IRC log for #wowroster on 20080306

00:03.29*** join/#wowroster tempota (
02:47.30*** join/#wowroster poetter (
07:21.15*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
07:21.15*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
08:03.58*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=Miranda@
11:16.06*** join/#wowroster Nefuh (
12:46.41*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
12:46.41*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
14:01.47*** join/#wowroster Nefuh (
14:19.31*** join/#wowroster Gaxme (
14:21.46GaxmeFinally got the memberslist working for displaying the data. That's pretty slick once I figured it out. =)
14:21.56GaxmeOne question though: Can it do pagination?
14:26.36PleegWat|Worknot in clientside sorting mode
14:27.10PleegWat|WorkServerside pagination with clientside sorting/filtering doesn't make sense
14:27.42PleegWat|WorkClientside pagination isn't all that difficult, but I haven't been able to think up a workable way to implement it with the sorting/filtering/alt hiding in place
14:28.22GaxmeI just realized that the one that I'd been testing, realm loot, has the potential to get huge.
14:28.40GaxmeAnd when it's pulling/caching items from the armory the first time (even after caching really), it's a long load time.
14:28.57GaxmeI've got just under 900 items on one page. Big. =)
14:36.39GaxmeI guess I can build that one without the memberslist and paginate it.
14:42.48PleegWat|Workmemberslist can paginate, but only in server sorting mode. Memberlog uses that one by default, I think
14:51.08*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
16:01.00*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
16:01.00*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
17:33.04*** join/#wowroster fewyn (
18:01.11*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
18:01.11*** mode/#wowroster [+o AdricTW] by ChanServ
22:23.44draculadoes anyone know how to get the armory xml data?
22:24.59Zanixyeah, go to the url, and view source
22:31.46draculathat sounds too easy
22:34.04*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
22:34.04*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
22:51.01Zanixdoesnt it?
22:56.17draculabut the source of armory is html
22:56.43draculaI was hoping there would be some xml file available for each character's data :)
22:58.27Zanixwell, the js transforms the xml into html with xls style sheets
23:01.15Nefuhyeah but when you load the character page and then disable js in firefox an reload then view source
23:08.07draculaaah let me check that
23:19.08draculahm, the xsl transform takes place on the server right?
23:20.03draculaeven with a simple  "wget armoryurl/character-sheet.xml?r=server&n=character"  I get a page filled with markup
23:28.39Nefuhhmm with wget i get the html generated site but in my firefox (disabled js) i see the xml
23:45.48Zanixit depends on the user agent that is detected

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