IRC log for #wowroster on 20080120

00:25.44CayleighQuestion:  I have roster 2.0.. on the character > spellbook page, the spellbook tabs are positioned inside the spellbook frame.  How would I go about fixing this?
00:28.04Zanixreally, can you post a link
00:28.20Cayleighyes, just a second
00:29.17Cayleighit's a bit.. odd lol
00:29.37Zeryl|AFKwhat browser
00:29.49Zeryl|AFKit looks fine to me in firefox 2.X on linux
00:30.07Cayleighie.. not sure version, can check
00:32.04Zeryl|AFKwe develop for IE6/7 and FF, so it SHOULD be working, any elements being blocked on the page or something? Seems odd for sure
00:32.33Zanixits not
00:32.38Zanixjust checked in IE7
00:32.44ZanixI know exactly why its not working
00:32.45Zeryl|AFKoh, well, ok
00:32.50Zeryl|AFKforgive me
00:32.51Cayleighyeah i have IE 7.0.5730.11... lol
00:33.03Zeryl|AFKi'm new *ermm, not really, but ya, just got back after 4 months being gone)
00:33.07ZanixI changed these tabs a bit ago
00:33.20Zanixguess i didnt check for IE7
00:33.34Zanixeasy to fix though
00:33.35Zeryl|AFKgood job zanix!!! ;P
00:33.42Zanixjust gotta revert back to the old way
00:33.58Cayleighheh ok, i'm lost already
00:35.20Zanixits easy, but it is alot of code
00:35.25Zanixand changes to 3 files  :9
00:35.29Zanix...or 2
00:35.32Zanixi cant remember
00:35.46Cayleighi swore the last time i asked a question that i wouldn't ask anymore.. then decided to try out 2.0.. sigh.. i'm an addict already
00:36.08Zeryllol, wy not ask questions, how you learn, and bring bugs to our attention
00:36.29Cayleighwell, i thought i was finished setting it up.. and i was.  but that was 1.7.3
00:36.36Zerylahhh, ok
00:46.26Cayleighwell, while he's looking that up.. at least i think he is.. lol.. i have another question.. addons.. How do I install them with 2.0?  After uploading the files, I went to Addon Manger in Roster CP, but I get an error "The install definition file for Key_BC did not contain a correct installation class" .. I also tried ArmorySync but got the same error so obviously I'm doing something wrong.
00:47.10Zanixthe installer system changed a bit
00:47.17Zanixand some addons were not updated
00:47.22Zanixits a really simple change though
00:47.33Zanixopen addons/addonname/lib/install.def.php
00:47.40Zanixfind class addonname
00:47.49Zanixchange it to
00:47.57Zanixclass addonnameInstall
00:48.38Cayleighok, ty.. that sounds simple enough
00:49.07Zanixit was changed so addons can use their own name for a class
00:49.16Cayleighah i see
00:49.45Zanixbecause the install class is initialized when viewing an addon
01:05.23Cayleighyay i did it lol
01:25.38*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Again (n=Zanix@
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02:49.46tuaguildok so how goes 2.0 neway any idea on a final release
02:53.05tuaguildwhat is the latest release of 2.0 neway the only one i can download from the mirrors is 1555
02:56.44luci^WoWthe is the latest public version
02:57.03luci^WoW* this :)
02:57.15*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Again (n=Zanix@
02:57.19tuaguildahhh ok i must have set it up wrong or something cause i couldnt get it to work right
02:58.02tuaguildit wouldnt let me enter my guild information or anything just basic config settings
02:58.03luci^WoWi jused it on a german guild :
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02:58.55tuaguildi am using 1.7.3 on mine i want to use 2.0 though check out my site at
02:59.51*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
03:00.48NefuhNice site
03:02.12tuaguildthanks i worked hard on it i just wish i could get 2.0 on it cause i think that would be sweet when i set up 2.0 it would only let me change config settings it wouldnt let me into the menu to update the guild information
03:03.04Zanixhave a link?
03:03.37tuaguildnot at the moment i gotta reinstall 2.0 on my webserver let me do that and i will get back to you
03:03.53Zanixjust want to see the error, or lack of error
03:04.31tuaguildlol hey it could have been something simple that i did let me set it up again and make sure i didnt skip any steps
03:05.26Zanixinstall roster - configure main settings - add guild info to update rules - upload CP.lua
03:07.16Zanixbut you are right, could be some small simple stupid thing
03:08.41Zanixgotta go, brb
03:43.48tuaguildwell i set it up and configured main settings and it wont let me to the guild information page
03:51.46NefuhHave you installed the addons? In Roster 2.0 you must install it in the configuration panel
03:52.25tuaguildahhhh ok let me do that
03:53.31tuaguildsee i knew it was something stupid and small i missed
03:55.05*** join/#wowroster Genimaster (
03:56.03Genimasteranybody here now?
03:56.33Zanixhere, there
03:56.35Zanixeither or
03:56.59Genimasterjust checking before i write my q again
03:57.31Zanixyeah, sometimes people are asleep here
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> i seem to have problems with setting up my guild info on it.
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> message here
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> Processing Files
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> Guild Dansk Plys Legion @ EU-Ravencrest not accepted
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> i have tried to google this but cant really find anything on it that have helped yet
03:57.44Zanix<Genimaster> also the realm status is not working and your web has been down for some time now, so cant check it there
03:57.45Genimastercan u maybe tell me the problem i have when my newly set up roster dont see my guild
03:57.58Genimasteryes :) that one
03:58.05Zanixwe do pay attention
03:58.10Zanix...most times
03:58.29Zanix..ok, some of the time
03:58.29Zanixanyway, what version of roster do yo have?
03:58.29tuaguildlol i just had the same prob make sure you install the addons
03:58.37tuaguildif you are using 2.0
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03:59.15Genimaster2 i think... the one i can get from the site u refer to right now
03:59.18Zanixwell, a few things I would check
03:59.20tuaguildhow do you sort the alts?
03:59.36Zanixlook at the bottom of the roster page, or even give us a link
03:59.54GenimasterWoWRoster v1.9.9.1555
04:00.20Zanixthats 2.0
04:00.40Zanixok, make sure you have your guild/realm/region entered in the upload rules
04:00.42Zanixin rostercp
04:00.46Genimasterye.. thats the one i download and set up
04:01.13*** join/#wowroster Tupsi4006 (
04:01.16Genimastername = guild?
04:01.26tuaguildyeah i forgot that too and after that to have your members list show on the main page make sure you install the addons
04:01.28Genimasterlol i thought it was the chars
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04:01.42Zanixthere are two section in there
04:01.58Zanixa guild section and a character section, look on the left side
04:03.00tuaguildhey zanix how do you do the whole alt sort thing
04:03.09Zanixvery carefully
04:03.14Genimasteroh ye... saw that but didnt figur it out what it was for to just but in my char names
04:03.32Zanixyou can enter char names so you can allow specific characters
04:04.07tuaguildahhh so i can manually through the roster set up which alts go where
04:04.40Zanixyeah, there are two spot
04:04.47Genimaster:) damm ur good.. looks like working now
04:05.00ZanixIm just the admin of, thats all
04:05.06tuaguildlol he should be he is one of the ones who coded it lol
04:05.52tuaguildi hate filezilla
04:06.13Zanixlets see, alts
04:06.15tuaguildit is so slow but that could be because of my dsl connection lol i cant wait to get cable
04:06.20Genimaster:) so do u know how that wow uniuploader works maybe?
04:06.23Zanixthere is one setting in RosterCP -> Main Settings
04:06.34Zanixunder defaults i think
04:07.00Zanixthis one, only the menu uses it
04:07.04Zanixand its really simple
04:07.09Zanixas for the members list
04:07.23Zanixits under rostercp -> memberslist
04:08.09Zanixand its a reg_ex string
04:08.17Zanixa little more complicated
04:08.22tuaguildyeah memberslist do i need to put the alt info in the public note on wow and if so would i type alt (toonname) or somethng
04:08.25Zanixthe default looks in the players note
04:08.31Genimasterhmm... i think i forgot something again ...
04:08.31Zanixfor this
04:08.39ZanixALT of Mainname
04:08.46Zanixat least I think so anyway
04:08.49tuaguildok thats what i needed to know lol
04:09.24Zanixlooks ok to me
04:09.38Zanixfound the default page I see
04:09.38tuaguildgod that image pack for 2.0 takes a long time to upload
04:09.42Zanixdefault page setting
04:09.47Zanixyeah it does
04:09.52Zanixover 3000 images
04:09.59GenimasterSQL Queries and what about that in the buttom?
04:10.17Zanixthats debug info, its forced on during the beta
04:10.34Genimasterso it should be there or not?
04:10.38Zanixit should be there
04:10.46tuaguildthe off switch doesnt work for SQL queries?
04:12.05Zanixnot in the beta
04:12.24tuaguildhummmmmm i wish i could turn that off
04:12.25Genimasterso now i just need to put in the image pack
04:12.26Zanixit will starting with the release candidate
04:12.47Zanixit will be defaulted on in the RC, but you will be able to turn it off
04:13.17tuaguildany idea on how long before that is released
04:13.57Zanixshould be soon
04:14.06Zanixwe are concentrating on the site atm
04:14.19Zanixand we have a few small things to polish up
04:14.20tuaguildcool if you guys need any help (with my limited knowledge of php coding) let me know
04:14.26tuaguildcool cool
04:14.38Zanixhonestly, helping others is great help
04:14.44tuaguildi should expect the site up sometime next week
04:15.09Genimasterimage pack goes into img folder right?
04:15.21Genimasterunzipped ofc
04:15.44tuaguildyeah take the folders and put them in the interface folder in your img folder
04:16.21Zanixour server should be up any hour now
04:16.26Genimasterso \img\interface right?
04:16.42Zanixdinner time
04:17.03Genimasternice :) misses the forums
04:17.32Genimasterthx for help.
04:19.28GenimasterTuaguild do you maybe know a little about the uniuploader?
04:19.51tuaguilda little but i dont use it
04:20.02Genimasteris it not good?
04:20.20Genimasterdont want to use it if its no use
04:20.25tuaguildno i just dont like using it i would rather just use the site it is a personal preferance
04:20.49tuaguildit is good i just dont like alot of stuff running on my computer all the time lol
04:21.16Genimaster:D i know that felling
04:22.19Genimasterthe config section with the URL:(interface file on the web) is where the roster in put in right?
04:22.51Genimasterits showing this one as ex.
04:23.11tuaguildi think you do the roster yeah
04:23.36Genimasterthx :)  ill try
04:34.12Genimasterserver status is not working... any help on that?
04:35.15tuaguildmine is it could be your firewall are you hosting yourself or who is your hosting company
04:35.24Genimasteri maybe think its because of the server page on wow-europe, because i have an php server info for my fusion site that also is not working right
04:36.41Genimasterthe one on the fusion site have been working before just after the last 2.3? patch where they had realm status page problem it stopped :(
04:36.41tuaguildhummmm i love us wow but if you used our servers you would lag like no other
04:37.04tuaguildhummm idk
04:37.14tuaguildthey may be changin the xml feed
04:38.28Genimasterye... thinking also about that... because on the status page on europe it shown up most of the time :)
04:44.46tuaguildi use joomla cms so idk it had a module for realm status
04:45.29tuaguildunfortunatly the site to get the good wow modules for joomla you cant register for it cause you never get your activation email
04:46.59Genimasternice themes
04:47.33tuaguildyeah but you cant download anything off the site if you dont register and i registered like a week ago and still havent gotten a activation email
04:49.00Genimastercan see it also costs something.. fusion is free themes
04:49.09Genimasterwell most of them
04:56.49tuaguildoh those are just the themes that cost money the modules are free
04:57.02tuaguildalot of the themes for joomla are free
04:59.31Genimastersee i have this site... its in danish so u probely dont understand whats written but its the layout ill show u and the section is actually a thing u can disable or but others in... real nice
05:00.15Genimasterwahts ur site like?
05:02.27Genimasteri like the recrute and clock on ur site :) i have something close to that but the recrute is disabled until i get an extended php joon mail set up
05:03.13tuaguildyeah i have am application based through my forums that posts the output into a specific forum for the guild to review
05:04.43Genimasternice.. didnt know it worked but looked like the standart set up was for that also in my recrute
05:05.54tuaguildyeah i even got a theme for vbulletin that makes it look like the world of warcraft forums
05:06.30Genimaster:) i just use the forum with the fusion package
05:07.06tuaguildi just like having the nice wow theme lol
05:07.07Genimasterbut im trying to make some grafics and others for my site to it look more wow u know
05:07.48Genimasterbut then again... its fast loaded the site i have now... no real hard grafics to load
05:10.10Genimasteris ur wow server eu or us?
05:13.05Genimasterjust tinking realm status again :)
05:15.02Genimasterdamm.. im tiered ... 06:13 am here right now and havent been to bed yet... but i think its about time now X-S
05:17.42Genimasteris the application u have on the site one that can be download from somewhere or it is urself that have made it?
05:19.35tuaguildwell it requires vBulletin 3.6.8
05:20.01Genimasterto its an mod for that?
05:21.28Genimasterill better go to sleep now.. thx again for help all.. sleep well when u get to it :)
05:21.32tuaguildbut i am sure there is an application form for php fusion
05:21.37tuaguildyour welcome i will
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07:10.41tuaguildhey is anyone on
07:11.25Zanixi kinda will be, buit not for long
07:11.50tuaguildhow do you change the install def file for addons in 2.0
07:12.02tuaguildarmorysync isnt able to install
07:13.57tuaguildThe install definition file for armorysync did not contain a correct  installation class
07:20.52Zanixopen addons/armorysync/lib/install.def.php
07:20.57Zanixin a text editor
07:21.05Zanixclass armorysync
07:21.13Zanixadd Install on the name
07:21.16Zanixclass armorysyncInstall
07:45.14tuaguildahh ok
07:48.18tuaguildanyone know how to get rid of the menu in roster 2.0
08:07.59Zanixits not as easy in 2.0, the menu is now a class and if you clear the file, roster errors
08:09.10Zanixactually, its easier
08:09.21Zanixline 168
08:09.29Zanixto line 172
08:09.32Zanixcomment that out
08:09.43Zanixif( $roster->output['show_menu'] )
08:09.43Zanix$roster_menu = new RosterMenu;
08:15.28tuaguildahh ok cool
08:21.16tuaguildis the database install in siggen for 2.0 bugged
08:34.55tuaguildi guess it is cause every time i go to install it says there is an error in my sql syntax please check the manual
08:55.31Zanixshouldnt be, i fixed that some time ago
08:55.36Zanixmake sure you have
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14:22.11Xcantioncan someone help me with a simplexml parser?
14:22.31Xcantioni cant parse xml files with fopen
14:45.49tuaguildhummm i have no idea i havent delt with a xml parser
14:55.04Xcantionthx for the respons
14:58.17tuaguildyour welcome
15:00.15tuaguildany idea when the site is going to be back up
15:06.22*** join/#wowroster Doritas66 (
15:26.20tuaguildanyone have a copy of siggen
15:38.30fewynDid you check the mirrors on the temporary page?
15:39.12tuaguildyeah it has but that version is bugged zanix told me to use the new version
15:39.33*** join/#wowroster Nefuh (
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15:49.15tuaguildwelcome back
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18:24.00juliezI was told I didnt have the latest beta version and that might be the cause of a problem with my roster. However, the only beta version that is available for download is WoWRoster v1.9.9.1555 which is the one I have. Is there another download I missing?
18:24.33juliezI downloaded which is the same set of files I already have
18:28.22juliezanyone know?
18:28.32NefuhThe latest official Version that i know is v1.9.9.1555
18:29.14juliezhmm, I wonder why the dev told me there was another version that I was missing
18:30.29NefuhOn the SVN there could be a new version, but is the latest that you could downloaded before the site going down for maintance
18:31.02juliezahh, maybe I just need to wait for it to come back up to look
18:32.20NefuhOr you descripe your problem and maybe someone in this channel have an idea to help you
18:51.39juliezMain/Alt Relations is setup to use the officer note in the config. However its just using the public note and therefore not properly grouping alts with their mains. I have re-uploaded a dozen times and rechecked the config and all seems to be working fine. No matter what though it just doesnt want to group them properly.
18:57.03NefuhHmm.. do you really updatet the config for the right guild? You could enter a Regex foreach Guild that is in Roster
18:58.06NefuhI have made the same mistake, i edited the Regex and wonder if the relations would not be updatet, then i saw that i edited the config for the wrong guild
18:58.29julieztheres only one guild and yea, the log updates just doesnt group them correctly
19:00.58NefuhWhat is the RegEx that you used?
19:03.03juliezthe default one - /ALT-([\w]+)/i
19:03.07juliezI didnt even change it
19:07.05NefuhCan you change the password and query me the new, so i can take look in the config?
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19:14.17juliezone sec
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20:04.32*** join/#wowroster Tuigii (
20:04.56TuigiiHi all
20:05.48TuigiiReally missing my favorite 'forum' ;-)
20:08.14Zanixme too Tuigii
20:11.11TuigiiThe good news is : I had enough time to rewrite 2 'old' 17.3 addonsfor 1.9.9....  Have to say that the AddonSDK rocks, really helped me out.... great stuff
20:13.01Zanixits still far from complete though
20:14.10TuigiiMaybe, but looking at the exiting 'official' addons does the job quit well
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20:23.42Zanixgonna go for a bit
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21:11.40kamlanautAnyone know when the website will be back up? i'm having some issues with wowroster heh
21:12.37NefuhWhat issues may i could help?
21:14.14kamlanautok i'm testing it locally to see if its gonna fit the needs of my guild
21:14.29kamlanautso i've got a WAMP server running, it installed just fine, but its the configuration thats getting me
21:15.32kamlanauti click the guild information link and all i see in my statusbar for link information is localhost/wowroster/index.php?p=roster-cp-upload# and it doesn't do anything
21:16.02kamlanautso i go to data manager and it says Could not find guild: '' for server ''
21:16.02kamlanautYou need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration
21:16.03kamlanautClick here for installation instructions
21:16.22NefuhLooks like you use 2.0 have you installed the addons in the configuration panel?
21:16.38kamlanauti'll check
21:16.49kamlanautno -.-
21:17.05Nefuhinstalled it and try again
21:18.34kamlanautok i already did the characterprofile.lua thing, doing it again just says character and guild not accepted
21:19.02Nefuhhave you inserted your guild information in the upload rules? Guildname, Realm, Region?
21:19.30kamlanautno ill do that really quick
21:19.56kamlanautregion would be US since i'm on a US server right?
21:20.57kamlanautwell good god... if i'd have just poked around a little more.. lol it works, thanks :)
21:21.07Nefuhno problem
21:21.26kamlanautglad this is still up or i'd probably have given up by now :P. Thank you :)
21:22.24kamlanautone more tard question, where do i install the interface image pack
21:22.32kamlanautinto the rosterdir/img directory?
21:23.17kamlanautcool thanks
21:23.34kamlanautI like it!
21:24.08kamlanautnow, i can configure all the fields i want shown correct?
21:25.08kamlanautok groovy. I'll be glad when the website is back up, so i can get the other addons for WoW roster
21:25.30Nefuh|Germanyyou can download some on our german mirror site
21:25.46kamlanautawesome! thanks
21:26.25Nefuh|GermanyAnd on is a page with other mirror sites, where you can take a look
21:28.20kamlanautis there another wow addon to parse the items in the guildvault ?
21:29.23Nefuh|GermanyI know there was an addon coded by Ulminia before Zanix integrated his guildvault addon
21:29.43kamlanautwhat addon is it integrated into? the guildprofiler?
21:30.17Nefuh|Germanyah in wow the guildprofiler captures the data for guildvault
21:30.29kamlanautoh! so i probably just need to go to the vault so it can get the information
21:31.26Nefuh|Germanyyeah i but sometimes there would be problem to get all info´s.
21:32.23Nefuh|GermanySome users reportet that sometimes no data would be saved, or not all data.
21:32.53kamlanautthats no good
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21:38.29Zanixulminia modified the guild bank addon in his version
21:38.46ZanixI coded the guildvault addon from scratch
21:39.14Zanixthe addon must be installed and enabled to gather vault data
21:39.41Zanixand the data is in guildprofiler, so when you upload CP.lua, you must enter the upload password
21:52.08kamlanautgotcha ;)
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22:09.18kamlanautZanix, did you do the armorysync thing?
22:12.41kamlanautIt says "The install definition file for armorysync did not contain a correct installation class"?
22:13.08Zanixopen addons/armorysync/lib/install.def.php in a text editor
22:13.12Zanixclass armorysync
22:13.15ZanixChagne to
22:13.44kamlanauti don't have a lib directory inside armorysync
22:14.51kamlanautajax, char, guild, images, inc, js, locale, realm, templates, add.php, announce.txt, changelog.txt, style.css, todo.txt
22:17.05kamlanautahh nvm its in the inc directory, fixed it
22:17.38kamlanautAll of you folks who created the WoWroster.. did a really nice job. i really like this ;)
22:21.03Zanixor inc
22:21.07Zanixone of those
22:21.46kamlanauti tried forever to make a roster that would sync with the armory, finally gave up, heard about this and its everything i want and more that i didn't think of
22:22.31*** join/#wowroster gator81 (
22:23.55gator81has there been any more talk as to when the web sight will be back up?
22:26.01Zanixstill waiting on the provider
22:26.33Zanixthe last email I got was saying that they couldnt install FC8
22:26.44Zanixsince they dont have it available
22:26.49Zanixin their data center
22:26.57Zanixso they had to put FC7 on it
22:28.16gator81if it looks like it will be to much longer let me know, and I can talk to my isp to see if I can use the space I have to help untill you can get going again.. You would have controll but at least it is something to think about
22:32.14gator81i am sure others have offered too, and may be better then what I can offer, but I just wanted to make the offer :)
22:32.17Zanixit should be up any time
22:32.33Zanixsince its the weekend, they probably dont have as much staff as on the weekdays
22:32.46gator81ok, i thank you alot, I am just have wowroster withdraws :)
22:32.48Zanixwe ordered the new server thursday
22:32.53Zanixme too
22:32.58Zanixdont feel bad
22:33.14Zanixthis wait will be worth it
22:33.21gator81I am still trying to get the VooDoo done and cant do it untill its back up hehe
22:34.15*** join/#wowroster fewyn (
22:35.50gator81this is a post i found on the .httaccess but its old :( and the info done seem to work with the beta
22:37.45Zanixoh wow
22:37.49Zanixmy old docs
22:38.03gator81yup, I have been trying to find my answer :)
22:38.06fewynVista really sucks
22:38.16kamlanautits not that bad :P
22:38.40fewynWhen my system locks up 5-10m into starting wow it is very bad
22:40.14kamlanautdid it come with vista?
22:40.41gator81is it the 64bit ver?
22:40.49Zanixi think this might work
22:40.49ZanixRewriteRule ^(signature|avatar)/(.*).png$ index.php?p=util-siggen-$1&member=$2
22:41.06*** part/#wowroster kamlanaut (
22:41.11gator81i will try and get back to you
22:41.16Zanixcall with /roster/signature/Name@RC-Realm
22:41.38ZanixI dont know where to put this line in httaccess
22:42.01fewynno kamlanaut and gator81
22:42.18fewynve run vista in the past with the same hardware
22:42.21fewynand never had this issue
22:42.26fewynmust be one of the new updates
22:50.23gator81Zanix I tried that and it didnt seem to work for me, so here is some more info if it would pathing may be different, if i use this in a web browser the signature works, but if i use that same path for my forums sig it will not, so i figured from past post that the rewrite would work. If you notice the path is /modules/
22:54.38Zanixdid you put this line in roster's .httacess ?
22:55.08gator81i put it in the root of the sites .httaccess
22:55.38gator81or is it suppost to be in the root of the roster?
23:02.46gator81i will put it there and try again
23:02.48Zanixif it was in the root of the site, it would need the paths
23:03.14ZanixRewriteRule ^modules/wowroster/(signature|avatar)/(.*).png$ ./modules/wowroster/index.php?p=util-siggen-$1&member=$2
23:03.17ZanixI think
23:03.52gator81i will put it in roster first and see what happens, if not then I will try to put the path and see what that does and let you know
23:06.59ZanixI need update my docs on siggen
23:07.25gator81well if i try this i get an error
23:11.15gator81if i change it to the last one you said for the pathing and still keep in in wowroster root i get the same error, going to move it to the root of the site and see
23:12.04Zanixill have to mess around with this on my server, when I get it back up
23:14.28gator81ok, thank you for helping, I will keep trying different things to see if i stumble on anything.
23:14.39gator81Look forward to the site getting back up :)
23:17.59Zanixso do I
23:18.15Zanixive been so stressed out about it
23:27.32gator81i understand

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