IRC log for #wowroster on 20070909

01:39.14*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
02:58.08*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
02:58.08*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
03:07.31*** join/#wowroster Anax (
04:02.13*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
04:44.50*** join/#wowroster Chris__ (
04:45.31*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
07:26.45*** join/#wowroster ReDeR (
07:26.52ReDeRi have a problem with item stats
07:27.00ReDeRi instaled itemstats in my DF
07:27.22ReDeRfaultCode0faultStringFatal error:Allowed memory size of 18874368 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 74 bytes) in
07:27.25ReDeRi get :/
07:28.05Anaxentseems like a php memory limit
07:28.47ReDeRHow to edit it
07:29.23Anaxentwith a .htaccess file with in the root of your site
07:29.31AnaxentDF should have one already
07:29.44ReDeR says faultCode0faultStringFatal error:Cannot redeclare itemstats_read_url() (previously declared in /home/vol1000/if_965996/ in /home/vol1000/if_965996/ on line 65
07:29.47Anaxentand then if your host allows it add this line to the .htaccess file
07:29.53ReDeRi just Edit that file? or what?
07:29.54Anaxentphp_value memory_limit 16M
07:30.04ReDeRbecause it need some skills.. maybe
07:30.15Anaxentah nah just find the file and add the line
07:30.31Anaxentright under the other php_values
07:30.35Anaxentnah df root
07:30.43Anaxentroot of your domain
07:30.55Anaxentthere should be a .htaccess file
07:31.10Anaxentwhich allows the leo linking functions to work
07:31.16Anaxentfor df that is
07:31.51ReDeRok i see it
07:31.56ReDeRnow im looking what to edit
07:32.06Anaxentjust add the line
07:32.12Anaxentphp_value memory_limit 16M
07:32.47AnaxentI would try to add it towrds the top under the other php_value
07:32.54ReDeRim using editing Notepad is that cool?
07:33.05Anaxentwe may need to adjust the value form 16m to something else
07:33.10Anaxentthat is
07:34.26Anaxentoh and on that note look for notepad ++ as it rocks syntax highlighting and tabs
07:34.37ReDeRhardest thing is editing htacces... i dont understand a shit
07:35.12ReDeRif you dont busy
07:35.20ReDeRmaybe you cant do it for me
07:38.40ReDeRok in htaacces i need to find "php_value entry" and after it i must add memory_limit 16M ?
07:56.37Anaxentyou would add the whole line I posted
07:56.54Anaxenttbh you could add this anywhere but to keep things neat and organized
07:57.50Anaxentso basicly what you are doing is over riding the servers php.ini settings which is the host allows you could override any seeting you see in the phpinfo.php page
08:04.02ReDeRdo you have skype?
08:04.06ReDeRcould you give me your acc?
08:04.28AnaxentI do not
08:05.55ReDeRcould you eedit my .htacces because i dont understand how
08:06.36Anaxentok then send me a pm from reminding me what the issue is
08:06.52Anaxentas im about to head to bed but tomorrow ill dif deeper for you
08:07.29Anaxentand did you know Im putting together a new wow df theme im hoping to have it ready by the release of roster 2.0
08:07.29ReDeRcan i attacht file via pm?
08:07.39AnaxentI think you can
08:07.46Anaxentbut i kow the file very well
08:07.58Anaxentand could just post the edits
08:08.13Anaxentbut I just need a reminder as it is late i will forget one way or another
08:08.35Anaxent to check out the new theme that still is in the works
08:08.55ReDeRok maybe you can help with another prob
08:09.00ReDeRi have wow_tbc2 theme
08:09.14ReDeRand for AUTO-Avvatar sistem with Siggen i need forumspro
08:09.31ReDeRbut forumspro dont fit with my Theme .. do you have any ideas
08:09.50Anaxentah that was misinterpated
08:09.58Anaxentthere is no auto avatar thing yet
08:10.25Anaxentthe way i did it was edited the files that set the avatars and made them to use the rosters
08:10.48Anaxentwhich is will not allow any avatar to be used but rosters
08:11.05AnaxentI have been thinking of a way to do what you woudl like thogh done it
08:11.26ReDeRwith forums
08:11.47ReDeRbut admin didnt ssay me a shit because "He worked hard on it"
08:12.25AnaxentIll try and talk to him as it should be public if it was done right
08:12.49Anaxentbut add this to you pm as well and ill show you how I had done it
08:14.14Anaxentthat site still looks like they have done it the same way i  did whihc will get the job done but not correctly
08:14.27ReDeRi sent it
08:14.30ReDeRto you
08:14.32ReDeRi think
08:14.44Anaxentthx heading to bed now gf waiting up for me
08:14.53ReDeRok good luck
08:14.58ReDeRand thanks for you time
08:15.13Anaxentand ill try really hard to build better docs for df
08:15.29Anaxentits just  docs are so time comsuming and bornign to build
08:16.51Anaxentof coarse ReDeR  im generally logged into this channel 24 x7 if im not here pm me
08:17.52Anaxentand before I head to bed here is something to look forward to => Roster 2.0 verison
08:20.27ReDeRwhats difference
08:20.36ReDeR1.7.3 DF ? and 2.0?
08:20.57Anaxentthere will be a huge differance
08:21.26Anaxentall pages are now addons which can be installes/uninstalled activaed/incative
08:21.37Anaxentmulti guild, guildless toons
08:21.56Anaxentyou can set your defult home page as well
08:22.02ReDeRWhat about Auto-avatar? wil you work on that?
08:22.22Anaxentthat is something im trying to figure out
08:22.38Anaxentand belive me as sson as i do I will let EVERYONE know
08:23.01ReDeRif i make my Save-avatr from png to jpeg .. user select avatar in User panel?
08:23.08Anaxentas roster 2.0 is made to instergrate easier to other apps like df , phpbb, joomla etc
08:23.17Anaxentim sure other would also like the functionality
08:24.12Anaxentpost the errors in the forums for me ill see what i can do
08:24.22Anaxentgood night
08:25.50ReDeRu2 :)
11:10.03*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
13:40.23*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
13:53.18*** join/#wowroster pumas (
13:58.42*** join/#wowroster ReDeR (
13:58.56ReDeRhey im usint roster df and want to make work uniuploadre
13:59.03ReDeRwhat should i write to interface file
13:59.07ReDeRin uniuploader
14:36.45*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
14:38.46*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
14:42.53*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
14:58.58*** part/#wowroster Kaos (
15:36.09*** join/#wowroster Anax|Work (
19:16.46*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
19:16.46*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
19:40.36*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
21:11.10*** join/#wowroster Kieeps (

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