IRC log for #wowroster on 20070908

00:21.49*** join/#wowroster Anax (
00:37.15*** join/#wowroster Chris__ (
04:02.31*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
06:39.37*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
07:35.18*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
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08:12.17*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
08:13.01*** part/#wowroster Kaos (
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08:46.01*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
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21:06.39*** join/#wowroster Mathuin (
21:07.49MathuinI just posted on the forums about Postgresql support.  I noticed the docs said MySQL, but I was hoping someone had already ported the MySQL stuff to Postgresql.  I've done almost all of that for phpRaider but I'd love to go back to being just a user again. :-)
21:07.58MathuinAnyone here know of any Postgresql support for Roster?
21:11.53Zanixthere is none
21:12.07MathuinOkay, so I have to do it all myself if I want to use Roster.
21:12.09Zanixalot of the queries in roster are made with only mysql in mind
21:12.34MathuinI'd use anything else if it was half as good and had pgsql support already. :-)
21:13.44ZanixI dont blame ya
21:13.55Zanixcant use mysql at all?
21:14.17MathuinSysadmin has a religious thing about it.
21:15.15ZanixI havent used pgsql so I dont know what it would take to convert it
21:15.39MathuinphpRaider was one day's work to get almost all the way there.
21:15.56MathuinMySQL's got different calls that are non-standard so I had to make some workarounds.
21:16.35Zanixindeed, and I know we use quite a few mysql specific queries
21:16.58Zanixare you looking to try to convert 1.7.3 or 2.0 beta?
21:17.28Zanixand if you have any questions about the current code, we can try to answer them for you
21:18.44MathuinIs the 2.0 beta actually fully functioanl?
21:19.05*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
21:19.30Zanixlol, there are a few bugs, and there is some things that havent been implemented yet
21:19.54Zanixlike character removal on guild updates, right now it just sets them guildless
21:20.21MathuinI think I'll go with 1.7.3, in the idle hopes of being able to leverage the addons.
21:20.35MathuinI imagine you guys can take the fixes and implement them on the new version over time as appropriate.
21:21.20Zanixyeah, we are planning on a re-write of Roster in the future
21:21.36Zanixand we will want to use more generic sql queries
21:22.09MathuinIf phpRaider had put all the MySQL crap in one file, and resisted the urge to play fast and loose, it would have been a lunch-hour project.
21:22.20MathuinCheck out how phpBB2 did it, they had the right idea.
21:22.33ZanixI havent looked at it
21:22.59MathuinIn phpRaider, character creation involves adding a line to the character table and adding a corresponding line to the attribute data table.
21:23.00Zanixwell, I have a little
21:23.34MathuinThey use a mysql trick to get the character ID, whereas with pgsql I'll make a query to grab the number.  Minimal speed impact, instantly clear to later programmers.
21:24.25MathuinWhat phpBB2 did was to have general functions for queries, updates, and inserts which had database-specific implementations.  If you're using postgres, set a flag.  If you're using oracle, set a flag. :-)
21:25.43Zanixah, so a query for each sql db
21:26.36MathuinRight.  pg_connect includes the database name, unlike mysql_connect.
21:27.13MathuinSo the generic connect function includes the database name, and the mysql implementation includes mysql_select_id.
21:27.17Mathuinerr, select_db.
21:27.21MathuinBut you see what I mean.
21:27.43Zanixroster 2.0 has the db layer separated from the update/upload code
21:28.03MathuinHow can I look at the 2.0 code?  If it's already abstracted, I might want that instead.
21:28.21Zanixwell, there is a download of the beta in the BETA files forum
21:29.16MathuinIs there anonymous read-only svn access?
21:30.22Zanixnot yet
21:30.44ZanixI want to make some changes before we open it
21:31.45MathuinI really like svn.  I actually have my addons and account settings in a svn repository, so I can use multiple desktops to play the damned game.
21:32.56MathuinThe next step is to set it up so my guild can all get the same addons, and have their account settings saved individually.
21:33.10MathuinEvery time they check in, a script can automatically upload their character profiler data. ;-)
21:34.06Zanixthats an interesting use of svn
21:34.54Zanixwhen I ran a site for a guild I used to be in, we used UniUploader and javaUniuploader along with UniAdmin
21:35.09MathuinI've found that anything users have to do by hand is too much work.
21:35.31Zanixno kidding
21:36.37MathuinSo yeah, there's a bit of activation energy in the building -- install Python, svn, pysvn, and copy my script over -- but after that, it's click an icon and play a game.
21:39.55MathuinYou've got some of the abstracting stuff done already in lib/dbal, I might be able to provide a pgsql version of that if it'll help.
21:40.07MathuinBut install.php and a bunch of other files do still have some mysql-specific stuff. ;-)
21:40.31Zanixyeah, they sure do
21:40.32MathuinI think I'll wait until 2.0 beta stabilizes and the svn repo gets anon read-only access.
21:41.13MathuinThat way I can post diffs.
21:41.16Zanixmight be a good idea
21:41.25Mathuinit also lets me enjoy playing the game which is nice. :-)
21:41.38MathuinIt was nice meeting you, and I'll check in from time to time and see how things are going.
21:42.06Zanixnice to meet you as well, I hope we can get a final build of 2.0 out within a month
21:42.24Zanixwith only 6 developers, things kinda go slowly
21:42.38Zanixand one of them is design only
21:42.42MathuinFor sure, especially when they've all got other commitments, like school for themselves or their kids.
21:42.56Zanixall of use have full time jobs
21:43.38MathuinRL >> hacking.
21:43.55Zanixfor most people, the sane ones
21:44.52MathuinHeh.  See you around...
22:52.40dreamsssomeone talking!
23:16.00*** join/#wowroster vecnah (

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