IRC log for #wowroster on 20070902

03:19.41*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
04:00.30dreamss2just uploaded eventcalendardf :P
04:01.58*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
05:38.27*** join/#wowroster Guest100 (
06:22.58*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
06:56.38*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
09:22.32*** join/#wowroster ReDeR (
09:22.36ReDeRhi 4 all
09:22.41ReDeRi have wowtbc2 theme
09:22.54ReDeRand i need to use siggen+roster+forumavatar
09:23.01ReDeRso i downloaded forumspro v2
09:23.13ReDeRbut there is mess with theme
09:23.29ReDeRforomspro images dont stick with my theme
09:23.33ReDeRwhat to do?
09:23.51ReDeRmaybe i can use with my old forum
09:24.06ReDeRor i can make foromspro look like my old forum ?
09:27.38*** join/#wowroster pumas (
09:30.43pumaswho will help ?
09:59.06*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
09:59.06*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
14:25.00ReDeRwhat for this chaneel is?
14:25.06ReDeR:D there is no support :)
15:00.47PleegWatTelling what your issue is might help
15:02.02PleegWatThat's unless you're the guy who PM'ed me the DF issue when I came on, in which case the response is I don't do DF
15:02.26ReDeR<ReDeR> hi 4 all
15:02.26ReDeR<ReDeR> i have wowtbc2 theme
15:02.26ReDeR<ReDeR> and i need to use siggen+roster+forumavatar
15:02.26ReDeR<ReDeR> so i downloaded forumspro v2
15:02.26ReDeR<ReDeR> but there is mess with theme
15:02.27ReDeR<ReDeR> foromspro images dont stick with my theme
15:02.29ReDeR<ReDeR> what to do?
15:02.31ReDeR<ReDeR> maybe i can use with my old forum
15:02.33ReDeR<ReDeR> or i can make foromspro look like my old forum ?
15:03.36PleegWatcan't help you there. I don't use DF
15:03.45PleegWatalso, the df roster isn't one of the things we officially support here
15:36.50ReDeRbut this chanel calls
15:43.09*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
17:17.03PleegWatroster. As in, standalone roster
17:17.07PleegWatnot DF roster
17:58.25dreamss2its all about rosterfd
17:58.33dreamss2standalone wowroster is wimpy
18:05.15*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
18:11.29Zanixhow bout anax and I not make roster 2.0 for DF?
18:34.32*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
18:56.36dreamss2i will stab u
18:56.39dreamss2with wf on
18:57.20dreamss2i guess noone wanted eventcalendardf 1 dl no comments
19:00.24dreamss2lawyers for China's famed Shaolin Temple (yes, it has lawyers) are demanding that an anonymous online forum poster apologize for claiming that a group of Shaolin monks had been beaten in unarmed combat by a Japanese ninja.
20:12.41*** join/#wowroster vecnah (

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