IRC log for #wowroster on 20070617

01:02.09*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
01:02.09*** mode/#wowroster [+v PoloDude] by ChanServ
01:15.11ZanixSigGen 0.2.5 released -
01:17.06Zanixgotta reset
01:21.03*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
01:21.03*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
02:56.55*** join/#wowroster Guest015 (
02:57.18Guest015bonjour ya t'il des francais ou des gens qui parle fr
04:01.35*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
10:21.07*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
10:21.07*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
16:11.11*** join/#wowroster Guest141 (
16:12.18*** join/#wowroster djwirk (
16:12.52djwirkIs there a dev available at the moment?
16:13.03*** join/#wowroster MattM399 (
16:14.01*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
16:14.01*** mode/#wowroster [+o Matt_Miller] by ChanServ
16:14.03PleegWatIf you keep it quick, I'm farming
16:14.43djwirkI need to talk to someone involved in the primary roster, are you?
16:15.03djwirkOr, who's the head developer on it?
16:16.33PleegWatThere's no lead
16:16.49PleegWatzanix, zeryl, anaxent, and me, are the dev team
16:16.53PleegWatin no particular order
16:17.13Matt_MillerI used to be one
16:17.15PleegWatis this a technical or a legal question?
16:17.16Matt_Millercouple years ago
16:17.37djwirkMore legal I suppose.
16:17.45PleegWatwell ask it
16:18.37PleegWator PM it to me and I'll throw it in the dev group
16:18.46djwirkPM'd you.
16:20.54PleegWathaven't recieved anything. I think you need to be registered to send IRC PM's on this network
16:25.39djwirkWell, I work for a company that is interested in some work. I'm not sure at this time if it would be contract work or looking to bring people on staff. I'm just feeling out the dev team.
16:49.31*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
16:49.32*** mode/#wowroster [+v PoloDude] by ChanServ
16:57.57Zanixdjwirk: you need to be registered on this irc server to send pm's to anyone
16:58.09Zanixor you can send a pm via our forums
16:58.36Zanixto either Zerly, Anaxent, PleegWat, or myself
16:58.42Zanixoops, I mean Zeryl
16:59.13djwirkcould we talk on msn/aim/icq or anything zanix?
16:59.45Zanixsure, my MSN address is

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