IRC log for #wowroster on 20070911

00:06.31*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
00:07.22Zanixanax, roster doesnt have any built in ability to use any auth system
00:07.40Zanixsomeone would have to make it
00:14.28Anax|WorkI know that, but login.php could be edited to use cms auth granted it may not work just like the user really wants it too but doable
00:21.04Zanixyou kinda made it seem that it works 'out of the box'
00:21.30Zanixoh well
00:21.35Zanixhe'll find out the hard way
00:24.38Anax|Work"The docs aren't clear.  I know phpBB2 is supposed to work." I think this is with modifying
00:24.54Anax|Workand I was going to tell him how but I did not get back to him until he logged out
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01:47.03*** part/#wowroster Anax|Work (
02:10.49*** join/#wowroster trhack0214 (
02:11.03trhack0214woot i got something to work
02:11.20trhack0214anyone there?
02:19.34*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
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03:08.55*** join/#wowroster Anax (
04:32.51*** join/#wowroster leagacyknight7 (
04:33.05leagacyknight7hey guys what up
04:33.34leagacyknight7anyone on that can help me
04:35.41Anaxwhats up
04:41.38leagacyknight7hey back
04:42.14leagacyknight7I loaded the new roster delete the old one as you explain in the notes
04:42.37leagacyknight7I tryed loaded the gprofiler with no luck
04:43.14Anaxhave you setup the upload rules yet by chance?
04:43.33Anaxyou are using the Roster 2.o Beta right?
04:43.39leagacyknight7load up rules him
04:43.52leagacyknight7give me a sec to look
04:43.53Anaxin the roster cp
04:44.04Anaxthere is a link in the right pane menu
04:44.29Anaxthis version of roster allows multi guild and guildless toons which is the reason for the rules
04:46.26leagacyknight7Iam there
04:46.53leagacyknight7do I have to add members manualy
04:48.10leagacyknight7I added my guild it not working
04:48.37Anaxjust need to add your guild exacly as it is spelled in game/cp.lua file
04:48.52Anaxas well as the realm and regoin
04:49.40Anaxthen when uploading to the roster you will need to also enetr in your roster admon pwd
04:50.04leagacyknight7I did that
04:50.24leagacyknight7I put us for region
04:50.44Anaxok then what happenes when you try to upload?
04:50.56Anaxany errors? any output at all?
04:51.12leagacyknight7Updating Members
04:51.12leagacyknight7[ Nasoui ]
04:51.12leagacyknight7memberslist - No main match - Main - No alts
04:51.12leagacyknight7[ Kamaal ]
04:51.12leagacyknight7memberslist - No main match - Main - No alts
04:51.13leagacyknight7[ Soulreaverz ]
04:51.15leagacyknight7memberslist - No main match - Main - No alts
04:51.31Anaxand did you know roster now allows you to install/uninstall/activate addons
04:51.49leagacyknight7I activated all
04:52.00Anaxhmm that sounds like just the alt stuff
04:52.04Anaxwhats your url?
04:53.17Anaxok in this case you would want to set your upload rules for this guild to be defult
04:53.37Anaxand in the main page of the admin cp you can set the landing page for your roster install
04:54.12leagacyknight7that awsome
04:54.13Anax one of your toons
04:54.45Anaxin the menu there are select boxes to choose what guild to view as well as language
04:55.15Anaxyou have 2 guilds installed one being a guildless guild for the Horde and the other being your main guild
04:55.36leagacyknight7what should I do delete 1
04:55.46Anaxunder addon config for members list you can set the alt relations
04:56.13Anaxnah leave it as it will allow you to see your guildless toons
04:56.54Anaxwell in this case it does not have any members but with in the upload rules under char
04:57.09Anaxyou can add individual toons that you allow to upload
04:58.05Anaxwe have been talking about revamping the install process to make it easier as now there are many new options and features never seen before with in roster
04:58.10leagacyknight7trying to set the main page dont know what switch loads the main page
04:58.47Anaxunder config main page -> defult page ->
04:59.14Anaxset it to guild-members
04:59.30Anaxwhich will auto show your set defult guild
05:00.27leagacyknight7does say guild members
05:00.59leagacyknight7default config right?
05:01.56Anaxthe main settings for roster config -Main Settings
05:02.19leagacyknight7there four fields one says Wowroster Name
05:02.31AnaxConfigure Main Roster -> Main Settings
05:02.36leagacyknight7alt-text search
05:02.54Anaxyou shoudl see the first feild being debug mode
05:03.00leagacyknight7I found it
05:03.15AnaxDefault Page - Guild-members
05:03.25Anaxwill set your landing/index page
05:03.49leagacyknight7says this No Guild Data
05:03.49leagacyknight7Could not find guild: '' for server ''
05:03.49leagacyknight7You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration
05:03.49leagacyknight7Click here for installation instructions
05:04.40Anaxok then go to your upload rules again
05:04.48Anaxand make sure the guild is set as defult
05:05.05Anaxshould be a check box to set it
05:05.27Anaxit was giving that message because your guildless-h guild has no members and was set as defult
05:06.00leagacyknight7wow got it to work thank you
05:06.25Anaxof coarse and when Roster releases this should be a much easier process
05:06.35leagacyknight7anax when it the final version coming out
05:06.44Anaxnot too sure yet tbh
05:07.13leagacyknight7how do i remove last online 41years ago
05:07.14Anaxwe still have a bit of work to do and a few bugs that have been reported need to be fixed
05:07.23leagacyknight7I see
05:07.25Anaxlogin to wow and get new data
05:07.53Anaxworse case you may need to do a /gp purge all and a /cp purge all
05:08.07Anaxthat I want to say comes from outdated data with in the cp file
05:08.20leagacyknight7You been very helpful thank you so much I wont take any more of your time
05:08.26Anaxoh and make sure to configure the alt relations
05:08.39Anaxyou may need to update your in game notes
05:08.43Anaxnp will do
05:09.27Anaxin roster cp
05:09.31leagacyknight7can we sink wowarmory with this version
05:09.33Anaxfor themembers list addon config
05:09.46Anaxno not yet..
05:10.13*** join/#wowroster leagacyknight7 (
05:10.23leagacyknight7sorry got logg for a sec
05:10.53leagacyknight7so can we use wow armory to sync with roster
05:10.54AnaxRoster cp -> Addon Config -> Members List -> (look to the left for addon config options) Main/Alt Relations
05:10.59Anaxnot yet
05:11.25Anaxbut in time im sure there wil be a new addon for it
05:11.58Anaxso for the alt relations we use regex on in game roster fields like publick note and officer
05:12.17Anaxthe defult regex pattern is this ALT-([\w]+)/i
05:12.23Anaxwhich would be
05:12.43Anaxif it were to be added to the in game note
05:13.05Anax([\w]+)/i would be just toonname
05:13.36leagacyknight7dont see addon config
05:13.40Anaxwhich will then make Roster look like this (be aware this site is really cool)
05:13.54Anaxon the right in the roster cp
05:14.18leagacyknight7you mean manage addon
05:14.39Anaxhmm yeah
05:14.57Anaxbelow that menu is another
05:15.14Anaxcalled addon congig showing all of your installed and activated addons
05:15.51leagacyknight7i dont see it
05:16.10leagacyknight7I have this version WoWRoster v1.9.9-b1
05:16.36Anaxit still should have the area
05:16.51leagacyknight7Configure Main Roster
05:16.51leagacyknight7Upload Rules
05:16.51leagacyknight7Menu Configuration
05:16.51leagacyknight7Manage Addons
05:16.52leagacyknight7Change Password
05:16.54leagacyknight7Config Reset
05:17.01leagacyknight7that all I see there
05:17.04Anaxand no menu under it
05:17.11Anaxok then click manage adfdons
05:17.17leagacyknight7Addon Config
05:17.17leagacyknight7Character Information
05:17.17leagacyknight7Instance Keys
05:17.20leagacyknight7Guild Bank
05:17.22leagacyknight7Members List
05:17.32AnaxI may just need to uninstall my svn and reinstall it
05:17.37Anaxbut it shoudl have been there
05:17.45Anaxclick memberslist
05:17.55leagacyknight7I found it
05:18.04Anaxgood stuff
05:18.37Anaxall addons can have config options to allow you to build your roster they way you want it to look in a way
05:18.39leagacyknight7what do you want me to set in main alt/relations
05:18.56Anaxhmm didn't you use dragonflycms at one point?
05:19.19leagacyknight7cms you mean?
05:20.09Anaxchange it to
05:20.29leagacyknight7you want me to type ([\w]+)/i in the regex box
05:20.37Anaxthe update the relations and tell me if it worked or not
05:20.57Anaxas I see in your nates you have
05:21.03Anaxtoonname alt
05:21.48Anaxthe pattern I posted /([\w]+)/i alt
05:21.52Anaxshoudl work fine
05:23.11leagacyknight7what do you mean by toonname alt?
05:23.22leagacyknight7I changed it
05:23.55Anax look for Discover note
05:24.11Anaxsays Fina ALt
05:24.18Anaxwhich is toonname alt
05:25.14leagacyknight7you meanthe notes
05:25.25leagacyknight7on the right hand side
05:25.28Anaxright..sorry if I did not make sence before
05:25.47Anaxthis option you are setting will assosiate all the mains alts tot he main
05:25.47leagacyknight7what do you need me to know about that?
05:26.17leagacyknight7how do i up load professions
05:26.32Anaxyou alrady have
05:28.27leagacyknight7swwet I am happy now good work
05:28.32Anaxlol cool
05:28.37leagacyknight7I think this is so sweet
05:29.03Anaxwhen you get the alt relations working your roster will have new show/hide(+/-) buttons
05:29.13AnaxLike Adrics roster
05:29.32Anaxreally impressive stuff pleegwat has done this time around
05:30.22Anaxbtu yeah take your time and check out your new roster there are many new featues including talent specs on the guild-members page in the class field
05:30.59Anaxand even the abilty to show and hide any field based on server sort or even client sorting so you can see only what you want to see
05:32.42*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
05:33.33Anaxand the character pages have been revamped as seen here
05:34.35Anaxthe menu has been setup per scope(Realm/Guild/Char) to make things easier to find as more addons get developed by our user base
05:35.12Anaxbut either way leagacyknight7 glad you like it so far and keep us posted in the forums of any troubles
05:35.58Anaxso anyway changing the subject.. how do you like joomla
05:36.17AnaxI remember you using dragonflycms at one point granted i could have been wrong
05:36.48Anaxif you did I would like to know why you changed to joomla what was it that you did not like about DF
05:40.02leagacyknight7i LOVE IT
05:40.39leagacyknight7I tryed dragonfly I like the this more
05:41.02leagacyknight7yes I tryed couldnt get with it
05:41.05AnaxI hear ya there
05:41.20AnaxI have used joomla before and really do like alot that it has to offer
05:41.44Anaxbut for somereason i keep going back to DF
05:42.01leagacyknight7check this guild site
05:42.08AnaxI see that alot of users just do not df because there are no themes/styles for them
05:42.50Anaxnice clean site
05:43.05leagacyknight7tell me it hard to get it that why
05:43.41Anaxmy test bed for df
05:43.50Anaxand a new theme im working on
05:46.48Anaxlmao my gf and I have started to look for our halloween cotumes and found areally cool one
05:47.00AnaxKissing Booth costume
05:47.08leagacyknight7looking good
05:48.05leagacyknight7theres not many options for dragonfly
05:48.31leagacyknight7joomla more easy to operate
05:48.59leagacyknight7plus there are alot of mods for it
05:49.06leagacyknight7always changing
05:49.15Anaxwell there are not alot of themes yes, for the modules though there are some nice ones that make a difference
05:49.18Anaxbut you are right
05:49.29Anaxjoomla is much easier for the end user which is really cool
05:49.40Anaxi like there media mangager and all
05:50.14Anaxand most of the sites i have seen have been vreay clean sites
05:51.07Anaxin my current realease I do have full control over my block possition per page which is very nice
05:51.35Anaxbeing able to have a block set to show on the top right for one mod and then the bottom left for another or even center
05:52.25Anaxbut like I said one of these days after Rosterdf is done Ill try and work out a port to other cms types one joomla because of what it has to offer tot he end user
05:54.46AnaxI personally like the full intergation look where every page looks the same and every page/module uses the same auth
05:55.04Anaxi origanally found that hard to do with joomla with out paying for modules
05:55.11Anaxfor instance forums
06:14.33*** join/#wowroster PleegWat|Work (
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06:38.20leagacyknight7I sorry fell out  Laughs  Out  Loud
06:38.33leagacyknight7here on my desk
06:39.53leagacyknight7well I going to my bed anax thank you for tonight I will see you around bud
07:04.34*** join/#wowroster Chris__ (
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07:39.26*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
08:26.29*** join/#wowroster Mathuin (
08:27.17MathuinStupid question -- where do I unzip the Interface Imagepack?
08:28.00MathuinThe directions are amazingly vague.
08:28.46Mathuin"It's easiest to unzip the files on your desktop and figure out where they go after you've done that" doesn't help. :-)
08:31.35PleegWat|WorkBy default, put the "Interface" dir in the "roster/img" dir
08:31.48Mathuin tells me that.  I put it there, and still get missing icons.
08:31.51PleegWat|WorkIf you put it elsewhere, you can use the roster config to instruct roster where to find the icons
08:32.06PleegWat|WorkIf you get some icons, but not all, you're probably using an old pack
08:32.19Mathuin -- see the four in the utilities menu and the four in the guild menu?  I don't have those, but I do have the ones above them.
08:32.35PleegWat|WorkIn the 1.8 menu, not all icons are interface icons
08:32.59PleegWat|WorkThe ones in the big buttons are not icons, they're separete images with some special processing done
08:34.34PleegWat|WorkCan you paste a link to your roster install?
08:34.53MathuinI blew it away so I could unzip the two files again and see if I did something wrongt. is the right one, right?
08:39.01PleegWat|WorkIf you're on IE, you can check the properties of the broken image icons to check where roster is looking for the icons.
08:39.44MathuinA ha.  I had tried 2-1-2 first, and that didn't work.  2-1-3 appears to work.
08:39.53PleegWat|WorkBoth should work for most stuff
08:40.07PleegWat|Work2-1-3 holds the new icons for that wow version
08:40.13PleegWat|WorkStuff like class icons should work in both
08:40.47MathuinIt works now. :-)
08:41.08MathuinThe rest of this can wait until tomorrow.  Thanks.
08:41.11MathuinGood night!
09:07.58*** join/#wowroster vecna_ (
09:21.15*** join/#wowroster Mathuin (
09:31.11MathuinI accidentally uploaded an unguilded character.  How do I delete their info from the database/
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14:56.37*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
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18:29.31*** join/#wowroster Mathuin549 (
18:30.39Mathuin549Roster 2 looks great so far, but the SQL window doesn't want to go away even after I select off for debug mode and SQL, and save.
18:32.23Mathuin549Is it cached anywhere?
18:37.01Mathuin549Oh, and I fixed a bug in lib/functions.lib.php involving unset $matches offsets.  I turned the assignment into a conditional which checked if the match variable was set, and assigned '' if the variable was not set.
18:42.13PleegWatAny patches are welcome in the beta forums
18:42.21PleegWatThe sql box thing is intentional
18:42.36PleegWatIt's done with the force debug on hack that will be removed before release
18:43.33Mathuin549Excellent.  Now I know, and knowing's half the battle. :-)
18:45.35Mathuin549I'll make a forum post this afternoon.
18:56.02ds|workswhat function you talking about Mathuin549?
19:03.34Zanix|WorkI think I might have already fixed it
19:03.42Zanix|WorkI noticed the same thing a few commits ago
19:12.23ds|works$page_params = ( isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : '' );
19:12.38Mathuin549Ding.  I did the same for 3 Just In Case, but that's the one.
19:13.01ds|worksdamnit.. i made the boo-boo.. :(  hate when I can't blame Zanix..
19:13.11Mathuin549I don't know php at all but that's the line I used to fix it too.
19:13.26Zanix|Workyep, I made this fix
19:13.46Zanix|Workwait, maybe
19:14.16Zanix|Workyep -
19:15.27ds|workscool.. $matches[3] should never be unset.. if it is unset the notice error is correct..
19:15.51Mathuin549Okay.  Glad it's already resolved in svn.
19:16.00ds|worksgood catch tho :)
19:16.09Mathuin549the big red box helped. ;-)
19:16.24Mathuin549So is making an Outland-keys addon as easy as taking the Azeroth-keys addon and replacing itemids?
19:16.54ds|worksI am not sure.. I have never really studied the code for the keys addon.r.
19:23.59Zanix|WorkI know that the author of key_bc is working on a roster 2.0 version
19:24.10Zanix|Workand theres a beta available for it
19:25.15Mathuin549Keen.  Is that hosted off wowroster or elsewhere?
19:26.11Mathuin549Ugh, have to go, will chat more later.  Bye...
19:30.20*** join/#wowroster Guest702 (
19:30.56Guest702hi all
19:32.38Pinkfearis someone here?
19:42.21ds|workssometimes not.. ;)
19:44.05Zanix|Worksometimes we just ignore people
19:44.10Zanix|Workor kick them
19:44.17Zanix|Workoops, wrong channel
19:44.33Zanix|Worklol, just kidding
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