IRC log for #wowroster on 20081110

00:32.19*** join/#wowroster poetter (
08:10.05*** join/#wowroster Zanix (n=Zanix@
08:10.05*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
11:38.15*** join/#wowroster dracula (
11:38.43draculahey still people here :
11:39.35draculaI was wondering... how did you make that .tar.gz from WoWroster 2.0 ?
11:44.59draculaPowerArchiver shows timestamps of 2038, and 'tar' shows timestamps in 1903
11:54.12*** join/#wowroster Movix (n=mattes@
14:32.50ZanixI made the tar.gz with exgz, its for windows
14:32.55Zanixoops ezgz
14:34.31Zanixlater, going to class
14:47.10draculaapparently ezgz takes it really ez with the timestamps... ;)
14:49.06draculatar: Archive octal value 20353220600 is out of time_t range; assuming two's complement
14:49.51draculawhich results in my whole roster setup timestamped at Nov 17, 1903
17:05.38PleegWatfind -exec touch {} +

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