IRC log for #wowroster on 20130312

00:36.06*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
00:36.07*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
09:22.29*** join/#wowroster apt (
09:22.29*** topic/#wowroster is This room is for the support of programs and addons as well as general talk [WoWRoster v2.1.0 | Interface Image Pack v4.2.0 | WoWRoster Profiler v1.0.0RC | WoWRoster GuildProfiler v1.0.0RC | UniUploader v2.7.2.0 | UniAdmin v0.7.9] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7, but they help when they can.
14:20.02*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (
14:20.03*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
14:44.31*** join/#wowroster Synssins (~ckliewer@
14:44.46SynssinsThe domain is down/
14:50.12Zanix|Workhost is having issues
14:50.53*** topic/#wowroster by Zanix|Work -> The host that serves our website is down, we are trying to get it up as soon as we can. This room is for the support of programs and addons as well as general talk [WoWRoster v2.1.0 | Interface Image Pack v4.2.0 | WoWRoster Profiler v1.0.0RC | WoWRoster GuildProfiler v1.0.0RC | UniUploader v2.7.2.0 | UniAdmin v0.7.9] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7, but t
14:51.07*** topic/#wowroster by Zanix|Work -> The host that serves our website is down, we are trying to get it up as soon as we can. | This room is for the support of programs and addons as well as general talk [WoWRoster v2.1.0 | Interface Image Pack v4.2.0 | WoWRoster Profiler v1.0.0RC | WoWRoster GuildProfiler v1.0.0RC | UniUploader v2.7.2.0 | UniAdmin v0.7.9] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7, but
14:52.10SynssinsWho do you host with
14:52.38SynssinsAnd do you have backups of everything?
14:52.40Zanix|Worka local host near where I live
14:52.44Zanix|Workand yes, we do
14:53.03Zanix|WorkI dont have a failover host right now
14:53.09SynssinsNeed an emergancy backup spot?
14:53.12Zanix|Workand this should be reslved byt the end of the day
14:53.35Zanix|Workby the time it would take me to upload the data, the new server would be back up
14:53.42SynssinsK... I needed some files. lol I'm having issues getting UniUploader/UniAdmin working right, and I don't have the updated image files. :(
14:53.58Synssins<--- unlimited bandwidth/unlimited disk space on my host
14:54.06Zanix|WorkI have the same
14:54.10Zanix|Workthat's why I use them
14:54.16Zanix|Workplus I dont pay anything
14:55.41Zanix|Workthe flipside is that I hav to manage my server
14:55.55Zanix|Workso if it doesnt want to boot after a power outtage, like a UPS going out
14:56.03Zanix|Workthen I have to fix it
15:00.18Zanix|Workso what files do you need?
15:00.31Zanix|WorkI might have copies
15:01.32SynssinsNeed the latest image pack
15:01.54SynssinsAnd then if you are familiar with uniuploader, etc, I could really use some help getting that to work properly for WoW Roster
15:02.14Zanix|WorkI dont have that :(
15:02.21Zanix|Workthe image pack
15:02.24SynssinsK. I'm linked to your host right now.
15:02.31Zanix|Workthat was recent
15:03.20Zanix|Worklinked to my host?
15:03.47Zanix|Workits down
15:03.49SynssinsYeah... My config says "Look for images on WoWroster"
15:04.20SynssinsIn the meantime, uploads don't appear to work from UniUploader...
15:04.40SynssinsThey are pointed to:
15:04.54SynssinsBut my link in the guild users does not reflect my new purple head piece
15:05.11Zanix|Workbecause that is an incorrect url
15:05.18SynssinsWhat would be the correct URL/
15:05.37SynssinsIs this documented somewhere?
15:05.45Zanix|Workit is...somewhere
15:06.01SynssinsI was not able to find that after two hours or so of looking
15:06.01Zanix|Workuniuploader wasnt made for only wowroster
15:06.05SynssinsBefore the site went down
15:06.09Zanix|Workit was built for 3 other sites
15:06.35SynssinsAh... That worked.
15:06.50SynssinsAlso, who wrote UniAdmin... It has some serious problems on my server
15:06.59Zanix|Workyeah, update.php was the old URL, back from the 1.7.3 days
15:07.14Zanix|Workyeah, uniadmin hasn't been updated in some time
15:07.19SynssinsI noticed...
15:07.27Zanix|Workit needs some php 5.3 love
15:08.25SynssinsMan I wish I knew PHP...
15:09.20Zanix|Workif( eregi(basename(__FILE__),$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) )
15:10.16SynssinsWhat did you say about my mother?!
15:10.19Zanix|Workdo you need all of the images
15:11.02SynssinsI'd like to not rely on an outside site
15:11.25Zanix|Workyeah, it's set by default to be
15:11.46Zanix|Workin the install instructions it does say to grab them yourself if you want to hsot them
15:11.58Zanix|Workguess no-one ever expects the main site to go down
15:12.00SynssinsI have them... An older version that doesn't work on the new patch
15:12.10SynssinsI had them there, switched them back until an update was available
15:12.14SynssinsAnd bam, site went down
15:12.22Zanix|Workok, edit set_env.php
15:12.48Zanix|Workif( eregi(basename(__FILE__),$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) )
15:12.49Zanix|Workchange to
15:12.49Zanix|Work/*if( eregi(basename(__FILE__),$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) )
15:13.04Zanix|Workjpg or png images?
15:13.09Zanix|Workfor the image pack
15:13.15SynssinsDoes not matter to me
15:13.28Zanix|Workwell. png is larger
15:13.29SynssinsI have an FTP you can upload to if needed.
15:13.44Zanix|WorkIm having another dev of roster upload
15:13.51Zanix|WorkI dont have the iamges, but he does
15:14.15SynssinsI appreciate it
15:14.29SynssinsCommented out that line.
15:14.47Zanix|Workthat will take care of one
15:15.15*** join/#wowroster Ulminia (Ulminia@
15:15.26Ulminiathe icons you want them in jpg or png?
15:15.36SynssinsEither/Or. And again, I appreciate it.
15:15.48Zanix|WorkI cant svn checkout here at work, otherwise I would just update the svn and have you download that
15:16.03SynssinsOne big error now
15:16.13SynssinsNot multiple small ones lol
15:16.30Zanix|Workdid you remember the last */?
15:16.50SynssinsWrong line
15:16.51Zanix|Workrevert what you did
15:16.51SynssinsGot it now
15:17.05Zanix|Workset_env.php on line 38
15:17.24Zanix|Workif( function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime') )
15:17.27Zanix|Workcomment out those
15:17.45Synssins./* */?
15:17.51Ulminianeed to change all instances of CharacterProfiler.lua to wowrcp.lua too
15:18.20Zanix|Workforgot about those
15:18.22Ulminia7000 of 11408 converted
15:18.28Zanix|Worktoo many changes to make this work
15:18.37Zanix|Workcant really do this via IRC
15:18.42Zanix|Workwill take forever
15:18.58Zanix|Workoh wait
15:19.04SynssinsI can do PasteBin
15:19.12SynssinsIf you have an updated file I can just replace everything
15:19.16Zanix|Worki think the SVN is copy is newer than the release
15:19.31SynssinsHave a public SVN link?
15:19.41Zanix|Workits on google code
15:19.57SynssinsShould just be able to pull this down and slap it in place, right?
15:21.45SynssinsLooking at the site, the code looks the same
15:22.30SynssinsBut it isn't
15:22.45SynssinsMy set_env.php doesn't include the second piece of code you linked
15:22.47Ulminiaok reprocessing images ial send via irc when i get back in about 10
15:23.04Zanix|Workso it must be newer
15:23.12SynssinsOk. My IRC may not allow it.
15:23.24SynssinsWe can try. Otherwise, I can give you FTP on my work FTP if needed
15:23.26Ulminia.... ial use something then
15:23.36Zanix|WorkI run php 5.3
15:23.39Zanix|Workwhat do you use?
15:24.04SynssinsThing is, the files I uploaded to the folder are 0.7.9
15:24.11Zanix|Workyeah, Im running the svn copy and I dont have those errors
15:24.16SynssinsLemme download it
15:24.23SynssinsMaybe the link on the page was older
15:26.29SynssinsNeed to install SVN client. Hold on
15:27.38SynssinsWhere do you guys get the files from for the image folder?
15:27.44SynssinsIs it something I could pull myself?
15:29.02Zanix|Workyeah, for some reason, you cant make a download from the svn
15:29.17Zanix|Worki think we chose not to put those on SVN
15:29.21Zanix|Workno idea why
15:30.52Zanix|Workprobably something about intellectual property
15:31.19Zanix|Workbut at this point f'it, Ulminia if you want you can make a new gcode project for the icons
15:31.24Zanix|Workgo for it
15:32.18Zanix|Workhmm, UA still ahs the wowace module?
15:32.43Zanix|Workthat thing was slick
15:32.51SynssinsOh, I was just trying to figure out how you pulled the icons, if they came from the game directly or another site
15:32.57SynssinsIf it was something I could pull when I needed to
15:32.58Zanix|Workthe game
15:33.03Zanix|Workwe have code that will convert them
15:35.33SynssinsSo, replaced the entire UniAdmin folder with the stuff from SVN
15:35.43SynssinsPut my config.php back in
15:36.42SynssinsJust confirmed I am on PHP 5.3.x FastCGI
15:38.02Zanix|Workk, I will use pastebin
15:38.52SynssinsJust commented out the two sections you told me to.
15:38.56SynssinsThose two errors are gone
15:38.59SynssinsWorkong on more
15:40.50SynssinsRefresh the page, there are two more deprecated items... And two session_start warnings
15:41.20Zanix|Workchange to
15:41.21Zanix|Workini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
15:41.43Zanix|Workdefine('CAN_INI_SET',!ereg('ini_set', ini_get('disable_functions')));
15:41.44SynssinsWhere is that at?
15:41.53Zanix|Workchange to
15:41.53Zanix|Workdefine('CAN_INI_SET', !preg_match('/ini_set/', ini_get('disable_functions')));
15:42.05Zanix|Workline 41 I think
15:42.13SynssinsI did this
15:42.16Zanix|Workthe next is line 64
15:42.20Zanix|Workok, that should be fine
15:42.22Zanix|Workits ok
15:42.27Synssins./*if( function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime') )
15:42.38Zanix|Workyeah, that is ok
15:43.02SynssinsOne left
15:43.07SynssinsDeprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/synssins/ on line 137
15:43.52Zanix|Workjust remove the & in that line
15:44.16Zanix|Work$ua_debugger =& new ua_debugger(E_ALL);the next line
15:44.17Zanix|Work$ua_debugger = new ua_debugger(E_ALL);the next line
15:44.18SynssinsLogged in, clicked Addons
15:45.24SynssinsThat isn't in my set_env.php
15:45.40Zanix|Workinclude/uadebug.php on line 137
15:45.50Zanix|Workjust like the error message said
15:46.47Synssinsinclude(UA_INCLUDEDIR . 'uadebug.php');
15:46.58SynssinsHold on
15:47.03SynssinsTrying to gather some data to show yo
15:47.50SynssinsThat is the ONLY instance I have of uadebug.php in the whole file
15:48.01Zanix|WorkIm not talking about set_env
15:48.06Zanix|Workdifferent file now
15:48.14SynssinsI wasn't paying attention lol
15:48.17Zanix|Workinclude/uadebug.php, line 137
15:48.29SynssinsSorry, was tired
15:48.29Zanix|Workyou wasnt
15:48.32SynssinsAm tired
15:48.33Zanix|Worklol, its ok
15:48.35SynssinsLong night last night
15:49.12Zanix|WorkI should have a good once-over of this
15:49.46SynssinsThis is in my uadebug.php
15:49.46Synssins$ua_debugger =& new ua_debugger(E_ALL);
15:49.55SynssinsDoes not include "the next line"
15:49.56Zanix|Workjust delete the & character
15:50.58SynssinsNo errors now, the WoWAce gives me an error
15:51.05Zanix|Workyeah, wowace does not work
15:51.11SynssinsNotice: Undefined offset: 8192 in /home/synssins/ on line 189
15:51.11Zanix|Workhasnt for years
15:51.15Zanix|Workit was just never removed
15:51.17SynssinsNot even sure what it is
15:51.24Zanix|Workjust ignore for now
15:51.44SynssinsTY for the help.. I realize it is like teaching a 5 year old who keeps asking "Why"
15:51.55SynssinsGive me hardware, and I can make miracles happen... But this?
15:51.57SynssinsNuh uh
15:52.04Zanix|Workyeah, I know what you mean
15:52.33Zanix|Workif you want to remove the menu link for wowace, you can edit include/uniadmin.php
15:52.46Zanix|Workaround line 591
15:52.46SynssinsYeah, was headed there next
15:52.52Zanix|Workarray('link' => 'wowace',   'text' => $user->lang['title_wowace'],   'check' => '3'),
15:52.55Zanix|Workcomment that out
15:53.18Zanix|Workwont remove the code, but it will remove the tab
15:53.38SynssinsThat looks much better
15:53.47SynssinsNow I can hand the UniAdmin page over to the GM to manage Addons
15:53.59Zanix|Workit will even handle ftp uploaded addons
15:54.11Zanix|Workto the addon_zips directory
15:54.34SynssinsDo I need to change files to remove CharacterProfiler.lua or under Settings can I just slap the new wowrcp.lua file name in?
15:54.40Zanix|Workand the help text on the first page is in languages/english.php
15:54.54Zanix|Workyou should be able to just remove the one, and replace it with the other
15:56.45Zanix|Workarray('header' => 'WoWAce',
15:56.46Zanix|Work'text'   => '
15:56.46Zanix|Work<p>This module allows you to download addons from the SVN repository</p>
15:56.46Zanix|Work<p>Only the UniAdmin Admin user has the ability to access this module</p>'),
15:56.52Zanix|Workeither comment or delete those lines
15:57.03Zanix|Workand the wowace info will be gone from the help page
15:57.25Zanix|WorkI should be able to update the svn with these changes after work
15:57.26SynssinsOk. :)
15:57.35SynssinsCool... Would be a good update to have.
15:58.14Zanix|WorkI haven't developed roster/uniadmin in a couple of years
15:58.29SynssinsAnd damn if I don't come along and try and make it work...
15:58.32SynssinsDamn those people
15:58.37Zanix|WorkUlminia has been doing that, but he hasn't touched UA
15:58.44Zanix|Workno kidding
15:59.18SynssinsHell, I may try and sucker you into some User Auth stuff between Joomla, WoWroster and PHPBB
15:59.48Zanix|Worknever use joomla
16:00.14Zanix|Workand I think there is a shared auth plugin for phpbband roster
16:00.15Synssins:) I never made it work.
16:01.04Zanix|Workand to be honest, I dont know where to start with user auth sharing between those
16:15.45SynssinsOk, things are moving along....
16:17.06Zanix|Workthat's good
16:40.04SynssinsOk, pointed the images back to my server, everything is working except for the missing/outdated images
16:49.38SynssinsSo, I'm configuring UniAdmin...
16:49.44SynssinsThere are some things that I am wondering about
16:50.00SynssinsSynchroURL... That would be my server, and which file? interface.php/
16:50.21SynssinsI mean, this was way different from normal for the URL
16:50.28SynssinsSo, what else may have changed?
16:52.47Zanix|Workthe syncrourl is the UniAdmin url that UniUploader syncs with
16:53.06SynssinsWhich file is that?
16:53.13Zanix|Workits in the interface
16:53.29Zanix|WorkSynchronization URL (click to verify):
16:53.33Zanix|Workjust below the menu
16:53.35SynssinsThat is what I thought
16:53.41SynssinsSo it does point to interface.php
16:53.43Zanix|Workthe setting is there, just in case you move the site
16:53.53Zanix|Workand have to update your clients
16:54.08Zanix|Workso say you want to move your site to
16:54.19SynssinsAnd the Updates URL is for updating UniUploader itself/
16:54.25SynssinsDamned laptop keyboard
16:54.29Zanix|Workin the old uniadmin site, you change the sync url to the new url, and the clients will use the new site
16:54.43Zanix|Workthe updates url is the url UU send .lua files
16:54.53Zanix|Workso that would be
16:54.58SynssinsRight now that points here:
16:55.12SynssinsHold on
16:55.18Zanix|Workdo I have those backwords...
16:55.21Zanix|WorkI might as well
16:55.25SynssinsPoints there
16:55.34SynssinsUpdates URL is
16:55.38Zanix|Workok, I dont remember the settings anymore, lol
16:55.42Zanix|Workok, i think thats right
16:55.47Zanix|Workthere are 3 urls
16:55.49SynssinsThat is for updating the actual client
16:55.57SynssinsSynch URL is interface.php
16:55.59Zanix|Workchecks for updates to uniuploader
16:56.27SynssinsURL: (Interface file on the web) is
16:56.38SynssinsAnd the Update URL is WowRoster
16:56.44Zanix|Workhold up
16:56.45Synssinsthe main site
16:56.47Zanix|Workklet me lok
16:56.54Zanix|Worklet me look even
16:57.18SynssinsI'm trying to fully understand how this thing works... I'll be the one supporting it for our guild.
16:57.51Zanix|Workok RETRDATAURL
16:58.00Zanix|Workthat is to put stuff in clients .lua files
16:58.05Zanix|Workand I dont think that works anymore
16:58.15Zanix|Workthats part of web<->wow sync
16:58.38SynssinsWe are talking UniAdmin, not UniUploader client now
16:58.48SynssinsHold on
16:58.49Zanix|Workin the settings tab
16:58.59Zanix|Workthose settings do map to Uniuploader
16:59.03SynssinsQuestion. Can I configure the client, and then upload the INI file to the server?
16:59.23Zanix|Workthat was never implemented
16:59.28SynssinsThere is a settings.ini file setting here
16:59.37SynssinsGives me the ability to import/export a settings.ini
16:59.38Zanix|Workalthough, i could probably code that up fairly quickly
16:59.45Zanix|Workoh wait
16:59.47Zanix|Workyes you can
16:59.54Zanix|Worksettings.ini File
17:00.01Zanix|Workthere are 2 buttons
17:00.03SynssinsSo I can configure UniUploader, make it work, and have that be the master file for everyone
17:00.29Zanix|Workand the ones you check enabled, will be the settings synced to UU
17:00.34SynssinsDo other members of the guild require a username on UniAdmin in order to upload, or will the client/server just handle that?
17:00.42Zanix|Workthey do not
17:00.55Zanix|Workthe username field is for the lua upload destination
17:00.57SynssinsOk... So if the UU client has the correct settings, everything should synch by default
17:01.01Zanix|Workso if roster requires user/pass
17:01.04Zanix|Workthen then need to enter it
17:01.18SynssinsWell... It can be viewed without a UN/PW
17:01.33Zanix|Workthe upload portion has its own auth settings
17:01.36Zanix|Workin roster
17:01.41Zanix|Workyou could restrict it if you want
17:01.47Zanix|Workand you probably should
17:01.57SynssinsUpload Rules
17:02.13SynssinsUpload Rules in the CP
17:02.25Zanix|Workthat is to map the .lua data
17:02.52Zanix|Workin roster config
17:02.57Zanix|Workon the main tab
17:03.01SynssinsI'm in Roster Config
17:03.08Zanix|Workin the update access section (left tabs)
17:04.02Zanix|Workyou can set user levels in roster that have access to update data
17:04.04SynssinsAccess to update.php is enabled. No API keys, no API region or Locale. Update Instructions are On. API on LUA Update is "No", guild data level is CP Admin, Character Data Level is CP Admin, Public
17:04.12SynssinsOther LUA Data Level is CP Admin, Public
17:04.15Zanix|WorkI would keep guild data a higher level
17:04.29SynssinsIsn't CP Admin a higher level?
17:04.36Zanix|Workyeah, those are default settings
17:04.39Zanix|Workit is
17:04.52Zanix|Workthink of it as a user role or group
17:05.06SynssinsSo Public would allow everyone to upload from their UU client without a UN/PW
17:05.44SynssinsWhere does the UN info come from then?
17:06.04Zanix|Workthat is if roster required a user and pass
17:06.05SynssinsDoes the character name stored in the WoW folder have to match a character in the guild on the Roster site in order to allow uploads?
17:06.23Zanix|Workjust the data in the .lua file
17:06.46SynssinsAnd the lua file contains "Synssins@ysera" or some such?
17:06.58Zanix|Worksomething like that
17:07.13Zanix|Workall UU does is post the .lua files to the update page on roster
17:07.16SynssinsSo my current settings should allow everyone to upload as I see fit.
17:07.25SynssinsAnd Roster should automatically see everything just fine.
17:07.27Zanix|Workits the same as if you went to the page in a browser and uploaded it
17:07.55SynssinsIf you visit you can view everything. There is no UN/PW required to view
17:08.23Zanix|WorkPRIMARYURL needs to the the roster update page
17:08.27SynssinsSo that tells me it should work if I tell someone to load the addons and go
17:08.50Zanix|Workroster itself could be visable but those settings in update access can further restrict the update page
17:08.54SynssinsPrimaryURL is the first URL on the main settings page of UU. Correct?
17:09.10Zanix|WorkI dont have UU installed
17:09.23Zanix|WorkIm just basing it off the tooltips and images on UA
17:09.25Zanix|Worksince that's all I have
17:09.34SynssinsI may just have to document this... One of the things I do...
17:09.43Zanix|Workthat is the sync url from UA
17:09.44SynssinsI'll give you an admin account on my UA
17:10.07Zanix|Workthere are tooltips on the settings
17:10.12Zanix|Workif you hover over the ? icon
17:10.39Zanix|Worklooks like some images are broken though
17:10.47SynssinsOn roster, yes... Outdated images
17:11.03Zanix|Workon UA too
17:11.44SynssinsOk, so log into the admin in UniAdmin
17:11.48Zanix|WorkI am
17:11.55SynssinsTake a peek... What do I have wrong?
17:12.42SynssinsThat goes to
17:12.58Zanix|Workyeah, Im chaning it
17:13.02Zanix|Workchanging it nmow
17:13.06Zanix|WorkI cannot type
17:13.11SynssinsNeither can I *sigh*
17:13.18SynssinsOk, On my UU client, I have that set properly
17:13.50SynssinsI am trying to get the client/site setup to allow someone to download the client and have it auto configure.
17:13.59SynssinsOr as close to such as possible
17:14.22Zanix|Workhmm, the wiki had instructions on building your own UU installer
17:14.29Zanix|Workand you can package a ini gile with it
17:14.35SynssinsThe site appears to be down ;)
17:15.49Zanix|Workok, I cahnged your settings
17:16.02Zanix|Workdont check the enable box unless you want to FORCE your clients to have that setting
17:16.11SynssinsYeah. I know.
17:16.24Zanix|WorkI unchecked a few, just in case you didnt realize
17:16.28Zanix|Workso you should review again
17:16.29SynssinsNo worries
17:16.36Zanix|Worklike LANGUAGE
17:16.43SynssinsThey are all English speakers.
17:16.58SynssinsBut no worries
17:17.11Zanix|Workwell, I just wouldnt force a setting unless you have to
17:17.19SynssinsOh, I generally agree
17:17.27Zanix|Workoh and "Add SavedVariable Files"
17:17.36Zanix|Workdont enter the .lua
17:17.39Zanix|Workit does that for you
17:17.43SynssinsBut you have to remember, I'm a systems admin. If I can take settings away from them to prevent them from screwing it up, I will.
17:17.51Zanix|Workgood point
17:17.52SynssinsDoes UU upload screenshots?
17:17.57Zanix|WorkIm not sure
17:18.39SynssinsSo... In UA Settings
17:18.58SynssinsDoes that check with MY server to pull updated configs?
17:19.09SynssinsOr does that check with wowroster for new versions of UU
17:19.34SynssinsDisregard Toolboxes are now working in my broswer
17:19.39SynssinsBrowser.. Been having issues with it
17:19.59Zanix|Workthat checks with for updates to UU
17:20.53Zanix|Workbtw, Im quite proud of the addon uploader section
17:21.10SynssinsIt looks good. :)
17:21.12Zanix|Workwas my first time tacking file and zip file parsing for data
17:21.23SynssinsI like everything I see, I am just trying to learn this in-depth so I can support it
17:22.05SynssinsThis is what I do for a living... Get handed stuff that is new to me... Learn it, write the documentation on it for our use (and usually for the company we bought it from) and then support it.
17:22.12SynssinsJust a small part of what I do.
17:22.35Zanix|Workyeah, our documentation is kinda lacking
17:22.49SynssinsI wrote approximately 90% of the documentation for SuperValu support... And the stores they own. Cub, Albertson's, Sav-A-Lot, SuperValu, etc
17:22.50Zanix|Workthere is a bit more on roster itself, but not much on UU and UA
17:23.08Zanix|Workand most of the docs are on the wiki
17:23.17SynssinsThe wiki appears to be down. ;)
17:23.30SynssinsI'm giving you shit lol
17:23.37Zanix|Workso if it ever gets back up, you are more than welcome to contribute
17:23.43SynssinsOf course. :)
17:23.47SynssinsOnce I learn this. :P
17:23.49Zanix|WorkI know, I just gave the same answer as before
17:24.03SynssinsMaybe a "How To" guide from beginning to end.
17:24.18Synssins"How to set up your own site without annoying the developers."
17:24.29Zanix|Workhey! that works!
17:24.29SynssinsI could open it with "I pissed them off so YOU don't have to!"
17:26.25SynssinsOk, I am comparing the online config with the one on my system at home
17:26.39SynssinsSynching the two files, then will upload my local file at home to the server.
17:27.24Zanix|Worki think the settings.ini export will send all settings back, if the are enabled or not
17:27.26SynssinsThat is the RETRDATAURL
17:27.47Zanix|Workyeah, that is for sending data back to the clients wow save file
17:27.58Zanix|Worki dont think that method works anymore
17:28.16Zanix|WorkI would probably ignore the web=>wow section
17:28.30Zanix|Workit used to append data to the SavedVariables.lua file
17:28.44Zanix|Workbut I dont think wow uses that file anymore
17:31.46Zanix|WorkGZIP is a good setting to have enabled
17:31.55Zanix|Workit will gzip a .lua file before sending it
17:32.01Zanix|Workand Roster will unpack it
17:32.31Zanix|Workin case you upload file limits are low, also allows for a faster update, since it's less the client has to send
17:32.55Zanix|Workits optional since one of thse sites UU was used for didnt support it
17:36.43Zanix|WorkIll probably update UA sometime this week
17:36.46Zanix|Workremove wowace
17:36.52Zanix|Workfix php 5.3 errors
17:36.57Zanix|Workconvert js to jquery
17:36.58SynssinsOk. :)
17:37.10SynssinsJust uploaded my settings.ini from my system at home
17:37.12SynssinsTime to test
17:38.45SynssinsDidn't work.
17:39.36SynssinsNow it did
17:39.52SynssinsThe Synch URL was wrong in the INI
17:39.56SynssinsSo it set to defaults
17:40.02SynssinsChanged it to the correct one
17:40.06SynssinsAnd it downloaded settings
17:42.49Zanix|Workyeah, there is a delay
17:42.54Zanix|Worksmall, though
17:45.07SynssinsOk.. Minor issue.
17:45.22SynssinsWhen forcing UU to keep settings updated...
17:45.49SynssinsEvery time it synchs, it forces me to select the path to my WoW.exe
17:49.25Zanix|Workcould be AUTODETECTWOW
17:49.29Zanix|Worktry unchecking that
17:49.35Zanix|Workin UA as well
17:50.20SynssinsYep. Did it there, resynched on the PC
17:50.24SynssinsSynch is working now
17:50.33SynssinsI'll go through and play with the other settings
17:50.45SynssinsAny idea if WoWRCP was updated for 5.2?
17:52.39Zanix|WorkI think it was
17:52.45Zanix|Workwould have to ask ulminia
18:21.15*** join/#wowroster Ulminia (Ulminia@
18:21.30Ulminiaok and after a breef isp issue
18:21.45Ulminiaim uploading the interface file now
18:44.11Ulminiathere they are in png format
19:16.17Zanix|Work(11:50:44 AM) Synssins: Any idea if WoWRCP was updated for 5.2?
19:29.43SynssinsHad to run to lunch. :)
19:32.52Zanix|WorkI was lunching as well
19:47.20Ulminiathere was no update needed for 5.2
19:51.11SynssinsSo I can just push that one out with no issues. :)
19:53.49Ulminiajust update the toc to the new version
19:54.13SynssinsTOC=Table of Contents, yes?
19:55.20Ulminiano in the addon folder theres a file that end with .toc
19:55.34Ulminiainside theres a line ## Interface: 50000 replace it with ## Interface: 50200
19:55.36SynssinsAnd it opens in a text viewer?
19:55.44Zanix|Workyeah, its plain text
19:55.53SynssinsSounds good. Lemme go look at it now
19:56.33Ulminia50001 is the number in it now lol
19:56.43SynssinsAlready at 50200
19:56.51SynssinsDidn't change anything on it
19:57.31SynssinsQuestion... Can the addon be set to auto scan and save user information?
19:58.14SynssinsThe Save button is awesome... But I seem to have to hit Save in order to actually update the local lua file
20:01.16Ulminiait should but in some cases it may not
20:01.39Ulminiaand teh addon would consume alot of memory scaning all the time
20:03.48SynssinsOh, no... Don't want it to scan all the time..
20:03.57SynssinsJust, when a player opens their character window, it grabs the data
20:04.03SynssinsInstead of forcing them to have to click Save
20:05.41Ulminiaoh it should allready be doing that
20:05.58SynssinsI'll try it on a different PC/client tonight and see what happens
20:06.03SynssinsIt does work automatically for the Bank, etc
20:06.15SynssinsJust seem to have to click Save manually on the Character profile
20:07.21Ulminiahuh .. maybe i dident add that feature... ial do it in the next release
20:07.42SynssinsNo worries. I'll be sure to test and let you know how it goes. :)
20:20.48Ulminiathere is no event for the player window opening that i can fine rite not but ial loook closer later

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