IRC log for #wowroster on 20090129

09:42.02*** join/#wowroster Movix (n=mattes@
12:17.38*** join/#wowroster Zanix_ (
12:19.38*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix_] by ChanServ
13:39.39*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (
13:39.39*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by ChanServ
15:14.38*** join/#wowroster Movix1 (n=mattes@
17:54.23*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (n=Anaxent@
18:05.47*** join/#wowroster Anaxent053 (n=Anaxent@
18:06.02*** join/#wowroster Anaxent565 (n=Anaxent@
18:38.14*** join/#wowroster poetter_ (
19:11.00*** join/#wowroster ScratchMonkey (
19:11.15ScratchMonkeyis there any problem with another addon reading data from CP? I'm using Altoholic and it seems like a duplication of effort to have it keeping its own recipe DB when it can piggyback on CP's
19:13.51Anaxentshould be able to use if is_active('addon_name') use this data source else build new
19:17.21Anaxentwhich should do a check to see if the addon is installed and active if so you could build off of that addon
19:20.35AnaxentUse addon_active('basename') to check if an addon is enabled
19:21.39PleegWatOther wow addons can read from CP fine. I know I've used CharacterViewer for a while, which had rpgo-CP as a requirement
19:41.55Anaxentoh I was reading addon as if it owuld be aroster addon rather than a wow addon sorry if I confused ya
19:49.41PleegWatGuessed so
19:50.22PleegWatWe need proper install-time dependencies in roster. Uninstall-time too, which is trickier
20:26.10ScratchMonkeythanks, starting to encounter lots of addons that want to keep their own copies of character data like this
20:26.40ScratchMonkeyAckisRecipeList is another
20:28.27ScratchMonkeyAltoholic has a habit of losing my recipe data, and CP has never lost it, so I'd rather see it use CP's

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