IRC log for #wowroster on 20110808

07:05.33*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
07:05.33*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
08:36.05*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
08:36.05*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
14:35.49*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (~Zanix|
14:35.49*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
19:46.11*** join/#wowroster Zanix_ (
19:46.11*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix_] by ChanServ
21:50.16*** join/#wowroster apt (
21:50.17*** topic/#wowroster is Working on WoWRoster 2.1 and updated versions of CP and GP!!! | ALWAYS Check for updates | This room is for the support of programs and addons only [Wr-v2.0.2, IntImgPk-v3.2.0, CP-v3.1.0, GP-v3.1.0, UU-v2.7.2, UA-v0.7.9] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7, but they help when they can
21:54.30*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
21:54.30*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
22:32.22*** join/#wowroster Zanix_ (
22:32.22*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix_] by ChanServ

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