IRC log for #wowroster on 20070601

00:01.04Anaxent_Worknot really...
00:01.21Robojerkhey now
00:01.38Anaxent_Workhows the video module comming along Robojerk
00:02.19Robojerkthe weekend came and I had other things to do, EHPDesigns is already almost done
00:02.53Robojerkhe just has an issue with the page links
00:04.48Anaxent_Workah cool
00:04.52Anaxent_Workwell that is good news
00:05.09Anaxent_Workthe page links shouln't be that hard to convert over either though
00:05.58Robojerkhe's also adding in xml playlist support
00:06.13Anaxent_Workhe may have to create a function to build the links into the getlink style
00:06.16Anaxent_Workah sweet
00:07.31Robojerk$pages   = ceil($rowvid2 / $limit);
00:07.54Anaxent_Workso ceil is already a function then
00:08.09Anaxent_Workcan yuo find it and paste it in the pastebin
00:08.51Anaxent_Workthen the ceil function probably needs a bit of an edit to rebuild the pages using getlink()
00:09.20Anaxent_Workthis module would be cool as a wowroster 1.8 addon
00:10.00Robojerkthat's the layout.php
00:10.06Robojerkline 74 and down
00:10.54Robojerkwell, that's my code
00:11.02RobojerkEHPDesigns doesn't share
00:11.09Robojerkbut he has the same problem
00:11.14Anaxent_Workwell there should be another file that defines the function
00:11.33Anaxent_Workmaybe in the javascript.php
00:11.37Anaxent_Workyes the ciel
00:12.03RobojerkI think it's a php function
00:12.37RobojerkForumsPRO uses it too for nav links and they don't define it
00:13.22Anaxent_Workah ok I have not used that function before but im seeing what it does
00:13.42RobojerkI never seen it before too
00:13.48Anaxent_Workit is basicly rounding up the number
00:14.03RobojerkI thought what you thought until I saw it in FPRO
00:14.16Anaxent_Work$sqld = $d - 1;
00:14.19Anaxent_Work$sqld *= $limit;
00:15.17Anaxent_Workso what is happening with the links
00:16.20Robojerkthis should be
00:18.05Robojerk takes to page 1
00:18.10Robojerknot page 2
00:18.24Anaxent_Workwhat is the link with out leo
00:18.49Robojerklet me fire up my shitty WAMP
00:22.27Robojerkstill takes you to page 1
00:22.31Robojerkit fails
00:26.15Anaxent_Workok why is there a $rowvid and a $rowvid2
00:26.41Anaxent_Workthe result for $rowvid does not have the limits added to the query
00:27.06Anaxent_Worktry changing $pages   = ceil($rowvid2 / $limit); to $pages   = ceil($rowvid / $limit); save and refresh the page for me
00:42.34Robojerk1 sec
00:44.04Robojerkit doesn't like that
00:44.20Robojerkit dpesn't think there is a page 2 anymore
00:45.50Robojerkafter version 5 is released the original dev is going to make a standalone version of video_stream
01:49.19Anaxent_Workyeah that would be cool
02:00.50Anaxent_WorkRobojerk: generally with df modules the format for links is index.php?name=module&file=filename&d=2
02:01.59Anaxent_Workas seen in this link
02:02.30Anaxent_Workand the link for the pagenation getlink('&d='.$d)
02:02.40Anaxent_Workwhich is missing the filename
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04:29.24Anaxent_WorkRobojerk: are you still here
04:31.07Anaxent_WorkI think the ceil function is working right but maybe the getlink's are not for that video module
04:34.56Robojerksomeone dropped by unexpectedly
04:35.03Anaxent_Workah np
04:35.13Anaxent_Worktry changing the getlink links
04:35.28Anaxent_Workand add and add $module_name to them
04:36.43Anaxent_WorkI changed it on my install but I do not have enough vids to test it
04:36.49Robojerkwhich line?
04:37.12Anaxent_Workim thinking it is miss placing the .html because of it not having file=pagename
04:37.27Anaxent_Work82 and 96
04:40.21Anaxent_Workwell shot that didn't work
04:40.30Anaxent_Workand im not sure what the real path should be to access page 2
04:40.43Anaxent_Workas what should work still shows page 1
05:31.56Anaxent_Workwell guys time to head home
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17:46.22Zanix|Workhi guys
17:52.34ds001Moring Z
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20:46.12Sylphid|worksup Mathos
20:47.12MathosNothin' much
20:47.51Sylphid|workbig plans for the weekend?
20:48.08Mathoshehe, not sofar no
20:48.11Mathosyourself ?
20:48.20Sylphid|workwork :s
20:49.14Mathosarg....tha's bad
20:49.21Mathosunless you love yre job :P
20:50.00Sylphid|worknot the weekend job neways
20:50.14Sylphid|workweekday job isnt to bad
20:50.39Sylphid|workalthough love is not the word i would use to describe it
20:51.27Sylphid|workyou wouldnt happen to be a linux user would u?
20:51.56MathosI am
20:52.27Sylphid|workgot a moment for me to pick ur brain with a prob i got
20:52.51Sylphid|workim trying to figure out how to turn off DNS lookups for logging
20:53.13Sylphid|worknot sure if its PAM or syslog thats doing it
20:54.42Mathoslogging DNS lookups ....
20:54.54Mathosnever seen that happen before Outofthebox
20:55.08Mathoswhere is it going ? messages ?
20:55.26Sylphid|worki might have worded that a bit wrong
20:56.13Mathoswhat distro ?
20:56.42Sylphid|workMay 31 01:49:59 voicecore5 vsftpd: pam_unix(vsftpd:auth): authentication failure; logn
20:56.42Sylphid|workame= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser=
20:56.49Sylphid|workfedora core 5
20:57.56MathosEwww......but ok
20:58.09Sylphid|workbe nice =P
20:58.19Mathosauthentication failure is no DNS lookup
20:58.24Sylphid|worki know
20:58.30Sylphid|worki worded it wrong
20:58.39Sylphid|workthe is though
20:58.40Mathosso you want to disable Name lookup for the violator ?
20:58.56Mathosnot know it by heart
20:59.01Mathosbut lemmie google :)
20:59.41Sylphid|worki tried my damndest to find something but all i can find is how to stop lookups for remote syslog
20:59.56Sylphid|workand im not sure how to make PAM connect via sockets
21:03.45Mathosisnt it in /etc/pam.conf
21:03.52Mathosrhost lookup
21:05.41Mathosor if it is just about vsftpd, maybe you can set some option in /etc/pam.d/vsftpd or sommit
21:06.15Sylphid|worknothing like that in /etc/pam.d/vsftpd
21:06.26Sylphid|workand i dont have a pam.conf for some reason
21:06.33Sylphid|workat least not in /etc
21:07.23Mathosgot /etc
21:07.25Mathosas root
21:07.46Mathosand type in: grep -iR "<HOST>" *
21:09.24Sylphid|worklooking now ...butl that will show up in my fail2ban configs but i dont think anything else
21:09.52Mathosyou could edit it, maybe there is an IP equivelent for <HOST>
21:10.15Sylphid|workfail2ban just reads the logs though it doesnt make them
21:11.03Mathosah right, sorry wasnt reading correctly
21:11.21Mathosthat is not something you would like IMOP
21:11.28Sylphid|workthats actually y im workin on this problem
21:11.45Mathosnever ban a hacker if he is failing :)
21:11.51Mathosban him if he is succeeding
21:14.29Sylphid|workneed to just splurge on a raid controller and new hard drives so i can move to new hardware and upgrade to fedora 7
21:14.41Sylphid|workjust to poor :(
21:15.12MathosFedora.....why not something debian like ?
21:15.14Sylphid|workgood oll PIII has been good to me though
21:15.16Mathosor BSD for that matter
21:15.30Sylphid|worknever ran nething BSD to be honest
21:15.36MathosBSD rocks (except if you need to play WoW or run VMWare)
21:15.38Sylphid|workand dont care much for debian
21:16.08Mathosfor normal usage BSD is THE most secure unix platform
21:16.29MathosI never use anything else than BSD for servers
21:16.39Mathosor Solaris
21:16.57MathosEven trying to get my ol' Indigo to run BSD
21:17.07Sylphid|workwell i would try Solaris ... but sun lost my vote with java
21:17.14Sylphid|workgrrrr i hate java
21:17.26MathosHmmm, I like Java for certain stuff
21:17.45Mathosworst thing about java is compatibility
21:17.53Mathosand second memory
21:18.06Mathosgood thing is the 99% platform independency
21:18.14Sylphid|worklol java memory management is a joke
21:18.29MathosYes....but that is hardly an issue anylonger today
21:18.38Mathoseven thin clients have a gig
21:18.39Sylphid|workill give em the platform independency
21:18.47Anaxent_Workyo mathos the failtoban is a great lil python app
21:19.00MathosI am certain it is quite nice
21:19.08Mathosbut I do not like to ban people
21:19.17MathosI rather see them trying and failing
21:19.40Mathoscause if you start banning people, they will try to find a way to be NOT detected
21:19.51Sylphid|worki just got tired of the 60+ Meg emails every morning
21:20.04Mathosah right, so tis for Spam
21:20.12Mathosthen I agree...>BAN EM ALL
21:22.02Sylphid|workBroadcom is another one working its way up my shit list
21:22.36Sylphid|workgotta fight with drivers every time for the wireless card on my laptop.....
21:26.43Mathosall wireless cards suck atm in nix
21:26.53MathosIntel is one of em
21:27.02Mathosif you need WPA support that is
21:28.10Mathoslater guys, watchin' a movie
21:34.26PleegWatDamn, virtual PC shut down while my mouse was locked in it
21:34.50PleegWatnow i'm not having mouse control
21:35.34PleegWatAh, there
23:40.00Zanix|Workalmost time to go home
23:42.34Zanix|Workthis job isnt so bad, for the last 4 hours Ive been working on a new site layout
23:45.11Anaxent_Workgood stuff
23:45.54Anaxent_WorkI have building a bash script my self to chmod all past due accounts to 000 and putup a susspended message along with setting the cust db to susspned while adding a note
23:51.21Zanix|Workfun stuff
23:52.02Zanix|WorkI have to go out of town when I get home though
23:57.14Zanix|Worklater guys

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