IRC log for #wowroster on 20080104

00:12.55Anax|Workwell guys take it easy heading home
00:12.58*** part/#wowroster Anax|Work (n=cwells@
00:28.32*** join/#wowroster zaiD (
00:28.54zaiDCan anyone here help with Uniadmin  install?
00:36.23ZanixI can try zaiD
00:43.53zaiDCool, well i follow the read me and i get to . 4. Go to your UniAdmin install on the web and follow the instructions
00:44.22zaiDi've gone to modules/install.php root/uniamin.php and both give me errors
00:45.19zaiDinstall.php= Detected invalid access to this file!
00:47.45Zanixit doesnt say to go to install.php
00:48.17Zanixdont specify a file
00:48.24Zanixjust go to
00:49.11zaiDtried that i get Fatal error: Template->loadfile(): Error - file body does not exist or is empty in /home/.laurasia/**hidden**/ on line 184
00:49.42Zanixmake sure all the files are uploaded
00:50.28Zanixthat error means a template file is missing
00:51.17zaiDthat file is there, hmm let me check line 184 of that file
00:53.58zaiDsign only wordpad on this compy, hmm
00:55.42Zanixchecking that line will not help
00:56.03Zanixthat is where it includes it
00:57.44zaiDall files exist from the uniadmin install rar
00:58.57Zanixmake sure styles/install/ exists
00:59.29Zanixand there should be 13 files
00:59.50Zanix8 html, 4 images, 1 css file
01:00.12zaiDwhat i dled didnt come with that , only styles/default
01:01.01zaiD2 images in the images folder, and 4 htlm files
01:01.18Zanixyou sure?
01:01.49ZanixI just downloaded it
01:01.56Zanixand it has the syles/install folder
01:02.03Zanixgo here -
01:03.09Zanixwhere did you download uniadmin from?
01:03.28zaiDha! sneaky folder, it didnt extract, let me try it now, i knew it was gonna be something like this hha
01:03.34zaiDthat same url
01:04.59Zanixok, just wanted to know if others are trying to host our files
01:05.46zaiDThanks lets hope this works.. i wonder where the issue happend, maybe my browser maybe winrar, the culpret is hiding heh
01:06.46zaiDThe Opera browser does play tricks on me from time to time
01:10.28zaiDHalleluia it worked. So what or who hinted you towards that directory?
01:14.27Zanixwell, the only thing that starts is the installer
01:14.40ZanixError - file body does not exist or is empty /include/template.php on line 184
01:14.49Zanixfile body does not exist
01:15.43zaiDoic, thanks for that. now time to setup an easy addon updater for my lazy guildies heh.
01:16.08Zanixgood luck
02:34.35*** join/#wowroster Boyo (
02:36.31*** join/#wowroster Tupsi4006 (
02:50.13*** join/#wowroster zaiD (
04:01.21*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
04:04.34*** join/#wowroster zaiD (
05:04.17*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
07:00.28*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
07:00.28*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat|Work] by ChanServ
12:56.39*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
15:36.46*** join/#wowroster Anax|Work (n=cwells@
16:08.15Anax|Workgood morning
16:11.04*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
19:07.16zaiDmorning :) (3 hours later)
19:11.09Anax|Workhaha no big deal glad to see people awake in here
19:30.31*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
20:46.47zaiDQuick question, i work with a DF based website with forums pro, i was wondering where would i put <script src=""></script> so it can be throughout the entire website. i'm thinking one of the php files, such a header?
20:50.47Anax|Workyou can add that to your themes header
20:50.58zaiDThanks :)

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