IRC log for #wowroster on 20080108

00:39.22*** join/#wowroster zaiD (
01:24.32*** join/#wowroster Blazk (
01:24.38Blazkhey anyone around atm ?
02:57.11*** join/#wowroster Blazk (
02:59.33Blazkanyone about help me out for a sec ?
03:07.27*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
03:08.36Blazkin 2.0 beta how do i get rid of the top writing and the mysql query window ?
03:11.00BoyoRead the thread in that link, and you can't get rid of the mysql. It's forced on in beta
03:21.11*** join/#wowroster Frosten (
03:21.46FrostenI'm having a problem installing WoWroster
03:22.16FrostenAnyone here?
03:24.27BoyoWhat's your problem?
03:25.05FrostenIt installed ok but when I try and run config I get 1044: Access denied
03:25.47BoyoA link to your install
03:27.18BoyoTry to delete your conf.php and run the installer again
03:27.32BoyoSeems like something got fubar'd in your sql settings, or mysql isn't running
03:28.02FrostenDid that....same thing it connects when it installs then it goes bonkers....maybe I should delete the database and re-install
03:28.02Blazkboyo i read the thread...i couldnt see anything how to turn it off//
03:28.05BoyoMake sure your using the right password too, I believe it is case sensitive
03:28.15BoyoYeah, you can try that..
03:28.20Frostenok let me try
03:29.44BoyoIs the thread your looking at Blazk?
03:31.36BoyoIt's in there.. read the whole thing
03:32.29Blazk:\ funny i thoughti  had
03:32.39FrostenNope same thing deleted database created a new user, it connects when I do the install but then same error when I try and go to config
03:32.39Blazkis it under a spacific section  ?
03:33.39Frostensettings.php: line[132]
03:34.18BoyoIt's at the end Blazk.
03:34.34BoyoHrm... did you get the roster from the SVN or from the forum?
03:35.15FrostenNot sure which one I downloaded think from the download section
03:35.51BoyoWhat version is it?
03:36.03Frostenhow do I check that?
03:36.08Frostenhold on
03:37.21Blazki seriously cant see it anywhere in there...
03:37.22BoyoAhh.. that explains alot of what I was doing wrong..
03:37.50BoyoI would have to download 1.7.3 and install it to see if i can figure it out..
03:38.54Blazkupload roster, create data base with a user and pass assigned to it, got to
03:39.38Blazkhave dbname, dbuser, dbpass filled in leave localhost
03:40.16Boyogimme 2 mins to dl it and install it
03:40.52BlazkBoyo i cant see it in that it 5 times
03:43.00BoyoAwesome beta testing notice huh? If you have any questions or suggestions about this agreement, please contact us by posting a new thread in this beta forum.
03:43.00BoyoRemove the notice in the beta software by deleting
03:43.00BoyoI know, easy-to-search-for words are used, if this is a problem, please suggest a better way to get people to read this
03:44.16Blazk...i read that and didnt even notice...sigh thanks mate
03:44.49BoyoHeh.. np
03:44.54FrostenBoyo I have a program that will allow you to come in and take control of my machine while I watch if you want to do that?
03:45.15BoyoAre you running it on linux for windows?
03:45.31Boyolinux OR windows, lol
03:45.36FrostenNo I can set up a gotomeeting by citrix
03:45.55Frostenyou come in through a web browser
03:46.38Blazk2nd question is how to i get rid of sql query window bottom of the screen as the configh on/off doesnt do it ??
03:47.56Boyobleh, i'm so use to 2.0 lol
03:48.02BoyoYou can't get rid of the sql
03:48.54Boyogimme just a min to skim the settings.php
03:49.01Boyowhat server are you using?
03:50.30Blazkdamm that suck.
03:50.50Blazk1.7 u could just click off
03:51.01BoyoThat's because 1.7 was production, 2.0 is still in beta
03:51.07Boyohence the troubleshooting info
03:52.31BoyoWhat web server are you using Frosten?
03:53.19FrostenOh sorry found phpmyadmin and was playing with that...
03:53.30FrostenSeems it never loaded any tables
03:53.54FrostenServer version is 4.1.22 standard
03:54.00Boyoiis or apache?
03:54.49BoyoOk, check your permissions in phpmyadmin for theoutca_Gadmin and make sure it has access to the table 'Guild'
03:55.02Boyodo full access and see what you get, you can tighten it up later if you need..
03:55.41FrostenWhen I look at the database for Roster it says "No tables found in database" Is this correct before I go into config?
03:56.11BoyoDoesn't sound right..
03:56.20Boyosounds like the query isn't getting executed on install
03:56.33FrostenYeah sounds like it
03:57.51Boyofrom the archive find roster\install\db\mysql_structure.sql and mysql_data.sql and run them manually in phpmyadmin adn see hwat you get
03:58.16Frostenok hold on let me try that
03:58.26Boyobut i'm still thinking it's a problem with the permission for theoutca_Gadmin
03:58.40BoyoYou can also try deleting the user and table and remake them in all lowercase
04:05.45FrostenNope just tried that didn't work gives same error
04:06.36FrostenOn the MySQL Account Maintenance page it says that user has ALL PRIVILEGES
04:06.55Boyook, what's the link for remote
04:07.07FrostenOk let me set it up real quick
04:07.12Boyoor at least mysql
04:07.15Boyoer, phpmyadmin anyway
04:07.40Frostengo to and click join a meeting
04:09.02Boyomeeting id
04:10.29FrostenSorry this chat window went wild
04:10.45FrostenYou got control
04:31.05FrostenWhere is the download for it?
04:31.17BoyoIn the beta forum,
04:33.15FrostenAhhh I don't think I have access to the Beta forums
04:33.59Boyoyou should..
04:36.19BoyoCan you access that post?
04:36.31FrostenNope it said could not find it
04:36.53FrostenAhhh wait it musta timed me out got it
04:37.01Boyooh, ok,
04:37.37FrostenDo I need anything else other then the zip?
04:38.29BoyoYeah, you'll need the image pack
04:39.56FrostenIs it progressive or do I need all 3?
04:40.16Frostenlooks like I need all 3
04:41.08Boyoyeah, looks like all 3, make sure you do em in order, because i believe some of the files get replaced
04:41.36Frostenjust copy these over the 1.7.3 ver?
04:42.00BoyoI would create a whole new dir, or just rename roster to roster_old or something
04:42.06Boyoand recreate roster
04:42.23Frostendelete old db?
04:42.37Frostenah nm
04:42.44Frostenrename the db
04:42.51Boyonah, just create a new table for it
04:42.55Boyobut you can use the same user
04:43.00Boyojust make sure the permissions are set
04:43.21Boyokeep in mind thought that 2.0 is still in beta so it shows the debugging info, but i run a live site with it, it's not a big deal
04:43.47Frostenwhat server you on
04:44.20BoyoUmm.. I *was* on blackwater raiders
04:44.26BoyoHaven't played in like 3 months, lol
04:44.41Frostenlol Cenarius
04:45.02Frostengot 6 lvl 70 toons
04:45.24BoyoI never made it to 70, had a 66 and a 63 and just kinda got tired of it
04:45.40FrostenI found an easy way to get to 70 takes about 30 days or less for me
04:45.51Boyoto many children in the guild i was in and the GL, who is a good friends wife, did not know how to run a guild
04:47.25FrostenWe just started a new one, the GL in the old one got on a power trip and demoted everyone so a close friend and I from the old guild stated a new one and 3/4 of the people followed us
04:48.15BoyoHeh, that's normally how it works, the final thing that did it for me was when the banks came out, the GL wouldn't give anyone but her access to get stuff out and I didn't want any part of that
04:48.21Frostenlowest age in our guild is 23
04:49.21FrostenWe have the GL, 10 "High Councils" and all of us have rights to bank except the gold that was a decision we made the GM is the only one that can take gold out
04:50.37FrostenOk the second imagepack doesn't have folders which folder do the images go in?
04:51.00BoyoOh crap, i remember that... ummm.....
04:51.19Boyoi think it goes in rosterdir/img/Icons
04:53.42Boyocheck out the addons folder after you get it up and running..
04:53.49Boyoer, addons forum even
04:53.58Boyoi really cannot think, lol...
04:55.06Frostenlol getting ready to run install in 2 mins
04:56.29Boyodid you upload the files already?
04:57.17Frostennot yet
04:57.29Frostenrenaming mysql database first
05:01.42FrostenDoes 2.0 take up more disk space?
05:01.50BoyoNot really
05:01.53FrostenSeems like it's taking forever to upload
05:01.54Boyotheir both pretty small
05:04.25FrostenWhats your website let me check it out while I wait for this upload to finish
05:15.34Boyosorry, was checking out something
05:15.54Frostennp still waiting on this damn upload
05:17.12Boyoroster probably wont let you in though,
05:20.16FrostenYeah but nice to check it out...can't wait looks like sweet software
05:20.41FrostenIs there a way to remove the sql queries window from the bottom of the page?
05:22.20Frostennm scrolled up and saw you can't
05:22.35Boyoyou can, but not supposed to
05:24.36FrostenThe site I saw when I was registering mine was they did a hell of a job with theirs
05:30.02FrostenOk here
05:32.13BoyoOuch, you need to change the file permissions
05:32.18Boyochange the folder to 777
05:32.22Boyoerm, 775
05:32.29Boyoif you get an error with 775 do 755
05:34.30FrostenI got a 777 error
05:35.28Boyodid you do the directory as 777
05:35.43Frostenwhich one?
05:37.10FrostenHow do I do it manually?
05:37.29Frostennm got it
05:39.26BoyoSorry, i'm trying to dispute crap on my credit report..
05:39.28Boyonot fun.
05:40.02FrostenYeah been there done that...hey got it installed :banana
05:44.09FrostenAhh shit just blew it
05:44.14Boyolol, how?
05:44.52FrostenDid a config reset on it just comes up with an upgrade window to upgrade to 1.9.9
05:51.01Frostenfixed it...
05:53.06BoyoFirst thing you have to do is goto the addons page and install addons
05:53.28Boyothen you need to goto upload rules and set your guild name, realm and region
05:53.46Frostenwhere is addons page?
05:53.53Boyothe nice thing about 2.0 is it's completely based on addons, there really is no default pages
05:53.57Boyoin the config
05:54.23Frostenok found it
05:57.29BoyoYeah, US or EU
05:57.39Boyough, what a pain in the ass..
05:58.02Boyoi have shit on my credit report that's not mine, and have shit that's duplicates and triplicates and just plane wrong, and it might cost me my damn job
05:59.24FrostenNm the credit companies are a pain in the ass
05:59.37FrostenHey the addon icons aren't showing up....
06:00.39Boyothat's cute... are the images done uploading, and ddi you put them in the interface folder?
06:01.01Frostenyeah I did them before I uploaded the roster folder
06:01.32FrostenControl panal icon, news, credits or any of the addon's not showing up
06:01.52Boyoi see
06:02.36Boyohrm. where they there before?
06:02.50FrostenNot since I upgraded
06:03.27Boyowhat's the admin?
06:04.00Frostenwait drac
06:04.31Frostennotice the version as well WoWRoster v1.9.9.1555
06:06.14Boyoyeah.. that's hte right version
06:06.54Boyohang on, leme check the svn
06:08.39Boyothere's been about 20 updates since 1555 but none of them related to images
06:12.09FrostenAhhh I think I found it
06:13.50Frostenyep got it hold on
06:14.14FrostenI overwrote entire folders with the upgrades...
06:14.45BoyoHeh, which erased the files that were already there, right?
06:14.45FrostenRedoing them
06:15.03FrostenWhat a dumbass....
06:15.48BoyoHeh, it's an easy mistake
06:15.52Boyoi've done it..
06:15.54FrostenMy mine if fried tonight....was working on a client's vpn all day and cisco is a pain to deal with
06:16.37FrostenForgetting simple unix commands...sql command...blah
06:16.39BoyoHeh.. yeah, i tried setting up a vpn between me and my stepdads one day using identical linux firewalls... that didn't go over to well
06:17.24FrostenOnly if the routers were the same then you could make a tunnel and do it
06:18.10Boyowere you using a cisco router?
06:18.33FrostenI got a T-1 at my house and have 3 wireless routers feeding my neighbors houses they are setup to only talk to each other.
06:18.53FrostenNo that was at a client today, I use netopia routers here
06:19.30BoyoI could only wish i could get a t1, i BARELY have 768 down dsl
06:19.39Boyobefore that I had direcway
06:20.16FrostenHave 3 identical routers here and 1 each at their homes at are identical the routers only talk to each other not any other wireless device
06:21.24BoyoHeh sounds like fun
06:21.30Boyohow far apart are they?
06:21.50FrostenThey bought the routers and pay me a bit for access, also have 2 servers here one is a W2003 server with 4TB of drives and 1900 albums (CD's) digitized on it
06:22.02Boyolol, damn
06:23.23FrostenGot some linksys WMA11B's in 2 rooms in the house and the neighbors each have one too, we never touch our regular CD's anymore it stream them right to our stereo's
06:23.46BoyoHeh.. that would be awesome
06:24.19FrostenBrings up a menu screen on your TV and you pick by artist, genre, album etc to play
06:24.28BoyoThose things are pretty neat,
06:25.02FrostenWish they would do video streaming though would be nice to digitize my DVD's
06:25.42BoyoYeah,, even media center extenders can't really do that
06:26.26BoyoI have one of the linksys extenders, and a 360 and neither one will play the dvd rips, even though i have a program for playing them, and it shows up in the menu
06:26.34Boyoi can watch em on my media center though
06:27.13FrostenYeah they will give it time
06:27.54BoyoYeah, i'm still debating on upgrading to vista's media center...
06:28.00FrostenMy office looks like a command center 3 19" wide flat screens and 2 keyboards and Dual monitors on my workstation
06:28.12Boyothe only thing that has stopped me, is if i do that it would create a $200 paper weight on top of my tv downstairs
06:28.14FrostenDon't do it....Vista sucks BAAAAD
06:28.20Boyolol, nice..
06:28.28Boyoever heard of a program called synergy
06:28.45FrostenHeard of it haven't looked into it much
06:28.54Boyomy wife has it on her laptop, and it's ok.. i've played with the media center in it and it looks nice
06:29.11Boyoit's pretty nice,, you can just run the mouse off of one screen onto the next of another computer
06:29.11FrostenI loaded pissta on my laptop and took it off after a week....
06:29.34FrostenI can do that now with XP
06:30.00Boyooh, lol, yeah
06:30.09Boyoi had it on mine for about a month and it just bogged it down...
06:30.14FrostenOh wait on 2 that
06:30.19Frostenthats cool
06:30.52FrostenI constantly do that now with the server start using the mouse for my desktop...pisses me off
06:31.06Boyomy setup was my desktop, with dual monitors, and my media center with a small tv on a table next to my desk, i could run the mouse from the main monitor, to the second, and right on to the media center, and it was smooth.. all runs over the network
06:31.24Boyothe neat thing is you can still keep your kb and mouse connected and use em
06:32.26Boyoand even better, it can work across multiple os's
06:32.33Boyoyou can go from a mac to windows to linux and back
06:35.20FrostenI'm gonna have to play with that this weekend looks cool
06:35.59BoyoHeh.. it's awesome, a little tricky to configure though
06:36.34FrostenI'll make sure I'm not fried....maybe Sat night...give my mind some rest during the day....
06:37.35FrostenThis unzipping takes forever
06:37.56FrostenAnd I'm doing it on a twin 3GHz machine with 4GB ram
06:38.25Boyothat's crazy..
06:38.29Boyoi know it took me awhile too
06:39.25Frostenut oh....did you click reset config?
06:39.40Boyowas tryin to figure out the damn images..
06:39.43FrostenGot to reload it now....
06:39.54Boyooi, do you have to reinstlal it?
06:40.18FrostenI'll do it after I get them unzipped I'm sure that's what I did and deleted the icons when I overwrote the folders
06:40.25FrostenNo biggie
06:40.28Boyoheh,, ok
06:40.43Frostengetting used to it by
06:40.57Boyowell i gotta get some sleep.. have to be up in 6 hours
06:41.14Frostenyeah me too but want to get this up first...thanks for your help
06:42.07BoyoHeh, no problem, i'm in here all the time, so if you have any problems feel free to yell
06:42.17Frostenok thanks
06:42.28Frostensee ya
07:00.26*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=Miranda@
07:24.51*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
07:24.51*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
12:50.49*** join/#wowroster skehanb (n=skehanb@
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15:35.18*** join/#wowroster zaiD (n=zaiD@
15:43.34*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
16:13.17*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
20:43.24*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Again (n=Zanix@
21:08.32*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
22:17.15*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
22:19.19*** join/#wowroster MattM (
22:24.47HarshmageHey Zanix, I'm running into a bug with ItemStats 2.0beta.  At least, I think it's a bug.  Items are not going out and retrieving data or icon files for the cache for either News or ForumsPro (
22:26.25Harshmage  Scroll down to the item changes in the patch notes to see the error.  It was working earlier today before I updated to the 2.0beta version.
22:27.54HarshmageAnd, of course, the download for the 1.2 version was removed in lieu of the 2.0beta files
22:57.24*** join/#wowroster zaiD (n=zaiD@
22:59.51zaiDany1 know why my forumspro DF version does not allow html even though users uncheck "disable html in this post" and its shown ON.
23:00.55zaiDAllow Html is also enabled to "yes" in Forums pro gen config. Any help would be appreciated
23:02.31zaiDupdate: When posted it shows the raw html. and when checking the source it shows it as (  %lt;a href='http.....  )
23:21.51Zanix|Workim here, its been a busy day, best to talk to me when I get home
23:24.39zaiD<- QA worker so sometimes i can multitask on my site :p
23:44.14MattMQA worker?
23:44.15MattMwhats that
23:53.11HarshmageQuality Assuance, Question & Answer....?
23:53.27HarshmageQuail Associator?
23:53.44MattMQuick Answer

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