IRC log for #wowroster on 20070731

03:03.02*** join/#wowroster Daemoen (
03:03.20Daemoensup all
03:54.15*** join/#wowroster Guest111 (
03:56.52Guest111hi, installed wowroster with raid assist, and I have a CT_RaidTracker.lua that looks ok. When I try to imput the file, it doesnt add anything to the database, I added my chars name(first letter caps) to the conf.php. still doesnt work, is there an easy solution (char and guild profile update works fine)
03:57.13Guest111the answer in the forums didnt help me
04:01.29d0cl1n1xseems I have to add a char profile with the raid tracker,, weird
04:11.45Zanixthats how roster is designed
04:12.01Zanixthe trigger events dont fire unless you upload a CharacterProfiler file
04:12.27Zanixit will be changed in roster 1.8
04:20.38DaemoenZanix: are there any known plugins that cause issues with character profiler?
04:21.02Zanixextended quest log
04:21.04Daemoenwas afraid of that :-D
04:21.21Zanixbecause quest functions changed in wow 2.0.3 I think
04:21.25Daemoenany that cause issues with the professions logging
04:21.29Zanixand EQL hasnt been updated
04:21.39Daemoenive gotten used to using fuquest now anyway
04:42.42*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
04:42.52RabbitbunnyWhich file controls the header?
05:08.19*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
05:08.38Rabbitbunnyheh, found it. nice to have it only try to pring theimage if it's set.
05:10.46Zanixwhat are you trying to do?
05:10.49Zanixsome style edits?
05:10.51Rabbitbunnyyeah, no edits needed though, just un-definad the image
05:11.06RabbitbunnyNah, roster in a frame, the image was eating too much.
05:11.19Zanixwhy didnt you just clear it in roster config?
05:11.23Zanixthere is a setting for it
05:11.37RabbitbunnyI did.. After I noticed that.
05:12.01RabbitbunnyI'm still n00bish with php.
05:12.28ZanixI know how that is
05:14.49Rabbitbunnyyou're the guy listed in the files..
05:16.30DaemoenRabbitbunny: the best book on php is probably php and mysql for web developers
05:16.51Daemoenwill give you a nice insight into the language as well as how it ties the database queries in :)
05:18.02RabbitbunnySo far I'm just knocking out images, I host on a local machine and want more bandwidth for BG ownage.
05:18.24Daemoenwhat web environment?
05:18.43Daemoenapache, iis, thtttpd?
05:18.47RabbitbunnyI think wamp
05:19.14RabbitbunnyI was trying to think of my apache version
05:19.18Anaxenthaha so man others
05:19.30Daemoeni didnt feel like naming about the 30 others :p
05:19.45Daemoenand apache is by far the best, most powerful, as well as flexible
05:19.59Rabbitbunnyanyway, it's all old releases because I'm too lazy to update.
05:36.38Zanixlol, I thought his name said Rabbidbunny
05:54.08*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
05:57.54*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
05:57.57RabbitbunnyHmm, would it be good form to install addons in the addons folder ex.:roster/addons/guildbank/index.php or in the addons folder ex.:roster/addons/index.php ?
05:58.20RabbitbunnyI mean, a folder per addon, or just in the base folder?
05:59.02Zanixlook at the wiki
05:59.07Zanixit has instructions
06:00.00RabbitbunnyI am an idiot.
06:00.26Zanixits ok
06:00.36Zanixbut your first guess is right
06:00.54ZanixI would still read if I were you
06:01.49RabbitbunnyYeah the wiki basically says "install in their own folder, unless you are a tard (everybody but n00bs already knew this, we just post it for them)"
06:02.16Rabbitbunnyclear concise text on what should be the first resource for questions, and I'm asking in the channel
06:03.08Zanixits ok
06:03.19Zanixwe're pretty patient  here
06:24.14*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
06:30.53*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
06:31.56RabbitbunnyOkay, I read the entire topic on Guildbank request and didn't see an answer. roster/addons/guildbank/install.php says Detected invalid access to this file! which it only does when...
06:31.57Rabbitbunnyif ( !defined('ROSTER_INSTALLED') )
06:31.57Rabbitbunnyexit('Detected invalid access to this file!');
06:32.06Rabbitbunnyder, bad paste, sorry.
06:32.46Rabbitbunnywhy is ROSTER_INSTALLED not defined and what table is it in?
06:37.29Zanixare you accessing addons/guildbank/index.php directly?
06:37.35Zanixif so , that is the wrong way
06:37.45Zanixthere should be a new button in the roster menu
06:38.19Rabbitbunnyoh wow.
06:38.23Rabbitbunnythat's nice.
06:46.18*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
06:48.17RabbitbunnyOkay, now a real dumb one, my PvP stats are blank, I'm on a server server. I just have to duel someone to get some data for that?
06:48.27Rabbitbunny*PvP server
06:49.53Zanixyou need the pvplog addon for that
06:50.07ZanixCharacterProfiler doesnt log pvp kills/deaths
06:50.18RabbitbunnyOh. *downloads*
06:50.20RabbitbunnyThank You
06:54.22Zanixim off to bed night
06:55.44*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
07:08.25*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
07:27.41*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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08:32.26*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
09:18.56*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Again (i=Zanix@
10:00.22*** join/#wowroster Zanix_Grrrr (i=Zanix@
14:12.42*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
14:21.28*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
14:39.22*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
15:04.16*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
16:38.55*** join/#wowroster Guest316 (
18:21.58*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
19:38.37*** part/#wowroster Kaos (
21:21.58*** join/#wowroster AdricTW (
22:33.38*** join/#wowroster AdricTW_Again (
23:32.38*** join/#wowroster Rabbitbunny (
23:33.49RabbitbunnyI can't think of any keywords to serch, But I want an addon to show me the equipped items of characters with some special string in public/off note.Any ideas for keywords?

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