IRC log for #wowroster on 20080214

02:44.56*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:45.43*** join/#wowroster poetter (
02:49.53*** join/#wowroster dracula ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:49.57*** join/#wowroster Zeryl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:49.57*** join/#wowroster fewyn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:49.57*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by
02:51.17*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:20.24*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
07:20.24*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
07:33.15*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=Miranda@
11:59.08*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:59.08*** topic/#wowroster is UPDATE: Check for updates | Roster 2.0 beta1 Released! | This room is for the support of only [R-v1.7.3, UU-v2.6.7, jUU-v0.9.15, UA-v0.7.9] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7 | Troubles registering/viewing our site? Check here->
12:11.51*** join/#wowroster Theophilius (
12:12.02TheophiliusHi all
12:47.42*** join/#wowroster fewyn[sleep] (
14:33.45*** join/#wowroster Nefuh (
15:15.04*** join/#wowroster Nefuh|away (
16:21.08*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
16:21.08*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|Work] by ChanServ
19:10.00*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
20:54.36*** join/#wowroster Gaxme (n=chatzill@
20:55.07GaxmeRandom question of the moment: Do I need to free the result of a insert query?
20:55.16Zanix|Workno, only select
20:55.26Zanix|Workotherwise you get a sql error
20:55.40Zanix|Workthere are other instances where you hsould free it
20:55.45GaxmeThat explains where those were coming from. =)
20:55.46Zanix|Workbut I cant recall at the moment
20:58.39PleegWattry a var_dump of the result of an insert
20:58.49PleegWatIt doesn't return mysql_result - just boolean
20:59.22GaxmeSomething I'm doing is breaking the footer, I need to figure out what that is as well.
21:00.34GaxmeUnless... The footer is supposed to show up on the update page after sending data, correct? Nevermind, dumb question.
21:00.40GaxmeIt shows sql queries and such usually.
21:00.53GaxmeI have somehow busted it. Heh.
21:01.15PleegWatAre you doing something fatal? Check your error log
21:04.43GaxmeYep, memory exhaustion.
21:05.27GaxmeThe script itself is pulling 32meg.
21:05.31GaxmeI have my limit set to 50.
21:05.45GaxmeThat's a lot of processing memory for a 3.1 meg lua file.
21:05.56GaxmeOf course, it's also processing everything it can.
21:06.11GaxmeI need to add in a flag for per-loot attendance and per-boss attendance.
21:06.35PleegWatThere's a factor 5 expansion just from php array overhead
21:07.31PleegWatFor memory usage, best chance is probably inserting stuff into DB right away then do the rest in sql
21:09.14GaxmeHmm. I've never tried that. You mean actually taking all the data from the lua and dumping it to a temporary table first?
21:09.21GaxmeThen collating it out from there?
21:09.40GaxmeHard for me to believe that SQL overhead is less than php. Heh.
21:09.50PleegWatsql overhead doesn't count to php memory
21:09.57PleegWatand sql's better at structured bulk data
21:10.41GaxmeHmm. Can you point me in the direction of an example of that method?
21:11.02PleegWatnot really. I do keys processing in DB, but that's something else entirely.
21:11.07GaxmeRight now it takes the LUA file and splits the parsing sections into separate functions.
21:11.24GaxmeSome of them are more intensive than others.
21:11.48PleegWatAre you cleaning up redundant php-side memory sufficiently?
21:11.52GaxmeItems, specifically, since it iterates through the items, then calls out per item to 1) record the item, 2) record the members who were there when it dropped
21:12.05GaxmeProbably not.
21:12.22GaxmeI don't think I'm a supercoder by any stretch of imagination.
21:12.26PleegWatNot writing to pass-by-value function parameter structs?
21:13.29GaxmeHell, I completely forgot about that.
21:17.03GaxmeLet's see what that does.
21:18.19PleegWatIf you're only using local temp variables for the full duration of a function, you should be fine.
21:18.42PleegWatBut if you're stuffing in a lot of data, and you're not using it for the full duration of the function, or it's not local, unset it when you don't use it anymore.
21:18.45PleegWatSame goes for subarrays.
21:19.27GaxmeSo things like foreach loops with variables should be unset at the end.
21:19.57Gaxmeforeach( $array_values as $name ) { } make sure and unset($name); ?
21:20.21GaxmeCan you set by reference also?
21:20.33PleegWatOr use foreach( $array_values as &$name ) {}
21:20.40Gaxmeeg: I've got a global variable set at the top.
21:21.07GaxmeCan you do &$this->variable = value; ?
21:21.17GaxmeOr does that matter?
21:24.17GaxmeFatal error: Cannot create references to elements of a temporary array expression
21:24.43GaxmeThat's using foreach( $array_values as &$name ) {}
21:25.48*** join/#wowroster PleegWat_ (
21:25.48*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat_] by ChanServ
21:29.45Zanix|Workwhich php version do you have
21:38.08Gaxme5.1.6 currently
21:59.27GaxmeGotta run, some prep to do to keep myself in wifely good graces.

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