IRC log for #wowroster on 20090616

04:51.59*** join/#wowroster DazedMonkeyAFK_ (
09:29.01*** join/#wowroster poetter (
10:42.41*** join/#wowroster rapmoc (
20:00.02*** join/#wowroster DazedMonkeyAFK (
20:36.34DazedMonkeyAFKjust upgraded roster from r1930 to r1984, cleaned cache directory, getting some eval errors in template.php
20:37.14ScratchMonkeyoh, now it's in a template, let me clean cache again
20:38.03PleegWatFirst time round it's eval()ed code
20:38.06ScratchMonkeyok cleared cache, and it's back in lib/template.php
20:38.24PleegWatSince it compiles the template then saves it in cache, but that first run it evals rather than including the generated template
20:38.36ScratchMonkeyreloading page puts it in cache/
20:38.56PleegWatAh, right. You've got the 'the default template doesn't work right now' bug
20:38.57ScratchMonkeygetting some undefined indices
20:39.18ScratchMonkeyshould I change templates? haven't used those before, so don't know where to change that
20:39.28PleegWatthe roster3 template will be the new default
20:39.38PleegWatIf nobody comes up to fix the default template we'll probably drop that
20:40.04ScratchMonkeywhere do I find the template setting?
20:40.28ScratchMonkeyunder Display Config I only see Default
20:41.02ScratchMonkeyunder ./templates I see default, install, roster3
20:41.48PleegWatHm roster3 comes up as a theme fine for me on my install
20:42.49ScratchMonkeyhow does the template list get populated?
20:42.59ScratchMonkeyand is install a template?
20:44.40PleegWatim not sure
20:45.28ScratchMonkeysettings.php looks for directories containing theme.php
20:45.49PleegWatYou're looking for admin/roster_config_functions.php
20:46.00PleegWatIt excludes '.svn' and 'install'
20:48.48PleegWatThe theme.php include is just so templates can run some dedicated code during init
20:49.32PleegWatThe border and messagebox functions are defined there
20:49.38ScratchMonkeyI don't see templateList in roster_config_functions ever called, just defined
20:50.29ScratchMonkeyand the <select> gets populated from the input $values, not from the scanned direcotry names
20:50.53ScratchMonkeyignore the last
20:51.10PleegWattemplateList is used as a callback
20:51.17ScratchMonkeybeen awhile since I did a select form the <option> gets populated from the directory list, <select> is for the var name
20:51.40ScratchMonkeyhow does it get called? I don't see the symbol referenced anywhere else
20:51.56PleegWatSee lib/dbal/structure/mysql_data.sql, line 96
20:52.35ScratchMonkeyah ok
20:52.39PleegWatand lib/config.lib.php, line 208
20:52.49PleegWatehm, 300
20:52.52ScratchMonkeyI'll double-check the DB, make sure it has that
20:52.54PleegWat208 is for function-generated pages
20:53.46PleegWatYou could try inserting debug code in the templateList function - aprint() should work fine and end up somewhere visibly on the page
20:55.02PleegWatTry putting 'aprint($arrFiles)' on line 196 - a gray box should pop up with the options above the main config pane
20:56.47ScratchMonkeyok, problem was PEBCAK
20:57.02ScratchMonkeymy eyes didn't see the Roster3 in the drop down, text was very tightly spaced
20:57.42ScratchMonkeyk, now in Roster3
20:57.52ScratchMonkeyonly complaint so far is that the MOTD isn't centered ;)
20:59.18PleegWatYeah, there's more stuff that no longer centers. I think adric doesn't like centering.
21:03.10ScratchMonkeywould be fine if the box stretched all the way across the container, looks funny only being about 75% of its container and left-aligned
21:03.20ScratchMonkeyand word-wrapped
21:04.51PleegWatI think it has a text mode
21:05.28PleegWatYeah. Display config, MOTD display mode
21:05.34ScratchMonkeyAha, I see it's implemented as an img, so server-side rendering needs to know how wide to make it
21:06.02PleegWatIIRC it gets passed the MOTD as a parameter, but it may be fetching it from the DB itself
21:06.34PleegWatIt used to fetch itself, but I think I changed it to a parameter to not have to use the DB cause I had to change it anyway for multiguild
21:08.21ScratchMonkeyk, now I can see the table with the honor and pvp is left aligned
21:08.26ScratchMonkeybtw, do you use firebug?
21:08.32ScratchMonkeyjust started doing css, it's a godsend
21:08.52ScratchMonkeybeen working on a Joomla installation for the office
22:31.26ScratchMonkeyafter uploading data with curl, I'm seeing <b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function displayMenu() on a non-object in <b>/var/www/html/wowroster/roster_svn/index.php</b> on line <b>100</b><br />
22:33.00ScratchMonkeythat line has $roster_menu->displayMenu();
22:34.18ScratchMonkeyyep, bug, menu isn't created if show_menu isn't set
22:35.21ScratchMonkeylooks like the conditional that creates the menu should be moved after the header, and the displayMenu call moved inside the braces

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