IRC log for #wowroster on 20071124

00:59.14*** join/#wowroster AnthonyB (
00:59.14*** mode/#wowroster [+o AnthonyB] by ChanServ
04:35.31*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
04:35.46*** mode/#wowroster [+o AdricTW] by ChanServ
06:31.42*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Again (n=Zanix@
07:54.28*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
09:09.59*** join/#wowroster Zhinjio (i=1000@
09:10.12ZhinjioGood evening, folks.
09:11.22ZhinjioI saw some evidence from poetter that ArmorySync had been updated. I'm not sure I have access to that area of the SVN though, anonymously. Can someone provide some guidance how I might go about getting that build?
09:11.52Zhinjioin his post he mentioned snv[1462]
09:11.57Zhinjioer, svn, you kjnow.
09:14.55Zanixhes probably talking about the Roster build
09:15.11Zanixevery has svn access to the roster1_addons repository, where armorysycn is
09:15.34Zanixas well as the roster1 svn, which is the current roster
09:15.38ZhinjioI was under the impression this was for roster2. perhaps that was a wrong impression
09:15.49Zanixplus there is an updated zip build svn[1475]
09:15.52Zanixit is
09:16.12Zhinjioso armorysync, for roster2, is under the roster1_addons section?
09:16.19Zanixthe repository name is misleading
09:16.30ZhinjioI'll check that out. thank you
09:16.35ZanixI might rename them someday
09:16.46Zanixthere are some roster 1.7.3 addons in there
09:17.14Zanixwe use the same repository because 2.0 is still based on 1.x code
09:17.30Zanixthe roster2 repos is brand new code
09:17.55Zhinjiohmm. using websvn, the last modification on armorysync shows.. uh... 10/31/07
09:18.02Zhinjioat least, at the top directory level
09:18.08Zhinjioam I looking in the wrong place?
09:18.28Zhinjiooh, where are updated zip builds located?
09:18.31Zhinjiopardon my ignorance.
09:18.46ZanixI dunno
09:18.53ZanixI just updated the roster build today
09:19.02ZanixI dont handle anyone's addons
09:19.17Zanixpoetter said it just required roster to be updated
09:19.37ZanixI havent checked it out yet
09:19.43Zhinjiooh. huh.
09:19.52Zhinjiowell, that I can do.
09:23.35Zhinjiothanks for your assistance. I'll test it out now.
09:24.53Zanixnotta problem
09:24.56Zanixim off to bed
09:25.00Zanixhave a good night
09:34.10ZhinjioIts working! THanks so much!
11:58.09*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
13:15.35*** part/#wowroster Zhinjio (i=1000@
14:28.44*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
23:52.33*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (

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