IRC log for #wowroster on 20070612

02:35.05*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
02:37.37RobojerkSafari for Windows has been released if anyone is interested
03:05.39Anaxhello Robojerk
03:05.48Anaxyes I heard that from somewhere too
03:05.58Zanixhi Robojerk
03:06.21AnaxI found a new way to add date and time to a theme in DF today]
03:06.55Anaxin the theme.php theme vars add
03:07.15Anaxand it will produce the users current time and date
03:09.05Zanixis it above the header logo
03:11.04Anaxto the right
03:11.40ZanixJune 12, 2007, 3:00 am
03:11.45Zanixbut im not logged in
03:11.56Anaxwhen logged in it will show you your current
03:12.05AnaxI just logged out my self to see the time
03:12.08Anaxand yeah 303
03:12.30Anaxso that may be my site setting or maybe my serevr but I do not think it is the server
03:12.38Zanixthe wowace updater has a new look
03:23.34Anaxok changing gmtime() to time() will show the server times to unregistered users
03:24.49ZanixI think im going to steal the spry code
03:24.53Zanixfrom DW3
03:25.22Zanixjust for the collapsible divs
03:38.38Anaxwhat about there tabed containers
03:48.01Zanixand the animated collapsible ones
03:49.03Anaxslick stuff
03:49.14AnaxI like there menus as well
03:50.55AnaxI really just like the new version of DW though
03:51.19AnaxI like the fact it will render your page via your css even if all tabless
03:52.13Zanixit's nice
04:23.25Anaxwell guys time to head home
04:23.34Anaxand to start my vacation
04:24.06Anaxlater guys and If i do not get back on tonight I may have sometime tomorrow otherwize see ya all in 2 weeks
06:13.56*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=lumpi@
07:04.35RobojerkZanix, if you want to add Safari support to add this line after line 260 in security.php
10:59.49*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
10:59.50*** mode/#wowroster [+o TinoM] by ChanServ
11:21.47TinoMi was checking the translation status of 1.8dev, but nothing is working with the latest svn-checkout. install went fine, but i can't get into the cp afterwards, all links are referring to non-existing html-pages :/ (credits.html, rostercp.html...)
11:22.18PleegWatI thought we switched it to having SEO off by default
11:22.29PleegWatno mod_rewrite on your system?
11:23.55TinoMhm, no. i am using apache2 on windows ( distribution)
11:24.09PleegWatin `roster_config`, find the row with `config_id`='1160', `config_name` = 'seo_url'
11:24.17PleegWatand set `config_value`='0'
11:24.33PleegWatHm, I was running that one too when I was on windows, and it worked fine
11:25.28PleegWatUPDATE `roster_config` SET `config_value`='0' WHERE `id` = '1160'
11:25.29TinoMah, with mod_rewrite it's working fine
11:25.30PleegWatthat should fix it
11:25.40PleegWatyeah, that too
11:27.07PleegWatChanged the defaults, should now install with seo url off
13:29.12*** join/#wowroster Guest916 (
13:30.31Guest916holla at me
13:43.12*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
14:35.57*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
15:10.53*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
15:49.00*** join/#wowroster Guest658 (
15:50.44Guest658i wanna ask here, becuz i been searching for a week, its not really related but i am looking for a way to post the kill counts for each boss, and the loot dropped, we dont use DKP however, and it seems the old ct_raidtracker is obsolete. is there a way to do this? thanks
15:52.01Zanix|Workthere is usually a way to do whatever you need
15:52.15Zanix|Workits a matter of if its made or if you need to make it
15:52.42Guest658sadly i lack the skills to code that : /
15:54.37Zanix|Workas for roster having an addon that does that, Im not sure
15:55.43Zanix|WorkI think end game may be the closest
15:56.06Guest658mmm thanks, i will explaore that a bit more
17:03.01tendoyeah theres some plug that does that
17:03.04tendoi should get it too
17:03.11tendoshows boss progress
17:03.22tendoi need to hide the bank contents, the public doesnt need to see that ish
17:04.39*** join/#wowroster Guest597 (
17:57.53*** join/#wowroster Adric (
17:58.38*** join/#wowroster GF|Yoshi`sleep (
19:35.40*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (
20:06.27*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
20:06.27*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
20:38.04*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
20:38.30*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
20:39.37*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
21:11.49*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
22:53.07Harshmageya'll remember me ranting about Softgrid a while back?  Anyone wanna see an intro video on it?  It's about an hour long...
23:00.11Mathosnever heard of it
23:02.00*** join/#wowroster Adric (
23:12.48MathosHarshmage, is it MS Softgrid ?
23:13.41HarshmageYep. it is...they bought it out
23:13.53MathosThen I don't wanna see the movie :)
23:19.04MathosOff to bed folk
23:21.47Zanix|Workill be off work in 30 minutes, later
23:46.50*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
23:46.53*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (

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