IRC log for #wowroster on 20080723

01:45.48*** join/#wowroster Zanix (n=Zanix@
01:45.48*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
03:29.17*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
03:29.17*** mode/#wowroster [+o AdricTW] by ChanServ
06:57.23*** join/#wowroster poetter (
08:35.44*** join/#wowroster Movix (n=mattes@
12:53.41*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
12:53.41*** mode/#wowroster [+o AdricTW] by ChanServ
14:16.03*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
14:16.03*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
15:14.32*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
17:02.53*** join/#wowroster Gaxme (n=Gaxme@
17:03.25GaxmeHeya, folks.
17:20.41Zanix|Workhows it goin Gaxme
17:22.06GaxmeNot too bad. Was on a long WoW hiatus, RL imposed. =)
17:22.24Zanix|WorkI hear ya
17:22.32GaxmeI see 2.0 is out and going strong!
17:22.57GaxmeI think I'm likely to just post up what I have done for RaidTracker, and see if someone else wants to pick up and finish the rest.
17:23.08GaxmeIt's mostly display issues at this point.
17:25.18Zanix|Worksome small bugs have crept up
17:25.25Zanix|Workseems like they only appear after a release
17:28.14Zanix|Workim sure someone would fix up the display issues
17:28.35Zanix|WorkI went and helped missing recipes with the conversion to templates
17:29.58Zanix|Workwe will probably do a 2.0.1 for the small fixes soon
17:41.22Zanix|Workgotta reboot the network here, bbl
17:45.22*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
17:45.23*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
17:52.38Zanix|Workhi 2X!
17:52.47Zanix|Work..the return of I
17:55.12Zanix|Workyeah, dont ask
20:11.10*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
20:11.10*** mode/#wowroster [+o AdricTW] by ChanServ

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