomyrgerman name for Runecloth
21:07.58KirkburnAdys, delete the jpg images straight away if they're unused
21:08.14KirkburnNo need to add the SD template this time
21:08.22AdysAye on it
21:08.52Kirkburn(but not as a general rule, this just saves me following you around the wiki :P)
21:09.05AdysSlacker :P
21:09.13Adysfunnily enough its faster for me to add sd than to delete
21:09.22Adysbecause I anyways need to go in edit to copypaste [[Category:WoW Icons: Inventory Scarab]]
21:14.41AdysLets buy rustak the domain and redo the wiki under the domain, but this time being able to access the server files
21:16.44*** join/#wowwiki betawarz (
21:18.38Teomyryeah, of course :D
21:22.05*** join/#wowwiki MentalPower|Univ (
21:25.57AdysWhats up with the retarded redirects in SD cat?
21:26.45*** join/#wowwiki MentalPower|Univ (
21:29.30Adys ffs @%!£
21:29.40Adyspeople keep uploading as jpg
21:29.58AdysKirk can I ban them for one year?
21:31.01Adystwo years sorry
21:31.05KirkburnThe PNG doesn't exist?
21:31.16Adysbut its easily accessible
21:31.20Adysor use {{Icon needed}}
21:31.35KirkburnAh, TBC pics
21:31.45KirkburnLeave them a note
21:33.05AdysCRUSH, DESTROY
21:33.09Adyswhats that for anyways?
21:33.41KirkburnGonna see if I can improve the upload dialogue further
21:34.35Adyslemme do that... "Every JPG Icon uploaded will be 1 year ban and law pursuits"
21:35.05TeomyrJPEG Icons will devour your soul
21:35.42KirkburnAdys, can you improve to give more info
21:35.55KirkburnIt should probably turned into a 'guideline' type page
21:36.14Adysi finish Sword 05 and ill do it
21:36.53KirkburnHmm, actually already gives info
21:37.11KirkburnAdys, the page needs tidying and a prominent link to the guidelines :P
21:38.19AdysIm not sure what tusva wanted to do with it
21:38.25Adysthe table thing is weird
21:39.52Teomyrdo you think what's nice? having spent all day writing a WDB parser and finding out that you need a DBC parser, too!
21:40.09Adysbtw teomyr
21:40.42Adysif you find a solid converter, dbc>csv>dbc
21:40.43Adyspoke me
21:40.48AdysI need one =P
21:40.59Teomyrwhy would you need that?
21:41.20AdysAttracts girls more easily
21:41.24Adysbut shh.
21:41.26Teomyraah, nice
21:44.21Adyssounds decent
21:45.30Teomyrcan't see a difference
21:45.43Teomyrbut that's because it's the german version :P
21:47.31AdysIm not sure what to say
21:47.33Adys== Icons in World of Warcraft ==
21:47.33AdysThe game uses for spells and items a few thousand different icons. Each of them is stored within the [[MPQ]]s and is accessible on certain database websites such as [[Allakhazam]].
21:47.33AdysEvery icon has most of the time multiple uses, and for this reason they need, when uploaded on WoWWiki, to strictly keep the same name as the one given in the data files.
21:53.18KirkburnI've expanded the image guidelines:
21:56.02AdysTo upload an icon on the Wiki, first download it from a site such as [[Allakhazam]] or [[Wowhead]]. Right click the icon and save it, keeping the exact name it had when selected. Once that is done, go to [[Special:Upload]]. As destination filename, keep the exact name of the icon. Remember to verify its extension is .png, that its size is 64x64, and that it doesn't already exist.
21:56.02AdysIf you do not wish to go through these troubles when creating a spell or item page, use the template {{tlink|Icon needed}} and another [[WoWWikian]] will eventually update it.
21:56.02Adys{{AlsoSee|WoWWiki:Image guidelines}}
21:57.05AdysAight updated, ran out of inspiration
22:01.25Adys - 168 left :) :) :)
22:01.29AdysCome on.
22:06.19KirkburnNearly there!
22:06.40KirkburnTBC won't have as many, I'm sure :)
22:10.34KirkburnAdys, updated with a note about TBC
22:11.01AdysFixed, kirk
22:11.11Adysah aye thanks btw
22:11.29Adysthough most of them are already in game with 2.0
22:11.35Adysbut aye
22:11.40KirkburnWoo, new template for the copper wire :D
22:11.49AdysAye \o§
22:12.09Adysit looks pretty tbh :-P
22:12.25KirkburnLooks awesome :P
22:12.34Adysoh god lol
22:13.04*** part/#wowwiki Garthnait|afk (
22:18.39AdysJust happy with the template =P
22:22.06KirkburnI'm liking the greeting thing at the top right =)
22:22.14KirkburnGives me a chance to make the front pace 'nicer'
22:22.23AdysStole your idea for my userpage =P
22:23.16KirkburnOoh, good idea at top left
22:23.38Adysit needs to be done with the feeling at the top left
22:23.47Adysbecause there is the "Editing ..." before the text
22:23.51Adysand it makes it overlap
22:23.58Adysand not be actually where it should be
22:29.16KirkburnI reckon it needs an overhaul anyway
22:35.21Adyspfft ;P
22:48.40AdysAight, I'm off... More icons tomorrow
22:48.48Adysgn all =)
23:03.26TeomyrFin: i've written a dbc parser if you're interested
23:03.44TeomyrFin: starting to rewrite the wdb one now
23:08.09FinI am interested, yes (although I know Adys is *particularly* interested, he's been asking me about one for months)
23:10.08Finand proud of it!
23:11.15Teomyri've just produced another bug i'll need to fix before i can send it to you
23:11.36TeomyrFatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
23:11.50Teomyri've rarely seen such a helpfull message...
23:14.51Patrigan-Syldragod Kirkburn I LOOOOOOVE your new User Page
23:14.55Patrigan-Syldrait so reflects the truth!
23:15.09KirkburnI'm fixing it up more :)
23:15.34Patrigan-SyldraBut all those talk pages are redirecting to your talk page? Shouldn't they redirect to ?
23:15.57Patrigan-SyldraGAH ><
23:16.04Patrigan-Syldragive me link to our IRC
23:16.18Patrigan-Syldrafor some reason I can NEVER find the link and I'm too lazy to remember it >.>
23:17.21Patrigan-Syldrabtw since I'll be gone tonight
23:17.26Patrigan-SyldraHAPPPY 2007 GUYS!
23:17.48KirkburnPatrigan-Syldra, look at my talk page
23:17.54KirkburnThe link is there :P
23:19.21Patrigan-Syldraso what do you think, is it a positive encouragement?
23:19.27Patrigan-Syldraor should I fix some things up?
23:19.50Patrigan-Syldrasaw the player doing a nice job on some stuff on my to-do list, so I thought I'd throw him a good word
23:20.00KirkburnGood idea
23:21.06TeomyrFin: get it while it's hot, i'll probably delete it from my webspace soon :P
23:22.44Patrigan-Syldra that really saddens me >.>
23:22.50Patrigan-Syldrathe fact that we can't fix it...
23:22.56Patrigan-Syldraor can we? oO
23:23.09Patrigan-Syldrawithout rustak that is >.>
23:23.43Teomyrits fixed on my wiki :P
23:23.48Teomyrneeds some changes to the css
23:24.05Teomyrdon't know whether we can do that, we'll probably need rustak
23:25.11Patrigan-Syldra*insert most angry murloc sound, or for the emo amongst us, Murky/Gurky sound"
23:28.53Patrigan-Syldrahow can I count the amount of edits I did?
23:33.03Teomyruser contributions
23:33.56Patrigan-Syldradoesn't really say a count now does it? >.>
23:35.11Teomyrbut you can, for example, click on "show 100"
23:35.23Teomyrand then count how many pages you can click through
23:36.16Patrigan-Syldragah quit outsmarting me!
23:53.40KirkburnI want to cut down the amount of adminy stuff around
23:53.56KirkburnGonna have a ball when I start deleting news articles :P

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