IRC log for #wowroster on 20070604

01:43.56GameFrog|Yoshianyone here?
02:05.29*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
02:06.21*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:06.21*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:15.28GameFrog|Yoshianyone alive
07:22.25*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
10:28.06*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
10:36.35*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
11:02.00*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
11:03.38*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
11:03.38*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
12:48.41*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
12:48.41*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
13:10.14*** join/#wowroster Mathos_2 (
13:17.30*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
13:23.59*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
13:25.43*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
13:25.43*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
13:36.58*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
13:37.55Sylphid|workmornin mathos
13:39.11Mathosheya Sylphid.....way past noon here :P
13:39.47Sylphid|worklol only 8:30 here
13:44.55*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
13:44.55*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
13:48.01*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
13:48.01*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
14:14.28*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
14:15.30*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
14:15.30*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
14:20.35*** join/#wowroster Beela (
14:35.16*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
14:35.37*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
14:41.14*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
14:59.05*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
15:02.46*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
15:36.41*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
15:38.55*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
15:38.55*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
15:53.45*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
16:06.54HarshmageLooks like Zanix's comp is bugging out on him....or his net is at fault...
16:08.36Zanix|WorkI think its my net at home
16:08.52Zanix|Workwhich is weird because the net at work is the same ISP
16:12.56Harshmageahh...well, there's your problem....but then, I'm bias
16:34.40HarshmageZanix no go?
16:35.32Zanix|Worknot enough money
16:35.33Zanix|WorkI poor
16:35.40Harshmageaww....yeah, the hotel room is gonna be a pain in my wallet...114/night, three nights
16:35.48Harshmagetwo tickets won't be bad, really..
16:36.16Zanix|Workand isnt a ticket for blizzcon $99
16:42.03Harshmageyeah, it's a hundred bucks a person
16:42.54Harshmageplus ticket handing fee....which was like $15/ticket the last Con
16:45.20PleegWatI'm definitely not going. It'd be hundreds just for the plane ticket
16:53.25Zanix|Workno kidding
16:55.33PleegWatI hit honoured with the sha'tari skyguard this afternoon. I should do ogri'la attune sometime this week or next weekend, then I can do those dailies as well.
16:58.34HarshmageI started on the Netherwing faction yesterday....nearly done with the first block from Hated to Neutral...but I need a group for the last's a 5man barrage
16:59.42PleegWatCan't start on netherwing yet. Only 2k3 G for epic riding so far, and I've heard you can't start till you have that
17:00.35HarshmageCan't start on the Neutral or higher...but it's better to get started now, and not be hated
17:02.22HarshmageI've only made back 300g from when I purchased my 225 riding and it's gonna be a while...
17:05.41PleegWatI've been grinding for sha'tari skyguard, I'm doing 1k5 rep and 50g a day in skettis only.
17:06.00PleegWatI think I'll be grinding primals and selling cloth later on, but atm I don't have much time and primals are overfarmed.
17:06.39PleegWatEspecially cause two of the three enchanted cloth types I can make need primal fire, and those do 40g on AH so I really will have to farm those myself to make any kind of profit
17:10.11Harshmageawesome...not doing any Primal Mooncloth Bags?  I know those go for about 400-500g per...
17:20.31PleegWatNot nearly the tailoring for that
17:20.44PleegWatI'm at 355 IIRC
17:24.10PleegWatI need to go off.
17:24.14PleegWatZanix, remind me to yell at you.
17:24.19PleegWatyou forgot some SQL
17:45.56*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
17:45.56*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
17:47.37*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
17:49.02*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
18:23.35*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
18:31.35*** join/#wowroster Anaxent_Work (
18:31.53Anaxent_Workgood morning
18:56.56Harshmagegood morning
18:57.28Harshmagedid you get any rain downtown over the weekend?
19:07.09Harsh[Lunch]mmm, panda xpress
19:08.16ds001I made some homemade chilli this weekend and am sharing with some of the office staff at work...  soon they will find out why I dubed it "ds's 3 toot chilli"
19:16.05*** part/#wowroster Kaos (
19:21.06Anaxent_Workno It did not rain on me down here
19:21.06Anaxent_Worksure looked like it could have though
19:21.22Anaxent_Worklol ds001
19:23.05ds001It was pretty good.. I am seeing a vegetarian right now.. so i've been experimenting with vegetarian dishes..
19:30.30Anaxent_Workso how is that going for you
19:30.59Anaxent_Workyou can only experiment so much with a salad
19:32.17ds001hehe.. pretty good..  I could never go vegetarian tho.. I love Pig and Chicken way too much :P
19:32.56ds001Cow perhaps.. but pork chops 4tw.
19:34.58Anaxent_Workyeah I hear you there... mmmm prok chops
19:35.04Anaxent_Worklol pork*
19:35.12Anaxent_Workand bacon
19:35.19ds001fo sho'
19:50.07*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
19:50.07*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ steak...
20:25.00*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
20:31.03*** join/#wowroster ZanixGrrr (
21:11.41*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
21:26.43GameFrog|Yoshiello my friends
22:07.51Anaxent_Workhey Zanix|Work hows it going
22:08.00Anaxent_Workand whats up GameFrog|Yoshi
22:08.04Zanix|Workim ok, how are you Anaxent_Work
22:08.15Anaxent_Workhow do you like using DF so far GameFrog|Yoshi
22:08.20Anaxent_Workah so far so good
23:11.29GameFrog|Yoshinot much all
23:11.34GameFrog|Yoshidamn i am late for that
23:11.52GameFrog|Yoshiyou fools still here
23:12.13GameFrog|Yoshii had to fix some problems with it
23:12.19GameFrog|Yoshiand still got some problems with the Sig thing
23:12.23GameFrog|YoshiBut other then that i am all good
23:12.49Anaxent_Workyeah im still here
23:13.01Anaxent_Workwhat was wrong with the sig stuff
23:14.39GameFrog|Yoshiworking on it
23:14.41GameFrog|Yoshigive me a sec
23:15.17GameFrog|Yoshihow do i get the sig data like where does the image show up?
23:15.38Anaxent_Workin the admin cp you can turn it on and off
23:15.48Anaxent_Workadmin cp of roster that is
23:16.39GameFrog|YoshiBut where do i find the sig image so i can post it on sites
23:17.40Anaxent_Workah in that case in the sig cp you can set store on or off
23:18.02Anaxent_Workwith store on the images will be placed in
23:20.06Anaxent_Workor via the image url which can be differantr
23:20.27Anaxent_Workif you have leo linking enabled
23:21.24GameFrog|YoshiDamn it is not working right
23:21.31GameFrog|Yoshii will fix it later
23:21.34Anaxent_Workwith out leo linking
23:22.08GameFrog|Yoshii also fix a bug i found
23:22.18Anaxent_Worknice, thx alot
23:22.21GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> i am getting a error on this char.php page from wowrosterdf
23:22.21GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> Sorry no data in database for "Gfyoshi" of "Mok\\\'Nathal"
23:22.21GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> even though the data is there
23:22.21GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> i think that \\\ is the issues and i dont know where to remove it
23:22.21GameFrog|Yoshi* [Beercow] has quit IRC ("mIRC Power Pack 8.00 ( by sod/sgt-d (")
23:22.22GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> Fixed it
23:22.24GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> Here is the Fix
23:22.26GameFrog|Yoshi<GameFrog|Yoshi> memberdetails.php - Line 42 - $server = stripslashes($server);
23:22.45Anaxent_Workah for extra \
23:23.02GameFrog|Yoshiso it is a extre stripslashes
23:23.11GameFrog|Yoshimake sure that is the next version should help some people out
23:23.39Anaxent_Workyes it will be in and fixed in the next version
23:23.58Anaxent_Workalthuogh the next version is almost a complete rewrite
23:24.12Anaxent_Workand I do not think there will be an upgrade path in place for it either
23:25.13Anaxent_Workthere is aguild recruitment module for DF now as well that you may like to check out
23:25.33Anaxent_Workand the alpha version of df_groupsync
23:26.14Anaxent_Workwhich works great with out leo linking enabled but still needs some work to allow it
23:31.27GameFrog|Yoshimy whole guild is based around a lan center
23:31.39GameFrog|Yoshiwe are all lan center players or workers
23:33.22GameFrog|Yoshiand we created a guild so the recruitment thing i wont need
23:36.09Anaxent_Workah makes sence
23:36.47GameFrog|YoshiTrying to Get the Company to take on the Guild as a official Sponsoured WOW Guild
23:37.50Anaxent_Workthe Lan company?
23:38.38GameFrog|Yoshii am the assistant manager at the location i am at
23:38.45GameFrog|Yoshiand i am trying to get the owner to sponsour us
23:42.58Anaxent_Worki see, well that would be cool
23:43.08GameFrog|YoshiYea if he does it
23:43.18GameFrog|YoshiI would like Your Work to sponsour us too
23:43.36GameFrog|YoshiBasicly and WoWRoster_DF_Mod
23:43.53GameFrog|YoshiWe will be putting them on the shirts
23:43.56Anaxent_WorkI current work place would not
23:44.32Anaxent_Workbut for that would be something for us to talk about and I would sugest posting in the foums or send a pm to Zanix
23:44.52GameFrog|YoshiYou would not do it
23:44.58GameFrog|YoshiTHe DF mod to wowroster
23:45.32Anaxent_WorkAh me for df I suppose I would
23:46.06GameFrog|Yoshii would just put your website and logo on the shirt is all
23:46.50Anaxent_Workbut not to be a hard ass, I would have to take a look at your site as for me and we do not support gold buying and such
23:47.06GameFrog|YoshiWe dont do that
23:47.06Anaxent_Workso id just have to make sure im not being assosiated to it in any way
23:47.10GameFrog|YoshiWe are a pure Guild
23:47.16Anaxent_WorkI did not think you were but yeah ya never know
23:47.38GameFrog|Yoshitake a look if you want
23:47.44GameFrog|Yoshiwhat ever you want
23:47.47Anaxent_Workwill do thx
23:48.39Anaxent_Workfyi: you can turn on/off the left/right/both block display per module
23:49.02GameFrog|Yoshii will figure that out soon enough
23:51.19Anaxent_Workand here is a link to a tutorial for df themes upgrading your current theme for your new version of df
23:51.35GameFrog|Yoshikick ass been looking for something like that
23:53.41Anaxent_Workyeah it will allow the use of there new css main menu
23:53.56Anaxent_Workand fix the admin panel
23:58.33GameFrog|Yoshiwhere you work at?
23:59.03Anaxent_WorkI work for a webhosting company
23:59.12Anaxent_WorkI see your sig/ava are working
23:59.36GameFrog|Yoshii think i am going to make a better gatherer mod for wr
23:59.52Anaxent_Workit would be neat to see

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