IRC log for #wowroster on 20080220

00:30.29*** join/#wowroster AnthonyB (
00:30.29*** mode/#wowroster [+o AnthonyB] by ChanServ
02:21.09*** join/#wowroster dracula (
02:46.20*** join/#wowroster poetter (
05:20.38*** join/#wowroster dracula (
07:00.21*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
07:01.10*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
07:01.10*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
07:22.14*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
07:22.14*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
07:47.58*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=Miranda@
15:07.33*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
15:07.33*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
17:16.52*** join/#wowroster Gaxme (n=chatzill@
17:19.00GaxmeOk, digging my way through the way the roster item DB is loaded.
17:19.18GaxmeWhat process does the item tooltip go through to get colorized?
17:23.38GaxmeEssentially I just want a way to hijack the tooltip data off the armory and colorize it.
17:23.52GaxmeSince it appears that items stored in the main database are associated with specific members.
17:26.56GaxmeAhh, nevermind, I found it.
17:27.19GaxmeBut it's private to the item lib. So... I need to figure out a way to pull armory data and parse it through that. The armory parse mode should work, I guess.
17:29.26GaxmeThe armory code is all commented out.
17:29.53GaxmeSooo... Hmmm. I need to grab the HTML tooltip, then force a colorization somehow.
17:30.35GaxmeOr beg for _makeTooltipHTML() to be made to accept a tooltip as an argument, or insert a new function.
17:31.19GaxmeOr I'm missing something.
17:31.31GaxmeSee, there I go thinking out loud again.
17:38.18GaxmeWhy do I keep forgetting this. $roster->data['locale'], or where is that stored?
17:40.16GaxmeThank you. *sigh*]
17:40.42Zanix|Work$roster->data is the scope/anchor data
17:40.54Zanix|Work$roster->config is what is in RosterCP
17:42.44Zanix|WorkI would see how poetter does it in AS
17:43.12Zanix|Workbecause he gets the tooltip data and stores it in the items table
18:02.58Zanix|Workso my company is re-doing our site
18:03.19Zanix|Workand I found a checklist of step to take for this process
18:03.26Zanix|Workand now im stuck on what Im doing
18:09.58GaxmeStuck on your checklist
18:16.59Zanix|Worknaw, found on on the net
18:38.51Zanix|WorkI usually have a problem between a checklist or outline and actually beginning the process
19:32.02*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
20:16.20GaxmeHrm, well, it appears that armorysync still stores in the regular table since it's associated with members.
20:16.39GaxmeIf I don't want to be loading the items every time, I'm probably going to have to make a new table.
20:16.48GaxmeWhich does beg an overall design question.
20:17.36GaxmeI know that info and armorysync both use roster_items. Vault uses its own table, and it seems mine will use its own table.
20:18.42GaxmeFrom what I can tell vault just substitutes guild_id for member_id, and mine is essentially going to be a table that exists independent of member or guild association. (Raw items by locale)
20:19.07GaxmeWould we be better off having one global items database that everything writes to, and having addons (info, vault, etc) just create linking tables that have additional data?
20:19.36GaxmeOtherwise we're potentially swelling three item databases, perhaps more if people write more addons.
20:21.00PleegWatWe're planning to do that for the next version
20:21.16PleegWatBut calvin has been planning the same for some time, so we've been more or less waiting for that. And it wasn't on our 2.0 shortlist
20:21.51GaxmeWell, I'll write this with that in mind.
20:22.02GaxmeGoing to want item expiration caps as well, I'd guess.
20:22.05GaxmeSince items can change.
20:24.15GaxmeCould really be basically the same structure, just adding in last_update and a couple other additional fields.
20:24.41GaxmeAnd adding in a couple code hooks to the item class for fetching and parsing from the armory for updates.
20:24.56GaxmeThinking out loud again. =)
20:25.31GaxmeHmm, can you do me a favor? See if you can hit the US armory?
20:25.34GaxmeSeems to be down for me.
20:26.22GaxmeWhich also means my timeout isn't working. Heh.
20:33.55*** join/#wowroster TisBoyo (
20:34.13*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
21:13.20Zanix|Workyeah, armory is timing out for me as well
21:13.22*** join/#wowroster shaitian (
21:31.05shaitianAnyone here that can answer a support question on Roster 2.0?
21:35.33GaxmeOther than "It's beta"? =)
21:35.36GaxmeCan try.
21:36.14shaitianWell I know that and if found issue then would report it but it is a big one so doudt it and is me
21:36.50PleegWatjust explain the question?
21:36.58shaitianwhen I go in the Addon Manager and say Install any of the addons there the Config_addons table in databse is removed
21:37.10PleegWatthat's weird
21:37.13PleegWatwhat addon, or any?
21:37.39PleegWatCan you copy me the query log, and the php error box (if any)?
21:37.51shaitianguess any but only did the two character and memberlist ones
21:38.18shaitianit appears to install correctly but when reload it errors and says cannot find the table
21:38.30shaitianlooking in the databse I see the table is gone
21:39.28shaitianjust done a frsh install, ie whiped database etc
21:40.02PleegWatI need the query log, to find out what query dropped the table and at what file/line
21:40.52shaitianok will have to do that after doing a fresh install again
21:41.40shaitianso try and install new addon and display the query it producues?
21:41.58PleegWatcopy/paste the entire query log please
21:42.39shaitianok give me a couple of mins
21:47.00GaxmeThink that's part of the rollback?
21:47.41PleegWatI think it's probably a rollback bug
21:47.52PleegWatshaitian, are temp tables on/off?
21:49.03shaitianwhere check that?
21:49.09PleegWatroster config.
21:49.22PleegWatIf you didn't touch it, the default's to use them.
21:49.34PleegWatJust get me the query log. It'll tell me.
21:53.01GaxmeHrm, Pleeg, you remember if you can add a datefiled to the database with default NOW() ?
21:53.17Gaxmeie: `last_update` datetime NOT NULL default 'NOW()',
21:53.36PleegWatdefault NULL, iirc.
21:53.38PleegWatcheck the manual
21:53.47GaxmeWill do.
21:53.48PleegWatit's something like that, and it's possible
21:55.25GaxmeHmm, can't be a constant or an expression, but it works for timestamps.
21:55.39GaxmeSo, timestamp it is!
21:56.25shaitianok this is silly question, where is the Query log stored?
21:56.41PleegWatbottom of the screen
21:57.15shaitianhave box labeled PHP Errors and then one with SQL queries
21:57.23PleegWatthose are the ones
21:57.29PleegWatgive me both in the pastebin
21:57.52shaitianturned on extended so will be lot of stuff
21:57.55shaitianthat is ok?
22:00.34shaitianok done
22:02.03shaitiandid not explain in it what I did but just posted the stuff after I clicked the blue install buttin
22:03.07PleegWatk good
22:04.58shaitianhope it helps, is a strange one and am sure it is me
22:05.21PleegWatcreate pages/test.php
22:05.57PleegWat<?php $roster->db->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `test` (id int);");
22:06.04PleegWatThen go to index.php?p=test
22:06.12PleegWat]and tell me if there's error output
22:06.29PleegWathm, damn. You may need to reinstall first.
22:07.27shaitianok np, give me a min
22:11.25shaitiandatabse error
22:11.34shaitian1044: Access denied for user 'guildill4'@'%' to database 'guildill4'
22:13.08PleegWathm, may be what I'm suspecting anyway
22:13.14PleegWatrest of the page renders properly?
22:13.50PleegWatIt is what i expected then.
22:14.00PleegWatYou're unable to create temp tables
22:14.04PleegWatThere's an option to turn them off
22:14.16PleegWatbut appearantly it fails spectacularly if you leave that one on
22:14.21PleegWatI'll see if i can make a test
22:15.18shaitianso yuo want me to change the temporty table setting to off then?
22:18.57shaitianfail, I set a admin password and got it wrong in both boxes so now no idea what it is
22:22.38shaitianThanks, worked fine this time with tables turned off
22:23.47Zanix|Workyeah, some people do not have TEMPORARY access on databases
22:24.02PleegWatcommitting a fix
22:24.20Zanix|Workand most addons use the same config table for config options, so the addon installer makes a backup table
22:24.56PleegWatIt basically runs the query up there, and if it gets an error it will turn temp tables off
22:26.18PleegWatgoing off for bed. Night.
22:27.26GaxmeNight, Pleeg. I'm off to head home. =)
22:27.45GaxmeBack on later. This grabbing armory thing has me obsessed. Heh
22:28.29shaitianthanks for help and glad I was able to help with an issue
22:30.43Zanix|Workgood night PleegWat

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