IRC log for #wowuidev on 20111122

00:15.06CideFisker: what?
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01:01.37Adysblizz survey about blizzcon 2011 directv
01:01.40AdysWhich of the following items would you be most interested in having for future BlizzCon online pay-per-view events?
01:01.44AdysAbility to remotely play the games being demoed on the show floor
01:05.59Arrowmasteri could only see it if they partnered with onlive for it
01:08.10Thunder_Childuh, i could see blizz making their own, they dont like using other peoples stuf
01:10.26Arrowmasterwell the point being that onlive is just about the exact requirements they would need, its kinda hard to make an exact copy without pissing people off
01:11.06Arrowmasterthe game files never touching the client system being the requirement, so people cant datamine it
01:11.34Thunder_Childexcept the ones that datamine it are the ones that get keys anyway
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01:25.22JamashI've been thinking that onlive would be perfect for demoing pre-release code that they don't want getting out
01:25.36JamashI'd sure as hell pay for that blizzcon ticket thing if I could do that
01:29.21Corrodiasglitchers AND cheaters?
01:29.29Corrodiaswell, i've never heard of "glitchers" before
01:29.36Corrodiasi assume it's people who... CHEAT using bugs
01:30.37Corrodiasbut through the entire article, the writer carefully mentions both. as if they're demonstrably different things.
01:31.13Arrowmastertheres people that cheat using bugs and people that run modified code
01:32.19pompy1Glitcher: A glitcher is someone who  consciously takes advantage of the game's environmental flaws  (glitches). Glitching allows you to see (and often climb into)  structures that should otherwise be unaccessible.
01:32.49Corrodiaswhat, specifically? just using terrain to get to places you shouldn't?
01:33.12Corrodiasi guess i can't blame people for wanting to make up a word for that, but there has to be a better one
01:33.33Arrowmasterits an old word
01:34.28Corrodiasi don't do pvp games, and that is probably enough to explain why i've never heard it before, assuming WoW playres never use it.
01:34.59Arrowmasterwell theres not much glitching to do in wow besides terrain stuff
01:35.18Corrodiasi did spend over a year in WoW, with more pvp time than i care to think about, without seeing it. then again, that was over a year ago, and "old" on the internet may not extend back that far.
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01:49.44airtonixCorrodias: "Glitchers(tn), brought to you by the people who choose to say Lag instead of Latency and Glitchy instead of Periodically Random User Interface Response Issue"
01:50.19airtonix"and all those people who think a keyboard only has 9 keys lawlomgbbq"
01:50.49DagmarIn short, motherfuckers who think the internet was new when they got their cablemodem six months ago
01:52.02Adysairtonix: thats 8 keys
01:52.58airtonixAdys: i pity your part of the world that endures a less evolved Short Message Service Text Message Sending Culture
01:53.35Adysdont you live in the same country as me?
01:53.39airtonixHere in paradise, we use 9 keys
01:53.54mckenziemc1fries airtonix
01:54.01Adysand I use a compose key
01:54.09airtonixAdys: I wasn't aware that you lived in Australia
01:54.23Adysoh, you're worse than i thought.
01:54.31airtonixyes well
01:54.39airtonixi could also count all the other buttons
01:54.47airtonixbut that would just be showing off
01:54.55Adysor you could use a COMPOSE KEY
01:55.02airtonixon a phone?
01:55.21airtonixoh ok
01:55.38Adysim sure xcompose could be ported to android's IMH
01:56.03airtonixi need a 200watt laptop power brick that is nice and small
01:56.30airtonixsystem76 sells their serval laptops with these monster power bricks
01:57.12mckenziemc1make sure you get one with the right connector but wrong voltage
01:57.22mckenziemc1they're pretty useful
01:57.28airtonixso i hear
01:57.41airtonixAdys: have you used wine recently?
01:57.49AdysI use wine every day
01:57.51airtonixwinetricks has evolved
01:57.56airtonixit's nice
01:58.03Adysim aware
01:58.07airtonixi can't wait for it to reach the level of pip
01:58.17Adysyeah, i dont think so
01:58.22Adysits a fucking shell script
01:58.41airtonixdoes pip support it's bundles feature properly yet
01:59.05AdysI dont know, i stay somewhat away from packaging my libs
01:59.21Adyshad a horrible experience trying to package python-mime and python-bna
01:59.27Adysso now my shit is on github for those who care
01:59.56airtonixright now i just rely on useing requirement lists when we deploy websites
02:00.22Adysairtonix: btw my mime lib is pretty neat now
02:00.36airtonixi need to get onto making django-shop payment plugins for australian banks
02:00.37Adysi started supporting the mime-actions spec
02:00.52airtonixsummary please?
02:00.57airtonixin five words
02:01.11Adysapplications launched by a mimetype
02:01.34airtonixwhich desktop environments support it?
02:01.59Adysso all should be supported
02:02.05airtonixah so xdg-open ./thing-file
02:02.05Adysif they're not, they suck
02:02.16Adysi replicate xdg-open
02:02.19Adysbecause its a POS
02:02.43Adysi cant believe that xdg-utils hardcode DE checks  on gnome and kde
02:02.54Adysits making my life very difficult trying to fix Razor
02:03.53Adysairtonix: MimeType("text/plain").applications() -> ["kate.desktop", "notepad.desktop"]
02:04.42Adysyou can do neat stuff with that
02:04.47airtonixsniffed from .desktop metadata in ~/.local/share/applications and /usr/share/applications  ?
02:05.27AdysMimeType.fromUrl("steam://...") -> MimeType("x-scheme-handler/steam"); MimeType("x-scheme-handler/steam").applications() -> ["wine-steam.desktop"]
02:05.48LunessaHoly crap D3 forums are full of QQ for a game that's not even released yet.
02:05.52AdysWhich reminds me, i need to get the wine devs to implement x-scheme-handler integration
02:07.17AdysIf you’re old enough to remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a lame movie, before it became a hip TV show, you may also recall a promising challenger to Microsoft Word called WordPerfect, which was bought by Novell in 1994.
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02:09.01LunessaWord Perfect was available earlier than Word.
02:10.06LunessaAnd, bonus points… It was one of the few editors available that did paging - you could edit documents that were bigger than your available RAM.
02:10.46LunessaThis was a crucial feature when computers and 256K of RAM.
02:11.03DagmarPfft.  Rich kids.
02:11.08DagmarI had to write my own
02:11.20LunessaWhat, you didn't use PCWrite?
02:11.28DagmarI had a Commodore 64.
02:11.40LunessaDid you have the Tape Drive?
02:12.03DagmarHeck I wrote my own printer driver because I had a professor get all primma-donna about the 5x7 dot-matrix printouts
02:12.20LunessaYou were hardcore, son.
02:12.22Adysback when printing mattered
02:12.35Adysah whats that? printing still matters?
02:12.39DagmarI had the tape drive and two 1541s, and then i "upgradeded" to a C128D with it's built-in 1571 and hacked it a bit to add another floppy drive
02:12.41Adyswell fml
02:13.24DagmarIf I'd ever gotten busted for hacking they'd have had a hard time convincing a jury I could do anything with that equipment
02:13.41LunessaDagmar: I was poor.  I had to borrow a friends C64 or Atari 400 when I needed computer time.  Or pray that the TRS-80 at Radio Shack didn't have a line of people waiting to use it.
02:14.17DagmarI was still using that C128D until um... 1994 or so
02:14.44DagmarMaybe 95, 96... I don't really remember
02:14.54LunessaI had a C128 luggable that I bought from a buddy in college for $200.
02:15.15LunessaThe worst part was finding hard-sectored floppies to use.
02:15.22DagmarHeh.  I was just glad the main version of thing was sturdy enough to hold my TV
02:15.36DagmarHuh?  That's odd.  I just formatted mine.
02:15.47DagmarOh wait, now I remember.  The little hole through the disk
02:15.50LunessaI had an early model.
02:15.53DagmarAdd one drill.
02:16.09DagmarAlso the wonderful hole punch for making "flippies"
02:17.05DagmarI did enjoy buying any damn floppy I pleased once I figured out I could just make the bloody hole
02:17.40DagmarHeh it's part of the reason it took me a bit to realize what you meant by hard-sectored
02:17.44LunessaHeh, one of my first consulting gigs, I built a recovery boot floppy for a secretary and handed it to her.  I said "Don't lose this, you'll need it if something goes wrong."  She stuck it to her cork bard with a pin right through the medium.
02:18.07DagmarOUch.  I used to enjoy messing with people by stapling disks to things.
02:18.17DagmarStapled right through the *corner* of course
02:19.01DagmarI did eventually score a daisywheel printer for my commodore
02:19.08airtonixAdys: all the 200w power things are car inverters :<
02:19.17DagmarIt sounded like a woodpecker was going nuts in my dorm room
02:19.23airtonixi might actually have the smallest 200w laptop power brick
02:22.48LunessaWhen I was working at AOL, the woman who burned master CDs to send to duplicators destroyed three multi-disk-burners in like 3 months. My boss thought the machine were just flimsy or failure-prone.  So one day, I'm in her office and I notice she has numbers affixed to the drives, when I asked how they were attached, she was using rare-earth magnets.  *facepalm*
02:24.27LunessaSo she was wrecking the alignments inside, burning through dozens of CD masters and machines.  Getting her to use stickers solved the problem.
02:24.59DagmarYou said "AOL" there, so I'm not suprised.
02:26.32LunessaDagmar: Laugh if you will - but in '94 -'97 they were a powerhouse of innovation and technology.
02:26.43DagmarI *do* find it amusing that she'd gone the extra mile and used rare-earth magnets instead of just recycling those cheap sticker magnets that seem to be attached to every phone book ever made
02:26.52LunessaThings sort of went down hill after they crushed Compuserve and Genie.
02:27.08DagmarI'd have said they were a basion of festering insipidness and spam.
02:27.25Lunessa*shrug*  I was there.  You weren't.
02:27.35DagmarOf course, you could hear me screaming "Noooooooo...." over in the next county the moment they announced they were getting on the internet.
02:27.51DagmarNo, I ran roughshod over them when they were QuantumLink and didn't notice much changing
02:29.03LunessaAOL is responsible in large part for build-out of Internet infrastructure prior to DSL and cable systems.  And before the Worldcom debacle owned one of the largest backbone providers around.
02:29.47DagmarThe internet got along just fine prior to their glomming on.
02:29.57LunessaLots of cool shit happened there.  Things went to shit later, and marketing believed that carpet bombing the world was the best way to generate subscribers, but.. hey, it was exciting times for a while.
02:30.47Arrowmasteri still have aol floppies around here somewhere
02:30.50LunessaNah, the internet was a private club before.  (still is sort of).
02:31.23DagmarIt was a private club that focused on making things work.
02:31.27LunessaArrowmaster: I have one in a block of lucite from my first product launch.
02:31.42Dagmar...not whether or not your screen was filled with the proper level of advertisements.
02:32.01Arrowmasteri got an aol cd in the mail that came in a tin case, used that for hiding porn cds for a while
02:32.06LunessaDagmar: Without things like GEnie and AOL, it wouldn't be the internet it is today.  Probably not for the better.
02:32.07DagmarAlso, as private clubs go, it was pretty reasonable.  If you could figure out how to get on, you were in.
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02:32.42DagmarI wouldn't assign credit to AOL for things that were primarily funded by people's wanting porno
02:33.03LunessaHey… We made that possible for joe-user. *proud*
02:33.15DagmarKeep in mind that before AOL connected up, we kept spammers in their place by hunting them for sport.
02:34.15LunessaWhen working on our usenet reader doing auto-decoding of binaries posted in UUEncoded groups earned the teams annual salary + benefits + costs back in a week.  My career was built on porn.
02:34.32DagmarNow, everyone's email infrastructure costs double or triple what it should.
02:35.20LunessaThat was going to happen as soon as someone, anywhere realized that return of 0.00001% on a near-zero cost delivery system = Millions.
02:35.34DagmarNo, they realized it before.
02:35.59LunessaAnd AOL didn't make the Spam Kings; they were just another target.
02:36.01DagmarThere were just enough ruthless bastards around to keep them in check, until they started getting connected by the droves by companies that didn't care how many times you broke the rules
02:36.22DagmarEFnet _delinked_ their servers after they admitted they couldn't keep the problem users in check.
02:36.46LunessaNo, there weren't enough ruthless bastards.  Never were, never will be enough.  .
02:37.34DagmarI'm not joking, there seriously were enough prior to that
02:37.45DagmarA spammer's TTL could be measured in less than three days.
02:38.00LunessaI think you're romanticizing.
02:38.01DagmarSPUTUM regulated on it pretty heavily.
02:38.22DagmarYou either did not spam the crap out of USENET, or we would delete your account.
02:38.25Arrowmasteri know of an irc network that less than 10 years ago glined all of aol until they would assist in keeping problem users off
02:39.01DagmarWe got one dude who'd been at it for a week, by going backwards through all 12+ systems he'd been hiding his origin through.
02:39.24Dagmar...and this was not a "contact the proper admins" thing.
02:39.40DagmarThis was a "root the server, disable the problem account, leave a note for the admins" sort of thing. would get 300-400 posts a day, and generally there would just _not_ be spam left alive in it.
02:41.15DagmarPeople would either cancelpost it on the spot, or if the spammer was "smart", just go and put a stop to their actions through force majeure
02:42.26ArrowmasterLunessa: so at what point did it not become profitable for isps to keep running usenet servers?
02:42.54LunessaArrowmaster: Don't know.  I retired Dec '31, 1999.  It was sometime after that.
02:43.35DagmarArrowmaster: When they started getting most of their porn over http
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02:49.00Arrowmastergrr my usual tv show sources are all dead right now
02:56.24DagmarGood thing mine has a UPS.  :)
02:56.52DagmarI'm behind.  I've still got last night's airing of The Walking Dead to watch
02:57.11DagmarIt might even be in 1080.  :)
02:57.50Arrowmasteri found a new xdcc bot
02:58.20DagmarI just have a DVR.  Even though it's MythTV it's still more reliable than warez.  heh
02:59.31Arrowmasteri dont have cable so not everything i watch i could record if i had a dvr
03:00.02Arrowmasteralthough right now everything is from normal stations
03:00.27LunessaI thought Walking Dead was on A&E or something like that (I don't know, I don't watch it).
03:00.53Arrowmasteri dont watch it either
03:01.18Arrowmasterdont even know what its about
03:02.35LunessaI saw the first season on DVD.
03:03.19LunessaBut TV irritates me enough that I don't watch much of it.  If a show is ZOMG awesome, I'll catch it on DVD or OnDemand or Hulu or something later.
03:04.46Arrowmasterso you dont watch castle every week like i do? are you crazy or something?
03:05.31LunessaI watch it.  But I usually do it on Hulu since it is on Monday nights where I work until it's over.
03:05.37LunessaAnd no, I don't DVR.
03:05.42LunessaBecause I'm cheap.
03:05.47Thunder_ChildArrowmaster: i watch it a season at a time
03:06.01Arrowmasterim watching it right now because it just finished downloading
03:06.19LunessaThe wife of one of my best friends is a writer on the show, so even if I didn't love the show, I'd watch it.
03:08.27LunessaBut I love the show.  Nearly every character on it is someone I am interested in.
03:09.07DagmarWell, yeah it's a zombie apocalypse show focusing on what happens to people who have to live there
03:09.07Arrowmasterthe recent bank episode was a great way to mix the show up a little from its usual
03:09.54LunessaI wasn't so fond of that episode, really.
03:10.32DagmarI DVR because I'm too lazy to get in front of the TV when stuff is airing
03:10.43DagmarI frequently have other things to do
03:10.50Arrowmasterim too lazy to put up with commercials
03:11.02DagmarBeing able to skip over those is a plus
03:25.23airtonixAdys: how bad is nepotism in your country?
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03:45.11bluspacecowoh hai
03:45.57bluspacecowCairenn look
03:45.58Thunder_Childoh loh
03:48.56bluspacecowoh hai2u seerah
03:49.09Seerahhi2u2, blu :)
03:49.31Thunder_ChildGrammar Nazi is very unhappy now
03:49.50LunessaWhen is Grammar Nazi ever happy, exactly?
03:50.01Arrowmasterwhy do they even carry that
03:50.50Thunder_Childgood question
03:51.38pompy1sold out online? :O
03:51.55pompy1its from a 3rd party merchant.
03:52.01Lunessa$14K price point.
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04:01.41DagmarBecause someone might eventually be just that stupid
04:03.02pompy1 truth
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04:16.08LunessaSeerah: I'm confused about what that "Starfox" guys talking about
04:16.40Seerahif you look at the screenshots, he has modded a private version of wow to create a flight game
04:17.23LunessaAhh.  3D models and a game in the game.
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04:19.19SeerahLunessa: ahh... now I see what he's done.  He put up a new screenshot.  He should have used that one in the first place.
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04:23.17LunessaAhhhh nothing like sending out the nightly server status report to get back half the list saying "I'm on vacation sucker!"
04:26.02Thunder_Childlast time i went 'on vacation' i ended up doing remote work
04:28.48LunessaI took the iPad with me to BlizzCon, just in case I had to remote in and work.  Luckily, I didn't have to.
04:30.50LunessaAnd g'night all.
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05:10.35TorhalUh…alrighty, then;
05:19.41Thunder_Childreally Arrowmaster?
05:19.50Arrowmasternot mine
05:20.12Arrowmasterfelicia day linked it on G+
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05:42.27bluspacecowthis makes me sad :
05:45.38DagmarI think the cabbages know.
05:45.59Arrowmasterthats when you call the isp and demand a replacement
05:46.01DagmarThat *way* looks like the work of the arrow 'sploit from Oblivion, tho'.   Heh
05:46.31DagmarIt didn't _just_ dupe items... it sprayed them all over the damn room.
05:46.44bluspacecowis that a sploit to do with arrows
05:46.51bluspacecowor a sploit by arrow ?
05:47.09Arrowmasteri didnt play oblivion much
05:47.14Arrowmasterso not me
05:47.26DagmarYou'd pull your bow out and notch an arrow, then switch to the inventory and swap to using an item IIRC
05:47.32farmbuyerbluspacecow: those ping times make me think of "IP Over Carrier Pigeon" results
05:47.43bluspacecowyeah like damn
05:47.43DagmarYou'd exit back out and it would try and "fire" the item you selected, multiplied by the number of arrows you had.
05:48.01DagmarEither that modem is ruined or the guy seriously needs a new network cable
05:48.20DagmarIf he weren't using a crap operating system I'd say run ifconfig and look at the Tx/Rx error count
05:49.05Dagmar...but 24000ms to 32000ms is consistenly high-as-heck enough I'd still consider the modem extremely suspect
05:49.57DagmarThere's no drivers for that guy to find.  It's essentially a tiny linux box.
05:51.33clever24 second pings, it sounds more like the buffer in the modem/router are too big for the modems speed
05:51.44DagmarIt's also altogether possible he needs to to stop pinging the management interface on the thing
05:51.55DagmarThe priority for the box to respond to those is generally really low
05:52.08DagmarIf it's doing "something management-y" it can easily start going high ping, if it bothers to respond at all
05:52.17DagmarWe see that with the cisco switches at work
05:52.56Arrowmasterpeople actually use cisco switches?
05:52.58cleverDagmar: do you got any tips on how i can do some proper public/private key signing in javascript and php?
05:53.11cleverArrowmaster: i used mine till 3 of the fans ceased to function
05:53.21Dagmarclever: large quantities of math
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05:53.52Dagmar...or just be sane about it and use a php script to call something that won't suck at hte math
05:53.54cleverDagmar: ive found a js lib to encrypt, but it doesnt store the keys in a standard format, just a big array of ints
05:53.57Arrowmasteri thought they were way too expensive compared to the other enterprise level switches
05:54.00cleverand i'm not sure on the signing part, just encrypt an md5?
05:54.24cleverfor the php side, i can use the proper tools, but not on the JS side
05:54.37cleverand id need to convert the array of ints over to something the proper tools can accept
05:55.01DagmarI hesitate to even ask, but why is it that you're not just using SSL and client certificates?
05:55.14Dagmar...because it really sounds like you're reinventing the wheel.
05:55.29DagmarAuthenticating the browser to the server is a solved problem
05:55.40cleveri'm trying to make it transparent and per-computer
05:56.01DagmarThis is what client certificates are for
05:56.10cleveris it posible to generate a client cert automaticaly without the user knowing?
05:56.27DagmarNo, and it would be thoroughly insane to botehr.
05:56.58DagmarYou just have to gin up a certificate and hand it to the browser and the user gets a button that says "Store this.  Derp."
05:57.00cleverits only needed from within a firefox extension, so i have more then normal control of the browser
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05:57.35cleverdont like the thought of generating the certs server side, it kinda breaks the whole idea of the 'private key' being private
05:58.11DagmarYou can't trust yourself to generate a cert to your browser?
05:58.31DagmarThis poses somewhat of a problem
05:58.46cleverthen there is the problem of getting the cert from the server to the end-user, while dealing with any men-in-the-middle
05:58.58DagmarYou haz SSL.
05:59.08cleverid need to give them the cert over https, and i dont have a signed cert for my server
05:59.18DagmarTrust gotta start somewhere.
05:59.50Dagmaropenssl has many wonders to show you, man
06:00.02cleveronly options i can think of are to either embed my server cert into the extension and auto-register it, or to just buy a proper cert for my domain
06:00.12mckenziemc1i wouldn't trust Dagmar
06:00.41DagmarSsl certs aren't cheap but the first part is possible
06:00.55Arrowmasteryou can get one for like $10 a year cant you
06:00.56Dagmar...but that's where afaik you'd be doing a fsckton of math
06:01.28cleveri know you can generate a self-signed cert via openssl tools, and then just tell firefox to trust the thing
06:01.32cleverskip all the math
06:01.54cleverand via an extension, i may be able to bypass the UI and just register it as a trusted cert
06:02.08DagmarUm, that you won't be able to do
06:02.17cleverwhy not?
06:02.30DagmarI am somewhat astonished to see that Netsol has 'em for $13/year.
06:02.34DagmarThere's gotta be a catch
06:02.55Dagmarclever: because all hell would break loose if extentions were allowed to install _trusted_ certs without user approval
06:03.00cleverextensions basicaly have root level access to firefox, they can do anything that firefox can normaly do to itself
06:03.36cleveryeah, thats the main reason for the review process on and why firefox gives a giant warning when you install one
06:03.54cleveronce you accept to install the extension, it can do whatever it wants
06:04.59DagmarI *am* kinda wondering what the deal is with Green "security" Address bar: NO.
06:05.59DagmarAh... now I see
06:07.19cleverextensions all run in the same secuity context as the core firefox UI, so once i find the right function call, there is nothing to stop my extension from accepting a self-signed cert
06:07.39DagmarGood luck with that but it seems unnecessary
06:07.57DagmarAt that level you should be able to tell it to use your keystore
06:08.29cleveri may also be able to override accepting the cert without adding it to the trusted list
06:08.46cleverto just accept it on my domain, without causing security problems for all other https sites
06:09.54Arrowmasterprobably less intrusive to just add it to the trusted list
06:10.04cleveras it is now, i have to deal with users who can bearly even remember their name/pw half the time
06:10.19cleversome of the time, they forget it before even the first login attempt
06:10.42cleveradding another 2 steps to the install process (2 ssl certs) wont help things
06:11.07DagmarWell, at least $13/year is pretty reasonable
06:11.21cleverthat just cuts it down to 1 step
06:11.28cleverstill need the client ssl cert installed
06:12.46cleveri'll have to take a look at how it works and if php can detect which client cert is being used
06:13.53DagmarThat is the point of them
06:16.38cleverah, it seems php already has the openssl lib right in it
06:16.54cleverthat can handle half of it :)
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06:29.44pompyno patch tomorrow
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06:40.40farmbuyerholy balls, I think aptitude just decided "fuck it, install lib*-dev"
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08:09.02karl_w_wis it just me that's disturbed by the fact that there are $2000 desks in the world?
08:09.05CairennNight all
08:09.27karl_w_wwho has that kind of money? for that I'd want the desk out of the oval office
08:09.30Corrodiaswell, a big chunk of nice wood...
08:09.41Corrodiaswith pleasant designed carved into it
08:09.44Maldiviakarl_w_w: $2000 that sounds cheap
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08:10.02bluspacecownah for that price it would actually have a peasant in it
08:10.13bluspacecowlike an actual stuffed one encased in the wood
08:11.11Maldiviawhat should one cost then, at max?
08:12.14cleverDagmar: uh oh, forgot about a minor detail, https and shared hosting :S
08:13.12cleverlooks like both the client and server need to support Server Name Indication to get arround that problem
08:16.49*** join/#wowuidev tia123 (~tia123@
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08:23.13Fiskerhey bluspacecow
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08:31.36cleverDagmar: looks like the hosting company has vhost's completely disabled on port 443 :(
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08:52.03karl_w_whow big is a castor? like 3cm?
08:59.58karl_w_wso the login screen says "Some individual realms may require additional maintenance and not be available until after this timeframe. For additional information please visit our Service Status forum." you go to the service status forum and it says less than the login screen does
09:01.43karl_w_wblizzard finding new ways to troll every week :P
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09:02.28cleveri dont think they have learned what 'rolling restart' means either
09:02.42cleveryour supposed to have just a few down at once, not the whole bloody network :P
09:04.50*** join/#wowuidev NeoTron (~neotron@
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09:12.56karl_w_wthey do have a few down at once
09:13.33karl_w_wi do cross faction bgs, and u can see the restarts go around each one :P
09:14.02cleverkarl_w_w: i usualy try to login in the morning and find EVERY SINGLE realm is offline
09:14.04karl_w_wtakes the whole hour but each one is 10 minutes tops
09:14.16cleveri cant even start an alt on a realm i havent heard of to get my fix :P
09:14.18karl_w_wwell if it's maintenance :P
09:14.22karl_w_wor the login servers are down
09:28.04airtonixdown to 10.3mil
09:28.08airtonixFisker: umad?
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09:29.36Fiskeryou are mad airtonix
09:29.47airtonixi know
09:29.51airtonixi'm awesome
09:29.54airtonixmad skillz
09:31.44Thunder_Childwho the hell schedules a beta testing weekend on thanksgiving?
09:33.22karl_w_whow do people sell sands of time for less than vendor price?
09:38.46pnormangoblin discounts?
09:39.39nevcairielIts thanks giving next weekend? Awesome, maybe the swtor servers won't be flooded then
09:39.49airtonixkarl_w_w: how? by clicking the sell button.
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09:40.03Thunder_Childnevcairiel: assuming the test is next weekend since it doesnt have a date
09:43.29nevcairielYou have to go to the beta forums, it has times and dates and other details
09:44.21nevcairiel10am cst, 11/25
09:44.34karl_w_weven lower than full discount pnorman
09:45.03karl_w_w8 for 15k
09:45.08cleverkarl_w_w: maybe they didnt set the lower limit properly in the AH addon and its just undercutting too far
09:46.54cleveror they just have too many on hand and want to get rid of the crap
09:47.59Thunder_Childnevcairiel: sounds about right since i am going to be out of town
09:49.13karl_w_wthey sell them in trade :P
09:51.54*** join/#wowuidev stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
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09:59.20Fiskerpeople who don't want their servers to be tested
09:59.25Fiskerdid you know?
09:59.30FiskerWhen you sign up for the beta using the key
09:59.41Fiskeryou actually have to confirm(rvsp) it later
09:59.46Fiskerotherwise you won't get access
10:00.05Fiskerapparently entering a cd-key was not a declaration of intent
10:00.16FiskerI mean Steam should adopt that business model
10:00.17Fiskersell games
10:00.23Fiskerdon't deliver until the customer asks for it
10:03.23amrowell, they don't. you have to start downloading
10:06.06FiskerSteam asks you to install your new games
10:06.07Fiskerso bam
10:06.35Fiskerdoesn't quietly say you have to go to some unknown website to confirm that you want to have the game that you paid for
10:10.25amroyou paid for the beta?
10:11.10Fiskerumad amro ?
10:12.32amroQFileSystemWatcher is a POS
10:14.21Fiskery u qq?
10:17.54*** join/#wowuidev mckenziemc (
10:25.45CideFisker: get your achievement?
10:27.13Cidecome farm gold with me
10:27.21Fiskeri've farmed over 10k gold
10:27.23Fiskerso no
10:27.29CideFARM MOAR
10:27.48Fiskeri'm assuming that the game will not acknowledge my 10k since i have surpassed them
10:27.51Fiskersame as the elites
10:27.55Fiskerso i will not farm moar
10:29.29Cidefarm more?
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10:29.50Cidebut y
10:31.01Cideif it's per character
10:31.05Cidejust farm 10k on another character?
10:31.21Cidetakes like 4 clears of cathedral
10:31.22Fiskeri'm a snake
10:31.33Cidecuz bad yes
10:31.50Cidelaunch d3 and idle in my game imo
10:31.53Cidefor elite coop kills
10:34.39Fiskere-mail pls
10:34.51CideDOT COM
10:35.55bluspacecowoh cide
10:36.00bluspacecowso forward of you
10:36.35Fiskeryou should say hi to a fisker
10:36.50bluspacecowhi to a lisker
10:36.51Cidedid not get a popup
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10:50.59airtonixcan't find email address at eandre@gmailDOTCOM <gmailDOTCOM is not a valid domain>
10:51.29airtonixumad cide?
10:51.49Cidewho said you should append DOTCOM to what I wrote on a separate line?
10:52.14airtonixwho said you should put on a separate line
10:52.34bluspacecowboys boys boys
10:52.41bluspacecowjust kiss and make up :D
10:55.57karl_w_wkisses airtonix
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10:57.07bluspacecowhai2u xinny
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10:59.53Fiskerjesus Cide
10:59.57Fiskernow my account bugged again
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11:03.36Fiskeranyway see you in a few days then Cide
11:04.10Cidewhat do you mean?
11:04.29Fiskeri can't create or join games now
11:04.55Fiskeri think it must be auction house related
11:05.05Fiskerbecause the last time it happened i had just sold my stuff on the AH
11:05.17Fiskerand i just sold some fallen teeth on the AH before
11:16.32*** join/#wowuidev brykryss (
11:17.35jnwhitehFisker: your account seems to have many issues
11:17.39jnwhitehyou're always d/c ing
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11:20.39Fiskerumad jnwhiteh?
11:20.41Fiskeri'm mad
11:20.52Fiskerapparently they won't be stocking the Galaxy Nexus here until december :(
11:23.12bluspacecowi'm rad fisker
11:25.50jnwhitehFisker: I'm considering upgrading to a Nexus S
11:25.57Fiskerno jnwhiteh
11:26.01jnwhitehjust because of the price difference
11:26.06Fiskerget sgs2 then
11:26.10jnwhitehand people will be getting rid of theirs
11:26.19jnwhitehsgs2 isn't oem unlockable, is it?
11:28.30*** join/#wowuidev Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
11:29.26bluspacecowhai2u xinny
11:32.11*** part/#wowuidev Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
11:32.44amronice going bluspacecow
11:33.17starlonA lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked the stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy answered, "No ma'am, they're dead."
11:33.20bluspacecowi didn't mean it :(
11:34.00amroit's cocks that get bigger, not turkeys
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13:17.15Fisker <-damn hakery
13:22.55Fiskerso Cide
13:22.57Fiskerjust leaving me?
13:23.48CideI gave up
13:23.54Cideyou were afk
13:24.08Fiskeryou told me to idle in your game :O
13:24.15Fiskeralmost got 90k now btw
13:24.26Maldiviastill no achievement?
13:24.27hastegive me some of that free time plox
13:24.45Fiskeroh it was from auctions
13:31.17Fiskeranyway Maldivia i'm not playing until they fix the bug
13:31.27Fiskerwell i'm not playing for the achievements i mean
13:43.49StanzillaFisker: why so volume bug
13:44.09Fiskeryou mean the GN?
13:44.46FiskerDon't use a 2G phone operating on the 900MHz frequency band within a few inches of the phone
13:45.07Stanzillasevere problem!
13:45.19Stanzillaalso, can you lend me a few crafting mats in d3 pls? :(
13:45.26Fiskeri don't have any
13:45.42Fiskeri got 90k gold though
13:46.39Stanzillaso you can buy me crafting mats? :D
13:46.48Fiskeri could
13:46.50Fiskerbut i won't
13:47.01Stanzillameany :(
13:54.21*** join/#wowuidev oro_ (~Orofar@
13:58.55Fiskerthere Stanzilla
13:58.58Fiskerdreams = shattered
14:02.50*** join/#wowuidev Wicet|2 (
14:24.36karl_w_w <- Fisker, have you ever seen such an epic video?
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15:30.13mukundahow much work would it be to add another bar to shadowed raid frames
15:32.29mukundahmm it seems its pretty easy to expand
15:33.23Maldiviatry, and you'll find out :)
15:34.28mukundai hope new bar scripts magically appear in the config window after some kind of registering
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15:48.11Ackisany resto druids around?
15:49.41*** join/#wowuidev Mihau (~Mihau@
16:01.01Stanzillathe op class channel is next door
16:03.24nevcairieli used to be a resto druid, so if you want 6 month old infos ... :p
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16:16.14Cidewhat Stanzilla said
16:17.08nevcairielI'm quite curious how they want to pull off monk healing, supposedly healing competetively without once targeting a friendly player, or so i heard
16:17.09FiskerD3 patch pls Cide
16:17.28Cidenevcairiel: also known as resto druid LOL
16:17.41nevcairielah, the bitterness of a priest
16:17.45Cidebut yeah, sounds like that will be difficult :(
16:18.14nevcairielcould be interesting
16:18.17Cideeither it will be too easy or too random I think
16:18.30CideI want to decide who I heal, not have every spell be the equivalent of CoH
16:18.47nevcairielwell not every class is for everyone, i suppose
16:19.08cogwheelatonement with fists imo
16:20.05Fiskerhey cogwheel
16:20.20cogwheelFisker: i want to go home and download SWTOR
16:20.33nevcairieldont worry, the page is overloaded right now anyway
16:20.42Fiskergo home and download SWTOR cogwheel
16:20.51cogwheelFisker: i want my job more
16:21.03Fiskerremote home and download SWTOR cogwheel
16:21.08cogwheelthis is what VNC is for
16:21.18Fiskersiriproxy home and download SWTOR cogwheel
16:21.25nevcairielI think its really funny how all the americans are "QQ, beta at thanks giving, i hate you"
16:21.38cogwheelnah only the kids
16:21.59cogwheelthe rest of us get to say NO to family :P
16:21.59Fiskerbecause their parents are all like "NO PC FOR YOU YOUNG LADY"
16:22.20Kraps_wbeta of what
16:22.36cogwheelbetta of fish
16:23.32Fiskeri must thank them for preaching insecurity though
16:23.42Fiskerthanks for making me make up 5 different answers for SQ/SA's
16:24.06nevcairielI hate those things, i think they are pointless
16:24.37Fiskerthey are
16:25.19*** join/#wowuidev Dewin (
16:25.21Kraps_wcorrect horse battery staple
16:26.26cogwheelmistaken donkey capacitor tape
16:27.12Cideflux capacitor delorean win
16:27.33nevcairielI especially hate how all those questions are "Your favorite...". Did they ever consider that my favorite movie might change, or my favorite author, how the hell are those helpful in restoring your account?
16:28.07nevcairielWonder if i can just put the same password as answer for all questions. :P
16:28.07Fiskerwell nevcairiel
16:28.12Fiskerobviously you will update them!
16:28.20Fiskernope nevcairiel
16:28.29Fiskerinfact if you put any passwordly thingy in there it just craps
16:28.44Fiskerbut if it doesn't it won't accept it as it has to be 5 different answers
16:28.46*** join/#wowuidev Elkano (
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16:29.06Fiskeri started with a 10-character letter/numbers/special characters password x5
16:29.11Fiskerjust went to the front page
16:29.32Fiskerafter spending like an hour thinking that it was because it accepted it i just wrote "dickbutts" in all of them and it said it couldn't be the same
16:29.52bluspacecowDoes it multiple rude Swedish words in it ?
16:29.57Stanzillaa friend of mine used ww2 leader names
16:30.03Stanzillafor all the answers
16:30.34nevcairielsucks if they really ask those question when you login from some place else or something
16:30.48nevcairielgive me an authenticator or something, jeez
16:30.53Kraps_wFisker: how embarrassing will it be if you have to call them up and say "dickbutts"?
16:31.13Stanzillanot very
16:31.30Fiskeri should've written FUS RO DAH instead
16:31.54cogwheelU MAD BRO in fiskerish?
16:32.19Fiskerno cogwheel
16:32.57Fiskerso i would phone them up and say "FUS RO DAH"
16:33.13Kraps_wthats cool though
16:33.17cogwheeli have that game!
16:33.52Kraps_wwaiting for it to go on sale
16:33.55nevcairielhaha, i just copy pasted the question into the answer, and it worked. :P
16:35.27cogwheelKraps_w: aside from wow expansions, this is probably the closest i've ever bought a game to its release
16:35.57Fiskerwhat is cogwheel ?
16:36.06cogwheelskyrim. got it Saturday
16:36.48mukundaf9 is your friend
16:37.02Fiskerthen how did you not get the fus ro dah reference?
16:37.25bluspacecowMaybe he slow today
16:37.26Kraps_wahhhhhhh ACR is in 2 weeks
16:37.40Kraps_wi'm bad at counting
16:38.13Kraps_wweek and a half
16:40.23bluspacecowI have my slow days from time to time
16:46.37*** join/#wowuidev Guest78465 (
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16:49.38olafskiwasn't ACR released last week?
16:49.47Arrowmasteron consoles
16:49.57olafskiI thought it was generally more like 6 months later on PC
16:50.02Arrowmasterme too
16:50.13olafskimine was dispatched last week.. and again this week oO here's hoping I'll get 2 copies :)
16:50.15Kraps_wthis time its sooner
16:51.07Kraps_wi hope they have a "previously on..."
16:52.08Fiskerit's ubisoft
16:52.13FiskerPC = second rate customers
16:52.17Fiskerbecause they're all pirates
16:52.28Fisker(you can't pirate console games)
16:53.22Kraps_wnumbers son
16:54.18olafskiwon't be long before everyone except blizzard rates pc players as second rate ;D
16:54.49Fiskerand valve
16:55.06olafskimaybe them too I guess
16:55.18LunessaPC Gaming - still awesome after all these ears.
16:55.28StanzillaI'm still waiting for "diablo 3 is a console port" qq
16:55.30olafskiI'll make the broad assumption that even though console games _can_ be pirated, it happens less than with PC games
16:55.45olafskistanzilla: I'm still waiting for an announcement as to which consoles they'll be releasing D3 on :)
16:56.03Arrowmasterolafski: ipad
16:56.11bluspacecowAll the consoles!!!!!
16:56.12Stanzillaoh god
16:56.25Kraps_w"Customer had placed an order which by mistake came to $1900" heehee
16:56.28bluspacecowThe SNES !
16:57.04olafskiarrowmaster: well, anything except x360 and I won't be interested, but that'd be fun too I guess :P
16:57.57LunessaD3 might actually play better with a console controller.
16:59.43Maldiviahmm, the new youtube looks kind of nice
16:59.58LunessaI've been playing it for a while now, and the game is REALLY mouse-centric, in  ways no other game I've ever played is.  It might actually work better with the console controller model.
17:00.35Fiskerhow do you pick up loot with a controller?
17:00.45MaldiviaD2 was just as mouse-centric :P
17:00.59durcynwhen will people learn that diablo games are bad
17:01.40Maldiviathey are bad for the survival of the mouse... other than that, no :P
17:03.23olafskifisker: same as in torchlight
17:03.44FiskerBut Diablo is not torchlight?
17:03.51LunessaMaldivia: Fair enough, but I didn't play Diablo or Diablo II.
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17:03.56olafskilunessa: agreed, I'm hoping to get it on a console :) already bought the 1 year thing with wow, so I'll have a license for D3 anyway, but I'll gladly pay it again to play it on a console :)
17:04.30Kraps_wovernight shipping $218 :/
17:05.00Lunessaolafski: I don't own any consoles, so I wouldn't be excited about it going there, but a gamepad or XBox controller might end up being more *comfortable* for long play-sessions.
17:05.32olafskiyer I'd say so.. the only reason I stopped playing torchlight so quickly is because the fonts were too small :P
17:06.10Kraps_wtorchlight was boring
17:06.12MaldiviaLunessa: kind of surprised how many in this channel has D3 beta :P
17:06.27LunessaI'm not.  Lots of us "know" someone.
17:06.32Kraps_wi'm hoping D3 will be less so
17:06.37MaldiviaLunessa: true that
17:06.41LunessaAnd we all tend to opt-in early.
17:06.58MaldiviaLunessa: but I also know it was really really limited the amount of friends they could get into the beta this time
17:07.04olafskiI don't really see the point of playing these games in beta
17:07.14olafskiI'd rather just enjoy them when they're out =) same with wow expansions
17:07.16LunessaTrue Maldivia, true.
17:07.25olafskithough I did play vanilla wow in beta :<
17:07.49Lunessaolafski: I like beta testing games.  I like giving feedback and feeling like I'm involved in the growth of something neat.
17:08.38mukundaim with olafski, dont like to ruin the real experience
17:08.48DagmarSame here.  I am more interested in beta testing because no one gets "excited" break the hell out of something in order to keep it from happening later on
17:08.55Dagmar...than I am about any sort of 'early access'
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17:10.04LunessaYeah, getting to say things like "this is a neat idea, but it leads to x,y, and z problems."  Or, "this thing?  It feels like cheating."
17:11.43Fiskerwonders how one picks up loot in Diablo 3 for the superior platform :(
17:11.57Ackiswhich platform is that Fisker?
17:12.46Fiskerconsoles Ackis
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17:13.16Kraps_wWHICH console?
17:13.17Ackisthey announced that it's coming to consoles? neat
17:13.25Fiskereither Kraps_w
17:13.36FiskerAckis they announced that they're thinking about a console version
17:13.43FiskerBut apparently Diablo 3 is superior on consoles
17:13.56Fiskerwhich i don't get since the most important game mechanic doesn't work on consoles :(
17:15.14olafskiI heard the sequel to one of my current favourite games will also incorporate loot and quests and all that nonsense :( was looking forward to it, now not so much :P
17:15.34Fiskerwhich game is that?
17:16.16Kraps_wim stuck in that game
17:16.45olafskiI'm almost done I think
17:16.54Fiskerfunny story :(
17:16.55olafskibut I figured before I beat the final guy, I want to go back and see if I can get all the treasures
17:16.57AckisI love that game
17:17.06olafskialready found some item that lets me see treasures so it shouldn't be too hard :)
17:17.10Fiskeri got valf into trouble by "accidentally" leaking it was coming out for PC
17:17.19FiskerWell that and some other shit too
17:18.13Kraps_wi like thats its over the top without being cheesy
17:19.16olafskiI like almost everything about it :)
17:19.43olafskistory seems "original" (not heaven vs hell but you vs heaven & hell), the gameplay is nice, it has stuff to unlock and find without feeling grindy (e.g. no 200 hidden packages, though I do also like that)
17:20.06olafskithe only thing I could want is a few more vulgrim locations I think
17:20.59*** join/#wowuidev Kalroth (
17:21.02olafskiusually with this type of game I tend to button mash, with this (and bayonetta) I actually have the feeling as if I'm influencing the combat :)
17:27.07DagmarFixed for ya
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17:28.04Kraps_winfluencing the naked?
17:28.24Kraps_woh you mean bayonetta
17:28.56DagmarYes.  Heh
17:29.13DagmarYou didn't even have to re-read the scroll to figure that one out, didja
17:30.18Kraps_wwell i know of bayonetta
17:30.22olafskiI meant both
17:30.29olafskiI also have dante's inferno but that was just button mashing to me
17:30.37olafskiand let's not even start about devil may cry :P
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17:42.09LunessaMOAR BUTTONZ!
17:42.31*** join/#wowuidev oro (~Orofar@
17:42.38DagmarPress 'd8k3DF+{{c' to not die.
17:42.44DagmarToo late.
17:42.51*** join/#wowuidev phyber (
17:43.07Maldiviano no, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU is the way to go
17:44.17hastePress X to win game
17:44.19hastetoo late.
17:45.04*** join/#wowuidev Antiarc (
17:45.09hastewill I get my graphics card tomorrow Fisker ?
17:45.13*** join/#wowuidev Yoshimo (
17:45.27Fiskerbecause you shouldn't be buying a graphics cards today
17:45.39hasteI bought it on sunday :(
17:45.46Fiskeror on sunday
17:45.50Fiskerwait until kepler
17:45.55hastebut my trusty old GeForce 9800 died
17:46.20hasteand I bet my i7 will be enjoying some its new 570 friend!
17:46.30hastes/some /
17:46.31Fiskershould've gotten the 580
17:46.38hasteit's like 1500NOK more
17:46.44pompyArrowmaster: december 6th, release date for the new dashboard
17:46.57hasteand you get what? 7 more fps ;p ?
17:46.58Arrowmasteralready have it
17:46.59mukundado i have to make a Frame to handle wow events?
17:47.19hasteunless you hook onto someone elses event handler
17:47.22hastebut you shouldn't be doing that
17:47.30Fiskertry triple digit fps increase haste
17:47.31Stanzillahooks haste
17:47.36hasteno Fisker
17:47.41Fiskeryes haste
17:47.47Fiskerdouble-oh seven
17:47.47hastedamn irssi
17:47.49FiskerGET IT?
17:48.04hastenot like I'll be playing BF3 or anything Fisker
17:48.07Fiskeroh god
17:48.10FiskerOH MY FUCKING GOD
17:48.17Fiskeri just got the best hook for a commercial
17:48.22AckisFisker just found his penis
17:48.25hasteyou should share it
17:48.32Fisker"Triple digits more FPS in games compared to the competitors"
17:48.37Fiskerand then it's 00x FPS
17:48.38FiskerOH YES
17:48.42Fiskerhire me nvidia
17:49.09hastedid you know Fisker
17:49.13hasteI'm on Windows 7 right now
17:49.25hasteDo you know what's worse? it's windows 7 starter!
17:49.42Fiskerbtw jnwhiteh
17:49.50hasteThen I was like... fffffuuuu can't stand this for three days and went to the upgrade thingy
17:49.51Fiskerlooks like the Galaxy Nexus will be recalled anyway
17:50.04hastebut Microsoft was like: LOL, we don't offer this service in your country
17:50.23FiskerYou know because everyone but apple actually takes pride in their work rather even if it is an insignificant bug
17:50.24Stanzillawhy did you even install starter? O.o
17:50.40hastebecause it was on the laptop Stanzilla
17:50.45Stanzillaoh ok
17:50.50Fiskersure it wasn't a netbook?
17:50.57hasteI don't make a difference Fisker
17:51.02Fiskeryou should
17:51.12hasteMy old laptop was a Dell L400
17:51.18hasteit was smaller and still called a laptop!
17:51.23Fiskeri don't even know what it is
17:51.51hasteancient 12" laptop
17:51.59hastewith p3 700mhz and 256md sdram!
17:52.16hastepre-loaded with windows 2000 :3
17:52.25Fiskerso your netbook is more of an ultrabook
17:52.27hasteit died last year tho' :(
17:53.33olafskiarrowmaster: is it any good? I'm not a fan of the metro UI, but I guess I don't have a choice =(
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17:54.16Arrowmasterone thing i dislike is they swapped the buttons for eject drive and the menu to install to harddrive
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17:54.26mukundahow do i get the guid of the player
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17:54.45olafskiarrowmaster: hm, both aren't things I do very often :)
17:54.58Arrowmasteri install everything to my hdd
17:55.25olafskime too
17:55.31olafskibut still, that's like once a week tops
17:55.44olafskistill haven't tried project eden, just cause 2...
17:56.12haste!api UnitGUID
17:56.12lua_botUnitGUID: Returns a unit's globally unique identifier (
17:56.37mukundaso UnitGUID("player") i guess
17:56.59mukundait prints something when i do that :3
17:57.15hasteI would guess it prints, your GUID
17:58.13hastefetches his vim config so he can get something done.
18:03.51nevcairielI've been pondering what class to play in SWTOR, and i would love to play a jedi, however then i'm thinking - won't the majority of the people pick jedi? :d
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18:05.05LunessaProbably.  Or Sith.  I mean, I want to Force-Choke the shit out of every Gungan ever.
18:05.18Fiskernone nevcairiel
18:05.29Thunder_Childno trolling swtor Lunessa
18:05.46nevcairielgungan choking will probably be some sport
18:06.06nevcairielalthough i'm personally not that bothered by them, i think its kinda funny. :p
18:06.25LunessaThunder_Child: I'm totally embracing the Dark Side.
18:08.34Fiskerof the moon?
18:08.47nevcairieli should probably figure out what role each class is, i'm quite sure they still have the typical tank dps heal thingys
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18:14.55mukundais the ADDON_LOADED event different from the xml <OnLoad> thing?
18:14.57LunessaLOL - "holy MMO trinity"  I'm so sick of that paradigm.
18:15.56Lunessamukunda: <OnLoad> it how you tell your AddOn to do things when it loads.  The ADDON_LOADED event fires to tell the clinet your add-on is loaded.
18:16.19mukundaok, so i need to wait for the actual loaded event before i load settings
18:16.31LunessaActually, <OnLoad> is how you tell your /frame/ to do something when it loads.
18:17.20nevcairielthe classes are a bit more mushed together it seems, but in a fight you will end up with those roles - one to charge and grab the enemys, one to go all out on dps, and one to keep everyone alive - its quite hard to not do it like that
18:18.22Lunessa*nod*  Or you change you combat mechanics to work differently.  D3 really doesn't have the classic trinity roles really.
18:18.52amronevcairiel: eve's pve doesn't have aggro, which makes for hilarious fights
18:18.56nevcairielI have no idea about D3, but at least D2 didn't have such a concept either, everyone just was dps
18:19.04amroso you end up with "healers" and everyone else
18:19.08amrobut everyone tanks
18:19.21nevcairieleve has actual fighting?
18:19.27nevcairieli thought you did like, space battles
18:19.45amroyeah, they added incursions and big boss fights
18:19.47nevcairielhow do you heal a ship? :p
18:19.55amroshield transfer mostly
18:20.02amroalso remote armor repair
18:20.19nevcairieli really never played it much
18:20.30nevcairieli liked the single player game that came before it, though
18:21.09amro <- eve raids are actually more exciting than wow
18:23.43amroI gave you the tldr
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18:36.22foxlitWhy do shamans get a +threat weapon enchant at like level 75?
18:38.37Fiskerdey tanking
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18:48.45mukundaUnitGroupRolesAssigned("player") will return what role i have selected?
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19:06.12mukundacan i put 2 toc files/addons in the same folder
19:06.58hasteno, the toc file must match the folder
19:07.20mukundahmm thats not a password textbox
19:08.19kd3|netbookyou can put a bunch of files in the .toc to be loaded, or put one in and then load everything else from that file...
19:08.50pb_ee1notes down what mukunda just said.
19:09.00mukundait should probably be kept separate
19:09.12mukundachanges password :/
19:09.14kd3|netbookthen, separate folders and a matching .toc for each
19:09.58mukundai was wondering where my password went when i typed it in
19:10.09pb_ee1Let me give you a new password :D
19:10.29mukundatoo late!
19:10.54mukundaok time to crash the game
19:12.11mukundaat least nobodies in my guild anymore to be annoyed by chain logging
19:14.03kd3|netbookwhee, the swtor site is struggling under the load
19:14.14Fiskerhey kd3|netbook
19:14.18Fiskernot so hey pb_ee1
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19:16.50kd3|netbookgack, what's my desktop doing?
19:17.24Fiskerdownloading porn kd3|netbook
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19:27.34mukunda sorry for the lua related question, but help please :) dpsbank[GUID] is nil at the end
19:28.28mukundaim guessing what im doing wrong is mt isnt a reference to the actual dpsbank entry when i initialize it
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19:32.12Lunessamukunda: where's the code where you get the GUID?
19:32.57mukundathe guid is valid, the printing before the bottom shows the player guid
19:33.06Jamashwow swtor really is just like wow
19:33.12JamashI have an account but I can't log in :D
19:33.28Jamashlaunch day memories
19:33.49LunessaJamash: They call these stress tests for a reason. :)
19:33.59mukunda ok this kind of fixes it but it seems dirty, i probably have some fundamental misunderstanding of how lua data is passed around
19:34.27JamashI need some sort of magic incantation to transform my swtor stress test key into a diablo III beta key
19:34.47LunessaFor the lulz:
19:41.00JamashLeider ist die Star Wars: The Old Republic-Website momentan nicht erreichbar. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
19:41.40kd3|netbookheh. the swtor site is crashing and burning
19:41.42kd3|netbookcolor me shocked
19:42.09Arrowmasterwtf another humble bundle already
19:42.13Jamashcolors kd3|netbook burnt sienna with hints of ecru
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19:43.03pantsninjaLunessa: good afternoon
19:43.06*** join/#wowuidev pb_ee1 (~pb_ee1@
19:43.32pantsninjaEveryone else was all, "WFH Tues/Weds" so I joined the cool kids
19:44.22Jamashwarcraft from home?
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19:45.30Jamashso can you just pay $1 for the humble bundles and get all the games?
19:46.00Ackiswhy pay $1 when you can pay $0.01
19:46.35Jamashhas to be at least $3.36 to get crayon physics deluxe and aquaria
19:46.54AckisI think I have those two already actually
19:47.17AckisI didn't buy the last humble bundle, had the games already not sure if I'll do this one either
19:48.24Jamashok why the heck has keepass2 suddenly stopped doing autotype
19:48.37Arrowmasteri think i might have aquaria on steam alraedy
19:48.53Jamashbrb relogging
19:56.58MaldiviaFisker: 10k deep pockets!
19:58.52mukundanow if i could just figure out how to delete a table entry..
19:59.07purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
19:59.38mukundacan i not do it if i only have the table entry passed as an argument
20:00.27Jamashwhen you say table entry, do you mean a value like f(t[k]) or a table reference and a key like f(t,k)
20:00.59mukundavalue, but the value is another table
20:01.23mukundaie local t = tab["DPS"] / function(t) <-- this function wants to delete t sometimes
20:01.24Jamashyou can affect the inner table but not the outer table in that case
20:03.30Jamashhmm, apparently it's just the swtor launcher that won't accept keepass input
20:03.49mukundai should probably just put all the culling stuff somewhere else
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20:04.48Fiskeri hate you Maldivia
20:06.37Torhal|workserves Fisker another steaming bowl of Hate.
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20:12.34Fiskeranyway Maldivia
20:12.42Fiskerdo you know if it's because they've fixed it or whatever?
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20:17.44mukundawhere does wow get the name of each addon, the folder name? (ie the name it gives to the ADDON_LOADED event)
20:18.21Lunessafrom the .toc file and the add-on folder's name.
20:19.28mukundamy ocd is more curious, but i guess those are usually named the same thing
20:19.45Lunessathey must be.
20:20.17JamashI wonder if case matters
20:20.21Torhal|workmukunda: Also, instead of hard-wiring the search for the AddOn name, do this at the top of each Lua file: "local ADDON_NAME, SHARED_TABLE = …" - doing this will allow you to check for ADDON_NAME instead of "MyAddOnName".
20:20.23Jamashbut not enough to check
20:20.33Torhal|workYou can, of course, call ADDON_NAME and SHARED_TABLE anything you like within the file.
20:21.13LunessaYou might want to look here too:
20:21.15Torhal|workI personally use "private" for the shared table, because that's what it is - the private namespace.
20:21.20mukundaso ... at top level first arg contains the addon name?
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20:22.00Lunessa"The addonName is the name by which WoW is referring to the AddOn, based on the capitalization of the AddOn's .toc file. "
20:22.09mukundai didnt know the addon loaded event was passed to all of the addons before :p, that was probably causing the undefined behavior before...
20:22.25Torhal|workLikely :)
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20:31.58Jamashyeah running your init function 20 times is probably a bad idea
20:32.56Jamash!api GetFlyoutInfo
20:32.57lua_botGetFlyoutInfo: Returns information about a flyout slot (
20:33.20JamashI was rather disappointed that there's no support for user-created flyouts
20:36.19Jamashso I'm working on the design for a robust event logging developer addon that will make it easier to tell what order certain events (and non-"event" things-that-happen) occur in
20:36.41Jamashwould anyone here find such a thing useful / like to suggest features for it
20:37.55Lunessa"it doesn't work."  "what doesn't work?"  "Email!"  "What about it doesn't work?" I can't login!"  … please, fucking shoot me now.
20:38.06nevcairiel~shoot Lunessa
20:38.06purlACTION shoots Lunessa in the eye with a quantum singularity weapon!
20:38.13Jamashtell them to send you an email with the exact error message
20:39.27nevcairielolafski: from what i've seen in gameplay videos and info posts, it doesn't seem that much different. It appears roles are not 100% clearly pronounced like in WoW, but if you look closely, you can still see the same concepts
20:40.05Jamashhow do you know mace windu is a badass?  he's the only one with an epic lightsaber
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20:43.10LunessaAnd it says "Bad Motherfucker" on the handle.
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20:47.27Guest11565hello all
20:47.51Guest11565anyone have a resource on how to open the new .pub files in the addons folder for the default ui?
20:49.11foxlitYou do not need to open the new .pub files in the addons folder for the default ui.
20:49.16foxlitwaves hand.
20:51.10Fiskerso apparently the Galaxy Nexus is delayed in the entire mainland europe due to norwegian translations
20:51.20Fiskeri find that very convincing
20:51.21nevcairielscrew the norwegians
20:51.30hasteI don't even use norwegian on my android :(
20:51.38Fiskerespecially given the "UK"(Read: International, and therefor the same) version got norwegian already
20:51.53Lunessafoxlit: Your follow-up line is "He can go on about his business." or "You want to go home and re-think your life."
20:51.56nevcairielmaybe it has alot of typos
20:52.08FiskerApparently their PR department forgot that they were running AOSP builds when they had to make up stuff to excuse a botched launch
20:52.11hastearen't they only pushing the 16G version in Europe?
20:52.20foxlitLunessa: how did you know? Is that some sort of mind trick?
20:52.30Fiskeras it stands now it looks like everything will only be 16GB version
20:52.39Lunessa*waves hand* There's nothing to see here.
20:52.41Fiskerfor a moment there it looked like the LTE version would be 16/32GB
20:52.46Fiskerbut now it's changed to 16GB as well
20:52.47hastereason enough not to buy it imo
20:53.06Fiskerand a few months ago samsung said they weren't interested in releasing a 32GB version in scandinavia
20:53.14Fiskerbut that was of course samsung nordic
20:53.21Fiskeri guess they weren't interested in doing it at all
20:53.27Fiskerand yeah haste i kinda agree
20:53.34Fiskermicro sd card would be nice
20:53.34hastewhy would you want to release a _16GB_ version, when you don't have external storage
20:53.35LunessaIs anyone but me amused at the idea of 32gb storage on a phone?
20:53.44Fiskerbut atleast 16, 32 and 64GB versions should be available
20:53.45hasteit should be 32GB or nothing then
20:54.04nevcairielwhy is everyone doing away with the idea of sd cards in the phones
20:54.05hastehas 32G storage on both android phones.
20:54.09Fiskeranyway haste
20:54.10nevcairielmore and more phones come without a slot
20:54.15Fiskergo find their phone number
20:54.17hasteyeah, it sucks
20:54.20foxlitTaking your video collection with you everywhere is apparently important, Lunessa :(
20:54.27Jamashnevcairiel: 16GB should be enough for anyone
20:54.27hasteno, I'm busy
20:54.36hastegently pokes Jamash.
20:54.43Lunessahaste: I mean, it's f'ing cool and all, but… it wasn't all that long ago phones didn't remember shit.  I'm just amused by the progression.
20:54.46F16Gamingi can't store wow with only 16gb...
20:54.50Fiskerdo it haste
20:54.55Fiskerthen follow this script:
20:54.57Jamashyou can't run wow on your phone either
20:55.03foxlitBesides, sure you can
20:55.04Fiskeri can run wow on my tablet Jamash
20:55.04nevcairielor can you
20:55.13Fiskertechnically i could on my phone as well
20:55.18hasteLunessa: yeah, I went the entire path in SD cards as well :P
20:55.20foxlitJust get it stuck in the state of perpetual streaming. The base client is surely smaller than 16gb
20:55.21F16GamingWoWPhone 1.0
20:55.30Fiskerto be fair F16Gaming
20:55.34Fiskerit's just streaming
20:55.45nevcairielfoxlit: just have to convince it not to store stuff on the SD
20:55.51hastedidn't intel show of a phone with WoW streaming
20:56.04hastelike, aeons ago
20:56.08mukundaof course right when i join a dungeon to test the errors bombard my face
20:56.33hastegoes back to being productive.
20:56.42LunessaMeh, my Blackberry Pearl has a microsd in it for storage.  It was terrible.  It certainly wasn't designed to be removed/changed regularly.
20:56.46foxlit# ... that the great late artist Salvador Dali mistook them for clocks.
20:56.48Fiskercan you follow the script?
20:57.03LunessaAnd I dislike the idea of having lots of small parts that can be easily lost.
20:57.36nevcairielmy SD card is hidden next to the SIM card, if i manage to lose it there, i deserve it
20:57.50Fiskeri have several 2-4GB MicroSD cards that have disappeared into the void
20:58.16Fiskerwell technically i don't have them since they disappeared
20:58.18Lunessanevcairiel: *nod*  but I was just thinking the small cards are really meant to be "put this in and leave it" so what's the point of making it a card?
20:58.42nevcairielwhy built anything modular? choice!
20:59.05Jamash<farnsworth>Amy, did you inhale your phone again?</farnsworth>
20:59.36Fiskermicrosd cards aren't phones
21:00.26nevcairiela good class 10 sd card at 32gb can set you back $100 or so (or could half a year ago anyway), rather not put that on the price of the phone
21:00.33nevcairielsdhc that is
21:01.18Fiskerwhat about 64GB?
21:02.12nevcairielit would appear the prices of such cards have fallen quite a bit over the half year, these days its 64gb for $100
21:02.21nevcairiellast half year*
21:02.57Lunessanevcairiel: I guess.  I just never fill up the storage on my current phones, so I'm not sure I need upgradable storage on top of that.  I guess it's just me though.
21:03.11Fisker <-jerks
21:03.15Fiskernot caring about EU or anything
21:04.17nevcairielwhats that EU you speak of?
21:04.31Jamashexpanded universe
21:04.48Jamashit's stuff that isn't part of the main canon but isn't contradicted by it either
21:04.58Jamashlike france
21:05.40JamashGive the gift of Starcraft! Digital gifting not available for StarCraft II®: Wings of Liberty™
21:06.05AcidWebEK2WI-3DLVQ-HTK3X <- Crayon Physics Deluxe and Aquaria Steam Key
21:06.13Fiskerthanks AcidWeb
21:06.16Fiskeri have both games
21:06.36FiskerJamash it's thanksreceivings not givings
21:07.35Jamashclearly you're supposed to give someone $30 and tell them to buy starcraft II with it
21:09.18nevcairieli would take such a deal for europe, i was always waiting for some good deal to get it to at least play the single player
21:09.21nevcairielstupid them
21:09.39Jamashyou can play the first few missions in the demo
21:10.15*** join/#wowuidev stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
21:10.20nevcairieli could buy the US version for that price, but i guess that also means i end up on US servers, eh
21:10.21Fiskerwell nevcairiel
21:10.26Fiskerto be fair i think they had one last year as well
21:10.34Fiskerbut it was a little later than the US one
21:10.45Fiskerso it will probably come
21:10.58Fiskerbut certainly not before someone posts on the forum "Why are Blizzard racists?"
21:11.09FiskerF5's the forums
21:11.44Fiskernothing yet :O
21:11.52nevcairielgo post it
21:11.55nevcairielyour chance
21:11.58Jamashalso you can get EU starcraft for only £29.99, which is clearly the same as $29.99
21:12.16FiskerUK's can get it for £29.99 :/(
21:12.40nevcairielthe funny thing is, Blizzards store still sells SC2 for 60€, while at amazon i can get it for 38€
21:13.06Jamashthere you go
21:13.25*** join/#wowuidev mckenziemc (
21:13.53Guest11565does anyone have a good lua development environment that can test the addons without having to open wow.exe? ie. offline development?
21:14.12nevcairielpeople have tried and failed to create such things
21:14.49Jamashyou'd have to write an awful lot of code to get the event model right and then even more to display the UI
21:14.54Jamashso, no
21:15.02Arrowmasteryou would never get the event model right
21:15.12Arrowmasterbecause its so screwy
21:15.14nevcairielbecause even blizzard doesnt!
21:15.31Jamashthat's why I'm writing an event logging addon
21:15.44Jamashbecause damned if I can tell what's causing the bugs in my addon
21:16.33Jamashalso I can log in to the PTR client but not log on to any of the PTR realms, wtf
21:16.43Jamashit says they're up
21:16.54Guest11565from what I can tell the answer is no, but maybe someone can shed some light on this. Is there any way to call a webservice from inside wow? or write to an external file? The best I can do is write to savedvariables
21:17.15Jamashno, no, correct
21:17.17nevcairielYou cannot interact with any external resources
21:17.17Torhal|workSandbox environment.
21:17.35Jamashsavedvariables and the clipboard are your only means of interaction with the outside
21:18.13Torhal|workSomeone actually made a "Twitter client" AddOn. You had to reload your UI and an external process would notice the SavedVariables changed and tweet it.
21:18.52Arrowmasterbrought to you by the guys that created the worst lua editor ever
21:19.15Torhal|workJamash: Yay.
21:19.35LunessaBecause people are convinced that Twitter is the greatest thing ever.
21:19.44Jamashfor me to poop on
21:19.46nevcairieli thought thats facebook
21:19.48Guest11565i need to build a loot tracking system for the guild. I was storing guild points and main toon name and date updated in the officer's note. but wanted to export it and be able to easily update it
21:20.03*** join/#wowuidev Hjalte (
21:20.13Jamashsavedvariables parsing is the standard way to do that
21:20.22nevcairielusually people just save that stuff in savedvariables and have some external tool parse it after you quit the game
21:21.30Arrowmasterwrite the tool in lua and you dont have to really do much
21:21.36Guest11565anyone know of a good looter addon that will announce loot to raid with need roll, greed roll, and track rolls? headcount was the shiz but no longer supported.
21:23.14Torhal|workNot supported? Latest version is from June.
21:24.47*** join/#wowuidev mukunda (
21:33.07mukundaso i stood in the electrical storm
21:33.12mukundanot only did i discover a bug i also wiped the group :(
21:35.47LunessaiDolby, now Siri-enabled?
21:36.08Torhal|workLunessa: He's Sirious?
21:36.45Torhal|workdolby: How far into the future is Shirik's completion of Minion?
21:37.00Torhal|workwonders whether or not ducking will do any good at this point.
21:37.26Ackisapparently Torhal|work is in a trolling mood
21:37.47Torhal|workOnly because you're slacking.
21:37.58Ackisnot sure if it's slacking or lack of caring :'(
21:38.21dolbyI'm sorry, I can't do that right now, Dave
21:38.22Torhal|workYou're soul-weary, son. Have yourself some whisky.
21:38.41Torhal|workLunessa: I thought you said "Siri", not "HAL".
21:38.56dolbylol Siri uses that as an error message
21:38.59dolbysome times
21:39.13Torhal|workClose the pod bay doors!
21:39.21LunessaOpen the iPod-bay doors please, HAL.
21:39.58AckisI never actually watched that movie
21:40.42LunessaYou should.  Both films are pretty much masterpieces.   Though 2001 is kind of trippy.
21:41.05Ackisthere's two films? I didn't realize that
21:41.25Lunessa2001 and 2010: The year We Make Contanct.
21:42.08Lunessa - The Year we Have Contact.  My bad.
21:42.18durcynshame they never made an Odyssey Three film. or 3001, for that matter
21:42.26Maldiviastill missing 2061 and 3001 :P
21:42.34LunessaNo, I had it right the first time.  *facepalm*
21:42.50LunessaThe novels are intense too.
21:42.54Ackisshould I watch it or just read the books?
21:43.09LunessaI'd do both.  The movies are visually stunning
21:43.20LunessaAnd… well, trippy.
21:44.10durcynread the books first
21:49.02Ackisfyi Stanzilla has been hacked and is now a bot.  A really good bot, but a bot none-the-less
21:49.29Xyphoidi wouldn't bother with the books after 2010 myself
21:49.52LunessaAll these world are yours, save Io.
21:49.56StanzillaAckis: hello
21:50.38Ackisstanzillainput> print("I'm a bot")
21:51.12Fiskerso a US retailer stopped shipping GN
21:51.18durcyneh, 2061 and 3001 weren't -that-bad, the Time Odyssey books are where it gets weird
21:51.20Fiskerthink Samsung will recall? :3
21:53.11Fiskeris gonna be all like "lol delayed"
21:57.55*** join/#wowuidev Vilkku (
22:04.16Fiskermakes me wanna
22:05.19StanzillaFisker: cool
22:05.45Fiskerdid you also participate in a thousands of people dancing naked?
22:06.06Fiskeroh ok
22:09.32*** join/#wowuidev Computerpunk (~Computerp@
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22:24.17Jamashmakes you want to have sex with keanu reeves?
22:26.25Jamashand then get impaled on rebar?
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22:58.45cogwheelamro: i know this!
23:00.44mukunda its okay to be jelly
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23:12.25Lunessanevcairiel: - seen these?
23:17.54*** part/#wowuidev foxlit (
23:19.14Cideok so wtf
23:19.44Cidetrying out fedora 16 and there is an extremely weird bug where an active window steals ALL keyboard and mouse events
23:19.49Cidehow is this possible...
23:19.57kd3blame gnome3?
23:20.05Cidelike it doesn't even detect ctrl+alt+delete when I have an active window
23:20.18CideI cannot switch focus or anything
23:20.25Cideyet the active window works perfectly
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23:20.53Cideif I shut down all active windows (alt+f4) I can interact with gnome
23:21.26Cidekd3: I kinda like gnome3 otherwise :/
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23:25.14Cideback it seems
23:25.17Cidedid anyone fix my problem
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23:29.33CairennWell crap!  Anne McCaffrey died.  :(
23:29.42*** part/#wowuidev Cide (
23:31.44Torhal|workOh, wow
23:31.54ccox<-- sad panda
23:32.20ccoxI always thought she'd hop on a dragon and go between
23:32.21CairennI have basically all of her books.
23:33.44LunessaI have most of her novels.  Not all, but most.  She was a constant literary companion on my teens.
23:34.46*** join/#wowuidev Cide (
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23:34.51Xyphoidme too
23:34.57Xyphoidit's pretty sad
23:34.59CairennAlong with Misty and Eddings
23:35.24ccox<-- also has most of her books
23:36.11LunessaAnthony, Heinlein, Asimov, Brin, Tolkien, Cook, Clark, Dick, and many, many, many, others.
23:36.42LunessaI think I lived more in their worlds than I did in ours.
23:37.35Torhal|workLunessa: I'm pretty sure you're not done here yet.
23:38.08LunessaTorhal|work: I'm not dying any faster than the rest of biological beings are; one second at a time. :)
23:39.03*** join/#wowuidev Funkeh` (
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23:39.23LunessaI just meant that now I seem to spend more time in this world than the worlds conjured by my science fiction writer heroes.
23:49.26jnwhitehFisker: Nexus S for £200, thoughts?
23:49.46jnwhitehwhat *would* you be willing to pay?
23:50.16Fisker2 pieces of pocket lint and some bellybutton lint
23:50.29jnwhitehno seriously
23:50.34jnwhitehwhy do you dislike it so much?
23:50.50Fiskeri don't dislike it
23:51.30jnwhitehif you had a nexus one
23:51.47jnwhitehyou don't plan to spend the £529 on the galaxy nexus
23:51.49jnwhitehwhat would you do?
23:52.23Fiskerspend ??? on SGS2
23:52.48jnwhitehthey're £389
23:52.57jnwhitehwhats so much better about the s2?
23:53.10amroFisker approves
23:53.26Fiskerwell SGS2 is kinda like Galaxy Nexus
23:53.29jnwhitehbut WHY?
23:54.15FiskerThe only downside is that you don't get the software buttons and the smaller screen
23:54.26Fiskerbut on the flip side you get a better GPU on it
23:54.33jnwhitehwell, you get the software buttons as well
23:54.39Fiskeryeah when they get ICS
23:54.47Fiskerbut you'll still have the button on the device
23:54.49jnwhitehthis is part of the problem
23:54.59jnwhitehi prefer to have a unlocked bootloader
23:55.04Fiskerinfact it may be that the ICS porters just remove the software keypad since they want to use the ones on the device already
23:55.13jnwhitehwhats the major hardware diff between ns and s2?
23:55.25Fiskerit's a fuck ton better
23:55.47*** join/#wowuidev trololol (~anonymous@
23:56.22jnwhitehFisker: hrm.
23:56.26FiskerSGS2 has the same GPU as the ipad i believe (Just a singlecore version though)
23:56.31Fiskerbut still the best GPU on the market
23:56.37Fiskera dual-core 1.2GHz Exynoz
23:56.44Fiskerand 1GB ram
23:57.00FiskerIf you care solely on the performance the SGS2 is technically better than the Galaxy Nexus
23:57.13trolololhow do i install a i7 on my iphone 3gs?

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