IRC log for #wowroster on 20080425

02:50.29*** join/#wowroster poetter_ (
04:50.43*** join/#wowroster Vecnah (
05:20.43*** join/#wowroster Sansalas (
08:15.20*** join/#wowroster lortie (
08:16.07Sansalashi there
09:27.10*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=Miranda@
12:28.52*** join/#wowroster Sansalas (
13:26.46*** join/#wowroster Zanix (i=Zanix@
13:26.46*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
14:16.09*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
14:16.09*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
22:32.03*** join/#wowroster JTM (
22:32.29JTMHi, who do I talk to if I have pissed off the webserver at
22:34.44JTMoh, well, everyone seems to be afk, bbl
22:34.47*** part/#wowroster JTM (
22:40.22*** join/#wowroster JamesTheMad (
22:46.39ZanixJamesTheMad, did you say this erilier
22:46.43Zanix<JTM> Hi, who do I talk to if I have pissed off the webserver at
22:47.09JamesTheMadyep, it is giving me "Bad IP" errors
22:47.20Zanixwhat browser are you using?
22:47.30Zanixwhat version?
22:48.18Zanixcan you give me the exact error that displays?
22:48.34JamesTheMadBad IP
22:48.34JamesTheMadYou are banned from this site due to a bad ip.
22:51.30Zanixlet me see if the securit filter has blocked you
22:51.37JamesTheMadya, has me scratching my head too
22:51.56Zanix76.102.66.36   or
22:53.00JamesTheMadwhat did I do to it?
22:54.11Zanixno, I was asking which IP is yours
22:54.33JamesTheMadI know that, I was asking what I did to piss off the content managment system
22:54.54ZanixI dont see your ip in there
22:55.19Zanixhave your tried another brower, IE perhaps
22:55.34Zanixor is there a firewall on your machine that could be blocking
22:55.38JamesTheMadI don't have IE installed on this machine
22:55.55JamesTheMadand my firewall has no blocking rules about wowroster
22:57.17ZanixI dunno then, something is blocking your ip from our server
22:57.29JamesTheMadthe only filter it currently has is against
22:57.48Zanixthe CMS detects that as an attempted hack, afaik
22:59.07JamesTheMadwhy would you want to partner with a group that has such a bad reputation?
23:03.32JamesTheMadand I am getting the page served up by, it is a ban page from the cms
23:05.28Zanixwhat do you mean?
23:05.38Zanix<JamesTheMad> why would you want to partner with a group that has such a bad reputation?
23:06.07JamesTheMadOmniture has a sketchy rep on the net, they are a web usage tracking company
23:06.21JamesTheMadyou have to activly sign up with them
23:06.57Zanixnever heard of them
23:07.32Zanixwe use DragonFly CMS
23:08.28JamesTheMadok, will look at its source in a few, but if it has a web tracking bug from 2o7, I will take it up with them
23:09.10Zanixall of the security enabled on ours is   Bots, E-Mail Domains, Flooding, IP's, andHTTP Referers
23:09.25Zanixand IP's are manually entered
23:10.27ZanixI do know that DF will deny access if the server cannot read your ip
23:11.40JamesTheMadMy ip is up, the only things I tend to make the effort to block are companies that try to track browsing history, and those that I can't block (google-analytics) I feed them lots of false data
23:12.20JamesTheMadI should say, my IP is visible (as much as Comcast allows across its network)
23:13.02JamesTheMadI will let you know how I irritated your CMS in a few hours
23:16.42Zanixhey, I would really like ot know too
23:17.02Zanixthanks for looking into it when you could have just got pissed and left, I really apreciate it
23:19.31JamesTheMadit is one of the few ways a broke, out of work programmer can pay you back for roster
23:34.34Zanixim gonna be afk for a bit
23:34.42Zanixabout 30 minutes
23:34.55JamesTheMadok, I will be back on at 7 pacific

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