IRC log for #wowroster on 20080302

00:08.21*** join/#wowroster fewyn (
02:47.01*** join/#wowroster poetter (
03:58.48*** join/#wowroster nywef (
04:01.15*** join/#wowroster Tupsi4006 (
11:52.07*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
11:52.08*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
12:10.13*** join/#wowroster fewyn (
14:26.51*** join/#wowroster tempota (
18:55.39*** join/#wowroster Guest (
18:56.21GuestI am getting an error and didnt find a similar problem ( i think)
18:56.28GuestCMS Warning line 75: On /index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&file=addon&roster_addon_name=guildvault While executing query "SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_guildvault_contents` WHERE `tab` = 'Tab1' AND `item_name` = 'Adept's Elixir'" the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Elixir'' at line 1 In: /hsphere/loca
18:56.35Guestsry for spam .  thats the error
18:57.47Guestif anyone can help plz tell me whats is it baout  =)
19:03.25Zanix'Adept's Elixir'
19:03.31Zanixthats the error
19:03.38Zanixnotice the extra '
19:03.48Zanixthe data isn't mysql escaped
19:04.08ZanixI have never looked at the guildvault code for 1.7.3 so I dont know where this could be
19:04.22ZanixI would post this in the guildvault sub-forum
19:04.31Zanixthen nefuh could fix it
19:04.41Zanixgonna go for a bit
19:08.55Guestalright cool
19:10.47*** join/#wowroster Zanix (i=Zanix@
19:10.47*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
19:57.27*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
19:57.27*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ

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