IRC log for #wowroster on 20070605

00:00.05Anaxent_Workthe current one is using flah for the node display
00:00.17GameFrog|Yoshiyea and it is un editable
00:00.28GameFrog|Yoshiwhen you could use css and png edits
00:01.41GameFrog|Yoshibut i need to learn how the data pull in Wowroster works
00:02.31Anaxent_Workso are you thinking of image mapping or gd?
00:02.48GameFrog|Yoshidont know yet
00:03.35Anaxent_Workeither way I suppose could still use the roster tooltips
00:03.44GameFrog|Yoshii need to learn
00:04.19Anaxent_Workyeah so when you roll over the node it would display the node type and cords
00:04.26GameFrog|Yoshiyea not a bad idea
00:05.25ds001perhaps get together with foxy and 2 man the project.. i know he has done quite a bit of work already, would be a shame to start all over...
00:08.16Zanix|Workgoing home, later
00:11.14Anaxent_Workvery true ds001
00:11.14Anaxent_Workbut I have not seen foxy in some time
00:12.44ds001I hear he started a new job.. so prolly busy doing that..  but he seemed quite excited for the gathermod.. so I would imagine he'll be back on it..
00:16.49GameFrog|Yoshii cant wait that long
00:16.54GameFrog|Yoshii guess i will jsut ahve to do it my self
00:21.54Anaxent_Workah yeah that is right he did get a new job
00:22.20GameFrog|YoshiCan some one explain to me how the wowroster thing works
00:22.26GameFrog|Yoshiso i can figure out this db issue
00:22.42GameFrog|Yoshihow it grabs the file
00:23.19GameFrog|Yoshithen how it knows what system/addon to parse it threw
00:23.32Anaxent_Workcheck /lib/wowdb.php
00:24.49Anaxent_Workalso check out addon.php
00:25.11GameFrog|Yoshithat is where i was getting confused last night
00:25.15Anaxent_Workand if you really need to know the parser /lib/luaparser.php
00:25.22GameFrog|Yoshii seen that
00:25.40Anaxent_Worknow the version of roster you are using has a diffrent wowdb.php
00:25.50Anaxent_Workor atleast many changes to work with the df db layer
00:25.58GameFrog|Yoshithat is fine
00:26.02Anaxent_Workall the old stuff should be still thee in comments
00:26.11GameFrog|Yoshithis addon i will build for df addon first then the regular wowroster
00:26.34Anaxent_Workand it would also be best for you to take allok at the sdk's in the wiki
00:26.55Anaxent_Workfor 1.7 which you are now using and then for 1.8 which is not yet released
00:27.14Anaxent_Workas there is an addon framework now that will make building addons much nicer for roster
00:28.21GameFrog|Yoshiman why you guys make it hard for me
00:30.27GameFrog|YoshiMaybe i should just make a external GathereMod for DF
00:35.51Anaxent_Worknah in idea is to make it easy for us all
00:36.09Anaxent_Workand roster 1.8 will do just that
00:36.19Anaxent_Workwe are just making it hard for you today thats all
00:36.28Anaxent_Workwell and maybe tomorrow
00:39.53*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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00:41.10GameFrog|Yoshiwhen can i get a copy of 1.8
00:41.21GameFrog|YoshiThere are 2 things i want to do with this gatherer mod
00:41.25GameFrog|Yoshii want to take data in
00:41.59GameFrog|Yoshiand then Push data back out so the members can download gathere.lua from the site and put it in there saved variables so they can get a uptodate gathere lua
00:43.07GameFrog|YoshiOr Build a big Gatherer Website
00:43.18GameFrog|YoshiWhere you can take the data and post it on a large website
02:19.17Anaxent_Workwell guys tiem to head home for the night
02:19.20Anaxent_Worktake it easy
02:29.28*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
02:42.16Zanixhi robo
02:44.08RobojerkThat video module I've been working on is coming along nicely
02:44.43Zanixi wanted to talk to you about itemstats
02:45.00Robojerkthat thing drove me insane
02:45.11Anaxentwhats up Robojerk
02:45.12Zanixnow you know what I was talking about
02:45.20RobojerkHello Anax
02:45.47RobojerkI have no idea why allakhazam is failing
02:46.05Anaxentchange up and use wowhead
02:46.07Robojerkother sites pull their supportive languages
02:47.22RobojerkAllakhazam just does not want DF users to know what "Lame-tonnerre, épée bénie du Cherchevent" is
02:47.33Robojerkbut then again, they're french
02:47.55ZanixSo I opened up config_itemstats.php end changed
02:47.56Zanix$GLOBALS["allakhazam_lang"][] = 'deDE';
02:47.56Zanix$GLOBALS["buffed_lang"][] = 'deDE';
02:47.56Zanixthen I updated some items that had characters like Ä Ö Ü é and it worked. I hope this info helps us solve this issue.
02:48.05Zanixin that pm you sent me
02:48.24RobojerkIt isolates the problem a bit
02:48.35RobojerkI still have zero clue as to what is causing it
02:48.53Zanixprobably the url isn't sent correctly
02:49.01Zanixor the item parameter
02:49.16RobojerkI looked at everything
02:50.07Zanixgrumble, its horrible code either way
02:50.08Robojerkit is either exactly the same as the normal itemstats, or changed for DF and the changes look like they shouldn't break anything.
02:51.06ZanixI didnt change much to make itemstats work in DF
02:51.06RobojerkI know
02:51.06Robojerkthat is what is maddening
02:51.07Zanixmainly just the links it makes
02:51.07Zanixand the alla fix
02:52.10Zanixand making it so doesnt have to be included twice
02:52.28RobojerkÄ Ö Ü é
02:52.36ZanixI'd like to have it use DF's db layer, but I got a headache trying
02:53.14RobojerkGimme some opinions on this
02:54.13Zanixcant access file directly on every vid link
02:55.48Zanixoh an robo, if you find that you have time, feel free to make any changes to itemstatsdf 2
02:55.56RobojerkI know, I just made a typo right when I linked it
02:55.58Robojerktry now
02:56.21RobojerkI guess I'll look at itemstats again
02:56.34Robojerkafk, dinner is ready
02:58.04ZanixI just remember a post where you said you didnt want to step on my toes
02:58.43Zanixor something
03:11.04RobojerkI just didnt want to make statements about when it would be released or what the current status is since the mod has your anem on it
03:11.37RobojerkSemi afk for the next few hours
03:11.44Robojerkwife wants to watch TV
03:18.35Zanixyou can say what you know if you would like
03:41.32RobojerkSo any opinions on the Video module
03:42.17RobojerkRight when I asked you to look at it I was updating the plugins..  Works now
03:44.28RobojerkI'll take any suggestions from anyone
03:45.55*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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03:50.55zanix609stupid connection
03:51.26RobojerkAny suggestions for that video module?
03:53.45zanix609I dunno
03:54.14RobojerkThe layout kind of bugs me, especially the avatars
03:54.22Robojerkon the main page
03:57.03zanix609put the vid previw box to the side
03:57.27Robojerkleft of the text?
03:57.31Robojerkinstead of under it
04:02.32zanix609yes and no
04:02.40zanix609to the right
04:02.55zanix609ill make an image showing what I mean
04:03.46zanix609thats just a really quick edit
04:03.59RobojerkWhat I want to do is add more layouts
04:04.27Robojerkand a drop down to choose which layout to use
04:06.22Anaxentso how did you fix ther page issue Robojerk
04:06.51RobojerkI'll send you a copy of my module if you want
04:06.57Anaxenthaha karma ill remember that
04:07.12RobojerkI broke the "edit" and "Delete" comment buttons
04:07.22Anaxentsure as I am currently using the one form ehp
04:07.39RobojerkI stole his plugins
04:07.43Anaxentand after I added sub catagories it will not let me add new vids
04:07.51Robojerknot good
04:07.52Anaxentbut I have not looked at my error logs though
04:08.38RobojerkI'll just upload the beta on the forums
04:08.50Anaxentthis module needs the ability to allow users to upload there own vids if in the correct group to do so
04:10.40Robojerkthe problem is
04:10.41Robojerksome guild sites are so cheap
04:10.41Robojerk500 MB xfer
04:10.41Anaxentwhich will then by ext type pick the correct plugin to use
04:10.41Robojerkthe 5.0 version will do that
04:10.41Anaxentyes that is true... so they do not get to use the upload feature
04:10.41Anaxentwhat other changes are going into version 5
04:10.41Robojerk5.0 says it will auto pick the format and dimensions
04:10.42Anaxentany changes on server specs by thance
04:10.56Robojerkthat is the nuke project page
04:11.07Anaxentlol wait nvm it used to be a nuke module so specs will not change
04:11.15RobojerkI'm still hunting down small annoyances
04:12.08Anaxentso we have a new user now using wowrosterdf say hello to GameFrog|Yoshi he has already found a bug in the current version of rosterdf
04:12.40Anaxentthis module really should be themed
04:13.42Anaxentcool "Only use a popup for watching video in popup. All other popups will be replaced with AJAX alternatives or new design"
04:13.49Anaxenti was going to make that segestion
04:14.44Anaxentzo zanix609 are you done making up your mind on what username to use tonight?
04:15.02Anaxentnice thx Robojerk
04:16.19*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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04:17.07Anaxentso how is siggen
04:17.30Robojerkmostly afk for awhile
04:17.52Robojerknot siggen
04:19.30Anaxentthe video module also needs a scrolling vid block
04:20.30Anaxentand maybe even the use of a captcha
04:22.50*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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04:29.19Zanixwell, im gonna go get food
04:29.20Anaxentit also needs the divx webplayer option
04:29.25Zanixbe back later
04:29.46Zanixrobo, my favorite page as of right now ->
04:40.41RobojerkEHP is probably adding divx support
04:47.27RobojerkI dont understand the WinAmp plugin
04:47.54*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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04:48.20RobojerkIs there even a WinAmp browser plugin?
05:06.27Anaxentman my theme is messed up, but this gives me an idea on a new theme
05:07.13RobojerkI'm going to have a Divx Web player plugin real soon
05:10.51RobojerkIt works, but it crashed my browser
05:18.08Robojerkthere wo go
05:18.16RobojerkDivx support =)
05:24.00*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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05:26.59Zanixim off to bed guys
05:27.06Zanixsee ya tomorrow
05:30.39Robojerknitey night
06:31.51*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
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13:22.26ZeleDHello everyone
13:24.47ZeleDI have proplem with translation WoWRoster on Russian Language, did anyone know how to do this?
13:25.17Mathos_2I do not speak Russian
13:25.24ZeleDSorry for my poor Englesh
13:25.49Mathos_2You need to look in the location files
13:30.05Mathos_2you mean the format ?
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13:39.48ZeleDI mean codepage (example: koi8-r, win-1251, ISO-8859-5)
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14:16.46*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
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17:37.08*** join/#wowroster Somani (
17:37.49BigdaddyHi ;) question: is there a downloadable beta of wowroster 1.8? would love to test them
17:46.37Zanix|Worknot yet
17:47.00Zanix|Workyou will definatly know when its available though
18:07.34*** join/#wowroster Somani (
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18:09.27Somanihello. Is someone here?
18:10.11*** join/#wowroster GF|CP-Yoshi (
18:10.33GameFrog|Yoshi`WSup guys
18:11.19Somani^^ whats the url of the wowroster-svn?
18:11.29Somanicant find it in wiki or svn-docu
18:11.42HarshmageAnd you searched the forums?
18:13.25Somaniyes.. but correct me ;)
18:16.33Somanihm... not readable for public -.-
18:17.14Zanix|Worknope, some are not
18:18.20Somani-.- want to test 1.8 - 1.7.3 isn't easily to integrate in vb
18:20.25Somaniwith who i have to sleep for access? ;)
18:20.32*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
18:21.19GameFrog|Yoshi`Wintergrate in vb
18:21.22GameFrog|Yoshi`Wwhat does that mean
18:21.53Zanix|Workvbullitin board?
18:22.00Zanix|Work..I think
18:22.09GameFrog|Yoshi`Wo god
18:22.29Zanix|Workwe will have a public beta test period probably within a month
18:23.24GameFrog|Yoshi`Wyea Zanix Let me into the beta
18:23.30GameFrog|Yoshi`Wi can even do Bug edits my self
18:23.34GameFrog|Yoshi`Wand then send them to you
18:23.50Somaniyah vbulletin
18:24.20GameFrog|Yoshi`WI want to start building the gatherer addon for 1.8
18:24.23HarshmagePatience my young padawans.  Your time will come.
18:24.24GameFrog|Yoshi`Wa better one that is
18:24.38Somanihm... kk, then i wait a month if there is no other oppurtunity
18:25.31Zanix|Workwe restrict public access to the roster svn because we have had many cases where users would mix and match files from the SVN with release files and complain that it didnt work withour telling us that they mixed files
18:26.37Somanino complaining, reading only ;)
18:26.37Zanix|Workwe had many, many post relating to this
18:26.38Zanix|Workwhen we first started using CVS
18:26.42Zanix|Workso we locked it out
18:28.03Somanibut u can answer me a basic question. wowroster 1.7.3 uses several files such as index.php, guildinfo.php and so on. Is there a simple possibilty to change it like index.php?site=index, ?site=guildinfo etc. - This would make everything much easier
18:29.17Somani(i can do it myself - but 1.8 is 80% done... so...)
18:30.40GameFrog|Yoshi`Wthat is a easy way
18:31.00GameFrog|Yoshi`Wi want to wait for 1.8 so i can make a addon
18:31.54SomaniGameFrog|Yoshi`W: is this an answer to my "basic-question"? :D if it is so easy, do it for 1.7.3 ;))
18:32.48GameFrog|Yoshi`WThen do it
18:33.05GameFrog|Yoshi`Wbut 1.8 is right around the corner
18:33.08GameFrog|Yoshi`Wand i rather wait
18:38.30Zanix|Workyeah, there is a way to do this
18:38.46Zanix|Workbut you need to edit every file in roster
18:38.59Zanix|Worksince alot of those pages include the header and footer
18:39.10Somaninp, say what i have to edit and i do so
18:39.14Zanix|Work1.8 does include files the way you want to
18:39.34Zanix|Workuhm, every file in the roster folder
18:39.39ds001v18 has CMS intergration in mind..
18:39.46Zanix|Workit does indeed
18:39.55Zanix|Workwe are testing it against dragonfly
18:40.20Zanix|Workhonestly, I would wait for 1.8
18:40.43Somani;) i can give you my email adresse ;) u can send me an 1.8 :pp
18:40.46Zanix|Workhopefully we will have the beta ready by the end of the month
18:40.52Zanix|WorkI cannot
18:40.59Zanix|Workwell.. I could
18:41.10Zanix|Workbut I tend to stick to my own rules
18:41.40Somaninp ;) i would handle it the same way
18:54.59SomaniZanix|Work: ultra-shortly what i have to edit in 1.7.3 to change it the way i like. I think every file is the same way
18:55.41Zanix|Workyeah, each file currently includes settings, header, footer, and menu
18:56.03Zanix|Workyou would have to change index.php to accept a url parameter to pick the page
18:56.38Zanix|Workand move its contents somewhere else, or leave it and have the default (just index.php) use the code below your include statements
18:58.04GameFrog|Yoshi`WDid you get my PM there Zanix
18:58.16Zanix|Workthen EVERY link in roster has to be changed to use the new url format
18:58.32Zanix|Workand trust, me there are hundreds of links in roster
18:58.38Zanix|Workno, this name isnt registered
18:59.04GameFrog|Yoshi`Whow do i register it
18:59.16GameFrog|Yoshi`Wgot it
18:59.39Zanix|WorkI regged mine as well
18:59.50Zanix|Workwhen yours is, you can send me a pm
19:10.42Somanik thx ;) will try it
19:11.50Zanix|Workit took me more than a week to find all of the links to change
19:12.01Zanix|WorkI need to go to lunch
19:12.06Zanix|Worklater everyone
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19:57.48Zanixhi guys
19:57.55Zanixim home for luch for just a little bit
20:14.29Harshmage$840 in car repair....oye....
20:32.20Harshmageaaand back at work?
20:34.03Harshmagefront breaks were nearly bare...and the rotor mounts for them need cleaning.  Rear breaks need a good look too.  Motor mount near the trans is broken.  Battery needs replacement.  A/C is getting a freon recharge.
20:52.55HarshmageGreat, now I'm torn.....Starcraft 2, and Fallout 3....
21:03.17Zanix|Workbrakes suck
21:29.28*** join/#wowroster Guest588 (
21:29.39Guest588hi someone here ?
21:30.24Guest588i'll become crazy !!!!!!!!
21:31.03HarshmageI'm in a meeting...make it quick.
21:31.12Guest588cant create guild
21:31.18Guest588in wow roster
21:31.34Guest588and my guild and server name is good
21:32.03Harshmageerror message?
21:33.11Guest588Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
21:34.08Guest588but whne i go to this page
21:34.17Guest588i see the guild name and the server name
21:35.30Harshmageupload your CharacterProfiler.lua with your roster password first
21:35.41Guest588its done
21:36.03Guest588but it say Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
21:38.42Guest588it's my fault
21:38.48Guest588sorry and thanks
21:39.07Guest588firefox put automaticly a passwod but not the good !
21:39.18Guest588why ?
21:39.29Guest588i dont know
21:39.40Guest588why it put a bad
21:39.54Harshmageprobably an extra character
21:40.08Guest588thanks and good meeting ;)
21:40.26Guest5881h for a bad password :'(
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